deep-dark-fears · 6 hours
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A fear submitted by Christian to Deep Dark Fears - thanks!
You can pick up original artwork and commission fancy stuff in my shop!
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signanothername · 1 day
Bad Sanses reaction to Shatter Dream?
I feel like Killer’s the only one who’d be having fun, it’s a great and rare opportunity to be the one to torment Nightmare rather than the other way around ;)
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Niagara police say they’ve solved a 25-year-old murder using DNA and genetic genealogy connecting the death of a Toronto woman to a suspect from Northern Ontario.
Homicide investigators say DNA evidence has linked the death of then 26-year-old Nadine Gurczenski with a New Liskeard truck driver who died in 2017.
Gurczenski’s body was found in a “roadside ditch” on May 8, 1999, around 5 p.m. in an area around Victoria Avenue and Eighth Avenue in the Town of Lincoln.
“Three passing cyclists … located a female’s body in the ditch on Victoria Avenue, which is in Vineland,” Det. Staff Sgt. Andrew Knevel explained. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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m0thwinged · 2 days
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houseofbrat · 3 months
Boeing Killed A Guy!
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noonesgaylikegatson · 8 months
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Some messages left by queer Palestinians who face annihilation by the Israeli government in their retaliation against Hamas. The Israeli government has dropped thousand of bombs, leveled streets, cut off water, gas, and electricity, bombed hospitals, ambulances, mandated evacuation and then bomb evacuees. Innocent people are dying in the mass.
There is no need for this government to employ these acts of collective punishment. The same logic that is used to condemn the acts of Hamas, should be used to condemn the actions of the Israeli government. No one deserves to slaughtered and dehumanized.
And keep in mind, that this terror is not unusual for the Palestinian people, and this is another horrific event in a decades long oppression and apartheid.
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May 1, 2024 - It seems Boeing has murdered a second whistleblower. [link]
Joshua Dean, a former quality auditor at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems and one of the first whistleblowers to allege Spirit leadership had ignored manufacturing defects on the 737 MAX, died Tuesday morning after a struggle with a sudden, fast-spreading infection.  Known as Josh, Dean lived in Wichita, Kan., where Spirit is based. He was 45, had been in good health and was noted for having a healthy lifestyle. He died after two weeks in critical condition, his aunt Carol Parsons said. Spirit spokesperson Joe Buccino said: “Our thoughts are with Josh Dean’s family. This sudden loss is stunning news here and for his loved ones.” Dean had given a deposition in a Spirit shareholder lawsuit and also filed a complaint with the Federal Aviation Administration alleging “serious and gross misconduct by senior quality management of the 737 production line” at Spirit.
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entitledrichpeople · 8 months
As Biden visited Israel to fund and support a genocidal Settler colonial government, he also took moves to increase genocidal acts against Native people in the US by legalizing the destruction of graveyards and holy sites in order to put up a wall in the middle of some tribes historical lands. Border Patrol routinely engage in violence against Native people while searching for "illegal immigrants" of the same tribe.
The US ruling class backs Israel for the same reason it funded a coup against Evo Morales, because as a violent, genocidal Settler colony they back other Settlers and destroy examples of moves towards Indigenous rule in order to maintain their own position as a violent, genocidal Settler colony.
An end to US imperialism and end to Settler colonialism are necessary for the good of the world.
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politijohn · 2 months
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cuties-in-codices · 10 months
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an unpleasant awakening
in a copy of konrad von würzburg's "trojanerkrieg", ca. 1441
source: Nürnberg, GNM, Hs. 998, fol. 15r
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allthegeopolitics · 26 days
Gruesome new testimony details one of the worst atrocities of the year-long Sudanese civil war – the large-scale massacre of civilians as they desperately tried to flee an ethnic rampage in Darfur last summer. Witnesses describe children, still alive, being “piled up and shot” by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) as they attempted to escape the regional capital of El Geneina in June last year during a bout of ethnic violence in which thousands of civilians were killed. Together, the 221 witness statements collated by Human Rights Watch offer the latest evidence that the Arab-led RSF has orchestrated a concerted 12-month campaign of ethnic cleansing against Sudan’s non-Arab Masalit tribe in West Darfur.
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mumder · 24 days
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"A Group of Crows are Called a Murder"
Its finally done! I really just wanted an excuse to draw him with crows ever since someone told me what a group of crows were called. I think the bg was my favorite part of this, happy how it turned out despite how seldom I paint my artworks like this, hehe.
Dusttale by Ask-Dusttale
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atavist · 9 days
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In March 2023, Levi Axtell bludgeoned his neighbor Larry Scully to death with a shovel and a moose antler. The shocking crime has divided their small Minnesota town.
Atavist issue no. 151, ANATOMY OF A MURDER, is now live:
It didn’t take long for a substantial cohort of people in Grand Marais to elevate Levi to the status of folk hero. In their view, what he did was in service of the greater good. Brandy Aldrighetti, a sexual-abuse survivor who lived near Larry, told the Star Tribune, “To me, Levi is like St. George who slayed the dragon—he killed a monster.” Kelsey Valento, a Grand Marais resident and mother, posted an article about the murder on her Facebook page with a comment addressing Levi directly: “I stand by you for removing a horrible nasty pedophile from this community.” ... There’s another side to public opinion, and its defining feature is dismay. The Cook County News Herald published a letter from Jim Boyd, a Grand Marais resident and retired newspaper editor, that argued against vigilante justice. “Scully had not been arrested, charged, jailed, tried, or convicted of any recent crime,” Boyd wrote, referring to the fact that no one had come forward to accuse Larry of abuse since 1979. “You can’t go around killing people just because they are horrible. (The dead would be stacked up like cord wood.)” Similarly, on Facebook threads about the case that mostly lionize Levi and disparage pedophiles, an occasional voice of dissent pops up. For example: “You can’t just murder people because you ‘think’ they might do something” (Penelope Orl). And: “Child molestation is horrible and wrong. Murdering someone by butchery is also wrong” (Don Croker).
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omnybus · 1 year
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Funtime for Mischief
A comic based on my friend's cat named Mischief, who lives up to her name.
To see art like this a month in advance, consider joining My Patreon (PG-R Rated) and get free art and discounted commissions!
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zetrystan · 5 months
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Murder is an old DnD characters I played for a one shot...
...Well, I will now play as him again for a campaign!✨
So I updated his style and physiology a bit! Say hello again to my crow-kenku, barbarian path of the beast!
______ (Here's his old style, when he was a necromancer's minion!:)
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June 28, 2023 - A police station is molotoved in France after police executed 17-year old Naël M. during a traffic stop. [video]
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