carnifexa · 9 months
jason gets his tongue pierced. unrelated to this fact, piper and leo now look 45% more disheveled and unfocused when they come out of zeus cabin.
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scarareg · 4 months
Weird how the non canon ships in Rick Riordan's books tend to have a better and more interesting history together, better chemistry, healthier dynamics,and feel more natural than the canon couples; plus a lot of wasted potential. Examples are Reyna x Jason, Nico x Percy, Rachel x Percy, Leo x Piper, Jason x Nico or Jason x Leo.
It's like the more Rick wants you to ship something,the more it feels forced and has red flags that are kinda hard to ignore. The only exception being Hazel and Frank
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via-rant · 5 months
"Hey, Honey. Can you pass the pop-corn?" Percy asked and he froze when no one moved, then he looked up. They were all looking at him. He raised a brow. "What?"
Jason sighed.
"Who are you talking to, Perce?" Jason asked and Percy looked at them in confusion.
"Heart, you call us all 'honey'." Hazel said on the other side of Frank, who sat next to him, and he blushed.
"But I like using that word." Annabeth kissed his forehead, sitting right next to him.
"And it's very sweet, and we love it but you have six partners. It's hard to tell who you're talking to when you call all of us that name."
"You can still use it. But it gets a little confusing when we're all here and talking to you." Piper assured patting his knee and Percy nodded. "Okay."
"Oo! Now we can help you come up with some names for us! I can be 'Hot-Stuff'!" Leo said excitedly. Percy smiled.
"Yeah, that can be fun. But I'll still use it one on one."
"Fine by us, Babe." Frank said grabbing his hand.
"Oh! Everyone SH! This is my favorite part!" Piper yelled and they went quiet paying attention to the movie.
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jasipereo · 1 month
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“3 tickets to Challengers please”
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 7 months
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g0thnico · 5 months
ships that I secretly "like" + my explanation why
Will x Percy (idk don't ask)
Percy x Rachel (I like to imagine ex-lovers who are soulmates. basically friends to lovers to friends again)
Nico x Percy x Rachel (It's not that secret but anyway, I plan to draw them)
Nico x Leo (I like the fanarts, but I wouldn't make one or read about them)
Jason x Percy (It's my forbidden bromace)
Will x Percy x Nico (percentric)
Piper x Leo (Not exactly like a romantic couple, something platonic which they mistook for romance but was interrupted by Hera, for me Piper is lesbian and Leo would be her ex-boyfriend, current best friend who supports her)
Annabeth x Jason (It makes sense but it would never work bc Jason is veryy gay)
It's not necessary but I thought it would be fun to do so
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malrie · 1 month
the thing abt liper in general too though is that it’s probably the one couple that if canonically they did get together after jason died literally no one would support them LOL. that is the hard truth. not many ppl were leo’s biggest fans in the first place but the second he gets together w piper it’s like ohhh god you guys need therapy boo tomato tomato. piper snap out of it this isn’t you etc.. piper is again the only tlh favorite so it just makes sense they’d be protective. and also liper would just come across to everyone as clearly self-destructive with how insular they become bc hello…why wouldn’t they end up that way they’re crazy.
annabeth leaving 3882743 iris message recordings to piper: pleasplease gods he’s so bad for you break up with himmmmmm *cryign and throwing up*
percy, adding on: ive been talking with nico and maybe there is a way to resurrect jason don’t get too hasty now ok piper *dad chuckle* let’s not make bad life decisions here…
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jedirevan224 · 4 months
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The way Piper and Leo told each other these things before Jason ever showed up. 🥹
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helyeahmangocheese · 3 months
oracle tell me why valgrace liper pipabeth AND jercy all make more sense than jasiper and I'm not even memeing but we got stuck with this comp het ass ship instead. give me one good reason.
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pizzaplexbonnie · 4 months
Piper having lil alarms for her nightly routine of telling her partners on the Argo ll goodnight. Knowing what time Percy tells Annabeth goodnight so they can both have time with her and knowing when Hazel goes to bed(and atelier than most of the crew) and sometimes giving Frank a high-five when they pass each other in the halls of the Argo! She knows Leo sleeps on the floor after calypsos island but pretends to be oblivious, giving him a kiss goodnight in the dining room or wherever he’s working on stuff before she goes to bed cause he’s always up later than her. Jason sometimes visiting her room at night instead to make sure she’s cozied up only for him to stay with her till she’s asleep.
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partiallypearl · 1 month
on a serious note though, i think about liper and how they are so similar yet so different. two demigods. raised on opposite sides of the country. both from cultures with immense history that was shunned by part of their family. the difference in class and what that means - the fact that for most of piper’s life she has never had to worry about money, that she’s never gone without, while leo grew up dirt poor. he slept in subways and in tunnels. they are like mirrors inverse.
god i fucking miss them man
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carnifexa · 11 months
the more i think about leo doing metal work the more i want him to make something for jason and piper. little trinkets. a hairpin for her, a bracelet for him. gold and copper for her, silver and platinum for him. rings for both of them. necklace for her, earrings for him (im a strong believer in jason with piercings). let leo live his perfect gift giving life, where he can create something instead of having to actually say something.
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scarareg · 25 days
From 0 to 10, which grades would you give to PJO ships?
Hi anon! This is such a fun question! Thanks for sending it! I tried to choose the most popular ships because there are so many variations of them, but if you are curious about a specific one that I didn't mention, feel free to ask!
Percabeth (Percy x Annabeth)
3/10 I give it a 3 only because in PJO they are cute but in HOO they are full of red flags and I hate what Rick did with them. I feel like their goals for the future do not align at all, and it is as if they together because that is what they are used to and not because they are in love. It seems like Percy is always trying to accommodate to what Annabeth wants and I think in the long run that would make him miserable, and those feeling will make worst a relationship that is already fragile.
In the future he is going to resent her so bad, because we already see that he doesn't feel comfortable joking/talking about some topics because Annabeth gets mad, now add him feeling like he has to follow everything she says or do just to be "the perfect boyfriend". It is a recipe for disaster
AnnieLuke (Annabeth x Luke)
1/10 this one is complicated. The thing is that I understand the appeal of a childhood besfrieds to lovers, I love those, BUT Luke never saw Annabeth as anything but a little sister. That + the fact that their relationship became toxic, it just make me uncomfortable. Sorry Annie, but this one is not the one, at least in my opinion (and in Luke's lmao)
Perluke (Percy x Luke)
4/10 I see you fans of friends to enemies to lovers or friends to lovers to enemies, I get it, but to me this one lacks that je ne sais quoi to make it appealing. But I can understand why some people like it. And I am part of the team "Percy had a crush on Luke yet he was the last to know"
Percico (Percy x Nico)
10/10 they are my OTP. I like how they complement each other. They have the history, the angst, the complexity. I like the dynamic of two characters who went through a lot, but deal with trauma in opposite ways.
They are ride or die for each other, but they keep that information a secret from each other, which makes their relationship really fun.
Most importantly Nico thinks Percy is cool AF and he adores him just the way he is. Percy is one of the few people who tried to get close to Nico and to understand him.
Their empathetic nature would make this relationship super sweet, tender and calm. For example, if one of them need to rest or are stressed out, they can go to the other and they will know if they need to talk or just want to nap.
Bonus points because their relationship with each other's parents would make their relationship even more interesting and fun!
Perachel (Percy x Rachel)
9/10 love this one! My second fave Percy ship! This is Percy's loss, to be honest. Their chemistry is super natural and they are always having fun! Rachel seems like a low-maintenance partner, so being with her must be pretty easy. She would not make drama if Percy can't be there with her for some time because he has to save the world or whatever. I think he can chill with her, and just like with Nico, Percy just being Percy is enough
Valgrace (Leo x Jason)
9/10 What I like about them is that both are insecure about themselves but always see the best in each other. Jason is Leo's hype man and Leo is always thinking about how impressive Jason is. Where Leo is chaotic, Jason is calm. Where Jason is anxious, Leo is chill. They just screams healthy couple
Jiper (Jason x Piper)
2/10 the problem here is how the relationship started. Both of them are really kind to each other, but their romance is based on a lie, which neither of them is to blame for, but it just feels wrong. To me, after knowing how their relationship started, Piper seems to like Jason enough to stay a couple, and Jason was too kind and just rolled with it, and that is not good reason to stay with someone in my opinion.
Liper (Leo x Piper)
9/10 shout out to @maygirlsposts to make me see the light with this one! Before, it never crossed my mind they could be a couple, but gosh! They are so cute together!
Piper and Leo genuinely have a connection, they share sense of humor, they have been through difficult stuff together and are empathetic towards the other's problems. They have a healthy balance between being chaotic when they are chilling, and having the ability to have honest conversations when necessary. They are overall wholesome AF!
Extra points for being the healthy version of Hephaestus x Aphrodite
Jasico (Jason x Nico)
10/10 this one is not my ship,only because I prefer them as besties, but I see the vision of their shippers; and I give them a 10 because they are probably the healthiest ship Nico has, to be honest.
Jason is always so patient with Nico, and sincere yet kind. Is great to see Nico feeling at ease with him. Jason has the stability Nico needs in a relationship.
Both bring the best of each other, and push the other to do and be the best they can be!
Jeyna (Jason x Reyna)
8/10 oh what could have been! The tragedy of the lost potential! They were too powerful together and Rick couldn't handle that.
They have history together and understand each other deeply. They are both strong mentally and physically, so they could be the standard of a demigod couple. They are both healthy people on their own, so their relationship would naturally be nice.
Their love story could have been so interesting, like: separated by war and the gods, reunited by fate!
To tell you a secret, I see them as Nico's unofficial parents/older siblings. Basically, they both adopted him separately, protect him, and genuinely care about him. They would have been one hell of parents lmao
Jercy (Jason x Percy)
6/10 this one is fun! Again it is not my ship, but I like their dynamic. They give "Two bros,chilling in the hot tub, five feet apart cause they’re not gay" energy
Frazel (Frank x Hazel)
9/10 this is the only canon ship I like! Frank is super sweet and Hazel is always so kind, both are just wholesome AF! Like two teddy bears! I like that they started out as friends and both were seen as the "weird kids", that makes me think their bond is just genuine!
Lazel (Leo x Hazel)
5/10 they are cute, I just prefer them as friends. And not gonna lie, the fact that Hazel's ex is Leo's grandpa makes them kinda weird to me as a couple.
As friends will give them a 8/10, they need more time to get closer, but they already are super fun!
Fraleo (Frank x Leo)
6/10 They are funny! Like wholesome-awkward meets wholesome-chaotic. They just make me laugh because of how cute they would be, completely adorable! Too pure for this world!
I like this, but personally I like my ships with more angst, so I prefer them as friends. But you guys, their shippers, you must be the cutest, most wholesome people out there!
Leo x Frank x Hazel
7/10 I see the vision, but as you can see, I like Leo being their bestie instead of in a romance. But I understand! What's better than a love triangle? An OT3!
Pipabeth (Piper x Annabeth)
8/10 I like them a lot! This is the ship I like for Annabeth. In general I think Annabeth seems more comfortable with women. It feels like Rick wrote her as a lesbian-who-doesn't-know-she-is-one, but did so whithout realizing. Her chemistry with Piper (and with Reyna) just comes naturally and she looks like she is having fun!
Piper's fun personality complements Annabeth's logical one. Piper is all feelings, Annabeth is all brains, love that!
Also, just imagine their mothers' reactions when they find out they are dating!
Pipercy (Piper x Percy)
5/10 this is fun! But it needs that something else to make it super appealing to me, you know. Both are crack heads so they would be hilarious and a menace together! I can see the appeal! For me, I just prefer them as besties, like "Prepare for trouble! And make it double!"
Solangelo (Nico x Will)
3/10 in canon, 10/10 in fanon
First of all, can we talk about how fucking ethereal their ship name is? The ship name gets an ∞/10!
Now, the ship. I will start saying that I LOVE ships that are opposites attracts, but sadly this ship is a bit like Percabeth, but better. Let me explain. The concept is there, but at the moment of writing their romance, Rick kinda sucks. Genuinely think fic writers do a better job writing them.
For starters I have a problem with Nico being outed by Cupid. And I do not like at all that he doesn't have time to process that trauma, neither his crush on Percy and the heartbreak that comes after his rejection. Will is shoehorned into the narrative because "Nico needs a boyfriend" and Will is the only character available. He was a glorified extra.
This takes me to that I feel Rick thinks a relationship will solve all of your problems. I firmly believe that Nico needed time alone to recover from all of his trauma, which is a lot. But Rick's solution for this kind of stuff is "get a partner!". (Leo and Piper also suffered of this)
Is like: "Did you live through World War II? Your mom died and you were immediately stuck in an hotel for maybe one or two months? When you finally got out, were you in another century? Your sister died one week later? Years passed and you lived on your own for a while and felt scared and isolated from everyone you knew? Did you fight another war? Went to Tartarus and came back and then get kidnapped? You almost died, again? Had to fight again? Don't worry, having a boyfriend will solve all your problems!"
And I HATE IT! This is not Will's fault, it's Rick's. So I feel bad for not loving Solangelo in canon, but I really think Nico needs time for himself, he will have time for boyfriends in the future after he gets in a better head space.
Conclusion Will and Nico deserve better writers.
Once again thanks Anon! Would love to know what you think about this!
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via-rant · 5 months
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jasipereo · 6 months
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You ever suddenly realize that you’re a professional illustrator and can sketch whatever the hell you want? Yeah me neither
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 5 months
platonic liper hcs cause I can.
Leo braids Piper's hair
Piper had an Undercut and Leo helps her trim it (and he's the one who cut it in the first place)
Piper is the only person Leo is OK about letting his guard down around
Building off that last one: Leo feels EXTREMELY guilty abt his Mum, and one night at the wilderness school he just breaks down and Piper finds him and he tells her everything,
They share clothes (both like oversized stuff)
Leo absolutely hates the fact he likes Jason, (his Best Friend's bf. if I'm staying canon compliant)
even after Piper moves she and Leo are still in contact and Iris message all the time
Piper does her best to make sure Leo never finds out what FNAF is because she KNOWS Leo would try to recreate it (I mean, is she wrong?)
people usually assume they're either biologically related or dating
Piper can't cook for shit, Leo is actually really good
they're the kind of friends who text (in this case iris message) so much when they meet up in person they literally have nothing to talk about. that won't stop them though
they do each others nails
Piper helped Leo pierce his ears a second and third time (he already had one for fun)
if Leo has extra metal from whatever project he's working on he makes Piper Earrings
Piper makes sure Leo wears his retainer (he forgets a lot)
they see each other as their sibling. and treat each other as such
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