thefrsers · 3 months
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This is our history. And what an amazing history it has been, with you. And you, darling. Couldn't have picked a better person to go through time with.
Sam Heughan & Caitriona Balfe | Outlander | BTS: The Final Season
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mushroommushy · 3 years
How do they handle stress? And how long do they need to recoup after a very stressful situation? (Any!)
I’m bored and I have nothing better to do.
Fauna - Fauna will probably immediately panic. She overreacts easily and works herself up over things that are usually nothing that bad. Whenever stressed, she runs to her room to read her books and notes and nibble on some lavender to calm herself down. Either that, or she goes straight to Belle for a hug. For how long she needs to recover, I’d say about a few hours later she’ll be all good again. Just don’t mention whatever it was that stressed her out in the first place or she’ll just panic again.
Gazania - She’s very good at masking her emotions. If she is stressed, the best way to tell is by her body language. Her tail will start swishing back and fourth very slowly, as well as her ears flattening. She’ll often go into her room and play on her African drum to remind herself of festivals she used to attend on her travels.
Freesia - She starts making nervous yipping and chirping noises, and will usually scurry over to her mom and claw her way up her until she can hug her comfortably. Her ears go flat and tail between her legs pretty quickly, and her fur puffs up quite a bit. She could stay like this for days until said stressful situation ends.
Coal - Coal’s tail stops wagging and he starts whining. He’ll run to the nearest crew member and tug on their arm for a hug. He will stay with them for the rest of the day most of the time, curled up in their arms.
Xia - She starts stress cooking. She will make huge meals, that are impossible to finish in one sitting. Usually she’ll give it to others before going to her room and curling up on her bed to cry for hours.
Neri - Whenever she’s upset, she will usually either float around her brother and watch what he does to calm herself down. Either that or she runs to Hearth since he’s literally the only one she can talk to. She’ll give him a hug and grip onto him for about an hour before calming down.
Yukon - Yukon heavily relies on his dad. He’ll run straight to him when he’s stressed and hide behind him. He just wants a hug and comfort. If not hugging his dad if he’s unavailable, he’ll pull out his painting kit (he made it out of wild berries and flowers that he made into paint) and start drawing on walls.
Heather - Heather is very stubborn, and hyper focuses when under stress. She doesn’t stop working until the stressor is gone or taken care of completely. She doesn’t break down immediately like others do.
Fir - It really depends on the situation. If he’s for say, with the polar scouts and something dangerous is approaching he will not show weakness and makes sure the Cubs are safe. If he’s alone, he’ll curl up into a ball of self-doubt and fear. The stress he experiences alone can last for days, and can destroy him internally if it isn’t fixed.
Nightshade - Nightshade will usually leave her usual area, and go to one of the ghost towns to look around and try to figure out what humans were like out of curiosity. She tries to overwhelm stress with other emotions. Sometimes she actually goes to a saloon in one of the nearby towns and starts a bar fight for fun. Use someone as a punching bag if you will.
Rose - Rose tends to walk away from the situation, and go to a secluded part of the valley and just lay down in the flowers for any amount of time. Sometimes she’ll call Fauna as well just to talk to her so she can calm down. This can last about an hour, she’s relatively calm.
Lily - Lily has a tendency to throw herself into her work when she’s stressed. She doesn’t stop to eat or sleep at all, and it’s very damaging for her. This can go on for quite a few days.
Marigold - Marigold stress cleans. Whenever she gets stressed, she starts organizing things. Even things like Lily’s tiny screws and tools. She forgets about the stress by the time she’s done tidying things.
Evergreen - Evergreen’s pranks dial down or even stop when she’s stressed and she mostly just boils in it, hoping it will eventually go away on its own. Thankfully this usually doesn’t happen very often and doesn’t last long at all.
Willow - Willow runs straight to her older brother, and usually he’ll take her out to do something she likes. That can be ice skating, races, or anything else. Her brother cheers her right up.
Lark - Now Lark..she cannot handle stress. She will immediately break down crying, and begin having a panic attack if she doesn’t get the help she needs quickly. Now she is almost always stressed, so this can go on for a very long time. She has had to be hospitalized for this a few times.
Sage - He tends to dive into cenote’s and hide there for as long as he can, and sometimes goes into the caves just to explore. He sometimes will talk to the iguanas too.
Mesa - Mesa’s ADHD doesn’t allow her to think logically while she’s stressed. She often gets herself worked up over things that are generally not a big deal. Whenever she’s stressed she’ll climb along the canyon, or just sit at the edge and try to count how many different layers there are.
Orchid - Orchid is very friendly, and has a good relationship with most of the residents in the Amazon. He’s a bit of a peace keeper. He allows different animals to get along easier. He talks with the animals he’s friends with, such as the Jaguars, capybara, boas and even some of the otters and river dolphins.
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