#the outsiders headcanons
clarityroses · 2 days
Breaking it up by page bc tumblr only likes 10 picture posts 😔😔
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thecraziness · 3 days
remember how i said i might make a "the gang plays mario kart" headcanons? this is it
i shouyld be studying for exams lol
each of them have their own *specific* character (except two bit)
darry prefers miis
soda and steve twin with yoshi or shy guy
johnny is luigi/mario
ponyboy is like link
dally is bowser
twobit doesnt have a special character
instead his goal is to choose the others fave
maniacal laughter
no auto accelerate
but darry uses autosteering
darry sucks
lots of powerups used
pony likes bananas a lot
steve= forgotten hero
gets in like 8th, gets a rocket and zooms ahead
darry, soda, and johnny lose a lot
dally= competitive
two bit doesnt really care just wants to mess everyone else up
dally: spamming the button when he gets a golden mushroom
everyone hates redshells
pony and twobit likes redshelling ppl
two also likes blueshells, but pony isnt as mean
soda likes battles but the rest dont really
*as a redshell chases them* "NONONONONONONONONO"
johnny chooses not to play when the whole gang is having game nights
bc he doesnt really know what hes doing
prefers to watch
really just lieks playing with pony
figuring out what has the best speed/ acceleration
dally gets second a lot, gets pissed and quits teh game
dally= rage quitter
pony too but not as bad as dally
fights can and will break out
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billkaulitzwife · 2 days
hey guys😮‍💨
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rileyh20 · 12 hours
I feel like Ponyboy would be such a third wheel
No matter the ship (As long as it isn't him obviously)
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hellsbelle999 · 22 hours
hello :D do you have any headcanons about the gang (if u need a specific character, then ponyboy) that you would like to share with the class >:)?
ty for being my first ask 🫶 !!
these aren't the best but hope yall enjoy nonetheless :-)
WC: 778 // not proofread
I feel like he and Johnny are really into photography. They mostly show their pictures to each other rather than the rest of the gang, but will occasionally share what they're currently working on. when out and taking photos, they try to follow a specific theme - windows, people, trees - stuff like that.
Sometimes Ponyboy will ask Soda to take his film to be processed. If Sodapop sees a picture he really likes (usually of one of the gang since they hardly sit for photos purposely lol), he'll order an extra copy and will hang it up around the house.
Soda just thinks it's cute that pone takes pictures of everybody like that (so does Darry but he doesn't act like it, just silently thankful that someone's getting pictures of all of em)
Bro's gotta be bisexual fr
He's aware that he likes both guys and girls but doesn't question it much. Kinda nonchalant about it and wouldn't think it weird unless someone else said something.
Def steals little things for his mom and kid sister (and we love him for that)
Probably just stuff like makeup or a new doll - if he sees it and thinks they'll like it then he snags it right up, employees none the wiser
Partially motivated by him thinking he doesn't do enough for them and wants to make up for it
Since he doesn't have a job they're like hrmmm… ok.. But won't question it/confront him about it directly, just in passing sarcasm or jokes (but they know he stole it ofc)
His mom would come home from work, seeing Two's sister with a new toy or maybe a fresh loaf of bread and some jam on the counter, maybe a new lipstick on her nightstand
While she appreciates the trinkets, she wishes that he would contribute to the family a little more honestly...
I imagine that he's really clean and cares for his personal hygiene a lot. Out of all of them, he smells the best lmao. Soda feels like his appearance is all he has going for him, and tries his best to keep up that reputation.
The week pony was missing he started slacking - missing showers, stopped combing his hair, and wore the same unkempt clothing as a result of the depression. All he wanted to do was lie in bed all day, but he had to keep carrying on, just barely.
Clearly this was way beyond his normal behavior and Darry and Steve tried getting him back on his normal routine (and failed).
He didn't freshen himself up until he read about pony in the newspaper, not wanting his kid brother to see him in that sorry state when he went to the hospital.
Actually loves cats, but won’t admit it straight up lol.
He “finds” one on the street and decides to keep her. When asked about it, he just says they're easy to take care of so why not.
He loves how quiet and warm cats are, especially when he's reading the paper at the table before work, the house chilled by the morning's air.
Sometimes he'll fall asleep petting the kitty on his chest, leaned back in the recliner after a long day of work (lol such dad energy)
He accidentally teaches her to sit on his shoulders. Darry'd be making dinner or something and this scratchy old street cat would be sat atop his shoulder like a parrot, keeping a sure eye on whatever he's cooking.
Slightly afraid of dogs.
He's fine with ones he's familiar with, like a friend's, but if he sees a stray on the street he's likely to hightail it outta there or walk as far away from it as possible
Before the wreck, I feel like the gang would go grocery shopping with Mrs Curtis 😭😭
Just imagine these scruffy lookin greasers trailing behind this completely unassuming lady. They definitely turn some heads, but the boys help her carry bags and such so she’s not complaining.
She knows they'll all be over for dinner at least one point in the week, so she asks them for suggestions and will send em off with leftovers if there's extras.
The gang being themselves would be goofing around obviously, until either a store employee has to step in and ask them to calm down or Mrs Curtis shoots the boys a glare that immediately sets them in line. … for the most part at least.
I imagine they’d (mostly two bit or dal) would pick up the most random, vile jar off the shelf and be like “hey can we get some uhhhhh … fermented pig’s foot?” which everyone responds with varying Hell No's and ewws
I've honestly got a ton more ideas but I'll cool it and stop here 😭 plz forgive any grammatical errors etc
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imdead770 · 5 months
I love the idea that Ponyboy over exagerrated the entire Outsiders storyline. Like
Ponyboy: Hey, this is my school paper, could you guys read it over?
Darry: Yeah, I'll give it to the others
Ponyboy: So?
Johnny: It's really good, but.. uh-
Dallas: I didn't fuckin' die? When the hell did I get shot?
Ponyboy: That one time when-
Dallas: That was a fuckin' bb-gun??
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johnnycakesb14de · 4 months
I don't know if this goes past your rules but can you do like (greaser) x reader when someone in the gang catches y'all like making out?
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He would definitely be the more secretive type when it comes to kisses mostly because all of his friends are immature
But I imagine y'all would be in the kitchen alone it's his day off and the boys are out
One thing leads to another and y'all are just being romantic and showing affection by making out
Next thing you know you hear the traditional caught-off-guard-cough-laugh
Darry looks up and sees Dally, Johnny and Ponyboy.
"Y'all enjoying yourselves?"
"Shut the fuck up Dallas."
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He was on break at the DX and you stopped by to see him and bring him food because you wanted to hang out with your boyfriend
Y'all were in the back just hanging out be cuties
Hes flirting with you
You know giving his typical sodapop charm flashing you his million dollar smile
He kisses you a few times and it leads to a make out and y'all are just in the moment not really thinking about muchv
Then Steve walks in
"Hey so what ar- HELLO? WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Y'all both turn around and you roll your eyes in embarrassment
"Do that on your own time please."
"Shut up Steve."
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Say your older in this maybe like 15-16 because for the first while of y'all dating you wouldn't be allowed in his room alone even with the door open Darrys just crazy like that
Y'all were in his room working on some homework or just hanging out when you totally very sneakily shut the door all the way thinking Darry won't find out because he's cooking
And start kissing
Not even two minutes later Darrys nosy ass barges in
"What did I say about the door kidd- Oh excuse me?!?!"
Y'all create distance from each other staring at him wide eyed
"I swear it isn't w-"
"be quiet Ponyboy. I have these rules for a reason, you guys can come into the living room since you can't be trusted."
"Y/N, don't start."
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Yall were in the lot because where else would you be
You kissed him a few times and it let to a slight make out nothing crazy
Two-bit came up to tell Johnny that unfortunately Dally had been arrested for some odd reason
And the SECOND he sees you he's instantly teasing y'all
he's trying to tease you but he ends up just making it really uncomfortable
"Lord almighty, what's going on here?! Save room for Jesus, she might get pregnant!" Insert two-bit laugh wheeze
"Cut it out man."
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Y'all were at Bucks for some party and it was getting really loud
You were overstimulated, Dally was tipsy and everyone was getting on his nerves so he took you outfront for some fresh air
Dally was being Dally and talking to you and kissing you a few times and it leads to a make out
Then Steve walks out
(I imagine him and Dally are actually pretty good friends)
He starts laughing
"Uhhhh, Dal'! Y'know where Evie is?"
"Why the fuck would I know where your girlfriend is?"
"I dunno, just wonderin'."
He rolled his eyes and dramatically sighed
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You were at work with him trying to help him
Which actually just meant he was yelling at you for certain tools
You were getting bored he was getting frustrated because he couldn't figure out what was wrong with the car so you told him to to take a small break
So he took a break and you both just started talking and he kisses you
After he pulled away you kissed him back
Darry walks in looking for Soda
"Oh, my bad. I was just looking for Soda"
"In the back Darry."
He leaves and you laugh
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Y'all were at the drive-in just hanging out
He was bothering people yk just being two-bit
And somehow you both ended up at the drag race that Steve, Soda and Dallas were at
You were leaned up against the hood of his car and he was in front of you and you were making out
Soda comes up and laughs at y'all
"HAHAHA, Steve come look!'
Two-bit looks at him and also starts laughing because hes two-bit
And your just there like 'omfg'
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hellothereimaloser · 16 days
outsiders request? Sick Ponyboy and Darry and Soda caring for him? bonus points if you make ponyboy look really feverish and on the verge of tears
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Lol do i get bonus points 🤩
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inezthefish · 2 months
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he’s been 14 for a month 😠😠
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clarityroses · 3 days
Crappy things I never posted grlajelsjekmd
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It’s all johnnyboy except for the last one
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callme-holly · 3 months
hiii! can u write headcannons for the greasers when you are on your period?
𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝 [𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝.]
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - So sorry for my inconsistency when it comes to requests - I'm not working in any particular order but I will get to them all eventually! Anyway hope y'all enjoy and as always asks are still open for requests
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 901 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - none
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Darry Curtis - 
Darry would be so caring towards you, oh my lord.
If you need something, you best believe he is going to get it for you, among many other things. 
If you’re suffering with bad cramps, he will gladly lay with you and hold you for as long as you need him to. 
If the boys are bugging you in any way, shape or form, he is telling them to lay off and keeping you as far away from them as possible. He knows how annoying they can be first hand and the last thing you need right now is them all up in your face. 
He will come home from work during his breaks just to check on you and make sure you have everything you need; heat pad, blankets, snacks, entertainment. 
Sodapop Curtis - 
Much like his brother, Soda is super caring and sweet. 
He will go out and buy you everything you could possibly need; chocolate, medicine, you name it, babe, he’s getting it for you. 
Will take hot baths and showers with you after work. 
This boy will cuddle with you all day if that was what you wanted, hell, he’d take the day off work just to spend time taking care of you. 
If you’ve got cramps, he feels super guilty. He hates seeing you in pain and hates knowing that he can’t help you even more. 
Strongly believes that kisses will “cure” you and will shower you with attention until you’re feeling slightly better. 
Ponyboy Curtis - 
Pony doesn’t know much about periods other than the fact that you can get pretty damn moody. 
He tries his hardest to understand what you’re going through, but eventually he freaks out and has to ask Darry for help. 
If you need him to get you something, he will go into the store with the full intention of buying only the items you requested only to panic and buy almost every single product he could find. 
If you’ve got bad cramps, he’ll do his best to make you feel better. He’ll do whatever you need him to do but, in the end, he’ll just lay down and read to you until you fall asleep. 
Johnny Cade - 
Johnny is the sweetest. 
He gets so concerned about you and hates seeing you in any sort of pain/discomfort. 
If you’re sad, he’s sad. 
You want him to get you something? Medicine, chocolate, blankets? No problem, sweetheart, just sit tight and he’ll get it in no time at all. 
If you’ve particularly irritable, he tends to stay out of the way for a little while. He doesn't wanna upset you and he also doesn’t wanna get yelled at by you. 
He’ll cuddle with you for ages. When I tell you he isn’t letting go until you do, I mean it. 
If you’ve got bad cramps, he’ll lay with you and rub your stomach until they pass. 
He’s also not opposed to running you a warm bath if that’s what helps you.
Dallas Winston - 
When I tell you this boy knows nothing about periods, I mean it. His knowledge is very limited; he knows you get pretty moody and that’s about it. 
He’ll try to stay out of your way the best he can because when you’re on your period you kind of scare him. 
Once you snapped at him for being a pain in the ass and he never tried to bug you again. Instead, he went to find the gang and was like “damn, women can be scary sometimes, man.” 
He definitely showers with you but for all the wrong reasons. 
If your cramps are particularly bad he’ll get you blankets and will sit with you until they pass.
Either that or he’ll panic and call Darry. He does not know how to deal with this shit. 
Is definitely the type of person to say “can’t you just hold it?” 
Steve Randle - 
He’ll either take you to work with him or take the day off so that you’re not alone. 
He’ll let you sit in his lap whilst he rubs your back and presses soft kisses to your lips and forehead.
He’s actually so sweet to you. 
Will gladly feed you chocolate cake (he might steal a few bites too). 
Much like Soda, he has no problem taking hot showers with you if that’s what helps you to relax.
He will bring back whatever you want from the DX, just ask him and he’ll get it for you. 
If your cramps are particularly bad, he’ll just hold you until they pass. His comforting skills aren’t the greatest but he tries his best and we love him for it <333
Two-Bit Mathews - 
He tries to stay out of your way if you’re particularly irritable. He learnt the hard way not to bug you when you’re on your period and he vowed never to tease you again. 
He’ll cuddle up with you on the couch and you two will just watch TV together. 
Much like Steve, he has no problem feeding you chocolate cake, although he might end up eating the vast majority of it. 
Will pepper your face with kisses, claiming that it’s the only cure to your discomfort. 
If your cramps are bad, he’ll get you a heat pack and will do anything in his will to make you feel better. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous your requests may be, he will do it for you. 
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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billkaulitzwife · 3 days
RIP Outsiders
rip ponyboy you wouldve loved peanut butter brownies
rip ponyboy you wlda loved spinning scissors on your finger and catching it like a cowboy
rip pony u wlda loved twin sized mattress
rip horsie you wlda enjoyed chain smoking out the moonlit window blasting lana del rey
rip dally you wouldve loved pierce the veil
rest in piece dal u wlda loved dunkin
rip dallas u would have loved to go on wizz and yubo
rip hood u shlda stuck around for twilight
rip johnny boy u wldve loved chasing butterflies
rest in pieces jonathan you wouldve loved “i like to get in sparkly dresses.. AH-“
rip johnnycakes you wlda loved six the musical
rip john you wldve enjoyed water sprinklers
rip ads you wlda loved cakepops
rip adelaide you wldve loved bullying seven yr olds on roblox
rest in peace ad you would have loved jaywalking
rip marmalade you shldve stuck around for sims 4
rip soda you wlda loved the offbrand dr peppers
rest in peace sodapop you would have loved hotwheels
rip sodaboy u wldve loooved gamestop
rip pepsi you wldve loved tangled
rip dar u wlda loved kettle cooked chips
rip darry you wldve loved the notebook
rest in peace darrel you would have loved the ozempic commercials
rip superdope you wldve enjoyed morgan wallen
rip stevie you wlda loved fanart
rest in peace steve you would have loved devils food cake
rip steven you wldve enjoyed isaacwhy
rip bro you wld have had fun on thats not my neighbor
rest in peace keith you would have indubitably enjoyed mickey mouse clubhouse
rip twobit you wldve loved root beer floats
rip two you wlda loved dress to impress
rip tupac you wldve hated coquette
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matilyntheweirdo · 2 months
Soda sending a heartfelt letter to Pony:
Me and Darry miss you ☹️
Everyone is worried about you and Johnny 😭
Darry is a mess without you 💔
Darry is so sorry 😢
Sodas spelling FUCKING SUCKS ASS
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spikedhe4rt · 10 months
I need dating Darry hcs. NSFW and SFW
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Darry Curtis x Reader Headcanons 🪸🪸
A/N: I hope yall enjoy this, I also have a darry smut coming out soon. My request box is always open!! Love you guys<3
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❥ You met eachother while he fixed your roof, which your family helped you pay for.
❥ You kept making excuses to come outside and talk to him.
"Hey, Darry" you yelled out to make sure he could hear you from the roof. He responded with a loud "yea?" I smiled at his voice. "I made you lemonade and homemade pretzels.
❥ You started to invite him inside the house and talk more
❥ You were highly upset when he finished your roof, you knew you would miss him.
❥ He asked you out on his last day because he took so much interest in you.
❥ You both wanting to take it slow, because he had his brothers to look out for.
❥ Meeting Soda and Pony, and them taking a liking to you.
❥ Visiting his parents grave with him for support.
Darry gave a sad chuckle as he finished a story about the time his parents bought him his first bike. "They sound amazing, Dare" you gave him a loving smile before a tears ran down his cheeks. "They were. I just really miss them sometimes."
You nodded and brought him in for a hug. Once the hug ended, his lips found their way to your forehead, kissing it softly. "Thank you for coming with me."
❥ Trying to keep a serious face when he lectures Pony over the silliest things.
"Ponyboy, how many times do I have to tell you...you can't leave your stuff anywhere. You left your book on the floor and Soda slipped on it." You truly tried to hold it in, but once he said Soda fell, you lost it. Wheezes came out as you tried to control yourself. You were met with the eyes of shocked and mildly offended Darry as he stared.
❥ You calming him down with kisses.
❥ Holding hands when you walk together.
❥ He will fix anything for you. He basically refuses to ever let you hire a maintenance man because he claims he can do it.
❥ Thinks about what you like when he buys groceries.
"Since when did any of us like Pringles, Darry?" Pony asked with a face of pure confusion. Darry grabbed the can of salty crisps from his hand "Y/n likes them, tell the rest of the boys not to eat them either" Pony nodded to his older brother, smiling at the fact that he cares enough about you to do that.
❥ Random slow dancing when you guys get bored. It seems cheesy to others but it makes you guys feel like the only people in the room.
❥ Him randomly picking you up just because he can.
❥ You running your hands along his abs under his shirt when you guys sit together.
❥ You two always making sure Johnny is safe and taken care of.
❥ Him promising that he will put a ring on your finger one day.
  ✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
❥ He loves any physical marks on you both. Hickeys, bite marks, bruises, scratches make him go crazy.
❥ He loves how much bigger he is so he can bend and take you how he needs to easily.
❥ Is strong enough to keep/hold your hips down while he eats you out and overstimulates you.
“Im gonna cum!” I panted out for the second time tonight. My hips bucked up into Darrys face again, as continued too suck my throbbing clit through my high. Two hands snaked around my thighs, making he secure as he continued. “Give me a couple more, hon”
❥ Will not cum until you have at-least once because he puts you first.
❥ Takes his stress out in the best ways, the bedroom
❥ Burys his face in your neck and moans when he cums.
❥ Grabs your chin to force eye contact when you can't look at him.
"Look at me, baby." Darrys fingers were thrusting in and out of your pussy. Your head was over his shoulder and tucked into his neck, trying not moan out loudly. "Please-" your words were cut off when you felt his hand on your chin, making you look him. "You look so pretty like this. Keep looking at me, just like that." His words made you whimper, grinding into his thick fingers.
❥ Loves to cum on your ass after taking you from behind.
❥ He will whimper while getting head from you.
❥ Holds your hips and bounces you up-down when you get tired when riding him.
"Fuck, Darry!" you panted out, grinding your hips down on him. "Im tired, Dar" your movements came to a halt as you tried to catch your breath. "I gotchu, hon. I always do." His large hands came to your hips and slowly moved you up and down on his cock. "Faster please" you moaned out as your hands came down to steady yourself. "There you go, baby. Such a good girl for me"
✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
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seeebaa · 4 months
Do you think Sodapop loved horses so much he convinced his parents to name his little brother Ponyboy?
Like Soda thought his mum was gonna have a baby horse so he ran around talking about his little "Ponyboy" and his parents thought "that's actually a sick name" and ran with it.
And so entered the world little Ponyboy Michael Curtis, cursed with a name plucked from the mind of his 3 year old brother.
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