interludepress · 2 years
Now Available: BOOK OF DREAMS by Kevin Craig
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From the award-winning author of The Camino Club, a thrilling descent into the pages of a cursed book
Gaige’s curiosity gets the better of him when he discovers a bookstore on an abandoned street where no bookstore should be. He steps inside and is immediately enthralled by its antiquarian sights and smells. But one book in particular calls to him. It isn’t long before he gets a bad feeling about it, but it's already too late. The store’s aged bookseller gives him no alternative: once he touches the book, it's his—whether he wants it or not.
The book leads Gaige on a horrific descent into the unknown. As he falls into the depths of its pages, he loses blocks of time, and his friends become trapped inside ancient cellars with seemingly no means of escape.
Gaige soon learns that the ancient bookseller is a notorious serial killer from previous century, and fears that he has fallen into a predicament from which he may not escape. When all seems lost, he finds the one person he can turn to for help—Mael, a sweet teen also trapped inside the book who didn't fall for the bookseller’s tricks. Together, they race against time to protect Gaige from joining a long string of boys who vanished without a trace inside the Book of Dreams.
Price: $12.99 print / $6.99 eBook
Details: Trade paperback, 5.25"x 8”
Pages:  276
ISBN: 978-1-951954-19-2 print // 978-1-951954-20-8 eBook
Cover art by C.B. Messer.
About the Author
Kevin Craig is the author of several young adult novels. Their most recent title, The Camino Club, was the 2021 Silver Winner of the Independent Book Publishers Association's Benjamin Franklin Award. Kevin is a five-time recipient of the Muskoka Novel Marathon's Best Novel Award. As a playwright, Kevin has had twelve plays produced for the stage. Kevin lives in Toronto, Canada. As an avid explorer, they can also be found traveling the world with their significant other, Michael. 
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Add BOOK OF DREAMS to your Goodreads TBR here.
Available from the IP Web Store, Chicago Review Press, Bookshop, Amazon (US), Amazon (CA), Apple, Barnes & Noble, Indigo (CA), Kobo, Book Depository, and an indie bookstore near you.
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Nova Huang knows more about magic than your average teen witch. She works at her grandmothers' bookshop, where she helps them loan out spell books and investigate any supernatural occurrences in their New England town. One fateful night, she follows reports of a white wolf into the woods, and she comes across the unexpected: her childhood crush, Tam Lang, battling a horse demon in the woods. As a werewolf, Tam has been wandering from place to place for years, unable to call any town home. Pursued by dark forces eager to claim the magic of wolves and out of options, Tam turns to Nova for help. Their latent feelings are rekindled against the backdrop of witchcraft, untested magic, occult rituals, and family ties both new and old in this enchanting tale of self-discovery.
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paperplanenomad · 4 years
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Nick and Charlie: Rugby Game 🏉
Oh I I want to be with you everywhere
No. 2 in the Heartstopper x ‘Everywhere’ (Fleetwood Mac) Polaroid fanart series 📸 Nick and Charlie in that cute rugby game scene! Nice to try out oil pastels again, it’s been ages - forgot how soft they are 🥰
“Well... I think he might maybe like me back... He’s a lot more...idk...physical? We hug now? Sometimes I just catch him looking at me...” .. “I can kinda see it. Nick and Charlie.”
Nick and Charlie belong to ‘Heartstopper’ by Alice Oseman 🌈 Read it online on Tapas or buy/borrow from your bookstore or library!
this sketchbook for some reason contains only ‘Heartstopper’ content?? And I have another one with just stuff from ‘Carry On’?? what is this accidental organisation??
My original plan was to do watercolour/more gouache for figures over the gouache background, but, being a fool of a Took, I used way too thin paper and that plan imploded - went to oil pastels and ended up just cutting the finished one out and glueing it into my sketchbook like I was my 8yo scrapbooking self again lol
(yes I did stick it into my sketchbook wonky, no one regrets that more than me)
@osemanversenet‘s event thirteen: favourite scenes
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yalibooks · 3 years
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How many books for young readers (0-18) featuring South Asian LGBTQ+ representation did we find? Nine. A very small list, don’t you think? (If we missed any, let us know!). Please consider sharing this list with educators, parents, and librarians to help these books reach more young readers—readers who might need these books to feel seen and heard. - Boteju, Tanya. Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2019. - Jaigirdar, Adiba. The Henna Wars. Page Street Kids, 2020. - Khan, Sabina. The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali. Scholastic Press, 2019. - Narvankar, Ameya. Ritu Weds Chandni. Yali Books, 2020 - Pancholy, Maulik. The Best at It. Balzer & Bray/Harper Teen, 2019. - Patel, Sonia. Jaya and Rasa. a Love Story. Cinco Puntos Press, 2017. - Sankar, Himanjali. Talking of Muskaan. Duckbill Books, 2014. - Selvadurai, Shyam. Swimming in the Monsoon Sea. Tundra Books, 2007. - Shraya, Vivek, Illus. Rajni Perera. The Boy & The Bindi. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016. #lgtbqreads #lgbtqya #lgbtqmg #lgbtqpicturebooks #southasiankidlit #lgbtqkidlit https://www.instagram.com/p/CLKA2HKpVd3/?igshid=1itk5fjbqcna9
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saintmachina · 5 years
For interested parties, my sapphic Snow Queen retelling about about a disaster bi thief and femme witch falling for each other opposites-attract style is out! Think Deathless meets Of Fire and Stars with more secrets, knives, and ghosts. At $2.99, it’s a thrifty way to warm up your winter.
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authorcblee · 5 years
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Emma Robledo has a few more responsibilities that the usual high school senior, but then again, she and her friends have left school to lead a fractured Resistance movement against a corrupt Heroes League of Heroes. Emma is the only member of a supercharged team without powers, and she isn’t always taken seriously. A natural leader, Emma is determined to win this battle, and when that’s done, get back to school. As the Resistance moves to challenge the League, Emma realizes where her place is in this fight: at the front.
Lambda Literary Award finalist C.B. Lee returns with the third book in her bestselling Sidekick Squad series, which has garnered both critical acclaim and fans for its joyous tone and inclusivity.
Read an exclusive excerpt at Book Riot
Preorder: Interlude Press | Indiebound | Barnes and Noble | Amazon
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The Sidekick Squad is a young adult scifi series that follows queer teens as they fight against corruption in a superpowered world. More about the books
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pixiechoso143 · 5 years
boys who love boys flirt with girls who love girls
boy meets boy, David Levithan
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tizerkane1640 · 5 years
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Honestly, the same goes for Toby Rylander.
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julianwinters · 6 years
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“We exist in a space outside of reality and inside our racing hearts.
I don’t think I’ll ever leave.”
How to Be Remy Cameron (September 2019)
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REVIEW: Running with Lions
REVIEW: Running with Lions by Julian Winters (June 7. 2018); 320 pages. Available from Duet Books, an imprint of Interlude Press, here.  
When I was coming up, queer YA was not available. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, when my adolescence was in bloom, I felt lucky to have access to Daniel Pinkwater’s quirky, witty novels and novels like Forever, Ahbra (by Mary Anderson) as an alternative to my mom’s old Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries. I never dreamed books could be written about real kids—queer, of color, smart, struggling, complex reflections of me and the other kids I knew.
As an adult, I’m not one of those avid YA readers. I’ve moved on, and there’s so much not-good YA out there… I like complexity in a novel, darkness, a bit of grit and no melodrama, and that order seems in short supply in most YA. All this is to say I’m not a die-hard YA reader like some adults I know, but I can really appreciate a great YA story when I come across one.
Found one, friends!
Running with Lions by Julian Winters hits the spot for me. It’s many things that did not interest me as a kid: boy MCs, sports… well, I guess that’s the list. Nevertheless, it’s a beautifully-written, softly suspenseful queer young-person romance, by turns tender and stubbly and gently humorous. It’s not deliberately wallowing in ignorance of the world (which is what turns me off about many YA books—young folk know what’s going on, and they feel it intensely; no need to pander, authors).
Sebastian Hughes goes to training camp for his high school soccer team, the Bloomington Lions, and comes face-to-face with his former childhood bestie, Emir Shah, with whom Sebastian had fallen out of touch. Emir is sort of a social reject, both because he’s crusty and scowly, and because he’s not very good at soccer. (I marveled-cheered because the fact that he’s gay and brown and Muslim did not factor at all into his exile. I mean, finally.) At first Emir pushes everyone—including Sebastian—away. But Sebastian persists, offering to help Emir train and practice at night, alone, on the field. Sebastian has to fight through that prickly exterior to get to the soft, nougaty center that is the Emir he remembers, but it winds up worth it; slowly, Emir cracks open.
Sebastian, who identifies as bisexual, has never been in love with a boy before, but he falls for Emir (who has). The rest of the novel is a slow, careful unfolding of their relationship, little advances and retreats, skittish acceptance and unpredictably cold rejections. It’s rather like watching someone try to trap a feral cat, but in a good way.
What, perhaps, appeals to me most now, as an adult looking back, is that not only is the queer romance front and center, respected for its complexity and not just used for its queerness, but the major problem in the romance isn’t homophobia, it’s history and mistrust and other interpersonal complications. Queer people, in other words, get to be just as interesting as straight ones, and we get our full and difficult-human story here. The other players don’t care about the queerness, and even the coach is supportive and doesn’t pay mind to his players’ sexuality or masculinity. (How different from Mr. S--, the coach at my high school who giggled and eye-rolled his way through teaching sex ed like a frat boy and never once even mentioned queerness.)
It’s radical that a queer love story for young folk is not centered on homophobia. (In fact, much of the team is either gay or bisexual, and sexuality is hardly an issue.) I mean, it's really, truly radical. Everyone—kids and adults—needs stories like this.
In some ways, this idea (that a teen’s queerness is not an issue, that there are these queer-majority sports team-havens for kids) seems like a fantasy. Yet all fiction is fantasy (that’s kind of the point). Every single novel contains a made-up world and made-up people. As long as we’re fantasizing, how about a new fantasy with better values, one that doesn’t depress or scare the boop out of young queer kids just coming into their own, one that gives them something to dream about and wish for?
School librarianlgs, please grab this book for your stacks. Parents, slip this into your kid’s bookshelf. Request it at your local bookstore and library. Tell them an unathletic old queer lady sent you.                                                                                                                          
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interludepress · 2 years
Now Available: FELIX SILVER, TEASPOONS & WITCHES by Harry Cook
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“FELIX, SILVER, TEASPOONS AND WITCHES is a delightful brew of a book, and a beautiful reminder that there’s magic to be found in friendship, family, love and mystery.“ – Abdi Nazemian, author of Stonewall Honor Book Like a Love Story and The Chandler Legacies
After his parents announce that his bizarre, emerging abilities are getting in the way of their divorce, Felix Silver relocates to Dorset Harbor and becomes the charge of his Grandma Aggie. As Felix adjusts to life in a new school, Aggie decides that it's time he learn The Silver Way, and teaches him all she knows about sorcery and magical arts. When Felix and his new friends decide to solve the mystery of local teenagers who have gone missing, Felix learns that his crush, Aero, has a big secret. Is dark magic creeping into the town, and can Felix learn enough from Aggie and the witches of Dorset Harbor to combat it? From actor and author Harry Cook, Felix Silver, Teaspoons & Witches is a charming and funny Golden Girls-meets-teen wizard YA fantasy adventure.
Price: $12.99 print / $6.99 eBook 
Details: Trade paperback, 5.25"x 8”
Pages:  300
ISBN: 978-1-951954-14-7 print // 78-1-951954-15-4 eBook
Cover art by C.B. Messer.
About the Author
Harry Cook is an award-winning actor, writer, and LGBTQI+ activist. He has appeared opposite actors including Geena Davis, Sam Neill, and Bryan Brown in films and television shows, and won the Best Supporting Actor award at FilmOut San Diego Film Festival for his role in the feature film Drown. 
His debut memoir, Pink Ink, was published in September 2018 to rave reviews. Felix Silver, Teaspoons & Witches is Harry’s second young adult novel. His first YA, Fin & Rye & Fireflies, was released in August 2020 and received the Scottish Teenage Book Prize in 2022. He currently lives in Los Angeles.
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Add FELIX SILVER, TEASPOONS & WITCHES to your Goodreads TBR here.
Available from the IP Web Store, Chicago Review Press, Bookshop, Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Book Depository, and an indie bookstore near you.
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What if the literature we read was representative of us?
What if the romances that filled the pages of the novels we read were the romances that we dreamed about, not the ones that we were always told we were expected to have? If the love that we found wrapped, warm between the pages was more like us and less like everything we are not? Everything we never wished we were. So often we find that media, especially mainstream romance, and fantasy focus on comp-het relationships. Utilizing queer relationships only to use as a plot point or character growth.
I’m on the hunt to find LGBTQ positive and representative romance and fantasy novels, both currently on the market and up and coming authors to keep an eye out for. I will also be featuring authors who are representative of the community as well, so bring on the recommendations!
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paperplanenomad · 4 years
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Charlie Spring: Snow Angel 👼🏽
Oh I I want to be with you everywhere
This is no. 1 in the ‘Heartstopper’ x ‘Everywhere’ (Fleetwood Mac 🎵) Polaroid fanart series! Ft. darling Charlie being the cutest snow angel Nick (and the world) has ever seen ❄️ One of my favourite scenes from Vol. 1 and fits right into the @osemanversenet event thirteen: favourite scenes
(And yes, I did trawl through past calendars to find which year was Saturday, 20th of March 😂)
Nick and Charlie belong to Alice Oseman’s 'Heartstopper’ comic/graphic novel (it’s one of my all-time favourites!) 🌈 Please go check it out on Tapas or in bookstores!
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What’s the book that’s been on your TBR for 2021 the longest? 📚🗓✨ I think for me it’s A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth. I added it to my TBR as soon as some bookish friends told me how awesome it was earlier this year, and bought a copy soon after. It’s been on my TBR every month since...but this year seems to have gotten away from me a bit... I have less ARCs to read in the summer, though, so I hope to be able to pick up this book then!! ☀️ [ID: A photograph of a hardcover edition of A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth laying on a white fur carpet beside a paper shopping bag from Indigo. The white carpet is placed over a dark wood floor and white bookshelves are slightly visible in the background. Description end.] #ADarkAndHollowStar #AshleyShuttleworth #UrbanFantasy #YAUrbanFantasy #UrbanFantasyYA #fantasyYA #YAfantasy #CanLit #CanadianYA #CanadianFiction #CanadianLiterature #LGBTQfiction #LGBTQ #LGBTQYA #LGBTQlit #LGBTQliterature #QueerYA #QueerFiction (at Waterloo, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/COriMk7LbGh/?igshid=1us3cf0u88ndo
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authorcblee · 5 years
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NOT YOUR BACKUP (Sidekick Squad, Book 3) - Emma fights to lead the fledgling Resistance against the League, and realizes where her place is in the battle: at the front.
Preorder: Interlude Press | Indiebound | Barnes and Noble | Amazon 
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The Sidekick Squad is a young adult scifi series that follows queer teens as they fight against corruption in a superpowered world. More about the books
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readingwritingandme · 4 years
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I’ve read so many amazing books with bi main characters that have been so helpful to me over the last few months! For #PrideMonth I wanted to share some of my most recent favorites. Click the link in bio to see my full list, but for some older favorites that didn’t make it, check out: Little and Lion, Wild and Crooked, Odd One Out, I Wish You All The Best (my next book review!), and Radio Silence. I’ve reviewed a lot of these on my blog as well so click the link in bio and look for them with the search bar to learn more! http://www.readingwritingandme.com/2020/06/bi-book-love.html #bibooks #bookstagram #pridemonth #lgbtqyabooks #lgbtqya #veronacomics #yabooks #yabookstagram #booklove #iloveya https://www.instagram.com/p/CBlkCkYAsc-/?igshid=pxvtuhrrorx5
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