Soup is for nerds
Welcome back to the Shaw Pack Mates Super top secret and totally unknown by anyone outside of the group groupchat. (Name trademarked by Angel.)
Whether these are real conversations I’ve overheard/seen/partaken in or not is entirely unknown and shall stay that way.
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CW: Crack, Angel needs to learn what boundaries are but not in a toxic way, Sam is asking for a god to save him he’s not picky on which god he’ll even rely on science it doesn’t even need to be religious, Sweetheart please for the love of the universe put the cat down, Baabe why are you just sitting there laughing?
Actual CW: Crack, mentions to others being sneaky link/hoes/sluts but in a friendly platonic way, GN listeners. Any reference to gendered terms is purely for the memes and not to be taken seriously.
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Redacted Masterlist
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Angel: im so disappointed in u all
Sam: Oh dear. What’s upset you now?
Angel: is that lip im hearing
Baabe: if my boss finds out im on my phone right now im so dead. so whats wrong bb?
Sweetheart: Tracking down a covert breaker. Cant talk rn.
Sam: Now I’m actually concerned. Is this genuine, or is Angel being Angel again?
Angel: not one of u said ‘congrats on ur nuptials’
Sam: I wasn’t aware anyone called marriage nuptials anymore, but also if I’m not mistaken you two have yet to have your wedding since you both are still planning it?
Angel: this is why im marrying with baabe
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Angel: ooooooo teeaaaaa
Sweetheart: That’s what he said.
Sam: I think one day I will gather the strength to leave this groupchat.
Angel: oh ill just add u back and then kidnap u to drag u to my basement so u cant ever try to leave me again
Sam: Angel what the fuck.
Baabe: to defeat the huns~
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Angel: im so upset rn its not even funny like i cant live laugh love under these conditions
Baabe: aweeee what’s wrong bby?
Sam: Is there something I could do to help? I will if I can.
Angel: hang on i gotta wait for sweetheart to respond so i can get all the attention necessary
Sweetheart: Sorry I was just filming a tiktok with Aggro. Whats up
Angel: perfect all my three hoes are here
Sam: I resent being called that, but I also recognize my powerlessness in getting you to change it, so continue.
Angel: do yall even have any clue how expensive it is to buy a mcdonalds bouncy house
Sweetheart: Why are you trying to buy a bouncy house
Baabe: ngl i’m kinda curious about that too
Angel: well i could just buy it because ur bitch is rich rich but i share a joint account with my mega alpha gigachad of a finance so i cant buy it without him noticing but i wanna keep it a surprise so theres just a bouncy house in our backyard when he comes home
Sam: Don’t you mean your ‘fiance’?
Angel: no i mean finance im just with davey for his money but my real loves is my three hoes in this gc
Sweetheart: Youre so romantic Angel
Baabe: ikr? like just marry me already
Angel: anyways this is my way of asking u to buy me a bouncy house who wants the privilege
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Angel: SOS
Baabe: whats wrong sneaky link?
Sam: Once again, I am confused whether or not this is a serious thing or Angel is playing up the dramatics again.
Sweetheart: I can send you a picture of my son if that will help
Angel: yes pls i miss my baby boy Angel: and also were out of sugary cereal and davey is making me eat his yucky worm food
Baabe: dw bb i got u. just ask him why hes giving you his dog food.
Angel: oooo good idea hell take it away then and tell me to just starve and give me the chance to naruto run to sams house for breaky
Sam: Now hold on just a minute. I don’t recommend doing that Angel, also I don’t need to eat food and Darlin isn’t here for me to have any reason to make breakfast. I think you’ll survive a morning without your cereal.
Sweetheart: rip
Angel: You’re next. - David
Baabe: oh fuck
Sam: rip
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 9 months
A liveblog of a rewatch of my favorite lesbian film (Fucking Åmål)
Agnes having a "secret diary" on her computer it's so 90s.
"I am subtle about my crush on Elin" Meanwhile her diary:
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It's so fucking funny how the first scene with Elin is her just POURING MILK OVER HER SISTER BECAUSE SHE DARED TO TAKE THE LAST OBOY (that's a chocolate drink) She's so impulsive and just says and does stuff all the time.
Everyone has known someone like Elin. And she was often the really annoying girl irl, but she's also just so young and naive and you can see there's just something else behind all of that.
Johan is so fucking awkward. He really tries to hit on Elin and she just disses him. Literally she doesn't want a ride and he's like "but you can carry the helmet if you want" HELP
Her name is Camilla but I call her giraffe neck girl because
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Agnes... girl... stop doodling Elin's name you're not subtle
Victoria is so deeply afraid Agnes is gonna hit on her. Like. Agnes: So the french word for "bus"? Victoria: PUSS?! (this is the swedish word for "kiss") Agnes: ?? Agnes: Bus. Victoria: OH
Elin's lines in the cafeteria always cracks me up so much
Tfw you're grounded because you "accidentally had no pants on"
Listen like. I understand Agnes' mom, she just wants her daughter to have some friends. But she really does not understand her.
Oh no not the ableism... yikes
Agnes :((
Agnes litting up when she finds out Jessica and Elin have come over awwwwwwww
Not her mom giving them wine????
AGNES' COMPUTER IS ON AGNES HONEY GET A PASSWORD good thing Elin didn't see her diary cause.
Elin hearing the rumour about Agnes being a lesbian and her immediate thought is "Cool. I'm gonna be that too".
The 90s homophobia is strong, but some of these lines are so funny for no reason?? like?? Elin: What do I get if I kiss her? Jessica: AIDS, probably
Agnes' reaction to getting kissed by Elin isn't "omg I got kissed by my crush" it's shock, it's "what the fuck happened", and then when Elin and Jessica laugh and run away she just sits there. Not knowing how to feel. It's realistic.
Noooo Elin feeling so bad about it immediately and wanting to go back to apologize :(
Elin: *vomits* Johan: Fuck, you're so hot Elin:
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Honestly same because who tf says this after you just have thrown up
Also how is this not a meme:
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Fuck the self harm scene... aaaaaaaa I always forget it exists
Elin throwing rocks at the window :3
Ok I decided to translate my favorite exchange cause it's sooo
Tag your ship
Omg their talk about what they wanna be when they grow up <33
Elin: Do you think I am pretty enough to be a model?
Elin: Why are you so weird. Sorry for asking, but... you are weird. Agnes: You're weird, too. Elin: I want to be weird. Or... not weird, but I don't wanna be like everyone else. This exchange <33 They can be weird together
"It's just because you live in fucking Åmål" OOOOOOO
Elin is here with her dumb questions and Agnes is just
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Let's go spontaneous trip to Stockholm woooooo
Imagine what would've happened if they actually went to Stockholm. THAT would have been a different movie.
Not Jessica eating up all the chips because "otherwise their mom will wonder" and Elin is like "?? can't we be home without having eaten chips?"
Victoria is such a savage tbh.
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"Good luck with Elin"
And Agnes will wonder why Elin isn't calling :( And Elin just WANTS to call but her nosy (but rightfully protective) sister is in the way :(
Elin: Mom, I'm a lesbian Her mom: What?! Elin: Elin: Elin: Nah, I'm just joking
Not the random 30 second masturbation scene?? I mean this film has a very realistic portrayal of teenagers but. Well. At least it was just a zoom in on her eyes and not much else.
God living in a small town like these... everyone knows everyone...
NOT ELIN HANGING UP WHEN AGNES CALLS NOOOO her internalized homophobia :(
Agnes' dad sees so well that something is wrong and she can't tell himmmm
Elin: I wanna be a psychologist Jessica: YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT
So I know Jessica is just looking out for her, they kind of only have each other, but also she needs to give her some fucking privacy
Agnes' mom reading her diary AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHYYYY
You know there's nothing to do in the small town when the teenagers play BINGO
Elin calling Johan from the OTHER ROOM to break up with him
Not the "you can't stand on an A-well because it means bad"
"No, I'm not feeling anything. No anal sex."
"I'm in love with someone else" AAAAAAA
Elin wanting to throw rocks at the window again and BREAKING THE WINDOW AND THE MUSIC JUST ABRUPTLY STOPS
Elin is so bad with words but god she tries... honey...
UGH and everyone outside banging on the door thinking she has a boy in there.
In this movie, no one comes out of the closet, they come out of the school restroom
"Ta da! Here is me, and this is my new girl! Could you move? We're gonna go and fuck!"
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Wrote history!
"Fucking" means drinking oboy lmao
Elin just infodumping how she has too much chocolate powder in her milk
I really wonder what happens later. When they go back to school the next morning. When Agnes goes home to her mom who has read her diary. When Jessica finds out. But at the same time, it ends so sweetly. Right now it's only them and no one else.
This movie is really cheaply made. It's shot like it's some secret person recording these kids. It's awkward zooms and hectic cuts. But it also adds to the charm. It makes it feel... real. Like we're seeing them right now in these moments, not putting up an act.
Also, campy movies are the best movies :D
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
What would you say are the 141's ideal partner be??
Ooooooo, I bet this will be controversial. I’m gonna leave physical features out of this one. Although if that’s part of what you’re after as well let me know and I’ll amend it. Gender Neutral head cannons 💕
Price 🥃
He’d want someone who is level headed, logical. But strong minded, not afraid to stand up for their beliefs and fight for them.
Someone who is kind, caring, due to his job sometimes he needs looking after, even if he doesn’t think so. A good listener, someone he can rattle off his worries and frustrations to.
Down to earth, but independent, he’s away a lot so you being independent takes some worry off his shoulders when he’s gone.
Someone out going and who likes the outdoors. Enjoys being active, hiking, water sports, cycling, observing nature. Helps him to relax and he’d love to share that with his partner.
Not bothered if you get do/don’t get married, he’s not someone who’s hung up on a title. Loves you for you.
Soap 🧼
He wants to be wanted I think, so his partner would need to give him the feeling they’re obsessed with him. Without actually being obsessed yanno?
Sense of humour is important to Soap, he loves taking a joke or an inappropriate comment so would love to share that with someone.
He’s a cuddler, so his partner would need to be ok with physical touch, and some PDA. Someone who loves holding hands and showing the world they love him. Doesn’t mind if his partner is introverted or extraverted, he’s easy going. Just has a lot of love to give.
Independence is nice, but isn’t a must. He likes feeling needed with his partner. Again would like someone he could do outdoorsy stuff with, exploring forests, seeing local history spots, walking nature trails.
Ghost 💀
Now Ghost strikes me as someone who would appreciate an introvert. Someone who doesn’t mind going out and interacting but would honestly prefer to be in the house. Good film, snacks and a warm blanket. Quality time is important to him.
Would want someone who is passionate, creative, happy to spend time on their own, so he can have alone time too. Someone who isn’t needy, not that he doesn’t like being needed.
Someone who is patient, kind but boundaried. He’s a heavily traumatised man who kills people for a living. His partner would to have very clear communication skills, and help him when he’s not having a good day. Someone who is understanding but doesn’t excuse behaviour either.
I think he’d love someone who is good at cooking, always happy to try new things. A closet adrenaline junkie. Loves being spontaneous on occasion, and to me he loves theme parks.
Gaz 🇬🇧
He’d love someone who is like a ray of sunshine personified. Energetic, bubbly, funny, the ying to his yang. Every day is exciting with his partner and he loves that.
His partner would need to be family orientated, not necessarily having kids of their own but close to their family. It’s important to him. He thrives in a strong family environment, to him family also means friends.
Someone who is headstrong and not afraid to challenge him on his beliefs. Someone who loves music, music is a huge part of his life. He loves concerts, theatre, gigs etc.
Gaz would like someone who is happy go lucky, goes with the flow, not easily stressed. But will communicate their issue if they are feeling low/stressed and be will support them through it.
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djservo · 11 months
beat you to it once again... oopsie! early, even! JUNE: what did you read, what did you think? what's next in your summer reading, cas? i want to know it all
not only was I not first but I'm also days late to this too, a girl can't win! </3
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I read 5 which is kinda silly & perhaps proves the theory of me reading more when I travel - something about a full schedule that just makes me go Ahhhh yes perfect time to read ! I made a lil visual of the 5 bc for some reason my goodreads isn't showing the dennis cooper covers + I really loved the cover art
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Closer by Dennis Cooper
my first Cooper, I feel initiated!! read this in one sitting on a flight, I couldn't possibly put it down - truly the book form of a car crash you can't look away from, a Camus/Bresson/Araki vibe with Disaffected / Cynical Youths In Situations™ feel. one of those books where it's not so much about the prose or character developments but moreso the emotional journey/damage (lol) the events put you thru?? I read it on my kindle and was still paranoid someone would catch a glimpse of my screen during the particularly depraved scenes, it's such a rush to read sick twisted books like this in public <3
Frisk by Dennis Cooper
read this on a beach day with friends and it trulyyy hit the spot, like will 4real recommend this as a beach read if anyone asks LOL with Closer still fresh on my mind I was less shocked by the depravity, less taken back with the extent of how graphic things got, and was able to focus more on the characters and storyline itself. realllyyyy really loved it, the theme of obsession and unraveling it to its foundational moments came across so cohesively + the unreliable narrator was written so convincingly. I read in a review that while Cooper was writing sex scenes, if anything turned him on, he would rewrite it LOL I love that so much - COMMIT TO THE SICK BIT, TRULY! a testament to writing sick things not equaling glorifying/romanticizing said sick things (which should go without say but yknow). also Loved the movie adaptation of this - it's been on my radar 5ever and I'm so glad I read it first bc the gritty artistic direction(s) felt that much more justified to me
The Carnivorous Lamb by Agustín Gómez-Arcos
3 fictions in a row omg are you proud?? this was soooooo beyond what I expected, so gripping. it reminded me a little bit of Call Me By Your Name at times (ironically not even just bc of the taboo relationships) with its hazy idyllic summerlike prose and ambience, but this one's definitely way meatier with its themes and intent. incest/queerness/family dysfunction as metaphor/consequence/response to a dictatorship, the aftermath of war, the disintegration of a country as you once know it. so punchy and direct but also delicate and wide-eyed at times, I really really enjoyed it more than I expected to. was very surprised to find out that it seems to be a hit with Supernatural fans (particularly the subsection that ships the 2 brothers together), stripping context from the flowerier lines for the purpose of singling out the incest....like ummm!! that's certainly One way to interpret a book so tangled with Franco's dictatorship but ok go off?!!
Pornotopia by Paul Preciado
ooooooo so much fun. the playboy mansion as disneyland for grown men, as a surveillance state, as dante's 9 levels of hell, as women's prison. The Girls Next Door was my first introduction to Playboy and I used to be so fascinated with the idea of people living this way, like you're telling me these hot young women are CHOOSING to live with this frail hag in a robe??? so it was cool to unravel the mystique of the mansion/company/Institution of Playboy to its bare, ideological + architectural bones. to follow, I read this profile piece on Hefner's eldest son's experience growing up in/around the mansion - what a trip!
How Do I Look? Queer Film and Video by Bad Object-Choices
I'm almost positive I read one of the essays (Looking For My Penis by Richard Fung) in college already bc I had a sense of deja vu the whole time, but generally this felt really familiar! conversations/discussions I've had in school, movies I've watched and the analyses that followed. this collection is essentially a bunch of transcribed presentations/talks at a conference followed by a discussion with fellow queer/film theorists/academics, so there was so much dimension to every topic which I appreciated! rly loved that they didn't hold back in the discussions, kind of scandalizing to see some theorists poke holes at the presenter's talk + you can Feel the tension that was in the room without even being there. I think I'd pee my pants in that position
I turn 25 in August and had idealized getting all my #EssentialAdult reading in the time leading up to the (alleged) Final Forming Of Thy Brain, finally dip my toes in some Joan Didion or some city woman grown-up wisdom, all that jazz. I'm kinda on a fiction kick though?? I've already finished 2 books this month (1 fiction, 1 memoir) I'll talk about later + am like halfway thru the 3rd George Miles Cycle book by Cooper (Closer + Frisk are part of a 5-book series, though mostly unrelated as far as characters go). I've got another fiction I have planned, but otherwise I do think I'm in desperate need of a woman's literary touch LOL so perhaps I will get on the Road-to-25 plan after all
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astolary · 2 years
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( Synopsis ) Glimpse behind the scenes.
( Content Warnings ) Cursing, and spoilers for shattered if you haven't watched it.
( Word Count ) 0.7k words // EDITED! 
( 1 ) 你能说, 我爱你?! — means “can you say, I love you?!
( 2 ) 我爱你 — means, “I love you”
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A whole year of festivities. Holidays, birthdays, traditions, award ceremonies. The list goes on. For example:
Everyone's a Mr. Worldwide: Food edition.
Every day they learn something new. Cultural shocks happened within their small family, and they had a big laugh about it every time. Brimstone has every moment saved in his photobook.
Each agent had a taste of the different cuisines. Neon's sinigang and adobo ranked first, Fade's pide ranked second, and Jett's kimchi third.
Rice and ulam, no one can survive without it. Neon claimed once.
Imagine how delicious their meals are since there's something new each time. The whole world to offer in one big dining table.
Sova's babushka delivered the cast lunch one time and they'd never seen the Russian so happy while he spoke about what the dishes were.
Chamber can't use chopsticks, everyone made fun of him. (In a friendly way, of course.)
There's a moment of silence if there are people who do their prayers before their meals.
Nobody disturbs Viper and Raze while they eat, absolute madwomen.
Sage fusses over them like the mother she is and insists they eat more. Kay/o gladly takes more servings of the free food.
Omen got invited to an eating show and dominated the whole thing.
Everyone's a Mr. Worldwide: Travel edition.
Some perks about being in Valorant; they get to travel the world. The most notable moments were:
Icebox? Bennett Island, Sakha, Russia. A few of them were never used to the cold of winter, so they were excited to try something new.
There’s a tally of how many times Yoru slipped on the ice. It's updated on the internet every time, courtesy of Skye.
Bind? Rabat, Morocco. Cypher never thought he would be comforted by the harsh heat of the place.
Phoenix withered in his seat while he watched Cypher take big lungfuls of air. Why?
DUALITY! While filming in Rabat, the air blew sand to Phoenix's eyes and the shoot was delayed for a full hour. Nobody had water, so everyone ran the whole area looking for water while Killjoy and Viper dragged poor Phoenix around.
Phoenix tripped on his shoelaces, dragging Killjoy and Viper down with him. He screamed while falling, so now there was sand in his eyes and inside his mouth. He hasn't recovered from this incident to this day.
Fracture? Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
The younger agents had the time of their lives playing on the zipline. The older ones suffered because Raze kept pleading to join in on the fun.
'You go first' war between Fade and Chamber. Fade gave up and pushed the French first, and he was not prepared at all. Lost a shoe in the process.
Behind the scenes.
There's a compilation of Breach screaming about being late for a couple of shoots; his arms are still charging.
Somebody conveniently stole Yoru's motorcycle that's now sitting in the lost and found.
Jett accidentally threw a knife at one of the cameras. At least they don't need to put effects on the scene anymore...?
Cypher's hat and Omen's cape are official merchandise sold out every time.
SHATTERED! Reyna ties Neon's hair with her favorite rubber band after their shoot together since Neon was sweaty.
Also, Reyna's nails have their own name at the spa since everyone 'ooooooo' and 'aaaaaaaaa'd at it.
All of the pictures of them during the last seconds of the fifth cinematic were all the official art Valorant made to surprise their cast. Viper had a selfie with her stand.
Now, why didn't Cypher die? Nora didn't give him a morning kiss. So he was sulky.
Before 'SHATTERED' got released, Killjoy accidentally lost her glasses since she took a nap so everyone panicked. But they were on schedule so it was all good.
Neon threw her frenzy a bit too far and flew out the window, so they had to get it.
Killjoy genuinely wasn't expecting a robot to be in front of her once she opened the door. That was why she just slapped it and mumbled a 'sorry' while Neon tried not to laugh.
Overall one of the best experiences Valorant has ever done.
If the director had a chance to describe the cast: A chaotic collision of cultures and languages. In a good way.
But sometimes, this leads to fans saying...
"Chamber! Can you say I’m a putangina!"
“Neon told me exactly what that means, no.”
"Sage! 你能说 (random fan name), 我爱你?!"
"Astra, 我爱你 <3"
"Aw, thanks fam! I love you too :D"
"Absolutely not."
Yeah, Valorant has never done a meet and greet after this ever again.
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astolary 2022 — do not edit, repost, or translate.
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eenadu-varthalu · 2 years
Just realized I listen to the songs but I’ve never seen Kandukondain Kandukondain (Priyuralu Pillichindi) in its entirety before, so here are my thoughts watching it? (I’m watching it in Tamil, so dialogues and songs are gonna be referenced in Tamil? Because I know there are some changes in the Telugu version)
No no Tabu you’re not going to be alone, I promise, if no one I’ll be more than happy to be yours 😭
LMAOOOO HE DID NOT JUST GET TWO CATS MARRIED (this is legit gonna be me. Don’t get married, get everyone around you married)
I— damn this movie really said bisexual awakening (and we’re not even 30 minutes in)
Okay, I’ve never been a huge Ajith person before BUT DAMN HE LOOKS SO GOOD IN THIS MOVIE
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Kannamoochchi Yaenada but the duet version with K.J.Yesudas >>>>>>
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*screams* ENNA SOLLA POIGIRAI ENNA SOLLA POIGIRAI NAYAMAAAA NAYAMAAA??? *concerned roommate noises in the background*
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Awwww major bala is in loveeeeeeeeee 🥺🥺🥺
No but his little grin when he can’t say he doesn’t love her 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
Whyyyyyyy does Abbas recite poetry like that??? Like the meter is off? (Also Vikram dubbed for him??? That’s cool!)
You say Abbas my mind goes to the harpic ad
This scene just got 100 times better with Hariharan singing Chuttum Vizhi in the background
Honestly mood: I too would walk in the rain like a mad person if I stared at aishwarya Rai for that long
Meenu: *all romantic* “Kanamma” (means darling or sweetheart)
Major Bala: “ah yes Kannamma, she gives very good massages, your leg will be set in a day”
Srikant: *kisses hand* the cure is some rest and two Bharathiyar poems
Major Bala: *with an amputated leg* “who am I to give advice about injuries? When I jumped off the helicopter at the war…”
Okay Srikanth is a baby and a walking red flag. Like bro it’s okay to make mistakes, why are you so butthurt about it?
And the mom defends him!?!!????
“Orchids are a hybrid. They’ve had an inter caste marriage” BAHAHAH IM DYING
Okay Srikanth’s red flag might’ve just turned orange
THE GRANDPA DIED? Nooooooo. (I’m sorry no one listened to you tatha)
Ohhhhhh is Srikanth bankrupt?????
Mammooty’s acting in this movie is good 👀👀
Awwwwwww I love the montage!!! AND WE GET THE DUET BABY LETS GOOOOO
Nooooooooo she’s no longer principal?? Damn the brother and sister in law are assholes
Yassssss queens berate the sis in law
Tabu is a programmer? WE STAN WOMEN IN STEM
Awwwww Major Bala is so sweet man 😭😭
MADAM YOURE STILL NOT OVER SRIKANTH!? Yeah no his orange flag just turned bright red.
Bahahaha dude I love his plan to get the address
“Kolathur James Bond” 😂
The songs in this movie man *chefs kiss* 🤌🏽
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That’s it. I’m starting a Major Bala fan club.
Can the mom shut up about the bad luck crap?
Side note: I told my mom I was watching this AND APPARENTLY ITS HER FAVORITE MOVIE????
I feel so bad for Tabu’s character now 😭����😭😭
NOT HER JOB— oh wait never mind. Raghuvaran is a king
THE BROTHER DIED!?!??!!?? Dude heck yeah!
Ooooooo SRIKANTH??!!!?? Was he ever gonna tell her?
“what do I know about poems? ask me about AK-47s and fertilizers. I am a hi-tech farmer”
HE WANTS AN EXTRA MARTIAL AFFAIR? Srikanth is a walking and glowing red flag
“God handed you over to me saying, I am giving you this green eyed angel, take care of her.” BYE. IM BAWLING MY EYES OUT ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY
“Will you?” “I will” AHHHHHHHH
Oh my god we get to see domestic Major Bala and Meenakshi YESSSSS 😭
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“Flight cancel, program cancel, ticket cancel, we’re gonna have to take the luggage upstairs” MAJOR BALA IS A MOOD
Okie that’s it. I’m done. I actually really like this movie! (Sorry it’s ridiculously long)
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salstray · 9 months
15, 20, & 29 for the ask game!
Hey thanks bestie!!!
15. personality description
Gods.... worm that's dried out on the concrete after a storm.
No, honestly? I don't really know. I try to stay positive as often as I can as to not let The Horrors catch me. I'm playfully aggressive, wildly sarcastic, and if I count you as my friend, always on your side. Like a cheerleader with pom poms made of knives. and also just... so tired. all the time. eepy. eepy sneepy lil wurm.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
ooooooo I dont know! Hmmmm, well, the current song stuck in my head is Right Now by Fire From The Gods, so lets go with that! Very good song. Need to look into that band more, tbh, that's the only song I know by them but it slaps.
29. favourite film(s)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Treasure Planet
There are a few others I"d count as favorites, but honestly? Those two will NEVER NOT get my bouncing off the walls in excitement. I watch them at least once a week (usually while I'm in the kitchen at work, which is actually against the rules, but if they don't catch me I can't get in trouble)
Thank you again!! These were fun as fuck!
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5, 14, 27!
My beloved ❤️ hi there
5. What’s a fic idea you have that you will never write?
Oh my god, there are so many of them— either I just don’t get around to them, it’s too much work, or I can’t build a centered plot line around the ✨vibes✨.
One I love, but definitely will never finish, is a short chaptered fic following Nicky and Booker’s first mission together, separate from Joe and Andy. Things get bad, and Booker’s latent paternal instincts come back up to help a traumatized Nicky while the two of them are snowed in on a mountainside.
I had to stop writing it, because it became self-destructive.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted to a visual medium, like a comic or film, which would you pick?
OOOOOOO. ALL OF THEM. But especially Keep You Safe, I think. And Brother of My Heart. And Battle for the Force. I would LOVE to see the actors deliver that dialogue, or the special effects for those big Star Wars battles. That would be really cool.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Um. I’m always nervous to post/share. It’s something I’m less nervous about now, but I’m always concerned that my writing will be taken in bad faith, or interpreted maliciously. I’m a lot more confident in my ability now— I know what I’m saying and how I’m using my themes now. Everything is intentional. Now, if I’m nervous to post, it’s because I’m worried the prose is bad 😂
Thanks for playing ❤️
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incarnateirony · 2 years
“Jensen has m&gs where he's talked a lot about 15.18. He's also made comments to other cast and crew, some of whom have shared those comments with us. He's made comments to his friends, some of who have shared those comments with members of the fandom.
I hated the fact that so many of his answers about 15.18 were historically in private m&gs until very recently. That's one of the reasons why I encouraged people to ask him about it on stage and now we have public answers.”
From 2po. Those comments/answers from Jensen refer to Destiel. What’s the bet 2po’s “cast and crew” receipts are tweets made by Mitch Kosterman? The same guy Danneel said doesn’t speak for herself or Jensen….
Based on past behavior maybe Jensen’s comments weren’t always kind in private. But acting like Jensen is the same person he was before 15x18 filmed isn’t fair either. Why are some people so insistent on denying his growth?
Yeah it's all he has left. 2po's been pinned into so many corners on his lies and vagueblogging he's just pinballing around, appealing to lies, stupid masses, and M&Gs *we have already proven he lies about the contents of*
What 2po is doubling down on is that 2po intentionally asked a leading question about if it was fair to interpret Destiel as platonic brothers, and Jensen did his usual, interpret whatever you want. I think his phrasing there on his "gotcha" recording is, "I guess I could see interpreting it like that." and 2po is SO FUCKIN ANTI while pretending to ship that, his brain fled out his asshole and he thought "AH HAH, PROOF." then, embarrassed, cut out his leading question afterward then had his friend try to distribute it in DM in PB aggressively to any shipper trying to have fun. Because. Clearly. They're shippers. Don'cha see, DestielOTP's name says so. 2po puts the pin on!!! very believable.
Jesus christ. You've seen HOW he butchers statements, you've seen HOW weak his tweets are, and OooOoOo Clif. OoOoOOo tweets from 5 years ago.
He's just a malicious little warty assgoblin in a basement that is so entrenched in his denial and refusal of the tangible reality we're heading into he's trying to save clout that's gonna combust the second the finale airs anyway, but he's so psychically attached to his illusory world of lies he's imagined it's just gonna keep catering to his nonsense and lmfao. That and he's probably become addicted to the free silver+ con ride he's grifted out of this fandom just for lower returns on scripts/"charity" they have to be harassed into bothering once people ask where the tens of thousands of dollars went beyond 2po's closet.
Dude's so legit deadass salty/insane that he's been caught with serial lies about me just to try to discredit me down to his trashheap level, and the best he has is "reacted to memes, had fun, doesn't follow Walker" like that erases all the very specific shit or very real leaks or very real access I've had that has trounced him every time he screamed in denial. Like dude, cope. Nobody fuckin cares about Walker. "Maybe blurry white guy is Jake" is not the fuckin dunk you think it is. Nobody cared to follow up.
You guys WOULD be such nimrods you'd confuse memes with sources, though.
listen dude nobody's gonna forget you screaming that your Very Good Sources told you my script was fake. For eight months. When you just had a slightly OLDER draft than me. (well, not counting the treatments I had to know it was real when you threw the whole internet at me, those were older.) AND GUESS WHAT, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT. It was real, and when you posted your own script, you proved not only was it real but you knew the whole time and were just big mad I gave it to everyone for free when you could have charged them for it. Sit the fuck down.
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Sorry, I ended up falling asleep rather than talking tropes and weird history, blame harvest time and allergy meds. I'd love to hear what tropes are present in Dracula you'd like to see more prominent in contemporary horror
[in the voice of someone who didn't also fall asleep early and then spend the next day busy and then forget i put this in drafts] oh......what a shame........but you are forgiven.
the thing about dracula that i think we’ve all been very much enjoying is that it’s not an ooooooo scary monster! novel, or even a Hey Look At This Fucked Up Thing That Happened One Time novel, which i feel (from my admittedly rather limited experience) is what’s popular in a lot of horror these days --- or at least the horror that gets movie-making money or publishing contracts. it’s a real gothic novel, and the romance and the friendship and the grief and the general emotional struggle are what makes the book.
(there's this kelli maroney quote from the documentary in search of darkness (2019): "[...]the term 'final girl' reared its head, and it makes me sound like i'm a hundred years old but i said 'you know, in my day, we called that the star of the movie.' ")
maybe this is coming across as i-don’t-like-splatter-films-level commentary, and maybe it is, but the thing i really like about dracula and other novels of the genre is the disquiet. the creeping doubt that maybe the grand project of imperialism doesn’t work, that in the attempt to make it work the empire has brought upon itself things it has no defense against. of course our good british boys and girls do their best to fight back, and maybe they’ve never done anything worse than go to work and maybe buy a second-hand kukri knife, and maybe they win, but the disquiet lingers.
---and of course the shape of that now is quite different than it was during the 1890s. it doesn’t mean nearly the same thing to say e.g. maybe the american dream is hollow etc etc, everybody knows that. you can’t do it the same way now as you could then because the world is in a different place.
long story short, tropes, hard to say: genre, that’s easy.
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starstruckrpg · 1 year
what kind of characters would you like to see?
such a good question! i'll let our members add as well but i know we have so many wcs--- i'll link in the source--- and we'd all love to see them filled (come and get some of that drama) but i'll also add some other ideas for things i'd like to see!
a band, either together or not, that has a ton of drama and lore (daisy jones & the six/fleetwood mac/literally any band in history)
an older film producer who works for an cult-followed production company (like a24)
a really obnoxious nepo baby who wants to be adored but is just so un-selfaware
someone whos fame may or may not have some mob ties ooooooo
a comedian ! that's it, that's the bit...
Tumblr media
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myfemininedivine · 2 years
what gave you your ideas for ur fics??
I'm not the most creative person but I am the most yearning!!!!!!!
but like
Along with you: I saw a road trip film and thought "yes but if fexi but make them be exes but-"
HVLTW: I love phone swap stories. I thought, one day, 'wow it would be wild if Fezco worked for Nate and then met Lexi by accidentally taking her phone and ooooooo what if it starts off ok but then it had this whole bubbling drama behind the scenes and secrets and drama-' and thus, the fic came out
TPD: 'wow I bet fexi would be so soft at night. I want a fic where they're like together already and it's just an examination of their relationship' and then ashtray fucking died and I was like 'wow that's fucking harrowing im going to continue writing it as if that didn't happen'
TASTE: 'wow I want to examine the link between love and sex and put a 12 month span on a friends with benefits relationship with two people who've been hurt and at the end of the day just want love'
After Dark: 'wow this song Rumors is so good what if there was a fic where they're like total opposites and lexi gets her game on but then gets caught with fezco through rumors from the school and oooooohh lets make it a boarding school!!!'
Angel bites: 'I like roommates and new girl.'
and my one shots???? they were all delusions luv. Closer to you was the appetizer to taste and then like it'll last forever is like a prototype first part chapter of TPD!!!!
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fresh2definitely · 2 years
2 4 10 16 20 24 31 34 46
HI JULESSSSSSSSSSSSS :)))))) i think i WILL go nuts 2. lighter or matches? - lighter !!! our gas stove top doesn't ignite anymore so i have to use a lighter LOL. it's not as crazy at the kitchen though on the black top one of my bosses will light it by cranking every burner to max so they're all blasting gas and then light one side of the grill resulting in a fireball coming out the back of it... i try to beat him in every morning LOL also i found my really old zippo and i enjoy lighting my friends cigarettes (since i donae smoke) and it is fun to mess with 4. which cryptyd being do you believe in? - ALL OF THEM... def mothman since he's so local 10. would you slaughter the rich? - Yesh. ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ 16. can you drive? - yesss i can drive a little b4 i went to php i became like a danger to myself when i was driving so i gave me keys off to my brother so ive been slowly getting back in the swing of driving long distances again and driving solo 20. do you say soda or pop? - I say soda biden mode but i do say pop if im feeling Sillay :) 24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? - I would be on my like interview level questioning shit asking questions one of my love languages on god then im sure wed both be super vulnerable and be divulging mad personal never before heard knowledge, then maybe put on some dope music and try see things in the clouds or try and find constellations perhaps i would kiss u on the noggin and hold your hand, give you a huge hug if i haven't already 31. what type of music keeps you grounded? - hmmmmm honestly new music it has to be new because i associate and attach so much emotion and memory to music ive already listened to and it riles me up too much, i either have to listen to old music with a new perspective or from a new angle or find something new. honestly like... folky countryish music makes me feel grounded 34. is there a song you know every word to by heart? - every Crooks UK song 46. favorite holiday film? - OOOOOOO ummmmmmmmm Olive the other reindeer i think :)
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drheartstealer · 2 years
WHAT?! Law is getting more outfits in Film Red? :ooooooo
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peepawleo · 1 year
My friends and I are now discussing what would happen if we were in an actual tv show and film theory did an episode on us
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gay-idi0t · 2 years
25, 32, 3 for the questions you'd like to be asked thing
25-fave season and why?
WINTER WINTER WINTER!!! One, christmas is in winter and that is the best holiday prove me wrong. As much as I love halloween christmas takes the cake. I get to see my family I never get to see and eat good food.It's the best! Two, my birthday is in winter so that's always fun. Once again, family and good food. What's not to love? Three, I LOVE cold weather. The colder and gloomier the better. I just wish it snows where I am :(
32-how many tabs do you have open right now?
I only have 4 open. And they're all just tumblr on four different tabs 😭😭
3-3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Ooooooo wait this is such a good question. Number one all the way is Luca. I freaking love that movie sm. I haven't watched it in forever tho :( Uhh the next one is probably Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban. Fuck Jk Rowling but i love that movie. Wolfstar? Wolfstar. And the last issss Ferris Bueller's Day Off. That movie is amazing and will forever hold a special place in my heart
Tysm for the ask!! 💕💕
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