detonatorbaby · 2 months
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royalarchivist · 6 months
JVNQ: In Brazil, Pac is known by "Gostoso" (sexy guy).
Pac: Mentira- that's a lie! Don't- don't worry- don't hear him, don't hear him.
Gumi: [Laughs]
JVNQ: I call Pac "Gostoso" all the time.
Pac: Guys, I'm leaving, bye! [He logs off the server]
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violentuzi · 6 months
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Oilrose.. so dangerous.
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cadavvera · 8 months
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I relapsed.
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gratisdiamanten · 5 months
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Hiiiii I love the Jos lore that you share and I think it’s really entertaining so pls keep sharing ❤️❤️❤️
Anyway here’s a picture of baby max on an elephant being pookie ❤️❤️
I've seen this one!!! I know the issue it's from too I can't remember off the top of my head. It had other vacation photos in it that I remember super clearly here's one that's at hand:
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Max is really sweet in this one it's super dear to me I think :(((
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panopticonsys · 1 year
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messmersflame · 1 year
the thing with jv openly admitting to seeking out people that criticize tumblr is one thing, but then what he said recently with 'why dont you go somewhere else if you hate it here so much' just. REALLY shows what he's doing.
'go somewhere else if you have issues with how this site is run, go somewhere else if you dont feel safe here.'
it's like being in an lgbt space, and being asked 'hey what can we do to improve it here', and when you say 'well i'd feel safer if it was less racist' . then they tell you to get the fuck out if you dont like it.
if you speak up about something wrong with the site, hes going to use his power as a staff member to intimidate you into shutting up and publicly putting you in a place to be ridiculed and dogpiled by his followers that eat his and staff's bullshit. it's a mob tactic. it's a silencing tactic.
if you even have the smallest issue of how something could be done better, or even just vent some grievances, jv is specifically making it VERY clear that NOBODY can hide or express frustration. because he's seeking it out to confront you over it.
if you aren't white and liberal and willing to consume their regurgitated memes to give them money, you aren't safe here. jv and staff pretend that we are, but we're not. his behaviour as a staff member, harassing users with no consequences, is making that REALLY fucking clear.
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helveticaa · 2 months
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disco doodles. my little wet rag soyboys...
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bright-and-burning · 3 months
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it’s kind of giving hbo drama series
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staffs-secret-blog · 1 year
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scopophilic1997 · 3 months
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_893 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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veliko-slovo · 6 months
Znala sam da nema toga sto necu moci uraditi onog trenutka kada sam ostavila ono sto sam volela vise od sebe
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royalarchivist · 6 months
JV (JVNQ) is out here taking advantage of the fact nobody knows each other's voices yet by hopping into other Teams' VCs and asking for their base's coordinates, and it's working.
...The only downside is he's already forgotten the first set of coordinates and the second set was "too many numbers in English" :'D
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toteskiwi · 5 months
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gratisdiamanten · 5 months
Heyyy so I’ve been reading the new max biography and in there is this passage about Jos’s dad locking him in room as a kid 😭 anyway the entire family sounds absolutely wild so was wondering if you had anymore batshit lore about this family ❤️❤️❤️
Ps tyyy for being the verstappen family historian
This sounds insane but I've never read the biographies (never made myself spend the money). I HAVE heard about Frans locking Jos in the van after bad races and making him cry and scream himself to exhaustion and leaving him there for ages before letting him out. I gleaned this one from a Dutch-language article. It's paywalled, just use 12ft.io. Probably the most formative and gut wrenching part of it was probably reading his childhood nickname 'Josje' which is like. Almost entirely a girl's name. I can't explain how that makes me feel.
Jos en Frans trainen veel en reizen heel Nederland en, later, Europa door voor races. Frans kan hard zijn voor Jos. Als die op jonge leeftijd een keer crasht met zijn kart, wordt hij voor straf opgesloten in het busje waarmee ze de circuits afgaan. De huilende Jos zou met zijn vuistjes tegen het raam hebben geslagen – maar hij mocht er onder geen beding uit. [Jos and Frans trained and traveled a lot all over the Netherlands and, later, Europe for races. Frans could be hard on Jos. When the latter crashed once with his go-kart at a young age, he was locked as a punishment in the van they used to travel to circuits. The crying Jos would have banged his little fists against the window - but he wasn't let out under any circumstances.]
"‘Project Max Verstappen’: hoe een Limburgs jochie wereldster werd": Danielle Pinedo, Steven Verseput. NRC, 2020
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thefairygodmonster · 11 months
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More traditional experimental stuff! I got a new sketchbook as I finished the last one (maybe I should do a video tour of it?). The new one isnt quite the texture I like for just sketching, but it is very nice for ink and markers and I happened to purchase a few more water based markers the other day from my fave art store. I know its probably seems obvious but I found that copics are not the best for this paper but the water soluble markers from faber castelle and tombow are very nice to work with. I may get more in the future.
I think would I would like to try next is some oil pastel pencils? Im curious about them though I should also just use up my colored pencils. Either way Im having fun! Its nice to just...make a thing and say 'thats good enough' and move on while thinking of new ways to keep pushing it. I broke in that big sketchbook too so no more 'oh no its too nice to make art in' for me!
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