#Lost Dad Lost Dogs
rainboopz · 11 months
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just throwing this out there. welcome to "fox drags wolf into a james conspiracy theory but they both look good doing it" hours
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molinaesque · 1 month
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Walton Goggins (The Unicorn, 2019) | Backyard Barbeque
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bsdtual · 1 month
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This chapter drove me insane wtf
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chippedcupwrites · 7 months
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Sandor Clegane & Arya Stark + emoji kitchen
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macksartblock · 3 months
Can’t stop thinking about Willy’s proposition to the teens. They’re free to go but where?
Back to the place so lovingly crafted by a devoted mother to accommodate for a lack of a father?
Back to the place that once held so much love and strife, the place that reliably held a girl’s mother and best friend only to now hold nothing but a safe left in her name by her stepfather?
To a ruined plot of land, now full of ash and burnt reminders of a presence that will never return?
To a place that once held a child’s whole world?
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evilkitten3 · 5 months
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this man has a kouhai, an eternal rival, and eight dogs
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hisnamewasphil · 1 year
I don’t think we bully Roy enough for “He went to a farm up north”-ing Hughes when the boys came back from Dublith.
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radmista · 1 month
Sowing seeds of discontent and disharmony by hanging up on my parents birthday phone call the second my mom asked if I gained weight. Hope that sits badly on their minds while they think about how that's the first call I've engaged with them in 2 months and it was for the dogs birthday. Dad scrambling to text me for my mom that she didn't mean it. Like fuck I told her I've been having a rough month and day. She couldn't keep it to herself that badly. Fucks sake
#was already not in a great place mentally but i entertained the call and was actually feeling okay talking to them giving them an update#she just hits me with that. and I'm not normally sensitive about my weight even when my mom harped on me for gaining some a few years back#i genuinely normally don't care bc I'm happy with myself. but i know ive lost weight because I've been on icu and we don't have time to eat#im so fucking mad and im even more mad I'm crying about it#bc what the fuck#i was actually feeling like momentarily safe talking to them and being vulnerable about working on my next life stages#and she just ruined the call. i wanted to talk to my mom and dad more. i do miss talking to them about some things.#i was happy to get to see my family all together even if it was for the dogs birthday. and people were smiling and shit#and ik theyre gonna say i ruined it by being sensitive but jfc#it was literally the 2nd thing my mom said to me on the call after we sang happy birthday#why couldn't she just shut up. why couldn't she have said anything else. why did i let it bother me so much i hung up#I'm just fucking tired and sad and now feeling even lonlier than ever#i just wanted a nice moment with my family god fucking damn is that too hard to ask for#and im even more angry and sad now that i cant call them back bc my mom will get on me about smth else we were previously talking about#that phone call was supposed to be a neutral zone just for the birthday song. and i was going to ride it out but fucking hell#why didnt i just put up with it so i could have talked to my family#and no calling them back isnt an option. they haven't apologized and it would be an un neutral call#which gives them space to harass me about work and shit
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innytoes · 9 months
Help I can't stop thinking about the Dark Fantasy Fae AU.
There were a lot of things Ray could have never imagined when he married Rose. Moving out of their shabby little apartment into their house after a series of in hindsight rather telling instances of good luck. Their two amazing kids, who were so smart and talented and kind, who seemed to take all the things he loved in their mother and made it their own.
Losing her so young, he'd never imagined that.
And he really couldn't have predicted the four children that landed in their garage through a magical mushroom portal from a fairy realm.
Still, all things considered, Ray thought he was handling things rather well. He did have a very long phone call with Rose's very ancient grandmother, who told him she knew that when he took her name, he'd do the Molina family proud. Abuelita didn't know how much was myth and how much was family legend and how much was real, but the fact that the fae existed was pretty hard to question after the whole magic portal thing.
He stopped overwatering the plants overnight.
Now, the hardest part was helping the kids adjust to modern day life. Reggie was the easiest, considering he'd only lost about twenty-five years. He was a sweet boy, though a little jumpy at times. Alex was from the 1920s and while he still struggled a little with modern slang, he mostly seemed very grateful at the strides that had been made by the queer community, that allowed him to be who he was and love openly.
Luke was a bit trickier. He was distraught at losing his family, of course. He seemed to take to some aspects of modern times like a fish to water - the first time Julie showed him an electric guitar, Luke looked like he was having a religious experience. But Ray had had to pull him out of the road several times already to make sure he didn't get run over by a car, and then there had been the whole Tinfoil In The Microwave experience.
Willie was the trickiest. Ray had no idea how long he'd been in the fairy realm, given that he'd been switched out with a changeling at birth. But he had no real concept of how the human world worked, save for what he'd picked up from the other three boys. But some days, he seemed more fae than human, confused that Carlos couldn't just levitate to grab something off the top shelf, or that other people couldn't teleport short distances.
Which was what made this conversation so difficult.
"Fix, please," Willie had announced, before carefully settling a dead bird on the dining room table next to Ray's laptop.
The dad part of Ray's brain was already making a list of what needed to happen - get Willie to wash his hands, thoroughly clean the table- when the rest of his mind caught up with the request.
"She flew into a window," Willie said sadly, gently stroking the feathery head, and Ray felt a pang. This was going to be a very difficult conversation. One he remembers vividly having with Carlos when he was four (it had been a torn ladybug) and Julie when she was five (when Flynn's grandmother passed away).
"I- I'm afraid I can't do that," he said.
Willie's face twisted into a confused pout. "But I said please," he pointed out. They'd been working on... well, not so much manners as human mannerisms.
"Yes, and that was very polite," Ray said slowly, trying to figure out how to formulate this without being too harsh. "But I am unable to fix a dead robin."
"Please? I'll do all the cooking and the dishes for a whole..." Willie's face screwed up. Time was another thing they were working on. The entire concept of it seemed to upset him. "Year?"
"Willie," Ray said, gently herding him to sit down. "It's not that I don't want to help the bird. This isn't a deal you can trade for. There is nothing left for me to do to help the bird. Humans cannot fix death."
"Death?" Willie echoed, his voice small and uncertain. Ray nodded sympathetically.
"I'm sorry, there's no fixing the bird," he said slowly. "When something is dead, it cannot be brought back."
"No!" Willie wailed, distraught. "She just made a mistake! It's not fair!"
"Oh, mijo, I know it's not," Ray soothed, pulling him into a hug. "Death often doesn't seem fair." He let Willie cry, rocking him slightly. The sound summoned Alex, who took over, pulling Willie into a hug until they were sprawled on the floor, Willie curled up in his lap.
Ray tried not to focus on the dead bird on the table. He wanted to get it out of the house as soon as possible, but right now, Willie's feelings were more important.
"We can hold a funeral for her," he promised. "Bury her in the garden. That way, she can become one with the earth again, and help the plants grow." He thought that idea might make Willie feel a little better. The boy looked at him with big, not-entirely-human eyes, his lower lip trembling.
"It's the circle of life," Alex agreed. "Remember, like that song from the movie Julie and Flynn showed us."
"A funeral means burying her in the garden?" Willie asked, looking between them.
"A funeral is a ceremony to honour someone's life and say goodbye," Ray explained. Willie understood ceremonies, at least. "We can say a few words, and then bury her."
"Luke can sing a song," Alex said. "Birds like songs, right?"
Willie nodded, sniffling.
Ray squeezed his knee, and stood up. "I'll go get a nice box to bury her in." That seemed to upset Willie, and he shook his head fiercely.
"No dark rooms!" he insisted.
"How about some nice soft paper towels?" Alex suggested quickly. He also looked a bit nauseated at the thought of a dark room. Sometimes, Ray thought he'd never get to the end of the horrors those boys had gone through. He nodded, and went to get some gloves and a whole roll of paper towels.
Alex and Willie stayed on the floor, Alex gently rocking them back and forth while Willie ran his fingers through his long hair. "You're not allowed to be dead," Willie told Alex seriously. "I can't fix you."
"I'll do my best not to die," Alex promised. "I'm never going to leave you."
"If you do die, you have to come back as a ghost," Willie insisted. "No burying in the garden. We will be ghosts together. Like in Carlos' videos."
Alex smiled softly, and Ray tried not to tear up at the all-encompassing love and tenderness he saw in the boy's face, so young yet old and wise beyond his age. "Yeah, okay."
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gingerwerk · 8 months
Elora leaving for college in the truck her dad offered to sell to her :’)
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rainboopz · 11 months
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no fox you are scary believe in yourself
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maretriarch · 5 months
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does anyone know who this guy is
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divinekangaroo · 5 months
Johnny Dogs’ wife Esmerelda is never mentioned in canon to be Esmerelda Gold, but I wrote it that way because of the scene where Johnny’s losing his mind trying to cook a proper feast for Abarama Gold, he doesn’t want a Gold judging them. (It was such a Thing, and Charles Strong is looking at Johnny like, what is wrong with you?)
so I imagined Johnny impressed Abarama successfully with his charcoal roasted geese, and Abarama told his daughter that at least Thomas Shelby has one man around him who remembers how to do things properly (and can cook!) and Esmerelda remembered that man’s name…and when Johnny came to tell her about Abarama’s death, she came back with him.
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found-family-fan · 1 year
BSD: Ranpo talking about his Dad (Fukuzawa) ^_^ ft. “Tales of the Lost” tidbits
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And this, my friends, is how I chose to up 2 hours of my time last night ... TOTALLY WORTH IT ^_^ HEEEEEEEEE~~~
Next up, Fukuzawa's turn to endlessly talk about his precious son Ranpo :3
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curly94 · 13 days
Ok, there is a Limit
I mean, liam can do what he wants
But not on the back from louis, its his time, he worked So so hard to get where he is and we don't see him anymore, he is such sucker for Fan interaction(why we love him so much) and i don't think liam steals it, not really, but since liam is there, we didn't get any background louis, or after show interaction,a wave to his fans or any crumble
So why is liam there in such an official setting and not only behind the scenes with louis???
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mxnsterbabe · 24 days
My dad showing me all of his favourite movies as a kid is the reason adult me wants to fuck horror movie monsters, I hope he's proud of me XD
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