fon-master-ion · 9 months
Go nuts, buddy
HI :) disorganized Octopath thoughts: GO! If this ends up in the main tag for some reason I’m sorry this is a birthday exclusive infodump
Octopath traveler 2 is a JRPG available on the switch, PC, and PlayStation released in 2023 :) It follows 8 different protagonists, each with their own unique story that all intertwine into a much larger plot :) Each character is a different class!!! You pick a guy to start with and then go around the world map to pick up everyone else, this was my order as well as their stories
Hikari (warrior)- A kindhearted prince from the nation of Ku, who’s bloodline is cursed/possessed to intrusive thoughts of violence and bloodshed. After being framed for the death of his father, the king, by his brother Mugen and shunned from Ku, he journeys to raise an army to take back his nation and lead it to a future without bloodshed.
Castti (apothecary)- found at sea with no memories, the only clues she has to who she was are a bloodstained journal and an apothecary’s satchel. She’s caring and compassionate. Meeting a strange apothecary named Malaya, she journeys to recover her lost memories.
Partitio (merchant)- a warm, sunshine-y country boy from a silver mining town. After his town became overtaken by capitalists, he experienced the horror of poverty firsthand. He journeys to see the world and end the cruel clutches of capitalism through commerce.
Agnea (dancer)- A small town girl with a big heart and bigger passion to make people smile through dance. After saving enough money to travel the world, she journeys to bring joy to the world, like her late mother did.
Ochette (hunter)- An energetic beastling, a race which lives in harmony with nature. After the feared “Scarlet Night” threatens her island home, she journeys to bring the three guardian dieties of the land back to the island.
Throné (thief)- a cutthroat assassin from the underground organization known as the Blacksnakes. Despite how she can take a life faster than tying a shoe, she despises the scent of blood and longs to be free. She journeys to take the life of the leaders of the Snakes to earn her freedom.
Temenos (cleric)- sharp-tongued “inquisitor” of the church of flame, who functions as a sort of detective. After a dastardly murder of the pontiff and tensions between the Sacred Guard, he journeys to find the truth of the church’s intrigue.
Osvald (scholar)- A gruff, stoic man. He used to be a magic professor, but was framed for the murder of his wife and child and sentenced to life in prison. He journeys to kill the man who took everything from him, Harvey.
The gameplay is turn based with a focus on exploring weaknesses in order to get foes into a vulnerable state. It’s also pretty big on setting up! The biggest thing though is known as the boost mechanic that powers up your moves in 3 increments, timing your boosts right combined with buffing and breaking foes results in super satisfying gameplay <|:•)
Each characters story is separated into chapters, depending on the character there’s different amounts of chapters! For example Hikari has 5 chapters, but Temenos only has 4 because his chapter 3 is separated into two routes (like 3a and 3b) while Ochette only has 3 because her chapter 2 is separated into three routes. Besides a recommended level, you can literally play them in any order! You can focus on one characters story or do one chapter for each traveler, it’s whatever you want!!! And besides your main traveler, you can switch out the members of your party and organize them any way you’d like!!!
Each character has “path actions”, where you can interact with NPCs as you explore the world. You have different actions based on if it’s day or night. For example, Hikari can challenge NPCs to a one on one fight to gain access to new skills in battle, and at night he can spend money to bribe NPCs for information. Throné, however, can steal items from NPCs during the day, and knock people out at night. Many path actions intersect in use (Osvald, Castti, Temenos, and Hikari all have a path action to gain information) but they vary! Osvald’s is percentage based (ex. 80% chance to obtain information), Castti’s is level based (ex need to be level 30 to gain information, but it’s guaranteed) Temenos’ is battle based (must break an NPC in battle to gain information), and Hikari’s is money based (need to have the money to bribe people and gain information)
You don’t need to know anything about the original octopath to play it, but there’s cool references and the like
Ok I think that’s good for a basic overview. Bonus LGBT headcanons :)
-Agnea: Bi trans ace (she/her)
-Throné: Trans lesbian (they/she)
-Osvald: #straightosvaldsaturday + ace spec (he/him)
-Castti: Sapphic ace (she/her)
-Hikari: non binary bi ace spec (he/they)
-Temenos: queer non binary (any pronouns)
-Ochette: Agender aro (any pronouns)
-Partitio: Trans bi (he/him)
-Crick: Gay man (he/him)
Speaking of headcanons I have over 13 pages of them. Oops. Every time someone likes this post I’ll share one ok bye
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