spideybonez · 3 months
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princesuna · 2 years
you come out of suna’s bathroom after changing into your indoor clothes and his brain almost short circuits at the sight of you. you come out wearing a loose flannel that’s way too big for you with only one button closed in the middle with your sleeves rolled up and grey shorts. his face heats up a bit and doesn’t realize he’s staring until clap your hands in front of his face.
“oi rin! did my beauty turn you into stone?” you quip with a giggle.
“you wish. button up more or you’ll catch a cold,” he retorts.
“but it’s still summer! and i feel so comfortable right- hey!” you pout as suna stands in front of you closing most of the buttons on your shirt. when he’s satisfied with his work, he pulls you towards him by your shirt to give you a quick kiss.
“you’re gonna drive me insane. where did you get this shirt anyways? it’s so big even i could wear it,” he asks. 
suna thinks he knows what most of your clothes look like, but this seems to be a new piece to your collection. his mind shoots him with the intrusive thought that it was from another guy, but he quickly dismisses the thought because he has seen you in oversized clothing before. you have a huge green flannel in your closet similar to the one you’re wearing now. there’s no way this shirt could ever be from an ex or someone you’re cheating on him with.
are you that bold to wear something like that around him? suna isn’t sure why he’s starting to doubt you. you both love each other very much. he feels very secure in this relationship, but for some reason, he can’t shake the possibility from his mind.
“i found it while i was shopping at forever 21. it was just randomly sitting on a rack and i thought it was totally my style so i bought it.” you reply.
you didn’t show any signs of hesitation while answering him and suna can tell when you’re lying. you’re so god awful at it he would spot it in the blink of an eye. he flushes the intrusive thought out until you speak up again.
“now that you mention it, this might fit you perfectly! try this on, i wanna see you in it,” you urge.
“ah i dont think it will fit, sweetheart. besides, this isn’t my style,” he objects.
“no! you’re trying it on right now. i’ll be right back,” you say and disappear into the bathroom again before he has the chance to argue back.
you come out in a t-shirt while holding the shirt in your hand. you push the shirt into suna’s arms and force him into the bathroom.
your boyfriend shakes his head at your shenanigans, but he is grateful because now is the perfect time for him to put the intrusive thought to rest. he puts the shirt on and when he’s buttoning it, he begins to feel uneasy. the way he buttons this shirt is exactly how he buttons his dress shirts for press conferences. suna examines the shirt closely and his suspicions are confirmed. this is a men’s shirt. the buttons are on the right. buttoned shirts for women are always on the left. he knows this fact because he had to wear his mom’s dress shirt for a high school banquet one time because he stained his the day before.
suna tries not to jump to conclusions because he trusts you. he didn’t sense any hint of deceptiveness in your reply to him. he tries to calm himself down before walking out of the room in the shirt.
“babe, you know this is a men’s shirt, right?” he asks stepping out of the room.
“really? how can you tell? i remember picking it up in the women’s section,” you questioned.
“for men’s shirts, buttons are on the right. buttons are on the left for women’s shirts,” your boyfriend explains.
“oh my god! so that’s why it felt so weird to button up the shirt! i thought maybe it was just a style thing. that makes much more sense!” you exclaim.
your reaction seems genuine and he feels bad for doubting you, even if it’s just for a second. you love him so much, how could you ever cheat on him?
“yeah. if i didn’t know any better i would’ve thought this came from another guy,” he joked. 
“rin, don’t tell me got jealous over a shirt.”
“i’m not!” he disputed, but his voice gave him away.
“sure, the high pitch tone in your voice is telling. did you really think this belonged to another guy? you’re so funny. i love you and only you,” you go over and stand on your tippy toes to give him a peck on his cheek.
“i just don’t wanna lose you to anyone,” he mumbled while pulling you into his arms.
you manage to catch what he said and smile. you admire every feature on his face while playing with his hair. you’re lucky to have him. then, a thought pops into your head.
“rin, how did you know the difference between the dress shirts?”
“i’m leaving,” he pulls away and vanishes into the bedroom.
“hey! come back!” you yell chasing after him.
you couldn’t waterboard that story out of him.
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
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xiao zhan @ oreo livestream 💙
BONUS: zhan zhan and the fluffy oreo! ☺️☺️☺️
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sturnioloshacker · 6 months
hey google, how do i turn into nick sturniolo?
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sawedofffeet · 5 months
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whaanell on tiktok posted their scanned Recovery magazine pages with Leigh and I just had to share them here (Part 1)
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fairyhaos · 4 months
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m-oure · 9 months
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chuu spotted in portugal ‼️ she looks so 😻😻😻😽
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ahollowgrave · 9 months
Portentous (adjective): eliciting amazement or wonder. // the work is never done.
(I am unsure what to tag directly but please know this writing contains horror elements.)
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This place is holy.
No -- is, you decide. It is no longer used but what does that mean to the hands that blessed it so long ago?
You gingerly sidestep a cobweb older than you.
Your nose itches, threatening a sneeze.
Ahead of you, the wailing continues.
Behind you, None waits. You had them stay outside, nearly apologetic, dismissing it as a whim.
None had stared up at you -- how novel for you! -- with their serious dark eyes and their serious frown and in their serious voice they had said: “I trust you. You trust you.” And then they had sat on a rock and jerked their chin at you in a clear gesture: get going.
You got going.
This place had been abandoned quickly. There are rotten baskets with their contents scattered across the floor. Abandoned chests tower in corners and near doorways. Forgotten toys and tools dot the hallways. It is all covered in a choking layer of dust.
Your footsteps are light, silent, as you press onward. With each threshold, you feel it get colder. At certain points you stop and still yourself, unfocusing your mind. A current, invisible but insistent, pulls at your skirt. A river diverged from the source. You follow it and as you do, the wailing grows louder.
You and None have heard it for three nights now. An unnatural screaming cry that freezes the forest with fear. Finally, you have found the source of it.
When you come upon her it is a surprise to both of you.
The corridor you had been following ends suddenly and opens into a big, central space. The upper portion disappears into the darkness but you can see the dying light of the day. Rays fall into the cavern, illuminating the carpet of animal bones that surround a long-dark cooking pit.
Your ears ring with the remembrance of laughter and music and life.
Surrounding the cooking fire are the rotten remains of several benches and seats. A shrouded sits -- perches -- on one of them. And it cries.
Great big gut-wrenching, shoulder-shaking, teeth-clacking sobs. Occasionally one of them reaches a high enough note to make your head spin, to make you feel sick to your stomach.
It hasn’t noticed you.
“… Hello?” You call out. You absolute idiot.
Abruptly, the crying stops and you are all too aware of being studied. The figure before you hasn’t moved but you feel the unmistakable weight of a stare.
Your sluggish heart skips a beat, a difficult thing for the old goat to do.
“… Sorry.” Why. Why would you speak again?
You are not allowed to scold yourself for long.
A face - a duskwight woman - is suddenly in front of you. She is too thin, her bones poke through her skin like a needle just before it punctures fabric. Her hair is a tangled, wild mess. She is nude. She is horrifying. She is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. There is a large puncture wound between her breasts, weeping a tar-like substance. Her eyes are liquid black. Tears stain her cheeks. She has been crying for years.
Her eyes are so big.
You are falling into them.
“Hi.” Why.
She screams in your face.
You think this is what being skinned feels like.
She is reaching for you and her hands are claws, perfect for scooping out soft insides.
You reach back for her. Your cane clatters to the stone floor but the gem wrapped in its living branches continues to glow. You take a clumsy step forward - you have never embraced a woman before - and you wrap your arms around her.
You trust yourself.
You palm the back of her head and feel what remains of her hair detach beneath the pressure. Your other palm flattens between the sharp point of her shoulder blades. You press her to you, guiding her head to the crook of your neck.
You wait for the feeling of claws in your gut.
They do not come.
You are both terribly still.
You cry so much that it does not surprise you when you start to cry, now. Your face buries itself in her shoulder -- distantly, you’re aware of goo on your skin -- and you cling to her like you have wanted to cling to so many others. You feel hands at your back and then you are pulled tighter against the spectre.
When she starts to cry it is different. It does not set your teeth on edge and does not pierce into the center of your brain. It is simply the cry of a scared and wounded girl.
She has cried for so long. Alone.
“I am so sorry,” your voice is the sound of falling snow, “You can leave it with me.”
By the time your tears dry it is the Lover’s light that filters through the holes in the roof of the cavern. A moth of shiny black clings to the front of your robe. There is, indeed, goo on your skin and clothing.
None is waiting for you, patient as the river.
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nerdy-simp-7120 · 2 years
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literally changed my tumblr theme for him 🧍‍♀️
update: i already changed my theme again :')
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gh0stgirl000 · 2 months
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Realest shit of the century
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vermilionsonata · 8 months
Betty is literally my favorite adventure time character, i mean just look at her??? Simon is so relatable?? she's so pretty??
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ranscutedoll · 6 months
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cr. Twitter
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writermask-0807 · 1 month
Hi! Your description of Baldwin IV is everything: “leper king with the cool gucci mask (💋) and cloudy blue eyes and soft dangerous voice that could hypnotize me into jumping off a bridge??”
IT’S SO ACCURATE I want him 😭
and second of all, trust me, fangirl to fangirl, i feel that ache so deep in my bones i think it’ll never leave 😭😭 i want him so BAD SJSJSHSKSJ
so i've decided, hey the heart wants what it wants so. to hell with it- who cares if I haven't watched KoH yet and will probably write wildly inaccurate and ooc characters, right!? Right! 😭 so i'm in the process of writing a short fic for him, and i can’t guarantee if it’s gonna be good, but please stick around for it!! AND THANK YOU SM ONCE AGAIN ♥️♥️♥️
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killuaisaprincess · 1 month
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sennamybeloved · 6 months
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pandas-pandemonium · 2 months
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