#Maybe Gaster is leaning down just let me have this lol
sysig · 4 months
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thelazyhermits · 6 years
Underchrome Part 4
(it feels so much longer than the other parts lol)
So I just got done writing up a thing for the UTSS side event and my creative juices were really going so! I pumped out the last bit of Underchrome! Finally getting to all the sweet fluff at the end made me so happy, you have no idea- anyways, I hope you like it; as always, please tell me if I got anything wrong/inconsistent, and have a good night~~ 
Despite telling himself that they should leave soon, he still sits with her a while longer, simply breathing in her happy presence. It’s with incredible reluctance that he finally pulls himself to his feet, resuming his grip on her hand. Even though his bones still ache, and walking feels like more of a chore than normal (it’s been a long time since he’s moved this much…), he still draws pleasure from getting to hold her hand as they continue their journey through this blasted forest.
The calm, almost cheerful atmosphere between the two has changed into something more tense and alert. Sans is on edge, waiting for the next strike; he can tell that the forest isn’t done with them just yet. The malignant buzz of magic that fills it sets his teeth on edge, prompting him to draw her subtly closer into his side. He can tell she’s wary as well, glancing around with keen eyes.
Her fingers tighten around his. He squeezes her gently back, silently reassuring her that he’s here, he’s not leaving her, he’s not letting anything hurt her. She’s safe.
He doesn’t know how long they walk in terse silence, progressively growing more twitchy. He strains to hear anything, any sign of danger, but the forest is completely devoid of noise and life. It doesn’t help his nerves, but he supposes he should just be glad they’re not under attack.
It’s not until the silence grows unbearable that they stumble into a clearing. Sans is instantly bombarded by the overwhelming feeling of magic, filled with evil intent he’s never felt before.
He reacts on instinct, dropping her hand so he can wrap his arm around her and bring her as close as he can. If anything comes at them, he wants her where he can easily watch after her. He barely notices when her hand raises to grip the front of his hoodie, leaning into him as she frowns into the forest.
He’s not watching her face too closely, too busy scanning their surroundings, so he misses the way her eyes widen, but he doesn’t miss the hitch in her breath, or the way she grows stiffer in his arms. He follows her gaze, readying his magic, but it peters out as he catches sight of the thing.
A massive sequoia, bigger than the surrounding trees, and a pure, glowing white, down to the tips of its leaves. Occasionally, the tree seems to simply flicker out of existence, a move he has trouble comprehending. He has trouble comprehending everything about this, actually; nevermind the feeling of rotten magic coming from it. Actually, this close to it, he’s not sure it is magic- it certainly feels like it-
She catches his attention, quickly explaining what she believes is going on. That she’s going to have to touch it. And despite everything in him screaming at him not to let her anywhere near it, to take her as far away as possible and certainly not touch it, he knows he has to. He knows she’s handled this, maybe even things worse than this. As much as he wants to bundle her up in his arms and keep her safe, he knows he can’t possibly hope to do that-he certainly couldn’t do it when she was dying in another world.
All he can do it trust her judgement, and be there for her if everything goes to hell-which he has a sinking feeling it will.
So he simply swallows, tuning out the shrieking of his soul, and pull her that little inch closer to teleport her. Being this close to it makes him feel a little sick, and looking at it makes his head hurt, but they’re far enough away that she can-
A slew of branches descend from the tree. He’s activated his magic, summoning a Gaster Blaster to destroy them before he can blink. The Blaster makes short work of the branches, but no matter how many times he incinerates them, there always seems to be more coming at them.
Above the roar of the Blasters and his magic rushing in his skull, he can hear her speaking to him urgently, asking him to cover her long enough to get to the tree. He curses, frustrated, because he knows they have no other choice: the branches won’t leave her alone long enough to do what she needs to do, and he’s the only one who can do it.
So he does the only thing he can, and he pulls her close, begging her to stay safe and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, putting all his feelings into the gesture. He hopes she can feel his love, his worry, his desperation, he regret that he can’t do more for her. He presses all of his feeling into the kiss and hopes it’s not the last time he gets the chance.
He pulls back, briefly amused by her flushed and surprised face, and turns his attention behind him. He hears twigs snap beneath her feet as she returns the farewell, bidding him to stay safe, and not to lose.
His grin is taut and rueful, but still genuine as he pours his magic into his attacks, muttering, “heh, if you say that, now i really can’t lose. no way can i afford to look bad in front of you. it’s scary how easily you can affect me, babe, and you don’t even realize it. what a dangerous girl.”
He means every word of it, recalling how easily she’s made him blush or smile, and the way her touch can make him reel. The way her grin makes him feel like he’s floating on air. The way her kisses and hugs make him melt, and the way her soul puts the stars to shame-the way it makes his soul sing, a dizzyingly wonderful song he’s never heard before. The way she brought color to his world.
Sans can’t lose. Not with her rooting in him, believing in him. The thought of her brings him a second burst of energy, driving him to push back and fight harder than before. He keeps one eye socket on her, battering back the encroaching foliage. He prides himself on the fact that they never come close to touching her.
He’s so preoccupied with looking after her, so determined to protect her, that he almost misses the feeling of his magic reserves running dry. Their break earlier was nowhere near enough to replenish it fully, and the constant use has sapped him dry. The forest seems to know this somehow, doubling down on its onslaught. Sweat pours down his face, ribs heaving, and he comes to an awful realization.
He’s not going to be able to protect her.
It’s at this moment when he can sustain the Blasters no longer, and they vanish into nothingness. The forest takes immediate action, sending several thick branches to seize him. They coil tightly around him, threatening to grind his bones to dust. He can’t help the choked cry of pain that leaves him, snared helplessly.
This can’t be it. This can’t be the end. Not before he’s found Papyrus. Not before he’s gotten out of this horrible forest. Not when he’s just met his soulmate. Not when she’s still relying on him. He failed Papyrus, he can’t fail her too!
More branches are creeping over him, trying to swallow him whole. He hears a scream, a voice so familiar it sparks the last little bit of fight left in him. He twists in the branches, contorting himself to see her be snagged up by another branch. Her voice wheezes from him, a last desperate attempt to assure her as her frightened gaze meets his.
He wants to hold her again. Just rewind a little ways, back to when he brought her closer instead of farther away, like he knew he should have. Further, to when he dozed with his face in her neck. Farther still, to when he held her soul and felt like the world was at peace for the first time in years.
There’s a beautiful light peeking in through the branches obscuring his sockets. He catches a glimpse of her again, face set as the world is engulfed in light, and the last thing he can think of is her name.
Sans wakes up blurry, surprisingly uninjured beyond a slight headache, his magic restored, and for a moment he’s confused about why that would be surprising, until everything comes back. His soul seizes in his chest, panic gripping him as he bolts upright, briefly blinded by the greenery around him.
His soulmate. He has to find his soulmate. Where is-
She’s laying on the other side of the clearing, her back to him, deathly still.
no no no no no no please stars no no
He hurries towards her, half-crawling, half-stumbling to her side. He collects her as gently as he can, pulling her into his arms and cradling her against his chest. She’s pale, so pale, so still, he can feel her breathing but it’s so, so faint, she’s not moving, why isn’t she moving?
He promised her! He promised her she’d be okay! How could he have broken that promise? How could he have put her in danger? Stars, please, please wake up…
Sans bows himself over her, stroking her cheek gently, trying to get her to stir. His chest aches, soul keening deep within him. He can’t believe it. He can’t have lost her, she was just here, she was just awake, he just met her…
He pours healing magic into her. He calls upon every ounce of rejuvenated magic he has in his bones and unleashes it on her, careful and warm. He can feel her soul dimly, somewhere seemingly far away, somewhere he can’t reach, but he tries anyways. Anything. Anything to get her back. Please, please, something…
It’s not working. Why isn’t it working? He knows he’s not that great at healing magic, but it- it should be working! It has to work, it has to, he can’t lose her-
wake up. please wake up. i told you, didn’t i? i can’t afford to lose you. i’ve waited my whole life to meet you. you can’t leave me now. not after i finally found you. i’ll do anythin’. just please wake up.
He doesn’t even hear the words leaving his mouth, he just knows he’s saying them, babbling, pleading, willing to try anything just to see her smile again, see the light in her eyes, feel her small hand in his… please…
The tears well up and he can’t stop them from falling, from dotting her cheeks. He bites down his sobs in favor of begging, voice trembling, body trembling, hopeful and desperate. He clenches his sockets closed, wishing that it were all just a bad dream-
A soft hand clumsily brushes his cheek, her familiar voice, weak and raspy as it is, calling for him. His eyes shoot open, running over her worried, lively face, those stunningly bright eyes and cute cheeks and- and he’s crying harder now, soul wailing not in distress, but in relief, in pure, unadulterated happiness.
He raises a hand, covering hers with it, leaning down to press his forehead to hers, feeling the warmth of life in her body again. He keeps babbling, unable to stop himself, spilling his worries and certainties all in the same breath, holding her tightly. He’s so relieved, he’d thought he’d lost her, the one.
There’s not even a question about it. The agony in his soul when he thought she’d died… the way it was singing now… it wouldn’t feel like this, wouldn’t feel this strong, if it wasn’t her.
She gently frames his face with her hands, brushing away his tears, apologizing for scaring him, explaining what had happened, what she needed. He can’t help but feel irrationally inferior, knowing that his magic would never be enough to heal her, but also immensely worried, despite her assurances. The things she does… they’re so dangerous, and if anything happens and she can’t get to the Void, what would happen to her?
He can’t help but laugh incredulously when she suggests Papyrus is home. If the Void or whatever really has reset the world, taking their memories with it, then Papyrus is at work. Nothing Sans could say would stop his hardworking brother from doing his job, even if it became detrimental to his health. Stubborn little brother.
He also can’t help but give her a gentle look when she laughs, cupping her cheek. To think mere moments ago he’d really believed that this sweet, beautiful person was gone from his life forever… she leans into him, and he notices how tired she looks. A rash idea forms in his mind, but he doesn’t stop himself from going through with it. It’s seemed to work out well up until this moment, why not a little longer?
She looks startled by the sudden change of scenery, and he doesn’t give her a chance to recover, reaching out to pull her down onto the bed next to him. She falls into him, letting out an absolutely adorable squeak of surprise that makes him grin as he peers down at her. Warmth and contentment fill his bones, a tiny voice in the back of his mind singing that this is where he’s meant to be.
She’s got such a cute flustered face. Who is he kidding; all her faces are cute. He reaches up, gently running his fingers through her hair and marveling at the texture. He’s never really been around anyone with hair, but it’s always looked so interesting. Her locks are soft and shiny, falling between his phalanges easily. He notices the way she sighs, clinging to his hoodie and curling further into him. Seems she enjoys having her hair played with. He files this away for later use.
She’s really too good for him, saying that she doesn’t want him to be uncomfortable as always. Hasn’t he made it clear by now that nothing she does could make him uncomfortable? The endearment slips from him before he can stop it, but he doesn’t regret it, because the way she blushes so prettily and goes silent is highly rewarding. He waits patiently for her to find her voice, ready to do exactly as he said and tell her anything she wanted to know.
Sans can’t help but find it endearing how confused she seems to be, and she’s not moving away, and it’s far too tempting to make her blush again… so he smiles at her, leaning in closer, watching the way her eyes stretch and the subtle hitch of her breath. He thinks about how easy it would be to kiss her now-she’s so close, and it looks like she’s enjoying the contact, but… he owes her an explanation, and a kiss would be too much right now. He’ll have plenty of chances later, he’s sure.
To distract himself, he moves the hand in her hair onto her cheek, grinning as he feels how warmly she’s flushed. He might be just a little smug that he’s drawn such a reaction from her. She’s so shy and quiet, and he caves, nuzzling her hair and pressing a sweet kiss into her head. Some scent he doesn’t quite recognize fills his nose, but it’s her scent, and he loves it.
He also loves the way she buries her face in his chest, unable to withstand his advances and subtle teasing any longer. His fingers find their way back into her hair, watching what he can see of her face.
It’s very difficult to pull himself back to the purpose of their conversation, but he manages. It’s briefly painful to tell her about his life, what happened with Gerson, but then he looks at her in his arms and can’t help but smile, knowing that it turned out to be wrong.
She freezes when he turns her chin up, searching her wide eyes. He can swear he sees stars in her eyes when he tells her this, subtly letting her in on his revelation.
Or… maybe not so subtly, given how she’s gone completely still in his arms. He’s… actually not sure if she’s even breathing. He frowns, regretting having to dump so much on her. But he couldn’t wait and risk her leaving before she knew how important she was to him. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he never told her.
She assures him she’s alright, hugging him and leaning into his touch when he rests his hand on her cheek. He’s glad he hasn’t misread the situation and made her uncomfortable.
In fact… if the next words that she utters have anything to say on the matter, he’s made her the opposite of uncomfortable. He listens diligently as she gently asks him questions to affirm her emotions, giving him an honest look. He flushes just as darkly as she had moments prior, but he can’t stop his wide grin. He’s never had anyone say anything so… sweet to him before. Anything that made his soul warm as completely as that did.
He presses a kiss into her palm, then down onto her forehead, nearly purring with affection. She tries to pull away and hide again, but he’s not having any of that, gently lifting her chin again. He smirks at her flushed expression, unable to resist any longer.
Sans leans down, purposefully brushing his teeth against the corner of her mouth as he places a soft, lingering kiss on her cheek. It’s the closest he’ll get for now, wanting to take his time but also wanting to simply smother her in his affection as much as possible. He has no idea how long he’ll have her, after all, so he supposes he’ll just have to make good with what time he has now.
She surprises him by gently pulling his face down, placing a quick kiss on either cheek. He shivers in surprised pleasure, holding her slightly tighter as a dark blush blooms on his cheeks. He hadn’t been expecting her to return the gesture, but he’s certainly not complaining.
She nuzzles him, cooing soft longing, and his breath catches. Just a little while certainly isn’t enough for him either, and he makes that clear by pressing his teeth to her neck, softly begging her to come back to him. It’s a different plea from the one he made earlier, as she lay cold in his arms, but no less desperate. He doesn’t want to be away from her longer than he has to be.
Her arms wrap around him, and he buries his face in her neck, clutching her tighter. She’ll have to go soon, he knows, off to another universe to save another life, but for now, she’s all his. She’s safe here in his arms, and this time he’s certain of it. He’ll hold onto her for as long as he can, and when he can’t hold her any longer, he’ll count every second until he can see her again. He’ll wait however long he needs.
He’s never going to be without her again. He’s Determined not to lose her ever again.
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askmicrowaveayem · 7 years
MAYEM: The First Meeting Pt. 1
This is a RP between @askull4everyoccasion and @beabaseball of our two Undertale Gasters meeting. While reading each fic isn’t required to understand this story, the Gasters in question are from Skull’s A Year Every Minute and Baseball’s Microwave Grapes. This begins roughly six months after AYEM’s ending and inserts a new day right after chapter five in MG.
Skull’s parts appear in BOLD while Baseball’s are in regular font.
[Archive] [Cast]
This wasn’t the first time the family of three had used the machine, but it was certainly the first time something would go wrong. They piled into it just like they always did, Gaster taking over the controls just as usual. Everything felt and seemed normal, like jumping through time and space was just some family activity they all partook in these days. It was a strange thing to think about, but none of them really ever gave it much thought.
They all sat and waited, as they did every time before, watching the readings slide up along the screen embedded just above the control panel. Sans and Papyrus always knew when their father caught sight of what he was looking for, the doctor abruptly sitting back and hooking himself in before punching a few coordinates in and then going through a series of buttons and levers that even Sans had difficulty following.
Both of them knew how to work the basics, just in case of an emergency, but most of the time it was all left up to Gaster just for safety's sake. None of them wanted a repeat of what happened the first time.
After a few moments the machine whirred to life and jumped out of one time and towards the next. They hadn’t even managed to get a little smalltalk in before a tiny light began to flash on the dashboard and the entire thing jerked abruptly to one side. They all jerked in their seats, thankfully strapped down for just such an occasion.
“Uh… that’s not good.” Gaster mumbled mostly to himself while leaning over and staring at the screen. After a minute of staring at the information sliding along in front of him he looked back at Sans and Papyrus, who were looking rather panicked. “I think we might have-”
Before he could finish his sentence the machine jumped into a timeline they had originally had no plans on visiting, crashing loudly into something before sliding to a stop.
Gaster was ready to go home.
The day had been far, far too long. Between introducing CS-1 to his crutches and the basics of standing upright, the power outage, and CS-1’s subsequent fall, he was more tired than usual, which was saying something. Still, he wanted to be able to be awake for at least a little while once he made it home, so he’d stayed in the lab just a bit longer than normal, picking up a new can of tea and rummaging in one of the older labs where he used to work, searching for a new insulator he’d discarded some months before being pushed onto PERSEVERANCE and had thought up a new potential use for while on his break.
That lab in particular was a bit farther back in the complex. Very few places around it were occupied, except by other scientists who, like Gaster, prefered their privacy when working. Most of them were gone, now, or if they were still around, he hadn’t seen them.
So when a machine flew out of the wall and crashed through his old work table and computer deck, his first thought was who the did I piss off to deserve this?
The contraption wrecked the room--shrapnel flying, bits of papers, metal and wood--he tried hard to not think of earthquakes, and threw up his magic, forming a thin purple shield of telekinesis which caught any tossed aside anything which flew too close.
When the dust from the wreckage began to clear, he stayed still, keeping close to the wall, and waited to see what would happen next.
The three inside took a moment to get their bearings.
Gaster had been flung with so much force he had sort of slipped through his harness and against the far wall. Sometimes being made of ‘the void’ had its setbacks. As he pulled what was left of his arm from the wall and started to reform it, he looked around to Sans and Papyrus dangling from their seatbelts on the wall across from him.
“You two alright?”
“uh… i think so.” Sans said, then looked at Papyrus, who was clutching the straps of his belt with wide eye sockets. His older brother waved a hand in front of them before he finally blinked.
“You’re not kidding.” Gaster grumbled as he pulled himself to his feet, one of his legs having trouble solidifying enough to stand on.
Papyrus unhooked himself and stood up before reaching up to help Sans, setting him on his feet beside him. “SO WHAT HAPPENED?”
“Well I don’t want to say much before I find out for myself but we might have found another me. Or something equally rare.”
“another you? alive?”
“Maybe.” The doctor said, giving his leg one last kick to get it stable before turning to the door of the machine. He turned the handle but it didn’t budge. “Well shit. Pap?”
He had barely glanced back at Papyrus before the taller skeleton stepped forward, grabbing the handle and roughly pushing downward. After a few strong pushes and pulls the door flew open, nearly falling off one set of its hinges.
Gaster jumped back as the machine gave a rattle and a panel revealed to be a door flew open.
But that was nothing to what was inside.
A small trio. All unique in form. One tall, one short, one with--with scars on his face and hands, much like Gaster’s own, but somehow smoother. As though worn soft from time. But, but the thing that clenched his throat up, made him twist his hand in an instinctive gesture of surprise, was they were all--
The three of them stood looking out, Papyrus and Sans looking a mix of terrified and shocked at the sight of what was apparently another version of their father. Gaster, on the other hand, was grinning broadly.
“Hey I was right!”
“THIS IS… VERY NEW.” Papyrus narrowed his eye sockets before suddenly putting on his best smile and waving at his… father? “HELLO! YES, WE’RE ALSO SKELETONS! WELL… I GUESS TWO OF US ARE.” He put his hand to his chin, as though he suddenly wasn’t sure what his father was anymore. Technically anyway.
Most days, Gaster could handle the weird things the lab threw at him.
Not today.
What was he even supposed to say to that? He was hardly even going to question the ‘I guess’ about being skeletons, because two was more than he’d ever even really expected at all--
Lost for words and still dumbstruck, he just… did what he usually did. Lifted one shaky hand and waved back, and tried to put on a not-too-fake-looking smile. He was still a bit too shocked to actually move his face much and still gaping a little at the new arrivals, but… he at least managed the wordless wave.
Papyrus stood there for a moment, his own expression falling. He turned and put a hand to his mouth, as though it would at all ever make his voice less than a yell. “I THINK WE FRIGHTEN HIM.”
“Pap, we just crashed through his wall.” Gaster gestured to the mess behind them. “And he’s looking at a clone of himself. Kinda.”
He took a step out of the machine and kicked a piece of rubble away from his feet before turning around and inspecting the damage. Papyrus and Sans climbed out after him, the shorter of the two shoving his hands into the pockets of the hoodie he wore underneath his lab coat.
Papyrus glanced down at him before giving a nudge, the two exchanging a few glances as though to say ‘you do it’ and ‘no you do it’ before the hand gestures started, the two silently arguing with one another before Papyrus finally decided that was getting nowhere and used words instead.
The shorter skeleton let out a noise somewhere between a sigh and a groan before turning to look at his father. “dad, you’re doing this one.”
Gaster turned around quickly, his hands beginning to gesture nervously. “What? Why?”
“because it’s you.”
Gaster watched their exchange silently, still trying to… accept whatever it was that he was seeing in front of him. It was strange to watch their interactions, clearly they were close, but then when the shorter one--Sans?--spoke was when his eyes were drawn to something much more interesting.
The other ‘him’--and he had some questions about that--began to gesture. It wasn’t exactly the same, the sound element wasn’t quite there, but the gestures themselves looked familiar, and without hesitation, Gaster asked, Can you understand me?
Gaster was in the middle of a groan when the gestures caught his eye. It took him a moment of thought, the gestures were slightly different but still pretty recognizable. After that he signalled back, ‘Yes?’
His eyes lit up. His face said polite surprise, but his hands said, holy fucking shit what the fuck!!!! and pure joy.
At that Gaster couldn’t help but laugh and turn to his sons. “Yep, definitely me.”
After a moment he turned more serious and thought of what to say. “Uhh…” He began, before falling into gestures. ‘Sorry about the wall. Hope we didn’t mess up anything important. Didn’t mean to come here.’ ((Nope, go on. lol))
Gaster shook his head, infinitely more comfortable communicating with his hands for what felt like the first time in forever. Even if this was absolutely the last situation he’d expected when this day began. Nothing important. Just an old lab. We might want to leave soon unless we’re betting no one is going to come investigate. I’m not really supposed to be destroying things anymore. Didn’t mean to come here?
...maybe he was a little too excited about being able to talk with his hands again. He forced himself to stop talking a moment later.
The shorter of the skeletons squinted a little. “‘anymore’?” He repeated, apparently able to read what was being said just enough. The white dots in his sockets looked up at Gaster and his smile grew. “wow, he really is you.”
The doctor rolled his eyes and ignored Sans for the most part before signing back. ‘Probably a good idea. I need to be sure my machine remains… somewhere, though. Maybe not here, but I can’t have anyone looking into it. I’ll explain the rest once we get this somewhere out of sight.’
Gaster paused and looked back at the machine, grimacing. It was a pretty big thing to teleport away with him, but… well, desperate times.
He turned back to his other self, ‘Where is the closest place where I can hide this?’
Gaster paid much more attention to the shortest skeleton than his double did, or so it appeared.
Can you all understand?? he asked, glancing between all three, surprised, before focusing back on his other. That is one of the most suspicious things I have ever heard.
But they were also apparently…… each other, so. Okay. Maybe being suspicious was just something he should let slide. There’s nowhere that others won’t have access to in the lab. I can cover it up here, though. No one ever really pokes around much back here.
Gaster glanced at ‘himself’ and then back at his machine before eventually sighing. ‘Fair enough. I trust myself not to be an asshole to… myself.’
He gave another cursory glance back at his machine and looked to be thinking about something before turning to the other Gaster. ‘It’s a time machine. We’re fucked if someone takes it accidently or starts poking around in it, so you see my concern?’
If you don’t want me to be an asshole to you, you’re always better off not actually being me, he said, assuming someone who was supposedly himself would understand that sort of humor. But he frowned a bit at his double’s next words.
Bullshit, he said at first, but shook his head, and stepped forward anyway, saying, I’ll do what I can. Any dangerous exposed parts I should be aware of before I do anything?
Gaster chuckled a little, but that soon stopped as his double expressed his disbelief. “What-” He began, realizing his mistake before going back to signals. ‘Oh come on, like you couldn’t fucking build a time machine.’
He hovered for a moment before holding up a finger to say ‘one moment’ and climbed back inside. “I’m taking out some smaller important shit so it can’t work if someone stumbles upon it.”
Being unable to signal while his hands were busy he would just hope that would be okay, for this one time anyway.
While Gaster busied himself inside, Papyrus finally turned to the other ‘dad’ and decided the tension was gone enough to start asking questions. “IS THERE ANOTHER PAPYRUS IN THIS WORLD?” He said, pointing to himself.
Gaster bit back a remark at the time machine remark, deciding now was not the time or place, and immediately wondering if that counted as a pun. He had a more important question. Seeing as his double was out of sight and unable to sign, he spoke aloud instead, his voice cracking and sounding vaguely painful, though it was not. “Do you prefer to speak aloud?”
The tall skeleton’s question came at almost the same time, too quick for either of them to have noticed or stopped, so Gaster quickly changed his focus and without even having to think through the response, said, “No.”
“OH. WOWIE! THAT’S A FIRST. SO MANY FIRSTS TODAY!” Papyrus said, apparently unphased that one of himself didn’t exist in this world when they did in so many others. It was almost like everything was backwards!
“Either are fine.” Gaster said from inside the machine, the sounds of one of the panels being ripped off echoing from within. “I use both equally well, but the boys can only understand rather than actually use it.”
After a moment he stepped out holding a tiny chip of some kind before… pushing it into his chest and letting his body take it inside like he was made of slime.
“Okay, we’re good.”
Gaster was going to have nightmares about shoving metal into his chest for months, he could already tell.
Bringing one hand up to rub away the sympathy pain over his chest, he said, “Aha. Okay,” and turned away quickly to head towards the back of the lab, where a large sheet of canvas usually reserved for large messes was stowed.
That was when the lights cut out.
The whole lab plunged into darkness. Gaster knocked his knee against a piece of the shrapnel leaning against the cabinets and swore.
“Twice! Twice in one day! What the fuck are they doing?!” With another frustrated sound, he waved his arm and summoned a quartet of Blasters, lighting the room with a dim but constant violet glow.
He retrieved the canvas easily after that and turned back to the new arrivals, edging around them to start levitating the canvas over the machine.
Papyrus let out a girlish scream as soon as everything went dark.
“jeeze, pap.” Sans couldn’t stop himself from laughing.
“Is that the core?” Gaster asked, wondering if that was still the same. “I remember this kind of shit happening all the-” His train of thought abruptly stopped at the sight of the blasters.
“Woah, WOAH!” The doctor waved one hand in the air, using the other to grab onto Sans and Papyrus to yank them down. After they didn’t shoot anything he paused.
“Wait… what?”
Gaster was about to ask what ‘the core’ was when his double suddenly grabbed the other two skeletons and hit the deck. He spun around, looking for something behind him that had startled the others, but when he came face to face with nothing but the rest of the empty lab, he… was not really sure what to make of that.
It was a bit too dark to sign effectively, so he kept speaking aloud as the blasters floated around his head, totally at peace.. “....are you okay?”
Gaster stared at the blasters, Sans looking equally startled. Slowly he stood upright, arms dropping to his sides.
“Okay, note to self; blasters are not the same here as they are back home.”
“jesus.” Sans wheezed, clutching at his chest waiting for the panic to die down.
“HIS SEEM MUCH MORE CONVENIENT THAN OURS.” Papyrus commented, the calmest out of the three.
“What…” Gaster said, looking between the three of them, “...what are they to you?”
He was so used to having his Blasters around. They were almost comforting. He couldn’t imagine having such a violent response to seeing them. It might have shown on his face how disquieted their reactions had left him. Still, while waiting for their response, he lit his eyes again and lifted the canvas over the wrecked machine, hiding it rather completely from sight.
“Guns. Canons. Huge lasers, one of the three. Take your pick.” Gaster shrugged, apparently unbothered by the telekinesis. “They can’t be used for something like light. That’s a good idea though. Why didn’t I think of that?”
“because you’re obsessed with blowing things up?”
The doctor narrowed his eye sockets at Sans, who had a shit-eating grin on his face.
“That…” Gaster said, “...seems impractical.” What even was there to shoot huge lasers at that they would be intentionally made? It wasn’t as if Blasters were a common part of puzzles. At least the telekinesis didn’t elicit nearly the same response.
Yet he also narrowed his eyes at Sans’ shit-eating grin. That expression seemed strangely…. familiar.
“I guess maybe it is here.” Gaster shrugged, then suddenly realized something. “Wait, are monsters trapped under Mt. Ebott?” He asked, wondering just how much of this world differed, then paused and stopped himself.
“No, no I should save all those questions for when we’re out of here. I know once I start I won’t be able to stop.”
“This is Ebott,” Gaster said. He hadn’t even considered that might not be something the travelers would assume. “You’re in New Home’s Hotland Lab. Fourth floor.”
He finished making sure the machine was fully covered before finding some paper, a pen, and scribbling a message onto it by Blaster light and attaching it to the front of the canvas, so it would be the first thing seen should anyone walk in.
‘My bad!’ the note read, ‘Please don’t touch. Open electric current. Fire hazard. Will be cleaned as soon as safety equipment is available. - Gaster’
“Okay, so that is the same. Huh.” Gaster said, a finger raising to his toothless mouth to tap along his chin.
“maybe he just isn’t as paranoid about humans as you are.” Sans added, that grin still in place.
The doctor looked at Sans with annoyance. “Well that would be a good thing. If he didn’t fight in the war then he’s probably already better off than I am. And he doesn’t have you brats.” Gaster reached down to pinch one of Sans’ cheeks.
“ow.” He said, completely monotone.
No. no, no, no, Gaster was not letting a comment like that go. He whipped around and grabbed his double’s arm, not intending to grip hard, but a little unable to help himself. “The war. You fought in it. How old are you? What happened to skeletons in your world? Tell me!”
Unfortunately for both of them, Gaster didn’t do well being suddenly grabbed, no matter how gentle.
His body rippled like it was made of water, but it stayed semi-solid. Both eye sockets lit up a bright purple and his hand instantly raised, the slight glow of a bone beginning to summon, but not quite finishing.
“woah woah!” Sans yelled, holding his hands up.
Papyrus quickly stepped in, grabbing his father’s raised hand firmly. “DAD!”
The look of sheer panic on Gaster’s face smoothed almost instantly, the magic in his eyes fading.
The moment the hand raised and his counterpart’s body began to ripple, Gaster was skidding backwards, well out of range of any immediate attack. Three of his four blasters vanished, the final one hovering just over his shoulder protectively, and he kept in a crouch until the glow of the other’s magic faded. Even if he hadn’t fought in the war, he still moved like someone who had been in fights before, and expected assaults before they came.
By the way the other Gaster had reacted to his stupid, sudden movement… maybe they really weren’t that different. Just to different extremes.
He waited, quietly, for the other to have a moment to relax.
Papyrus stepped in front of his father, putting himself between them. His grip on Gaster’s arm remained firm. The shorter skeleton beside him gave the other Gaster an apologetic smile.
“sorry. he’s… not good with sudden movements.”
“DAD?” Papyrus said again, the doctor’s form rippling again before the normal white dots of his eyes reappeared.
“Uh… yeah… sorry!” He said, calling around the broad shoulders of his son to his other self. Just like that he seemed normal again, although still looked a little on-edge.
Papyrus sighed and let go of his creator’s arm before stepping off to the side.
Gaster awkwardly cleared his throat. “So, uh, what were those questions again?”
Gaster watched carefully as all this happened. Slowly, he stood straight once more, and resummoned the blasters--smaller ones, this time. Cat skulls. They kept low to the ground, nonthreatening, and never pointed towards the other party.
“No, I should be apologizing. If we are… similar…” he still wasn’t exactly sold on this other Gaster actually being his alternate, “then I should have realized. That was stupid. I’m sorry.”
He kept his tone clipped and formal, but really, he did feel guilty, and at least tried to appear sincere, even if his voice was still stiff in its expression.
“...I just… please tell me what the state of skeletons are in your world.”
“Eh.” Gaster said, waving off the apology. No harm had come to anyone and they had learned a valuable lesson. That was good, right? Yeah.
“Well… near extinct?” He finally said with a shrug. “Not many survived the war. Is it the same here?” His eyes turned to focus on his counterpart, although after his ordeal his gestures had come back out of nerves. Their movements were more radical than before and sometimes didn’t make much sense or follow what he was saying at all.
Gaster considered that and continued with his own gestures. They were much smaller in contrast. Finely controlled. And kept close to his chest.
“...functionally extinct,” he said finally, after debating a few long moments on how exactly to put it. “...don’t be surprised if people stare if they see you.”
“I won’t. We get a lot of stares anyway.” He said, then chose to elaborate. “After about a thousand years underground the barrier is broken and we make it to the surface. Or at least our timeline did. Humans are pretty freaked out by us for the most part.”
Gaster paused and exhaled through his mouth, lacking any sort of nasal cavity. “Guess our kind got screwed over in nearly every instance. That’s a shame.”
Gaster barked out a laugh at that last comment, and quickly tried to stifle himself.
“Sorry. Sorry.” He coughed. “Yeah.”
Then, after a moment, he looked up again, looking rather… young all of a sudden. And maybe torn somewhere between hopeful and frightened. “..a thousand years. And you make it out? They don’t kill you?”
Now it was his turn to laugh.
“Uh, well… nnnyees?” He eventually shrugged, “I’ve been a little… between life and death, so that’s a tough question. We should probably get out of here, or at least walk and talk.”
“Right. Sorry,” he said. Glancing back and forth between the trio. “Um. Well. Fourth floor. Underground. There’s a stairwell and a back door, but, um, all of you at once might be… difficult to smuggle. Unless there’s some special powers you have I don’t know about.”
He meant it jokingly, but still. That would’ve been pretty useful right then. Though perhaps the cover of darkness in the blackout would help.
“...you said your Blasters couldn’t make light, didn’t you? That might scrap that...”
“Yeah, ours are strictly weapons and I’m not willing to summon one indoors to test out the theory that they change to fit the timeline we’re in.” Gaster said, then looked around and eventually let his gaze land on the ceiling.
“Underground, you say.” He commented mostly to himself before waving his hand slightly in the air. A tiny prompt appeared, lines of information spread across it. “We can make this work. I can take Papyrus up a few floors where there doesn’t seem to be anyone around and you can walk Sans out with you. He looks like a tired scientist who’s lost all will to live, right?” He said jokingly down to Sans.
The skeleton smiled and shrugged. “not so much anymore, but i can pretend.”
“Alright.” Gaster held his hand out to Papyrus, who took it.
Gaster watched closely. The prompt window, the talk of ‘taking’ Papyrus up, the… friendly way they all seemed so relaxed around each other. It was strange and uncomfortable and terrible, and he was going to ignore it until he felt better.
He turned to Sans instead, keeping an eye on the other two, but still mostly trying to focus on the shorter skeleton. “Your Blasters are weaponized. Are you comfortable touching one of mine to use as a guidepost, though?”
A small cat skull-like Blaster floated over as he spoke, still lit up, and looking away from Sans and his family.
“sure.” Sans said with a lazy shrug, reaching out to touch the blaster. His other hand remained in his pocket. It seemed he rarely ever pulled it out.
Meanwhile behind him, Gaster took a step forward with Papyrus in tow. A rip in what looked like space itself opened with the sounds of electrical pops and fizzes as he stepped on through, both him and Papyrus vanishing once it closed.
...Yeah, Gaster was going to question the fuck out of that later. For now, he focused on the only remaining skeleton in the room.
“Walk to the side, just out of my light. No one will be suspicious if you’re following a bit, but too close and they’ll notice. If in doubt, just follow the Blaster.”
As he spoke, the Blaster’s light faded, the skull growing as dark and shadowed as the room around it. It nuzzled up to Sans’ hand and stayed close to his side.
“you got it, chief.” Sans said, his grin fading the darker and darker it became around him. He kept his hand on the skull, apparently not at all frightened about walking around in the dark or being separated from his family. Save for only a few quick instances that smile of his never seemed to go away, and when it did only the very corners managed to tug downward as though his cheeks were glued that way.
Gaster had only spent a handful of minutes around the new skeletons, but he was.. not sure what to think of them. He couldn’t tell if their oddities were a result of being from an apparently alternate dimension, his own paranoia, or something else more deeply rooted than that. Still. Only one way to find out. Got to just keep going.
“I’m going to take a quick detour to check on an experiment before we go out entirely,” he said, “Just stay close to the Blaster. It’ll be fine.”
Dismissing all but the blaster under Sans’ hand and the larger one hovering over his shoulder, Gaster turned and lead the stranger out the lab doors and began the long trek through the hall.
“sure.” Sans said and began to follow along. Before they left he spoke again, but it wasn’t directed at the Gaster leading him.
“we’re takin’ a detour, he’s gotta check on something.”
Gaster’s voice came through what sounded like a speaker. “What? God dammit, fine. I’d probably do the same thing, honestly. It’s an experiment, isn’t it?”
There was a sigh, but from the sound there was definitely a smile behind it. “Alright.”
Yeah, he was really starting to get self-conscious with all this… family love going on.
Three levels up. Through a few turns. He kept Sans close with the Blaster and walked silently through the halls, occasionally sidestepping someone coming the other direction, only occasionally clicking his fingers out of habit to talk to himself. The gestures were mostly hidden, but most of what he had to say was things like fuck it’s that intern and a running commentary on the people they passed.
Finally, they reached the medical area. He had the Blaster Sans was following pause a little ways outside the door while he headed towards the private bed areas, and ducked in to check on CS-1.
The experiment was curled in bed, fast asleep. Exhausted from the day spent getting injured and practicing magic.
...Gaster knew he’d recognized that smile.
A moment later, he was back out of the medical area and heading back out to the main hall, bringing Sans and the Blaster behind him. It had been a very short detour.
At the very least, Sans was probably the best option out of all three to be the one he lead around, despite what resemblance he might have had with the experiment. He was quiet and said nothing as they walked, his footsteps nearly silent as he followed the blaster in the dark.
Nothing seemed to bother him, or perhaps he was just very good at following directions.
Gaster and Papyrus were in an empty room on the ground floor, the doctor hovering a window in front of him just so he could read where Sans and his counterpart were. It emitted only a very soft glow, just enough to read it and nothing more.
He would wait until they were close to step out.
They reached the ground floor without any trouble. As they did, Gaster looked around, first making sure they were alone, before turning to Sans and asking, “So, how are we finding your friends to meet up?”
“give ‘em a second.” Sans said, waiting for a few moments before the sound of a door opening down one of the hallways broke the silence. Two sets of footsteps got closer and closer, the glow of the tiny window all that could be seen.
He would be sure to quickly turn it off if anyone started to head their way. If not, he stopped just beside them and shut it off.
“Good to go?”
“Um,” Gaster said, and nodded. He definitely wanted to know much, much more about that window before whatever else was going to happen happened. “This way.”
He lead them down the hall towards the laboratory exit. When they came to the front desk with the Temmie desk attendant, his eyes glowed a moment and his hand twitched. A small bone appeared underneath Temmie’s chair, unbalancing it.
When she bent down to try and figure out the disturbance, the bone vanished and reappeared beneath a different strut of the chair, shifting the balance again. Every time Temmie tried to find the unbalancing factor, he changed the bone’s location again, ushering the travelers past the front desk with him while Temmie made increasingly frustrated noises behind them.
Soon, they were out in Hotland. In the distance was what would one day be the MTT resort, but now was simply a looming dark construction site in the distance. There was no CORE on the horizon.
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crushingonrazz · 7 years
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Suicidal Ideation/suicide attempt of sorts (depressing and sad, sorry guys)
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This one is a scene from another fic of mine, The Undying. It's not necessary to have read any of that to understand this, so don't worry it's not supposed to be a spon lol. The only reason you might want to have read it is because the characters in it are a little (a lot) OOC, and that would give you some context, but this is just Sans and Alphys so...
Alphys rubbed her eyes tiredly. She really should be in bed by now, but hey, getting enough sleep didn't really matter in the long run, not when the human would probably reset it all soon anyway. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, she felt the memory modifier give a little lurch, like it was afraid she would try to take it out again. She shook her head. She must really be tired. It was a machine, it wasn't about to start feeling emotions.
She stood up, stretching carefully to avoid aggravating the burn she'd gotten on her side from being a little too experimental with some fire and a Kissy Cutie figurine. She began to make her way to the up escalator when she heard a loud crash from downstairs. She stared at the elevator door, sighing deeply. Well. This was new.
She stepped into the elevator and pushed the down button, the doors sliding shut and the whir of machinery beginning to pick up as she descended. She wasn't particularly concerned. Anything that got destroyed would be good as new, come the next reset. And hey, that included her, so why bother to take any real precautions?
When the elevator reached the bottom, the doors slid open and she stepped out. There was another crash, and she made her way towards it carefully, her innate survival instincts kicking in slightly.
She stepped through a doorway, only to dodge as a folder flew past her head, scattering its contents onto the floor. She looked around the room, quickly spotting a small figure digging through some cabinets.
"S-sans?" she asked carefully, taking a few steps forward. "What are you doing down here?"
He practically threw himself onto the ground in his panic at her voice, only catching himself at the last moment and stopping himself with his hands. He lifted himself to his feet slowly, swaying slightly as he fought to find his balance. Alphys frowned. She had noticed an increase in his reckless behavior over the last several resets. She didn't know a lot about his past after he and his brother disappeared once their father died, but when she had asked Undyne why he seemed to be driving himself into a ditch, she had said that he was guilty over some things he had done for the Royal Family. Alphys didn't know for sure, but she assumed it had something to do with the fact that he was the first sentry the humans encountered when they left the ruins.
He seemed to be collecting his thoughts, reaching out to grab tightly onto the desk he stood beside. Damn it, he was really drunk. Alphys hoped he wasn't violent when he got like this. She didn't want to fight.
"I-I'm just...lookin' for some stuff," he finally slurred, eyelights growing more hazy by the second.
Alphys watched him carefully, searching for some sign of why he was being so vague. "Like what?" she asked.
"Just...somethin' of my dad's. Just needed to grab something."
Alphys sighed deeply, leaning down to pick up some of the scattered papers he had thrown. "Well, can you do it without destroying my files?"
He snorted in laughter, and there were suddenly tears streaming down his face. "I mean, technically they were supposed to be my files someday, weren't they? That's what everyone thought, at least."
She just watched him, trying to figure out what was going on.
"But...but that doesn't really matter. Think I'd almost rather be the Judge than the Scientist, most of the time. I can keep Paps...more safe that way. Sometimes." he continued, still crying. "But it's okay, it's-it's alright, Alph. Don't worry about those papers. They'll just go back when it starts over."
Alphys froze. "W-what?" she asked, hope blooming bright in her soul.
He waved a hand carelessly in her direction. "Don't worry about it, Alph. I just...I just gotta find my dad's thing. Don't worry about it." and he went back to digging through the drawers.
"Sans..." she wanted to ask if he remembered. She needed to know if he remembered. But...but she couldn't do it. She couldn't handle the answer being no. "W-what are you l-looking for? M-maybe I can help you find it?"
Sans shrugged, then he gasped and held up a dark metal object. "I found it! Look, Alph, I..." he whipped around to show her what was in his hands, but lost his balance and dropped it, nearly falling again.
Alphys stared in horror at what he had dropped, then quickly snatched it from the ground before he could recover.
"H-hey! I need that!" he said, seeming to recover slightly before lurching forward and landing on his face.
As he tried to get up, Alphys backed away from him very slowly. "W-why do you n-need a g-gun?!" she asked, horrified, in part, that Gaster even had this.
"I just need it, Alph, I need to use it. It's my dad's, you can't just--" his arms went out from under him and he slipped back onto his face.
"What the hell are you going to use it for?" she demanded, staying carefully out of his reach.
He started to sob, great, heaving breaths wracking their way through his body as he lay on the floor. "Alph, you don't understand, I just need a break, I just need to get out of here for a little while. Please, Alph, you won't understand, please just give it back"
She stayed away, still watching him as he struggled to get to his feet, a challenge made even more difficult by his crying. "You need a break? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you know what that will do to Papyrus?"
His sobs grew louder, and he managed to lift himself onto his knees. He buried his face in his hands, his words muffled
Gathering her courage, Alphys got down on her knees, tucking the gun carefully away where he wouldn't be able to get it from her. "What did you say?" she asked quietly.
"I don't want to watch him die again."
She stared at him in shock. "Sans..." she began, hardly able to let herself believe it. "Do you remember the resets?"
His hands flew away from his face and he did his best to scramble back, away from her. "W-what?" he asked, his tears slowing.
She took another deep breath, then said, "I know about the r-resets too. Y-you're not alone in this."
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