#Shaun Hick
quotefeeling · 2 months
You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.
Shaun Hick
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thoughtkick · 1 year
You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.
Shaun Hick
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perfectfeelings · 24 days
You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.
Shaun Hick
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novlr · 10 months
“I have often believed the pen to be a needle, and ink to be a thread. Each story is an intricately woven tapestry and with each word I invariably sew a piece of myself into the page.” ― Shaun Hick
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quotelr · 1 month
You smile and draw me near and whisper, "Do as dreamers do."I lean to you and whisper in your ear, "I cannot dream tonight my Dear. For it is you.
Shaun Hick
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thehopefulquotes · 8 months
You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.
Shaun Hick
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surqrised · 10 months
You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.
Shaun Hick
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perfectquote · 2 years
You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.
Shaun Hick
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nightlyquotes · 2 years
You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.
Shaun Hick
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bryndeavour · 1 year
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To that end, would you want to have dinner with me?
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that scene with fireworks in background and them kissing on guy fawkes night was cinematic masterpiece. oscar worthy for cinematography.
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the more i think about it, they were way less toxic than venice girl. if he gave it a go, they could have had it all.
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sydsaint · 2 months
My Boy's all pulled up for Mania weekend and Won!!!!! <3
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Summary: GM!Reader hangs out backstage at Mania with Pearce and watches her boys all win their Mania matches. (Also for the sake of this fic we are pretending that Knight's match with AJ and the ladder match both took place on night 2 instead of separate nights.)
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WrestleMania night 2 is set to kick-off live in less than twenty minutes as you match your way through the backstage area. Your trio of men trail behind you to see you off before the show starts. Knight walks at your side chatting with you about your news of the upcoming draft after Mania weekend while Gray and Austin trail behind the two of you mingling among themselves.
"Don't worry about the draft, Shaun, sweetie." You flash Knight a reassuring smile. "Pearce knows full well that you, Austin, and Gray are off limits. Or he'll be hearing from me personally."
"Good, good." Knight nods. "Although. Watching you rip into ol' Pearce does sound wildly entertaining." He chuckles to himself.
You laugh with Knight and the group comes up on the backstage are set up for the GM's and other important backstage figures attending the show. You come to a stop and turn toward your boys.
"Good luck with AJ later, sweetie." You lean up and kiss Knight's cheek. "Show that idiot hick up for me, yeah?" You tease him. "I don't like keeping losers around, remember?" You joke with a wink.
"Have I ever let you down before, darlin'?" Knight replies with a cocky grin. "You can relax tonight knowing that AJ ain't making it out without a proper ass-kicking." He promises you.
You nod and pat Knight's chest. "Good. Now get out of here, mister megastar." You send him on his way. "And as for you two." You then turn your attention on Austin and Grayson who both perk up and step toward you. "You two be careful out there, okay? Especially you, Grayson." You poke a finger at Waller's chest.
"What? Why me?" Grayson frowns.
"I know your track record when ladders are involved, mister." You reply sharply. "Austin, keep him out of trouble." You glance over at Austin. "The two of you better show out for Smackdown and bring home those belts! Got it?""
Austin and Grayson both nod, both of them standing either side of you now. You wrap your arms around their shoulders and pull both of them down to your level.
"We've got it, YN." Austin assures you.
"Yeah! Austin and I have this in the bag. Don't even worry about it." Grayson adds.
You smile to yourself and plant a kiss to the cheek of both men before letting them go. "I know you two do. Good luck out there boys! Make me proud!" You add before sending them on their way as well.
The boys all head off to get ready for their matches and you head inside the lounge. You step through the door and find Pearce already present and chatting with Triple H about something or other.
"Adam! Hunter!" You greet the pair with a friendly smile and walk over to them. "How is everyone tonight?" You ask them.
"YN!" Hunter smiles at you, having not seen you last night much. "I could ask the same about you. A good amount of the Smackdown roster are competing tonight." He reminds you.
Adam chuckles next to Hunter and offers you a drink. "Don't forget Hunter, it's not just her roster competing tonight. All three of her boys are working tonight's show." He reminds Hunter.
"Right." Hunter nods. "Feeling nervous about that at all, YN?" He asks you curiously.
You shrug and take a seat with Adam and Hunter since the main show is about to start. "My boys know how to handle their business." You take a sip from your drink.
The room falls silent as the show finally begins. You sit quietly and watch the first couple of matches before the ladder match rolls around. Grayson and Austin comes out to do their entrance and you perk up in your chair.
"Here we go." Adam comments from his chair next to yours.
"Indeed." Hunter agrees.
The three of you all perk up in your seats and watch the carnage of the ladder match unfold. You smile contently to yourself at the way Austin and Grayson have each others backs and manage to stay out of trouble for the most part.
You jump out of your seat when Grayson begins his accent up the ladder toward the Smackdown titles once the ring has been cleared. "Yes!" You cheer. "That's my boy!" You gush as Grayson plucks the titles from their carabiner.
Austin manages to get himself back into the ring and hops up onto the ladder to take the second belt from Grayson. The pair do a quick celebration with their new titles before the other members of the match start to stir. Another fight breaks out into the ring and Grayson ends up taking a pretty bad spot through a ladder.
You wince when Waller collides hard with the ladder, your first instinct being to leave and go check on him. But you know that you've got to remain professional when it comes to stuff like this. Thankfully, Austin helps Waller to his feet and Grayson seems to be relatively okay. Truth and Miz end up taking the Raw belts and the ladder match comes to an end.
"Well. If you two will excuse me." You hop to your feet with an eager grin. "I believe that I've got new Smackdown champs to congratulate on their win." You dismiss yourself from the lounge for a bit.
You exit the lounge and hurry through the backstage area to meet up with Austin and Grayson. You catch them as they are coming through the curtain and rush to their side with an ecstatic smile.
"Yes! I knew you two could do it!" You approach the pair with outstretched arms.
"YN!" Austin and Grayson both reply in unison.
You are engulfed in a crushing sandwich hug between the new tag champs. You giggle and swing an arm around both of their shoulders again so one of the backstage hands can take a quick picture for the WWE social media accounts.
Once the picture is taken you turn to the pair and reward both of them with a kiss. "I am so proud of you two!" You gush. "And Gray, sweetie. How is your back?" You ask him attentively.
"It's alright." Grayson shrugs. "Definitely going to be sore in the morning. But I'll be okay." He assures you.
"Good." You nod and feel the need to pull both men into another group hug. "I mean what I said. I am so proud of you two. Both as your boss and as your girlfriend." You ruffle both of their heads lovingly. "Now head back to the locker rooms and cool off. I've still got a whole show to watch. Not to mentions Knight's match with AJ is starting soon." You add.
Grayson and Austin both nod. They both kiss either side of your face cheekily before heading back to the locker rooms to rest up. You head back to the lounge just as Bayley and Iyo are finishing up their match. You make a mental note to congratulate Bayley on her win later as you settle back into your seat.
"This next match should be a good one." Adam comments as you sit down. "I heard that you drove all the way up to Georgia to bail Knight out of jail?" He adds.
"I did, yes." You confirm. "I wasn't going to let one of my top stars get locked up for the night. Plus I needed to talk to AJ about everything." You explain. "Both been agreed that this would be the end of it. So we'll see who wants it more."
Adam and Hunter both nod as AJ makes his entrance. You roll your eyes out of sight of your co-workers as AJ makes his way down the ramp. But your sour expression quickly turns to a proud smile when Knight's music hits. You listen to the crowd eat up Knight's entrance as he makes his way down toward the ring. And you couldn't be more proud of him.
Knight and Styles go at it in a match that is particularly brutal when you consider that it's being sanctioned under normal rules. But your man comes out on top. Just like you knew it would.
"Hell yeah!" You grin to yourself, making sure to try and not make a huge scene in front of Hunter and Adam.
You could be as loud and proud as you want when it comes to Austin and Gray winning. They did become champions after all. But Knight's match is a simple grudge match. So there is no reason for you to prefer one outcome over the other.
Pearce walks over to you and leans down so the two of you can chat without Hunter hearing. "I'll distract Hunter for a few minutes if you want to go see your man." He offers.
"Yeah? Thanks, Adam. That's sweet of you." You are a bit surprised by Pearce's offer. But you are also not about to decline it.
Pearce nods and walks over to Hunter. The two of them begin what is sure to be a lengthy conversation and you slip away out of the lounge. You make your way back to the curtain and greet Knight just as he's come through it.
"Well look at you! How does winning your first WrestleMania match feel, Mister Megastar?" You ask Knight playfully.
"Told you I'd win, darlin." Knight grins at you.
You giggle as Knight pulls you into his side before planting a passionate kiss on your lips. "Okay okay!" You put a hand on his chest before things get too out of hand. "I've got to get back before Hunter notices that I've been gone. But I'll see you and the boys after the show." You assure him.
"Right." Knight nods. "I'll get together with the two stooges in a bit and we'll throw together some celebration plans." He winks at you suggestively.
"Alright!" You giggle. "Sounds like fun. Congrats, sweetie. I'll see you later tonight with the boys."
You head back to the lounge with all kinds of idea's swimming around in your head about what your boys could be planning after the show. And with those three, you know that it's bound to be something very interesting. Especially after tonight.
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hooked-on-elvis · 27 days
Want to read yet another story of Elvis being generous?
How Elvis' friendship with Tom Jones gathered the King with The VOICE
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[1] Elvis wearing the 1973 Arabian jumpsuit. Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas. August, 1973. [2] Donny Sumner, letf, Shaun "Sherrill" Nielsen* and Tim Beaty of the Voice, a pop-rock-gospel trio, warm up before their performance at The Villa at 1711 Hayes St. in Nashville on March 1, 1975. They are still recovering from injuries causes by when their van veered off the highway and rolled down an embankment a month before.
LATE JULY - EARLY AUGUST, 1973 Elvis was in Vegas to rehearse for his second 1973 Las Vegas engagement (Las Vegas, Season 9 - From August 6th to September 3rd 1973) While in Las Vegas Elvis had the opportunity to help out his friend Tom Jones, who was facing the possibility of having to replace his vocal group the Blossoms on his current show. When Elvis heard about his predicament, he thought he might do Jones a favor by presenting him with a substitute group. One of the members of his entourage, Kenny Hicks, knew that former Statesmen Sherrill Nielsen and Tim Baty and J. D. Summer’s nephew Donnie had formed a new Nashville vocal group called Voice. Elvis knew all of them well; he had worked with Sherrill in 1966 on How Great Thou Art, and once introduced him to an indifferent Las Vegas audience as “the greatest tenor in gospel music.” Why not fly their new group out to Las Vegas to help Jones out?
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On the picture above, Elvis is leaving the Anaheim Royal Inn to perform his evening concert on April 24 1973 at the Convention Center in Anaheim, CA (8.30 pm). EP is with his entourage, some of them known Memphis Mafia guys, and his father, Vernon Presley. Kenny Hicks is the one guy on the left, next to Red West. There's not many pictures of them together. Kenny worked as a valet/aide to Elvis, between 1973-1975. In 2010, Hicks published the memoir book, "Elvis, As I Knew Him" (photo 2, book front cover). Kenny is told to be the one letting Elvis know about the Voice group has been formed.
Transported by private jet, the nervous trio arrived at Elvis’s suite, only to be put on the spot to sing for Elvis, Tom Jones, and country singer Bobbie Gentry. Jones was impressed with the group, and he was touched by the offer — but as it turned out, he told Elvis, he had an unbreakable contract with the Blossoms. It may have been the opening Elvis was looking for all along: After giving the group the bad news, with a flourish he produced a piece of paper for them to sign — a year-long contract, he explained, guaranteeing them $100,000 to serve as his backup group and sing with him in private whenever he felt like hearing them, while signing them to his new publishing company. They couldn’t help being shocked, but they gratefully accepted. Before the group left the suite Elvis called his father to announce the news; Vernon, though, was less than enthusiastic to learn of his son’s latest whim, which only supported his constant fear that his son’s indulgences would someday leave them all bankrupt. Excerpt: "Elvis Presley: A Life in Music" by Ernst Jorgensen. Foreword by Peter Guralnick (1998)
Cool, isn't it? EP didn't need to do this, he was in no need for another gospel group (he already had signed The Stamps Quartet to back him in concert for a while now - since 1971), but he signed the Voice, aside from admiring their talent, clearly just to make up for something that went not quite as expected — something he was actually doing to help another one of his friends.
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"Sherrill" is Shaun Nielsen's birth name, and it is the name all Elvis fans best know him with, but he changed it to "Shaun" at some point. He said that after enough instances of hearing himself paged 'Phone call for Miss Sherrill Nielsen', he thought changing his name would be a good idea. (Source: elvisoncd.com). Sherrill is a gender-neutral name but, since is not very common for a male, people currently take it as a female name right away.
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i-got-the-feels · 1 year
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Tankhun Theerapanyakul Web Weave
Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak/Sherman Alexie, Flight RED Jumpsuit/Lorrie Moore, Like Life/Ally Condie, Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions/J.D. Stroube, Caged in Darkness (Caged, #1)/Billy Graham/Harley Jane Kozak, Dating is Murder (Wollie Shelley Mystery #2)/Craig D. Lounsbrough/Shaun Hick/Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia/Glennon Doyle Melton, Love Warrior
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phoenixflames12 · 7 months
Hey! This is random, but do you have a favorite season of Endeavour? Favorite episode? Cheers!
Hi nonnie!
This ask has been sitting in my inbox since forever, and I've put off answering it because I only just finished watching s9 for the first time last night. I don't think I have a favourite season, so I'll answer this by showing my favourite bits from all of the seasons. This got long, so under the cut it goes!
Season 1
Baby Morse! Baby Morse and the pain and agony over Rosalind Stromming, the one person who had, without knowing it, given him hope in his darkest moments.
His first interactions with Thursday who saw this snipey, angry young man who hasn't been cared for or listened to in such a long time and took him under his wing! Fred using his 'camp councilor' voice which Morse inherits whenever he talks to younger officers or children or vulnerable individuals. Thursday telling him to hold onto something to keep the darkness away. To remind himself that he cannot and will not end up like Mason Gull- even if he cannot save himself from his eventual fate. And Morse repaying all of that 100 times over by getting off a train and returning to stand by Thursday's side at the end.
'I put you on a train.'
'I got off.'
The moments between Morse, Gwen, Cyril and Joycie (and Constance's ghost) in Home! God, Constance's ghost really does haunt season 1, doesn't it? And then the absolute mastery of Shaun Evan's acting after Cyril dies and Morse just does not know what to do. He knows he's an orphan now, he's been an orphan even since before this moment, but now it's real and he's still getting over being shot and the pain in his face when he realises this is just- gah. Wonderful.
Season 2
Nocturne! The moment in the morning when Morse is standing outside with Max. Both of their masks slipping when Max asks Morse to find whoever killed the dead girl and to bring her to justice. I have many thoughts on that scene and Morse's face- the darkness and determination in his eyes just ruins me.
Monica! My most beloved Monica Hicks! The fact that Morse is so confident and loved by her just makes what happens later all the more painful, which is why they will forever be my OTP. (There, I've said it, @sandfordsmostwanted can back me up.)
Neverland. Oh gods, Neverland. I remember screaming in a discord DM to @gohoubi whilst I watched it and watching Exeunt just confimed how important an episode it was. Damn you Russ Lewis. Damn you for making me remember Peter Jakes and his desperation to get out and Morse's desperation to bring him closure. It never truly leaves you, does Neverland. This is their grand finale which Morse and Thursday survive and have to learn to live with the fact that they both have survived rather than going down in a blaze of glory.
And nothing will ever be the same again.
Season 3
Fluffy, sulky saint hair! The Great Gatsby! The season where Mr Bright came up trumps and made me feel so deeply emotional about well- everything to do with Bright's storyline, that was only exasabated in Season 7. Arcadia which made me feel so many emotions about Jakes regaining Paradise in America through Hope and Morse giving him that chance with his promisery notes. Hearing more about Morse's aethisim and how the strength of Constance's faith and then her death makes it probably one of my favourite episodes.
Season 4
Season 4 is strange. I can't really pick anything out of it- apart from the end of Game when Fred rescues Dorothea out of a burning car. And Joan. Oh, Morse and Joan and Lazaretto and their deep unhappiness and unwillingness to talk about it.
And then the wonderful strangeness of Harvest. I loved Harvest. I loved the interactions between Morse and Dorothea. I loved the fact that they can sit in a car and Dorothea can pull out what is really going in with him and he is comfortable to talk to her, to confide in her. Their friendship means the world to me, partcularly as the seasons go on and we see less of it, but the bits that we do see are beautiful and poignant and makes my heart ache.
Season 5
Fancy! Trewlove! The utter anguish of watching Morse try and fail to look after Fancy and only at the end realising how much potential he had when it was too late. The agony of Coldwater and seeing himself in Stanhope- a bright, ignored, belittled, bullied child.
The moment in Icarus when he asks Joan whether she wants to go for coffee after Trewlove tells him not to waste any more time. It just makes the drink (and the time that he has to explain) his feelings to Joan in s9 all the more poignant and agonising. And Joan herself knowing that she can't wait around for Morse to be knight in shining armour and sweep her off feet. The hero truly doesn't get the girl because he realises too late (back in s3/s4) that he's in love with her when she's leaving and both of them have to pick up the pieces from that fall out and fail, miserably.
Season 6
I enjoyed season 6. I really did. I enjoyed Morse trying (oh how he tries) to bring Thursday back when he falters and defects to Box. I love that we see who Thursday really is- the darker part, the part that survived being a London copper, but who can still be kind to children and mourn innocents who are caught in the crossfire.
I enjoyed Morse really coming into his own here, he truly is an 'adult' at this point- the young man who looks at Thursday like he hung the moon after he was shot in season 5 and then gets to drive is truly gone. In its place is a man who wants to hide, who can't bear to see the destruction of his own mistakes, but knows that he has to bring justice to George.
And the final showdown! 'We are city men!' A perfect showdown showing that as much as Division can break Morse, can degrade Bright and Thursday, Jim and their own determination to rescue one of their own wins the day. (I also want Morse's coat from that season, but that's another post in itself.)
Season 7
Violetta! Ludo! Venice! The whole season being an opera and ending on the perfect painful finale of Thursday rescuing Morse, having read his letter to Joan.
That letter ruined me. The knowledge that Morse has burnt his bridges, has cut ties (so he thinks) with his guvnor. Has cut his ties with Bright, even though he is trying so hard to do the right thing, even though he goes about it in completely the wrong way.
The fact that Thursday realises this and still goes out, still rescues him, still gives him a second chance (and saves him, and saves him and saves him)
Season 8
Puns are supposed to be funny, aren't they? The fact that in the depths of his despair and misery and pain, Morse with all of his fluffy hair, can smile and accept that he can't go on like this, is agony. Worse still, is Gwen, turning up on his doorstep and the facade that he has built up around him is shattered. Here is a woman who can belittle him, can bring out the terrified boy he was when Constance died and relish in seeing him crumble.
And then the ending! The sitting in a pub garden with Thursday, drinking and talking about justice. Or the lack of it. And realising that everything has changed. Everything has changed and the only way out is to accept it and for Morse to go away. To go away whilst the world still turns and his friends move on, and he stays stubbornly in the centre.
Season 9
Sober Morse arriving back in Oxford from Lyme Regis and realising that everything has changed, everyone has moved on is just agony.
Seeing himself, as he does with so many children, in Rose Garland- another bright, bullied child who went the way he could've done, had he not found the right path.
The fact that he spends all of this season trying so hard to tie up loose ends, trying to bring justice to Peter Williams and Andrew Lewis (Andrew Lewis had a family who loved him and a cousin- 'a police cadet in Newcastle' who wanted to see justice and Jakes. And then, years later, that same cousin finds Morse.
And then all of that comes to a head when Lott arrives- doing much as the same as Gwen and belittling Morse- not bothering to learn his rank, but sending him back to a 'college' lad who desperately wanted to belong somewhere.
And then the ending. Oh, God. Morse giving up all of his prinicples to protect Thursday. One last drink in the pub. Morse throwing Henry IV at Thursday because he cannot see the man he knew, the man he admired and respected, 'the captain who I would've followed into hell.' so much, any more.
Morse standing at Joan and Jim's wedding, surrounded by a glitter ball and disco lights and 'Rocket Man' playing. He doesn't belong in this world anymore. This world has moved on without him- 'we should tell people if they mean something to us, don't you think?' But he hasn't and he can't because there is no time left and the world has no place for an opera loving, crossword solving, grumpy, snipey, young man who wants to bring justice to the world.
The final scene at Blenheim Palace just ruined me. Singing Faure's Requiem, heralding the true end of the beginning. Morse having a sense of peace on his face as he sings, knowing that with the gift of Thursday's gun and the gunshot in the churchyard, he has truly said goodbye to his former self and can now, as he drives away and the summer heat rolls into the Jag, find his true and inner peace.
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blueflowers07 · 1 year
Never forget
Kwame Jones,William Howard Green, Leonard Parker Jr., Manuel Ellis, Barry Gedeus, Daniel Prude, Denzel Marshal Taylor, Shaun Fuhr, Maurice Gordon, George Floyd, William Wade Burgess III, Julian Edward Roosevelt Lewis, Kurt Reinhold, Jonathan Price,  Anthony Jones, Frederick Cox, Angelo Crooms, Sincere Pierce, Johnny Lorenzo Bolton, Carl Dorsey, Akeem Terrell, Patrick Warren, Dominique Williams, La'Mello Parker, Latoya James, Frederick Holder, James Holland Sr., Fanta Bility, Cedric Lofton, Calvin Wilks Jr., Eldred Wells Sr., James Lowery, Dyonta Quarles Jr., Robert "Junior" Langley, Herman Whitfield, Brett Rosenau, Genesis Hicks, James Wilborn, Ki'Azia Miller. 
These are just a few names from the last few years. Something needs to change. 
Keenan Anderson was killed this year on January 3. Keenan Anderson was an African American man who suffered cardiac arrest and died on January 3, 2023, around 4.5 hours after he was restrained by and tasered six times by a member of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). He was a cousin of Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Tyre Nichols was killed four days after on January 7. Nichols was pulled over for suspected reckless driving. Police beat, pepper sprayed, and tased Nichols, who was taken to the hospital, dying three days later on January 10. A preliminary autopsy found he suffered "extensive bleeding caused by a severe beating." The five officers involved in the incident were fired, as well as two EMTS. The five officers were later charged with murder.
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