#Robin Lenox
foxdrawdoodles · 29 days
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MAG 100 - I Guess You Had To Be There
This was a very interesting episode, it was cool that we sort of got to see what it’s like trying to get statements out of people when the Archivist isn’t there and it was also funny listening to everyone falling miserably at getting any cohesive answers to their questions.
I can’t decide which statement I liked more, I’m between the Robin Lennox who literally walked out of the spiral because he was late for dinner or the supposedly “John Smith” who went full government conspiracy theorist on Tim. Oh and I almost forgot bloody Martin awkwardly having to give random loose change from his pocket to Lynne because of a miss understanding!!
god I love this podcast <3
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ashes-in-a-jar · 4 months
I'm putting tomsterrors.blogsphere in the hall of Fame up there with Robin Lenox and Sebastian Skinner absolute king behavior, never bother the poor old creepy man who invited you to a personal screening and is you ticket guy, popcorn guy and usher, he is overworked as is <3
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Bonus poll 7? I lost count. Shipping poll 3?? Or 4??
*i assume these are rare cause i havent seen them in the ao3 magnus archives tag at all, or if i did it was like once. if i accidentally added smth not rare im sorry!! most of these were submitted when i was asking for ships
**galaxy brain take of guys who just said nope to the entities (joshua resisted the coffin, dylan was seen by monster pig as a friend)
***universe brain take with the same premise but polyamorous (skinner is too unaware of his surroundings to even notice The Stranger, lenox is from mag100 he had the dog and he escaped the spiral by being late for dinner and i love him)
dont forget to vote on the ongoing revival round! you should be able to find it by searching revival poll! (ill do the daily reblog later)
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spiral propaganda!
#1. michael and helen. just, michael and helen.
#2. it is *lies* but it is also the twisting and altering of the truth so far beyond recognition that it is a new truth and also false and it doesn't even matter. because the spiral isn't about truth it's simply about perception. did this really take hours or did it just feel like hours doesn't matter when to you that's what was real. it doesn't matter what the truth is what matters is how you experience the truth. it is made of contradictions. it's been running on dream logic from day one. helen was a physical embodiment of It is Lies, and was speaking in perfect truths the whole time. michael was mad at gertrude for lying of all things.
the stranger may bask in knowing they are lying to you, the spiral basks in belief. it is made of contradictions, of duality, but for all they mislead, they do not lie. everything the spiral is, truth or falsehood, is believed. are you crazy, are you going insane? the things you believe to be true and the things you are seeing cannot co exist, so what do you believe? giving your self into the spiral is giving up the notion of one truth for a colored and warped version of reality where each image is in their own control. it lets truth and lies run through the river because there is nothing to be done but be flexible, except the world as it is. only then can you really purposefully or meaningfully change it.
to me what synched my love for the spiral was robin lenox, the person who left a spiral trap cause they were going to be late to dinner. i saw someone not bat an eye at the fact that they had spent 6 hours in a puzzle without even noticing because that's just what the spiral is. all the times i struggled to explain what was going on with my time blindness, my adhd, and the spiral simply understands. there is nothing more flexible than the human mind, nothing real unless you perceive it to be. the spiral just is, like a running river, like a shifting fractal, like a memory you can't quite hold onto.
the spiral is joy in insanity and comfort in the fantasy's you create for yourself, untethered from the rules of reality that would confine what the human mind is capable of.
anyway, vote spiral!
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orange-s-mario · 5 months
Superman's kids ranked
Hmm guess the bottom is where I start here (please note I have not been able to read the dailies)
Wait. Actually there's a few unranked kids, so first a pre-ranking ranking:
Unranked (+ "Superman's" kids)
Superman-Red's Twins and Superman-Blue's Twins: they just kind of exist. They don't have any characterization at all since they don't even talk
Carl (Mr. Mxyptlk): He does a little trolling. I feel a bit bad for Larissa Lenox though
twins in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #55: no. I don't want to think about this story.
Mooki: this isn't superman. He's neat. Robot Merkid
Lyle and Lili: that's not Lois and that's not Kal-El, it's actually his cousin and a lookalike
Superman Jr (Robin (Fred Ashley (Dick Grayson))): i uh wha. Hmm I think I'll rate him exclusively from the story. Anyways it's basically Lois pranking Superman back via blackmailing Robin (she was pretty sure Robin was one of 6 people). Uh Funny and weird I guess but that's what happens when you prank each other via pretend space travel.
Clark Jr. & Lori (Man of Tomorrow #15): they're literally demons. Anyways they're kinda bland because it's "picturesque traditional American values" that are directly opposed to Superman being more due to what they are. (also RIP Post-crisis Lana, the other main Lanas are simply built different; but also it was Neron so ...). At least Clark Jr. wanted to leave smallville
son & daughter w/Lana Lang (Action Comics #492) : R.I.P. you nonexistent kids. You seemed nice
Lois Lane's son from her coma dream (Showcase #9): uhh what a strange character to rate. So I'm just not going to. idk Superman was trying to get Lois to wake up by making her unhappy so it's weird
Orna Kal-El: alan moore did not write orna at all. She just shows up and says no lines.
Van-El: "I don't think you're real" doesn't hit as hard in the comic. Also he's kinda bland.
Extra note on the black mercy thing:why ISN'T Lyla Lerrol still an actress Moore? Please explain
Richard, M'R'R and K'R'K: nothing characters who also expanded the British empire. this should've ended with K'L'L dismantling the British empire
Twins, with Lois Lane (Adventures of Superman #561): they just sorta exist in Supes's dream. Remind me of the more troublemaker versions of Silver Age twins though (probably a reference since it was a Dominus Effect Epilogue)
Lara Lane Kent (Injustice dream): actually a good character. too bad she's basically the conscience of a man who's basically the worst superman ever.
Martha (Man of Tomorrow #15): She seemed nice despite being fake. At least Clark actually being superman in this fake reality means that she actually gets to do stuff. She wants to go to the moon again. That's it. That's the whole character
onto superman's actual kids;
#55: JLA: Act of God baby; I hate him and everything he stands for
#54: The Others (JLA: Created Equal): Unlike Adam they don't feel sad about being misogynistic and have a change of heart after not during the Luthor fight
#53: Adam Kent: according to the text itself Lex only heightened his misogyny
#52: Kara (and the others) (JLA: Created Equal): She's a girl so she isn't misogynistic. Unfortunately it's weird because she's Power Girl's daughter. seems like a nice person though. these 3 might just be because of me just not vibing with the story but ehh w/e
#51: Lar-El and Vara: these 2 are just kinda really bland. doesn't help that they only show up twice. there's the interesting hook of feeling that Superman abandoned them, but it's too little.
#50: The Twins (World's Finest 35)
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I think this basically sums it up. They're basically used as bratty normal babies that Clark gets annoyed by
#49: Bruce Kent: he exists I guess (will not complain about the story, will not complain about the story, will complain about the story; evil captain marvel is dumb and it's weird how different characters are affected by the apocalypse very differently. also the "we belong together" line hate when they do that, but that's not about Bruce Kent so it's moot). that's pretty much it.
#48: Jonathan Elliott: he exists I guess (will not complain about the story, will not complain about the story, will not). that's pretty much it.
#47: Jonathan Kent (Green Lantern: Darkstars): He exists I guess. has a bit more stuff to him, but he ends up being a good dude despite Belzebeth controlling the darkstars
#46: Lara Kent (Dark Knight/Millerverse): idk her vibes are just off. I like her but then she does something and it's like eugh Frank Miller. and her parents also being OOC does her no favors. Her appearance in the third series made me rank her worse. I do like the thing where she finally touches the ground at the end, but I just really dislike her whole character. At least her dad's more in character in the third one ig. her vibes are off
#45: Jonathan Kent (Future State): he's nice i guess. There just isn't much of him so he's right here. Not a lot of room to be a character when it's just like 5 panels
#44: Jonathan Kent (Space Age): he's nice i guess. Rated slightly higher due to a snowball fight. he doesn't do much
#43: Larry & Carole (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #36) they don't show up much and don't have much characterization besides only one of them becoming a superhero so not ranking those versions. I guess these two at least have some characterization in that they like playing with the space animals and Larry becomes Superman II
#42: Vol: he's fine he's fine. Besides being a character in one of the most batshit insane superman plots; he's just fine. At least he saved his universe and sent Sonn back to the Earth-One Universe. So uhh points for him I guess? He does a bit more than SGFLL 36 Larry and Carole so he's ranked higher. I guess
#41: Krys Kent: I liked him enough but he kinda has nothing going for him. I guess he has a bit of potential in that he could probably learn magic (he doesn't have powers). He seems nice I guess and he also has the fun line near the beginning of the story after Superman throws him, but that's about it
#40: Krys's evil ghost demon extradimensional twin: The villain has more of a character due to talking more, but really he's just evil for the sake of it. Interesting villain... ... ...I guess evil ghost extradimensional beings don't count for Superman's rules
#39: Jor-El II (Action Comics 327): really wants Clark to stop spoiling his kid. He thinks there's no such thing as crooks anymore (he's wrong), but he's always on missions doing Superman stuff I guess. there must be a lot of natural disasters I guess.
#38: Baby Bliss: toddler written during the silver age. At least he helps Clark a bit although most of the time Kal is just confused about the situation and Baby Bliss sometimes does some trickery to Superman. So I'm ranking him near the middle
#37: Lola Kent: points docked for getting with her cousin. Other than that she's good, since she has very similar characterization to pre-crisis superman, who is a pretty good character. but yeah she's down here because of Jimmy Jr. She'd probably be higher if it wasn't for Lucy Lane
#36: Jor-El II: he is a victim. this happened because his mom was a jerk and honestly I'm not sure if Lois really got through to Lois. There's also probably a better way to get through your alternate universe self who's tired of being a housewife. At least his dad was nice the whole time and even apologized about always leaving for missions. Jor-El II's life sucks and I'm not convinced it gets better. ranks low since I didn't really get anything for his characterization
#35: Clark Kent Jr (Superman #404): seems like a nice kid who loves his parents. I like the bit where Lana makes Clark Jr makes Clark gets ice cream but there's really not much here. I will say this was a very interesting imaginary story that I wouldn't mind being expanded on
#34: Superman II (Jorel Kent): he only appears in 3 Superman 2020 stories so he doesn't have much. He really is Superman II. there's not much differentiating himself from his father. Kalel has more going on just because Superman 2020 is about Kalel and not Jorel.
#33: Superman Jr. (Denny O'Neil): He's dead now. Denny O'Neil's take was weird. Still liked him though. He tried heroing even though he caused disasters everywhere he went. I guess he self-sacrificed himself for the good of reality
#32: Joel Perry Kent: He is also a victim because of Ultra Humanite. Idk I think Clark is also at fault here; just tell the dude. However him trying to kill the Vietnamese village is all on him. It doesn't say that Ultra-humanite told him to do it sooo.
#31: Jonathan Kent (Frank Millerverse): he's fine I guess. He felt like the imaginary story kids or silver age superman when he was fighting Darkseid so he ranks a bit higher. like when the supers are like tricksters
#30: Larry (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #39): He is a bit of a scamp so that's great. He does cause Jimmy to go blind and Lana to breathe fire though, but then again Clark didn't explain the black magic to anyone in the family so really that was Superman's fault.
#29: Superman Jr (World's Finest #154 & #157): started as bit of a jerk to Bruce Jr but basically mellowed out. Since he's only in 2 comics there's not much characterization here and his dynamic with his Bruce Jr isn't as great as the Bob Haney version
#28: Kara Kent: Honestly kinda bland. She has a sweet relationship with Bruce Jr, but that's basically it. Like she has half the powers of Superman and complains about it a few times, but that's really par for the course of biological superman kids. Has a bit more of stuff in Generations 2, but nothing really to make her go higher or lower on this list
#27: Supergirl (Ariella Kent)/R'E'L, the Destroyer of Worlds: reading the dc one million issue again it's not bad but the comedy doesn't land as much as it wants to. despite her crying in that one scene I just don't like her as much as the others unfortunately :/
#26: Johny Kirk (Superman Jr): Nice kid, unfortunate circumstances though. Also his ending was horrible. Where does he even live now. Like he totally should've stayed being adopted by Superman
#25: Tommy: he's just a little guy and unlike almost everyone else that's main canon, he gets a happy ending. Clark could and should check on him from time to time though. Also since he's powerless I find him more interesting than Johny
#24: Jonathan Kent II (Kingdom Come): All things considered he's pretty cool. Most of it is due to cribbing Phantom Stranger's style but he's alright. Do like how he has Hypertime powers; But other than that he's kind of just the monitor from COIE
#23 Larry and Carole* (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #23): basically more subdued versions of the twins with lady luck, so they're less fun but also they don't seem to purposefully mess with their parents like their earlier counterparts. They also have belts that can be switched on/off to stop them from having superpowers so that's interesting. They're fights also seem more playful than anything
#22::Jonathan Samuel Kent: there's a lot I do NOT like about him but there's lots of good bits and pieces. I unfortunately have to concede that he's not the worst jon.
#21: Twins, with "Lady Luck" in Superman #131: the twins are menaces. But in a fun way. They keep on fighting and messing with each other (& their parents). It's great
#20: Joan Kent: I liked her enough, Liked how she tried to trick Larry at first, although unfortunately that doesn't work and she kinda spends the whole story kidnapped by Ironclaws. I do like how she argued with Larry while Larry was evil, though it seems like they had a soft spot for each other even before Larry turned good. but she ultimately doesn't do much so I had to rank her lower. If it was more of a Joan story than a Lois story she might be ranked higher
#19: Clark Kent Jr/Superman Jr/Superboy (Superman #192 & 194): I liked him more in 192 where he was a bit more mischievous, and then started talking in gigantic words, but he was fine in 194 as well. He was even able to outsmart Lex Luthor. He'd probably be higher if he stayed more mischievous or was still using gigantic words in his vocabulary. I do really like this imaginary story plot though.
#18: Jor-El II/Nightwing (Superman #166): Good character but not as good as his brother, he's basically a kid Superman but he doesn't feel as developed as Clark Superboy. That's probably why they focused more on his brother. He teased Kal-El II at the beginning a bit too much, but he basically stops after Clark tells him to stop
#17: Pyrrhos: Pretty good villain all things considered. don't like that he was the one who killed Darkseid but that's because I read Kirby's New Gods. I liked him enough
#16: Clark Kent Jr./Superman Jr. (Bob Haney): He's great. His dynamic with Bruce Jr. is also great. He's more optimistic and more of a reader than Bruce Jr. I feel like Clark Jr is like a more hotheaded Clark. Even at their most confrontational Batman Jr. and Superman Jr remain friends. points docked a bit due to not really existing without Bruce Jr. He does have a bit of an inferiority complex ("generation gap") due to only being about half as strong as Superman so characterization bonus
#15: Cir-El is neat; the whole weird Mia thing was not. But it's ok cause I'm ranking his kids not his not kids. Kinda suffers for only being in like 13 issues, but i enjoyed her existence while she was there. Like how she kept on thinking of Superman (and Lois) as her parents even after the truth was revealed
#14 Lara Lane Kent (Adventures of Superman #638): liked what little there was of her. She seems like a neat character. Best part was the Calvin and Hobbes homage.
#13 Kal-El II/Flamebird/Kalel Kent (Superman #166): Good character, having no powers while your brother and dad do, gives ample reason for an inferiority complex. I also like how it showed he was a bit smarter due to him deciding to read more books and studying which wouldn't have happened without his inferiority complex about no powers. Also like how he kept messing up with the secret identity bit by accidentally calling Nightwing Jor when they were in Kandor
#12: Laura Kent (Superman Family #200): She's neat. Wasn't born with powers but developed them later, but like in the same day. She seems interesting enough. It ends before she can tell her parents she got powers so unfortunately she's not as high as she could be. Good character from what little we see of her though
#11: Super-Baby (Superman #224): EVIL baby. L.E.G.I.ON. ripped off this guy when they cooked with Lyrl. I like how he completely took over the villains' operations once they made themselves known. Guess he wasn't as intelligent as he thought since Superman specifically booby trapped the springs which was how to make the actual puzzle. Fun villain; just a normal baby know though
#10: Carol and Jane Kent (Secret Identity): only show up as actual characters in the last issue, but it does a decent amount building them up in how their similarities and differences to their dad. Them being less scared than Clark makes sense since they had each other.
#9: Zod (DCAU/A Better World): I actually like this kid quite a bit. Neat powers is a bonus as well. when they focused on him it was actually quite an enjoyable read
#8: Jon Kent (Son of Superman): I actually really like this Jon. He's also kinda funny sometimes. He kinda reminds me of what current Jonathan Samuel was TRYING to be but actually succeeding. It helps that the world he lives in is like our current world but a bit worse. (Some of the characters in the elseworlds feel OOC but other than that I like the story). Jon's just a good character all around.
#7: Osul-Ra & Otho-Ra: these two are pretty close in ranking since sometimes I like Otho more and sometimes I like Osul more, so I'll just put them in the same section. Depending on how other writers write them they may move up (or down). Osul has the Old God stuff while Otho has the more brash stuff.
#6: Lisa Kent/Superlass (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #91): I just like her as a character. She's nice and a bit brash at times, but honestly all around she seems to just want to help. despite the imaginary story having the end and feeling like a tragedy, it feels more hopeful than certain other stories here. She probably should've asked Lois if she wanted to be cured first though
#5: Kara (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #20): Honestly this one was just a tragedy of miscommunication, but also Kara and Kal DID ignore Lois a lot which while understandable, but uh yeah. Honestly I blame Lois having to quit her job and the midvale investigator mainly. Kara's basically mainline Kara here, which unfortunately includes the not being adopted (yet) part
#4: Laney (Superman 215): I feel like Laney has more Lois than previous lois kids with superman so she's ranked higher. She's more impatient and curious. She also kinda sorta gets a happy ending though she and clark are mourning and going through grief the whole time. ...I hope other Lois doesn't feel bad about this whole situation, but that's not me ranking Superman's kids. That's me talking about the story
#3: Christopher Kent: Yeah he's great. He's just a really nice kid, who has trauma and also has a bit of trouble fitting in. His age up while weird at least gave him cool powers... eventually. And also I think they fixed it? Mon-El taking him under his wing at the finale was neat too. Bring the actual him back
#2: Jonathan Lane Kent: I wasn't expecting to like him so much. He really develops as a character. and eventually could even be called a hero. Plus the only reason he was even evil in the first place was because he was raised young by Harvest so him eventually actually being a hero makes sense. Weird character though
#1: Gregor Nagy: I actually really like his one and done story. bring him back.
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this is why he's peak. It's ultimately about not feeling like you fit in the world. bonus points for having a completely different power set that's also cool
#0: Jimmy Olsen. obviously. I will have to say Superman was a jerk due to a misunderstanding but Jimmy being the GOAT that he is doesn't mind not being Superman's son. And despite not having a happy ending as a superman son, he does gain/regain 2 other dads
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turnthepagevn · 1 year
Robin getting jealous when mc is performing the sexy ballad of sweet dreams by Annie Lenox at their job in a shady club?
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"....I really ought to set them up with a job here. Yes, I think I'll do that."
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invinciibles · 1 year
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FULL NAME.    robin camila vasquez
NICKNAMES.    ro, bobbie.
AGE.    29.
GENDER & PRONOUNS.    cis-female  .  she  /  her
SEXUALITY.    pansexual
OCCUPATION.    former  resident  at  the  lenox  hill  hospital,  now  medical  specialist
ZODIAC.   sagittarius  (  november  29th  )
HAIR COLOUR & STYLE.    dark  brown  hair  that  is  usually  up  in  a  ponytail  or  braided  in  different  forms.
EYE COLOUR.    light  brown.
BUILD.    slim
HEIGHT.    5′4".
PLACE OF BIRTH.    cartagena,  colombia.
ETHNICITY.  mexican.
PARENTS: gabriel vasquez, 63, previous trauma surgeon, deceased. mother  unknown.
SIBLINGS.   one  younger  sister,  valentina.  deceased.
CHILDREN.    none.
before september 2014.
robin was a third year resident at the lenox hill hospital in manhattan, wanting to become a trauma surgeon afterwards. since she was a little kid, she just wanted to be like her dad, a worldwide famous trauma surgeon, and she could listen to his work stories every night. she was fascinated by how he devoted his life to save others. while she was known as a spitfire around work, someone that had the tendency to speak before she thought and told you straight in the face if something bothered her, she still was the most intelligent around the other residents, with high potential to become a qualified surgeon one day. not many of her colleagues liked her, but her patients admired her for work. robin simply wanted to save people, and gave everything to do so, no matter what had happened. however, she did not excel at actually forming any sort of relationships beyond that. she lived to work. work was everything for her and she had neglected everything else around her, besides her father and her sister. but she was fine with it. she considered herself happy.
after september 2014. ( this part contains following trigger: mention of death & blood )
shortly after the panic started, robin had come home late at night, after an already stressful shift at the hospital. that day, she had already decided she wouldn’t return to work for awhile. she felt too unsafe. however, that night changed her life forever one way or another. she had found her sister, who had sometimes been crashing at her place whenever she was in ny, dead in her apartment. she was completely soaked in blood and robin could identify bite marks all over. shock immediately took over her and for what felt like eternity, robin just held her dead sister in her arms. to this day, she doesn’t know how exactly it happened. but she assumes that her sister’s boyfriend had been with her, already infected and had turned in her presence, killing her in the process. the blood marks that led towards an open window would speak for it, at least. after the traumatic event, she knew she couldn’t stay in her apartment any longer and soon got into contact with the new york group that she had spent time with since the beginning.
nowadays, she’s very blunt and cold. she’s a medical expert and all sorts of people come to her. she doesn’t differentiate between the wasps, the fireflies or a simple civilian. just like in the old days, she sees it as a duty to help. and she helps. she’s just not necessarily nice during it. if a patient annoys her, she tells them to fuck off or they won’t get a treatment. simple as that. she has lost her smile over the years and manages to hide her emotions perfectly well. even though she is known around the quarantine zone as the rude doctor, people can’t help it but still come to her. because they know, despite everything, she’s good at what she does. 
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priscilla9993 · 2 years
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I posted 1,523 times in 2022
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#is this stupid kid me accidently seeing my cousin and thinking about asking my dad if my siblings and i could go home
My Top Posts in 2022:
The way Killian’s face scrunches up as he tries to stay strong for Alice, how he strains to breathe.
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He winces and clutches at his middle and eventually chest as the agonizing poison gets stronger. 
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He’s holding in his breath as to grit the pain as Alice gets supported by Robin as well.
See the full post
21 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
I love characters that are relatable, in the sense that they genuinely express how they feel without giving a damn and not acting like they are the OP character of the show. If a bullet is fired in the distance or someone gets injured, they don’t react like that’s the most normal thing in the world, they scream and curse as you go “yeah, WTF was that?!” Protect the beans of the world, you know? They probably didn’t ask to be put in the bad situations they are in but they are also the best at rolling with the punches.
26 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
No one does it like Colin O'Donoghue acting out whump. Thank god the man loves the arts and dark stuff as well as the writers for Ouat letting him explore that. The way he winces, scrunches up his face as he acts hungover or like he’s drinking alcohol, bloody up and beaten but yet still manages to crack a smile to look strong in front of his captor or nearby friend. Did I mention how good he looks screaming, tied up, or slumped on the floor?
34 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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married couple vibes with Alice “if stares could kill” Jones and Robin “sorry honey” Mills
58 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So, I just started watching Russian Doll Season 2. I’m barely three minutes into the first episode, Nowhen, when Nadia says, “All right, what is the game plan around here? I mean, is Lenox Hill actually treating patients today, or are we putting on a Beckett play?” For context, Nadia and Ruth are sitting in the lobby/waiting room of a New York hospital, Lenox Hill, filling out a patient information sheet for Ruth after a minor car accident. They’re cracking jokes, filling out whatever they feel like, and Nadia wishes the process would go along faster bc surely Ruth has been waiting longer than she has. No doubt she’s worried for her godmother to get care as soon as possible and impatient waiting for the doctor to call for them to be seen. Back to the quote, “Is Lenox Hill actually treating patients today, or are we putting on a Beckett play?” I think Nadia is referencing Samuel Beckett’s famous play, Waiting for Godot, one of my favorite plays to read. In that play, the two main characters do whatever, complaining, telling jokes, all by the side of the road while waiting for someone named Godot to appear. By the end of that, Godot never does, but the characters continue waiting and it seems like the play never ends or loops on uncertainly. Nadia must see herself and Ruth paralleled there in the waiting room, waiting for a doctor that will never come or call in the long list of patients there. Luckily, the doctor does call in Ruth not too long after the joke, but I thought this inside joke was too witty and humorous to pass up without context. Ngl, a similar reference to Oedipus and a different male doctor holding the door open to Nadia was also clever. Gosh, I love classic literature and comedies, so for Russian Doll to be playing into that makes me adore it more. XD
93 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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iowamedia · 2 years
Highway 34 takes eighth in Newton Cardinal Classic
Highway 34 takes eighth in Newton Cardinal Classic
Highway 34 girls wrestling (Creston, Lenox, East Union) hit the road Saturday for a round-robin tournament in Newton. The home team took the win with 120 points, Creston coming in eighth in the 11-team field with 50 points. “They have six-person brackets so we’re getting five matches each, and that’s what we need right now,” head coach Jacob Lister said before the meet. “It’s a matter of getting…
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batmanaday · 2 years
Detective Comics 35 (1940)
Well, that’s our first year of Batman comics under the belt. I’ll save the retrospective for when we get to Robin’s debut, since Batman pre-Robin and post-Robin is a bit of a hotly debated topic. Well, 1940 isn’t exactly a great year for a lot of people. Except of course the History Channel, which is going to make 400,000 hours of programming about everything Hitler does. And if you’re a Batman fan, I’m afraid the news isn’t much better on that front.
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Insert your own ‘anti-vaxxer’ joke, people. But as per usual, this cover has nothing to do with what’s in the comic.
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We start off with this explorer dude ‘finding’ a cursed idol--you know the kind--and selling it to a rich guy. 
Hindus: Hey, I know we’re an evil cult, but you can’t just take our property and sell it for cash. Can we get our stuff back?
Batman: I think you’re a bit too foreigner to be allowed to have things.
This leads to a predictable outcome.
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Some more typical Mob hoods also try to steal the ruby and are quickly dispatched, while a third antagonist--a Chinese fence named Sin Fang--gets involved as well. SF has a slight ‘respectable businessman’ thing going on, so Batman plays James Bond and we get one of those deals where Fang pretends to be treating him as an honored guest but really is trying to kill him. It kinda makes you realize why Batman doesn’t usually just go through the front door and introduce himself to supervillains. But also, like, NO SHIT.
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Then it turns out that Sin Fang is not what he seems.
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Oh, so the Hindu stuff and Sin Fang were all really hoaxes by a white guy? I guess that’s... better? Worse? I guess Lenox was doing all this to sell the ruby twice over, because you’d think selling a giant ruby idol would take care of someone’s money troubles but good.
Anyway, it’s been like three pages since Batman impaled a Mongol with a sword, so here I go killing again!
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I’m sure many cultures would not want their priceless relics thrown out a window, but if they have to be used that way, I suppose Batman using one to kill the Rachel Dolezal is what the ancestors would’ve wanted.
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 367
Comic Reviews:
DC’s Saved by the Belle-Reve by Peter Tomasi, Brandon Thomas, Becky Cloonan, Tim Seeley, Franco Aureliani, Brenden Fletcher, Dave Wielgosz, Dan Watters, Andrew Aydin, Art Baltazar, Scott Kolins, Nelson Daniel, Craig Cermak, Karl Kerschl, Mike Norton, Juan Ferreyra, Max Raynor, Hi-Fi, Adriano Lucas, Allan Passalaqua, Msassyk, Dee Cunniffe, Michelle Assarasakorn, John Kausz
Flash Annual 2022 by Jeremy Adams, Serg Acuna, Matt Herms
Harley Quinn Annual 2022 by Stephanie Phillips, Georges Duarte, David Baldeon, Simone Buonfantino, Antonio Fabela, Romulo Fajardo Jr
Harley Quinn: Animated Series – The Real Sidekicks of New Gotham Special by
Superman: Warworld Apocalypse by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Will Conrad, Brandon Peterson, Miguel Mendonca, Max Raynor, Lee Loughridge
Wonder Girl Annual 2022 by Douglas Marques, Joelle Jones, Adriano Melo, Emi Lenox, Benjamin Dewey, Sweeney Boo, Jordie Bellaire
Batman’s Mystery Casebook by Sholly Fisch, Christopher Uminga
Thunderbolts 1 by Jim Zub, Sean Izaakse, Javier Tartaglia
Marvel Infinity
Love Unlimited – Millie the Spy by Stephanie Phillips, Nick Roche
Black Ghost Vol 2 by Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright
Blood Oath 1 by Alex Segura, Rob Hart, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins
Firefly 20th Anniversary Special by Jorge Corona, Josh Gordon, Jordi Perez, Fabiana Mascolo
Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger 1 by Paul Allor, Katherine Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Sara Antonellini, Fabi Marques, Sharon Marino
Star Trek Picard – Stargazer 1 by Mike Johnson, Kirsten Beyer, Angel Hernandez, JD Mettler
Until My Knuckles Bleed: One Deadly Shot by Victor Santos
Forever Forward 1 by Zack Kaplan, Arjuna Susini, Brad Simpson
Neverlanders by Tom Taylor, Jon Sommariva
Wrassle Castle Vol 3 by Paul Tobin, Colleen Coover, Galaad, Rebecca Horner
Astro City Metrobook Vol 2 by Kurt Busiek,
School for Little Monsters by Bob Beka
Masks: The Mask Without a Face by Kid Toussaint, Joel Jurion
Behind the Curtain by Sara Del Giudice
Empty Eyes by Diego Agrimbau, Juan Manuel Tumburus
Ray’s OGN Corner: Over My Dead Body by Sweeney Boo
Additional Reviews: Frankenstein by Junji Ito, Ed Gein OGN, Reckless: Friend of the Devil, Okay Witch 2, Conan by Jason Aaron, LotR: The Rings of Power, She-Hulk ep3, Shock Shop
News: Trevor Slattery returning in Wonder Man, new vampire comic by Tim Seeley from Marvel, DC Kyle Rayner cover, Lemire and Substack, Paramount+ merging with Showtime, Harley renewed, Flash goes biweekly
Trailers: Winnie the Pooh – Blood and Honey
Comics Countdown:
Over My Dead Body by Sweeney Boo
Wrassle Castle Vol 3 by Colleen Coover, Paul Robin, Galaad, Rebecca Horner
Superman: Warworld Apocalypse by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Will Conrad, Brandon Peterson, Miguel Mendonca, Max Raynor, Lee Loughridge
Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country 5 by James Tynion IV, Lisandro Estherren, Aaron Campbell, Jordie Bellaire, Patricio Delpeche
Barnstormers 2 by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe
Ant-Man 2 by Al Ewing, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire
Neverlanders by Tom Taylor, Jon Sommariva
Flash Annual 2022 by Jeremy Adams, Serg Acuna, Matt Herms
Variants 4 by Gail Simone, Phil Noto
Power Rangers Unlimited: Death Ranger 1 by Paul Allor, Katherine Lobo, Anna Spider-Man 2099 Exodus Omega
Check out this episode!
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didelofake · 2 years
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pennyroyal-teas · 5 years
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The Butler (2013)
365 Movie Challenge
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stickandthorn · 3 years
One of my favorite things about tma that I’ve only really noticed on rewatch is how much human symbolism matters. Because the fears are so tied to humans (and animals), when someone gives something meaning- it gets meaning.
There wasn’t a rule saying Jonah could pass on his consciousness by removing his eyes and putting them in other people, but because he felt like it should and symbolically made sense to him, he gave it the power to do so (hell I’m sure all of his weird institute rules function on the same principle). There was nothing saying that if you burn a lot of stuff while a woman is giving birth her daughter will became an incarnation of the lightless flame, they had absolutely no clue if it would work, but because all the cult members believed it would, it did. Nikola decided Jon’s skin held enough power to be worn for the unknowing, and honestly if she had managed to successfully, shall we say peel him, I’m sure it would’ve worked wonders.  Everyone gives these entities power through symbolic belief. It also goes the opposite direction.
Remember that random man named Robin Lenox in the jokey episode 100? Well, he entered the spiral, and because he wasn’t scared and gave it no power, he just… walked out again when he wanted to go home to mum’s dinner. When that woman in the buried train (I’m unfortunately forgetting her name) just gave up and submitted to defeat, but also wasn’t really scared, she just walked out. When Joshua (I think that was his name) had the coffin, it did nothing to him because he just didn’t pay attention to and went on with his life. Georgie felt no fear and was therefore immune to all the horrors. The world and the fears run on human belief and symbolism. When you give it power, it gets power. When you give it none, it takes none and can do nothing.
And the most interesting thing is I don’t think very many characters get this. They say “hey, this might work I don’t know, it feels like it makes sense but will it really?” And when it does work, they go “hey wow we must’ve done something right or cracked the magic code” when in reality they’re writing the rules as they go. There are a few thing that have set rules, like how you can’t only bring one entity in or how Jonah couldn’t become immortal, but on the whole it’s all just what people believe in.
All this to say we found tma cheat codes.
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jamiaugusztin · 3 years
Hi folks.. An absolutely delightful weekend to you.. We are showcasing Magnificent Flying Creatures Featuring: Bird Figurines 1 - Bluejay by Goebel 2 - Brambling by Goebel 3 - Cedar Waxwing Bird by Goebel 4 - European Robin by Goebel 5 - Great Titmouse by Goebel 6 - Greenfinch by Goebel 7 - Hummingbird by Bronson 8 - Ruffed Grouse by Lefton 9 - Swan by Lenox 10 - Yellow Canary by Goebel Birds are jolly, keen and quirky, yes they are modern feathered dinosaurs. These delightful porcelain figurines are ready to be part of a new flock, a bird lOvers collection. Bird Knowledge: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird Take a moment to view these figurines and more merchandise at everyone's #ShopSmall Store: Now and Then Galleria LLC. Here, are some perks you won't want to miss.. 1 ☆ View current Merchandise, Collectibles, New, Vintage, Pre-Owned also Handmade Crochets by my mum: Mumsie of Stratford 2 ☆ We offer Shipping Discounts starting at $50.00! 3 ☆ A Complimentary Gift with your Purchase 4 ☆ Register to Enter for our Prize Drawing in 2021! 5 ☆ Then Opt in for the Newsletters 6 ☆ Play Free and Exciting Games! 7 ☆ Spin the BIG Wheel for a Discount 8 ☆ Visit us here: https://www.NowandThenGalleria.com - Direct Link In My Profile Thank you for viewing 😁 Music: Summer Chill Reggaeton - ISLAND by Alex-Productions https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US #Bird #FlyingCreatures #Bluejay #Brambling #Canary #CedarWaxwing #EuropeanRobin #GreatTitmouse #Greenfinch #Hummingbird #RuffedGrouse #Swan #Goebel #Ceramic #Porcelain #Island #AlexProductions #WeAreInThisTogether #FeedingAmerica #ViewMerchandise #Collectibles #Vintage #MumsieofStratford #Crochets #FreeGames #PrizeGiveaways #SpinTheWheel #Presents #NowandThenGalleria (at Now and Then Galleria LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/COUeKHegL2E/?igshid=69a1lnpj4gx2
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libertyfreak2014 · 4 years
Hey, a contact of mine posted this & I just thought I would pass it along to you & ask you to pray for them (it's part of a long prayer chain):
❤🙏👏There is a large group starting a prayer chain - who will join us in praying for containment of the Coronavirus and that there will be no more deaths? And pray for God to guide the world & local leaders, corporate leaders and especially educational & medical professionals as they guide us through this crisis. Also praying for our children & frail elderly that God will calm their fears and protect them. In Jesus‘ name, Amen.
Lauri Dinuba, Ca
Donna - Fresno
Lisa - Hiawassee
Elaine-Bridgeport, AL
Connie-Farmerville, La
Lisa-Dallas, TX
Pennie-Magnolia Tx,
Tracey-Valrico, FL
Robin Gayle-Lubbock, TX
Sandra-Lubbock, TX.
Victoria - Harper, Texas
Cathy - Lubbock, TX
Jayne - Lilburn, GA
Judy - Smyrna, GA
Paulette - Jasper, GA
Tona- Marble Hill GA
Karen Coker-Thomas Jasper G
Shannon- Chattanooga, Tn
Sharon - Hixson. TN.
Penny - Waleska, GA
Dean - Marietta, GA
Larry - Adel, IA
Wendy-Mendota, IL
Julie - Amboy, IL
Colleen - Byron, IL
Kimberly - Morristown, TN
Carol - Loves Park, IL
Tanya - Rockord, IL
Barb Spranger- Wittenberg. Wi
Shirley - Auburndale, WI
Loretta-Shawano, WI.
Patricia- Stanley, Wi
Courtney-Clovis, Ca
Ashley- Clovis, Ca
Gina-Clovis, CA
Lois-Clovis, CA
Sandy-Visalia CA 🙏
Catherine-Fresno CA
Donna - Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Denise - New Lenox, IL
Janis-Mokena, IL
Lori Rupp Las Vegas Nv
Mae - Chardon, OH
Terri - Georgia
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