#Jon is gonna be fucked up AND competent how are people not excited for that?!?!
fromtheseventhhell · 11 months
Crying thinking about the fact that I might never get to read about a darker, came-back-different!Jon becoming KITN. The show gave us literally nothing on that front, the books are my only hope 😭
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bards-witcher · 5 years
Rivals to Lovers (OhmCat)
What about Ohmcat where they hated each other at first because they were rivals for a love interest. But when the love interest fell for someone else, they kinda realize they actually have a lot in common and fall for each other instead 
Ohm and WIldcat are ‘competing’ over Evan, so there's very very little Vanohm and a little TyVan.
So I kinda went overboard with the prompt, and I think I deviated a bit in the middle, but I still hope you enjoy it @xbananaleensyo , if not I don’t mind writing something else for you if you want :)
It may also seem kinda rushed and stuff and I’m sorry
[Tyler POV]
He taps his foot impatiently as he waits for his friend and not so secret crush to let him through the front door. Their whole group had decided to spend a week up at Evans’ house, no special occasion in mind, but just to spend some time with one another, last he heard Delirious was even coming up to join them, and he could already feel the excitement build up in him at the thought of the week ahead.
There was also a small curl of nervousness, in his mind, he’d determined that this week would be it, he’d tell Evan how he felt about him, feelings that had only grown and manifested into the beginnings of what he could only describe as love. There were a couple of people who knew about his plight, Brian, Marcel and Anthony namely, and they’d already agreed to somewhat wingman for him, with the reassurance that Evan wouldn’t be in his right mind not to choose him.
The only thing, well person, that could get in his way was Ohm, the masked gamer who seemed to have swooped in out of nowhere and won the hearts of all of his friends, most especially Evans’, and he was silently thankful that said man wasn’t joining them for the trip.
He’s not proud to admit it, but a couple of weeks back when they were playing a larger session of Golf It, after having heard Ohms’ voice accompanied by Evans’ laugh far too often for his liking, he may or may not have semi-threatened the older man to step back from Evan lest he earn himself an ass whooping.
Since then he’d only really seen Ohm upload with Luke, Del, maybe Anthony, and whilst a part of him felt guilty, it was soon forgotten when he was playing with Evan and the two of them were fighting zombies or god knows what together.
His thoughts were put on the back burner when the front door finally opened and looking down he saw the man who looked far too handsome for his own good, quickly leaning down to wrap him up in a tight hug which could be considered slightly too long for friends, not that Evan had any complaints.
“You took your time you bastard”
“You wanna host like 11 people in your house? Be my guest, cause this has been stressful as fuck”
“Aww, you poor thing” He quickly ruffled his hand through the smaller mans’ longer hair, which was quickly slapped away and before he knew it a hand was reaching into his own hair and roughly mussing it. “You little bitch”
It then turned into an all-out war, both of them trying to one-up the other as best they could in order to mess the other's hair. He doesn’t know how, only knows that there was a sharp kick to his ankle, a jab to his side and half his arm being licked (he hopes that’s what it was) before Evan has him in a chokehold, and he’s too breathless and silently rejoicing at the close contact to put up much of a fight.
“Keep ye foreplay to the bedroom please, I don’t think the first thing Del wants to see of his friends is them practically fucking each other by the front door”
He looked up, noticing a sly wink thrown his way from Brian before he’s released from his hold, looking down at Evan to see him flushed red that he’s sure is from the Irishman’s comment.
“When’s him and Luke getting here anyway? I wanna see if Del is as tall as he says he is” he smiled at the small laugh he got from both Evan and Brian before the Canadian looked down at his watch.
“Well their plane landed about 20 minutes ago, I think they’re just waiting for Anthony and then they’re just gonna pool a taxi, sooooooo…probably an hour?”
He nodded before grabbing his case, pushing Evan into the door frame slightly as he passed, earning a slight shout from the Canadian in protest before he returned the favor with an even sharper shove, the force having almost knocked him off of his feet.
He was quick to drop the case and go chasing after the smaller man who had already begun to run away, ignoring Brians’ shout of ‘Be careful’ as he gave a rushed hello to Scotty, Marcel, and Nogla, who were just leaving the kitchen, before shoving swiftly past them in favor of cornering Evan in his kitchen, a wicked gleam in his eye.
It was almost two hours later, and they were still waiting on Luke, Del, and Anthony to show up, all of them trying to assuage their excitement as best as they could in waiting for their friends.
In order to distract themselves, they were currently gathered around the living room and playing a game of Fibbage that he was sorely losing at the moment, but Evan pressed tight against his side was a good enough compromise on his failings.
Needless to say, almost all of them jumped at the knock on the front door, Evan quick to jump up while the rest of them craned their necks to try and get a glance of their friends.
The first thing he noted was Anthony’s’ booming laugh before said man was making his way into the house, only giving a brief wave of hello as he seemed to know that all of them were trying to sneak a peek at their anonymous friend.
He heard the faint trickle of voices before he saw Evan and Luke head into the living room where they were all sat, two people trailing behind them who seemed to be having a quiet conversation with one another.
Based on descriptions he’s sure he’s figured out who Delirious is of the two people, but what he can’t figure out is who the second person is. He was definitely one of the shortest of the group, with windswept hair and red cheeks which would normally make people look comical, but actually made this man look quite dashing. The soft doe eyes with clean-shaven beard were enough to get an appreciative hum from him, and he’s sure that if he wasn’t already infatuated with Evan he may have even pursued this man, who only seemed to be getting redder as more eyes focused on him.
“Well don’t be rude guys, come say hello to Del and Ohm”
He was somewhat taken aback at the fact that Ohm was here as well, and it almost seemed like a spanner had been thrown into the inner workings of his brain as he realized his biggest threat to getting Evan was now standing in front of him.
He stayed in his seat whilst his friends went to swarm the new arrivals, instead evaluating the older man now hugging Anthony before he burst into a fit of his characteristic giggles, and he couldn’t help but clench his teeth a little at the sound.
What was perhaps the worst was that Ohm was actually attractive, although not as fit as Luke and Jon beside him you could still see he hit the gym at some point in his life. His well-trimmed facial hair framed his face well, and his mussed hair went strangely well with the glint he could see in the older man’s hazel eyes.
With a sigh he stood up from the couch, giving a brief hug to Luke and an even longer one to Jon, giving him a promise to load up some Fortnite together during their stay before he was standing in front of Ohm.
He feels somewhat guilty about the trepidation clear on the smaller man's face, but nevertheless, he holds his arms out for a hug which Ohm hesitantly accepts, leaning down slightly he whispers into the other man’s ear.
“Evans’ mine you hear”
“Evan is perfectly capable of making his own choice don’t you think” It was then that Ohm pulled away from him, giving him a somewhat patronizing smile before leaving him in favor of joining Jons’ current conversation with Evan and Brian.
He watched as Ohm inserted himself effortlessly, and couldn’t stop the clenching of his fist when Ohm said something that caused the whole graph to laugh, or more specifically Evan.
He noticed Ohm give him a quick side-eyed glance before turning back to the conversation, so without another thought, he sidled himself between Brian and Evan.
Ignoring Brians’ protests he put an arm around the Canadians shoulders, and he couldn’t help the slightly smug look on his face when Evan leaned into his hold slightly.
He unconsciously began to lightly run his hand up and down Evans’ shoulder, but the smaller man said nothing of it, and pressing them a little tighter together when he felt Evans’ slight shiver at the touch, and he swears he could see his cheeks getting red.
He couldn’t help the smug smile he aimed at Ohm, watching as the older man sent him daggers, as he half-heartedly listened to Evan and Jon chatting beside him.
He was slightly startled when Evan pulled away from him, earning a laugh from the three of them before Evan began to grab Jons’ suitcase and told Ohm and Luke to follow him to their room.
It was only when they’d disappeared up the stairs that he felt someone slap their hand onto his shoulder before holding on as if to comfort him, and turning he saw Brian looking up at where their friends had gone.
“And people thought I had it out for Ohm” He shrugged off Brians hand before turning away and heading back to the couch which he promptly fell onto, letting out a sigh and rubbing a hand across his face to try and cure the headache beginning to form behind his eyes. “Well it looks like you’ve got your work out for you this week”
“Do you ever shut up Brian”
“Not when I get to annoy you” He threw a glare at the Irishman now sat next to him, a bright smile on his face.
“You’re supposed to be helping me you fucking Irish bastard, not laugh at me”
“Yeah an’ I will, but I don’t know how our motley crew is gonna help you compete with Del and Ohm”
“Delirious?” He turned back to Brian only to see a somewhat sympathetic smile on his face before the Irishman’s hand came up to ruffle his hair.
“Oh, you poor thing. You’re so unaware aren’t you” He ducked away from Brians’ hand and slapping it away for good measure before putting his face in his hands.
He was startled once again when he felt someone practically fall on top of him in their bid to get on the couch and looking up from his hands he saw Evan trying to squeeze between him and Brian.
The majority of his thoughts at that moment being to try not to focus on how the Canadians’ hand, that was rather well placed for coincidence, on his thigh felt hot enough to burn him.
“So, what do you guys think about Ohm and Del? Lookin’ pretty fine if I do say so myself”
He couldn’t help but grit his teeth a little, instead leaving the question for Brian to answer, only adding his own hum here and there to contribute to the conversation.
He heard Jon, Luke, and Ohm before he saw them, the three of them clamoring down the stairs before joining them in the living area. He refuses to look at Ohm, instead watched as Luke moved to sit next to Brock on the other couch when all of a sudden the warmth of Evans’ leg against him is lost as the Canadian makes space for the other two.
Of course, it had to be his luck that Ohm would sit beside him, taking his opportunity to be next to Evan. He’s also quick to nudge against Ohms’ leg when the older man first nudges him, almost as if he’s trying to test how far his buttons could be pushed.
It quickly became a competition between them, and it wasn’t until he poked the other man in his side, causing him to squeal almost as he jerked away from the touch that Ohm finally stopped.
Yet even as he watched his friends begin to set up a game of what looked like poker, in the corner of his eye he noticed that Ohm kept glancing back at him, in particular, right before he was about to do something like lean against Evan or put a comforting hand on his shoulder, and all he could do was nudge hard at Ohms’ leg to show his disdain.
This was going to be a long week.
Over the next couple of days, it didn’t get any easier, wherever Evan was Ohm wasn’t too far behind, but he was still able to catch some rare moments with the Canadian, a chance to make him double over laughing, or wrap an arm around him in a half-hearted hug.
Try as he might to ignore Ohm he simply can’t, the man always being in the vicinity of Evan and therefore himself, meaning that he was privy to Ohms’ conversations to their friends about his life. About his hometown as well as his likes and dislikes, and a whole manner of other stories that he can’t help but smile at, never letting it last long though so as not to give himself away but from the look Brian gives him, he knew.
He also can’t help the fleeting thoughts that had he not fallen for Evan, Ohm would’ve been exactly the type of person he’d have gone for, but he was quick to shoving those musings to the very back of his mind.
Yet try as he might, when he was alone but for his thoughts, he couldn’t help but tempt himself with what if.
At the thought that maybe he could cause the giggles to spill from the older man’s mouth or cause his cheeks to dust with red when even the slightest explicit thing was said to him, how he could watch the color of his eyes change from hazel to blue with the faintest flecks of gold specks if the light hit them right.
Wait when did he even notice that.
Silently berating himself he reminded himself that he was in fact here for Evan, not Ohm, but if on the odd occasion he decided to seek Ohm out of his own accord just to check on what he was doing, no one else had to know but him. Although from the smirk Ohm gives him sometimes when he catches his eye, the older man knows his plight.
That night the group of them had gone out to dinner, and although having snagged a seat beside Evan courtesy of Marcel, he couldn’t help but feel he was playing second fiddle to Jon, so in turn, he found his eyes wandering over to Ohm across the table from him.
He jerked his leg back when he felt another foot brush against it, but looking around his friends were unaware of what had happened, at least that was until he saw Ohm smirking slightly as he tried to eat, and he swears he saw the older man wink at him but due to the dim lighting he pens the action down to the fact he’s going crazy.
Needless to say, when he moved his leg back it wasn’t long before the foot was back against his calf, almost trying to tease him for a response but he gave none. Instead, he leaned back in his chair, putting a loose arm over Evans’ chair beside him as he watched the blush deepen on Ohms’ face before the foot quickly receded.
He doesn’t know why but he chased it with his own foot, almost challenging Ohm when the man looked up at him somewhat shocked, which was quickly replaced by a smirk as the foot returned. The rest of the meal spent playing a game of footsie for a reason neither of them could properly explain, and one he didn’t plan on addressing any time soon.
He walked into the kitchen to find Ohm seemingly wrapping up a present if the wrapping paper and frustrated way he tried to peel away the cello tape gave any clue. A part of him was intrigued as to what the older man was up to, or more specifically what he’d obviously gotten for Evan so that he’d know just what he was up against.
However, he only made it a couple of steps before Ohm looked up and noticed him, immediately becoming defensive and trying to hide the present as best as he could.
“I ain’t gonna take your present bitch, just wanted a look” Ohm narrowed his eyes at him a little before looking down at what his present was and after a moment he removed the now shoddy wrapping paper for him to see.
He walked the rest of the distance separating them to have a look at the box and couldn’t help but let out a whistle of appreciation as he picked it up to take a closer look.
“This thing real?” Ohm just nodded, he noticed how the older man’s cheeks were a little more flush than normal and he seemed to avoid looking at him. “Didn’t take you, or Evan in fact, as Lord of the Rings fans” He took one last moment to appreciate the seemingly life-like replica of the sword Sting before placing the box it was in gently onto the table and slid it towards Ohm.
“I’ll have you know I was president of our schools’ Lord of the Rings society” He couldn’t help but laugh a little at the statement, although with it he saw the smile on Ohms’ face disappear. Despite their competition for Evan, he couldn’t help but think it was wrong to leave Ohm without the smile that was once on his face.
“You’re shittin’ me, your school had a society too?” Ohm then looked back up at him, he swears he could something akin to hope there, but doesn’t question it, instead choosing to expose this part of his life he hadn’t let see the light of day, even if it wasn’t exactly true.
“Well it was more so a handful of people who met up each week, thought we were the only people in the world sad enough to do it”
“Oh, at my school we did the whole shebang, even dressed up and recreated scenes” He can’t help his smile when he hears Ohm laugh at the comment, but also tries to ignore the way his heart also seemed to skip a beat.
“I’m calling bullshit on that, there’s no way the great Wildcat would dress up for fun”
“You can bet your ass we did; think I still have PTSD or some shit from where my cloak was choking me” Unconsciously he raised his hand up to his throat as if remembering his youth, where he grew far too quick that his clothes didn’t last too long before he outgrew them.
“Damn, I was hoping to choke you out tonight”
“Oh yeah, try me, bitch, come at me now. C’mon Ohm, choke me daddy, choke me, you know you want too” He held his arms out wide as if to tempt the older man who simply sputtered and giggled as he tried to form words, his face now a bright shade of red. “That’s what I thought pussy”
He didn’t even know that he and Ohm had gotten closer to one another until they were almost chest to chest, and he hates how his breath hitches when Ohm looks up at him through his lashes, but even though part of him is telling him to leave, the other part is transfixed at the sight of the other man.
“Who did you play?” He hesitated for a moment, despite how harmless it was he couldn’t help but feel somewhat vulnerable talking about his childhood with Ohm, however, Ohm was quick to taunt him into an answer. “Don’t tell me you’re chickening out now, lemme guess, you were…a…Hobbit with a late growth spurt. I can see it now, young Tyler with cute little chubby cheeks”
He batted away the hand Ohm was trying to pinch his cheeks with, and he couldn’t help but puff out his chest to somewhat validate himself, only earning a small giggle from Ohm.
“I’ll have you know I played Boromir, thank you very much. Clearly, someone’s insecure about their own role” He chuckled as Ohm crossed his arms defensively in front of him, and seemingly tried to turn his nose up at him, which would probably work if it wasn’t for the fact that he towered over the other man.
“Well, you better bow down bitch, cause I was the King of Gondor” Now he really couldn’t help his laughter, only made worse by the pout now on Ohms’ face.
“Now I know you’re shitting me, Ohm, there is no way in hell you could be Aragorn” the older man simply snorted at the statement.
“I was the president so I could be whoever the fuck I wanted, which just so happened to be Aragorn, so as my steward you’d do well to show me some respect”
The both of them couldn’t contain their laughs anymore and looking at Ohm he was now breathless for more than one reason, quickly putting that thought to the side as he recomposed himself.
“I bet you’d love that Ohm, me on my knees pledging my service to you”
“I’d prefer it if you were on your knees to service me” It took him a moment to understand the innuendo but when he did it had him laughing again, which was quickly stopped by the sounds of new voices joining them.
“You two are probably the biggest nerds I’ve ever met” He turned to see Marcel enter the kitchen, quickly followed by Scotty and Nogla who seemed to have a glint in their eyes.
“Yeah, can you guys just fuck already, I’m sick of walking into this all the fucking time, it’s driving me crazy” Scotty whined at them, the statement was accompanied by agreeing nods from Marcel and Nogla who were trying to hold back their laughs.
He knew the comment was meant to rile him up, but he couldn’t help but feel somewhat pissed at the remark, although a small part of him realized that maybe they had told him something he wasn’t yet ready to admit to himself, maybe he did have feelings for Ohm, however, messed up they were.
It was then he realized just how close he was to Ohm, they were practically brushing against each other and he was quick to jerk away, ignoring the momentary hurt look he saw on the other man’s face, even as he cursed himself for causing it.
He looked between Ohm and his friends who were still stood smugly in the entryway until everything just became too much and with a growl he darted out of the kitchen, making sure to shove between his friends with a quietly muttered ‘arseholes’.
He headed straight for the patio doors, swiftly opening them before striding out into Evans’ rather expansive garden in order to try and clear his thoughts, not realizing Ohm had followed him until he heard Nogla shouting for him to ‘go get that D’.
Turning he saw Ohm a little ways behind him, but he paid no mind to him as he continued walking until he was about halfway down the garden before rounding to face the other man.
“The fuck d’you want now Ohm?” He saw the smaller man huff slightly as he tried to bridge the gap between them, but he made sure to keep some distance between them.
“Are we not going to talk about this, about us?”
“There’s nothing to talk about with you”
“Not according to our friends there isn’t, clearly they’ve noticed something between us. Can you honestly say you haven’t felt anything between us?” He hates the way that Ohm is pleading up at him as if begging him to listen, but he was always too stubborn for his own good.
“No. I don’t know. Look I came here for Evan okay? I like Evan, I want to fuckin’ hold his hand and see his stupid face when I wake up in the morning and have him laugh at my corny jokes, I don’t want your pasty ass”
He swears he can feel his own heart break at his words, a lump quickly forming in his throat that makes breathing already harder than it is, especially when Ohm looks up with what seem to be tears in his eyes.
“That’s pasty fat ass to you” He couldn’t help but huff out a laugh, but it did little to get rid of the unease he still felt.
“Look Tyler, I came here for the same reason you did, but things have changed now. Being around everyone now I realise that maybe Evan isn’t meant for me” He tenses up slightly as Ohm takes a couple of steps towards him, a small smile on his face “A part of me doesn’t know what to do anymore because I think I have feelings for someone else, everything’s just so…confusing”
He slowly let out the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, he knew beyond a doubt that Ohm was talking about him, that the older man had caught feelings for him, and he still couldn’t come to terms with it.
His mind instead settling on the fact that he was here for Evan and Evan only, and refusing to acknowledge that Ohm had somewhat managed to smoothe some of his sharper edges, the thought that someone had that kind of control over him was too frightening to consider right there.
“I’m here for Evan, Ohm. You bowing out now just makes it easier for me”
“So that’s it then” He hates the way Ohms’ voice breaks at the end, and yet he can’t stop his mouth from speaking.
“That’s it Ohm”
He watches as Ohm gives him a final look, seeing a tear begin to fall down his face before the smaller man turns away to storm back to the house. He feels sick to his stomach at the sight, at the fact that he caused so much hurt to Ohm and yet he couldn’t will himself to follow after him, wouldn’t even know what to say to him even if he did.
With a sigh he rubbed a hand down his face, resisting the urge to scream as he turned away from the house to head down to the end of the garden, hoping his surroundings could help calm him down.
However, his thoughts were racing so fast that he couldn’t spare a moment to enjoy anything around him, only a bitter taste being left in his mouth. As if reaffirming his choice of Evan to himself he headed back to the house in search of the Canadian.
He doesn’t have to go far before he hears the shouts of Jon and Brock, coupled with Evans laughter, but even that did little to cheer him up as it had done so often in the past.
He walked into the next room to see the three of them and Brian playing Zombie mode on COD, with Jon screaming at the rest of them to revive him. It was enough to put a small smile on his face, even if there was no emotion behind it.
He diverted his attention from the screen to look at Evan, watched how he furrowed his brow a little in concentration before he broke into a smile as he set off an explosive that saved them for the time being.
Too caught up in his thoughts, that it was Evans’ voice that pulled him back to his surroundings and he was quick to duck his head and rub the back of his neck in embarrassment at the realization of being caught.
“You alright Tyler? You’re not looking so good, dude”
“I’m just tired is all, think I’ll go up and take a nap before we head out tonight”
“See you later Grandpa” He smiled a little at Evans’ taunt, making sure to pass him by on his exit to ruffle at his hair, laughing a little more when it got him caught by zombies and cussed out by Brian.
The joy didn’t feel tangible though, as soon as he left the room he was back to brooding, taking his time walking up the stairs as if hoping for some sort of epiphany to come to him which would magically solve all of his problems.
Luckily, or rather unluckily for him, Ohms’ room was opposite to his, and he couldn’t help but steal a glance into the others room through the slightly opened door, watching the older man slowly unpack some of his belongings from his suitcase and placing them somewhere in the room he couldn’t see.
Before he could talk himself out of it he steeled himself to knock on Ohms’ door, peering in and trying to ignore the way Ohm immediately turned away from him, mentally beating himself up when he notices how red the older man’s eyes were, showing that he’d been crying.
“Look Ohm about earlier, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come off-“
“I get it Tyler, truly I do, I forgive you. I hope you and Evan will be really happy together” He clenches his fist a little at Ohms’ curt smile, one that lacked any joy or warmth it normally did, hating how he was the cause for it.
Before he can say anything else he’s startled by a hand on his back, quickly moving away as Luke practically shoves into him as he enters the room he’s sharing with Ohm, the southerner giving him a look that caused a spike of fear to travel down his spine.
“I’ll see you later Ohm, Luke” He gave a brief nod to the both of them, not bothering to see if either of them bothered to spare him a glance as he turned to his own room, quickly opening the door to enter the room and shutting it behind him.
He leaned forward to rest his head on the door, lightly bashing his head against it a couple of times as if to will his thoughts away before he turned towards the bed, and with a sigh fell on top of it, rubbing a final hand down his face, trying to ignore all the thoughts racing through his mind and demanding his attention as he shut his eyes and tried to will himself to sleep.
“Wake up fucker, we’re going out now” The shout as well as the violent shaking that accompanied it quickly woke him up, Evan standing over him with a devilish smirk on his face that made his heart skip a beat.
Despite being awake though, Evan kept shaking him, dodging the arms he flung out to try and get the older man away from him until eventually he managed to hook an arm around the smaller man’s neck, pulling him on top of him where he could then rough up his hair, ignoring his shouts asking for help.
Eventually, he took pity on the Canadian and let him go, only when he got up off of him he placed a swift smack onto his ass, earning a curse from the other man before he renewed his efforts to shake and hit at him.
Their playful fighting quickly got out of hand, ignoring the sound of something smashing beside them when Evan landed a bit too heavily against the bedside table. He now had the younger man practically pinned below him, completely at his mercy when a soft voice broke through the room.
“Is everything okay? Thought I heard something break?” Both he and Evan turned to see Ohm staring at them in the doorway, although by the way he kept avoiding their gaze and the red blush coloring his cheeks he’s sure the older man thought he walked into the beginnings of something else than a wrestling match, and were those tears at his eyes?
He was quick to pull away from on top of Evan, kneeling back to allow the other man to sit up whilst he moved to stand up and away from the bed. He couldn’t help but nervously scratch at the back of his neck at the thoughts that were probably running through Ohms’ head.
“Fight just got a little outta control, sorry for worrying you Ohm” He looked up at the older man who simply gave a seemingly empty gaze before leaving he and Evan alone again in the room. He let out a sigh whilst rubbing at the bridge of his nose, unable to make sense of his current situation.
He jumped slightly when he felt a warm hand rest on his shoulder, looking up to see Evan giving him a sympathetic smile, and whilst a small part of him exalted at the comforting touch he couldn’t bring himself to enjoy it, a bitter taste being left in his mouth.
“Just give him time Tyler, he’ll see how great you are soon enough”
“What?” He couldn’t help but look shocked at Evans words, unable to make sense of what the younger man had said, but it only earned a small chuckle from the Canadian. With a final comforting pat on his shoulder, Evan left the room, a final call of five minutes all he said before he was once again alone in the room.
A part of him wanted to shout out to Evan that he was the one he liked, that he wanted nothing more than those feelings to be reciprocated back, however he couldn’t bring himself to say them even to himself, knowing that at this point they would be lies, as flashes of a no longer masked gamer flashed through his mind.
He makes it downstairs just as everyone starts to pile outside to the taxis now stationed outside for them, a quick question to Brock and he learns that they’re going to some sort of steakhouse, a thought he can’t enjoy the prospect of as he looks around in search of Ohm.
He spots him about to get into one of the taxis outside and makes a beeline for it, only just before he can get a hand on the door, Luke is blocking his path with what could only be described as a death stare aimed straight at him, causing him to take a step back.
“Taxis’ full” was all the older man said before he climbed into the car which quickly peeled out of the drive, Brians’ shout of his name behind him, brought him back to attention and he quickly made his way over to their car and it wasn’t much longer before they too were on their way.
Their car was the last to arrive to the restaurant, but luckily their friends had waited outside for them, silently thanking whatever force was out there that he still had a chance to slip in and sit beside Ohm without Luke looming over him.
He was quick to spot Ohm, heading towards him but still keeping a somewhat healthy distance away before they started to pile into the restaurant, and despite having seemingly pre-booked the table he could see the slight hints of worry some of the waiting staff had on their faces.
Immediately he saw an open seat beside Evan, and whilst a few days ago he may have jumped at the chance, he quickly turned his gaze in search of Ohm. He groaned a little when he saw the older man sit beside Luke with Anthony seemingly moving to take up his other side, but a quick whisper that he’ll record any game with Anthony some point in the future was enough to make the smaller man relent his position beside Ohm, a knowing look on his face.
He saw Ohm look at him through the corner of his eyes and felt a slight pang in his chest when he edged slightly away from him and into Lukes’ side, the older man giving him a stare he’s sure could freeze Hell.
“For the record, it wasn’t what you thought Ohm, Evan was bein’ a little shit and needed to be put in his place” Ohm simply gave a hum in acknowledgment before opening up his menu.
He quickly opens up his own menu, half-heartedly scanning it before his eyes catch sight of something in particular, immediately turning to the man beside him, a twinkle in his eye.
“Hey Ohm, if I order the wiener do you promise not to squeeze it?” Ohm simply turned to him and he couldn’t help but feel the slight joy he’d just felt burn out, until he heard the beginnings of Ohms’ chuckle beside him, his own smile easily returning to his face “Or is it only a particular type of wiener you squeeze?”
Ohms’ laugh began to get louder now, and his own chuckles were being brought into the mix, their noise catching the attention of some of the guys sat around them, and after a couple of attempts, he managed to relay the scene back to Anthony.
Soon Anthony’s’ booming laugh fills the restaurant and was quick to get the attention of the others, only further igniting Ohms’ laugh, and he swears he can feel a weight lift off of his chest at the sound.
He also couldn’t help the way his heartbeat sped up a little when Ohm sat a little closer to him, their legs now pressed against each other under the table.
The rest of the evening seemed to fly by, and Ohm seemed to become ever more comfortable around him, especially when he was in a fit of laughter and could do little else but lean into his side for support, and if he put an around Ohms’ chair to keep the other man close, nobody seemed to take notice. Well except for Luke who’d throw him cursory warning glances here and there.
It was just after they’d eaten that Ohm got up to go to the toilet, but whether by purpose or accident the older man tripped over his chair leg and practically fell on top of him, his arms quick to wrap around the other man to help steady him.
He felt his arms curl just a little tighter around the smaller man when Ohm looked up at him, his hands now resting on his chest, and he swears he could almost combust from the contact.
Just before either of them could say anything, they heard a couple of wolf whistles from their friends, at which Ohm was quick to make his escape towards the bathroom.
He simply scowled towards Marcel and Scotty, throwing a few pieces of the leftover bread at them, however, Brock was quick to stop them retaliating before anything could escalate further.
Giving them the finger, he quickly got up off his own seat and headed towards the bathroom, ignoring any remarks his friends made behind him as he opened the door to find Ohm standing over a sink, the older man was quick to look up at him at his entrance.
“What do you want from me Tyler?” The pleading tone that Ohm used is enough to pull uncomfortably at his heartstrings, seeing pain reflected in the eyes he’d seen joy and possibly something else only a moment ago. “One minute you’re messing around with Evan and the next-“
“I’m sorry…for how I treated you earlier, it was a real dick move all because I’m too pussy to do anything with my emotions”
“I don’t want you’re sympathy Ty, I told you, you won, you have Evan all to yourself. Why do you keep doing this to me, it’s not fair”
Tyler bit back his tongue, wanting to shout out that that’s not what he wanted, not really, but he had no idea how to address to the man in front of him who had already had his mindset.
“I thought I knew what I wanted, had a whole plan set out for this week to win Evan over, and now…” He rubbed a hand down his face as tried to comprehend his own thoughts, one part telling him that Evan was still out there and could still be won over without competition whilst the other told him to stay here and comfort the man in front of him.
He was surprised to look up only to find Ohm a couple of steps away from him, having moved closer to him during his mini-crisis, a soft look on his face.
“And now?” He looked up at Ohm, seeing the flicker of hope in his eye that looked so much better than the sadness he’d become accustomed to seeing during the day. He bridged the remaining space between them, both of them still just looking at one another almost waiting for a signal telling them what to do.
The sound of the bathroom door opening brought them out of their trance, quickly pulling away from one another as they turned to see Brian staring at them with an eyebrow raised.
“You guys’ havin’ a dick measurin’ contest or somethin’? Cause you know I’ll have you guys beat” He simply scowled as the Irishman laughed at his comment, not sparing a glance as he quickly left the bathroom, ignoring questions from his friends as he retook his seat and played with edge of the table as he began to work through the thoughts racing through his mind.
He turned to lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling as Nogla’s soft snores sounded beside him. In the morning he’d quite easily blame his lack of sleep on his friend, which won’t earn anything more than a slight ribbing contest, whilst in actual fact, he couldn’t clear his head long enough to be able to sleep.
For months now he’d had feelings for Evan, or at least it was only several months ago that he came to terms with them, but now, within the space of a few days, everything had seemingly blown up in his face.
Whilst he couldn’t deny the fact he still had some feelings for Evan, the thought of them potentially having a life together was enough to leave a flutter in his chest that made him want more.
But then there was Ohm, a simple thought of the other man laughing or even teasing him was enough to leave him breathless and with butterflies in his stomach.
He wasn’t sure how long he lay there as tried to work his way through his feelings, only knew that it was like wading through thick mud, until he finally forgoes that avenue and sat up to sit over the edge of the bed, resting his elbows on his legs as he rubbed at his face for a moment.
Casting a look back at a still sleeping Nogla he got up and quietly made his way out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen, getting himself a glass of water before moving to the adjoining living room to stare out the long glass patio doors as the moonlight cast the earth in its ethereal glow.
He was quick to let his thoughts consume him again, however, the sound of a half-shouted curse startled him, and he turned to see Ohm standing in the doorway, hand on his heart as he looked at him. He chuckles at the sight, earning a quiet ‘fuck you’ from Ohm before he returns to staring out at the landscape in front of him.
He’s slightly startled when he feels something brush against his arm, turning to see that Ohm had moved beside him, letting out a breath to calm his heartbeat, before turning back to look outside just as Ohm was now doing.
“You know how much of a creep you look standing there like that in the dead of night? Almost had a heart attack, thought you were Michael Myers or something.”
“That’s cause you play too much Dead by Daylight” Ohm chuckled a little at that, and he was quick to join him, however, it wasn’t long before silence once again reigned over them. “Besides, if we’re talkin’ about creeps what about all your innuendos and moans during recordings, swear I have to put a disclaimer up each video with you in it”
Ohm once again chuckled and he can feel the older man’s eyes on him, only he can’t bring himself to return the stare. It’s only when Ohm makes a move to leave his side that he can make his thoughts known.
“I’ve been thinking about everything you said earlier…” he almost hates how quiet the night is around them, how you could hear a pin drop, leaving him nowhere to hide.
“We said a lot of things earlier”
He simply sighs, earning a small chuckle from Ohm who he gently nudges, “I’m tryin’ to confess my feelings here and you’re bein’ a smart ass like usual”
In the moonlight he can make out the motion of Ohm zipping his mouth shut, his comment of ‘if only it were that easy’ was enough to get a round of giggles from the older man, letting his own chuckles until he waited for the other man to quiet down.
“As you know, originally I came here to go after Evan, had a plan and everything, even had some of the guys going to wingman for me. But then you swooped in and fucked everything up” He could see Ohm about to protest but he simply shot the older man a look that was quick to stop any attempt to speak. “I wanted to hate you, I really did, especially when I saw you and Ev hanging off of each other all the time. I don’t know when, don’t even really know how but my feelings started to change, even now I’m trying to work through them, but I think I finally know what I want”
He then turned to look down at Ohm, watched as the moonlight only enhanced the beauty of the man in front of him and he couldn’t help but feel a little star struck at the sight. He was taken out of his thoughts when he felt a hand grab onto his own and give it a reaffirming squeeze that he was more than happy to reciprocate.
“I was the same when I got here, although probably not to your extent” He saw Ohm laugh nervously before avoiding his gaze “I knew I had feelings for Evan, but I just wanted to see if anything could ever happen between us you know? And then you had to go and fuck everything up for me”
He couldn’t help but chuckle, glad when Ohm looked back up to him so he could memorize the way the moonlight highlight the small smattering of freckles across his nose. “I’m not gonna lie you messed me up pretty bad earlier when you cast me away like you did, serves me right for catching feelings too quickly I guess but…”
Ohm could only finish that sentence with a shrug, and he could see the beginnings of tears begin to brim his eyes. Without another thought, he gave Ohms’ hand a reassuring squeeze whilst his other hand came to rest on his cheeks, his thumb gently rubbing against his cheek as they both tried to comprehend what was happening between them.
“I’m sorry I did that to you, I’m not lyin’ when I say I have the emotional range of a chainsaw” Ohm smiles at that and the sight is enough to bring a smile on his own face as he moves a little closer against Ohm “But I want to get better, to be better, for you…If you’ll give me another chance? or are you gonna get Luke to castrate me first?”
He couldn’t help but laugh as Ohm let loose his own peals of laughter into the quiet night, instead of an answer Ohm simply leaned forward, standing on his tiptoes to close the difference between them and he quickly caught on, bending down the rest of the way until their lips connected.
It was almost as if fireworks went off in his mind celebrating his chance at something more, all whilst his heart was beating a mile a minute. His lips move leisurely against Ohms’, both of them simply drinking the other in, and when he pulled back he wants nothing more than to dive back in but instead settles on resting his forehead against Ohms’ both of them smiling.
“Fucking finally, now can you both go back to bed so I can fucking get some sleep”
The both of them break apart at the sound of Marcel now in the room, but when they look around there’s no one to be seen. Just as he starts to think he’s going crazy he sees movement from the couch.
It’s only then he remembered the sleeping situation, how there wasn’t enough space for everyone to have a bed, resulting in a rota on who would sleep on the couch, silently cursing at himself for forgetting it and letting Marcel be privy to his moment with Ohm.
Even as Ohm began to pull him away back upstairs, he sends a veiled threat to Marcel that he better keep his mouth shut about them, before following behind the older man.
It’s too short a time before they’re in front of their respective bedrooms, Ohm giving him a cursory goodnight before he starts toward his room.
Just before he can leave though, he grabs onto the older man’s wrist and tugs him back to him, quickly covering up his small shriek by covering his lips with his own.
Just as quick as it started, he pulled away, not wanting to tempt himself further, giving a final brief kiss to Ohm before wishing him goodnight and watched him silently go back into his room.
With a small smile on his face, he turned to his own room, opening the door just as silently as Ohm had before slipping in, but the sounds of Nogla’s snores were quick to wipe the joy from his face. With a final sigh, he lay back in bed and hoped despite everything that had happened,  that he’d be able to get some form of sleep tonight.
He was woken up at some point by Nogla, not paying much mind to the plans for the day that he relayed to him, too busy trying to push him away and delve deeper under the blankets. It was only the promise of a cooked breakfast from Ohm, Brock, and partly Brian that had him slowly climb out of bed.
He stretched slightly before leaving the warmth of the blankets, feeling like an old man as he slowly rose to his feet and dragged his feet towards the door, swearing as Nogla rushed past him in a bid to get first helpings of the food.
Once downstairs he quickly glanced around the living area, noticing how pretty much everyone was up and dressed already, and sighed as he realized his fate of getting the scraps of food that were left. However, when he arrived at the kitchen he was met with a full plate of food loaded with toast, scrambled eggs and several rashers of bacon.
He gave a small smile to Ohm, thanking him for the food and earning a small blush from the smaller man.
“I gave you extra bacon, so don’t go around telling everyone or you’ll get me in trouble with Brock”
He simply winked at Ohm, grabbing one of the bits of bacon and quickly scoffed it down, much to the amusement of Ohm who simply grabbed his own plate and followed him to one of the couches, Ohm sitting down next to him.
He was just about to tuck into his food when Nogla beside him caught his attention.
“What tha’ fock is this? How come this focker gets like 20 pieces o’ bacon an’ I get 3”
“Cause unlike you I ain’t a pussy ass bitch” He quipped back before grabbing another piece of bacon and slowly eating it right in front of Nogla to taunt him, several of their friends laughing at the situation.
“This is fockin’ bullshit, did ya’ suck Ohms’ dick or somethin’” He heard Ohm half choke on his bite of food whilst their friends broke out in laughter.
“And what if I did? Still got more bacon than your bitching ass”
Nogla simply huffed his disdain, the rest of their friends still coming down from their laughter, whilst Ohm finally got through his near-death experience, face now bright red as he swallowed down a glass of water.
When Ohm finally returns to his food he gives his leg a small nudge to get his attention, giving him a small smile and another small wink before turning back to his food, casting each other small glances when they thought the other wasn’t looking.
An hour later and they’re all piling into taxis to go out into the town to explore. As opposed to the night before, he and Ohm get into a taxi together, thankfully without Luke who was now seemingly watching over Evan and Jon.
Although it was somewhat cramped in the back seat with the both of them and Nogla, they were somewhat able to hide the fact that he and Ohm were holding hands during the car ride, their fingers linked together whilst his thumbs traced any and every pattern on the back of Ohms’ hand.
The journey was regrettably short before they arrived at the Town Centre, but with a final squeeze he released Ohms’ hand as they left the car, but he made sure to stay next to the smaller man, even if they did get the odd knowing look from Marcel or Anthony.
Slowly they started walking through the mall, and whilst everyone was focussed on the shops and/or vlogging he quickly got bored with the whole ordeal.
After the fifth shop the group of them had perused through, he pulled Ohm to the side and away from the others as they began walking to the next store.
“Do you wanna bail and just us go around? I know a couple good comic stores if that’s your thing” He could tell Ohm was conflicted by the idea by the way he was fidgeting and started to bite on his lower lip, the whole thing more endearing than it should have been.
“I dunno Ty, we really shouldn’t. They’ll notice-“
“They won’t notice shit, there’s like 10 of us, they’re not gonna notice if 2 are gone”
Ohm still didn’t seem too convinced, looking past him to the shop which their friends had just entered, and just when he thought he’d lost, Ohm turned to him and nodded.
“Okay, let’s do it”
He gave a wide smile to Ohm in return, holding out his hand, glad when Ohms’ fingers interlinked with his own before they headed in a different direction their friends had gone.
“Besides, if they ever ask where we went I’ll just say you wanted a wiener” He couldn’t help but chuckle at Ohms’ noise of indignation, but even so Ohm couldn’t help his own giggle. “Y’know I’m talking about hotdogs Ohm, dunno what you’re thinking of”
He smiled brightly at Ohm as he let the older man slap him slightly with his free hand.
“I’m never gonna live that card down am I”
He laughed lightly as he pulled his hand away from Ohm to put it around his waist in a bid to hold him closer, Ohm easily wrapping his own arm around his waist as well.
“Doubt it, but it’s iconic, you should be proud of it”
“You try being the face of the most PG way to ask for a handy and see how proud you feel” He hugged Ohm a little tighter against him for a moment in some sort of sympathy as he gradually lead them out of the mall and into the Highstreet until they found a store that looked semi-interesting.
They ended up in some type of comic store, which sold not only comics, and manga and somewhat out of place memorabilia as well as the odd thing here and there that looked better suited to a thrift store than a comic shop, but nevertheless both he and Ohm went their separate ways once inside.
He couldn’t say how long he spent looking at what was available to him, having picked up some Pokémon packs to open later, he was idly perusing the anime when Ohm finally joined him.
“Find anything good?” He looked up at Ohm who had a smile on his face before the smaller man put his hand up between them, and looking down he saw a small ball with a pig’s face on it and tentatively he reached out to pick it up and examine it.
“It’s a stress ball, thought it would be appropriate for you, although I doubt it’ll last long, so I also got you…” It was then that Ohm raised his other hand and he saw a small piggy plush, his own smile gracing his face as he picked it up also, noticing how it felt like his heart was in his throat.
“You got these for me?” Ohm simply nodded, looking eagerly up at him as he waited for the verdict.
“Jesus Ohm you don’t make it easy for the rest of us” He noticed Ohms’ smile fall then, unsure as to why but just that he hated seeing it.
“Do you not like them or… I can return them-“
“I love them, Ohm, all I’m saying is you’re already far too good for me”
He swears he can feel his heart sing when he sees that bright smile return to Ohms’ face, the one he’s quickly realizing makes him lose all other thought but for the man in front of him.
He leaned forward to press a light kiss to Ohms’ lips, letting the smaller man deepen it slightly but once again he pulled away before they could become too wrapped up in themselves.
“You can call me Ryan, by the way” He looked towards Ohm who simply gave him a small smile before turning to the anime’s in front of them, he quickly pocketed his gifts in his coat before moving behind Ohm and wrapping his arms around him.
He swears his heart is going to beat out of his chest when he felt Ohm relax back against him, allowing him to rest his head on top of Ohms.
“You want anything, Ryan? I’ll get you whatever you want” He feels more than hears Ohms’ hum of thought, holding the smaller man ever so tighter and earning a small giggle from him.
“No, I’m good thanks”
“You sure? I don’t min-“ Before he could finish he felt Ohm start to move in his hold, he quickly moved his arms away to allow Ohm to turn around and face him before his arms were back around his waist. Ohms’ own arms coming up to loop around his neck, enjoying the grateful look Ohm gave him when he bent down slightly so it wasn’t so much of a strain on the smaller man.
“I don’t need anything cause I’ve got everything I need right here”
He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the comment, sighing a little bit as he leaned forward to rest his forehead against Ohms’.
“That was both smooth and cheesy as hell I hope you know that” Ohm simply kept on giggling, and when clear he wasn’t going to get a retaliation he leaned forward to bring Ohm into a kiss. It was long and languid, everything and not enough at the same time as the world around them fell away until it was just them.
When they pulled away he was breathless, feeling somewhat proud of the red cheeks and glazed eyes that now accompanied Ohms’ features, and he couldn’t help himself but to lean in for another short kiss before he pulled away completely, the cold air hitting him immediately, allowing him to clear his head somewhat.
“We should probably catch up with guys don’t you think?” He simply nodded at Ohms’ question, pulling out his phone to text Marcel on where the group were.
By the time he and Ohm had left the store Marcel had messaged them back, luckily they weren’t too far away, having left the mall themselves, and apparently were going to go to lunch after this last store.
He electively ignored the series of eggplant and droplet emojis accompanied with the message as Marcel said he’d look out for the both of them.
Grabbing a hold of his hand once again, they make their way towards the store they’re friends are currently in, the both of them deciding to venture into different sections of the store to avoid suspicion.
It wasn’t too long before he found Nogla, simply following the Irishman around as he looked at the series of shoes available, whilst it would normally be an interest of his he couldn’t stop his gaze wondering in search of Ohm.
After about ten minutes of looking around and criticizing Nogla’s’ taste in shoes, they head out of the store, and as predicted no one makes note of either his or Ohms’ earlier absence, giving the older man a smug smirk to further show that he was right.
Gradually they make it to some sort of sushi restaurant for lunch, where when they’re given a table he’s quick to take a seat, and shortly after Ohm follows to sit beside him, giving the older man a small smile before resting a hand on his knee.
Ohm doesn’t seem phased by the touch, at the fact that at any given moment any one of their friends would be able to see the display of affection, and sure enough, he saw Luke, on Ohms’ other side, give him a warning glance at the touch.
Lunch went by without much mishap, only when they were leaving did Luke pull him aside and warn him that if he ever hurt Ohm again he was going to lose not only his dick, but his hands as well, and try as he might to look otherwise, Luke was probably the one member of the group who could actually take him on in a fight.
He gave the older man a quick promise that he was going to look after Ohm and with a final threatening glare Luke let him go, giving a quick pat to his shoulder in a gesture of friendliness before leaving the restaurant.
Letting out the breath he was holding he straightened himself, putting his hands in his coat pockets he was reminded of the gifts given to him earlier, a small smile on his face as he gave a couple of test squeezes to the stress ball before joining his friends outside.
After lunch they made the journey home, once again he’s by Ohms’ side and they share small glances throughout the journey that has him struggling to keep the smile off of his face lest he be asked about it later by one of their friends.
By the time they make it back to Evans’ house, everyone disbands to do their own thing for a bit, some go to their rooms, others load up the Xbox in the living room, he briefly notes Luke playing Chaperone to Evan and Jon once again.
Following Ohm upstairs he quickly drops his coat and shoes off in his room before following the smaller man into his room, quickly laying down on the bed where he was soon joined by Ohm, who was quick to curl on top of him.
He wrapped his arm around the older man and held him tight against him, hating how his heartbeat increased when Ohm seemed to snuggle his head into the crook of his neck.
“So, I just got the talk from Luke” He almost swears he can hear Ohm thinking before the older man decides to respond.
“The talk? The fuck you on about”
“The ‘you hurt my best friend and I’ll hunt you down and chop your dick off’ talk”
He expected to get some form of sympathy, only Ohm simply laughed at his predicament, feeling slightly put out he started poking at Ohms’ side causing the smaller man to laugh even more and on one particular occasion got a proper shriek from him.
Still, he kept up his actions in an effort to garner an apology from Ohm about Lukes’ threat to his manhood, but the other man simply climbed on top of his lap and pressed their mouths together.
He hates how the distraction worked, using the hand that was previously poking at Ohms’ side to instead begin to gently trail up his side until it came to rest on the older man’s cheek, keeping them together.
He felt Ohm bite gently at his lip, and with a moan, he opened his mouth to give the other mans’ tongue entry to explore his mouth, his own tongue quickly becoming entwined with Ohms before he pulled away slightly for air, noticing Ohms’ diluted pupils looking back at him.
He quickly leaned up to press their mouths together again, one moment they were almost feverish in their need and in another they were slow and languid as if they had all the time in the world for one another.
“Don’t think…You’re…off the hook…that easy” His statement was broken up by kisses between them, the both of them unable to stay away from the other, eager to make the most of this time together as they were unlikely to get another chance.
With his statement he once again poked Ohms’ side, causing a small shriek which was somewhat silenced by their mouths still pressed together, however it caused the smaller man to jerk in his place currently resting on his lap, causing a nice amount of friction that brought his attention down south, only, he wasn’t the only one to notice.
“You happy to see me, Ty?” He was panting now, watching Ohm who was positioned above him, the light almost giving him a halo, but the smirk on his face was anything but innocent as he ground down, harder this time, in his lap.
“Fuckin’ bitch” He couldn’t help but lean his head back at the shot of pleasure that ran through him as Ohm continued to grind on him, his hands quickly going to the other mans hips in attempt to gain some control, that was until Ohm bent down and starting pressing gentle kisses and little nips along his neck, careful not to leave any marks.
On a particular movement, he couldn’t help his cry of pleasure, earning a small snicker from Ohm who was still working at his throat.
Without any warning he rolled them over, Ohm quickly clinging onto him but still laughing somewhat even as Tyler loomed over him.
Without another thought he pressed his mouth against Ohms’, easily taking control and making sure to keep the pace slow in order for him to get his bearings.
Ohms’ legs were wrapped around his waist, and even now he was trying to angle his hips up to get some form of contact between them, but he made sure to pull away just before they could touch, and he could tell it was slowly driving the older man crazy.
He enjoyed their kiss for a few moments more before pulling away from Ohm entirely, detangling himself from the mass of limbs before laying down next to the other man, giving him a smile despite both of their predicaments.
“Before you say anything, we’re not doing anything in Evans’ house”
Ohm simply pouted before turning to face him, and with a light finger, the smaller man began to trail patterns from his biceps up to his shoulder and down to his chest.
“I wasn’t going to do anything you know”
He couldn’t help but snort at the comment “Course you weren’t, you just wanted to be a little shit is what you were doing”
“And it worked perfectly”
He silently lamented the fact that he was unable to take care of his ever persistent issue, certainly not made any easier by Ohms’ hand still trailing over his chest and gradually getting lower.
It was then he grabbed Ohms’ hand, bringing it up to his face to press a quick kiss to his knuckles, before letting it go so that he too could turn to his side and face the other man.
“Well you’re gonna regret doing it later”
“Can’t wait” The smile that accompanied Ohm’s statement was nothing short of mischievous, the fact that Ohm had an idea on just exactly what he was going to do sent a curl of pleasure in his stomach, silently cursing himself as he tried his best to avoid all thought that could tempt a reaction.
“What’re we gonna do after this week? Feel like I just got you and now I have to let you go” He closes his eyes as Ohm lifts a hand to begin gently carding through his hair, letting the touch help put his worries to rest.
“I have to get back to Chicago, my dog sitter’s going away this weekend so I need to be back in time for Tiny”
He huffed out a laugh at the name “Can’t believe you named a dog Tiny”
Ohm simply scoffed at the comment “You don’t see me criticizing what you call your pets”
“Because you’re too chicken to do it”
“Too chicken huh? You wanna start round 2?” With that Ohm moved his knee so that it was pressed against his clothed erection that had just begun to die down, but with the touch, a moment of weakness came with it, and he couldn’t help but ground a little into the others’ leg.
With a scowl he pulled away from Ohm entirely, moving so that he was once again on his back whilst Ohm who was now chuckling curled back around him.
“What if I come to Chicago with you?” The look on Ohms’ face when he leaned up to look at him was almost comical. “I’m serious, I can get my parents to look after the dogs for a few extra days and I can change my ticket, if you want that is. I don’t wanna rush anything between us, but it’ll be nice to have some extra time togeth-“
Before he could finish his sentence Ohms’ lips were on his, and he indulged the older man for a moment before pulling him away, where he was then met with a bright smile from Ohm.
“If it’s what you want to do then yeah, you can come to Chicago with me” At that he pulled Ohms’ head back down to kiss him again, slowly this time, and just with every other time he quickly became lost in it.
Luckily for them, before they could go much further they heard a knock on the door, breaking apart to face Luke who was now entering the room looking somewhat relieved.
“Guys are getting’ a game of Fibbage ready if you wanna join us”
“Yeah, we’ll be down in a minute, thanks Toonzy” Luke simply rolled his eyes before he left, closing the door behind him.
Just as Ohm made a move to get up off of the bed, he pulled him close so that he could kiss him again, taking his time to explore and drink in Ohm before they would have to leave this moment that was just them.
“What’s that for?” Ohm whispered against his lips, the touch feather light and only left him wanting more.
He smiled up at Ohm, resting his hand against his cheek to keep him where he was to kiss him a couple of more times before finally moving away from him.
“Figured this is the last time we’re gonna be alone like that for a bit, gotta make it count”
Ohm simply chuckled, pressing a final kiss to his lips before he sat up and began to move off of the bed, and he followed soon after, casting a quick glance in the mirror to check his appearance, and yeah if people were observant enough they’d be able to tell exactly what he and Ohm had been up to.
Deciding to cross that bridge when they come to it, they leave the room and make their way downstairs, noticing that they’re the last to arrive, and he tries to keep his head down to avoid the gaze of their friends.
He follows Ohm to one of the couches and squeezes himself onto the end, ignoring the complaints from Brian who was also being crushed on the other side of the couch. He instead pulled his phone out to get the game ready, easily leaning back to rest his arm on the back of the couch, or more specifically behind Ohm.
He doesn’t know how many rounds they play, only knows they set up a type of league that somehow Brock manages to win. It’s not too long after that someone suggests playing Truth or Dare, but he can’t help but feel a little uneasy at the prospect of playing in fear of somehow he and Ohm being caught out, but ultimately agreed lest he be ridiculed for it by his friends.
The first few rounds are pretty tame, with the most adventurous thing being Brian having to lick Anthony’s’ nipple which almost everyone made sure to film, much to the chagrin of Brian.
Things start to get a little more interesting when Nogla dares Jon to kiss Evan, it’s entertaining to watch the both of them turn somewhat bashful, but not one to chicken out Jon completed the dare, even if the kiss barely lasted a second.
He felt the faint stirrings of something, maybe jealousy, at the kiss, but the fact that Ohm was pressed up against him, a comforting warmth that meant that feeling didn’t last too long had any other thoughts about Evan quickly dispelled from his mind.
He only paid half a mind to what his friends were doing after that, his mind too focused on Ohm and watching him laugh and blush at the antics of their friends, but eventually, it was a call of his name that got his attention.
He felt an unpleasant feeling begin to rise in his stomach as he turned to face Marcel who was looking right at him, mischief in his eye.
“Truth or Dare”
“Dare, I ain’t a pussy” Even as he said it the slight glint in Marcels’ eye was enough to tell him he wasn’t going to like it.
“I dare you to kiss Ohm” He heard a couple of gasps and oohs from their friends all while he stared daggers at Marcel.
“I can’t kiss Ohm, he’s like my nemesis” He heard a couple of snorts from his friends, and yeah he didn’t really expect anyone to actually go with that lie. “Look it’s a complicated relationship, he’s like my…” He couldn’t think of anything to say, the only answers coming to mind would too easily out them, but he breathed a sigh of relief when Ohm interjected.
“Frenemies. We’re frenemies and you can’t go messing around with that”
It was then that Scotty interjected “Well you two are looking pretty damn cozy up on the couch there”
He glared briefly at Scotty before he turned to Ohm, a somewhat panicked look in his eyes that was mirrored in Ohms.
“As the receiving party don’t I get a say in this?”
“Nope” God he hated the way Marcel popped the P on that word “Either you and Tyler get smoochin’ or I’m going to grab the packs of yogurt in the fridge and empty them into your pants Tyler. Your choice”
He heard a couple of laughs from his friends, all looking up at them in anticipation, and ignoring them, he turned on the couch slightly to better face Ohm.
“Pucker up Ohm” He waited for Ohm to also better turn to face him, and whilst in private he wouldn’t have hesitated to kiss the man in front of him, he was somewhat intimidated by having all of their friends watch them.
They slowly leaned in, but just before their lips connected, Marcel interrupted.
“By the way, the kiss has to last 15 seconds” He turned away from Ohm to throw a heated gaze at Marcel who simply had a smug look on his face.
“What the hell kinda bullshit is that, them two got to do a peck on the lips” he vaguely waved toward Evan and Jon in an effort to plead the case he already knew was lost.
“Scotty would you mind grabbing the yogurt from the fridge for me, please…Oh and the pack of hot Cheetos as well, might break up some of them to join the party downstairs, sound good Tyler?”
With a final death glare towards Marcel, he turned to face Ohm before grabbing the back of his head and moving them closer together until finally, their lips touched.
He couldn’t stop himself from deepening the kiss, his hand slowly moving from the back of Ohms’ head to rest on his cheek, whilst both of Ohms’ hands came to rest on his cheeks in an effort to keep him close.
In the background he heard their friends cheering at them, even hearing a few wolf whistles, but as he’d come to learn when kissing Ohm, the background simply melted away, so he didn’t notice Marcel smugly announce time, and instead kept on kissing Ohm who seemed all too happy to kiss him back.
It wasn’t until he heard someone clearing their throat rather excessively did they break apart, earning a few more cheers from some of their friends whilst all he did was give Marcel the finger, who just laughed at it having accomplished what he wanted.
“Maybe I should go sleep in Nogla’s’ room tonight” Lukes’ voice broke through the din of their friends’ voices, earning chuckles from the few people who heard it.
“Yeah boys make sure you put some headphones in tonight, I know I don’t want to hear whatever the hell they’re doing” He turned to flip his finger at Nogla who only laughed, as had the rest of their friends all now participating in their torture.
Looking beside him, he saw Ohms’ cheeks were bright red and he could feel the slight wave of uneasiness come off of him. Now feeling somewhat protective of the smaller man he quickly wrapped an arm around him, glad when the older man let him pull him closer to his side.
It was then that Anthony piped into the conversation “Honestly though Nogla, I feel like I’ve already heard Ohm climax like 20 times in recordings, I don’t think much else could phase me at this point”
It was then that everyone broke out into a laugh, relaxing somewhat when he felt Ohm giggling beneath him, simply pulling him tighter against himself as he let out his own small chuckle.
As the rest of the week progresses, he and Ohm make no effort to hide their relationship any further, both of them learning more and more about the other as time passes, and whilst he’d like nothing more than to spend most of his time kissing Ohm, he’s mindful to keep that kind of PDA behind closed doors.
That is until one of their friends are being particularly annoying in which case he and Ohm would ramp it up to 1000, at which they’d get a couple of disgusted noises until finally, they heard a disgruntled apology.
Too soon their time at Evans’ was over and everyone had to make their respective journeys home, originally he had planned to stay a couple of days longer, but as he was now leaving with Ohm that meant he was one of the first to go, not that he would complain.
Sure enough, he was somewhat enamored by Chicago, having never been there and it being the place Ohm had grown up in. Ohm was somewhat amused by it, pointing out the odd landmark or one of his favorite places as they passed it by in the taxi with the promise to show him around at some point in his stay with him.
He’s not sure how long the taxi ride took them, far too focused on his new surroundings and the gentle fingers that were tracing patterns on his hand, but eventually, they made it to Ohms’, and he could almost feel Ohms’ anxiety levels rise.
He dropped Ohms’ suitcase beside him having carried it up to the front door along with his own, to place a comforting hand on the small of the older mans’ back. He smiled slightly as Ohm turned to give him a reassuring smile, more so to himself than for him, but he moved the hand on the other man’s back to his hip to give it a gentle squeeze in comfort before the smaller man turned back to his front door.
It didn’t take long before Ohm had the door open, but before he could even think about taking a step forward he found his way blocked by a rather rambunctious dog currently trying to jump up into Ohms’ arms.
He hates to say that he’s endeared at the sight of Ohm crouching down to pick up the small Jack Russell, laughing slightly as the older man tried to hold the dog back to have some form of control, which didn’t last long before Ohm gave up and let the dog practically maul his face.
He heard someone clear their throat and he looked up to see a woman standing just inside the doorway, a small smile on her face as she took in the scene in front of her. He gave a small wave of hello, which she reciprocated before she moved forward and pried the small dog away from Ohm, allowing the man to stand up and catch his breath.
“Thanks, Lucy, I trust everything was okay? Didn’t get into too much trouble did he?” He hates how he can feel a curl of jealousy go through him when he hears her laugh at Ohms’ question, the woman then lifting the dog still in her hands slightly to bring him closer to Ohm, the dog renewing its effort to get to the older man.
“He was…relatively good. Got a couple of bites down on the table leg, but otherwise, he’s been perfect”
He watched as Ohm bent down so that he was now face to face with Tiny still in the woman’s hold, the dog doing its best to stretch as far forward as it could to reach Ohm.
“What are we going to do with you huh? Thought you were gonna be a good boy for Lucy?” All he could do was roll his eyes and chuckle a little at the interaction, only made worse when Ohm shot him a glance before turning back to the dog and taking him from the woman. “Who’s that Tiny? Who’s that?”
A small smile graced his face even as he rolled his eyes again as Ohm started pointing towards him, the small dog soon taking notice of him. He walked up the few steps till he was by Ohms’ side, intending to just stroke the dog a couple of times, however, Tiny apparently had other plans.
The small dog managed to slip through Ohms’ hold until he was beginning to start climbing up his arm, quickly he reached forward to hold the dog now trying to lick fervently at his face.
“God he’s like a little flea isn’t he, he’s so small”
“Hey, don’t be rude” He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised at Ohms’ slap on his arm as the older man chastised him for the comment, holding the dog up to his chest whilst Ohm finished his conversation with Lucy and bade her farewell.
Over the few minutes Ohm was away, Tiny had become quite comfortable in his hold given how he now seemed to be beginning to fall asleep, Ohm turned to him and stroked Tiny before looking up at him with a small smile on his face.
“Looks like someone’s made a friend” He leaned forward to give Ohm a small kiss before he went to go inside the house. “Tyler, aren’t you gonna help me with the bags”
He simply turned around and motioned his head towards the still resting dog in his arms.
“Got my hands full” He laughed a little as Ohm just sighed before lifting up both of their cases and making the short journey into the house, dropping them just inside the hallway before closing the door behind him.
Ohm then approached him and began to pluck Tiny from his grasp, giving him a pointed look when he began to protest, even if he was only doing to get a reaction from the older man. Ohm then carried the small dog into what looked to be the living room, leaving him to pick up their bags.
It wasn’t too long before Ohm reappeared, giving him a small smile and a motion with his head he began following the smaller man through the relatively small house until they found themselves in Ohms’ bedroom.
He dropped the cases by the door before striding across the room to pull Ohm into a kiss, simply taking his time knowing he had plenty of time over the next few days to have his fill of the smaller man. He laughed into the kiss a little when he felt eager hands begin to unbutton his shirt, however, he was quick to grab a hold of the two wrists before returning them to Ohms’ side.
The older man then pulled away from him, a small pout that made him look far too cute for his own good, and he couldn’t resist the temptation to lean down for another kiss.
He was quick however to pull away and back towards his suitcase to pull out his sweats, intent on relaxing the rest of the day with Ohm by his side, and if he flexed a little when removing his shirt, he didn’t hear any complaints from Ohm.
The older man simply walked up to him, wrapped his arms around him, and pressed a feather-light kiss to his collarbone, but before he could even wrap his own arms around Ohm, the man was gone, now delving through his cupboards for his own clothing, a smug look on his face as if he knew the effect he had on him.
Oh, if only he knew.
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crowkingwrites · 5 years
Battle of the Bands (Ch.16)
Pairing: Robb Stark x Reader, Jon Snow x Reader, Viserys Targaryen x Reader, Ramsay Bolton X Reader
Summary: You just moved into the city for the first tie all by yourself. After you get your dream summer job working for a small magazine, you find yourself in the middle of the city’s rock festival: Battle of the Bands. Local rock bands throughout the city compete to win a record deal that could change their lives. Your job? Get close to them and write about them online.A single girl in the city surrounded by rocker boys during the summertime. What could possibly go wrong?
Words: 1162 // AO3 Link
Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three // Chapter Four // Chapter Five // Chapter Six // Chapter Seven // Chapter Eight // Chapter Nine // Chapter Ten // Chapter Eleven // Chapter Twelve // Chapter Thirteen // Chapter Fourteen // Chapter Fifteen 
Ramsay’s Ending - Bring Me to Life
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“What?” Viserys reacted. “You’re not with Ramsay? But he said—
“You’re suing the whole magazine and this was all my fault. I—
“Did Robb Stark fire you?”
“No, well—
“Why are you here?” Viserys asked. His voice was different this time. It held no anger or rage, but confusion. “Did you come for me?”
“I…I didn’t come for you,” you said with a softer voice. “I think I know where I need to be. I have to go, I’m sorry!”
“Y/N! Wait!” Viserys called after you, but your feet flew out of the festival like a bat out of hell. You kept running until you realized you had no idea where you were even going. You opened your phone and dialed for the one person who understood bad decisions more than anyone.
“Please pick up, please pick up,” you muttered, holding the phone close to your ear.
“Y/N? Did you leave yet?” Ramsay said. Not even a single hello.
“No! No. I-I’m still here. I wanna—
“You want to talk? I’m here. I can go to your place if—
“No, I’m at the fest—
“I’ll go there. I’ll get an uber—
“Ramsay shut up!” you said. You heard the frustration in his voice. He needed to see you badly. “Just let me have a second, ok?”
“Too late, I’m in the uber right now. Stay where you are. Don’t fucking go anywhere, ok?” Ramsay told you. He said those words, but it sounded more like ‘don’t leave me’.
Time was a weird thing. Sometimes it went too slow. Sometimes it goes by in seconds and you wonder where your weekend went. You hung up your phone and suddenly Ramsay was getting out of a car across the street. You watched him frantically search for you in a sea of people. You called out his name repeatedly, hoping he would recognize your voice against the city crowd.
And he did.
You waited for each other at a crosswalk. A waiting crowd was behind you on both sides. The light started to count down when it would be safe to cross.
You saw the countdown again at three…two…and you watched Ramsay booking it towards you. You did the same matching his chaotic energy. Someone started run the light and almost clipped you. Ramsay grabbed you and held you in the middle of the crosswalk. Both sides started to walk across the street and surround you.
“Y/N, don’t leave. Please don’t le—
“I’m not! I’m not. I don’t—
“Is it because of me?”
“No, I was—
“I’m so sorry—
Both of you couldn’t stop talking over each other. You pulled Ramsay by his shirt onto one side of the street. He happily followed you and only looked at you the entire time. When both of you were safely on the sidewalk, he took his chance. His lips met yours with a selfish energy. His hand went into your hair. His other hand wrapped around your waist and brought you close.
Ramsay broke the kiss first. “You know how I feel about you, right?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“Don’t leave. I’m gonna make all this legal bullshit go away, ok? I’m gonna protect you.”
“Why?” you asked.
“I told you that you were gonna be mine,” Ramsay’s smirk sparked something inside of you. “I protect what’s mine. Fuck everyone else.”
You stayed with Margaery in the city for the rest of the summer. Being in a relationship with a lawyer meant a lot of missed dates, separation anxiety, and often putting his career over your happiness. Still, Ramsay was good to you. At first, a lot of it was heated sex. He fucked you wherever he could and whenever he could.
Showers. Friends’ parties. Public bathrooms. Concerts. Cars. Inside a barn? You know, the works.
It was fun at first until you started to argue with him. Ramsay was as selfish as ever and got jealous whenever you would reach out to Jon for advice. “He’s my friend!” you yelled at him. “I can text my friends!”
“And I’m sure a friend would tell you to break up with me, right? Yeah. That’s so helpful!” Ramsay threw his keys at the wall. You walked over to him. His face was red. His eyes followed you like a painting watching you. You held his face in your hands.
You placed a soft kiss on his lips and you felt his muscles relax under your touch.
“I think you need therapy. You’re angry a lot. Is everything ok?” you said. Ramsay smiled at you first but it quickly turned into something else. You watched tears fall from his eyes. He tried to blink them away and hide his face from you.
“I’m scared,” Ramsay admitted to you. “I’ve been at work so much that…I don’t know. A lot of guys say it’s typical for girlfriends to cheat and—
“I’m not going anywhere,” you held him close. Ramsay’s arms wrapped around you. His head tucked in your shoulder. “I love you.”
There it was. You said it out loud.
Ramsay lifted his head and kissed your forehead. He wiped another tear away and laughed. “I love you too, stupid.”
“You still think I’m stupid?”
“Yeah. Stupid for loving me. You could do better.”
“Oh, well if you say so, let me just—
Ramsay wrapped his arms around you again. He kissed your cheek. “You ain’t goin’ anywhere, darlin’.” He put on a western accent and started to tickle you. You laughed your way into December. You had been decorating Ramsay’s apartment all damn day. You strung up lights and handmade snowflakes everywhere. Freshly baked cookies wafted from the kitchen to the living room. Ramsay’s dog, Audrey, was older now, but she was still a happy puppy.
Audrey had her head in your lap when Ramsay opened the door. You watched the lights dance in his eyes. You braced yourself for an angry response, but Ramsay stood quiet in the doorway for a moment. His shoulder leaned against the door before he closed it.
“What’s this?”
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry if you don’t—
“No, no! I…love it. I really love it,” Ramsay’s face did something you never thought you would see. He smiled. He didn’t smirk or give you a smug face. He smiled like any little boy would when they saw Christmas for the first time. His fingers touched the rows of popcorn on the tree.
“I got you an early Christmas gift,” Ramsay said aloud, handing you a small box. You felt your stomach drop.
“Ramsay…we’ve only been dating—
“Shut up and open the box, stupid.” He kissed you and waited. You opened the small box to see a set of keys, not a ring. “I was hoping you could move in with me for Christmas. I like the idea of coming home to you. What do you say?”
You gleefully jumped into his arms and Ramsay took a few steps back.
Note to Self: You were home.
How this story ends is up to you! These next chapters are the five different endings to Battle of the Bands. You can read one ending, or you can read all five. Up to you entirely. This is the first time I’m doing this and I’m really excited to see what kind of feedback I get for this story.
In this order:
Chapter 16 - Ramsay’s Ending Chapter 17 - Viserys’ Ending Chapter 18 - Jon’s Ending Chapter 19 - Robb’s Ending Chapter 20 - Your Ending
Ultimate Tag List (People who wished to be tagged in EVERY work I post.)
@angelicshinigami @sugarwastaken @carilov09 @i-theredqueen@sleepylunarwolf@loki-0fasgard  @parkerplexed
Game of Thrones Tag List (People who wish to be tagged in everything GoT related)
@boltonblade  @why-so-red@sj-thefan @sunshinesydney-blog@drunkenpoets@antiscocialfanwarrior@fnnexua@fraueninflammen @wanna-plan-world-domination@bravado07@k-macncheese@theladyofrice@lokimysunandstars@tyri-yawn@kcd15 @theocatkov @cassandrabelleaime @oberyners@ragnarssonsbitch@storytellersun @ren-ni
Get on the Taglist Here
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shellbow · 5 years
Gonna try to get my GoT thoughts out
The episode was exciting to watch in the moment bc it was well made and the suspense was there but upon further reflection it just...starts to break down in the context of actually good story telling.
I know I should stop expecting it to line up with the books, but it really just flies in the face of every theme and narrative projection that’s been presented in all 5 of them. I know the PTWP and Azor Ahai can possibly be two different people but like......where is the fire to her ice? How is she born amidst salt and smoke? What stone dragons did she awaken? It don’t add up sis. It’s even more upsetting with the foreshadowing now she’s gonna kill Cersei too on top of it like why not just have Arya fulfill every prophecy I guess now even though it doesn’t make any sense
FURTHERMORE Arya CANT kill the Night King in the books bc there ISN’T a Night King in the books. There is a single ~*~bad guy~*~ that if you just take him out it solves all their problems. The others are the cold, detached inevitability of the evil of the world. They have no ulterior motives. They don’t want anything. They’re not secretly good guys. It’s spelled out clear as day in the first chapter: the real enemy is the cold. Wrapping up the entire conflict of the series in one episode is just so...anticlimactic and lackluster
Then making Cersei the big bad is so. Just. YIKES!!! Cause you KNOW they’re going to make Cersei 1000x smarter than she actually is. I’m not trying to call Cersei dumb but anyone who’s read the books knows she’s nowhere near as competent as her show counterpart. Cersei is her own worst villain. Her own undoing. Her own paranoia eats at her and pushes away anyone who could be truly helpful. But the show doesn’t...show us...that. 
And don’t get me STARTED on Euron. Actual scary villain who might have been a mystical apprentice is reduced to creepy fuck in leather pants. You really expect me to believe he trumps the night king as the ultimate villain of the series? 
And poor Daenerys man...as usual they don’t give a flying fuck about the Dothraki. I don’t think they’ve mentioned any of her Dothraki by name in like...3 seasons lmao. George isn’t great but at least he gives them names!!! At least Irri and Jhiqui are still around and still with Dany! And her blood riders are still devoted to her! Not to mention the fact she lost a huge portion of her Unsullied ( and you know Winterfell would have been DONE without them ), she knocked the Night King off Viserion, tried to fry him, saved Jon’s ass TWICE, and fought the wights with a goddamn sword off the ground without a day of training in her life and there’s still people complaining she didn’t do anything. People won’t be satisfied until she dies.
AND THEN SANSA. Talk about butchered character. All they do is have her snark and be petty now for literally no reason. Dany is out there risking her life and she thinks she would give a fuck about who Tyrion is married to??? Sansa’s whole character is about courtesy being a lady’s armor, to hide her own true thoughts and feelings and observe, so no ever thinks of her as a threat, and yet she’s rude to people’s faces bc that’s the only way they know how to write a #empoweredwoman. There were so many opportunities to have Blackwater parallels in the crypts with her comforting or encouraging her people, they even all look to her when she comes in and she doesn’t do...anything...? wwwwwwwwwwHAAAAAAT ARE DND DOING!!! 
I’m not even going to talk about the missed Sandor/Sansa moments or I’ll get too mad
The worst part is I could still watch it knowing that none of it matters but like.....90% of the people who engage with it only engage with it on a show level. So to them this is all canon. And it drives me bonkers. The only person who has final say on this story should be George. The fact that there’s even one person who thinks what D&D have written is anywhere valid makes me so sad I cannot anfkjsba. I just want the show to be over with so everyone can stop fighting about everything too every week like I’m tired!! of bonkers theories and TIRED of hearing how Dany is going to go evil. I just want it to be OVER so I can go back to waiting for TWOW like a peasant. 
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'Eastwatch' Reaction  Post
This episode hardcore shook me. So many reunions and reveals, tension and secrets. I was so emotionally distraught after watching it for the first time on Sunday night, and it took me a while until I felt normal again yesterday. I watched it again last night with my neighbor and have had some time to reflect, so here is my reaction post finally. Spoilers under the cut, as always.
1. Daenerys and the survivors Unlike Varys and Tyrion, I think Daenerys is handling her power very well. As she clearly states when talking to the remaining Lannister/Tarly/Tyrell soldiers, she really does not want to kill anyone, and that the choice was theirs. Randall and Dickon Tarly made their choice. She's not killing senselessly, and she's not killing for sport. In fact, this is her first battle in Westeros with Drogon, and all of her advisors are having a cow and worried she is turning into her father. What?! As I said in last episode's reaction post, I think she has been acting too conservatively. If she wants to conquer Westeros and save it from Cersei, she needs to act swiftly before Cersei digs her claws in any further and it is too late. There is a difference between doing what needs to be done to assert authority and killing for no reason whatsoever. Tough decisions need to be made. If it were me, I would have hit King's Landing the moment she settled in at Dragonstone. The whole city is corrupt beyond repair, in my opinion. Wipe it out with the dragons and build a new city from the ashes, establishing a new regime. I just feel like she has squandered so much time already by listening to the poor advice of her councilmen, and the more time she wastes, the more time Cersei has to plan and manipulate.
2. Jon/Drogon Drogon's inner monologue: Jon meet Drogon. Jon pet Drogon. Drogon like Jon. Mama Daenerys impressed. (No but seriously, that was the cutest scene ever and you just KNOW that Drogon knows who Jon is)
3. Jon/Dany/Jorah To see Jorah and Daenerys reunite made my heart sing. Their tender hug...I almost thought they were going to kiss at first. And then you see Jon in the background, eyeing them up. And he’s got this look in his eyes. That jealous look. And then Jorah eyes Jon suspiciously. And you can just feel the tension. And it’s just like oh fuck, here we go. Poor Jorah can never get a damn break. Competes for her affections, gets banished, contracts grayscale, goes through hell and back to get it cured, finally reunites with his love and has to compete again. And then you see Dany completely torn when saying goodbye to Jon, you see her growing affections for him in each progressing scene, and although I don’t ship Jonerys, it made me want to see them kiss before they find out they are related to each other. XD
4. Sansa/Arya *takes a deep, meditative breath* I am trying to write this from a point of view that is as unbiased as possible. After the first, and second, time watching this scene I wanted to come in guns blazing at Arya for being such a bitch to Sansa. Sansa has been to the deepest pits of hell and back, risked her life to get Winterfell back into Stark possession, has completely grown and changed into a wise young woman, and Arya is almost accusing her of being the same spoiled girl who begged to leave Winterfell to marry a king six years ago. But. But. Arya has faced her own horrors, some even worse than what Sansa experienced. She has grown to not trust anybody, not even family. My biggest, sincerest hope is that she is merely saying these things to test Sansa’s honesty and loyalty. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. Because it just makes me feel sick to see the two Stark girls against each other after everything that has happened, and absolutely distraught to think about Sansa becoming power hungry and betraying Jon and her family. :(
5. FUCKIN GENRYYYYY Guess who’s back? Back again? Gendry’s back! Tell a friend. No seriously, I cannot tell y’all how happy I am to have that yummy Baratheon bastard back in our lives. I was truly beginning to lose hope that we were going to see him this season after all. But, when Davos started walking around Fleabottom, near the blacksmiths and armories, I about shit myself, cause I knew, I just knew, that Gendry was near. And, I was not disappointed. I had to literally hold back a scream of joy. AND I LOVE HOW DAVOS SAID HE THOUGHT GENDRY WOULD STILL BE ROWING. Made the wait entirely worth it. <3
6. Cersei, pregnant The last thing that I ever expected to happen. I was blown away when she revealed that. But to be honest, I was really happy for her and Jaime and got pretty emotional at the news. But then I saw a lot of people here on tumblr saying that she is more than likely faking it to manipulate Jaime, and possible other people. Which, I hate to think of, but I think is much more probable than her actually being pregnant. Either way, I can’t wait to see what happens with this new development.
7. Gilly/Sam/The Big Reveal Jon is not a bastard. Jon is NOT a bastard. JON IS NOT A FUCKING BASTARD!! My heart wanted to explode with joy. He has been shit on most of his life...and he’s actually someone REALLY fucking important! It’s kinda funny though cause he’ll always be Jon Snow in my mind, even if he does find out that he is really Jon Targaryen. Part of me doesn’t really want him to find out...I don’t want that information to change him in any way. I want him to stay the humble hero that he is and always has been. AND WTF SAM I KNOW YOU’RE PISSED BUT DON’T YOU DARE TREAT YOUR WIFEY GILLY LIKE AN ANNOYANCE SHE DON’T DESERVE THAT SHIT AND YOU SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR TAKING YOUR SHIT OUT ON HER SHE’S BECOMING SMARTER AND MORE BEAUTIFUL BY THE DAY AND I LOVE YOU SAM BUT YOU BETTER GET BACK TO APPRECIATING HER FOR THE BOSS ASS BITCH THAT SHE IS.
8. Littlefinger/Arya What is this nonsense. Seriously. I can’t keep up with these two. All I know is that Littlefinger is still stirring up trouble and up to no good and it makes me really, really uneasy. I truly hope Arya doesn’t buy into his bullshit and realize that he is trying to trap her and pit them all against one another. I know there will be at least one major death and one major betrayal. There has to be. And I pray to God that neither of these events occur at Winterfell, unless it is Littlefinger who dies/is betrayed. I am just so anxious about it all, and NEED to know what is going to happen next before I face an emotional disaster.
9. Eastwatch/Beyond the wall/The Breathing Squad Fan fucking tastic ending. This is some badass comradery we got going on here, and I am so, so excited to see what happens on their expedition, no matter how tense, nerve-wracking, or scary that it gets. I’ve been looking forward to this part since I saw the trailer and Beric Dondarrion wielding a flaming sword with The Hound battling alongside him as well. It is truly gonna be epic. And although I am extremely distraught that there are only 2 episode left, I am so excited to see what is coming.
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crowkingwrites · 6 years
Battle of the Bands (Ch.2)
Pairing: Robb Stark x Reader, Jon Snow x Reader, Viserys Targaryen x Reader, Ramsay Bolton X Reader
Summary: You just moved into the city for the first tie all by yourself. After you get your dream summer job working for a small magazine, you find yourself in the middle of the city’s rock festival: Battle of the Bands. Local rock bands throughout the city compete to win a record deal that could change their lives. Your job? Get close to them and write about them online.A single girl in the city surrounded by rocker boys during the summertime. What could possibly go wrong?
Words: 2844
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14948154/chapters/35065244
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Waking up the next morning was less of a struggle when you saw a text from Robb just saying ‘good morning’ and that he was looking forward to the Battle of the Bands festival today. The weather woman on your tv went on about how warm it would be today, and she was also excited for the Battle of the Bands.
For once the weather woman was right. You stuck your hand out a window letting it catch the sun’s warmth. It was going to be a lovely day. You slipped on shorts, a cut-up band t-shirt, and sneakers. It would suffice for spending all day at a music festival.
You almost took your car keys when you remembered that you had a city bus pass. What better way to start your article than to see other people get excited for the event itself? You left your car keys at home, and headed straight for the bus stop. Families with kids in AC/DC t-shirts and girls with flower crowns made you smile. The bus was filled with people all going to the city festival. You turned to see a young boy adjusting his baseball cap. You looked towards his parents who were occupied with his little sister, but you caught the mother’s eye.
“Hi! Sorry to bother you,” you glanced back at her son. “I’m a writer for The Scene. I was wondering if I could ask your son some questions about Battle of the Bands?”
The mother smiled and nodded. “Of course! Dominic, she would like to ask you some questions.” The mother put her son in front of you. Dominic sat down in a bus seat, and you kneeled in front of him, balancing on your feet as the bus moved forward.
“Hi Dominic, are you excited for today?” you asked the child. He nodded, keeping his eyes on you.
“Tell her who we’re going to see,” the mother nudged him. The little boy smiled and shied away from you.
“Ah, come on, you can tell me,” you said, smiling. Dominic looked down, still smiling.
“Blackfyre,” he said, in an almost whisper. “I like them a lot.”
“His father is a fan of theirs. He played Blackfyre in front of Dominic so much that Dominic started to love them,” she told you. You wrote down quick notes for yourself. The mother went on. “I even caught him shredding the guitar to one of their songs.”
“Oh really? Do you wanna be a rockstar when you grow up?”
“Yeah!” Dominic shouted with excitement. His hands raised up in the air as if he was on a roller coaster. You stood up from your spot as the bus slowed down.
“Thank you so much. I got what I need,” you nodded to the mother once more before you hopped off the bus. You put away your notebook and continued down the downtown street. First, Margie. Then Battle. This was going to be a busy first day.
Margaery finished off her second mimosa of the day and knocked on the bar. “Another!”
“I’ll cut you off if you don’t slow down!” Loras immediately called out to her. Margie rolled her eyes and put her focus back on you.
“Blackfyre huh?” she recalled. “That’s Viserys Targaryen’s band. He’s really good.”
“Yeah? Think he may win the battle?” you scooped up a breakfast taco filled with eggs and sausage. “He actually might,” Margie nodded seriously. “His band reminds a lot of the adults of their classic rock days, but he has a reach on their younger teens. He’s a good looking guy with a lot of talent.”
“I’ll keep an eye on him,” you said, taking another bite. “What the fuck is in these tacos? They’re like crack.”
“I know,” Margie said, eyes wide on her own breakfast. She looked towards her brother and then back to you. “Do you want to do me a favor?”
“What kind of favor?” you asked, knowing fully well this meant trouble for you.
Margie shot a look towards her brother. “It’s about Renly.”
“What? You want me to spy on him? Like we used to do on the internet?” you chuckled. Margie almost spat out her drink. Remembering your long distance internet days brought back joyful memories of you searching and stalking Margie’s love interests. You dug so hard into one of their social media profile’s that you found their SAT score. Margie was so impressed that she almost hired you to do more private investigative work.
“Yes, but no,” Margie beckoned for you to come closer, obviously not wanting her brother to hear. “Loras really needs this. He’s been lonely and depressed. Maybe encourage Renly to hang with Loras sometime? I don’t know. I don’t want to push him into a relationship, but he needs something. Someone. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I’ll see Renly today. Along with Robb.”
“The cute boss?” Margie gushed. “You’re gonna flirt with him, right?”
“What if he has a girlfriend?”
“What if he doesn’t?” Margie winked. “Flirt with him and then tell me about it.” It wouldn’t matter what you argued with Margaery, you wanted to flirt with him anyways. Once you stepped into the festival, you were grateful for your heat-friendly outfit.
The festival had several booths up front. Some where you could play games to win small prizes, others were advertising their local businesses. You recognized a young man standing in line at a booth to the side. You squinted to see his slender form, sunglasses, and his hands in his pockets while talking to another person beside him.
“Renly? Renly Baratheon?” you called out. The young man turned around to see you. He smiled and beckoned for you to come over.
“Hi! I’ve seen you in the office. Heard you got my assignment, yeah?” Renly smiled. He extended his hand out for you to shake. You gladly took it.
“I did, yes.” You looked beside Renly and recognized his conversation partner. “Hi, Robb.”
“Hey! You made it. Welcome to Battle of the Bands,” Robb looked ahead of the line. “I was trying to get everyone’s press badges, but it seems they’re really short staffed this year.”
“That’s unfortunate,” you commented seeing the long line ahead of you. “Why do you think that is?”
Robb frowned and scratched the back of his neck. He shared one look with Renly and turned to you. “There was an incident last year. Someone on staff was harassed and it made news. People have been hesitant to join festival staff and press after that. I’m honestly lucky to have you here.”
Robb gave you a grateful smile and you returned it right back to him.
“I’m glad you gave me this opportunity,” you returned the compliment. The line moved forward much more, but you continued the conversation. “So, I hear you’re playing in the Battle this year.”
“I am,” Renly started off. “Stag Knight is ready to go.”
“Stag Knight?”
“A play off my family’s tradition and name.” Renly wore a confident smile on his face. “It’s a nod to my ancestors who were excellent hunters, but I don’t believe in hurting animals myself.”
“You’re a vegetarian?” you smiled, thinking ahead two steps. Renly nodded, patting his sack.
“I’ve got loads of my snacks in here today. If you need any water, come stop by, we’ll have lots,” Renly said.
“Well, I know I’m new to the city, but there’s this great taco place that serves amazing vegetarian friendly tacos—
“Sunspot!” Renly cut you off. “I love that place!”
“I happen to know one of the bartenders there,” you added. “Loras is so much fun.”
“Loras?” Renly thought. “The cute guy with curls? He always seemed so shy to me.” You held in your excitement at his comment and continued.
“He’s really not. He’s so much fun. We should all hang out sometime!” There it was, your move. Renly nodded and turned to Robb.
“That sounds like fun! We should.” Bingo. Margie had always commended you on how you played your social chess. Sometimes, she would claim you were better than her. You weren’t sure of that, but you knew you were going to get credit for this somehow.
Once you got your press badge, Renly parted ways with you and Robb. He trotted off quickly to rehearse before going on stage later that day. Robb put his badge over his head and looked at the schedule.
“So, who do we go to first?”
“Well,” you pulled out your notes. “I interviewed a little boy on the bus who was excited to see Blackfyre.”
“Ah, Viserys,” Robb chuckled. “Arrogant cock.” You took a step back.
“A what?”
“He’s…not terribly nice,” Robb walked with you through the festival. You heard alternative rock from one side of you. A crowd of people held their phones up to record. “He’s had a taste of success already. He’s talented, but it’s gone to his head. Maybe it’s best to stay away from him for now.”
“Oh okay,” you looked down, feeling dejected. Robb patted your back.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to follow this lead or that I don’t trust you,” Robb smiled. “I just don’t want you to go interview him and come back in tears.”
“He’s that bad?” you responded.
Robb shrugged. “Some say he is, some say differently. I just want to be cautious. I don’t want to lose a good writer on the first day.” You smiled, feeling the warmth of the compliment.
Robb pointed to a pub on the corner of the street, a bit away from the festival. Both of you crossed the street and entered inside the Irish-themed pub. Inside, there was no leprechauns or four-leaf clovers. Instead, there was old pictures of Ireland, showcasing ancestors and family trees. The Ireland flag hung proudly. You feel the cool air of the air conditioning, and you silently thanked Robb for saving you from the heat.
People spoke silently while they drank their pints. Other listened intently to the musician on the small stage. A guitar played a slow beat beautifully. Your eyes wandered to the artist. He wore boots and jeans. His flannel shirt was open to reveal his white tank underneath. It fit him tight. A shadow of a beard looked good on his face. His curls were much darker than Robb’s. Then the idea clicked.
“This is my half-brother, Jon,” Robb whispered. “I thought he would be a great first interview for you. And vice versa.” You inched forward and found a seat near the stage. Jon’s voice was a low and slow harmony. You listened intently to the lyrics.
“I’m a cowboy on a steel horse I ride I’m wanted, dead or alive.”
“Bon Jovi,” you smiled, nodding along. “I’ve never heard him like this before.”
“Jon’s good for that,” Robb smiled proudly. “He has the talent I wish I had. He doesn’t do big audiences. He likes it small like this.” Jon kept singing. His voice belted out the last few lyrics. Once he finished, the crowd in the pub applauded loudly for him. A few stood up and gave him whoops of joy. Jon smiled and nodded ‘thank yous’ to where he could until his eyes fell to you.
You watched his heart skip a beat, and you couldn’t hide your own blush rushing to your cheeks. Jon was adorable, and you hadn’t spoken a single word to him yet. You wanted to slap yourself in the face. If Robb was attractive, of course his brother would be just as attractive. Duh. Jon walked down from the stage and walked towards your table with Robb.
“Good job!” Robb embraced Jon. He patted him on the back and then turned to you. “This is Y/N. She’s taking over for Renly this year.” Jon sheepishly smiled at you.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he nodded.
“I’ll grab some drinks, yeah?” Robb offered. “Pints?” When both of you nodded, Robb took off to the bar while you and Jon sat down.
“So, are you going to interview me?” Jon said. He bit his lower lip.
“Don’t worry, I won’t ask hard questions,” you wanted to reach out to his hand and touch him to reassure him. He seemed so scared of you. “Robb told me how talented you are, and I agree with him. Why aren’t you playing out there with the rest of the bands?”
“I don’t like big crowds.” Jon took another look outside. “And it’s hot out there.” You laughed once at his joke and quickly wrote it down.
“You’re funny, but you sing really serious music.”
“I prefer classic rock,” Jon told you. “I write my own music and preform that sometimes, but I want to be taken seriously.”
“You write your own music?”
“I do,” Jon’s hand massaged the back of his neck. “I don’t perform it that much. I don’t think it’s that good.”
“I heard you up there. I think you’re great!” You smiled at him. Jon seemed to be a gentle soul. You watched his smile grow on his face. A pint was placed in front of you. Robb sat down between you both.
“How’s it going?” Robb asked.
“You were right,” Jon spoke before you. “She’s really nice.” You sighed and looked at Robb. “You told him about me?”
“I did,” Robb shrugged. “I told him that a pretty nice girl was going to interview him today and he agreed to it.” Jon shook his head.
“No, you said that a very pretty and a very nice girl was going to interview me,” Jon corrected. Your eyes immediately watched Robb for his reaction. His eyes narrowed at his brother, but then softened towards you.
“You think I’m pretty?” you smugly smiled. Robb cleared his throat.
“Just interview him and you,” Robb pointed at Jon. “Don’t be stupid.” Without as much as a goodbye, Robb left the pub, leaving you and Jon alone.
“He thinks I’m pretty?” you asked Jon. Both of you started to laugh. Jon stopped laughing first and looked at you.
“He was right though. You are pretty. And nice. You are very nice,” Jon almost stumbled over his words. You couldn’t help but smile at him. The interview continued. You asked Jon more questions about him, his music, and who he would like to see win.
“Renly and Stag Knight,” Jon answered.
“Not yourself?” you asked, keeping the back of the pen near your mouth. Jon shook his head.
“No, I think Renly and his friends deserve it more. I just like doing music. I don’t need to win anything.” You felt your heart swell. Jon was so selfless that you wanted him to do nothing but hand puppies to other people. Because of course that’s a career that selfless people should do. Hand puppies to people and make them happy.
“Thank you, Jon.” You closed your notebook. “I got everything I need.”
“Good.” Jon watched you stand up from your spot and began speaking again. “Robb told me you’re new to town.”
“I am, yeah,” you nodded.
“Do you wanna stick around? Maybe have another pint? Couldn’t hurt to make more friends?” Jon’s fingers played with the pint glass in his hand. His smile was more genuine than any smile you’d ever seen. You glanced at your phone and sighed.
“I really wish I could, but I am on assignment. I need to write up this interview for the website,” you frowned at him. You wish you could spend more time with Jon. After interviewing him, you realized how much he loved music and only wanted to play it for people to listen, not to be popular.
“It’s alright. I understand. Working for my brother can be hard sometimes,” Jon led you to the door. “Just let me know if he’s a hardass on you, ok?”
You nodded. Before you could officially say goodbye to him, Jon unlocked his parked car on the curb.
“You’re gonna give me a ride?” you asked. “You just met me.”
“I know,” Jon continued. “My mother, well, Cat’s not really my mom, but she taught me to be polite always. Now, you could walk back to your office, or you can jump in here, avoid the heat, and get to your office faster.” The choice was obvious. You jumped in Jon’s car and he drove you a mere ten minutes back to the headquarters.
Once you sat at your desk and had your notes open, you realized you never left your number with Jon. He had been so kind to you and so genuine. You groaned loudly as your hands melted into your face. How could you be so stupid?
You sighed once more and started typing the article for The Scene website. There was one thing you could do for Jon. You could make him known and give him the recognition he really deserved. Halfway through the article you wrote another memo for yourself.
Give your damn number to guys who call you pretty and mean it.
Taglist:  @angelicshinigami @sugarwastaken @carilov09@disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @i-theredqueen @sleepylunarwolf@trashpandabarnes @loki-0fasgard @boltonblade  @affabletimelady
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