lunarcrown · 1 month
For you, Jimmy Hermitcraft TCG card
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And omg the little blurb about tango HEHHE SO CUTE!!
Thank you so MUCH!! This is so cool! I love the pic you picked, it’s one of my faves! 🤩🤩
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sen-ya · 2 months
lawlu + party shenanigans for a prompt idea maybe lmfao. whatever fires off in your brainnnnn hcs or art or whatever you likkeeeeee
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no one should smell that many!!
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plague-vulture · 9 months
oki I'm sorry its just been bothering me lately,
ARTISTS: when you draw a ballet dancer, the pointe shoes do NOT get tied all the way to the knees. they get laced around the ankles like this
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[image descriptions: two pictures of pointe shoes being worn correctly, with the ribbons crossed over the top of the foot once and then wrapped slightly above the ankle once. end description]
also!! pointe shoes are only for very highly trained dancers and are traditionally only for women/ballerinas. men/ballerinos who are trained enough could potentially go on pointe but usually only wear slippers. please stop drawing little kids in pointe shoes, they'll also only be in slippers until they can move up to demi pointe at around 15ish. thank you, a very tired ex-ballet dancer
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sunlit-mess · 17 days
just letting you know that your art causes me to make happy stim noises. sending love and positivity straight to you on Al's radio waves (he doesn't know I'm doing it and would probably eat me if he did). also, do you mind if I draw your human Vox design? he's been living in my brain rent-free, the little motherfucker! proper credit will be given to you of course
🥺♡♡. And ofc, no problem!
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son1c · 8 months
Rahh fanart
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Live laugh love callisto
THE CUTESY!!!!!! <3
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drzone · 8 months
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fall comms are open via paypal!
only taking ones done with this brush, and busts specifically are discounted!
$55 for fullbody, $35 for bust! I dont do icons/headshots 😔. Comms outside these parameters you will have to discuss with me! All come with a clean pic of the lineart too like below. I can draw anything sfw!
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Think I overdid it on the beer
mm, did you overdo it? or did you keep going because of how good it felt to get so bloated and buzzed?
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jessanight · 7 months
Haii, super random ask about The Pale Beyond i hope thats ok . Have you/the team ever considered putting out the character sprites? in like png format or smethign alike. I just thimk it would be a cool thing to just have out there, not only cus good references for the chars but also cus the art is super cool!!! Either way, loved the game :] great work! it was lovely !!
Hi there, thank you so much for your kind words! I don’t think we’d release the PNGs of the full sprites as they are in-game, and I don’t really get to make that decision unfortunately. However! There is a lot of art for the characters available online if you’re looking for references.
There is a digital AND physical artbook that you can buy that showcases a bunch of the sprites, alongside other concept art. The physical edition is more expensive because we printed it for real life, and it has a little more artwork in it than the digital one since we had some time to polish and add things we’d forgotten after release. Here are the links if you’re interested:
Digital Edition
Physical Edition
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If you don’t have money to drop on books, you can also find a pile of art in my portfolio! There are a tonne of concepts, storyboards and art breakdowns in there, as well as the final character references we used for the game. I even uploaded style guides and drawovers, including what brushes we used for character lineart!
Fair warning though, if you scroll far enough you enter a SPOILER ZONE, so only check it out if you’ve already finished the game or don’t mind finding out what could happen at the end before you’ve played it lol. Link:
Jess’ Portfolio
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I know this isn’t exactly what you asked for, but I hope it’s helpful regardless! Thanks so much again for liking the game, we’re a small team and it means a lot to us!
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mokeymokey · 1 month
Guys do you all know about the Lounge Lizards I've just been Lounge Lizards pilled in a dramatic Paul-like way. Astonishingly beautiful music how had I never heard of them before
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hypnogogyc · 10 months
Since you are THE Oliver banks artist (to me atleast) thoughts on the fact Oliver and Jane Prentis worked at the same crystal/tarrot shop? I don’t think they knew eachother all that wel or anything but god there’s something so intresting about having these avatars all be so closely connected
(Love your Oliver design btw:) )
Oh that is the highest honor i hold to my chest id like to thank lilnan for the trustfall comic that broke my brain and started me on this path.
First of all as characters alone they went very different paths towards their entities and that makes sense considering the Corruption requires a life to infest, where the End is. You know. I stand by my “all avatars succumbed to their entity by fleeing from another”(like Elias to the eye fearing the end) i think Oliver ran from the end and found comfort in the end but in a new light. Jane I think always did have the fear of corruption with her blackhead paranoia and bullying but i feel she really feared the lonely. Her self mutilation in mortality is her way of doing something about the rejection she experienced, even if it didn’t really help anything. She first fears corruption because all her life she was demeaned for filth, and grew up thinking she was rotting inside everyday. Her choice to then change from picking at her skin in self disgust to loving her pock marks because they held home to something that needed her as much as she needed it is hard to not understand at least a little why she’s so elated.
Also the timeline matches up for working the same time.. (oliver is spotted there 2013, jane isnt discovered by cops til march 2014. Ik janes statement only says he came in while she worked n stared at her but. Shhhh) i think they got on rather well. They were both people desperately trying to find relief and hoping something would just finally click in place and they would belong. Jane was rejected from what she centered her life around (just having any connection. Any acceptance, both in herself and everyone else.) and so was Oliver (from life itself. The society he was born into, the events of his life. It was just all too much at once and the lack of childhood info on him from his mortal statement and only the statement towards jon later i think feeds into the idea of him not really even wanting to live on in memory.)
Oliver looks up to Jane for her wisdom when he meets her as a man with some bad dreams here and there and she’s a woman with some pretty terribly dealt with anxiety, which he could relate to. I think he’d talk to her about meditation, trying to find presence in your own body, but she had a very bad reaction to that. He apologizes and she accepts his treat for her lunch break when he comes back into work with an extra sandwich and soup. He sees her unsteadiness in much in life but she’s different with the crystals and cards. She speaks fondly of every gemstone’s meanings and properties, makes a secret drawer for all the gems shaped in such a way she couldn’t handle not being able to buy it herself. She teaches him Tarot, he picks it up quick. He tells her that he thinks the gems suit her. Jane smiles a bit stiffly and says thanks. He clarifies he meant it suiting her as a person, as she was very attuned. She smiles wide and says thanks again, this one natural.
Jane disliked Oliver at first. Self loathing without relief often turns outwards, and he was polite and well spoken and handsome and even had the nerve to be friendly with her. Incessantly. Shes slow to trust. She has to be. She’s played this song and dance and it has to be pity or obligation. She likes her job because for her role she is no longer Jane Prentiss. She’s a store clerk with a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of it’s wares. Oliver offers guided meditation, she has a hard time saying no. It ends badly. He’s apologetic and Jane just doesn’t understand it. The next day he buys her lunch as a apology. Material loss from him (and she knew exactly what his paycheck was and it was NOT lofty. It was only lunch but. Still.) and then the loneliness can’t bear it anymore. She keeps herself from delusions that someone like him would take such genuine interest in her that wasn’t just someone who was overly friendly and didn’t want tension with a coworker. But then they bond slowly. Jane teaches him to read tarot on a slow day. Its just a basic reading but he drinks in her words intently. It strikes her suddenly that this man not only tolerated her as a coworker. He respected her. He really truly felt what she was saying was valuable information. She’s giddy and teaches him more advanced spreads. Oliver has to eventually ask for a break and she apologizes for not realizing and getting carried away and he laughs and says no that was amazing. I’m so glad i could see so much of what you can. She’s thrilled, they go drinking at nights (Oliver is the sober driver).
But then Oliver becomes more despondent. He talks less about his nightmares to her but obviously still has them. She can’t help the paranoia come back. She never did receive closure for being abandoned time and time again. She didn’t expect it now. This final straw is when she catches him staring. THAT was a look she knew. Pity. She picks at her skin worse and worse. Oliver takes over when Jane doesn’t show up for a few days, and he’s walked past her house enough to see the roots and understand what’s happened.
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ribbed-vault-heart · 4 months
ur the coolest mf out here
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relentless-endurance · 4 months
Accidental hand touching for Wolmeric? :3
Somewhere between the endless reports and the countless updates, Lauriene found that she had lost all focus on this meeting.
It wasn't purposeful, nor was it malicious - it was simply that things had exceeded the amount of time she could keep her attention. And it didn't really help that she had no real reason to be here, beyond the Scions needing to be present. So though she could hear, she really wasn't listening, and she let her mind wander.
For a mercy, Aymeric's presence had also been requested, and he was seated next to her at the crammed meeting table. Though they had done their best to give everyone breathing room, she had bumped knees with him more than once. It wasn't unwelcome, but it was a touch awkward, and she did her best to not acknowledge it and at least pretend like she was listening. To that end, she put her hands in her lap, palms down on her thighs and fingers spread, physically trying to stop it.
And in the process, one of her hands brushed against Aymerics, briefly but gently.
Lauriene would start, recovering quickly - casting a sideways glance to Aymeric with a sheepish and apologetic smile. After all they'd discussed, it felt almost a teasing gesture - taunting, even, and she did not want to torment him that way. He cast a gaze back at her, smiled reassuringly, and turn his head back quickly to whoever had been speaking; so as to not draw any more attention.
She did her best to do the same, but still found her focus wanting - and any she had was suddenly obliterated when Aymeric, under the table, took her hand and squeezed it - and did not let go. And though she maintained her composure enough to not blush in the face, there was a burning in the tips of her ears. He had quite taken her off her guard.
This was a sign her heart was in trouble, but she hardly minded at all.
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letthebookbegin · 1 year
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bustafe · 20 hours
hes already canonically interested in men to some degree (i personally see him as bi) but i also think he would be nonbinary or have some difficulty with his relationship with gender . i think . especially in his own chapter when hes trying to act "like the man in the relationship" i always found that wording to be a bit strange, like he doesnt rly feel that hes a man (it might be insecurity but it might be dysphoria as well) . also i think it would just be funny to see how he would attempt to explore his gender in general cuz hes mostly comic relief 🐦‍⬛ i love him a lot
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nifflering · 2 months
Oh @luy-s, how can i ever reboop you
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son1c · 26 days
i like bermuda. but im also very bias in the fact i love fish and mermaids and sirens
it's his month also. mermay 👍
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