mintytealfox · 4 months
One song that fits Norton: Mr. Mole by Connor Schon. Not only does the title match one of Norton's skins, but the lyrics fit him scarily well...
I have been DYING to draw Mr. Mole so I jumped on THIIISSSS after listening to the song 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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This song is sad as frick lol and you are so right anon it fits him so well I CRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭😭
Mr Mole gives the the vibes that he is extra delusional and when that delusion is cracked he begins cracking as well.
Mixing that with my headcanon that he genuinely believes the mole creatures in his life are his actual family
"They are not your real family! Your family is gone!"
his entire perception of life is a lie and deep down he knows it🙃
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crystallizsch · 2 months
Idk if u saw it yet but!! Jamil's chibi sprite :DD
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sherlockig · 9 months
this is a man who has no thoughts in his head besides “i have to kiss edward teach and i have to kiss him now”
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its the only thought he need and the only think i am thinking about is them kissing again
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luqlustra · 3 months
HI!! PERHAPS you can doodle silke with ✂️ ?
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There’s something really unhinged and princely about her when she has all her hair chopped. GOOD FOR HER!!!!
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pitstopreality-f1 · 2 months
random but since you asked for something positive, are you a maxiel fan? if not, which is your favourite max friendship on the grid lol?
Hello 🩵
I really can not say that I am Maxiel fan. I'm more neutral about it. It's clear to see that Max enjoyed Daniel's presence. The way he jokes around a lot more and Daniel actually enjoying his jokes. You can't deny the friendship there! To me the thing is, and I guess Max is like somehow a safe haven to Daniel because of how Max doesn't care about what people think of him. He just stays himself. While to me, Daniel is more sensitive to how other people think about him?
The F1 world is ruthless. That one week they praise you the other week they knock you down. When Daniel has not a great of a race, he kind of seems nervous to me because of what they will ask him. He doesn't have to smile all the time, he can be angry, restless and everything else. Who cares about what people think of you, the right ones will still like and love you
I don't really have a favourite to be honest. I think Max is kinda shipable with quite some drivers. I also like Lando and Max. They really seem close to me. They joke around, Max coming to his defense and Lando coming to Max's defense and how they both praise eachother. The way they hang out at home. Lando even borrowed Max' jetski's and the way he wore the redbull vest 😂 They seem like real best friends. The way Lando seems to be close to P too (I should be careful what I say here 😂) tells me they really meet up a lot.
Then there are Max and Charles. The way they've grown closer. The way Charles ranted about the way Ferrari let him down in 2022 and Max listening attentively and reacting just like that too. How they enjoy racing eachother and the way Charles defends Max' driving style and says he likes it like that (when they try to call Max agressive) and the way they've grown more touchy aswell, I guess they seem to be growing out of whatever they had going on. The grudge of Austria 2019 forgotten in Austria 2022😂 I have to say I am intrigued about these two.
Overall, I think Max is actually just so likeable. Many drivers seems to be getting along well with him. Max really is a down to earth person, you genuinely can have afternoon tea with.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
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Just needed to make sure you saw this blursed image :)
Oml, @wordycheeseblob look at this adorable pony! I know he's not thrilled being a pony, but he is the prettiest pony in Rhodolite.
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Heya💕🌸 I thought you’d enjoy this Jacks fanart I made so here it is 😂
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sunshinechay · 1 year
Heyyyy! Just wanted to hop on and say your blog has been bringing me a lot of joy lately. What is your number 1 show and ship atm that you are keeping up with or would like to reccomend?
You have no idea how happy this made me. I’m glad I could help bring you joy!
For my fav show that I’m watching right now…I would have to say it’s A Boss and A Babe. It’s an office romance between Gun (aka Boss), the president and owner of a video game development company and Cher/Laem, who is an intern with the company. They are also my favourite ship from the show. They are absolutely adorable and the acting duo behind them (ForceBook) have such good chemistry. It’s a really nice more mature BL that gmmtv is doing right now, which is a nice break from their usually line up of school bls. It has it’s light hearted moment and it’s serious moments and I absolutely love Cher’s friend group (#foundfamilygoals). Plus the secondary couple (which we don’t get to see nearly enough of) ThreeZo is every level of adorable you can imagine. I would definitely recommend this show if you aren’t watching it already.
My forever rec, of course, is Not Me (The Series). It is a really interesting and enjoyable series that has a lot of social commentary about life in Thailand, especially with regards to poverty, capitalism, disability and LGBTQ+ issues within the country. The found family in this show is something very special to me, especially because we still get to see growth from them even though White walks into an already established group (also #foundfamilygoals). The flag scene changed me as a person, I will never be normal about this show because of it. It also falls in the “Be Gay, Do Crime” type shows that I always end up loving XD. The main ship, SeanWhite, are everything to me. White is someone who manages to surprise everyone with every turn he makes, despite (and likely a little because of) his kind, caring but ultimately rational and calculated nature/personality. Sean is an absolutely babygirl who is here to fuck shit up and love his boyfriend and lucky for him, he gets to do both at the same time…I love him so much. It’s the first bl I watched that forced a ghost ship on me that I don’t talk about enough but am most definitely not normal about (BlackTodd my beloved). It’s OffGun at their finest and definitely worth the watch. (Gun’s acting alone is worth the watch. It genuinely feels like he is two separate people when he plays each of the twins and holy crap this guy deserves all the roles and all the awards.) The rest of cast is made up of equally talented actors who play their roles spectacularly. All in all, it’s a wild ride that I love to watch again and again.
The ship I’m obsessing over atm is KimChay. I just love them so much and I can’t stop thinking about them haha. I think at least a little of that is how open their ending is, which normally I hate but it works for them, especially with the epilogue of sorts they managed to give them during one of the concert shows. Their dynamic (sunshine and sunshine protector) is one of my favourites. They are a perfect match to me, with Chay, despite being so young, being the most emotionally mature, emotionally intuitive character on the show and Kim being an emotion shunning half feral murder kitten who just wants to protect the boy he loves. I mean Kim literally leaves a pile of dead bodies in a bar to show Chay he loves him, which is fucked up but also oddly adorable as he didn’t have to go to help Chay when he could have helped protect his brothers during the attack on the compound. He chose Chay over everyone else and I think in the end, Chay would/will and does chose him back. I mean my boy Kim thought writing a song and releasing it on the internet and publically declaring it was for Chay was a good way to try and make it up to Chay instead of giving Chay what he wanted. You know, an explanation and a conversation about why Kim thought doing what he did was okay. You’ll never convince me Chay wasn’t already ready to forgive Kim for everything during the breakup scene, he just wanted to hear Kim’s side of the story and have an honest conversation with him about it. I think Chay absolutely understands that he did it for his brothers because Chay would also do anything for his brother, he just wants to hear Kim say it (see again, my belief that Chay is the most emotionally mature character in the entire show, every single adult included XD).
Ironically though the ship I’m reading the most fic for right now is probably VegasPete, though both KinnPorsche and KimChay are in there as well :D
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steddielations · 7 months
nate's art!!! possessive steve makes me insane. just taking Handfuls of Eddie. claiming him. Yeah. and the second one 👀 they don't have that size difference but the Grabbing and the brat tamer energy!! yeah I see the vision it's them
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beardedjoel · 1 month
the way if you gave me one million guesses as to what i was about to open i would not have gotten to there... HOWEVER. agreed. very much a mood when pedro is involved 😭
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khwxbeeda · 3 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~)🌈🌈
Aksg okayyy
I like my hair. It's pretty and silky and I love running my hands through it
I love that I sound very articulate and put together when I speak (even though generally it's the opposite lmao). Like it could be the worst crisis ever to happen and I'd sound calm and collected.
My sense of style is my favourite thing about me. I'm good at experimenting and putting together weird shit to make it look fashionable.
I like that I'm learning dance. Every time I practice bharatanatyam I feel good about my body, and that pushes me to dance more, which improves my dance and makes me feel even better. The exhaustion at the end of the dance hour is one of the best feelings. I love that I'm learning dance
My lips are pretty and I like them :)
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purple-babygirl · 3 months
When is pt. 3 coming out for don't call me daddy cause I need it 😭😭😭😍😍😍😭😭😭
It's coming soon, nonnie I promise💜💜 Working on it right now!
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a-cosmic-elf · 5 months
#11 from the WIP GAME!
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
Thank you for asking @fangbangerghoul and for allowing me to explain myself because I feel like a terrible writer for not updating in what feels like an age.
Yes. Unfortunately, I’ve hit a roadblock on both.
There’s a spoiler-free vent under the cut.
The next scene in my Mass Effect fic is an action scene, which I struggle with. I know what I have to do; it’s just doing it. I love this fic too damn much, and I often think it deserves a better writer than I could ever be. I’m scared that I don’t have what it takes to write it well, and it’ll end up a half-baked pile of crap. That’s why I procrastinate writing this fic, it’s fear of failure. I’m not sure how to get past that.
I will get past it, I know. I opened the doc just the other day and re-read the next chapter and it’s not actually as bad as I feared. It just needs that action scene and it’s done.
I also have the next chapter more-or-less ready for my ongoing Legacy of Kain fic. The final chapter is perhaps the most whumpy, heartbreaking, torturous end to any fic I’ve ever written.
I’m worried that readers are going to scream at me for what I’ve done - even though it happens exactly as it does in canon, it’s just I’ve made it a whole lot worse by writing it as an enemies-to-lovers p(with)p and then cue that horrific scene. 🫣
…which I want to write, don’t get me wrong. I need to write it. It will be very interesting to see everything from a different perspective. I’m covering the aftermath, all the bits you don't see behind the scenes, all the way up to the final climatic scene in the game. It’s glorious how it all slots together, even if I say so myself. I’m as proud of it, just as much as I am scared to finish and post.
There’s also a half-dozen or so plans for Starfield fics spilling out of my head and into notebooks all over the place. There’s so many I can’t keep up, and I doubt I’ll ever get around to writing then all. I did think about putting one or two plot bunnies up for adoption; it’s that bad, they’re multiplying, like, well, bunnies. 🐰😅
But I promised myself that I would finish the other two before writing any more Starfield fic, but ugh… hyperfixation is in full swing. I don't normally like to force my creativity in any particular direction, I like to let it flow where it wants to go.
I’d just really like it to go in the Abby’s direction, please, please, for the love of all things good, I need to finish that fic 😭🙏🏼
wip ask game for procrastinating writers
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luveline · 2 years
this tiktok is dad steve core and i love him
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
id like to think that Rhys has a Feyre plushie that he takes wherever he goes esp. when he and Feyre are apart and just cuddles the heck out of the plushie (just squeezing it out of nowhere 'cause he just loves Feyre so much); occasionally changes her outfit into smaller version's of Feyre's clothing but especially likes having her wear her Starfall dress most of the time; and would talk animatedly with the doll as if the real Feyre is in the room (i mean i know he can talk to her with the bond but he cant help himself). The IC makes fun of him for it for how whipped he is for Feyre (haha who wouldnt be?) and Feyre just rolls her eyes exasperatedly at his mate's antics. Though secretly she eventually came to like the idea of having a Rhys plushie herself and takes it with her when she's painting or when she's working in her own office. But when nyx came, they were okay to let go of their plushies for nyx so that he would be reminded that he is loved and that mommy and daddy is always there for him.
(but i also think that rhys would get another feyre plushie just for himself with a nyx plushie this time and proceeds to do the same antics he does with the stuffed-cuddly version of his loved ones)
Rhys would definitely be the one to start it. Like, when Nyx is little and they have to travel to build relations with other courts, they take turns staying home with the baby (ofc the IC would babysit, but eventually, they start feeling guilty about it, especially during the colic period).
And eventually Rhys is like, tada, mini Feyre to talk to when I miss my mate.
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finn-macuncool · 9 months
we have cat twins!
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They came from the same product batch
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