#Snek's f1
the-chaotic-snek · 2 months
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why is my boy so cunty 😭
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eksperimentgaj · 6 months
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hey, look, I managed to draw something
danger noodle/medusa (with Lando being the biggest danger noodle in the picture)
inspired by Mr. Norris' Vegas helmet
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kyogos · 5 years
i hit a milestone of followers on my f1 sideblog so here is a snek pek of a post in the drafts that wont be posted for like a month and a half
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maxxdick · 6 years
just got tagged
friday night party hoppin place is right booties shakin noughties song nsync why been alive too long
Tagged by: the lovely @chrystali (I legit spent 10 minutes trying to mash 'Chrys' and 'Pants' together into a brand new nickname but it didn't work out)
Nicknames: Maxx, Dick, Maxx "I had to tell my boyfriend that your full name was Maxwell Ricard but your handle was 'Maxx Dick' because you thought it was funny, and that I was not actually watching a porn livestream*" Dick, Maxxycat...Maxxipad *a true story from a beleaguered friend
Gender: *helium voice* I’m a real boy!
Star sign: Taurus. The latest news article in a taurus-related Google search is: ‘Grisly coincidence or written in the stars? One zodiac sign is attached to more serial killers than any other.’
Height: so short I'm insecure about listing it. Maybe when I get over the shame from toxic masculinity I'll finally admit it.
Sexuality: Pan as fuck, maxxdick for everyone unless you don't want it. (Consensual pan!)
Hogwarts house: Slytherin (I'm highfiving all my snek friends)
Favorite animal: my fursona is always going to be a black jaguar/cat/snake/tatzelwurm, but my favourite person is a bunny, so my favourite is a bun.
Av. hrs spent sleeping: as much as I can fucking get
Dogs or cats: my lifestyle lmao works better with cats, but I love both very much. I like grown cats and big dogs a lot.
No. of blankets: one, but it's the warmer one from Ikea.
Dream trip: If we're talking no constraints and a multi-country itinerary, I would take Jun on a Disney theme park tour, watch a bunch of F1 races for shits and giggles, stop by the good museums, go to some big conventions (Comiket? probably NYCC, TFCon, Toycon...), eat all the fucking things. If we have to break up countries, my recent desire has been to bring him to Japan: Tokyo Disney+ for his birthday for both the Halloween and Christmas overlays, hit up Osaka, Nara and Kyoto in the week between. I would like NYC again sometime, we didn't finish the Met proper when we went a long time ago.
Dream job: To get by on doing support for projects Jun wants to do would be the best thing in the world. Another pipe dream is to make enough to get by on art and colouring freelance work. I'm pretty good at copywriting and it has higher potential to 'get by on,' but it actively occupies my mind more than I'd prefer. Otherwise, the ultimate pipe dream is doing NothingTM because I'm a existential nihilist.
When I made this blog: 27 Nov 2010 was the first post. I wager it was created earlier.
Why I made this account: Jun was going to make one so I followed suit. That's why the actual title of my tumblr is "call-response overturns convictions every time." That was also the song lyric engraved on my iPod, back when Death Cab wasn't actively pissing on their old fans because they were still indie.
Followers: 285 and I am so grateful. And so sorry, because most of you come from my Transformers quality comix and I haven't done one in a while.
Tags: @stuffsyrdraws, @kaijutegu, @itsajollyhalladay, @cornternet, some people that Tumblr wouldn’t tag automatically I hope you know who you are, please do this and blame it on me if you want to type about yourself, #loveyourself2k18
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aindilla-blog · 6 years
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Kecoh dalam group Elite Coaching pagi tadi. @sarahatiqah10 duk share dia snek 2 biji pisang. Lepas tu kena query dengan Coach Aida kenapa makan 2 biji pisang 😅 . Steady je Sarah. Rupanya dia dah timbang siap-siap pisang tu sebab nak cukupkan portion. Bukan setakat pisang, F1 pun dia timbang. Rajin terlebih, padahal dah ada sudu special nak sukat 😜 Risau sangat kalau tak cukup portion. Takut nanti lapar! Haha! . Good job Suries! All your extra effort will be paid off later. This gonna be your sweetest experience along the way to be slim & fit 😍💕 All the best! . . #TeamSuriKurus #SuriKurusOnlineCoaching #CoachKurusOnline #TelatahSuries #HerbalifeCoachMalaysia https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo8zJW7lubD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jwt27sturqn
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the-chaotic-snek · 2 months
no but why was max trying to overtake the safety car I'm crying 😭
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the-chaotic-snek · 2 months
you know formula one is controlled and super strict with tracks when the grass just.....combusts
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the-chaotic-snek · 2 months
Today's Race! (China GP)
China Grand Prix - Shanghai International Circuit Zhou Guanyu's Home Race - He races for Kick Sauber Finished at p17 Max Verstappen (redbull racing) - p1 (whO wOulD Have KnOwN) Lando Norris (McLaren) - p2 Sergio Perez (redbull racing) - p3 Other notable positions: C. Leclerc & C.Sainz - p4 & p5 respectively Events - VSC (lap 21) SC - (lap 23) DNF - Bottas(Kick Sauber), Tsunoda ( Visa Cash App RB) D. Riccardo pushed by L. Stroll (Aston Marton) - L. stroll also lapped C. Leclerc at p3 for a decent amt of laps (overtaken by S. Perez ofc) A. Fernando dropped to p12 and finished at p7
Alpine set floor upgrades that were originally scheduled for Miami Gp 24
(P.S. This is my first review/overview of f1 races, if I can ill try doing this for the next races and maybe qualies as well, if there are any corrections please comment!)
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the-chaotic-snek · 2 months
the next race is at 1:30 am in my timezone fml 😭
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the-chaotic-snek · 2 months
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the-chaotic-snek · 2 months
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the-chaotic-snek · 17 days
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Monaco Grand Prix - Circuit de Monaco Charles Leclerc's Home Race
p1 - LORD PERVAL (Charles Leclerc) 16 p2 - Oscar Piastri - 81 p3 - Carlos Sainz - 55 --------------------------Other Notable Positions------------------------- p6 - Max Verstappen - 1 p7 - Lewis Hamilton - 44
Sainz and pastry slight contact, caused a puncture in tires. Came out of pit on Hards when starting originally on Mediums
Both Alphines in collision at hairpin turn 8 (portier) Estaban Ocon tries to Overtake Piere Gasly and goes slightly airborne.
Crash at turn 4 lap 1, between Sergio Perez and Kevin Magnessun. Nico Hulkenberg also felt the impact. This caused both Haases to be out as well as Sergio Perez
S.C and Red Flag deployed as both the cars as well as the barrier needed to be repaired
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Lance stroll puncture on left rear at lap 50, comes out on softs. puncture causes the tyre carcass to come off near the pit lane entry
Sergio Perez, Estaban Ocon, Kevin Magnussen, Nico Hulkenburg all retired and DNF'd Kevin Magnesson is 2 penalty points away from a Race Ban. The FiA has decided NOT to investigate the crash with Perez and Magnussen prompting backlash from both Perez and Social Media
Estaban Ocon - 10 sec penalty, 5 place grid penalty at The Canadian GP
Alpine team head criticises estaban ocon's attempt to overtake
Canadian Grand Prix - Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve Lance Stroll's Home Race
(PS: Hi guys! Im so sorry that I missed the Imola GP, I've been travelling allot and missed that race. I will not be doing a race review on that one/ones that I miss. This Monaco GP really hyped me up and my LORD PERCEVAL won so yay! see you guys for the upcoming Canadian Gp!) Also figured I should say that I watch a live stream on Youtube from the Channel: F1 Gamer, He does every quali as well as sprint races and the normal final race (obvi)
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