#Living With One Leg gilto
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Gilto (Neugdae) from Living With One Leg, who is an amputee with a mobility aid. He was also in a coma, suffered a traumatic injury, and has an unspecified trauma disorder
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a young boy with messy black hair in a ponytail and  bangs above his right eye. He's wearing a greyish blue durumagi with matching baji and hairtie, a slightly darker jeonbok over, and mituri. He's holding half a rusty do (Korean one-edged sword) with his right hand, a wooden crutch underneath his left arm, and has tied up the left leg on his baji.]
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Accepted Character 1/7/2023
Flayvus Murinay from Cape of Spirits
Ayşe from Woven 
Gilto (Neugdae) from Living With One Leg
Su-ah Heo from Whale Star: The Gyeongseong Mermaid
Seichiro from Our Dreams at Dusk: Shimanami Tasogare
Samira from Samira og Skjelettene
Mr. Kim from My Life As a Loser
Komachi Fukakusa from Moebana
Blues (Proto Man) from the Mega Man series
Aro from The Witch and the Bull
Doyeong Lee from Swimming Lessons
Yeongji Bae from Never-ending Darling
Samantha from Pixel Perfect
Doctor Pedro Astil from the Mega Man series
Ichabod from Third Shift Society
Ai Hoshino from Oshi no Ko
Haine Minakata from Summertime Rendering 2026: The Room That Dreams of Murder
Elna Svendsen from Mot i Brøstet
Azazel (Aza) from Aza
Crown Prince Theodore Keith Tagnet (Theo) from Love Falls Like Rain
Insect Girl from Dinokid
Charlotte Warrick from Vera
Helen from Donut County
Maximillian Von Klem from Olsenbanden Jr.
Gyuhwan Han from Shotgun Boy
Ji-eum Ban from See You in My 19th Life
Kwon Ki-do from It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Albert Gurahashi from Earthchild
Yuzu's mother from Yuzu the Pet Vet
Kang Eun-ja from It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Mia Myhr from Mia Myhr og barna som forsvant
Ubbe Gunnhildson from Ragnarok
Chiro from Watermelon
Geumhwa from Svaha: the Sixth Finger
Nina Tanzawa from Kazane
Baghera from Jungelboka
Tansy from Do You Remember
Soeun Han from Tales of the Unusual
Quinton Avalon from Jupiter-men
Tante Ulla from Sjæk, Bræk og Bolla
883 Requests Remain
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