pinkelotjeart · 4 hours
So @gammija made this post translating a bit of the silt verses into Dutch, and uh I wanted to voice it, so I tried! (Hope that’s okay Gammija) My voice doesn’t particularly fit Carpenter and I also weirdly wish I had a thicker accent then I do, but we make do with the voice we have>:)!
Hope you enjoy me speaking in dutch I geuss
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jermaine-main · 11 months
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sensemami · 4 months
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dutchmemes · 4 months
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amidnightmoon · 11 months
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Zijn we weer y’all
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flikkerij · 2 months
i was talking with my friends about how dutch dirty talk is such an instant turn off for most of us, and i wonder if thats a dutch thing or a general non-native english speaker thing (or a just my friends thing)
tag with your language!
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girlsgonetmblr · 2 months
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elmasinthetree · 8 months
ik zeg altijd ‘het moet niet gekker worden’ maar ik lieg. het moet wel gekker worden
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msfbgraves · 9 months
Thinking about Abraham van Helsing and his refusal to even discuss vampirism until people have drawn their own irrefutable conclusion and going, oh, this poor sweet kaaskop (cheesehead, that's what we Dutchmen call ourselves).
You see, Dutchmen, and Hollanders in particular, are almost aggressively opposed to the idea of the supernatural. We're factual and neutral to a fault. The most well known horror story about the Dutch - The Flying Dutchman - was written by the English. We don't do fancy ourselves. Our horrors are aggressively real and mundane (it's flooding. We are obsessed with flood prevention. Scared out of our mind by drowning and storms). Our horrors are tangible and real and out in the open. Dying in a flood. Dying in a coal mine (a more Victorian fear). Dying in a flooding coal mine, to combine the two. Dying at sea. Dying in traffic.
But you can fight the sea. And we do fight the sea. With engineering. Technology. We look at stuff in detail and deal with what is right in front of us (the sea, the universe), and only that. We're bad poets and good scientists, we're great figurative painters. We are, as everyone knows, aggressively literal and straightforward.
Indeed Bram, that sweet man, has a very literal approach to vampire fighting. Lucy is being fed on? Blood transfusion. Aenemia is aenemia. Also, autopsies are autopsies, no matter why they are performed. Medicinal flowers are medicinal flowers, prevention is prevention no matter the circumstances.
He has been conditioned to think that everyone will violently reject anything supernatural that isn't in the Bible and even then. Because that is a what a Dutchman, a Hollander especially, would likely do. "The ordinary is crazy enough", is a close approximation of one of our most well known sayings.
And now imagine Bram van Helsing coming across vampirism somewhere prior to the story. He will have rejected it at first. Maybe he rejected it too long until he either had to choose between the truth of his own perception or the fact that he was insane. He will have self-diagnosed any and all mental illnesses that could afflict him until deciding that he was of sound mind, and this was a vampire attack. What would have taken a citizen of Bistritz minutes to accept and act upon (nothing too far removed from their religion, most likely), would have taken Bram weeks or months of lonely agony and doubt.
And maybe by then, it was too late?
Still, even after Lucy's testimony (in writing!); the punctured neck, the blood loss, the bat, the wolf attack, the physical changes, does he not say to Jack - if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck and acts like a duck, I am going to treat it like a duck, my friend. Instead he waits for Lucy to turn in front of Jack's eyes so he will have to believe in vampires because he saw it himself. To Van Helsing this is the only way to convince him because that is what it would take to convince an educated Dutchman. (I always joke that there are so few supernatural occurrences in The Netherlands because our outright refusal to believe in any of it kills it stone dead.)
This is dangerous, by the way - had he been alone, he wouldn't have let it get this far, I am sure of it. But there is a greater problem, a hunting vampire on the loose and he needs the help of his friends. And he doesn't dare confide in them.
How long has he been alone with this...?
Bram... 😭💔
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polldermodel · 10 days
Amsterdam-haters, de meeste landen hebben afgunstige conservatieve boeren die de hoofdstad haten, wat is jullie reden?
Ik haat Amsterdam omdat:
Er immigranten wonen. De verkiezingsuitslagen liegen niet: minder minder minder!
Uit jaloezie op de bloeiende culturele sector en leuke dingen te doen in Amsterdam.
Omdat het stadsbeeld mooier is dan mijn oerlelijke Nederlandse plaats.
”Wokum” is tegen mijn christelijk gereformeerde racistische cultuur.
Ik kwam er eens in aanraking met toeristen en dat stootte me tegen het zere been.
Een andere reden.
Ik haat Amsterdam niet.
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memepjes · 11 months
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fun-geography-facts · 2 months
The Netherlands (Holland) 🇳🇱
When the Euro was being designed, they intentionally placed illustrations of fictitious, non-existent bridges upon each paper note, as to not show priority toward one nation or another.
Or at least, they were fictitious... until the Netherlands decided to build all of them...
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q8q · 1 year
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The Netherlands
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dutchmemes · 4 months
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Nederland core
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 7 months
Morgen (1 december) begint de top 2000 stemweek en als je me volgt weet je waarschijnlijk al wat ik je ga vragen te doen.
Het zou mij echt ontzettend gelukkig maken als we dit jaar K3 in de top 2000 krijgen en specifiek Oya Lélé.
Vind het leuk of niet, K3 is al 25 jaar een groot onderdeel van de Nederlandstalige cultuur. Ik durf te wedden dat bijna iedereen in Nederland wel een paar K3 nummers kent en toch staan ze niet in de top 2000 terwijl een super niche nummer als Tubular Bells, Part One dat 25 en een halve minuut duurt er wel in staat!
K3 viert dit jaar hun 25 jarig bestaan, Oya Lélé is zelf 20 jaar oud dit jaar K3 de top 2000 in stemmen is een goede manier om dit te vieren (en dit wordt ook de 25ste editie van de top 2000)
Eerder dit jaar heb ik op mijn side blog een toernooi gehouden voor het beste K3 nummer. Oya Lélé heeft dit met overmacht gewonnen, wat mij bevestigd in de keuze om campagne te voeren voor Oya Lélé
Oya Lélé heeft in 2003 ook 18 weken in de Nederlandse top 40 gestaan, het langst van alle K3 nummers
Stem K3 als wraak op Spotify omdat ze K3 blijven negeren in de Wrapped lijstjes
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soundlessdragon · 2 months
Me thinking someone is making fun of the Dutch language:
The Dutch language just being like that:
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