#Ruki x reader
hunn1e-bunn1e · 11 months
🦇Diabolik Lovers🦇
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Sakamaki Shuu
Sakamaki Reiji
Sakamaki Ayato
Sakamaki Laito
Sakamaki Kanato
Sakamaki Subaru
Mukami Ruki
Mukami Kou
Mukami Yuma
Mukami Azusu
Tsukinami Carla
Tsukinami Shin
[Name] the Vampire Series has been moved HERE
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honoviadakai · 6 months
Diaboys at a Carne Asada with Hispanic S/O/Reader: Mukami edition
The moment you tell him your family invited them to the family Carne Asada, he’s already mentally recalling any and all books he might have in his library about Hispanic culture
The ever well read eldest Mukami son will NOT attend any sort of event without proper preparations sooo…I’d give yourself a week in advance…minimum
He’s also gonna learn the language as best he can
He’s not gonna be 100% fluent but he’s gonna sound like he is and that’s what’s important to him
Once you both arrive he’s met with generally well reception
At least from the women in your family
He’s handsome, well educated and quite the gentleman from their perspective! So don’t be surprised if they start gushing and even asking when you two plan to tie the knot
Now the men in your family…that’s a different story all together…
Depending on how they are, at best they’re indifferent about him and at worst they wanna mess with the “smart boy”
For the love of all that is pure and holy in this world, keep an eye on him so he doesn’t verbally tear someone a new one! 🙏
He’s also not scoring a lot of points with the kids in your family.
He might indulge them in a board game but if they wanna play a physical game like soccer, he’s probably not gonna do it so your cousins think he’s a little lame
He won’t drink beer, it smells too cheap and gross for him
Flat out will not partake in most of the stuff the men do
For example
If they start talking about cars, at best he’s gonna start expositing the history of how cars came to be
They wanna talk about farming? He’s gonna teach them the entirety of this history of agriculture from EVERY culture
Yeeeah…he’s not popular with the guy and some of the kids…
BUT! As stated earlier, he’s a hit with the women in your family!
He’ll help with any cooking and cleaning that anyone needs help with
Might show off and make a few dishes of his own that will be an instant hit with everyone
The dotting and fawning the other women are having towards him might be annoying to a good chunk of your family though
This guy unfortunately radiates too much rich white boy privilege to be truly accepted
Honestly bringing him is so dividing amongst your family that you’re better off bringing him every other invite
This one’s gonna be fun 😈
This idea comes courtesy from @magnificentkidclamclod and I couldn’t agree more with her
The second you get the invite, sit Kou down and teach him about Selena (and really any Hispanic artists you can think of)
By the time the day ends, he’s a Selena Stan, memorizing her songs and dances and even thinking of writing a song of his own to honor her
If you show him a document about her life, keep an eye on him cuz the moment he finds out she was murdered and said murderer is alive, he’s gonna try to find her and start shit
As much as we’d all want him to…don’t, we don’t need a bloodbath on our hands here
Now to the party itself
If any family members of your family like J-pop…well I hope you liked hearing while it lasted, cuz the second he walks in, expect loud screams/squeals
He might get swarmed so help him by clearing a path and making it clear that he’s just here to enjoy the event and that he’s taken
He’s not very helpful in the kitchen or anything but your family thinks it’s kinda funny how useless this pop star is in the kitchen so they won’t complain
They’re also gonna tease his low spice tolerance but you and the younger kids will console him
He’s a hit with the kids since he’ll play with them and even perform silly little songs and dances for them
He doesn’t like beer, he prefers sweet, fruity cocktails
He might get teased for them but he’ll probably take the opportunity to drink some humans under the table as petty revenge
He’s gonna score some huge respect points with the men in your family
Now when it comes to the women, expect him to be an official member of the Chisme circle by the end of the night
He. LOVES. It.
It’s not only a good way to learn more about you and your family but it gives him a good space to vent with a genuine support group
This is a good thing for him but it’s kind of a weird thing for you
The reason is because he’s gonna know things about your family before YOU
Someone got a promotion? He knew hours ago
Someone went through a nasty break up? He sent them a gift basket days ago
Someone died? He had the funeral planned months in advance
It’s more than a little off putting…but you don’t have the heart to take that from him 😔
Now he’s canonical a pop idol, so there is no doubt in anyone’s minds that he’s gonna SLAY on the dance floor
But he’s surprisingly very good at singing along to songs, especially Selena songs
Don’t be fooled though, he doesn’t really understand the language, he’s just listened to the songs enough times to know the lyrics word for word 🤣
He’s not gonna learn the language fast but given enough time he’ll learn, eventually
He’s definitely gonna be someone your family hopes you bring at EVERY event
Yuma “Big Bear” Mukami…
Oh he’s gonna be welcomed with open arms
Now before he goes he genuinely might not go because it’s “too much of a hassle, I have gardening to do ya know!”
Tell him there’s free food, alcohol and if the even is gonna be at a ranch, tell him there’s animals and crops
He’s gonna change his tune real quick
Once he goes, he’s gonna have so much fun!
The moment he arrives…everyone is in awe at how big this dude is…it’s gonna boost his already huge ego
Expect him to flex and bost about his monstrous size, he’ll even put kids on his shoulders and spin them around for fun
Your family is gonna LOVE this rowdy man
Big dude in this case means big alcohol tolerance, he’s gonna drink your dad, uncles, grandfather and your neighbors under the table. They might end up adopting him by the time he wins 😆
He’s also very helpful in the kitchen and with cleaning.
He understands the importance of helping out to do hard work so if he sees your mom or someone else needs help, he’s getting off his ass to help
ALL the kids love him and want him to play with them
This dude is gonna become a human(vampiric) jungle gym so don’t get upset if your little cousin and siblings don’t wanna share him because he’s the perfect playmate for them
He’s not as good a dancer as Kou but you bet your bottom dollar he can throw down a good hoedown at least
His dancing style is powerful, aggressive and oddly sexy
Don’t be suprised if some of the women swoon over him
He’ll also help out with any crops and livestock
Hell, he’s even gonna share/swap farming/gardening advice
You might not see him again for a while once he starts talking about this tbh sooo…go get some food ^^;
Speaking of food, this guy eats like it’s the last meal he’s ever gonna eat
He’s also got a high spice tolerance that’s only rivaled by Azusa so the family will be impressed
They won’t be impressed with his Spanish skills but he’s stubborn and absolutely wants to learn for your sake and boy howdy does your family respect the effort
Honestly by the end of the night, it kinda feels like your family loves Yuma more than you 😂
Honestly they’re more excited for you two to get married that you two are soooo hop to it!
Oh Azusa…
Sweet little Azusa…
This one’s…gonna be tricky…
On one hand, you know how oh so sweet this man is and you know that he’d never intentionally hurt your family
On the other hand…it’s Azusa…
Listen, you gotta lay down the law with this guy
He’s a sweetheart that loves you with his whole undead heart but you NEED to let him know that he’s not allowed to play with knives or hurt himself in anyway on purpose
Even with a warning and some prep time, your family might not be super positively receptive to him
He’s tiny, looks frail(they bandages don’t help) and he speaks a tad slowly
Honestly your family might initially think he’s terminally ill or something
First thing they’re gonna do is sit him somewhere warm and give him a BIG plate of food
Ofc he’ll accept it gratefully, he’s gonna ask for hot sauce though
You told him about your tia’s extra spicy salsa and he really wants to try it
At first your family advises him not to, but he insists that he can
So they reluctantly give him some…
And he loves it! Hell he’s not even sweating!
That immediately impresses everyone and makes them less tense so they’re more comfortable with him being your lover
He’s gonna scare your little cousins though
Not because he’s being mean or hurting them
It’s cuz they asked him to play soccer…
The kids accidentally kicked the ball in his face and made his nose bleed, but Azusa didn’t even react much and even asked if they wanted to do that again but harder
This unnerves the kids but he’ll remember your words
He’s gonna try to be playful and act silly for them, it might not work for all of them but some of the kids will like him at least
He helps out when he can but…he’s just really accident prone…keep an eye on him when he’s washing dishes…please
He’s gonna drink with the men just to be polite, but he honestly doesn’t like beer
But if it’s to make your family happy, he’ll happily choke down the bitter beer
The men can tell but they honestly think it’s sweet that he’s enduring drinking with them just to keep everyone happy
They’ll eventually stop him and offer him some horchata or jamica instead
Azusa isn’t good at fast paced dancing, slow dancing is more his forte so get ready to be swept off your feet 😉
His Spanish skills….well they’re abysmal at best
He’s gonna eventually learn basic phrases like “Mi nombre es Azusa” or “¿Donde esta el baño?” But that’s about all he’s gonna know for a few years
Spanish is tricky for him so be patient
Over all your family does like him…but they think he’s odd…very sweet! But very odd…
Be careful when bringing him because he’s the one between the Mukami’s that might accidentally let them know he and his family are vampires
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koumukumailife · 6 months
Master list of master list -for everything I post or reblog
this will contain any posts I make in a masterlist and some will have linked chapters and stuff
^^ this is my request blog but u can also request on this blog^^
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animeyanderelover · 17 days
Anon: May I request Platonic Mukamis with a little sister?
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, clinginess, delusional mindset, isolation, manipulation, threats, self-harming tendencies
Little sister
None of the Mukami brothers are related by blood yet their bond surpasses that of even siblings who are related. They have been sticking together ever since they found each other and fought for their survival in the unforgiving world. They find you when you are but a mere baby, a few months old at best, left behind in a side street as if you are disposable trash. Whilst Yuma and Ruki show some hesitation as they don't know how capable they will be to provide for you, especially since you are so young and dependent, Kou and Azusa are immediately enraptured when you look at them with innocent doe eyes. Azusa even starts crying as he begs his older brothers to take you in and ultimately Ruki gives in to his pleas. It is always difficult but they try their best to cater to your needs as good as they can and even give you a name after a lot of small arguments about what name fits you best. Your wellbeing is prioritised over even their own as your presence is like rays of sunlight, warm and welcoming. When Karlheinz offers to transform them, all of them immediately take the offer as they realise that this is their chance to give you the treatment that you deserve.
Ruki Mukami
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📘​Even if Ruki has expressed his doubts when the four brothers found you back when they were still humans, he has grown into the role of your oldest brother. Perhaps even a little bit too well. The fact that he didn't immediately want to take you under their care when you were still a baby is something he hides from your knowledge even so many years later and he has urged his brothers to do the same. He fears that if you were to ever find out about his initial hesitance, you would turn your back on him and favor his younger brothers over him. He takes immense pride in the fact that he is your oldest brother as he likes to treat it as if it would give him some special rights in comparison to his younger brothers. Those special rights include making most of the decisions for you as he claims that as the oldest he naturally has the most experience and knows what would be best for you in every situation of your life. If you have anything that worries you, Ruki encourages you to seek him out. He is the one who oversees your homeschooling as his brother and him have all agreed that attending school with humans is far too dangerous for you. He can teach you all you need to know.
📘​From all of your brothers, Ruki is the one who places the most restrictions on you, even as you grow older. His motivations lie largely within his paranoia and his overprotective tendencies because even if you are a half-vampire just like them, he can't stop himself from still seeing that little, toothless baby in you that smiled whenever she saw his face. It is only natural for you to grow older and more independent yet Ruki finds himself despising that process as he worries that one day you may intend to leave the mansion and go on your own adventures. You are his little light and you have always been and he has always been your big brother and intends for you to continue thinking that way. He is quite adamant on family events where all Mukami siblings participate and his brothers have never once rejected that idea because it means spending precious time with their adored, little sister. The happiness you five share is not an illusion and he really wants you to realise that whenever such a family event happens. You could never get the same amount of happiness with anyone else besides them. Do you understand him? It is best and safest for you to always stay with your beloved brothers.
Kou Mukami
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​🎤​From the very first moment your bleary eyes met his own, Kou has known that he would do everything for you and turn into anyone if it meant to keep you and protect you. You are a little princess that deserves the world yet surviving on the streets always meant that he couldn't treat you the way he wanted to. When Karlheinz transformed them and gave them capabilities and riches they could have never dreamt about before, Kou finally could do what he hadn't been able to do before. From the very first day since they started their new life to the current day, your second-oldest brother has never stopped spoiling you absolutely rotten. Whatever you have wanted throughout your life, you have always gotten from him as prices nor rarity of the object you wanted have never mattered to him. Kou is quite playful and he proudly claims that title as your favorite playmate. Whether you want him to play with your puppets with you or want to play hide and seek with him, he has always entertained you. Ruki has reprimanded him already due to the risk he sees in some of the games he plays with you but Kou has always reassured him that he would never allow you to get hurt.
​🎤​From the first night they took you in though, Kou has always sung for you. It always made his heart swell when you would start crying during the day or night but would slowly calm down the moment he started singing a lullaby for you. It is one memory he greatly bemoans the older you grow and lullabies start being less important to you yet he still sings for you quite often. He composes a lot of songs and many of them he has written for you during his life, soothing melodies and kind words to calm your frightened young mind as you grew up. You still love his voice and his music though and that knowledge fills him with pride and with warmth and he gladly allows you to try to write a song of your own or teaches you how to play an instrument. He finds himself playfully pouting whenever he notices that you prefer spending time with another one of his brothers, he can't help the tinge of jealous he feels whenever he witnesses that sight. He tolerates it though as he knows that Ruki, Yuma and Azusa are mindful of the time they spend with you. Such jealousy always evaporates the moment you compliment him though or tell him how much you love your big brother.
Yuma Mukami
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​🌱​Yuma has his doubts when they initially pick you up because he knows how harsh the environment is that they live in. He has always been tall and physically very strong which allows him to protect those who are important to him. You are still a tiny and fragile baby though. How are you supposed to survive on the streets? Even when Ruki agreed to take you under their care, he still has his doubts. It is the moment he holds you for the first time and you wrap your tiny fingers around one of his that he gathers the determination to defend you till his last breath. After he has been turned into a half-vampire and gained even more physical strength, he has only strengthened that vow in his mind. His tall physical build has always led him to be exceptionally gentle with you, especially when you are still only a small child. A part of him has always been worried that you may be scared of him because of his strength and tall build yet you have never expressed once any anxiety as you always come running to him and stretch your arms out, your large eyes begging him to lift you up and twirl you around. He has never been able to deny those cute eyes of yours, even though he has always been careful.
​🌱​Whether lifting you up, letting you sit on his shoulders or giving you a piggyback, Yuma has always been the equivalent of a human amusement park for you and this is something he takes pride in. He has been taking you to his garden from a very young age too and you are the only person who has ever gotten away with jumping through his patch without getting chased down angrily by him. He enjoys teaching you how to cater to the needs of a plant and how to tell if the fruits and vegetables are ripe or not. Whatever of the harvest you prefer the most is what he ends up sowing and growing the most in his garden just to watch the excited glimmer in your eyes whenever he informs you that it's time to harvest your favorite fruits and vegetables. You are in general quite isolated from other people yet the few times you are taken out, Yuma is terrifyingly efficient to scare away anyone who looks like they consider to approach you. Very few have the guts to chat with you if he is always right behind you after all. All that frightening strength that could easily crush someone's skull is never shown to you though as Yuma has always been only gentle and careful with you.
Azusa Mukami
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​🗡️​Azusa has been attached to you from the very start, his heart nearly bursting when he found your little form in a basket all alone as your mother has left you behind. He begs Ruki to let them keep you as he fears that no one else would take you in and that you would end up dying lonely and afraid without having ever experienced love and he even bursts out in tears as he pleads to his older brothers. He even volunteers to take care of you all by himself if no one from that would agree to keep you. He has stayed the most attached to you even up until now, although he has been forced to limit the time he spends with you as you grow older and require a bit more privacy. When you were a baby he would always be right next to you or hold you even himself as you fell asleep, his fingers playing with your small ones and he would read bedtime stories to you, always happy when you came running to him with a book clutched in your hands that you wanted him to read to you. The youngest brother of yours often finds himself bemoaning the time when you were so cute and tiny, even if you will forever be his baby sister for him. Sometimes he still asks you if he can read a book to you.
​🗡️​Whilst his older brothers care for him, Azusa has some self-harming tendencies and they have always been worried that he might set a bad example for you. They care for him and want him to stop because it saddens them to see him like that but they are also afraid that you might pick up on it or would get scared once you are old enough to realise what Azusa is doing. To all of their relief helping to raise you seems to rid Azusa of that unhealthy behavior of his for the most part as he instead dedicates much more time to protect and raise you lovingly. Yet he has some relapses at times, mostly when you have an accident or fall ill. He cares deeply for you so seeing you in any kind of pain induces him with such anxiety that he feels his throat tightening and his vision blurring. In a very twisted sense of wanting to suffer with you, he resorts to grabbing a knife and cutting himself over and over again to show solitude with you. Azusa never tells you the truth behind all the bandages and the band-aids he wears the next time you see him though as all of his brothers have warned him that he might make you feel guilty. Being the reason for your sadness is the last thing Azusa would want.
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madammidnightsblog · 10 months
Diabolik Lovers Overstimulation
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WARNING : overstimulation, mommy kink, dirty talking, blowjob, creampie, anal, library sex, cum, master kink, humiliation kink, mistress kink, blood kink, knife play, food play, toys, thigh riding, slightly foot humping, slight Exabition, wax play, table sex, couch sex, hair pulling, riding
He deeply hates being overstimulated for the very fact you get to tease him until he’s close to cumming only for you to pull away, making him cry and thrash around in a fit. Your hands stroking him quickly which has him shivering on the bed, hands practically ripping the silk sheet under him and with the way  your hands squeezing him with every pump has him moaning loud and bucking up into your hand, trying to fuck into the tight grip of your hand but failing. His emerald eyes staring up at the ceiling as tears spilled beautifully due to the intense pleasure you were giving him right after making him cum a second time, pulling him closer to his third orgasm. You look at his shaking form and laugh when remembering his cocky attitude he had before and now he is shaking from getting a handjob.
"What happened to that cocky attitude, hm?" You teased while rubbing your thumb over his leaking tip which made him gasp.
Doing his best, he sat up slowly and glared at you which only made you laugh more, "S..Shut up!" He barked, face growing red in embarrassment.
Your lips formed a faux pout in a mocking manner while your hand stilled, watching how he instantly started to whine and apologize because in reality, he loved it. He loved how your attention was on him and only him and making him cry just for your entertainment was something he wanted, knowing you love seeing him in that state and only him. His apologies were only falling on deaf ears. It seemed as if you just let your hand sit there limply and you just watched him try to form the words only to just sob. You were mean to him just a bit, knowing how cocky he is and always barking orders but you weren’t mean enough to keep him hanging so your hand started to move slowly and it was enough for him to hiccup a ‘thank you’. 
“That’s right, thank me, like the slut you should,” your free hand cupped his balls and massaged them which had him shivering, “Sluts like you thanks their Master for touching them.” Ayato wanted to tell you off so badly but he couldn’t form any words, only letting out moans and broken sobs as you pulled him closer to an orgasm that he knew he’d never get. 
"You're not doing it right... Like this Mistress." He spoke softly, guiding your head to help you suck him off the way he likes. 
Despite him wanting you to help you, he was slowly losing his mind from the sensitivity after having four orgasms prior and he was doing his best not to thrust into your mouth. Finally getting it, you slowly worked your tongue around his dick while pulling his hands away from your hair and entangled your fingers together, bobbing your head quickly which had him panting softly. His eyes closed and allowed you to take complete control and pleasuring him, he slowly pulled your left hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles, his tongue dancing along your skin before he pressed his lip against your hand once again and trailed wet kisses down to your wrist. The faint scent of your blood seduced him more and he couldn’t help but nip at the soft flesh, his dick throbbing against your tongue every time his fangs threaten to pierce your wrist and it made you take his dick further down your throat while your tongue teased the veins along his length. Shu wasn’t really this horny or sloppy no matter how aroused he was but today was different, the scent of your blood and the overstimulation seemed to trigger something in him and he couldn’t help the strong urge to sink his fangs into you and suck you dry and with his dick stuffed in your mouth, he had no choice but you cum. 
“Mistress… You smell ‘o good,” he moaned as his fangs finally pierced your skin, breaking the soft flesh as they push further until the metallic taste of your blood landed on his tongue, “And ‘o sweet.”
It didn’t take long for him to cum after that, his dick thrusted into your mouth slightly, soft squelching from your wet caven filled the quiet room as drool and his cum dripped from the corners of your mouth. 
His lips are pressed against your inner thighs as his dick was violently abused by a vibrating cock ring, doing its best to milk him through his first orgasm. His beautiful emerald eyes slowly looked up at you as he slowly pulled away, his body slightly shaking from the pleasure while he crawled on top of you before grinding down into your lap, your hands gripping his hips and forcing him to grind faster which made him purr. Your eyes stared into his eyes, they pooled with endless lust which enchanted you and his soft moans seemed to make your brain go blank and all you could think of was making him scream. Laito was loving the attention and overwhelming pleasure that ran up his spine, bringing him closer to forgetting everything and getting lost in the need to cum.
"Laito, Darling... You look sexy above me like this.." Your voice came out soft and lustful.
He started to move quicker, his hips dragging against your thigh as his second orgasm washes over him and pulling him closer to his third one as the cock ring's vibrations became too much, "Y.. You look beautiful, Mommy." He purrs in ecstasy.
You just smirked and rubbed circles into his skin which pulled out more purrs from the red head. Laito wasn't the type to care about his partner's pleasure and never put the effort to fake it but for you, he wanted to please you and knowing just him following your orders and cumming for you is the enough to make you feel good and he was making sure you'll enjoy every bit of it. His hips stuttered slightly with every drag against you, his eyes closing, and moans of your name slipped off his tongue so easily and you were sure he was going to cum once again.
"It's not like you to cum from drinking my blood alone. It's so cute." You teased the tall male as he kneels only in just his boxers, your thigh pressed to his lips.
The big wet spot on his boxers grows bigger as he unattached fangs from your leg, licking the stray blood away while staring you in the eyes. His crimson eyes gleamed in the light and to make him look more beautiful than he already is, his pale skin was dusted with pink from a drunken haze from your blood, intoxicating him. You cupped the side of his face as your right foot pressed against his bulge, pressing firmly against it which had small gasps of pleasure leaving his lips and he held back from rolling his hips against your foot. Seeing him holding back, you smirked while leaning forward until your face was an inch away from his and teased him with lewd ideas.
That seemed to be enough to have him cum in his boxers once again before scowling, "I'm filthy now, tsk, I do hope I can change soon." He mumbled in distaste.
You let out a breathy laugh, "You aren't going to, pretty boy, I'm not done with you just yet." with that, that foot on his bulge rubbed up and down slowly.
Reji wasn't happy to hear that because he had to get ready for night school in an a few hours and had to make sure his brothers weren't going to cause any issues to make them late but here you are, making a promise it won't be them making them late. You traced his cock through the wet material, the soft touching made a groan vibrate in his chest while he tried to pull away in hopes to calm himself but you just reached out to grab his hair, yanking him forward to keep him close.
"Come 0n, Reji," your foot moving faster, "I'm not gonna tell you again so stay put."
Yui is a very innocent and naive human; her purity has your mind running with lewd thoughts and your hands mold perfectly into the dips of her hips. Wanting to tarnish her beautiful pale skin with hickeys and bite marks and have your sharp anils dug into the soft flesh of her hips, the thought of her own blood painting her skin from your fangs has you shivering in ecstasy. She sat in your lap as you sunk your fangs into her bare shoulder, her hips shaking slightly as the vibrator buzzed intensely inside her dripping cunt and pulls sweet moans from her throat, pushing her over the edge with guiding her through the pleasure. Her third orgasm is close to unfolding and you sucking on her rich blood softly has shivers of arousal down her spine, trying to unravel the knot in her stomach and cum all over your leg. You detached your fangs carefully and pulled away to see her teary face, the cute glassy look in her eyes as the pleasure builds up and the shake in her hips once the toy dully hits the sweet spot in her that has stars dancing in her vision,
"You look so cute like this darling. I do wonder what other cute noises you are capable of making." Your voice came out low and husky, staring her in the eyes as she cried softly.
Her eyes softly close as her third orgasm finally hits, sending her over the edge and collapsing into you,"Cu..Cumming!" She moans out, holding onto your shoulders as her body quivers in sensitivity.
You cooed. Hands rubbing up and down her sides while she rides out her high, but you never move to turn off or down the vibrator, loving how she cries and cums over and over for you. It never bored you how the tiny human was whenever you decided to show her what the church was trying to make her miss out, making her tight pussy cream over and over until you had enough. Poor girl was worn out and wanted to sleep but your hands just slip down to the apples of her ass and pulls her cheeks apart before bouncing your leg slightly which made her sob softly.
It's hard to get some alone time with him long enough to even do more than kissing since the young idol is always busy but luckily for you both, he was free for the day. His lips are pressed against your for sweet and chaste kisses as you hold his hips as they slowly roll down onto you, soft whimpers came from despite him trying to hold them back. Knowing his stubborn personality, you persuaded his moans by digging your nails into his bare hips and drawing out those sweet noises he wanted to keep from you. Your nails dug even more into his hips which made him throw his head back and cum on his stomach, gasping as he held onto your shoulders tighter while his hips moved slower and dragging his dick against you which has him moaning more.
"That's it, baby, cum for me, wanna see that pretty face once more." You smirked as your left hand slipped off his hip and pressed your fingertips against his tip which had him twitching.
"No teasing- Please." He whimpers.
you just pressed a kiss to his forehead before wrapping a hand around his sensitive length, making his hiss but buck into your hand. Kou was thrusting shallow into your tight fist, drooling onto your shoulder while he mumbles out 'please' between sharp breaths. He wasn't sure if he wanted you to stop or keep going but one thing, he knew is that he didn't want your hand to move off his cock. Your hand moved slowly with his thrusts and allowed him to change the pace, wanting to see him edge himself until he's crying for you to do it for him because he likes it when you do it.
"You can pretend you don't like this all you want but it won't change the fact that you are leaking all over the place." you whispered against his ear as you pumped the fleshlight on his dick while he tried to stay put, biting down on his tongue to keep his moans quiet despite his eyes were pooling with lust and pleasure and his lips formed a tight line.
His ruby eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure was building up and he was close to cumming the fourth time, but he was determined to show he wasn't affected by it. Your hand sped up, the toy smacking down in a lewd squelch as you purred out taunts to get a reaction, but the stubborn vampire refused to give you it which made you huff annoyance, so you stopped your movements which had him holding his breath for a second, trying to collect his thoughts but the painful throbbing of his dick had him breathing ragged and. He opened his eyes softly shot a glare at you which made you perk up happily, so you smirked as you teased him by twisting the toy which had him gasping slightly when your grip on the fleshlight tightened.
"Stop playing around and move the damn toy!" He yelled irritably.
You were finally getting what you wanted, and he knew he shouldn't have caved in after all, he said he wouldn't, but he knew you would just keep the toy still. The fleshlight moved quickly up and down his slicked-up cock, the lewd noises filled the room along with his jagged breathing and growls which in the back of his mind he was screaming knowing that his brothers could hear it all. His thighs flexed under you as they wanted to close and stop your movement as his fifth orgasm built up, the pit of his stomach was on fire, and he wanted to put it out, but you refused to move.
The library in the Mukami's house was filled with the moans and skin slapping from the oldest brother and the human that lived with them. His low and deep moans were enchanting to you and the sight of him bent over the table, pressed against it as you thrusted into him was too much for you. You came just seeing him like this and to put the icing on the cake, he came onto the book the fifth time which has him groaning about it being stained. You only shoved two fingers into his mouth to shut him up and he didn't take it as well as you wanted him to, but you were pleased to see him angrily sucking on them. Ruki knew this wasn't like him, allowing a human to take control of him and milk him with the fake cock you had strapped to your hips, but it was too good to stop now. The false cock pushed further into him, shaping his ass into the shape of it while he spread his legs further and licked between your digits in hopes you stop soon.
Leaning down, you kissed the back of his hickey covered neck and cooed "Is someone mad about dirtying a book, hm? But you said you wanted to be dirty." You mocked.
He growled behind your fingers and mumbled, "I didn't mean to ruin a book, kind of dirty." And you only could laugh at him.
Your hips pulled back until the tip was stretched around the tight muscle before slamming back, sheathing all of the strap into him which made his eyes cross and he cums once again, coating the drying cum-covered book more. His brain was melting into thoughts of your cock, and he just helplessly bounced back to meet your thrust to ride out of his high. With your attention completely on him, you two were unaware of the three-lust crazed and jealous filled eyes from the staircase.
"Sit still Prince. The wax will get everywhere when you move like that." You growled softly, holding the pretty lilac candle over his bare chest.
He whines softly against your thumb as he sucks on it softly, his fang piercing the soft skin for him to get a taste of your blood.  The candle and your blood has him overstimulated and he isn't sure he is able to cum the third time but you were coaxing him into him with your seductive aggressive tone and the sweetness of your blood, the small twinges of pain from the hot wax swirling under his skin had him cumming, muffled moans spilling out from behind your thumb as you pressed your thumb against his tongue. His soft lavender eyes stared up at you with fear as you moved the candle to hover on his dick and once wax dripped onto his balls, he came once again.
"O-Oh my! Do it a-again now, now!" He demanded as his dick throbbed in pain.
Kanato was slowly slipping into subspace, allowing you to do whatever to him and make him cum on command but with the knowledge of Teddy watching from the velvet couch from the corner of your room had a tinge of embarrassment swirling in the pit of his stomach. The wax dripped onto his angry red cock, making him let out high pitched cries and squirms in place, stuck between wanting to move or staying there. It hurt but felt oh so good and he wanted it so bad, but his poor little cock was stinging from the pain. The pain blossomed into pleasure with every drip, and it had his toes curling while he cries for Teddy to look away, but the beady black eyes of the stuffed bear stared at its moaning owner. Kanato felt so humiliated, and you just smiled at him, showing no care that he wanted his stuffed friend to be turned away.
"You look like you taste sweet." You hovered your lips over his, pouring caramel sauce onto his body while rubbing his hardening cock. 
Throwing his head back as you slowly poured the sauce down to his dick, coating it while teasing him by leaving fluttering kisses onto his lips, "Stop teasing me dammit." He growled.
You smirked and lowered your body down to his dick and placed a small kiss to his angry red tip before moaning when licking your lips to capture the sweet taste. He looks down at you with arousal written all over his face; his eyebrows knitted together in anger for your teasing and the lightly dusted of pink all down his neck that complement the purple and blue marks you left, your tongue swirling around his caramel covered dick before engulfing the sweet length. With all the teasing and now the warmth of your mouth, it was all too much so he came into your mouth which made you hum happily. The sweetness of the caramel and his cum, you moaned while swallowing it all before pulling away, sticky strings of cum mixed caramel to connecting to your lips and stuck out your tongue to show it was clean. He muttered under his breath while he stared at your mouth, liking it more than he thought he would and his hands reached out to your head, in hopes to make you do that again and you allowed him. Taking his cock down your throat once again, you bobbed your head along with his slight thrust of his hip. Yuma was yanking at the soft strains hair between his fingers while he let out deep moans and curses every time his tip pushes past the tight tunnel of your throat.
Dragging his favorite knife across his skin had him whimpering pathetically, dragging it carefully along his bandaged right arm while your hips rolled down onto his dick, making him stare at you with teary eyes. Seeing the fear and pleasure swirl in his eyes had you intoxicated, and his whimpers making you drunker and you refuse to slow down, bouncing faster and taking him further into you sopping pussy. Azusa was in love the way your pussy hugged his cock and refusing to allow him to pull out even though he refused to allow you to, wanting you to fuck him until he was only shooting blanks. The knife started to slip from your hold, and he noticed so he clasped his hand over yours and helped you move it up to his neck, wanting to feel the cold silver against his bandaged throat. Once holding the knife the way he wanted, you slowly dragged the tip down the middle of neck down to the valley of his chest which had him cumming, the thought of you loving him so much and having the ability to hurt him despite never breaking skin had him losing his mind and filling your cunt with his warm cum as he babbles out 'I love you' repeatedly.
His eyes clouded with ecstasy as you slowly rode his sixth orgasm, "M-More, I want more, Mommy." He hiccupped; his grip of your arm tightened as he tried to move his hips with yours.
You giggled and kissed his shoulder, "You will darling, Mommy isn't gonna stop just until she milked every drop of cum out of you." You whispered while kissing up his shoulder.
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c4xcocoa · 1 year
Hey! If you could please do the diaboys with a motherly s/o?
If you can! Thank you! I appreciate and love ur work!
Okokok. One of my first asks so thank you! I didn’t know which boys exactly so I put them all in a randomizer and picked 3. We ended up with Ruki, Shu and Subaru
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Ruki Mukami
Mommy issues
Man’s mom just up and left him, you can’t blame him for not trusting women
At first, off our by how you act
Very distrustful
Give it time and patience though and the man will learn to depend on you for things
Just simple things, like chores around the house or kinda leaning against you for comfort
My boy’s like a cat, give him a break
Does care for you very much
100% arguments over who does what
“What are you talking about? I said I’ll do the dishes, put that plate down.” (Stern baby)
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Shu Sakamaki
Mommy issues 2.0
Also distrustful at first
Kinda avoids you
“Oh, Shu! Would you like some…and he’s gone”
Again these boys are like cats
You try secretly leaving things in front of his room
He definitely knows it’s you
Over time though, he finds comfort in the little snacks and CDs that are left at his door from time to time
Begins to see you, not as overbearing, but just open to help
Achievement accomplished: Shu’s not avoiding you anymore!
Not talking still, but you can at least be able to stare at him laying on the floor?
If you talk to him, he responds
“Oh hi, how are you?” “Hm.”
More time goes on and he starts transitioning to one word answers, to a few word, and then full sentences
Like Ruki he kinda leans to you for comfort, especially since he knows you’ll be there if he needs it
Still sleeps on the floor despite your slight nagging
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Subaru Sakamaki
Mommy issues 3.0
Also avoids you, but for different reasons
Shu avoided you because he thought you were overbearing
Subaru avoids you because he’s afraid he would break you
But you keep on finding him somehow!
With Subaru you be a bit insistent
Annoying but helpful
My boy opens up like a slow blooming rose
He tries not to lean on you for comfort
But you’re always there
And so warm
Equal nagging
“You need to stop punching the wall! Look at your hands!” “Only if you stop washing all the dishes! That’s what we have servants for damnit!”
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What would it be like waking up with Shu, Reiji, or Ruki?
So sorry I didn't see this Tumblr did not send me a notification!
But thank you for the ask and I will answer all three!!!
Under the cut because my writing is long and I might be mildly suggestive but nothing explicit!
I imagine waking with Shu would feel like a Saturday morning in Winter, where the heating is on and your bed is so warm and outside it's a cool snowy light.
Rolling over and feeling the slight chill of the vampire, his chest cool but the arm you slept on warmed by your body heat.
I think Shu, as a more subtle romantic, would enjoy like sleeping naked or at least shirtless with you. While throwing perverted comments around to deflect from showing his true sappy side, yet never actually going further then running his fingers along your spine as he holds you against himself slowly heating up.
Hearing him deeply inhale and stir as he feels your movement, eyes opening slightly and smiling before nuzzling between the pillows and your hair. A grumble of protest at having been disturbed.
If it is a weekend or holiday you give in easily resettling into the peaceful feeling of simple having skin contact with someone so intimately. Shu lifting the covers to cover you more as goosebumps cover your body slightly due to his lower body temperature.
A personal head cannon is that after you began to have an actual close relationship he would have servants bring hot water bottles to your room close to bed so you didn't have to be as effected by his chill. However by morning the once warm devices are now useless, yet he's less cold after a night of having you next to him.
Eventually you may try coax him awake. As he hides himself against your neck, feeling him voice complaints in a gravelly morning voice against your skin.
"My princess is so pushy, just rest order the servants to do the stupid errands. They're yours now."
Reiji could go one of two ways depending on the day. A busy day or a holiday. Either way I think his room would feel fresh but still warm to wake in.
On the average day Reiji wakes you either accidentally as he gets dressed and ready for the day, or with a drink and some breakfast delivered personally to your room. He claims it's to prevent your morning mood effecting the household but it is actually to just keep you to himself a moment longer even if it's while you're both busy preparing for a long day ahead.
He runs his fingers through your hair to wake you, slowly massaging your scalp. You'd be surprised that it doesn't put you deeper asleep.
On the rare days he doesn't feel the need to wake as early he's sensual and soft. Rare for someone as prim and proper as him.
It's canon from the sleeping with a vampire audios that Reiji wears silk pajamas and bed sheets with high quality mattresses. I see him ordering you matching pajamas and night dresses in similar designs to his and he secretly waits until you get yours on before changing. He refused to admit when he's sweet. He melts when you sleep in his shirt after nightly romps in the sheets.
Ever the leading partner, you wake up being spooned by him either facing him or with you back against his chest and his face buried in your hair. You used to worry about it irritating him at first until one night you felt him nuzzle against it intentionally as he smelt the shampoo you had recently used.
Like Shu I feel he would do things to motivate the temperature difference. However maybe an electric blanket or a potion that will last the entire night.
Deepest as morning voice, grainy too completely unlike his firm even tone when awake. It's a personal side only you see. And forget Shu being the lazy one when Reiji has the time to sleep in with you. The man is begging for 5 more minutes.
"My love, stay...hm? Need a drink? I left one on the nightstand. ... You can't reach it?... Cruel woman treating your lover like this."
Ruki's room must smell like candles and new books. A nice toasty feeling to wake to.
Clingy is the best way to describe how I feel he sleeps. So scared you may slip through his fingers or leave like others before, Ruki holds you close as you sleep.
I imagine he sleeps on his stomach due to having to sleep like that for so long after he initially got the scars on his back. His arm around your waist and head turned to rest abobe your shoulder.
The exception being when he reads a book to help you sleep. You lay, head against his chest or in his lap as he sits against a pile of pillows. You wake to his head against yours and the book left open on his lap as his arms encircle you.
Ever the slight sadist, on days you need to be up faster he might lightly pinch your sides to wake you. Chuckling as you squirm and complain at the rude awakening. Kissing you forehead in apology.
During nights where he has particularly bad nightmares you may have to wake him. Holding him against your chest and brushing through his hair as you comfort him best you can. You don't know when you both nod back off but you wake the next day to him still there resting more peaceful than ever. That being said night terrors have decreased drastically since you began to share a bed.
After you both wake up properly he holds you in his lap as you discuss your plans for the day. He takes his time laying kisses along your shoulders and down your sternum, a personal good luck ritual that makes the day a little easier to begin.
"Hm... where do you think your going? I assume like me you don't want to leave my side yet. Especially with those fingers tracing along my body. How shameless."
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reisprettytestsubject · 6 months
DL Master List |Hcs Pt.3
Updated: 06/01/24
Sakamaki | Mukami | Tsukinami + others
♥️School/Studying/Class with the S bros + K
♥️School/Studying/Class w the M & T bros
♥️Gardening w Yuma (Bf hcs)
♥️Yuma's Dream Girl
♥️The Diaboys react to Megan
♥️Mukami Boys Family + Household hcs
♥️Sakamaki & Tsukinami brothers Family + Household hcs
♥️Shin's Wolf Form (Bf hcs)
♥️Mukami's as single parents
♥️Academic Rivals to lovers w Reiji
♥️Where they like do it
♥️Subaru's girl smoking
♥️Reiji Teasing his lover
♥️Ruki and Reiji like the same woman
♥️reaction to a girly gf
♥️can I stack donuts on it reaction
♥️online dating reaction
Dark Content/Realistic Hcs up ahead ♥️Their Italian names
♥️What happens to the Diaboys after Yui/Mc dies?
♥️The diaboy's handwriting
♥️Their age (more info)
♥️Shu irl hcs (has some crack pieces)
♥️Christa Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Cordelia Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Beatrix Sakamaki irl hcs
♥️Reiji's temper (not hcs)
♥️Karl having a relationship ship with his daughter
♥️ Who is capable of loving their S bride/how much do they value her?
♥️ Kanato Sakamaki NSFW Alphabet
♥️Azusa Mukami NSFW Alphabet
♥️Yuma Mukami NSFW Alphabet
♥️Sakamaki Mansion irl
♥️Reiji and Ruki realize they are in love w a girl
Collab posts with @/mikalara-dracula
♥️The boys as children irl
♥️Extended Vampire Ball Alphabet + Additional Hcs [Shu's Vers.]
♥️Nicknames they would give their s/o
♥️Diaboys having a wet dream
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Other DL Links;;
♥️DL General Questions Master List
♥️DL Hcs Master List Pt. 1
♥️DL Hcs Master List Pt. 2
♥️DL Aesthetic + Hcs Master List
♥️DL Stories
♥️Who's your boyfriend quiz?
Main/request at: @liannelara-dracula
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cozymoko · 11 months
Can you write a part 2 about these headcannons but with the mukami brothers
Pairing: Platonic! Mukami brothers (separate) x gn! reader
Sakamaki Version: click here!
Format: Headcanons
WARNING(S): Yandere themes, unhealthy, not proofread
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Want more Diabolik lovers? → Masterlist! ★
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Initially, Ruki only allowed you to accompany your sister since she's “Eve”. And clearly, there was no way she'd go without you. Therefore, he provides you every basic necessity a human could possibly need, but that's it. The only time Ruki had a full conversation with you was when you needed help with your homework. To which, he reluctantly decided to help you with.
Sooner than later, you found yourself traveling to Ruki's study weekly in hopes for some afternoon tutoring. Before you knew it, those weekly sessions turned into daily ones; I suppose you can say he's gotten quite attached to your presence. Now, it's become a requirement. Studying for at least three hours a night, by his side, in his library. And dear, there's no reason to ask anyone else for help; you don't need it! After all, Ruki is not one to stray away from a routine.
“You didn't attend yesterday's session, is something the matter? Are you unwell? Or perhaps it's Yui's doing? Even so, try to attend every day or there will be consequences.”
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Kou is an interesting case. Sure, he's nice to you upon your arrival just as he was with a certain blonde. However, the idol took no real interest in anything involving you. That was until Ruki put him on “Child Duty” for the evening. I mean, come on, you're a teen not a damn fetus! As you'd imagine, he was anything but pleased. Surprisingly enough, Kou started a conversation with you, which he found himself thoroughly enjoying. But something tells me those blue eyes have been peering right through you!
There you were seared across from him, your hands neatly tucked in your lap as Kou gently applied the thin mask to your face. It smelt of petals and peaches. Refreshing, and yet you couldn't stop the shiver that wrecked your being upon its contact. Yes, refreshing but also cold. A low snort slipped past his lips as he reached to pinch your cheeks between his thumb and index finger. Perhaps even Kou can find some comfort within your genuine emotions (something you and Yui share).
“Wah~! Filming took absolutely forever today. I even had to skip put on picking you up today, y'know? Hehe, but fret no longer, the amazing Kou Mukami is here to cure your boredom!”
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I suppose you aren't entirely useless. Having an extra set of hands around the garden proved to be quite the blessing, so why not keep you around? Hah, you may as well call it an excuse! Yuma had always been amused by your energy, — your eagerness to learn about the things he often busied himself with. Soon enough he itching to spend time with his favorite little listener (Yui's sibling).
You could say he's quite protective over you. After all, how can a “defenseless sow” like your sister possibly look after you? The girl can barely pick a tomato properly! Yuma is much more capable of providing and protecting you...or so he says. So whether you like it or not, you're now his little helper. And trust me dear, there isn't anything you or Yui can do about it.
“Tch, toughen up kid, a little dirt won't hurt ya' too much. How are you ever gonna do somethin' on your own? Hah, but don't let others go pushin' you around like this. Only I'm allowed to do that, got it?
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Nine times out of ten, you're the one who went out of your way to speak to him. Your curiosity got the best of you, leading you to a very extensive conversation with the youngest brother. And he was arguably not as boring as he appeared. A bit strange, that he was, but you saw no harm behind his abnormal kinks. Seeing how he's the most “normal” one in the house, surely you'll become attached to him in no time.
Azusa is pretty damn clingy once he gets comfortable. Even then, you find it hard to reject him — he looks so sad! You'll find yourself being dragged off to some random place in the manor as soon as you enter the doors! Yui hardly has a chance to speak with you, which is exactly where at he wants. Though she might be Eve, becoming Adam is the last thing on his mind when you're around.
“You don't look too well...did you...have a bad day today? Hmm...what happened? You can hit me if it makes you feel better. I just...I just want to see you smile.”
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Diabolik Lovers - Christmas with the Sakamakis, Mukamis and Tsukinamis - 1.Door
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warning : fluff, no use of Y/n , comfort, kiss
The calendar
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Sakamaki :
Chaos filled the house of the six half-brothers as their new bride, human though she was, began to decorate the house. At first everyone had ignored it, Shu had tried to sleep through it, Reiji had given her a warning look, Ayato even held out a bowl of takoyaki dough to her and would even have been willing to share it with her.
But even this didn't seem to dissuade her Kanato's candy attack, which he hoped would stop the noise, went wrong and he had to take a small Christmas star out of Teddy's hand. Laitos at least tried to get to her in his own way, but the more often he appeared with a Christmas coat, the more often she covered her body with tinsel.
Subaru also tried to get away - the last thing he wanted was to celebrate. But her partner would not be dissuaded. Over the last few months, she had done everything the vampires had asked her to do, some more brashly and brashly than others. She had improved her schoolwork as Reiji had asked, left Shu alone, made Ayato's takoyaki and played with Kanato.
She had even gotten involved with Laito's attempts and tended to Subaru's roses. ,,I'm going to celebrate Christmas, it's an important holiday... for me," she had announced at dinner, seeing the confused and unhappy looks on the brothers' faces.
But Christmas was approaching and the last time the immortal vampires had even begun to celebrate it, they had been children. They remembered their parents, but just as they remembered their father, this actually wonderful time with the humans was something the vampires hated.
But as the first snowflakes fell and the days went by on the calendar, she saw the six of them less and less. There were moments, and had already been several, when she appreciated each and every one of them.
Be it just a look, a smile or a brief touch. Even when she sank her fangs into her bride's body, there were gentle moments and permissive questions. But now she hadn't seen the boys since it snowed.
They seemed to have retreated into the shadows and whenever she came back from the town where she had bought new things, the villa was empty. "Christmas alone I'm happy" she thought with a sigh as she carried the sweet cake in her bag.
She knew that Kanato actually liked to eat it and yet once again no one seemed to be there when she walked through the big gate. Preparing herself to sit alone in front of a plate of chicken on Christmas Eve, she opened the door and closed it behind her.
But something was different. ,,Vanilla?" she murmured and looked around, surprised to see that lambs were hanging from the railings where she couldn't reach them, mistletoe was hanging from door frames and doorways and someone had baked cookies.
Venturing further, she placed the cake on the table in the living room. Suddenly felt a presence behind her and turned around. ,,You made this?" she asked in disbelief but full of joy and saw the six of them nodding.
Some had Christmas hats on while others had little badges in the shape of snowmen or reindeer. ,,Our blood deserves only the best".
Mukami :
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Christmas was familiar to the four former humans. They all knew Christmas as the day of the year when love and joy in the family was most important. The community and being together was what mattered. The Mukamis, although not officially a family, had a bond that held them together and always would.
Together through the cruelty as humans that had been done to them, they had endured every day. But Christmas was the one day when all they remembered was the cold. How they could barely move their limbs.
Their clothes were so short that they feared their toes and fingers would freeze off in the morning. They associated Christmas with nothing but pain. In contrast to their Eva, the young human woman associated Christmas with humanity, warmth and devotion to love and family.
The sweetness of cookies and cakes as well as the hearty meat and the candles that lit everything up. The big green Christmas tree in the living room and the baubles that were hung on it together.
,,Please, you seem to mean it well, but this is just a torment for us," Ruki said and looked up from his book. Azusa seemed to want to hide behind his bandages, Kou looked deeper into his magazine and Yuma ate lots of pieces of sugar. None of them wanted to know anything about it.
A fact that she initially accepted, knowing only fragments of the pain the four of them had suffered and had to suffer to become what they were today. But in the end she didn't give up, they had to overcome their memories and her Eva would help the four of them.
With a lot of persuasion and overcoming, she finally got the four of them into the kitchen for a little rehearsal. Try making cookies as a team," she suggested and they all saw nothing but love and devotion in her smile.
Kou, with his ability, also checked this out and nodded slightly. What almost ended in an argument at first was a laugh between the four of them by the end of the day. Azusa had managed to make his cookies look like black coal.
Ruki's cookies looked perfect on the outside only to crumble on the inside, Kou had used too much sugar and Yuma's cookies had a hard inside but seemed to crumble on the outside. ,,This...isn't...necessarily...Christmas," Azusa mumbled and she put a hand on his shoulder, giving him an encouraging look before touching the other's hands.
She saw the realization in the others' eyes that behind all the laughter was understanding that it didn't have to be painful. ,,It's Christmas now," she said and the others agreed. Instead, they did a Christmas thing together every other day until in the end it was truly a Christmas full of joy and love for all of them at the Mukami house.
Tsukinami :
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The two brothers knew a lot, they actually knew everything there was to know. They knew the importance of their destiny and the destiny of their wife.
They had learned a lot about the world of vampires and the bloodline during the time she was with them. In return, the three of them had developed a relationship based on love, not hate.
A love that could withstand a lot, be it Shin's temperament and feelings or Carla's illness Endzeit. They had endured a lot until one day their love told them about a human holiday.
,,Christmas Eve is a day of family and joy, forgiveness and coming together," she tried to explain and saw that Shin was already yawning and Carla seemed to be thinking. She even doubted that the two of them knew anything about Christmas.
When it came to similarities, they were a lot more different. ,,A holiday then," Carla murmured and she could see behind his bright eyes that he seemed to be thinking while Shin was probably thinking about it in his head.
She had no idea what else they would find out about this special day. Without her realizing it, the two of them tried to find out more and more as the future wife of the two of them, she deserved to experience this day in a special way.
Leaving everything they could find about it in books, it was Carla who made plans, Shin who gathered things together while keeping their mutual love happy to keep her away from the surprise.
A fraternal fall until the snow fell, the temperature seemed to drop even in the other world, and everything went according to the law of nature.
She was called out of her room by the two of them and she was worried that it was something bad. She had seen less and less of Carla and Shin always seemed to want to dissuade her from doing something. Before she stepped into the great hall, she was met by warmth coming from the fires in the fireplaces.
The crown lit up and from somewhere she heard classical music that seemed to dance around her and through the room like a light dance. ,,Welcome to your Christmas," Carla greeted his beloved and gave her a kiss on the back of the hand while Shin hugged his love and gave her a kiss on the cheek. ,,Can we get started?" the redhead asked, grinning at her before they both took her hands gently and began to move around the hall to the beat of the music.
Happy first day of December
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honoviadakai · 1 year
Diaboys at a Crane Asada with Hispanic S/O/Reader: Mukami edition
Please warn him in advance. Like, minimum one week ahead of time
He wants time to study up on your culture and language to impress both you and your family
Tbh he can study for a week straight and still feel incredibly under prepared
When you guys arrive, he’s going to try and speak as much Spanish as possible throughout the entire event.
His Spanish is not fantastic, but for a beginner, it’s not half bad.
Doesn’t mind the music but good lord why is it loud??
Of all the drinks served there, his favorite is sangria soda
He thought it was actually wine and he felt so sophisticated that you didn’t have the heart to tell him…your dad did on the way out though
Again, the music is really loud for his taste but damn he’s amazing at Tango ;)
He find the food to be delicious, but heavy. His favorite dish being menudo
You need to help him because your abuelita keeps pushing tamales onto his plate and no mater how hard he tries, he can’t say no to her sweet face
Hates the beer your dad and tios are drinking but he will participate in any guy talk they’re having and they’re gonna enjoy it cuz Riki’s gonna mispronounce some words
He’s surprisingly good with kids so your younger cousins love him. He tired out after a few games so you’ll have to save him
Will absolutely help clean up afterwards. Your mom ain’t touching a single dish because he has designated himself as the night’s dishwasher
So Kou is canonically a famous idol, and if K-pop Stans have taught me anything…it’s that being part of a different culture/country doesn’t stop their love of their favorite artists
So if you have family that’s a huge fan of Kou’s music…maybe leave him at home until you can safely bring him
If he DOES come along though…good luck
Any family that are fans of his are going to swarm and either try to get an autograph or steal him away.
If things go down civilly, they’ll still gawk, but they’ll probably ask you in private/over text to talk to him/get an autograph
He’s a charmer so even if no one knows who he is, he’s gonna charm the pants off your family…hopefully not literally.
He thinks a lot of the food is WAY to heavy for him but watch this man scarf down 12 quesadillas and an entire bowl of mango salsa after complaining that the food is gonna destroy his figure 🙄
Loves Fanta, piña colads and mojitos like the rich white woman he secretly is 💅
If you guys have a chihuahua or Pomeranian, he’s gonna hold them the rest of the night cuz it’s a cute tiny doggo
If you have cats…they’re his now…sorry
You have to translate for him or he’s gonna have a translation app open but he’s not gonna attempt to speak the language purely cuz he has outs
Will not touch the beer, and he’ll probably only talk to your dad or abuelito in terms of guy talk
Will play with your cousins, but only for a bit
Will not help out with clean up, he doesn’t wanna chip his nails or hurt his back…even though he’s not human and could totally handle it 😒
Your family might give him nicknames like “guerito”, “flacito” or “sancas largas” cuz he just…gives off a vibe 🍌
Your family’s impressions will be…mixed…but mostly positive!
Oh god this one’s gonna be a wild ride
Yuma is HUGE so already I can see him being nicknamed “El Gigante” or something the moment he sets foot in the host’s home
Thankfully he has a lot of energy so he doesn’t mind the loud, rowdy atmosphere, it’s very welcoming to him actually
Which is good because first thing that’s gonna happen is your much younger relatives are gonna wanna climb him like a tree
Absolutely will play with the kids, he thinks they’re endearing, especially when they talk about his height, so he’ll play whatever games they want
Will try to learn Spanish, he’s literally only gonna pick up the bad words though
Manz can pack away the food so your family loves him
He loves the Agua Frescas because they’re so refreshing and handmade so he’ll swap recipes with someone just so he can make these drinks at home, same thing goes for the food
Your family loves all the gardening, cooking and other suck tips cuz they’re genuinely helpful. He’s probably gonna end up helping out a lot around the place
The men in your family love having a couple beers with him cuz despite his big, gruff personality, he’s very down to earth and they appreciate that
Actually really likes the music so he’s gonna dance any chance he gets
Really good at bachata dancing
One of your cousins got the oh so devilish idea to play ‘Hoedown Throwdown’ and Yuma tore it up on the dance floor like his life depended on it
Your family filmed it, your cousins sent you the videos later…you’re grateful for the multiple angles ;)
He’s gonna do almost all the cleaning when the party is over
Your parents want you to marry him tbh xD
This boy is both one of the best and worst people you can bring
He’s the best because he’s very polite and he has a high spice tolerance so your family will very quickly start to love him
But he’s also the worst because well…the spicy food wasn’t enough pain…he wants more…
Please for the love of god do not take your eyes off him, he might try to make the biggest Tio there punch him in the face as hard as he can if you’re not careful
If you can manage to keep him in check he’s honestly lovely to bring to events like this
He’ll play with you’re younger relatives whenever they ask…might be a little too keen on playing fútbol because the ball might hit him or someone could hurt him…
Because he’s on the smaller side, your family is relentlessly offering him more food and he’s gonna eat every bite both for the stomach pain and because he doesn’t wanna be rude
Will be invited to have some cerveza with the men in your family and tbh they really like hanging out with him!
He’s very chill and a good listener, this kinda becomes a bright green flag to your family that he’s gonna treat you right and one of your tios and your Abuelito give him their blessing after some drinks
Surprisingly likes cerveza??? And he’s weirdly not a lightweight either so he’s kinda just trying all the drinks there
His favorite is the Micheladas
He wants to learn some Spanish but he’s only gonna pick up a little bit of the language by the days end, his pronunciation isn’t perfect but it’s not terrible either
If anyone asks him to help out after the party’s over l, he absolutely will help
Your tias and Abuelita love him, expect them to pinch his cheeks
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mcverse · 1 year
Can the Sakamaki brothers reaction to a s/o what a deep voice and use it to fluster them or scare them I hope this makes sense and not confuse you.😖
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Pairing: GN! Reader x a Sakamaki Brother
Type: Reaction
Word count: 618
Warning: Slight fluff, biting, talk of punishment, Slightly suggestive, faux feelings
Side bar: You didn’t give me a pronoun or gender so I’m gonna keep it neutral. Also, I’m going to assume you meant when you surprise them with a deep voice suddenly. Hopefully I got it down to the T. There’s no scaring the gang unless they seriously can not afford to loss you.
Another thing: I hc the reader, all readers, in my post have stockholm syndrome. It makes more sense. That’s why reader is comfortable doing things like this.
Dialover M.List
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
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Sakamaki Brothers caught slipping
Shu Sakamaki
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What was he going to do with you?
Such a humorous human. His human.
From the moment he knew of your existence to now as you stand over him, it was always a surprise with you.
What were you thinking, popping up on him with a change of tone? Don’t tell him you were expecting an uncharacteristic reaction out of him.
Please. You wish you little minx.
The corner of his lips twitch into a smirk, he hums as his only acknowledgment of you. He was tempted to open his eyes to see the knowing pout on your lips but he wasn’t going to give you the satisfaction of this trick.
Renji Sakamaki
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Oh. You caused a small, barely noticeable rift in his demeanor.
But you noticed—he noticed you noticed—if that sly smirk pulling on your lips didn’t give away.
He sighs, continuing his drink in thought. That was very childish of you. And you should know better than doing that with him.
“What are you trying to accomplish?” He place the cup down and glares at you. You drop your smile when you see that look.
Yes, the look where you knew this little victory is short lived. A punishment was soon to follow.
Laito Sakamaki
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Very good, very good indeed.
This was one of the things Laito enjoyed about you. There was never a dull moment. You were just so exciting and full of surprise.
Every part of you.
It shocks him everytime. Only you do, only you were allowed.
He chuckles lowly, which breaks out into a full on laugh. He stops moments after to look at you with a glint in his eyes, “You never cease to amaze me, little bitch.” He grabs your wrist, pulling you into an embrace.
Ayato Sakamaki
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Did you just..
He’s shocked at first but a laugh escapes him in seconds as he found the whole thing amusing. You were comfortable, maybe too comfortable with him.
Ayato licks his lips, eyes narrowing on your face.
How can someone be cute and delicious at the same time?
So many thought ran through his head on what he can do with you… should he drink from you, or mark you up as his, to claim you like it wasn’t already obvious?
You deserve it after getting a surprise out of him. Not everyone can do that.
“Ore-sama is going to reward you for that stunt.”
Kanato Sakamaki
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You thought the prank was funny, a ploy many would enjoy.. well, anyone but Kanato.
Kanato was kinda surprised. After all that wasn’t the voice he grew accustomed to, the one he grew to love and searched for.
It was was too deep. He didn’t like the sound of it. And it sorta pissed him off that you’ll do this to him. He’s been nothing but nice to you as of lately.
What was your agenda?
Kanato pouts, “How could you trick me like that? Are you playing with me?” He turns to teddy, a creepy smile shaping his lips, “Perhaps they’ll like to play dolls instead, teddy?”
Subaru Sakamaki
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What the hell was wrong with you?
Sure, you shocked him ever so slightly but you left him more annoyed.. and a little bit concerned that you finally lost it living here with him.
He sighs, closing his eyes as he tries to calm himself down. You were just having fun… he tries to remind himself. You were just bored…
Where’d you even learn that from?! You spent most of your time with him.
He opens his eyes to see you staring at him in anticipation. He couldn’t help but scuff at how you cutely waited for a reaction.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” He turns to leave, a small smile spreading to his face.
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How about Ruki’s reaction to finding a sketch of him in his S/o art book with hearts around it?
Ruki: Livestock?
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Ruki, presenting the book to them: Care to explain this to me? Particularly the hearts you so carefully added?
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Ruki: I will say. . . At least you got my good side.
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werelosingdaylight · 1 year
ANOTHER IDEA. It’s not the ‘I can fix him’ trope or the ‘I can make him worse’ trope. Instead it’s the ‘I can be the one thing he is terrified of losing and will do anything to keep’ trope. But which DiaLovers boy should it be for?
Leave a vote of who it should be for in my comments/inbox/messages. <3
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Ruki Mukami x Female Reader Smut
❌ NSFW Warning: This post contains explicit sexual content. If you are a minor or sexual content makes you uncomfortable, please do not read under the cut! ❌
❗️You've been warned ❗️
Praise (and lots of it), Fingering, Missionary, Romantic, Master, Teasing, Gentle, Shushing
You squirmed needily as Ruki pulled your underwear off you, leaving you completely naked for him. You took in the sight of him in just his briefs, his hardened bulge unmistakeable.
He parted your thighs and rubbed his thumb over your folds, causing you to shudder slightly. "So pretty. All for me, hmm?" You nodded. "Such a good girl, already so wet. I can't wait to be inside you."
"Please..." you whined out. "Not yet. Be a good girl and watch me please you." Your legs fell open even wider. Ruki chuckled but you didn't miss the desire in his eyes. "Good girl. Spread yourself open for your master." He slowly, too slowly, rubbed his thumb over your clit. You impatiently lifted your hips, desperate for more. "Shhh, you'll get it." Ruki cooed, continuing to rub over your most sensitive bundle of nerves.
He went faster and your mouth opened slightly as pleasure sparked through your body. You felt one finger, then two, enter you. You moaned deeply. He continued rubbing your clit as he slowly fingered you, pumping his fingers inside you and curling them expertly to reach the most delicious spot. His other hand massaged your breast and your felt your release approach. You barely had time to grip the sheets before you shattered in the most euphoric way, moaning.
"You're so wet and warm. It'll feel amazing inside you. You're a good girl, you want that? Me to fill you up?" "Yes, yes, Ruki, please!" You were practically dripping you were so aroused. You felt empty, you desperately needed to be full and you knew Ruki could fill you.
Ruki chuckled and, without breaking eye contact, took off his briefs, leaving him completely naked. You almost moaned at the sight. His pale, toned chest. His prominent collarbones. But as you looked as his member, which always stretched you so perfectly, your mind and body became fixated on your desire for it to be inside you.
You spread your legs and waited but Ruki was far more patient than you. He teasingly rubbed the tip over your slit, careful not to enter you. "Ruki!" You protest came out as a desperate whine. You scooted down but Ruki was determined to tease you.
"So wet, you're so good, always good for me." Ruki said in a placating, gentle voice. He rubbed himself over you a few more times, fondling your breasts gently as he did so. "Please..." "You've been so good for me," Ruki told you, his voice like velvet. "So good. I want to be inside you and I know my good girl deserves it." You felt relief, despite your arousal being as high as it could get, knowing Ruki would soon be inside you.
Ruki gently gripped your hips and guided himself to your entrance. "I'm going in, you're gonna be a good girl for me, right?" "Yes...yes..." "Good girl."
He slowly pushed in and your jaw dropped as you moaned. Ruki groaned quietly. "Uhh...ngh...good girl, yes, stretch just like that." He continued pushing all the way in. You whimpered at how good it felt to be completely full. "Shh, you're doing so well, I'm so proud of you." Ruki began to slowly thrust and you gripped his arms, moaning.
Ruki grunted. "Good girl, so warm and tight just for me." He tilted his hips and hit an amazing spot. "Ruki..." you cried out. You moaned desperately and Ruki groaned as he slowly moved himself inside you.
"Shh...yes, that's it, good girl, very good." Ruki sped up a little and you gasped, digging your nails into the pale flesh on his forearms. "Ngh...hah..." Ruki panted. You moaned and grinded your hips against him. "Ruki...Ruki..." Ruki groaned your name, his eyes closing in pleasure. "Good girl, yes, so good for me." His praise came out as desperate pants.
He was hitting the most amazing spot, going at the perfect pace, and you knew your orgasm was coming. You moaned and gripped him tighter as you got closer...and closer...
You practically screamed out your release as pleasure even greater than before filled your entire body. Ruki growled and went faster, chasing his own release. "Good girl, let me take you, just like this." His voice was huskier, rougher. He stilled, his face twisting in pleasure, as he orgasmed inside you. He panted for a moment before placing a kiss on your lips.
He slid out and cleaned himself up before stretching out beside you in bed. He held open his arms and you immediately rested in them. He kissed you and, with your head on his chest, the two of you drifted into slumber.
I have a huge praise kink so while I hope y'all enjoy this it was a very self-indulgent post lmao
Reblogs and feedback always appreciated! ❤️
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cult1970 · 6 months
Hello ! I’m new to this world but I wanted to say that from today I will do Diabolik lovers content !
If you wanna request something please do it 😊
I will mostly do hc and reactions and maybe something else.
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