faszaakisshobbi · 10 months
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callme-holly · 2 months
Hii thereee!! I was wondering if you could write smth Soda related. Maybe a first date with him like a picnic maybe? Or something like that. That's all!! Hope you have a great day/night and your writing is so scrumptious omggg🙏🏽😭
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 [𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - I apologise that this isn't exact! I started off following the ask and then everything kinda took a turn and this happened... Im also on a trip for a couple of days so I won't be able to post. Anyways, hope ya'll enjoy and as always
my asks are still open for requests!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 984 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - none!!
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The sun was hot on your skin, and the warm breeze did very little to cool you off as you sat beside Soda on the front porch of the Curtis home. He has an arm draped around your waist, holding you close despite the oppressive heat, and a can of pepsi held loosely in his free hand. His usually greased-up hair is damp with sweat and sticking up at odd angles, the product of having been run through several times that day. He looks relaxed, seemingly somewhat content with sitting beside you, his fingers tracing idle patterns into your side. 
Normally, he’d be running about the front yard with the rest of the gang and a football, laughing loudly, until Darry called for them to “knock it off and come inside.” Today, though, Soda simply sits on the porch steps, watching with a grin as Two-Bit chases Pony with the hose, Steve jeering him on from the sidelines. Johnny’s standing a couple feet away, a small smile on his lips as he watches the chaos unfold before him, occasionally dodging a stray stream of water directed at him. 
You lean your head against Sodapop’s shoulder, ignoring the heat and the sticky fabric of your sundress, keeping your gaze focused on the group before you. Soda takes a sip of his drink, and you can tell by the way his leg bounces that he wants nothing more than to join the fray. 
A small smile tugs at the edges of your lips. You reach over and intertwine your fingers with his, his leg stilling almost immediately at your touch. He looks down at you, tilting his head much in the same way a dog might when curious, his brow furrowed.
“Everythin' okay?” His voice is impossibly soft, and you feel warmth bloom in your chest. You squeeze his hand and nod, your gaze straying over to where the gang is playing. The hose is now in possession of a very pissed-off and very wet-looking Dallas, whose blonde hair sticks to his forehead in dripping strands.
“You can go join them, you know.” Soda follows your gaze, nodding slowly. 
“I know,” He turns back to you, shrugging lightly as he squeezes your hand in return. “But I promised you a date, and if I can’t give you that, then the least I can do is sit here with you, right?” He gives you a lopsided grin, pulling you in closer so that you’re practically pressed against him. You let out a soft laugh and shook your head, tucking your face into his shoulder. Soda presses a kiss on your hairline, resting his chin against the top of your head and grinning like an idiot. 
The two of you were meant to go out today, taking advantage of his day off in hopes of catching a movie or taking a picnic to the lot. But the extremely hot weather meant that Darry didn’t want either of you out for too long, forcing you to spend your date out in the yard with the gang. 
You watch with fond amusement as Steve tackles Two-Bit on the lawn, the both of them struggling for control over the hose, sending water spraying in all directions. A chorus of yells and laughs fills the air, and Soda fidgets beside you, clearly desperate to join in on the fun but hesitant to abandon you. 
You reach over and gently pat his thigh. 
“It'll be fine,” You reassure him, giving his other hand a light squeeze. “Go join 'em.” He sighs heavily and stands, reluctantly letting go of your hand to walk towards the commotion on the grass. Within seconds, he's lost amidst the throng of boys, and you're left alone on the porch, listening to them scream and laugh amongst themselves. 
Occasionally, Soda turns to flash you one of those blinding smiles that you love so very much, before he's brought back to the game by Steve jumping on his back, the pair rolling about in the wet grass, mud staining their clothes. 
The scene makes you chuckle, and before you know it, you find Soda bounding towards you once more, arms outstretched, his smile just as bright as always. You grimace at his soaked state, wrinkling your nose a little as he tries to wrap his arms around your waist.
“Sodapop Curtis, don't you dare.” You threaten playfully, trying to swat his hands away as best you can as he advances on you. 
His grin turns mischievous. “Aw, Y/N, you're no fun.” He grins wider, grabbing one of your hands and pulling you up from the wooden porch step. You stumble, giggling as he twirls you around before encircling his arms around your waist and pressing his face into the side of your neck. 
“You’re wet!” You chastise him, pushing gently against his chest, trying desperately to wriggle free. He only holds you tighter, and you eventually give in, relaxing in his hold, a content smile tugging at the corners of your lips as he peppers kisses across your neck and face. 
When he finally pulls away, he’s got an impossibly bright grin on his face, his arms still slung securely around your waist. 
“I'm sorry I couldn't take you on that date I promised.” He says it softly, leaning down to press his lips against yours. It's sweet and chaste, and you melt against him, your fingers running through his wet hair.
“Don’t apologise,” You mumble, pulling back slightly so you can look up at him. You brush a few stray hairs from his eyes, and he blinks lazily at you, leaning into the touch. “We have plenty of other days for dates.”
His answering smile is wide, his eyes crinkling at the sides. “Yeah?”
You give him a nod, leaning in to press another kiss on his lips. “Yeah.”
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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omggg I know he lost in the poll but your HAVEEE to do ponyboy for kinktober🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Day 23 of Kinktober: Running Away With Ponyboy Curtis
Pairing: Ponyboy Curtis x fem!reader
Warning: sexual harassment, fighting, unprotected sex,
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Ponyboy’s life has been hard since his parents accident, his older brother accusing him in shit that doesn’t involve him, struggling with bills, and the socs.
I’m a soc but I hate a lot of the people who are in the socs, Cherry’s boyfriend Bob, he’s such an asshole to me and of course, the greasers. Some socs are sweet except for some.
One night, Dally, Pony, Johnny, and I went to the drive-in. We go to the seats and I see Cherry with Marcia and I sit next to them. Dallas starts to flirt with Cherry, Johnny, Pony, and I kept on telling Dallas to stop harassing her and of course Dallas ignores us. Eventually Dallas leaves, so Ponyboy and Johnny sits next to us. I feel safe around Pony but a lot of docs say that the greasers are dangerous, I know them some are dangerous but some aren’t and that the gang I know. Dallas comes back with food and drinks, he gives Cherry throws her drink at him and things get heated, Dallas tries to harass her again, Johnny tells him to stop, Dallas gets pissed off and he looked like he was about to beat something or someone but he walked away.
Eventually, the girls, Ponyboy, Two-bit, Johnny and I leave the drive-in and the socs came to us to start trouble.
“Y/N!? What are doing?” Randy says.
“Being with someone who isn’t you guys.” I said.
Bob and Randy look so pissed but Cherry stops them, Cherry tells us we can leave so we leave. Ponyboy takes me home, of course my parents are pissed that I missed my curfew, which it’s fucking stupid.
3 AM
I hear pebbles on my window so I go check who it is and it’s Ponyboy looking upset. I unlock my window and see what’s going on.
“Pony what’s the matter?” I whisper.
“Darry, he hit me. Run away with me.” He says.
“But, what about my parents?” I look behind me.
“I can’t go anywhere without you Y/N/N, please run away with me.” He says.
I look at him, I’m sorry mom and dad, I love you but, Ponyboy needs me. I grab a jacket and Pony catches me from the window and we ran to a park and I see a mustang in the distance, I hope to god it’s not the socs.
I see Bob, Randy, and the other guys I forgot their names walking towards us. Ponyboy protects me from them, shit goes down by Pony almost getting drowned and I almost get sexually assaulted. I get crazy by grabbing a knife and stabbed Bob, I stabbed my best friend’s boyfriend. Pony wakes up and he looks at me with some blood on me and he looks to see Bob dead.
“Y/N, what happened?” Pony asked.
“He tried to kill you and he tried to sexually harass me, so I killed him, I’ve never done this before.” I shakily said.
“We need to get out of here.” He said.
“But where?” I ask.
“I know where to go.” He says.
I believe him. We go to the bar where Dally lives and we tell him everything on what happened a couple hours ago. Dally takes us to his bedroom and he gives us clothes which surprisingly felt so warm. Dal tells us where to go to an abandoned church, so we go to where he said where to go. While we were in the train car, I almost fell asleep in Pony’s arms. He woke me up to tell me we’re at the location where the church is at. I made Pony ask a farmer where the church is and finally got to it. To be honest, I love abandoned places, but I hope we don’t get caught but we’re in the middle of nowhere.
“I’m glad that we’re finally alone.” I say looking around.
“I’ve been wanting to be alone with you for a long time.” He wraps his arms around my waist.
I look at his face and I see those doe eyes, I love him but my parents and the socs think he’s dangerous because of who he’s hanging out with but some of them are so sweet. Pony kisses me, I kiss him back, I turn my body to face him, he holds me tight to make us lay on the floor to make out, we were like this for hours, him giving me hickeys, me moaning, him kissing my body, and me tugging his hair.
While we were there, we dyed our hair, I turned mine into black color and I turned his hair blonde, which he looks cute in blonde without greasy hair.
Dallas visits us and gives Pony a letter from Soda. Dallas tells me that there’s missing posters of me everywhere in town, I can’t believe that’s happening. Dallas takes us to Dairy Queen which I really miss the food. We go back to the church which is on fire. Pony and I save the kids.
We go to the hospital and Pony and I are at the waiting room and Darrel and Sodapop come in so Pony ran to them. My parents come in and they look disgusted on what they’re seeing, my changed hair and seeing Ponyboy looking beat up.
My parents kick me out so the Curtis’ said it’s okay for me to live in with them. Again I’m happy that I’m with Ponyboy, he just makes me so happy and he makes me feel safe.
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ajuunisu · 13 days
I'm in love with your Sabolaw drawings omggg you make me shipp them-- thank you thank you thank you
HAHSHDKSKAHSHS TYYYY AHHH GOT ME GIGGLIN N. ICKIN MY SHIT RN😭😭😭🔥🙏🏽🙏🏽✨💖😍😍😍💅🏽💯‼️‼️ ALSO ni prob m8, just out hwre servin the sabolaw nation🫡🫡🫡🫡🦅🦅🦅💯💯‼️‼️‼️
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kairoot · 2 months
favourite moments with your moots?
hmmmm there’s so many..
every time @wonifullove or anyone else compliments my work 😞😞 it really boosts my confidence
@telail when we’re drafting things with eachother in pms 😭😭🫶🏽
@naespas literally whenever she mentions me 🙏🏽 i feel loved
@stariekis when she sends me asks/pms asking about my day or how ive been 🥹
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lqfiles · 5 months
omggg im feeling a “she fell first, but he fell harder” on this jisung smau 👀
btw this smau is js so good, im really really loving it!! <3
WELL YESS 👀!!! don’t worry once he admits to himself that he has a crush on her he’s gonna be sooo down bad and soooo annoying his friends will be blocking him bc of it 🙏🏽
ABD TGANK YOUU AAAAAHHH!!!! i love you thank you for enjoying it.. like idols say, i’ll keep up the hard work 🥹🫂❤️~
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sttoru · 23 days
hrndjddhdndb tumblr sucks 😞😞 but is it okay if i hear ur thoughts abt cockwarming sunday? not in a form of punishment, but maybe for a way for him to relax?? IDKK (i’m so sorry i’ve been obsessed with sunday after the 2.2 quest.. i’m sick)
omggg cockwarming + sunday… hmmm 🧑🏽‍🚀
i feel like he’ll definitely allow you to cockwarm him while he’s busy settling some matters within the Family. he could be on his phone, nonchalantly calling someone while putting his free hand on your waist — squeezing your sides every now and then when you tighten up around him — reminding you to behave. one thing that sets sunday off are people who dont listen to him … and oh my god is that man one hell of a brat tamer 🙏🏽
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haedgaf · 1 month
heyy oomf 😵‍💫 any opinions on the talk about hybe allegedly being built around a cult! i need knetz to spare me some creative juice.. hybe groups have seen better times WHO GAF ABOUT HYBE ANYMORE (yeahhhhh many people) those stans are putting in their souls to defend payola and mid vocals i’m saying payola isn’t necessarily bad…. thing is… why are u that chart obsessed… PLUS it doesn’t hurt to admit that [THAT ONE GROUP] could be polishing slightly more on their vocals THEY AREN’T PULLING UP TO YOUR HOUSE BC YOURE A SHOOTER FOR THEM ACCEPT IT
hating is nice from time to time and your inbox is a good space for that idrk!! ❤️ AS FOR OTHERS, i never know if they have that hatred inside them or not 🤷‍♀️
JSHSJSKS not you saying i’m that one hateful oomf is this my legacy now 😣 but yess this is always a safe space for hate and complaints without getting ratioed 🙏🏽
?!?!?! I BEG YOUR PARDON…. somehow that’s also not too surprising when you’ve seen the company stans like good lord those mfs move like cult members anyways 😭 but woah that’s insane, what’s the plan to take down that company THIS MONTH. this whole hybe drama is sooo… i barely understand it other than that both of them are shady asf and need to get away from nwjns.
hybe stans have to be the most annoying breed ever, like you have company stan and then whatever hybe stans are.. because these losers can never be normal about their like for those groups that have such an annoying superiority complex that literally no one gaf about 😭😭😭 it’s literally that tweet that’s like “is the song good?” “well AT LEAST IT CHARTED” like they will eat up anything that comes from that company istggg AND OMGGG WE BEEN KNEW THE PAYOLA WAS THERE THE STANS WERE TEYING SOOOO HARD TO MAKE IT BE ORGANIC WHEN WE CAN ALL TELL like i remember how ppl pointed out that after every single kpop song o spotify, magnetic would play 😭😭😭😭 EVEN WHEN YOU SEARCHED UP NCT DREAM ILLIT WOULD SHOW UP LIKE HYBE IS SO SNEAKY… THESE BASTARDS. (we still fw that song tho.. i like it a lot)
and yeahhhh it’s not bad to point out that majority (especially that group) need to work on their vocals, coachella was really embarrassing on lsf like ughhhh this was never meant to happen MY CHAEWONNIE HAD TO CARRY 😭😭💔💔 i wish hybe would take that more serious, even if they know the song will do well regardless. i mean at least nwjns can sing so i’m happy with that (which btw i hope they’ll be okay we can’t have them disbanding yet plzzz)
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yae-energy · 1 month
Theme so good I had to take a bite out it 😋
Feeling jubilant and joyous rn 💯
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l3viat8an · 10 months
ok so uhm this ramble is supposed to be a post (im still gonna post it☝🏽) but i js wanted to share this w u also bc when i was doing my research i was like “hey that one levi mf on tumblr might think this is cool” so like if you wanna read this pls be my guest 🙌🏽 if not its ok bc its lowkey long n shit ✍🏽
 so im drawing levi right, and i was giving him fish features bc duh. but then i was like wait..i don’t know anything about fish 😦 you cant accurately draw him with fish features if you don't know how Nevi wtf are you doing!! so i got to researching about different fish and trying to find one that would suit him bc we cant do my man Levi dirty. The first thing i found was this lil mf
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cool right☝🏽if you dont know this is a Royal Gramma/Gramma Loreto ☝🏽🤓 and i was like this suits Levi so well, look at the colors 🙀 but wait, whats this other fish image that popped up next to it??  its royal grammas cousin the Royal Dottyback/pseudochromis paccagnelae 🤓 (they aren’t actually cousins or maybe they are ion know i aint a fish 🤷🏽)
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they look a bit similar, but the difference that stood out to me the most was that the dottyback has BLUE eyes instead, which is perfect because Levis design has blue🙏🏽. I decided to do more research on these fish specifically because i think they make a lot of sense for levi personally and i found this handy dandy lil comparison chart 🤗
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“wow Nevi these fish are so cool theyre perfect for Levi!” i know im a genius!/sar. i mix and matched some different physical traits from each fish to give Levi, like the dottybacks eyes, the grammas colors/patterns, etc. im not done drawing him yet ofc but i wanted to uhm share this bc i thought it was pretty neat. I think hed be one of these if he was a fish fr. Anyways thank you sm for coming, meeting adjourned 🧑🏽‍⚖️ hits my hammer on the thing 
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(also if you’re interested in seeing the drawing when im done then lmk aha)
Kinda feelin’ proud to be ‘that one levi mf on tumblr’ gsjsgsjsh
And I do love this!!! Like holy crap- this is the type of shit I would do, deep diving random facts for fics I never post lmfao
Mixing the fish to get the perfect little details is so big brained- omggg thank you for sharing! 🙇🏼‍♀️
(and I would LOVE to see it if/when you post it! Like absolutely!!)
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smolwritingchick · 3 months
i NEEEEEDDD more stuff w jenkook making out or getting caught doing shit by the members its so fun to read idk why and the way you write it is so fucking good 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💋💋
Omggg thank you!! I’m happy you like those scenes and how I write them! I’ll do my best for the future chapters 😁💜
Lolll they’ll definitely be getting caught again soon 😂
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pandorxxx · 1 year
Omggg your writing!!! 😩
I’m begging, please 🙏🏽 please consider another part of In Tune with Neteyam 😵‍💫!!!!
Pleaseeeeee 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Oh definitely! We desperately need it🧎🏾‍♀️
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chandajaan · 9 months
aah chanda i love your blog so much! whenever i come across a patch of your posts i just feel so happy and content and understood, like my attention is safe with you... yes like my attention is safe with you idk how else to describe it. thank youuu for your impeccable taste🙏🏽🍃
Omggg bless you! Your actually one of the most lovely people ever, your constantly spreading so much love ��� esp with the last month being so frustrating you really made my day! I promise to keep your attention extra safe 🤍🫂
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ivy-diaries · 10 months
thank you for supporting miraculous omggg 😭😭🙏🏽 youre so sweet 🩷🩷
NO STOP YOURE SO SWEET <33 we're all here just to hype eachother up aren't we 🥹🥹
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ateezbiia · 1 year
Hi, i just saw Bias charakter poster and WOW!!!! HOW DO YOU MAKE THEM LOOK SO REAL???😭😭
omggg tysm for noticing 😭😭🙏🏽 i honestly didnt even expect it to come out that way but i kinda just look at the layout of the real poster and looked for a similar photoshoot or what i thought would fit the frame (if that made sense?) and i changed the hue
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kairoot · 8 months
hii how are you? :) i love your pinned and masterlists,, the designs so pretty :00
omggg im okay, how are u?? and thank u so much 😭🙏🏽 i try
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