#Jules being annoying on main
tirednapentity · 23 hours
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my piece for @lunarbreeze313! I am. So incredibly sorry you had to wait this long. Many thanks to @ninjago-drabbles for organizing this exchange !!
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wildflowercryptid · 6 months
Hope its okay if I ask about your versions of Florian and Juliana, thanks ^ _ ^
- Are they siblings?
- What are both their personalities?
- Were they actually raised in Paldea? The MC's in the game are implied to originally be from Galar so I was just wondering that
- Which storylines from the game are each the of them the main character of?
I'm so sorry if I've missed out an info sheet on them hhhhghg
Thank u again!
oh, it’s more than okay to ask about them! i actually really like talking about my interpretations of the pokémon characters, but i just struggle to articulate my ideas a lot of the time. or forget to share them. i’ve been meaning to drop lore for these two so i’ll do that now!
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( putting the answers under a cut because i kinda ended up rambling. oops. )
are they siblings?
yes, they are! juliana is the older of the two, but they’re actually super close in age ( with jules not even being a year older than florian. ) because of that, they’re pretty close and sometimes get mistaken for twins. they still bicker and annoy each other like any other typical sibling relationship, but they respect each other a lot and consider each other their greatest confidant. their relationship kinda ends up paralleling carmine and kieran’s own dynamic as siblings, with juliana and florian seeing each other as equals while the same can’t really be said for carmine and kieran.
what are both of their personalities?
while they’re both pretty level-headed, juliana is definitely the more outgoing and confident of the two. florian is more of the reserved type, someone who typically keeps to himself and would much rather wait in the wings than be center stage, ( too bad he’s basically the major protagonist of the story. ) they’re both fairly friendly, but he struggles connecting with others more when compared to his sister. essentially, they’re kinda like a dialed-back version of mabel and dipper pines. florian generally is a very sweet and open-hearted kid who tries to see the best in others, which often leads to his kindness being taken advantage of and getting pushed around easily, ( i.e. carmine convincing him to keep the secret about ogerpon from kieran. ) because of that, juliana is a little protective of him and isn’t afraid to step in when he struggles to stand up for himself. and while she does like to be seen as reliable, that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t encourage florian to be more confident and advocate for himself more. he does end up growing more of a backbone during the timeskip, which makes her very proud. meanwhile, juliana is a lot more outspoken and doesn’t hold back when things need to be called out. she’s still just as compassionate as her brother and is extremely reliable, along with having a very strong moral compass. she definitely fills the cool, reliable older sister role pretty well.
were they actually raised in paldea?
they grew up in galar like what’s implied in canon, but the details are a little different. they’re actually paldean on their mother’s side, who was originally from cabo poco herself. their family decided to move from wyndon back to her hometown after their father lost his job at one of macro cosmos’s now defunct finance subsidiaries. luckily, he was able to land a new desk job in medali and now larry’s his boss. ( the two get along well, they talk about their kids during lunch breaks. )
which storylines from the game are each of them the main character of?
juliana takes on the victory road and starfell street storylines while florian tackles the path of legends and filling out the pokédex, with both of them coming together for the way home. initially, i conceptualized them as co-protagonists and they still kinda are… but florian has definitely taken on the role as primary protagonist with how much shit keeps on just happening to him. i would expand the specifics of how the path of legends plays out for florian and how his friendship with arven develops, but i’ve already rambled enough so i’ll try to talk about that in another post.
hope this answers all your questions and sorry if it's a little long, i've just gotten attached to these kids and have a lot to say about them.
if you have any other questions ( about the paldea kids or mjverse in general, ) please feel free to ask them! it might take me a sec to reply, but i'll try my best!
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grapebritain · 9 months
(to note, i haven't watched all of psych yet )
Like how i was speaking about in my last post, Shawn isn't just 'comfy in his sexuality' i don't think anyway. To me , it seems a lot more than that. Again, i could be projecting but I've seen a LOT of other people agree with the idea that Shawn spencer isn't 100 percent straight and i think ik why.
I think it's fine if straight guys make gay jokes ofc. ik i am technically bi myself, i do make a lot of gay jokes towards my friends and things and it is in no way romantically charged. Thing is, Shawn doesn't JUST make jokes in the show. sometimes he's 100 percent serious. To the viewer, the scene may be a joke, but the in world situation he isn't joking.
The main example i can think of is that one scene where Gus calls out the fact Shawn had a romantically charged dream about a fireman for example. Although it is, again a joke to us the viewer to giggle a little, you can see that Shawn starts getting very annoyed and serious about it , indicating that this dream he has was very likely a real thing that happened he didn't want Gus talking about everywhere which is just one of many questionable things i think that makes many viewers suspicious.
Also , bc i love me some Shassie, whenever Jules is romantically interested in someone else, Shawn starts acting a little bit flirtatious again towards Lassiter, like the episode where Gus is trapped in the bank he seems fairly glued to him most of the time when he can be.
I have nothing wrong at all with straight guys being comfy with their sexuality at all, but the way Shawn acts....idk there is something off with it that screams something else below the surface. I do think he likely has a female preference , bc obvs he is only ever seen dating women , but i don't think that makes him straight bc of it.
also just wanna add a final note that, i actually like how psych doesn't make sexuality the forefront of someone's personality for the most part, like Lassiter is pansexual but it isn't like....his ONLY trait, so i don't think i'd want the show 'more gay' or whatever. i just think it would be nice if they could confirm or smth that Shawn could be bi.
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eundiarys · 1 year
# THE WAY I LOVED YOU — short teaser
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⊹ pairing — choi yeonjun x fem! reader.
⊹ warnings — mentions of getting injured/broken leg, not proofread sorry your girl is lazy
⊹ extended summary — not being to get over your highschool ex even after he broke your heart is horrible. it’s understandable though, especially since he was your first everything. but yn has decided that it’s time to get out of her shell and date again! lucky for her, there’s a perfect candidate for that as her company’s president son is head heels for her. but what if it doesn’t work? what if she still longs for the way he loved her? and what happens if he feels the same?
⊹ genre — fluff, angst, crack, socmed, non idol! au, academic rivals, enemies to lovers, highschool au (flashback), opposites attract, second chance romance, exes to lovers, etc.
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you walk back and forth infront of the room as you hesitated to enter. of course, with beomgyu just staring and quietly judging.
you were currently In front of yeonjun's hospital room, clutching the chocolates and a flower and feeling slightly guilty and unsure of your purpose for being here.
oh right, you “accidentally” kicked the ball too hard that it somehow got to choi yeonjun — and now he has a broken leg.
“gyu, can’t i do this tomorrow?”
“you said that yesterday. and the day before. and you also said the same thing the day before yesterday!”
“pretty please?”
“nope. that won’t work on me! now go!” beomgyu gives you a gentle nudge before shutting the door.
fine. i’ll go in. it’s my fault anyway….
in all honesty, do you feel bad? yes.
but do you regret it doing it? absolutely not. he’s just an arrogant competitive asshole!
after hesitating, you finally knocked on the damn door.
you thought yeonjun was the one who responded with the barely audible "you can come in!", so you entered.
“yeonjun? it’s yn!" as you set your presents on the side table, you shout softly.
“oh? yn?” a sweet voice responded. when you turned around, you see yeonjun who is glaring at you like crazy, next to mrs. choi, who was smiling at you warmly.
you had a small conversation with mrs choi, but after about 10 minutes she excused herself and said she had to meet a friend.
leaving you alone, with the devil.
you sat down beside him.
you’re quite enjoying this silence. you don’t think he is though.
“so… i heard jeon si-ah confessed to you.” you finally broke the silence between you too.
i mean, you’re the one visiting him in his hospital room anyway. He doesn’t have to say anything, and you were the one who wanted to come without him asking. so you should totally be the conversation starter!
“is that the main reason you came to see me? If yes, please get out. I liked it better when you were not talking.” he answered, making it visibly clear that he’s annoyed.
“don’t think like that.. it’s because i feel bad for kicking the ball too hard and somehow it ended right on your leg!”
“you sure that wasn’t just on purpose…?”
“100% sure. now, will you answer my question?”
“you didn’t even ask me a question.”
“come on, don’t be stupid! What do you think about Si-ah?”
he stayed silent for awhile. “she’s pretty, i guess.”
“you guess? bro, what else do you want? she’s rich and so are you, she’s pretty, has such a charming personality and —”
“she’s not you.”
you kept quiet. “what?”
“she isn’t you.”
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NAVIGATE HERE! ‧₊˚ masterlist — next
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© eundiarys 2023
jules notes 📝 LOL what do we think ???? feedbacks are VERY appreciated!!! enemies to lovers yeonjun HEKAKDHKAJA 😫😫 edit : did i forget someone why does the taglist look diffrent
taglist one ( open ) — @zuyairus @ddenoudepression @sserafimez @ox1-lovesick @reverbtunes @vernonweb @flwoie @ja4hyvn @xiaoderrrr @galaxyhalloes @j4y-lvr @taegyuul @trsrina @fairyytyunn @r7yu @taekwondoes @nshimura @pleasetellmenow @soobin-chois @jinsquishes @sakuzleaves @bomugf @ox1-lovesick @eulris @bunnystrm @haknom @txtbrainrot @bluebearybeom @cherriegyu @snowfalltxt @boba-beom @ihrtjun @hyeinszn
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mzannthropy · 9 months
“It’s really disgusting that Doss’ crazy adventures should have turned out like this. It makes one feel that there is no use in behaving properly."
I kinda see Olive's point here... oh dear, am I gonna be controversial again?
So, the way I see this book is that the real villain is not any person, but the clan's customs and traditions. I think all the members perform to some extent, but I don't think they're really bad people as a whole (I maintain that Uncle James is an abuser and Mrs Frederick ofc is an emotional manipulator with her silent treatment, though she's not a Stirling by birth, the rest are mostly boring or pompous or annoying, but nothing terrible). And I think Olive also performs, maybe more than the others, playing the role of the golden daughter, the perfect girl. The only other time we get Olive's POV, aside from this letter, is in the chapter when Barney is getting gas from Uncle Wellington while Olive's in the car. We learn that her fiance worries over insanity running in the family, and then she has an idea:
Wouldn’t it be splendid if she could induce the prodigal daughter to return?
She doesn't care about Valancy, she just wants to score points the the clan. Olive has followed all the rules correctly--yet Valancy, who has shamelessly broken them, gets to bag a Redfern heir and thus gains respect of the clan.
Natalie Lue talks a lot about performing and people pleasing on her Baggage Reclaim podcast and blog (which she doesn't update anymore, but there's plenty of material to read/listen to), I have previously shared an episode where she talked about the dark side of people pleasing--meaning that if you people please all your life, one day you're just gonna snap. It's essentially what happened with Valancy.
“I’ve been trying to please other people all my life and failed,” she said. “After this I shall please myself.
It's like that meme "are you tired of being nice, don't you just want to go apeshit?" I hope Olive and Cecil will be happy together, but it would also be interesting to see Olive, too, go apeshit.
Also, I have just remembered Clarissa Mao from the TV series The Expanse. She also did her best to be the perfect daughter of Jules-Pierre Mao (the Big Bad of the show), who favoured her rebellious younger sister Julie. One day it becomes too much and she goes berserk, trying to kill the main hero of the show. I really liked her character, though I never finished the show (maybe I'll go back to it).
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kibellah · 18 days
jules!!! 😈💗💖💗
i would absolutely love to learn about your bg3 oc & the choices they made throughout the story 💗🔥💗
idk too much about fallen hero but your character sounds so fucking epic 🥹
NAOMI 🫶💞💞🫶💞🫶
aahhh THANK YOUUUU <3 she is live laugh and loving her way through life!
����🏻 but let’s explore my beloved durge, florence 😈
she’s a red draconic sorcerer (everyone say thank you daddy bhaal for the magic)! her main party is shadowheart, astarion, and lae’zel.  florence and astarion were both guzzling down tadpoles the whole game, and shadowheart even joined in on the fun a little
 with her memory loss situation, she chalks it up to being cursed. so she decides good deeds = memory comes back. so she does all the "good" decisions in act 1, saving the grove, siding w the myconids, etc
she also sleeps with lae’zel and then at the party, she sleeps with astarion after he propositions her (she makes him say please first tho don’t worry). sex and romance weren’t really on her priority list, but she figures it doesn't hurt to have some people on her side in case she murders someone else LMAO
act 2 she's bit pissed that the curse hasn't been lifted yet but maybe murdering alfira in cold blood was a setback on the good deeds list, so gotta press on! 
when sceleritas visits her again in act 2 and tells her to kill isobel, florence is like wtffff. But then eureka💡. this must be the defining moment for her curse. she just has to not kill isobel and lift the shadow curse, then her own curse will be lifted
astarion and her make the deal with raphael to kill yurgir and so then astarion and her become official. so love wins (for now)
When shadowheart spares aylin and lae'zel turns against vlaakith, she’s like wow going against your god is so brave and awesome <- not going to get any kind of lesson from that
so act 3, and the bhaalspawn revelation, florence kinda goes into a tailspin but she did NOT see that coming at all. so she decides to avoid thinking about it and talking about it. She allies with gortash, blows up raphael with the runepowder bomb in the house of hope(rip)
ascends astarion bc well. powerful bf + killing 7k people at once? obviously bhaal would be proud (i like to think bhaal started playing i bet on losing dogs here and began to ponder why his spawn were all so fucking moronic) so astarion ascends and florence reluctantly agrees to become his spawn. bc it does sound kinda cool….but then he tells her to get on her knees and she breaks up with him (she can excuse sacrificing 7k people but she draws the line at getting on her knees). i hc they continue to have a weird on and off again thing that annoys everyone else at camp
she embraces bhaal bc she doesn't have much else going on and also she's terrified to say no. rip jaheria and minsc <3
and of course at the defining moment at the netherbrain, she realizes that she can't go through with this killing everyone business😭😭so she destroys the brain. at the docks, she takes her own life so she doesn't have to deal with bhaal's punishment
fly high florence🕊️ astarion will be exploiting your memory for centuries i'm sure
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monsterrae1 · 8 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
Thanks for the tag! @exhuastedpigeon
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
702,474 💀
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Buddie and sterek atm; but i have an outline for an andreil fic I promised to April and a Jo/Jules fic I also need to figure out for her
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Till now I always got by on my own (I never really cared until I met you)
You’re not my homeland anymore (so, what I defending now)
You’re on your own kid (you always have been)
Mark me like a bloodstain
Suddenly thunder and everything’s changed
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I just think it’s nice to give thanks back to people who read my fics 🖤
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I would say “I should go and find myself (before I ruin someone else)” because while the main Buck/Eddie had a happy ending, other Eddie was left all alone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Mm probably “break my heart (or bring it back to life)”? Idk it’s the one that came to mind
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? Mostly annoying comments here and there but I wouldn’t say hate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, I’m pretty meh with my smut, nothing too exciting. Except for the monsterfucking 😌
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! My very first buddie fic got translated to Russian, and currently Till now is being translated to French.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, but April and I keep talking about collabing.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Sterek, the brainrot is just as strong as it was 10 years ago 😂
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My stucky gifted AU 🪦
16. What are your writing strengths?
Emotional scenes I think? Bringing emotions to the page
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fucking dialogue
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If it makes sense for the characters, sure why not
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Jonas brothers 😂
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
You can’t make me choose (it’s till now)
Tagging if they wanna do this @adiazhalloween @loserdiaz @hoodie-buck @buddierights @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @heartshapedvows @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @elvensorceress @the-likesofus @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @shortsighted-owl @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @jesuisici33 @folk-fae @underwater-ninja-13 @honestlydarkprincess @bigfootsmom @giddyupbuck and whoever else wants to do this!
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lostfirefly · 5 months
You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me (Ch.8)
Hello, kiddos! The idea for this fanfic came to me from a dream (again) I had about a month ago. Тhe main characters were T. Cruise & H.Cavill (don't ask me why), but with a light hand they have been replaced. The main action of the dream took place somewhere in the sands. Аlthough this fanfic will feature Sir Crocodile and our beloved Buggy, the action shifts to the desert. No marines, ships etc. The devil fruit's abilities are preserved. Catch the Mummy and Indiana Jones vibes :) Different titles and names from the original source material will be used to emphasise the general OP's vibe.
Since English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) 
And thank you to my dear @yujo-nishimura and @laurasoretta for believing in me :)
Description: Catherine, a librarian who is searching for the trail of her sister who went missing on an expedition. Notes in books and diaries lead her to Cairo. There she finds a retailer from an artifact shop who, in exchange for selling her a map and equipment, insists that Catherine take her along. They get into a little (or maybe a big) adventure.. 
Warnings: Catherine is still angry about the phrase Buggy said in Ch. 7 (he's a vulnerable idiot). That's why she can be a little annoying. F words. Croco x OC are two assholes. Adventures and fun are still here. Buggy x OC, Sir Crocodile x OC. Hope you enjoy it!
Words: 3262 (omg!)
The title is taken from «You've Got the Same Dream as Me» (Sonya Belousova & Giona Ostinelli) (One Piece, Netflix)
Taglist: @gingernut1314
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• Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
"Oh, hi, sister!"
"Oh, hi, sister? Jules, are you fucking kidding me? You’ve been missing for almost two months, I come looking for you, and all you can say is, "oh, hi, sister"? Catherine could hardly contain her anger and slowly approached Jules. "What are you doing here? And why are you with the beehive?"
"Well, after breaking up with Pete, I decided to go on an expedition to clear my head.. There I met a man with a funny haircut in the shape of a three. He offered me an interesting case and good money. And this nice man is his boss", brown-haired girl said with a smile. 
"Oh, God! Could you please shut up?" Rika said with annoyance. She walked up to Jules and pushed her towards Catherine. "Welcome to the team of misfits."
"Heeey", Jules squealed.
"All right, ladies and the clown. Enough of this chit-chat and all this drama. Now you put your brains together, if you have them, read your maps, your diaries, and tell us where we're going next." 
Crocodile approached Rika. 
"You've done a great job, my love. Look and learn, clown, what kind of woman you should choose", Crocodile said with a sneer and kissed Rika again eagerly.
"Thank you! But I want to remind you that you hurt me at that old man's house," Rika returned the kiss. 
"It's still ew", Catherine said with disgust.
"Oh, fuck! You've tired me out this week," Rika stopped kissing Crocodile, approached Catherine and grabbed her shoulder. "You know how many times I wanted to punch you in your pretty face, so you'd finally shut up. Now be a good girl, go back to your loser's place and do what you've just been told."
"And when did you have time to contact Crocodile, Rika?" Buggy asked, taking Catherine’s hand and leading her behind him.
"About a month ago, why? Do you feel bad about me not being with you or something? No, thanks. I found the real man."
"Hell, please, no. Just curious. I don't understand why you need me."
"Oh, are you trying to sneak out, my clown boy? Well, somebody had to get us in here. Crocodile doesn’t know the exact way, and you've been here before, albeit from the other side, and you have our box. Plus, I knew you'd fall for the treasure and, obviously, the girl. So. Sorry, buddy."
"Will someone tell me what's going on here?" suddenly asked Jules and glanced at Buggy, "and who are you?"
"They are," Catherine pointed at Crocodile and Rika, "two bastards. And that brown-haired bitch I met at the airport. She gave me a flight ticket. And he..."
"What do you mean, she gave you the ticket?" Buggy interrupted Catherine and looked at her in surprise. "Did you just take the fucking ticket out of that girl's hand? Did you really think a random stranger would just give it to you?"
"Well...," she looked at him with round eyes and shrugged.
"God, you're even dumber than I am," he rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Oh, yeah! And this is coming from the 'I don't need a plan' person," Catherine mocked Buggy, standing behind his back.
"That's enough!" Crocodile stepped closer to them. "Listen, clown. Please tell your girl and her sister to tell us where we need to go. Otherwise…"
He grabbed Jules with his hook.
"Okay, okay!" Catherine said, "I'll do what you want. Just don't touch her". 
"Catherine, don't!" Buggy hissed.
"I’m not gonna let some guy with the hook hurt my sister or you," - she said in a whisper and blushed slightly. "Come on, Jules. Let's take a look at the map". 
"Good girls. Laura, honey, stand next to that fucking clown. He's got powers and he could easily make a run for it," Crocodile sat on the floor and lit a cigar. 
"As you wish, boss."
Catherine and Jules sat on the cold rocks, shining flashlights on the map and diary entries. A light breeze walked through the space. They spent a long time going over the pages with their hands.
"Look," Catherine pointed to the coordinates in the diary. "We were here, here, and here. I think we're here now, right? The map’s drawn the path."
"First of all, I'm shocked at what's happening. What's going on? Second of all, what do you mean, the map's drawn a path? And third," Jules smiled wryly, "who's that guy with the red nose?"
"Fuck! I'm begging you, let's first get out of this fucking cave or wherever we are now. This is all your fault. If you hadn't disappeared, I wouldn't have come here and I'd be sitting at home with coffee right now, and everything would be fine." 
"Hey, I apologize for interrupting your family drama, but did you find anything?" Buggy squatted down next to them.
"Not yet. Why are you asking? Oh, you're worried you're gonna miss out on the treasure now? And then you can't get a girl for one night at the bar?" Catherine mumbled, turning the pages.
"Why are you so mad?" he asked in surprise.
"I'm not... I don't care about you and your late-sex life, actually. You could go out and fuck every girl in town in one night."
"Oh, wow, right to the heart!" he exclaimed in a mocking tone, but he changed it quickly. "Hey, listen. About what I said.. I want to ap--"
"How much longer are you going to suffer bullshit?" Crocodile asked with annoyance. "Any news?"
"Don't yell at me, the beehive! No upd.. Uh, wait. Buggy, hold the flashlight, please", Catherine ran her hand over the sheets and mumbled something to herself. "Hey, the hook man. Do you have the book with you?"
"Of course. Laura, give it to her," Crocodile said with a low voice.
Laura went to the bag, pulled out the book and handed it to Catherine. 
"Thank you, bitch," Catherine barked.
Reconciling the entries in the book and in her diary, Catherine continued to mutter something to herself and surveyed the space. She ran the fingers of one hand over the pages, the other hand drawing some shapes in the air. 
"What is she doing?" Jules asked Buggy with a whisper.
"I have no idea, I thought you knew. She’s your sister."
Rika and Crocodile watched Catherine's strange movements intently. 
"I got it!" - Catherine jumped up abruptly, grabbing the book and diaries and walked quickly forward. "Jules, look at the map. Are there any changes now?"
"I see nothing," Jules said, looking closely at the map. 
"Honey, you'd better tell us where to go next," Crocodile walked over to Catherine and took her firmly by the neck.
"Hey, let her go," Buggy walked over to Crocodile.
"Or what? All right, I can't cut you. But I can cut her. I can cut her sister. Or kill. You're not in a very good position right now, clown. So, save your heroics for some petty squabbling amongst lowlifes like you."
"You can threaten me as much as you want, I don't give a shit about it. But if you lay one finger or your hook on either of them…"
"Then what? Are you gonna kill me?" at that moment, Crocodile's hand began to turn to sand.
"Stop! Please!" Catherine took Buggy's hand and gave him a hard look. "It's okay. I’m fine. Anyway, the beehive, I have bad news for you. The map is useless now until we get out of here. It only points the way in daylight and, as I understand it, in direct sunlight. So, we'll follow the path where the road is drawn now, and if there's nothing further, we'll go blind."
Rika came over to Jules and looked at the map.
"I hate to break it to you, my love, but that bitch is right. So far, the path's partially drawn. I don't know why the fucking thing didn't draw it all the way through. You're not so stupid, are you, Catherine?"
Catherine rolled her eyes and started packing.
"What was that? His hand turned to sand. And what does that big man mean when he said he can't cut that guy?" she asked with horror in her voice.
"Ah, it's a side effect of the devil fruit," Catherine waved her hand, "I'll tell you later."
They walked along the winding rocky paths for over an hour, lighting the way with torches. The wind continued to blow through the cave, bringing smells of damp and rot. 
"God, I don't want to die in a cave and lie here like some pharaoh", Jules muttered to herself, shifting her feet heavily, "And at first that man with the hook seemed so nice."
"Bastards always seem nice at first. Don't they, Buggy?" Catherine cast a glance at the clown and adjusted her bag.
"If you have a problem with me, cotton candy, just say so," he said in a surprisingly calm tone.
"I don't have a problem with you, and I don't want to talk to you," she snapped.
Jules looked at them questioningly. 
"But you keep doing it, Cathie-pie", he said with a slight irony in his voice. "One minute you're mad at me, and the next..."
"Shut up, please, I hate you," she interrupted him with a quiet growl. "Shit, if you knew how much you piss me off, silly clown, I'd.... Ouch!"
Catherine didn't realize she'd hit a stone wall. 
"What the hell?" she touched the space in front of her. 
"Are you okay?" Buggy put his hand on her back.
"What? Yeah, I'm fine... But..."
"What happened?" Crocodile's voice came from behind her. "Where are we?"
"I don't know...," Catherine shone the torch on the wall. "We couldn't have lost our way. We could have taken a wrong turn… in theory... There are a million paths."
"We could have taken a wrong turn, huh? Are you kidding me?" Rika took two big steps and grabbed Catherine's arm. "I swear to God, I'll rip your head off if you take us down the wrong path."
"Get your crocodile hands off me!" Catherine tried to throw off Rika’s hand. "We're in a bloody ancient cave in the middle of Egypt. You think there's only one way in a cave like this? I’m really sorry that it's not lit up like a fucking highway. Just give me a minute. Jules, the map!"
Rika let go of Сatherine's hand and continued to stand by her side.
"That's why I love you, baby. For your temper," Crocodile walked over to Rika and put his arm around her waist. 
"It’s still ew, by the way," Catherine snorted and stared at the map. "Jules, the diary! Buggy, please, hold the torch. One more riddle is written here..."
Check the wall, and touch the floor, 
It can help to open the door. 
You'll be helped by a pillar of fire.
Just take it up a notch higher.
"And what does it mean?" Crocodile asked. 
"Well, you're supposed to be the smartest guy here, so think about it", Catherine said mockingly.
"I'm sick of you!" Crocodile hissed. "Laura, I think our redheaded smarty-pants is a little out of touch. Maybe a gun would help. Will you please point that pretty thing at her little sister?" 
Laura took out a gun, cocked the slide and put it to Jules' temple. 
"You’re truly a piece of shit," Catherine whispered. "If the four of you want to get to the treasure, shooting somewhere in the dungeon is not recommended. You'll turn to sand and escape, the clown will fall to pieces and escape too, and the four of us will be crushed by something heavy. No offense, but that's not how I pictured my demise."
"Very funny, yes," Crocodile grinned. "Now go to your blue-haired friend and open the door."
"Check the wall, and touch the floor.. a pillar of fire. Jules, Buggy, obviously, we need to check the walls and floor with the torch or the flashlight, there must be some clues there," Catherine said this with undisguised admiration. 
"I think you're beginning to like this whole treasure hunting thing," Buggy said with a grin.
"No, I just want to go home and be away from you," Catherine tried to sound serious. 
With the torch, Jules and Buggy lit every millimetre of the wall. Catherine sat on her knees and ran her hands over the floor. 
“You know, Crocodile, I know you're kind of mafia, but maybe you could help. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner you can get your gold”, Catherine said, probing the stone tiles in the darkness. “Check those rocks you're standing on, please.”
Crocodile snorted. Rika nodded her head slightly and they began to check the floor beneath them. 
"There are some drawings here," Rika said.
"Yeah, and there are some on the wall, too," Jules mumbled. 
Catherine sat down on the stone floor, Crocodile sat next to her. They both stared at the book. Rika and Buggy watched them both warily.
"Look, the hook, you see, one of the slabs in the book is marked with a sign. That's how the ancient Egyptians labelled something like a button, if I'm not mistaken."
"Buttons? To what?" Crocodile looked at Catherine questioningly.
"I don't know. Maybe it's your treasure behind the door, maybe it's sarcophagi with mummies or a bunch of man-eating scarabs. But you see, there's a drawing here. It's a diagram. We have to click on the pictures on the wall and the floor in the right order, I guess... But we need to find some kind of lever that activates it all."
"And if we press in the wrong order, then what?" Crocodile asked in a quiet voice.  
"Well, then we have a good chance of turning into mummies, and in a few hundred years local kids will be scared with scary stories about us." Catherine said, barely containing a nervous laugh. "Yes, I've always dreamed of dying next to the sandman and the clown."
Crocodile stood up and offered Catherine his hand. 
"Thanks, I guess," she said with surprise in her voice. "Okay, guys, we need to find a lever, a big button or something..."
Catherine and Crocodile continued to look at the book and diary while Laura, Rika, Buggy and Jules were exanimating the walls and floor. 
"People, there's another sign here," Laura said, lighting an obscure symbol with her torch.
"Wait, that's...," Catherine sat down next to her, "it's Seth's sign."
"How is Seth?" Crocodile asked.
"God, сome on! You're in Egypt. It's an Egyptian god."
"Then what do these symbols mean?" Jules' voice came from the wall. 
Catherine approached her. 
"Jules, sister, hold the book. Buggy, hold the torch and the diary," she began to run her hands over the wall and the pages again, muttering something to herself. 
"Anything?" Rika asked, coming up behind her. 
"Wait a minute, wait a minute, don't distract me," Catherine waved her hand away. "Guys, I get it. Look, these aren't just symbols. It's a puzzle. But not just a puzzle, a puzzle of myth. And a note that says "Beware of Seth".
"What myth?" Buggy asked in surprise.
"Osiris and Isis," Catherine said affirmatively.
"And what's it about?" Laura asked and Rika said together.
"Come on! Seth killed Osiris, Isis' husband, chopped him up and hid him in different places. Buggy, by the way, if you bother me, I'll do the same to you," she said with a slight smile.
"I'm sorry, what?" he raised his eyebrows. 
"Isis went in search of her husband's parts. The symbols on the wall and floor match the ones in the book. And if you look in the diary, you'll know in what order to press the buttons." 
"But what does this have to do with Seth?" Laura asked. "You know, I don't know much about all these Egyptian myths, but it seems to me that if something is mentioned in the text, you should take it into account." 
"Seth is the god of storms and deserts, that doesn't make sense," Jules said.
"But he was also considered the god of deception," Catherine whispered. "We need to press these slabs in reverse order. We have to find the lever and then start this infernal mythological machine." 
"There's something like a wheel in here, but to be honest, I don't really want to touch it," Jules said with excitement in her voice, pointing to a small object. 
Crocodile and Buggy approached the wheel. Turning it a few times they both looked round.
"And now what?" Crocodile asked.
Catherine looked at the book and started pointing with her hand. 
"Now we have to press the slabs in reverse order, that's what Laura, you over here, Jules, you over here, Rika, you on that slab, you two stand over there at those two slabs closer together. Just in case there's a door, of course."
She sat down on the ground, put the book next to her, and started rambling again. 
-Feet.. Arms... Body... Arms... Legs. Okay, first brown-haired bitch Rika. Then Jules. No, no, no, no.. first Laura. Then Rika. Then Jules. Then beehive. Then Buggy."
In that order, everyone pressed the slabs. 
"And what? Nothing happens. Are you sure you got it right?" Buggy asked with a distinct annoyance in his voice. 
"I-I.. I don't know, I hope so."
"If you decided to trick us...," Rika moved with a quick step towards Catherine.
Suddenly they heard a strange noise and the floor started to wobble. 
"Please tell me it was you who ran so hard," Catherine said with fear in her voice, getting up from the floor. "Oh-oh, that's not good." 
Slowly the walls began to fall down. The floor began to move more and more. 
"What's with the door?" Rika shouted.
"It won't open," Jules hit the wall with her hand. 
"Oh-oh, that's too bad!" Catherine looked around, dazed with shock. 
"Are you sure you read it right?" shouted Crocodile.
"Do you really have to ask that now?" Catherine yelled back. 
The heavy stone door began to open slowly. Crocodile and Buggy tried to pull it to move it, but to no avail.
"Yes! Yes! It's opening!! Hurry!" Jules took Laura's hand, and they slipped through the narrow passage.
"Catherine, hurry!" Rika grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the door. 
The floor began to slowly collapse. From the bottom of the cave came the muffled sounds of stone hitting stone. Catherine noticed the book that had been left on the floor.
"The book!" she broke free of Rika's grip and ran to get it. 
"Rika!" Crocodile turned into sand and picked Rika up. 
"Oh, Catherine, this was a bad idea. That's the dumbest idea ever," she muttered to herself as she watched the floor fall down in bigger and bigger chunks. 
Suddenly, she felt someone pick her up and book.
"You will be the death of me, cotton candy!" Buggy's flying torso threw her on his shoulder and carried her to the door. 
"Damn you and your chop chop abilities," she said, exhaling as she watched the remnants of the floor fall into the abyss of the cave. 
As soon as everyone was behind the door, it closed. 
"Is everyone alive?" Rika asked, lighting a torch from the wall.
"I think so," Laura and Jules squeaked in unison somewhere. 
Buggy lowered Catherine to the ground and put his body back on his feet. She looked around.
"Well. I have two bits of news. One, we're all alive. The second is that the way back is cut off".
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iiyarada · 7 months
Hi to the 3 Kurt Stachler fans that exist I wrote an extremely unprofessional “essay” (word-vomit) on him and his character and am finally posting it for all to see.
Read it HERE!!! Under the cut
Kurt Stachler is an extremely important yet extremely underutilized character in Kaze to Ki no Uta. His main purpose in the series is to be the comedic relief, as Kazeki is a very serious and heartbreaking manga. There's no harm in having a character used for comedic relief, but with Kurt's writing, and the importance he has in the series, having him solely be the "funny guy" causes him to fall short, as Keiko never expands upon him as a character and keeps him as comedy even after he plays one of the single most pivotal roles. The other minor characters, such as Carl, Pascale, Rosemarine and even Jules all get mini-arcs expanding upon their characters and motivations, the exceptions being Kurt and Nekka, and while both characters had their potential, I will be focusing on Kurt. Part of me believes that Kurt was boiled down to such a 1-dimensional is due to his size. Kurt is drawn to be a bit bigger than the other characters, who are all drawn in your typical thin anime body type. Even then, Kurt's body type fluctuates as the series goes on to make him look thinner than originally intended. The main reason I think this way is due to:
The Funny Fat Friend Trope.
The Fat Best Friend trope is a (annoying) common trope in media where the main character, in this case Serge, has a friend who is not conventionally skinny that only exists for the sole reason to be funny for the main character. They are a sidekick and oftentimes not fleshed out. Kurt 100% fits into this trope, but breaks away from it in certain scenes when he becomes relevant to the plot. However, when he is relevant, he is drawn thinner in certain scenes.
As I said before, there is nothing wrong with having a character written in to be comedic relief. Nor do I believe that the "fat funny friend" trope is bad in every piece of media , for example in certain medias that focus on satirical comedy where EVERY character is a stereotype can utilize this trope to where it doesn't come off as hurtful, the main difference there being that in these comedies - as mentioned before - EVERY character is based off something trope-y, no one is singled out. Kaze to Ki no Uta is NOT a comedy, and that's where the series falls short with handling Kurt. Having characters that are the comedic relief AND have issues is not impossible to write and having a funny person have issues doesn't make them less funny, but instead, makes them more human.
But what ARE some of Kurt's "issues" if any? He's impulsive and easily irritable, he struggles with jealousy (he is even called out for it at one point) and seemingly has some sort of issue with attachment and abandonment. There are all of these character points that are brushed off to the side or are treated as some sort of joke due to the fact Kurt HAS to be "the funny one." There's no chance for him to be explored on a deeper level because of the preconceived notion that the funny guys can't have struggles. Normally, this would not be a huge issue, as he IS a side character, but as mentioned before, Carl and Pascale are fleshed out and explored on a deeper level. Pascale is a wonderful example how a character can be funny and have deep-rooted flaws and issues, yet Kurt remains the one who "can't have issues."
Aside from his issues, Kurt has his personality strengths as well, which are ALSO under-explored due to the aforementioned FFF trope. Kurt is a very determined person when it comes to maintaining friendships, he's not one to leave someone alone. Even after he had his fight with Serge, he came back to check on him after learning he was hurt despite being upset with him. He's protective and is someone who doesn't go back on promises he's made (said by himself) Hell, being funny in times of struggle can ALSO be one of his strengths, IF it was balanced out with the rest of his writing.
In this section I will be expanding upon WHY Kurt plays an important role in the series and without him, some of the most important events could not have been possible.
In the beginning of the series Kurt holds disdain toward Gilbert but loves spending time with Serge, which is conflicting for him. His friend is important to him, but his homophobic ass does NOT like Gilbert, but as mentioned before, Kurt isn't the type of person to drop someone over him not liking someone else. He stays friends with Serge and in turn, begins warming up to Gilbert, and is even implied to have a small crush on him (see Kurt 119). BUT EVEN BEFORE THAT, even WITH his hatred of Gilbert, he was never one to go out of his way to attack Gilbert. During the scene where Jack (NOT Jack Dren, different Jack) is trying to force Gilbert to stick his hand in the fire, Kurt is one of the people who is AGAINST Jack bullying him. No, Kurt doesn't like Gilbert, but he doesn't want him to get hurt at the hands of others either. **Keep in mind that at this point in the series, Kurt had NO IDEA why Gilbert acted the way he did. He only knew that Gilbert seduced lots of people.
The ONE TIME where Kurt attacks Gilbert is during the Arles arc when Serge says he's going to leave to go back to Gilbert. Kurt gets upset and claim that Serge is "crazy about that dirty f-ggot!" Which results in the two physically fighting and Kurt walking off with Nekka out of anger.
In this time, nothing between Serge and Gilbert had been made official. Serge still wasn't even sure how he felt about Gilbert until AFTER Kurt suggested him being in love with Gilbert, which I assume was a joke made by Kurt (literally the 1880s equivalent of calling your friends gay as a joke). To Kurt, Serge is just simply friends with both him AND Gilbert. Serge had agreed to go to Arles with them, Gilbert was invited but declined. To Kurt, this was time to spend with a new friend and this wouldn't have changed much if Gilbert was there or not, either way, they were hanging out together. After Serge said he was going to leave Arles to find Gilbert, Kurt takes this as Serge playing favorites. Gilbert HAD the option to go with them, but he CHOSE not to, and now Serge was choosing Gilbert over the people he already agreed to spend time with. Kurt had already been established as a bit jealous, and this hurt him!!! The reason Kurt even called Gilbert a "dirty f-ggot" was him lashing out due to his own jealousy and hurt feelings, no it's not something to condone, but at the same time he's a 14 year old who believes that one of his friends just indirectly said Gilbert was more worth Serge's time, that hurts!! Kurt had NO IDEA Serge's feelings towards Gilbert, if Kurt was given the context and DID know about his feelings, I truly believe the Arles fight would not have happened at all.
After the fight in Arles there's a brief scene where Kurt and Serge glare at each other before walking away, where you can see that Kurt is eating one singular apple. Dude please eat something more, but other than that, this scene isn't relevant. I just want him to eat a Happy Meal or something.
At one point, during the time Kurt and Serge aren't talking, Serge ends up getting hurt and is bedridden for a bit. In this time, even while Kurt is supposedly mad at him, he takes his time Serge to make sure he's okay. He's NOT that petty and still sees Serge as a friend even after he was hurt.
After the Arles Fight, Kurt isn't relevant for a while, but he is shown to have warmed up to Gilbert. His disdain is shown less and less and he's seen more with the friend group where Gilbert IS included. He makes jokes and spends time with his friends and this time Gilbert is included in the antics. Gilbert isn't 100% sold on spending time with everyone, so these scenes are brief but it's important to note that Kurt and Gilbert's relationship is NOT as rocky as before, AND his relationship with Serge is back to normal. They're friends again!!
It's volume 11 where Kurt gains relevance again. Gilbert is beginning to spend more time with the group and the rest of the group is also trying to make him feel more included. Overall, their friendship goes from disdain to good friends very smoothly and naturally while also being something happy!! Which. Lord knows Gilbert needs some happiness.
The entire deal with Adam in a nutshell is that he wants to hurt Serge, Gilbert uses his body to prevent this from happening. At first this entire ordeal is a secret, then somehow Serge learns the reality of the situation and want to do whatever he can to stop this. The plan is for the pair to run away somewhere away from Adam and Lacomblade for good. Adam hate club.
NO ONE is happy about Adam and in this arc. NO ONE. Though when Kurt learns that Serge wants his help with running away, he's hesitant because Gilbert is used to running away without being punished, but if Kurt was found out, he WOULD be punished, and he wasn't interested in that. That is, until, Serge explains WHY they want to run away and Kurt ends up changing his mind. He loves his friends and hates seeing them hurt, he wants this to escape even if it means he wasn't going to see them again.
THE FIRST PART OF THE PLAN, Kurt comes up with the idea that he'll take Serge's place during roll call in the morning so that Serge can go get phase 1 of the runaway complete (i forgot what it was, but oh well this is about kurt). According to Kurt and Serge, they have similar voices, he could say "here" for Serge behind the door so it appeared as if he was present, THIS ALSO MEANS Kurt was taking the fall at his own attendance expense. This SMALL detail is just another subtle way of showing how deeply Kurt cares for his friends and the lengths he's willing to go for them.
After phase 1, there's a break in the plan where we get MORE HAPPY CONTENT!!! A lot of the Kurt moments are very slice-of-lifey. He mentions missing Serge's stories and jokingly fights with Pascale. Everyone celebrates Gilbert's birthday and Kurt even gets him a frog as a gift since Gilbert mentioned liking animals. It's very cutesy and fun and is a nice way to show the friendship dynamic between the side characters.
Now, during the entire Escape Plan Arc, Kurt acts as a self proclaimed "bodyguard" to Serge and Gilbert whenever he's around. He makes it a point to stay with them as long as he can so that, if something happens, he'll be there. When Serge gets his arm hurt by Adam and is then subsequently insulted, Kurt is FUCKING PISSED and his first thought is to immediately to physically fight the guy (he doesn't but i digress). The Adam Arc is where Kazeki REALLY shows how much he loves his friends and how much he's willing to do to protect them, even if his protectiveness is shown in a comedic way (see Kurt 222). There's even a point where he's "put in charge" of Gilbert, bringing him to class, making sure he's okay, things like that.
THE SECOND PART OF THE PLAN. The actual escape plan route needs to be scoped out and Kurt volunteers to do this. He does this by literally going through the fucking sewer to find places that will be out of sight from the watchful eye of Rosemarine. Holy shit the dedication.
Remember how he was put in charge of Gilbert? Yeah. Well, he forgets his Bible in his room at one point and has to go back and get it, and in those moments where Kurt was gone, Adam got to Gilbert again. Which FIRST OF ALL, I'm killing Adam. BUT SECOND OF ALL, this shows how much of a threat this little shit was being. Adam was still willing to be gross with Serge around, but he never got close when Kurt was around. Kurt was ready to KILL.
Speaking of kill, he really IS willing to do so after he learns what happened with Adam while he was gone getting his Bible (see Kurt 237). He's absolutely PISSED OFF. I think this is a big moment as it shows just how much Kurts feelings have changed towards Gilbert. He went from someone who held disdain towards Gilbert but ultimately remained a disapproving bystander when he was being mistreated, to a friend who was willing to threaten anyone who hurt not just Gilbert, but ANY of his friends, even if that means putting himself at risk.
He's not JUST the guy willing to beat people up. He shows kindness through other ways, he makes tea, he continuously checks up on Serge and Gilbert, he plays games with them, he's both parts angry at what's happening while keeping a gentle composure around the victims of the situation.
THE THIRD PART OF THE PLAN. The carriage. Perhaps the single most important thing needed for Serge and Gilbert's escape, and who's behind it all? Kurt. He scopes out specific people that might have connections to carriage agencies and talks to them in secret, which is very risky. Any of these people he was talking to could rat Kurt out at any moment, and one of them actually DOES rat him out to Rosemarine, but LUCKILY AT THIS POINT, Rosemarine had HIS OWN change of heart and decided to keep the news for himself. That aside, they get the carriage delivered, Kurt fucking SUCCEEDED!!!!
And finally, THE FOURTH PART OF THE PLAN. The actual escape. During the escape, Rosemarine shows up to give Gilbert and Serge some money for Paris, of course, no one aside from Serge knows this. EVERYONE that was in on the plan assumes that the whole thing is a bust due to Rosemarine interfering. It's at this point Nekka pulls back on the plan and exits stage left, which upsets Kurt a lot since him and Nekka are good friends-in fact, this is the first time Nekka and Kurt willingly separated from one another-but he is also good friends with Serge and Gilbert. To Kurt, he thinks Nekka is being a coward, ESPECIALLY since he knew everything about Adam, but he let's Nekka go anyway. Pascale offers to take the fall, but Kurt refuses, saying he's not going anywhere and if Pascale is getting in trouble, he's getting in trouble too. They don't end up getting in trouble since Rosemarine was on their side, but on the chance that he wasn't, Kurt was still willing to stand firm in his position and actions in the escape plan.
This is the last we see of Kurt for the rest of the series aside from in Serge's flashbacks, and I think, while his last scene is a bit silly (See Kurt 262) it's impactful, and his last moment is him stating that he's not one to go back on promises he's made. His growth from a bystander to a good friend who's willing to risk his own safety for someone he used to call an enemy is something beautiful yet since it's Kurt, it's still treated as a joke. Every single event I described above was treated as a joke or something silly. Kurt is not allowed to be helpful in a meaningful way, that's Serge's job. He's not allowed to give advice in a serious manner, that's Pascale's job. He's not allowed to have conflicting emotions about not being able to see Serge ever again, that's Carl's job. He's not allowed to be upset about anything at all, because he's written as the comedic relief. Even when he supplied Serge and Gilbert with their sole means of transportation, it's treated as a joke, because above all, that's how Kurt is written. He is not written to be someone meaningful, he's written to be a one-dimensional joke.
Kurt's potential as the comedic relief AND a meaningful friend was wasted, he had the chance to be a fleshed out character, just like Carl, Pascale, Rosemarine, or any of the other characters were, but because of the trope he fits into, that potential to be a great character disappears and he falls back into the box Keiko designed for him in the first place as the Funny Fat Friend.
-The way the Arles fight scene parallels with the Nekka-Kurt separation is so. Head in hands.
Kurt chose to separate himself from Serge after he chose Gilbert over him
Nekka chose to separate from Kurt after he chose Gilbert over backing out with him. Im SICK!!!
-All Kurt’s mentioned that I put in parentheses will be posted in a reblogged version of this post when I have access to my Kurt Folder
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jjkeverlast · 2 years
true love | N° 4
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➵ genre our beloved summer au, exes to lovers, romantic comedy
➵ summary in which you're face to face with your ex again after 5 years, because both of your friends start dating each other.
➵ word count 5.2k
➵ warnings angst (it's mild dw), jealous tae (trust me it's a warning), second hand embarrassment, mentions of alcohol, a lil tiny bit of tension.
➵ author's note i'm so sorry for the delay guys!! but i just want to thank all of you for being so patient with me. hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter!! <3
index | prev. | next.
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When Taehyung steps out of the kitchen, you’re confused. You don’t recall what exactly he’s referring to and it bugs you. You want to talk to him, ask him about what he meant but then again, do you even want to know? Scared to get to the bottom of it all, you let it go for now, returning back to your office. 
Work goes by fast, your focus surprisingly being present even though Taehyung’s words are nestled in the back of your mind. ‘’Oh and Y/N? I’m not sorry for looking at you like that.’’ You’re annoyed, mostly at yourself for being so drunk out of your mind to call your ex and therefore forgetting all words exchanged between you. It’s pointless to dwell on it, your curiosity definitely gets the worst out of you and for reasons being you want to let all hopes of you and Taehyung finding your way back to each other go? You’ll have to let this rest as well. So you do. 
‘’Y/N!’’ You look up from your screen, Jules hugging your door, a smile showing all her pearly white teeth. She’s the definition of ‘this is an amazing day, let’s all smile and be happy,’ today by the looks of the shine sparkling from her eyes. 
‘’Jules.’’ You greet back, not as excitedly as her, wanting nothing more than to be home and cuddle with Samba. But you remind yourself to stay professional, forcing a smile on your face to get this interaction quickly over with.
‘’Two things. I’m so sorry you had to see that last Friday! It’s just, Mr. Kim is such a nice guy and it just happened.’’ Her fingers twirl in her blonde hair, her cheeks reddening at the mention of Taehyung. She’s whipped. She’s whipped hard for him. 
‘’It’s fine, he’s— what you said, mhm.’’ You go back to the loading screen in front of you, Jules still hanging in your office. She’s not done. 
‘’Yes?’’ You push her to the final words she’s been holding in while looking down on her heels. 
‘’I don’t know, he’s just kind of ignored me since it happened. I’ll leave you to work, sorry for disturbing.’’ She rushes out of your office as if she’s said too much. Her words definitely struck you, he’s ignored her since it happened? All while he went to you and took care of your drunk ass? It’s a lot to take in and your mind goes blank for the rest of the evening. 
You’re in need of a friend, your best friend Jeon Jungkook to be exact. He’s the only one who truly helps you relax when things in your life get out of hand, with a tint of mockery. 
Which explains why you’re at home with Jungkook sitting next to you, covered in a blanket as you watch a scary movie. The loud screams from the main character fill the dark living room, the only light coming from the TV screen. 
You’re at peace, resting your head on Jungkook’s firm shoulder, the thoughts of Taehyung lingering further away from your mind. 
Jungkook doesn’t ask any questions, already knowing the answer to most of them revolving around your ex boyfriend. He’s sad seeing you being so affected by him, even though it’s been five years with no contact between you. 
You’re about to doze off, the scary movie being boring for you as it focuses more on jumpscares than the storyline itself, up until a buzz interrupts you. You fish for your phone, it being placed in the crack of the couch, your hand almost getting stuck by pulling it out. You’re surprised seeing Yeon-su calling you, it’s been a while since you’ve both spoken together, her being awfully busy with Jimin. They’ve reached the honeymoon phase, you can’t really blame them for being overly smitten with each other. You get Jungkook to pause the film as you take the call. 
‘’Yeon-su! Hi.’’ She’s quick to greet back, already babbling about how much fun she and Jimin are having and that she met his parent’s a few days ago. You can picture the huge smile plastered on your face as she continues to ramble about her and Jimin’s relationship, until she mentions yet another fun activity that she’d love for you to join. 
‘’An amusement park?’’ You parrot, a frown appears on Jungkook’s face as you turn to face him, eyes begging for a solution from him. He shrugs which results in you agreeing to join her and Jimin to the ‘date’. You knew Yeon-su just wanted you to talk a lot more with Jimin as he means a lot to her. 
‘’Okay, tomorrow at five.’’ You repeat to make sure that was the right time. Yeon-su is the first to say goodbye, giggling and shushing Jimin before she hangs up. 
‘’Thank you so much for your help.’’ You punch him in the stomach, Jungkook grunting in pain. 
‘’Ow! What the fuck.’’ He holds his stomach, as if it’s fragile. You roll your eyes over Jungkook literally having a single brain cell which doesn’t include logic or any sense of knowledge. 
‘’You’re so stupid!’’ You slump back on the couch, crossing your arms from the anger and slight tint of annoyance about your best friend not being able to take a fucking hint. 
‘’Y/N, just go there, seriously what’s the worst that could happen?’’ 
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The worst that could literally happen is walking towards you as you stand with Yeon-su and Jimin by the entrance of the amusement park. You try not to show the bubbling anger emerging in the pit of your stomach. Yeon-su and Jimin smiling and waving towards the person, all while you look down on your shoes. 
‘’Taehyung! Glad you could make it.’’ Jimin throws him a pat as he greets both of them, Yeon-su throwing a compliment towards his outfit. She’s not wrong, he does look good. 
‘’Hey.’’ He engulfs you in a hug and you’re taken back from his arms wrapping around your frame. You’re stiff, sensing the eyes from Jimin and Yeon-su bore in your back. 
‘’Just go with it.’’ Taehyung whispers softly, for them not to hear. You let go and accept the hug. His scent traps you, your head turning dizzy and remembering how Samba carried it with her after he took care of you. You close your eyes, losing yourself in his scent, his dark curls tickling your ear. 
As he pulls away, his nose brushes against your cheek and you feel a shiver run down your spine. 
‘’Alright, let’s go!’’ Jimin encourages the both of you, an awkward silence throwing itself above you. Taehyung walks beside you, a clear distance between you. Yeon-su and Jimin are too busy with each other’s embraces and watching them from afar makes you miss the way this was you. Walking shamelessly with Taehyung peppering your temple with kisses as his arm rests on your shoulders. The memory causes goosebumps to arise on your forearms and you hug your form, trying to rub them away before Taehyung notices. 
Jimin and Yeon-su make a stop at a rollercoaster, you look up seeing how far down it goes. You see Taehyung’s face almost pale, remembering he’s afraid of heights. But he forces himself to stand in line with the two lovebirds and you sense that he’s scared shitless. 
‘’Hey, I don’t feel like riding this roller coaster. I’ll go grab myself something to drink, care to join me Taehyung?’’ He sheepishly smiles and agrees in a heartbeat. You both step out of the cue and agree to meet them in front of the ferris wheel in 15 minutes. 
‘’Thanks.’’ Taehyung says as you’ve walked far away from the couple. 
‘’It’s no problem. Haven’t you told Jimin about your fear of heights?’’ You expected Jimin to know about Taehyung’s very obvious fear, so it surprised you when nothing occurred. 
‘’It was never brought up.’’ 
‘’Ah.’’ You both find a bench close to the ferris wheel and sit in silence. An older married couple and their child walk by you and you smile at the sight. Their child hugging a huge seal plushie. The child smiles in your direction before they are out of sight. 
‘’You really don’t remember, do you?’’ Taehyung breaks the silence and you turn to see an empty expression from him. You know he’s referring from the day in the office, confessing towards something that has completely faded from your brain. 
‘’I–’’ You start off, but your ringtone cuts you off and you quickly excuse yourself to take the call. It’s an unknown number, so you answer with caution. 
‘’Hi, who’s this?’’ 
‘’Hey, Y/N, it’s Namjoon!’’ You immediately recall that you gave out your number to Namjoon a few hours before chaos erupted in your apartment. 
‘’Oh Namjoon! Hi!’’ Taehyung’s expression changes swiftly to annoyance, hearing the so-called name slip out from your lips. You notice his expression, but don’t dwell on it, not wanting to analyze why Taehyung looks like he wants to kill someone. 
Namjoon proposes to invite you to his museum, for the both of you to catch up. You agree, both of you settling on tomorrow around eight pm. 
‘’Can’t wait. See you tomorrow.’’ You hang up, Taehyung staring you down for no reason. 
‘’Sorry about that.’’ Taehyung scoffs at your apology and before this conversation can continue any further, Yeon-su and Jimin are back and the four of you move towards the ferris wheel. 
The queue is a bit long, mostly filled with couples. The ferris wheel is a very romantic attraction so it doesn’t surprise you one bit that Jimin and Yeon-su are eager to take it. 
‘’So, Namjoon, huh.’’ Taehyung’s tone is bitter, not even trying to hide his jealousy and you roll your eyes from his comment. 
‘’What about it?’’ You press your lips to a thin line, awaiting his reason for the feigned jealousy. He has no right after he’s moved on — with the help of Jules lips. 
‘’Are you seeing him?’’ The question throws you off. Taehyung asking such foolish questions has you turning your back to him. You really don’t want to deal with this, especially around Yeon-su and Jimin. 
‘’Oh, so I’m right?’’ His ironic tone pulls you back to the conversation. You’re pissed, with every right to yet Taehyung isn’t allowed to speak on behalf of your dating life when he left you behind five years ago. 
‘’Seriously, shut the fuck up.’’ You put your hand on his chest, feeling how rapidly his heart is beating. You’re surprised so you retrieve your hand and ignore the quick beating of Taehyung’s heart under your palm. 
‘’Guys! It’s our turn.’’ Jimin catches the two of you’s attention, and you separately enter the passenger cars. 
‘’Hi, is it possible if we could have two separate cabins?’’ You ask the guy who’s in control of the attraction. He looks at you dumbfoundedly. 
‘’Either you go with your little boyfriend or you leave this queue.’’ His tone indicates he’s tired and you try to ignore the boyfriend comment he throws at you and Taehyung. You sense the suspicion from Yeon-su’s glare, so you quickly apologize to the man and walk in the passenger car. 
You’re trying your best not to roll your eyes as Taehyung’s body is pressed up on yours. These cabins are tight — probably to add a more romantic effect for all the couples. 
As the ferris wheel moves up, you notice Taehyung clutching on the handle for support, closing his eyes to not look down. 
You forgot all about his fear of heights, too busy being pissed off about his behavior. He’s biting his lips, trembling against your shoulder. 
You want to help him, but the reminder of his pissy comments make you ignore the trembling sensation coming from him. 
Taehyung remains like this, eyes closed, clutching hard on any form of handle. You grunt inwardly before taking his hand and caressing it. Taehyung softens under your touch and his trembling stops. 
‘’It’s almost over.’’ You remind him, as his fingers press tighter against the backside of your hand and you mentally throw a tantrum at the butterflies slowly appearing in the pit of your stomach. 
The passenger car halts, signaling it’s now at the top. It tilts a bit and Taehyung whines in fear, his knuckles white as he holds as tight as he can. 
‘’Taehyung, look at me.’’ He slowly opens his eyes, letting them rest on your face. His breathing settles to a normal pace and you smile at him. 
‘’Y/N, I have to confess something.’’
‘’O-okay.’’ You’re not sure where this conversation is headed, but you listen attentively. 
‘’When you opened the door, Jules kissed me.’’ You look away at the mention of the kiss shared between Jules and Taehyung. 
‘’No, listen, she kissed me. I’ve never been interested in her.’’ 
‘’Taehyung, it’s fine, you don’t have to explain.’’ You find it ridiculous that he’s explaining such a thing as if you care. 
‘’But I do. I don’t know how she got the idea that I might’ve been interested in her. But when I saw you—’’ He looks down at your intertwined hands, ‘’I just– I didn’t want you to think there was something.’’ 
‘’Taehyung, you’re free to do what you want.’’ The passenger car starts to move down. 
‘’I think, I think we should let this go. Start over.’’ Taehyung looks at you shockingly, slowly moving closer to you before you stop him. ‘’As friends.’’ It was for the best. To be friends instead of creating such a mess from being exes. 
Taehyung gulps at the word friends. But he’s willing, if it means he’ll still be able to talk to you. ‘’Okay.’’ He agrees. 
The passenger car finally arrives on the ground and you let go of his hand, missing the warmth the longer time runs without his hand in yours. But it was the right choice. You can be friends with Taehyung and him with you. 
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Returning to work the next day, you’re being met with Jules carrying a frown. She’s toying with her hair, looking down at her feet in the small kitchen. 
‘’Hi Jules.’’ You greet as you open the cabinet to find a mug for your morning coffee. 
‘’Taehyung doesn’t feel the same way.’’ Oh. So that’s what we’re doing, okay. 
‘’I’m sorry to hear that.’’ You’re really not. 
Jules lets out a puff, kicking her feet together as she thinks before speaking, ‘’something about him being interested in someone else. I don’t know.’’ Your heart stops at her explanation. Taehyung is interested in someone? You don’t want to know, sensing already where this is going. Friends. Remember you’re friends. It’s a word that has to keep itself repeating for your curious mind to not jump to conclusions. He couldn’t possibly… 
You’re here to work, not think about Kim Taehyung again. Jules doesn’t expect you to answer her obvious statement of how her ‘relationship’ with Taehyung is going. So you leave the tiny kitchen, settling back in your office. It’s hard in the beginning. To completely focus on the unfinished work that is sitting right in front of your nose. Your brain is settled on reminding you of the warmth from Taehyung's hand in yours on the ferris wheel yesterday. Why did his hand have to feel so warm against yours? Even after five years, his hand still feels the same. You doze completely off, knowing you can’t escape the sudden thoughts of Taehyung’s hands… his fingers– god those fingers. The fingers discovering each part of your body and focusing solely on your– 
‘’Hey! We’re ordering bagels for lunch, what kind do you want?’’ The intern Jungwoo asked you, having a strong hold on the notepad in his hand. 
‘’Oh, just whatever there is. I’m not picky.’’ Jungwoo looks confusingly down on the notepad, giving you a tight lipped smile before leaving you alone. That was… weird. 
You’re surprised to see that Taehyung didn’t show up to lunch. Seeing he is the CEO of Officester. You don’t think too long about it, chatting with a few colleagues as you all eat. 
The day comes to an end, you being the first to rush out seeing you’re meeting Namjoon in a few hours. As you enter the elevator to go down, you’re met with Taehyung. 
‘’Hey.’’ You greet casually, standing a few meters from him. He reciprocates with a small lipped smile. The silence is loud, feeling as if it takes an eternity to go down. You wish you could say anything, now that the agreement between you is friends. 
‘’Are you doing anything exciting this afternoon?’’ 
‘’Just visiting my parents.’’ You hum before it returns to the unforgivable silence between you. To both of you’s luck, you arrive on the main floor. 
Stepping out of the Officester building, you notice Taehyung walking towards a bus stop. You’re astonished, remembering how he’d never take a bus and stay clear in his very own car. You don’t think much of it, rushing to your own apartment. 
You’re greeted by Samba, her big green eyes smiling at you as you kneel to run your fingers through her black fur. She purrs as if something is wrong, which quickly catches your attention. 
‘’What’s wrong Samba?’’ She softly walks to the door, to keep guard. She’s waiting for someone. A specific someone. 
‘’He’s not coming Samba.’’ With that you walk to your closet, deciding on a more comfortable outfit for your meeting with Namjoon. You wouldn’t call it a date knowing how Namjoon and you were clear on the friendship spectrum back in college — the reason being your relationship with Taehyung. But even as if you weren’t with Taehyung, Namjoon would never be more than a friend to you. He was attractive, kind and gentle as well. Although for some reason your eyes could never open to the idea of Namjoon being different. 
The address Namjoon sends you over text is shown to be close to you. So you decide to walk and avoid taking the crowded bus in the late evening where everyone is on their own way home. 
You quickly catch Namjoon in a beanie and a fuzzy sweater. His dimples are prominent on his face as he gives you a warm smile. 
‘’Hi.’’ You greet, settling on hugging him which he easily reciprocates. He looks excited, judging by how his eyes sparkle and face overly glowing. He doesn’t hesitate to guide you inside the museum, it being big and spacious. 
Various paintings with a few sculptures are decorating the inside of the room. You catch a person standing by a desk in the corner, she smiles as she finds you noticing her. Namjoon notices you’re aware of his secretary. His hand places itself to your back, pushing you forward with him to greet the woman. 
‘’Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.’’ You smile as she brightens over your greeting. 
‘’Hi I’m Kira. It’s nice to meet you too.’’ Her dark brown hair is settled in a high ponytail, showing her strong built features on her olive skin. You’re surprised that such a beautiful woman is working for Kim Namjoon. Before you can think further, Namjoon tells Kira that she can leave if she’s finished with her assignment for the day. She nods, thanking him as she starts packing in front of you both. 
‘’Hope you enjoy the infamous Cypher.’’ She chuckles dryly as you mutter a low thanks. You can’t help but feel intimidated. Kira being naturally pretty as she’s watching you both attentively. 
‘’It’s beautiful so far so I’m sure I’ll love it.’’ You reason, seeing Kira has finally finished packing, slumping her bag on her arm. 
‘’I hope so! Or else I’ll have to find a new job.’’ She jokes and Namjoon shoots her a glare in which she mouths a sorry, making you break out in a laugh finding her humoristic. 
‘’At least Y/N finds me funny.’’ She sticks her tongue out, Namjoon rolling his eyes over her behavior. 
‘’It was nice meeting you Kira. Get home safely!’’ 
‘’That I will. Thank you. Hopefully we see each other some other time.’’ Her smile widens when you agree as she finally steps out of the front doors. 
‘’She’s kind.’’ 
Namjoon turns back, catching one last glimpse of her before he gives you his full attention. ‘’Yeah she is.’’ He agrees with you, guiding you more towards the center of the museum as your curious eyes wander around, noticing the beautiful art installed everywhere. 
‘’So, how’ve you been? You looked stressed last time I saw you.’’ Namjoon speaks up first as he walks behind you while you stroll energetically all over the well put together museum. 
‘’I’ve been okay, sorry, you just caught me in a bad moment.’’ You look back, a toothless smile stated towards him. 
‘’Oh okay, do you want to talk about it?’’ His voice is laced with uncertainty, not sure if he can ask you something that screams personal. 
‘’No, I’m okay now.’’ Even though you’ve been close with Namjoon before, talked endlessly about relationships, family, dreams and so on, it feels different now. You can’t really pinpoint what exactly makes it different. Maybe it’s the lack of contact you’ve had with Namjoon over the five years that have passed between you. 
Namjoon respects your decision in not wanting to talk further about last Friday when you walked in on Jules and Taehyung. Even though Taehyung made it clear to you that there was nothing, the sight is still unforgettable. 
‘’How’ve you been? I love Cypher, by the way. You always had a good eye for art.’’ You compliment him, turning to look at a certain painting that catches your attention. It’s a face, colored with pink and blue colors that illuminate a form of emotion. Namjoon stands beside you, turning to look at the same painting as you before giving you an answer, ‘’I’ve been good.’’ His dimples re-appear when you turn to look at him. 
‘’I’m happy you love Cypher, took me around three years to reach where I have now.’’ You’re surprised by the information Namjoon cared to share. Three years. It was definitely worth it, seeing the final result around you. 
‘’I see you like V’s work.’’ 
‘’The painter, their artist name is V.’’ You respond with a faint oh, recollecting yourself in front of the painting. It screams familiarity and you’re not sure why. 
‘’Have you met V?’’ You ask out of curiosity. 
‘’No. V is an unknown artist. I found their art on the internet and they were kind enough to give it this piece to me.’’ Namjoon is smiling as he reminisces to how he received an important piece so easily. 
‘’Wow, that’s really kind yeah.’’ Before your conversation can continue any further, you feel a buzz in your jacket pocket. You’re thinking it’s Yeon-su, her calling at any given time to chat with you about Jimin and hers relationship. Which is nice, it’s exciting to hear how in love she is, seeing her not even five months ago had lost all hope in finding the one. Grabbing a hold of your phone and looking at the screen, your mind grows irritated at the name. Tae. 
‘’Hold on.’’ With that you pick up and walk further inside the museum, Namjoon staying glued in front of V’s painting. 
‘’Taehyung, this is a bad time.’’ You start off, silence being the only thing heard from the other side of the line. 
‘’Sorry. I just thought since we’re friends I could call you again.’’ He has a point. You did state that you were friends, and friends well… share calls once in a while. 
‘’You have a point. But seriously, this is a really bad time.’’ You spin slightly, seeing Namjoon look down at his shoes, looking like someone who’s bored out of his mind. Your heart drops at the thought of being rude towards Namjoon, who’s been nothing but kind. 
‘’Oh. Right okay.’’ His voice drops, sounding as if he’s down about something. But as of right now? You don’t have the time nor the patience to find out. 
‘’Yeah, see you tomorrow.��’ You don’t even let Taehyung speak before you hang up and walk rapidly back to join Namjoon by the painting. 
‘’I’m so sorry.’’ You’re already apologizing, catching on to Namjoon’s half bored face that swiftly turns into excitement. ‘’No, hey, it’s okay.’’ 
‘’Should we continue?’’ He nods as you both walk further in towards the sculptures. 
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Meetings, meetings and another meeting. It’s an endless day of organization and business transactions being made from left and right. You’re exhausted, seeing you first came home at one in the morning after you hung out with Namjoon the whole evening, which turned to night. Taehyung is seated three seats behind you and you feel his eyes bore into your back. You chose to act unfazed and as if nothing he’s doing is bothering you, which somehow seems to work. Surprisingly. 
‘’Thank you, that will be all.’’ Your boss finishes it off quickly, lunch break nearing around the corner. You can’t believe you’ve been stuck in this room since eight in the morning. A lunch break is well deserved. Walking back to your office you’re greeted by, ‘’Koo!?’’ Jungkook spins in your chair, whistling until he faces you. ‘’Missed me?’’ 
‘’What are you doing here?’’ 
‘’I bought ramen. Figured you needed some company.’’ You smile as Jungkook excitedly holds up two instant ramen cups. 
You both walk towards the common canteen, Jungkook telling you all about his new gaming set up at home and you listening attentively. 
Slurping noises fill the room, as you both eat in silence. You’re really glad that Jungkook came to eat lunch with you, making you less worried about the whole Taehyung situation. 
‘’So what’s up with you?’’ Jungkook mumbles, nearly done chewing as he speaks. You can’t help but look judgmentally at your best friend that’s almost about to spit half of his food in your face. 
‘’I don’t really know.’’ It’s an honest response, you have no idea where you are right now, your current state of mind keeps running back to the idea of Taehyung and you and it’s clear that you’re still not over the break up. Especially after having seen him too much for your own liking. 
‘’Okay, what about Taehyung?’’ You knew the question was coming, Jungkook hasn’t heard anything about him since you drank five bottles of soju like it was water. It’s a lot of what has happened, and you’re not sure where to start. 
‘’What about him?’’ 
Jungkook snorts at your question, as if it isn’t more obvious what exactly he’s referring to hearing about. You look away, hiding yourself from current embarrassment. To your luck, Jules walks by and quickly throws an elevator glance at Jungkook. You notice but don’t point anything out. Jules finds Jungkook attractive. Her stance changes completely and her hair is more exposed. 
‘’Hi, Y/N, care to introduce me?’’ You widen your eyes, a mouthful of noodles resting in your mouth as you silently chew. 
‘’Mmm– this is Jungkook, Jungkook this is my colleague Jules.’’ 
‘’It’s nice to meet you.’’ She bats her eyes, them staying completely glued to Jungkook. 
‘’You too.’’ He smiles kindly back, before he returns to give you full attention. 
‘’Um, do you work out?’’ Jules bites her lip, drawn to the form of Jungkook’s body, especially his shoulders and arms. 
‘’I do, yeah.’’ Jungkook tries his best to not seem rude, but knowing him he’s internally throwing a tantrum at her for not leaving. 
‘’Care to show me one day? We could–’’
‘’Oh, honey I’m so sorry. I don’t swing that way.’’ 
‘’You mean you’re–’’ Jules starts off slowly but Jungkook only nods. You try your best to hold your laugh in. He’s honestly ridiculous. 
‘’I- I’m so sorry. See you later Y/N.’’ She smiles awkwardly, sparing no second glance at Jungkook finishing his noodles. 
‘’You’re unbelievable. I thought you swung both ways?’’ You raise both brows, aware of the fact that Jungkook is bisexual. 
‘’I am, but not for that though.’’ Your laugh releases at the final straw, doing the complete opposite of holding back. Jules was everything but Jungkook’s type and you found it hilarious how quickly he had turned her down. 
‘’No, but seriously, what’s up? Tell me one thing.’’ He brings out the puppy eyes and you give in. 
‘’I went to visit Cypher, Namjoon’s museum.’’ 
‘’Oh? Like a date?’’ You’re quick to turn down the fact that it was a date between Namjoon and you yesterday. 
Jungkook’s teasing doesn’t stop, him bugging you about the fact you went on a date with Kim Namjoon. You try to shush him, eyes turning in your direction, indicating you’re both being too loud.
‘’So? You have the hots for Namjoon, huh.’’ As Jungkook’s sentence slips, Taehyung walks by your table and halts at the name. You notice how he swiftly stops but goes back to walking towards his table. 
‘’You’re such an ass!’’ You whisper yell, giving up on stopping the bickering from Jungkook. 
‘’Shut up, you love me.’’ He’s not wrong. You do. 
After Jungkook left after lunch, you’ve been stuck in the office, having a clear deadline and to finish the good amount of emails that need to be sent before you leave. You’re tired, your eyes almost dropping closed as you stare at the computer screen. You don’t realize that you’re the only one in the office, the lights being turned off all around you except the lamp in your office. 
As the last email is sent, you stretch and scurry, grabbing your things quickly, your stomach screaming since earlier. 
You feel much lighter, knowing today is now over and you can go home to Samba and feed her. You hadn’t expected for Taehyung to already stand by the elevator as you step out of the office. Why is he still here? 
‘’Hi.’’ You greet. Him, muttering a hi back, not looking at you except just walking towards the elevator in a straight line. Many thoughts are begging to escape from your mind over his behavior, but you stop yourself. Leave it Y/N, it means nothing. 
You click your tongue once or twice, the silence being too much to bear in the elevator. 
‘’Y/N.’’ That catches your attention and before you can mutter a response, Taehyung walks so close to you, his nose slightly brushes over yours. 
‘’You really don’t remember, do you?’’ He’s referring to his words from the kitchen earlier this week. It’s as if Taehyung senses you not being able to remember and to his advantage, the metal doors open and he walks away. 
You swallow your breath, heart sinking the less he’s visible. Why can’t you just remember? You wish you could remember the whole night but your brain forbids you from digging that memory and a part of you is grateful as well. You can’t get hurt again, and especially not like you did five years ago when Taehyung left you in the middle of the street after breaking the news. But the pounding heart in your chest seems to prove you otherwise. Deeply, you know you can’t be friends with Taehyung. Your love for him is too strong for you to be able to. 
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perma taglist;
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© jjkeverlast 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
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lescarnetsdehaku · 1 year
Is La Marquise a Milady-type character ? What are her plots ? How devilish would you say she is?
La Marquise de Gerfaut is actually inspired by Milady (The 3 musketeers) and La Marquise de Merteuil (Dangerous Liaisons), some of my faves novels.
La Marquise has no devilish scheme, she just does things because she can. If someone annoys her, she will ruin their reputation, but she also, sometimes, do it out of spite. She just wants to live her best life being the apex predator in every rich salon there is 💅
Her main scheme in the story is a bet she makes with Adam when they first meet Jules: who will succeed ruining his life and expectations first. The only rule is not to interfere with the other's way.
Of course there is more to her, but I want to let you all discover as it goes 😌💅
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tirednapentity · 3 months
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Messy doodle because I am unwell about them rn
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hufflepuffhabs · 1 year
Barça Players as Harry Potter Characters
Sooo I seem to have too much time on my hands (or rather o much proficiency in procrastination) and simultanly too much opinions on this. Do let me know any other opinions, some are literally not based on anything. And obvs no hate to any!
Xavi - Remus Lupin
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Was already here in his youth and was very popular then. Now he is back to teach the next generation of wizards.
Marc-André ter Stegen - Minerva McGonagall
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A true hero! Also he is kinda cate-like. This is one of my favorites, so congrats!
Iñaki Peña - Neville Longbottom
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Loveable guy, but does not get the chance to prove himself until later on.
Héctor Bellerín - Luna Lovegood
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They are kinda there for the magic, but they also care about other stuff. People may find them a bit strange, but in truth they have their priorities set. Very magical vibe in general.
Ronald Araujo - Ginny Weasley
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This is one is ambitious in every aspect of life. Talented, but also a bit weird.
Andreas Christensen - Viktor Krum
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Both come from the north. And they have a very ambivalent vibe, like probably a good guy, but the facade is kind harsh.
Marcos Alonso - Bill Weasley
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One of the older Weasley siblings. Not such a trouble maker as some of the others, but still part of the gang.
Jordi Alba - Rubeus Hagrid
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Just a cuddly guy with a sweet personality, but can get fiesty if need be.
Jules Kounde - Lee Jordan
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They have the same hair. Plus he seems like someone who would be a Gryffindor.
Eric García - Hermione Granger
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Smartest person in the group, does not care about others opinion and is willing to risk it all for their closed-ones (including cursing and threatening). Also nearly died once. We love this one!
Sergio Busquets - Sirius Black
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Part of the old popular group. Leader for the young ones, but in difference to Remus, he is more the cool uncle than the responsible one. Also can be kind annoying in a good way.
Pedri - Harry Potter
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Do I have to say more? He is the magician, people put all pressure on him. And the hair is kinda similar sometimes. Also grew up differently than most (one being from the Canary islands, the other, well being from under the stairs). Both very family-oriented.
Franck Kessie - Garrick Ollivander
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This has absolutely no logical, only vibes.
Sergi Roberto - Charlie Weasley
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The Weasley family is just everywhere. So this one had to be included. Is not talked about much, but still liked by most.
Frenkie de Jong - Fleur Delacour
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The have so much in common: Very blond hair, very cute accent, same initials. Good at what they do, but kinda slept-on.
Gavi - Hedwig
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Ok, I know this is very random. But hear me out: Hedwig is cute, Gavi is cute; Hedwig is protective of her people, Gavi is protective of his people; Hedwig is small, Gavi is small; enough said.
Ousmané Dembélé - Ron Weasley
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Sorta part of the main cast, but not the superstar. Also sometimes a bit problematic.
Robert Lewandowski - James Potter
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An older, very good guy. He seems cool, but we do not know as much about him. Superstar, but not future.
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Ansu Fati - George Weasley
The first of the Weasley twins. Very funny, very loveable. Loves the others and is happy to be a part of this.
Ferran Torres - Fred Weasley
The other Weasley twin. Also funny, and sorta more the centre of attention, whether on purpose or not. I love this one, but he faces more adversity than necessary.
Raphinha - Oliver Wood
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Good at sports. Looks good. But not really that memorable.
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cartoonus-maximus · 27 days
Notes and Observations on FNAF TFTP Vol 3: Somniphobia
So… Volume 3. It sure is a volume. Regrettably, I was bored through most of it. Like, I enjoyed it more than I did Volume 2, but that's an extremely low bar. I thought the Epilogue was the best part of the whole volume, tbh.
These are my notes and observations made while listening to the audiobook, which I borrowed from my local library. Fair warning: there will be spoilers. If you want the whole experience for yourself, you should skip this and go read/listen to the book yourself first.
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I like the cover art, though. It's simple but fun. Just the way I like my silly children's horror books from Scholastic.
Note to any Moon fans who just happen to be here: he only shows up at the very end of the first story. He doesn't say anything. In fact he mainly just stands there and stares weirdly at the protagonist. However, he and the protag end up walking off together to "seek out adventures," so there's that. Do with that information what you will.
We also get a surprise appearance of Ballora in one of these stories! Which I found to be a very pleasant surprise and one of the highlights of this volume.
That's enough intro. Let's get into it.
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Somniphobia -- the fear of sleep. Generally caused by bad experiences with nightmares, sleep paralysis, or other bad experiences had while sleeping.
The story opens at a yard sale, where an older married couple are scoping out the yard sale that their neighbors are putting on. They discuss the reason behind the yard sale, and tell us that their neighbor's son has mysteriously fallen into a coma, and because of this the neighbors are selling off a lot of their possessions in order to pay medical bills. One of the items being sold by the family is a toy that belonged to their son -- a snowglobe-like toy with a Daycare Attendant Moon figure inside. The implication is that this Moon globe is the reason for why this boy has mysteriously fallen into a coma.
We then transfer our attention over to our actual main character, a high school boy named Sam Barker. Sam and his friends are eating lunch and talking about weird fears that they each have, from cliffs to clowns to amusement park rides. Sam apparently has a long, extensive list of fears, so much so that his friends roll their eyes and make fun of him. (And no, none of the fears listed at this point will be important later. Wasted foreshadow potential.)
Later that evening, Sam and his friends go to a party at a classmate's house. He's too socially awkward to really engage much with the other party goers, so he mostly just… hangs out.
He ends up talking with Lydia, a girl he's had study group with before, and she flirts with him before trying to get him to try an alcoholic drink with him. Sam refuses the drink, talking about how unsafe and unhealthy alcohol is. When Lydia tries talking about how she wants to try cliff diving, Sam starts telling her what the statistic likelihood is of her being injured or dying from that hobby. Obviously uncomfortable, the girl politely ends the conversation and leaves.
Sam's friends all harangue him about being such a wet blanket. One boy, Jules, tries to force Sam to drink the alcohol (to lighten up!), and Sam has a panic attack. Sam goes home alone, and his friends, feeling bad about sending him into a spiral, leave shortly thereafter. Jules argues that he was "just joking" and didn't do anything wrong, but the other three boys in the friend group tell him off. (Well, at least these kids don't universally suck.)
Some time later, one of the members of the friend group, Raad, decides to spend his birthday at the Pizzaplex. (Because it's soooo common for high school seniors to spend hours at a Chuck E. Cheese place, I guess????) The whole group goes with him.
(The audiobook narrator mispronounces "Fazer-blast." Not important to the story, just mildly annoying.)
At the Pizzaplex, Glamrock Freddy and Roxanne Wolf walk around the building, interacting with visiting children. Sam wonders if they're human employees in costume or if they're the real animatronics. (Pretty sure those are the animatronics, pal.)
Despite wanting to hang out and have a good time with his friends, Sam feels overstimulated. He thinks of the Pizzaplex as "constant sensory overload." He thinks everything is too loud, surrounded by the noises of the arcade games, animatronic performers, music being pumped over loud speakers, and the general chatter of the patrons around him, and he can't escape the smells of pizza, popcorn, and cotton candy.
Raad takes them to an arcade room of the Pizzaplex. He says he wants to win a "Moondrop Dream Sphere," which is apparently a top prize in the Pizzaplex arcade. He explains that the thing -- a little ball with a figure of the Moon Daycare Attendant in it -- lights up and is supposed to 'help you slip into a hypnotic state and focus better on things.' The toy "is supposed to take things from your subconscious and bring it more clearly into view." He says he thinks it could be helpful for studying, as he is desperately failing physics and is willing to take any help he can get. (That's… so weird.)
The DA character is called "Moondrop the Jester" in this story.
The boys apparently come here often, and already have 790 tickets saved up. Since the Moondrop Dream Sphere costs 1,000 tickets, the boys are determined to earn them all today. They manage it, earning 1,001 tickets and earning their new toy. Thrilled with their winnings, the boys return back to Raad's house to try the thing out.
When Raad pauses to greet his pet dog, Sam immediately launches into a story about a man who had his face eaten off by his own dog. Raad does not enjoy the anecdote, or the implication that his own dog might do that. (Oh my god, Sam! Ya gotta install a mouth filter, buddy. Some thoughts need to stay in your head.)
(Sam gives me autistic vibes. Don't know if that's intentional or important or neither. And given the fate of the *last* character to give me autistic vibes, I'm a little wary at this point.)
The instructions on the toy advise only using it for 10 minutes a day. Setting a timer, the boys take the snowglobe/jester toy out, along with their school notebooks, and prepare a "hypno-study session."
Once the Dream Sphere is turned on, the boys are sucked into some sort of shared, lucid dream experience, where they're all sharing knowledge and memories from their textbooks. They walk around the Egyptian pyramids out of Jules' history notes, while also reading and memorizing physics facts. When the ten minutes are up, the Dream Sphere powers itself down, and the boys return to themselves.
Raad lets Sam borrow the Dream Sphere, and he takes it home with him. Sam uses it to study the next day, and it leaves him feeling so good and happy and energetic afterward, that he cleans up the apartment he and his mother live in and even cooks dinner for his mother.
The following day, Sam decides to use the Dream Sphere again, this time deciding to use it for 15 minutes, blatantly ignoring the instructions that came with it. (A strange thing for the "everything is dangerous and you could die, actually" guy to do.)
"Sam heard rock music blaring from his mom's bedroom. Mom was painting again." Lol. Anyone walking in on me doing art.
"… like a human computer downloading a file." … Interesting way to phrase that.
After staying in the Dream Sphere for 15 minutes, Sam finds himself reliving a memory from his own childhood, a memory of playing in the park with his late father. Something "blue and gray" shifts in the corner of his vision. (Hello, Moon!)
Over the next few days, Sam uses the Dream Sphere more and more, using it to re-experience the time he spent with his dad. He uses the sphere for longer than the instructions suggested each time. Every once in awhile, he thinks he sees a hat with a bell or something blue out of the corner of his eye, but it's always gone when he turns to look.
Sam's mom grows concerned about the toy when Sam mentions that it's supposed to put him in a suggestive state. She jokes that he's going to come out of it "clucking like a chicken" one of these days, but she also genuinely expresses concern about it, commenting that something like that can't be terribly healthy. Sam discounts her concerns, but also doesn't tell her the truth about his usage of the toy - that he's reliving the memories of his dad.
One night, Sam struggles to sleep, feeling keyed up and anxious. He only calms down once he takes the Dream Sphere in his hands.
The next day, Sam has "a bad case of brain fog" and is irritable and unfocused. He spaces out so badly at one point that he doesn't even realize a class is over, and ends up snapping at Lydia, his not-girlfriend, and picks fights with his friends. (This story is extremely obviously a metaphor for drug addictions.)
After being unfocused and irritable all day at school, Sam goes home and uses the Dream Sphere again. He finally relaxes, and feels like he belongs in the "lucid, dreamlike" world of the Dream Sphere.
The Sphere no longer makes him feel happy and energetic, like it did the first few times. Now it makes him feel relaxed and tired. When he looks in the mirror, he almost doesn't recognize himself: he looks paler than usual, with deep bags under his eyes, and has his fists clenched as if in preparation for a fight.
"He tried to smile, but it didn't look natural. He gave up on trying to look happy, and went out to meet his mother." (Paraphrased, but roughly what the text says at one point.)
Sam forgets a commitment he made to help a friend with something, and then blows off his mother when she reminds him to do his chores. She points out that he hasn't done his chores or worn clean clothes in days, even though he's usually so good about those things. She zeroes in on the Dream Sphere, the only thing new in his life that she knows about and something that she knows he's weirdly defensive about, and she tells him to give it back to Raad. They get in a fight about it.
"Are you doing something that you are not supposed to be doing?" (It's okay, Mrs. Barker, you can ask if he's using drugs. These books are rated for middle schoolers and up, you're allowed to reference drug use in this manner.)
Mad at his mother for her "wild accusation," Sam retreats to his room, where he uses the Dream Sphere again.
He has strange dreams that night and doesn't sleep very well. He feels bad enough the next morning that he tells his mother he thinks he needs to stay home from school, and, after checking him over and thinking he seems genuinely sick, his mother agrees.
Sam and his mother have a talk, both apologizing for the fight last night. They talk about Sam's late father and how they both miss him. (Weird to see a healthy family relationship in these books.)
Sam spends a long time with the Dream Sphere that day, reliving memories of his dad. He has a realization that his dad would probably be disappointed in some of Sam's recent choices.
Sam and the Dream Sphere go through all of his memories of his father, finally reaching the day his father dies in a motorcycle accident while Sam is still a young child. Sam doesn't want to relive the memory, and he forces himself out of the lucid state and shuts off the Dream Sphere.
Even with the Sphere shut off, Sam is still trapped in the memory, reliving his dad's death. He tries shutting the Sphere off again, and this time it works. Terrified of this experience, Sam finally snaps out of love with the Dream Sphere, and decides that he needs to return it to Raad immediately.
Catching sight of his reflection in a mirror, Sam sees that blood vessels have burst in his eyes, and he's bleeding in them.
Sam goes to Raad's house, only to find no one home but the dog, Brutus. To his surprise, the front door is unlocked, allowing him to walk directly into the house. No one is home. He calls Raad's cell phone, and Raad answers, saying that he and the other guys just got out of school; when Sam tells him the door was unlocked, Raad gets frustrated with himself for leaving it unlocked. Raad says that he and the other guys are heading back to his place after school, so if Sam wants to just wait around for them they should be there in about 25 minutes. Sam agrees.
Back with the other boys, Raad tells the others that it's Jules' turn with the Dream Sphere next. Jules, fully knowing that Sam is waiting for them at Raad's house, decides they should make Sam wait, and cajoles the other guys into coming with him to the Pizzaplex to try out a new arcade game. (Because obviously we can't have them being good friends or showing up to help their friend in any way. That would be too inconvenient.)
While waiting for them, Sam considers the Dream Sphere one last time. Against his better judgement, he decides to use it again. He doesn't even bother setting a timer this time.
This time, Sam lucid dreams a perfect world. He asks Lydia to go to prom with him. She readily agrees, seeming pleased that he specifically asked her. During the dream, he gets a phone call from his dad, who is still alive and tells him that his mom just sold her first painting, and the family is going out to celebrate. Sam can't remember ever feeling this happy before, and is thankful that the Moondrop toy gave him such a good dream this time.
He comes across the Moondrop Dream Sphere. He finds this strange, since he's never seen it as part of the dream before.
He also starts to hear sounds trickle in from the real world, and he realizes how long he's been in this dream world. He also realizes that he never actually plugged the Dream Sphere in anywhere when he arrived at Raad's house (it's an electrical device, so it shouldn't work unless it's plugged in), and that it just magically turned on by itself when he willed it to.
(… Really? We're doing this? Ugh, fine.) While Sam is trapped in the dream world, he can feel his face being eaten off by Raad's dog.
Moondrop the Jester appears in this dream world (yes, the full-size Daycare Attendant) and watches Sam while Sam writhes in pain. Shortly, the pain subsides, presumably telling us that Sam's body has died. No longer in pain, Sam no longer cares about that sort of thing, and purposefully turns his back on reality, choosing to follow the Daycare Attendant deeper into the dream world, "eager to see what new adventures they could create together."
I don't understand the ending. The story was set up for Sam to fall into a coma due to overuse of the Dream Sphere, likely due to drowning in the dream world, but instead he gets his face eaten off by a dog and (presumably) dies on his friend's couch? Why? What was the point of the opening scene then, if not to foreshadow the ending? What the point of introducing Sam being having him talk at length about how he can't swim and how he's afraid of water? Does the art of foreshadow mean nothing anymore?
And this may come as a surprise to (-checks author credits on wikia-) Kelly Parra, but dogs don't just randomly eats people's faces off while they're asleep! DX That's a dumb ending to the story!
I do like the idea of Sam essentially walking off into the sunset with the Daycare Attendant, though. That part of the ending amuses me greatly. (And I can think of several people I've seen online who wish they could walk off into the sunset with the DA, lol.)
Sam in this story be like: "Friendship ended with reality. Now Moondrop is my new best friend."
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(-tries to restrain self from humming "Under Pressure"- -fails miserably-)
This story centers around a group of high schools by names of Luca, Nolan, Maddy, and Asher. Luca is our protagonist, and, like any good FNAF book protagonist, Luca isn't particularly fond of his friend group. Also like any good FNAF teen group (or really just teens in any horror media, actually) these kids are all incredibly annoying and unlikeable as characters.
The group originally formed a friend group because the three boys -- Luca, Nolan, and Asher -- play together on the school football team and enjoy the same horror movies, and Maddy, one of the school cheerleaders, is both Nolan's girlfriend and Luca's childhood friend and crush. (There's an unnecessary amount of drama regarding Luca's feelings about Maddy.)
The teens are visiting "Urban Legend Roleplayers Auditorium," a section of the Mega Pizzaplex where customers can dress in costumes provided by Fazbear's and participate in a LARP game with other costumed customers. The game is specifically to act out the "rumors and ghost stories that had become associated with the Fazbear Entertainment brand over the years."
While other kids fight over costumes of the animatronic characters, Luca wants to play the night guard, citing that he wants to "play the hero."
Even though the murders are brushed off as fictitious, Luca believes they really happened. This makes him a bit of a conspiracy theorist. His friends think his beliefs and interest in the whole thing is weird, and Luca hates having to defend himself against them.
(Wow. Assuming the child murder *actually* happened in the past, Fazbear's really just looooovvvves making light of it, don't they? And, if the murders never happened, if it's all just rumors and hearsay and ficticious stories, Fazbear's is still really invested to using these stories are part of their brand. Because nothing says family fun like ritualistic child murder and deadly haunting, amirite?)
The kids look at different play scripts for roleplay games they could choose from. They gravitate toward one called "Green-Eared Killer," a short rp script about three teenagers who break into the Fazbear Frights haunted house and get stalked by Springtrap, with the kids having to try escaping before getting killed by Springtrap. (… I just had a flashback to an rp thread I wrote with a friend ages ago, with a very similar plotline.)
Despite wanting to play the nightguard in a different scenerio (and despite believing that the murders really happened and people really died), Luca gets bullied into playing Springtrap for the game. He's not into it, but the other three really want to play the teen victims in this slasher set-up.
(…. Luca. My good dude. If a girl calls your eyes "platinum magic," you should *absolutely* ask her for a second date.)
The Springtrap costume is extremely ugly, realistic, and smells terrible. It also feels gross and crusty.
Luca doesn't want to play a killer, even if it's fake, because one of his childhood friends really was kidnapped and found dead weeks later. Luca had thought of his friend like a little brother, and it hurt and horrified him that something so awful could happen to someone he knew. He still had nightmares about it. His friends don't know about this, and just harass him until he agrees to play Springtrap for them.
(If these kids don't shut up soon, I'm going to start stabbing them myself.)
On the way to the game room, Luca (in full Springtrap costume) passes by some younger girls who are playing. One of the girls is dressed as Foxy and is mock-lunging at the others, and they all seem to be enjoying their game, which Luca finds cute. He then notices an adult male employee also watching the girls, the grown man watching them too closely and smiling to himself about it. The man is very clearly a creeper, and it disgusts Luca. Luca starts to go confront the man, only to get distracted by some little boys running past him. Looking back at the man, Luca sees that the man has turned his attention to the boys, the same creepy, too-interested-for-comfort smile on his face. Luca decides to go confront the creep, but gets distracted by one of his friends calling to him. When he turns back, the man is gone.
(This creeper's description makes me think of Pinkypill's design for William Afton, since he's described as pale and thin and gaunt and having blue-eyes.) (Yes, I'm aware that Afton literally has silver eyes in those books, but it's specified that his eyes used to be blue, so I'm counting him as 'blue-eyed.')
(Also this scene is very reminiscent of the "Go Go Go, Foxy" minigame from FNAF2, with the imagery of Foxy playing with a bunch of children while a creepy, smiling guy stands nearby.)
The kids enter the game room they'll be using. The room, or rather set of rooms, has been designed to resemble something like the Fazbear's Fright horror attraction. Wall decor includes both old Freddy's memorabilia, children's drawings, and sets of fake knives (for some reason). One section of the rp stage shows what looks like children's birthday party that was abandoned midway through, with paper plates and party hats strewn across the table and floor. There are also other animatronics in this set-up - a Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica on a central stage, and a Foxy in Pirate's Cove. These animatronics are more like statues than anything else, but have some mobility, as they can move their arms up and down.
As Springtrap, Luca starts the game in a "safe room." He also has a prop knife.
(I love how there are no knives ever in any of the games, brandished by any character for any reason, but in every single book featuring a killer in a rabbit suit they are *always* portrayed with knives. And of course, Lillard's iconic knife usage in the movie. But the games get a total of 0 (zero) knives, and at this point, I just find it comical.)
The kids start their game. As Luca starts to stalk his friends, he feels something inside his costume "gauge his arm." Other parts of the costume start to poke and prod him at various points. Irritated, Luca can't wait to get out of this costume.
At one point, he hears Balloon Boy voice lines play over an intercom, the same way it plays in FNAF3; Luca recognizes this game as a VR game.
SpringLuca and Maddy both get jumpscared by Foxy, who almost brings his hook down on both of them. Luca jumps, and something inside the Springtrap costume clamps shut around his leg, puncturing him. Luca cries out in pain, but his friends think he's just playing the character and trying to scare them, so they run away like they're supposed to. Luca can feel his leg bleeding, and he tries and fails to get his friends' attention.
As the game progresses, Luca gets stabbed by more and more parts of the costume. His friends all find places to hide and Luca feels like he's alone in the rooms. He tries to take the costume off, but can't figure out how to. He only gets punctured more for his efforts, and ends up bleeding and in a lot of pain.
Luca grabs Maddy, trying to alert her to his injuries. As he does, metal parts of the costume clamp around his head, pressing against his skull and into his scalp and even pressing into his mouth, and several small hooks attaching the costume head to his own flesh. He almost falls to the ground screaming in pain.
A series of snaps sounds throughout the costume, and Luca feels himself getting pierced in several places. He howls in pain, and, for the first time in awhile, his friends all pause, staring at him. Maddy, Nolan, and Asher, thinking Luca is just playing and getting into character, pretend to be scared and all scramble away in mock fright. They laugh gleefully and run away while Luca suffers.
Luca considers just sitting down somewhere near the exit door and waiting for his friends to get bored. But he's been bleeding pretty heavily inside the costume from his injuries, and feeling woozy from the pain and blood-loss, so he decides his best course of action is to continue trying to get his friends' attention. (Because that's been working so well for him. -rolls eyes- )
(Shouldn't there be employees nearby? Like, this roleplay set-up is essentially an escape room for kids, so shouldn't there be a Fazbear employee nearby, just for safety? Couldn't Luca try to get the attention of an employee?)
"A row of pizza ovens… dark and empty…" (Well I should *hope* they're empty! Last time I saw a pizza oven in Fazbear's Fright, there was a whole man in it!)
Okay, and now we have a brief convo about mob mentality. (Well, group think, but y'know. Same difference. And I recognize that this story is trying really hard to be a warning about the dangers of peer pressure, but it's not doing a good job about it, and this whole convo feels very hamfisted.)
Luca gets separated from his friends so much, he can't find them anymore. Feeling too weak and woozy to continue looking for them, he collapses, curling up in the corner of one of the fake storage rooms.
Asher, Nolan, and Maddy leave the game, deciding it's over. They barely even notice that Luca isn't with them. Literally leaving their friend behind, they decide to go get a pizza. (I'm only slightly exaggerating when I say that I think each of these kids should have gotten stabbed in the leg with a big knife. Ugh, they're the worst.)
After taking a rest, Luca manages to get back up. His shoes are now soaked in his own blood. While Luca is wondering if his friends are still around, he notices prop costumes moving nearby, as though someone had brushed past them. He hears a door open and slam shut somewhere nearby, following by many small footsteps and children's voices. Luca realizes that this group of kids are taking their own turn at the "Green-Eared Killer" game. He then realizes that that means his friends have abandoned him.
"He would [wait for the kids to leave] before approaching the exit door, pounding on it until someone opened it. Or until he died. Whichever came first."
While waiting for the kids to move on, Luca ducks into a dark corner where they won't see him. From this new vantage point, Luca is able to see that creepy man from earlier has entered the game room, and is putting on a Springtrap costume himself.
"… the pervert in the rabbit suit." Idk why, I just thought this line was funny.
Even in severe pain and believing that he's actually dying, Luca makes up his mind to tackle the creep before he hurts anyone.
When he hears one of the kids screaming, Luca begins to fear the worst. He follows the sounds to where the terrified little girl is trying to escape the grasp of the creepy man. Having enough of this guy, Luca tackles the man, putting him in a choke hold.
(And it's made very clear that this isn't a misunderstanding or anything -- this man definitely has bad intentions for these kids. We're not told what those intentions are exactly, but clearly it's nothing good. The kids don't even seem to know him, and the little girl he grabs actually bites him to get away, something children usually only do with people they don't like or strangers.)
Luca dies while strangling this man, ensuring that they both die together. Luca's last thoughts are about how this, his final act, is the first time in a long time that's done something for himself, of his own accord, because he felt it was the right thing to do.
I have a few observations about parts of this story:
First, I need to say that the vibes of that ending scene made me think of this scenario from skeletoninthemelonland. Just, Luca embodying his new rabbit form so completely, while also deciding that he's going to take control of his body back, and using his last bit of control to take down a man who is an obvious threat… Made me think of the fan concept of Spring Bonnie not being happy with Afton using it to harm children.
Second, I find it interesting that the general public knows the story of the Fazbear murders and hauntings, but the facts around them are so murky that anyone who believes they really happened is labeled "a conspiracy theorist." Outside of the Fazbear higher-ups, no one knows for sure if the murders happened or not, or how much truth is attached to the stories, if any. I just find that interesting.
And thirdly, let's talk about Fazbear's business tactics. Whether the murders really happened or not doesn't matter -- Fazbear's is capitalizing off of the stories. Which is just… so gross and weird. Because whether the stories are true or not, this company, which markets itself to children and families with children, is attaching stories of child abductions and murders to its brand, and attaching it so openly that children are encouraged to act out these stories on the building's premises. Can you imagine going to Disneyland and they openly talk about some of the shadier goings-on in their industry, and were encouraging small children to act it out? Wouldn't that be weird and make you feel gross?
So yeah, just further confirmation that Fazbear's is a godawful company and is nothing but harmful to its customers and employees alike. What else is new?
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Cleithrophobia -- the fear of being trapped, or locked in a small space.
There are stained glass windows in the Pizzaplex. We are again told that the Pizzaplex is shaped like a giant pizza - circular, with wedge-shaped sections for different activities.
We open on a group of teens who are visiting the Pizzaplex together for the first time, and are exploring all the different activities they can try out. They pass by the roleplay section (as seen in "Pressure"), the climbing tubes (as seen in "HAPPS"), a Chica-themed Tilt-a-whirl, a broken down AR booth (as seen in "Under Construction"), a dining room, a carousel (as depicted in the "Help Wanted 2" game), an arcade, the laser tag arena. They also spot the theater, and remark that there is a "little kids play area under [the theater]."
The kids have acquired a map of the building, and are pouring over it to see if they missed any attractions during their initial walk-around. Eric points that the index lists a "Ballora's Fitness and Flex" section, but that it's not depicted anywhere on the map images. Deciding to ignore it, the kids get in line to ride the indoor roller coaster.
The story then flashes back to "Five Months Earlier," refocusing on a man named Grady, a technician who works at the newly built Pizzaplex. Our protag Grady is doing rounds through the building, checking each of the individual attractions before opening. While everything is dark and turned off, he thinks the building feels a bit like an empty circus tent.
Grady is part of a team of three technicians. The team are working under orders to stay together at all times, but, when the other two knock off early, Grady chooses to stay behind to get some extra work in; they're behind schedule, and Grady would rather do the work now than come in to do on the weekend.
The computer system of the Pizzaplex has recently been installed, but something is wrong with it. It was storing data just fine at first, but the system glitched for some reason and lost all the data at once. Because of this, a lot of the technical aspects and programming around the Pizzaplex is having to be re-coded again.
A use of the word "phenom" that feels very forced. (I don't know, that word's just weird to me. I've literally never heard it before in my life until FNAF started using it.)
Grady goes to work on "Ballora's Fitness and Flex." This attraction in the basement of the Pizzaplex, and features vertical climbing tubes that run up and down the walls, allowing kids to climb up and slide down them. There are ladders to reach the openings of the tubes. The tubes are narrow and strangely shaped, with the shape of them meant to encourage the climbers to slightly contort their bodies -- not enough to hurt, but enough to encourage a level of flexibility. (This sounds like a dumb idea, but okay.)
(Also this is just real life Chutes and Ladders / Snakes and Ladders.)
Because of a traumatic experience with a babysitter (who locked him in a closet for several hours instead of actually babysitting, an experience that caused child!Grady to injure himself, become dehydrated, and eventually pass out from lack of air), Grady has a severe fear of tight spaces.
Unfortunately for him, he's the only one of the technicians who can fit into the climbing tubes in Ballora's Fitness, so it's his job to enter them and check to make sure they're safe. (Which I have to say, is extremely dumb. They're plastic, see-through tubes. They either work or they don't. It's not like they're connected to the computer system.) He's also going to check on Ballora and make sure she's functioning, as the animatronic ballerina is present in this section of the Pizzaplex; to get to her, he's still going to have to go through the tubes. (Why does he have to go through the tubes, though? I don't understand any part of this set up.)
Almost as soon as Grady starts climbing, Ballora pops up through the floor on a platform sticking out from the wall. She turns to look at him (wow! Open eyed Ballora!) and greets him cheerfully. This version of Ballora is just her upper body (so torso, arms, and head) and is attached to a mechanism that moves her throughout the attraction. Her hair is styled in a bun and comb like a flamenco dancer. She also usually sings in short verses in lieu of regular speech.
"'I encourage you to slide on in,' Ballora started singing again. 'That's the best way to begin.'"
Grady doesn't like Ballora's singing; he thinks she sounds sinister.
Ballora assures Grady that she's here to make sure he doesn't get stuck in a tube. Soon enough, Grady does get stuck, and Ballora, mounted on the mechanical arm, enters the tube to pull him out. She pulls him too hard though, and it nearly wrenches his arms from their sockets. She pulls him all the way through the tube, cheerfully unaware of the injury she's causing to Grady, and drops him off on one of the wall platforms.
"Please, can I help? I want to help." (Big fan of this take on Ballora's character.)
As much as Ballora wants to help, she either wasn't programmed properly or has some sort of glitch in her system (possibly from the system-wide computer crash). The next time Grady needs her help, she grabs him too hard and ends up crushing his hands and shattering his finger bones. Further "help" from her ends up breaking other bones in his body, including those in his arms and legs. Unable to hold his hands properly anymore, Ballora tries to grab another part of Grady's body, leading to her accidentally stabbing one of her fingers through his eye, and then breaking his nose.
Grady's coworkers Ronan and Tate return, as they carpool together and Ronan forgot his housekeys at the Pizzaplex. While they're here, they realize that Grady is doing the check-up on Ballora's tonight, so they decide to check in on him.
(Unrelated to the story, but I am madly, desperately in love with Ronan. I need this fictional side-character man carnally.)
Ronan and Tate check on Grady. They come face to face with the mangled remains of Grady, still in a tube. His body is broken in many places, and he's been stretched to "nearly twice" as tall as he normally is. Ronan nearly throws up, while Tate looks closer at Grady, eventually determining that Grady is blinking and therefore still alive.
I know Tate is just supposed to be an annoying self-centered loser prick, but I think it's weird that he knows just a little too much about the legal workings at Fazbear's and is a little too comfortable around a mangled body. His knowledge and behaviors are super suspicious, and for no reason.
After some inspection of what's left of Grady, the two men think their coworker has mere minutes left. Tate believes it's worthless to call for help, as he doesn't think Grady would survive the rescue. Unknown to either of them, Grady is still alive and slightly lucid, able to hear their voices but not understand most of their words.
In the end, the two men leave, abandoning their coworker to his fate. In his dying moments, Grady is still being pulled and tugged on by Ballora, who is trying very hard to help him get unstuck.
As Ballora continues to drag his near-lifeless body around, she keeps repeating "You are stuck. Let me help you. I want to help you. You are stuck. I want to help you." She seems to be glitched out, and is either unaware that her charge is injured or knowing that he's injured and being unable to do anything about it.
I didn't have many notes to take for this story. Not much happens in it -- just a game of IRL Chutes and Ladders gone terribly wrong. That doesn't mean I don't have a few thoughts about it, though.
I like the inclusion of Ballora, though. I'm intrigued by the idea of Ballora being in the Pizzaplex somewhere, but she's been locked away, closed off from everything else.
I also liked the segment of the unrelated teenagers checking out all the attractions that the Pizzaplex has to offer. The segment gives us a clearer idea of what the Pizzaplex looks like in these books, and revisits some areas we've already seen (like the AR booth and the climbing tubes) while also showing us a few areas we haven't seen yet. Makes me wonder if we're going to a get story later down the line that focuses on the theater area.
The story mentions there being a weird glitch in the computer system at the Pizzaplex, telling us that the whole system -- including security systems, the arcade machines, the lights, and even the animatronics, since everything is connected to a single system -- all crashed and now behaving strangely, and the technicians are basically having to go through everything piece by piece and reprogram everything. Makes you wonder if this crash was random, or if it was directly caused by something… Like, for example, someone hacking into the system that shouldn't have been there (like Patient 46) or an AI entering the system (like the Mimic) or a virus being uploaded to the system (like Glitchtrap). Food for thought.
This story focuses really hard on Grady's trauma and its origins, when it absolutely doesn't need to. The most it needs to say is that Grady was locked in a small closet for several hours by his babysitter. But instead, we spend quite awhile reliving Grady's memory with him, as his babysitter and her boyfriend trick him into the closet, and Grady screams and cries for over an hour, only for help to nearly arrive too late. The story spends more time on this, Grady's original childhood trauma, than it does on his slow death by Ballora's attempts to help. I don't know if that's important or anything (and I only say this because it's not the first time we've seen a terrified child locked in a closet by a cruel teenager in this franchise), or if the writer/s simply focused on the wrong section of the story.
And again, suspicious Tate is suspicious. I don't know he's meant to stand out as a suspicious character or not, but… there's a weird amount of attention put on him. Grady thinking Tate looks uncannily like his original abuser, with similar facial features, similar mannerisms, and the same cocky smirk. It's made clear that Tate isn't interesting in doing his job well, but that he also know entirely too many specifics about the Fazbear's employee rules -- the same rules that he pretends not to know or care about when Grady asks him directly about them. He's shown to be oddly calm about Grady's predicament, so much so that he's described as "gawking at [Grady's remains] like he was looking at an exhibit at a zoo," and he's even the one to decide to just leave Grady to his fate.
(I also think Tate gives off Michael Afton energy, but maybe that's just me.) (Or maybe I'm getting wires crossed and thinking of Michael Tait. Who can say?)
(If you don't know who Michael Tait is already, all you need to know about him is he's a Christian performer who would definitely be on Scott's radar. All I'm really saying here is, if the character Tate is meant to be some sort of parallel for Michael, the real person Michael Tait may have inspired Scott or one of his team members to choose the name "Tate.")
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Lucia and her friends listen in fear to the monster's footsteps. The teens have locked themselves in a small store room, and they can hear the thing (the Mimic) stalking around outside, searching for them.
The teens decide to split up to look for possible exits. Team 1 is Hope and Nick, Team 2 is Adrian and Jase, Team 3 is Lucia and Kelly, and Team 4 is Joel and Wade. The teams are chosen largely based on which kids are already friends and work well together, with the exception of Lucia and Kelly, who don't know each other that well yet but don't dislike each other.
Jase is an artist and has a good memory, and draws them a map of the Pizzaplex and basement based on their earlier exploration of it. They divvy up all the rooms and areas in the Pizzaplex, each team being given a list of areas to search. (Pretty standard "teens in a horror story" explanations.) Once their stalker vanishes, the kids make it back upstairs, where they begin searching.
(I don't understand what they're looking for. I thought they were looking for a way out, but now Lucia and Kelly are searching the bathrooms, so I no longer know what they're doing.)
Wade and Joel search the employee lounge. They get scared out by a scraping sound coming from inside the vents in the walls. (I wish they had gotten jumped by a Mini Music Man. That would at least be funny.)
Nick and Hope search the backstage area of the theater. Hope feels like she's being watched. Nick opens a costume wardrobe, only to get grabbed by something and pulled inside. He's returned a moment later, but is now missing an arm. Metal arms reach out of the wardrobe to grab Nick again, this time twisting his head clean off his body. The metal creature steps into full view, and we get a description of it from Hope's point of view, telling us that it's definitely the Mimic as seen in the "Ruin" DLC. Hope runs away from the Mimic, surviving this initial encounter.
Meanwhile, Kelly and Lucia are now best friends. (Or they're flirting. Unclear.) They're interrupted by Hope running past them, screaming in terror. The two girls follow her, and are soon joined by the two pairs of boys. The rest of the teens try to get words out of her, but Hope is sobbing and shaking too hard to answer them, only wailing when they ask where Nick is.
The kids duck into the Parts and Service room and lock themselves into it, hoping to find a safe location or impromptu weapons they could use to defend themself.
Lucia describes the Parts and Service room as "looking like a beauty parlor for robots." She says there are three metal chairs in it that have clamps on the armrests, somehow looking like both salon chairs and torture devices. (Oh, like the Shreddy Fazchair from the movie, perhaps? Or maybe something akin to Roxanne's salon?) There are also several empty exoskeletons of Fazbear characters littering the room, though done of them resembling characters we've ever seen before -- there are dogs, and a cat, and another, undescribed character wearing green overalls.
Hope is finally able to tell the others what happened to Nick. When she finishes her story, one of the exoskeletons moves behind her, apparently not as empty as previously thought.
Wearing the suit of a dog character, the Mimic grabs Hope by the arms, tearing both her arms off in seconds. While the other kids scream, the Mimic turns Hope around, tearing off her legs, and then her head.
All at once and in a panic, the kids run to the door, too freaked out to open it at first. They finally get it open and run for their lives, the Mimic following slowly after them.
(It's weird that the Mimic tears off her legs. It wasn't programmed to do that.)
(But good… The epilogues are really getting interesting now. Love that for us.)
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Introduction Post
Hello, my name is CJ Nightingale, and this is my blog dedicated to my OCs, their story, and the development of said story!! I'm making this blog for the sake of having a designated place to talk about my OCs, and so that I have some people to hold me accountable for actually making story progress, since I've been struggling a bit to actually sit down and make progress on getting the comic going. I think having a blog about it will help me stay motivated. Hopefully. Lol
A little bit of story related information:
This story has over 36 very important characters, not including antagonists and "true" side characters. This story takes place over the course of about 7 or 8 years, in 5 acts, taking the characters from middle school into early college. It's based in what I believe would be described as an "urban fantasy" setting, which looks similar to our world but is quite different. The story is meant to be mostly lighthearted, but there will be very intense moments and emotional damage (and a little blood sometimes too, as there will be fantasy violence).
I will make proper posts describing things in more detail as I go, but for the time being here's a brief introduction to each of the main characters:
Skylar: Acts 1-5, sarcastic, takes no BS, a bit of an enigma, Lukas' twin
Jesse: Acts 1-5, scatterbrained, just out here doing his best
Rin: Acts 1-5, mischievous, enjoys trying new things
Zander: Acts 1-5, smart, unbothered, designated "responsible dude"
Tabitha: Acts 1-5, bubbly, arguably too much faith in humanity
Lukas: Acts 1-5, looks more chill than he actually is, emotionally intelligent (most of the time), Skylar's twin
Lydia: Acts 1-5, too smart for her own good, very good with power tools
Marcus: Acts 1-5, quiet, listens a lot and knows more than he should, arguably drinks too much caffeine
Jules: Acts 2-5, highly approachable and talkative, likes poofy dresses
Dillon: Acts 2-5, skeptical of people, likes roller derby, hates group projects
Takuma: Acts 2-5, Ambitious, sarcastic, has doodled on every piece of clothing they own
Mariah Mae: (Kind of a side character) Acts 2-5, wildly peppy, a bit of a nerd, highly authentic person
Rea: Acts 2-5, perpetually has her head in the clouds, bewildered by humans
Dani: Acts 2-5, highly intuitive, knows all the things, likes music and their service dog
Booker: Acts 2-5, tends to accidentally run his mouth, likes basketball, bass guitar, and his friends
Ollie: Acts (1) 3-5, a little bit reactive, closed off, terrifyingly good at sleight of hand and at lying (do not play poker with him)
Meklit: Acts (1) 3-5, levelheaded, blunt, likes people and dislikes shoes
Gavin: Acts 3-5, both lawyer smart and a bit naïve, cellist, keeps putting himself in situations by accident
Goldie: Acts (1) 3-5, a bit shy, puts a lot of pressure on himself but looks really really chill at all times, chronic doodler
Blake: Acts 1-5, very antsy, very tired, very full of nervous energy, makes some poor decisions
Zaahira: Acts 4-5, genuinely nice person, cares about people, prefers plants
Wulf: Acts (3???) 4-5, impulsive, giggly, just happy to be here, on the run from the government
Akachi: Acts (1) 3-5, extremely ambitious, aesthetically inclined, color coordinated at all times
Selene: Acts 4-5, high tolerance for shenanigans, very bubbly, just out here having a good time
Sakura: Acts 4-5, detail oriented, loves stickers, can borderline read minds/hj
Remi: Acts 4-5 (probably??? gonna have to figure that out a bit more), very smart, very sarcastic, very giggly, very happy to be here
Leah: Acts 1-5, insomniac, a bit pretentious, makes some poor decisions
Sylvi: Acts (1) 3-5, borderline annoying theatre kid in the best way possible, very good singer
Karim: (Arguably a side character) Acts 4-5 (maybe idk), arguably too much faith in humanity, enjoys puns
Jono: Acts (3) 5, loves music, loses his train of thought frequently, looks more nervous than he is
Ivanna: Acts (3) 5, tough, good at water polo, believes in doing the right thing
Sovanna: Acts (3) 4-5, super chill, loves stickers, loves travelling, detail oriented
Ash: Act 5, under a ton of pressure, a bit reactive, out here trying his best
Coral: Act 5, can be hard to talk to, big listener, takes herself very seriously
Sib: (arguably a side character) Act 5, way too much energy at all times, good sense of humor, Ari's twin
Ari: (arguably a side character) Act 5, tired, quiet, talks more to animals than he does people
So that's a brief introduction to the non-antagonist characters, I'll make actual introduction posts for them later, but also if y'all want to ask questions about any of them before I get to that lmk!! Also feel free to ask questions about anything related to this story, I'd be happy to talk about it, and it might motivate me to help get stuff done.
If you found this blog just randomly and not from my fanart page, you can find that at @cj-the-random-artist , and you can find my website which has more art of my OCs at the link down here:
If / when I start uploading this story as a comic, I'll update this post with that information as well. That's all for this long introductory post, and I hope y'all enjoy this long winded thing and enjoy this little blog here!! Have good day lovelies :D
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livvyofthelake · 9 months
cassie protagonists ranked TO ME
emma..... my most beloved emma.... she's like if a boy was a girl but totally normal about being a girl she just acts weird. that didn't make sense. she's like girl jace basically. which makes her a billion times cooler and deeper than jace could ever try to be. she's like if there was a girl who kind of sucked and was an idiot but she loved her friends so so so much and she was a genius and super cool and awesome and badass but also she's like kind of stupid with emotions and bad at handling personal relationships... and she has a sick ass sword!!! she's like if katniss was a shadowhunter. she's like if a knight from any fairy tale was kind of a loser. she's like if liv moore was monogamous. hard to explain any of that just trust me that emma is cool as hell. and she loves clary sooooo much...
clary. we would be nowhere without the og.... she's literally like if an angel was just some dude. and she had Protagonist Disorder. and she was blessed with divine visions. you know i love clary you know i'm a clary girl do i even need to get into it further...
it hurts me to do this, i didn't want to have to make cordelia number 4 but. ok and rememeber that this is conceptual still because twp doesn't even exist yet it's just well i can't make my special girl number 4 out of 5 i'm not a monster. anyway yeah. dru <3 she is so dear to me even though collectively only like 30 pages have ever been written about her. i just know she's going to slay the house down in the wicked powers is the thing i know it i KNOW it... people are afraid of her slayage and believe it or not she already has haters but they are NOT me and they are NOT welcome here... i don't give a shit if you wanted kit to be the protagonist of twp he's not a girl. being a cassie shadowhunter protagonist is for girls only. he can be second like jace and james and will and jules. kinda crazy how historically all the secondary mains have been the love interest. rip ash lmao. anyway. literally do not care if you wanted kit to be the main main character you will fucking survive and you don't know it yet but it's better this way. dru is taking so many hits for him it's crazy. cassie's gonna make her do love triangle drama and annoying miscommunication and we're all gonna be so pissed off about it like we always are when cassie does this with every single on of her primary couples. and meanwhile kit and ty are gonna be fucking normal in comparasin. say thank you to dru and get over it.... also i literally love her to pieces she's soooo funny and kind and she loves her family more than anything and she hates being the second youngest and she just wants to be included in ty's ridiculous schemes and she loves her silly little horror movies and she has a blue streak in her hair and she wears ironic t shirts and she hates school and she's soooo mad that jules and emma restored their haunted house before she could visit it.... and she's my friend.....
cordelia <3 it's not her fault the final book in her trilogy was kind of a flop. she slayed it though... except for the love triange stuff that pissed me off an unreal amount you guys know you were there. but i love cordelia she's soooo protagonist... she's so remember that you can't save everyone remember that you have to try..... also her gay ally swag is unbeatable. she loves her gay friends more than she loves herself....
tessa sorry girl it's just well i haven't read tid since 2014. you're cool to hang with in sobh tho even though you're cryptic as hell for no fucking reason.... i love it tho she's like hm well things happened in the past that might actually be relevant to your situation emma but i can't tell you about those things because they make me sad. good luck tho! like go girl give us nothing....
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