#Spock reaction gifs
palpunte · 1 month
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2817.6 "The Conscience of the King "
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hornyverymuch · 15 days
I HAD TO turn this scene into a gif, Spock's reactions as always, are, priceless
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ansonmountdaily · 11 months
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dearemma · 11 months
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Star Trek TOS S2E15, The Trouble With Tribbles.
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AKA Jim being sexy in his green wrap and Spock trying not to notice:
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Screencaps by TrekCore | Photoedits/GIFs by 1S2SRSDS via Prequel + Imgflip apps
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justreckin · 7 months
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But why are we singing?
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pacificsaury · 10 months
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2.05 Charades
oh buddy, big feelings!
(feel free to use these as reaction gifs especially the punching one)
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Strange new worlds - S02E02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"
Spock and La'an practically being the same person and moving like one.
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE - S1E1 "Broken Bow, Part 1 & 2"
They are gelling themselves up and showing slimy skin and no bra -
Have you no shame Star Trek 😂
Real subtle there.
It still won't beat this tho:
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... or perhaps it is just foreshadowing...
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Watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Subspace Rhapsody
(spoilers for the musical episode)
I can't believe La'An and Kirk still haven't gotten that drink yet
(I mean obviously I can, La'An is so relatably awkward)
Have I mentioned how much I love Pelia? Because I do
Also her hair is gorgeous
I have dreamed of this exact scenario for all of my fandoms since I was little and it makes me so happy 😂(them all getting stuck singing)
(we all love a good dance break)
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Holy shit, they're all so good at this
Oh I think this song about it being most peculiar is my absolute favorite song
Kirk: "Honestly I had assumed it was all something you rehearsed but then I sang too"
The crew members just looking at Una and Kirk as they sing😂
This must've been the absolute best thing to flim
Oh noooooo
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La'An looks sad seeing the pair dancing 🥺
The flashback to her Kirk🥺😭
Ah yes, the classic Hollywood scene of a couple looking at each other under a white sheet with light somehow framing them perfectly
The Kirk brothers bickering 😂 the writers and actors were spot-on for siblings
"Marie, I'm gonna call you back."
"Oh no, no you don't" the alarm in his eyes😂
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Safe to say, it's not a private conversation 😂 I love that he fell to his knees and La'An immediately turned the thing off
I mean, not for them
La'An looks like she's gonna be sick at the idea of working together with James🥺
Oh wow, they're floating(Una and La'An)
I kinda ship them
That's gotta hurt, Spock finding out about Christine's getting the fellowship by seeing her celebrating with others
Everyone dancing 😂
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Damn, Christine saying if she has to leave Spock, she's not gonna fight it, ouch
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Oh damn, La'An took a gamble telling Jim how she felt, and he just broke her heart a bit by being in another relationship
Also, I have no idea who tf Carol is
Spock is definitely in his emo/angst phase
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Uhura's song is so damn heartbreaking 🥺😭
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A grand finale of everyone singing? This will be fantastic 😂
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Oh my god, it is fantastic
Pelia is freaking gorgeous and her singing with Spock and La'An makes me so happy
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The doctor seeming to be posing while Christine spins is so funny and adorable to me😂
I have chills
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I'm dead I was not expecting this one at all
Even the ships themselves are dancing
The way everyone looked at Uhura with dread when she started humming😂
I think this was probably my favorite episode of Strange New Worlds, if not my favorite Star Trek episode EVER!
20/10 would recommend watching
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palpunte · 1 month
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tinderbox210 · 7 months
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Christina Chong + Brussels Comic Con Dilemmas 2023
-> Spock or Kirk?
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incorrigiblerobot · 10 months
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I find myself coming back to this scene a lot. First of all, it's hilarious. The timing is great and Boimler continuously screwing up the rules of time travel is perfect for his character, an obsessive rule follower who just can't help himself. Ortegas's reaction is so great and I love how she is the one Enterprise officer who seems to really like Boimler and Mariner as they are.
But the other thing I love about this episode is how Boimler and Mariner are proxies for the audience. Their visit to the Enterprise feels like what might happen if we visited the Enterprise.
First, they're fans! They love TOS and know everything about it(/them), down to the type of tricorders they used. Boimler wants to touch everything. He idolizes Pike, Spock and Una and Mariner is awestruck by Uhura.
Second, however, is the piece that has me really gaining an affinity for Lower Decks (beyond just really enjoying it) that I hadn't appreciated in its animated form because, even though it's canon, it still doesn't seem serious. And that is that the crew of the Cerritos are often fuckups. They're a bit out of their element on the Enterprise.
So much of Star Trek is typified by hyper-competence. The crews of the various ships the shows focus on are incredibly good at their jobs - and that's one of the great things about the shows! It's inspiring to see people calmly and confidently going about their duties. Not so much the Cerritos crew. Mariner is, of course, a badass, but she's an ensign on a California class ship for a reason. So is Boimler. They're not stupid. In fact, they're the ones who figure out how to get themselves back to the future. But they're so much less perfect than the officers on the Enterprise. In the very first episode Chapel confidently says "I know I'm good at my job." And she is. They all are.
The reason I love this scene (and the whole episode) so much is it's so relatable. I certainly don't consider myself a fuckup, I'm reasonably good at a reasonable number of things, but I have definitely fucked up before. Seeing Boimler and Mariner bumble around the Enterprise is inspiring in a different way. Because, despite their flaws, despite the many mistakes they make, they're still in Starfleet. They're still out there making history.
In a lot of ways, telling people you don't have to be hyper-competent to make a difference is more inspiring than giving them an ideal to aspire to.
California class.
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vildo · 5 months
One of the things I love about Mirror Mirror is Kirk’s reaction to finding a woman sleeping on his bed he’s like who are you and what have you to done to Spock
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ensignsimp · 4 months
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TOS Spock w/ a Touch Starved! S/O
A/N: When I get specific requests like this it makes me wonder if ya'll are okay!
Prompt: Spock and a Touchstarved S/O
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It was one of the reasons you and Spock got along so well.
You didn't treat him like an outsider, and he never judged you for your struggle with physical touch.
When he first offered you the ozh'esta (Vulcan finger kiss) you were hesitant.
It was hard to feel what he meant at first until it hit you all at once.
You almost fainted due to the stimulation.
He felt bad at first until he saw the reason why you had such an adverse reaction.
The two of you decide on slow exposure therapy.
It starts slowly with the ozh'esta then the two of you hold hands.
It takes a while before he can hold you comfortably, but you start to enjoy it.
It takes time and effort but the two of you eventually find a way to make it work.
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moonlightshaiku · 10 months
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Kissing Spock
Kissing Spock is 100% an event. I dont understand how someone so emotionally constipated is so grandiose and over-the-top.
I honestly feel like this man will kiss in any way, shape, or form. Rough, soft, awkward, shy, Vulcan, Human, lips, thigh, neck. All of it all the time any vibe.
It's all to get a reaction out of you.
The trick is getting a reaction of of Spock.
His ears, neck and hands are probably the way to go. Anything gentle and barely-there. A breath, brush of your fingers or lips. He'll let out a sigh, suck in a breath. Once you even heard him breathe out "fuck," and it so genuinely rattled you, you slammed your nose in the side of his head.
Also, just a note; sarcasm.
Worse than Mccoy.
You pull in whatever sips of breath between the breaking of your lips. His fingers are so eagerly pressed you yours that you're sure they'll bend completely backwards. The connection that thrums through your head is worth it, the consistent golden warmth of Spock's mind.
Spock breaks away to admire you—more so to stare you down, charming but unnerving—and it gives you enough time to move your attention to his neck.
You catch your breath first, cheek pressed to his throat, his chest rising and falling just a tad quicker.
A quick movement, and your lips are on his jaw, an inch from his ear lobe. He hums, and you know from the distinct sound that his eyes are closed, nose in your hair, fingers digging into your hips.
A chaste few kisses to his neck, and you can hear him swallow. Before you can do any more damage to his careful control—or perhaps before you leave a mark—he grabs your jaw, firm but giving, and pulls your mouth to his.
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