#Werner Werman ler
bo-bo-bean · 6 years
(Warning: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG) It's been months now since Cuphead and Mugman have defeated the devil and his slacky, King Dice. They both have made friends with others, even doing fun things with them. Gardening crops of the vegetable pack, tending to flowers with Cagney, baking sweets with Baroness Von Bon Bon, and even helping Beppi out with the circus. However, one person didn't trust them yet. Werner Werman didn't trust the bros one bit. Whenever he saw them, he got flashbacks of what they did to him and his poor cat. It took him nearly two weeks to fix his cat and he's still fixing his machine. Destroying those two machines were like destroying his life. Mugman knew that Werner was still ticked off about it, so in the morning, he got up and shook Cuphead. "Hey...!" he whispered. "Cups, wake up...!" "Nrgh..." Cuphead snored. "Give me... a minute..." "Cups, I'm baking cookies...!" Mugs shook him more. Cups sighed and opened one eye. "Cookies...?" he yawned. "Why?" "Well... it's about Werner." "... Mugs," he sat up. "Look, it's hard to hear, but sometimes, not everyone can trust of. After all, we nearly killed him. Just be glad we got most of the people to forgive us." "B-but I don't want Werner to be the only one!" his younger brother whimpered. "I'll just feel bad..." "... oh brother," he smiled lopsidedly. "Always caring for others... alright I'm up." "Really!?" Mug squealed. When his brother stood, he hugged him cheerfully. "Alright alright..." he chuckled. "What kind of cookies?" "Oh well, I found out he likes brown butter oatmeal cookies filled with caramel and peanut butter! It does sound super tasty!" "And a mouthful," Cups smiled. "Alright, let's get to baking!" They both rushed to the kitchen and got out ingredients. Since they were not fighting and having baking lessons with Baroness, they know all types of tricks. Like putting salt on chocolate chip cookies after baking will make them taste better. And you could make cake mix into cookie dough. They were basically professional pastry pros. After the cookies were made into three batches, Mugs found a large metal tin and looked in the crafts drawer. "What would be a color for apology?" Mugs wondered aloud. "Hmm... usually, white and gold," Cups smiled. Mugs nodded and took out a glittery gold ribbon with a scotch mist white ribbon, tying them around the tin. "Okay! I'm ready!" Mugs beamed. "Oh wait!" He took a feather quill with him and some ink. He wanted to write an apology letter and figured he would write it when he got there. "I'll just take this with." "Alright!" his big brother gave a thumbs up. They went out and traveled to the circus, where they found Werner's house. They went in and then into the basement, seeing Werner slouched over, working on his machine. Mugs felt a ping of guilt, so Cups spoke up. "Hey...!" Cups grinned. Werner looked their way, scoffed and went back to work. "... Hey, Werner, we came to apologize," Mugs mustered out. "For vat?" he harshly whipped back at them. Ruining mein life's vork? Nein, it's fine. I'm happy about mein whole life going down zee drain." The words stung Mugman, so he looked away. Cups have a stern look and grabbed the cookies, going towards Werner. "We made you cookies," he held them out. "Ah cookies. Zee ansver to efferyzing," he sarcastically outputted. "Hey come on...! No need to be rude," Cups reached out, touching his side. He saw Werner jerk up, clutching to his side. Cups stared at him and then his hand. Was his bullets on? No. Didn't look like it. There was only one explanation. "... Hey Muuuugs~?" he sang happily. "I think I know another to apologize...!" "R-really?" Mugs head lifted. He then saw Cups wiggling his fingers. Mugs couldn't help but giggle himself. "Vat? Vat's zo funny?" he asked. His eyes then widened, ears going back. "You didn't poizon zee cookiez, did you!?" "N-no! Not at all!" the younger brother quickly responded. "Nah, we just thought about something else funny," Cups let off a sinister giggle. Werner looked at them. He stopped working on his machine, about to kick them out and Cups quickly traced his fingers through his fur. Werner let out a high squeak and then some laughter before pulling his arms away. "Hey! Don't do zat!" he hissed. "This?" Mugs giggled from behind him, digging his fingers into the soldier's sides. "Eeek!!" Werner snorted out. "Naahaaha!! St-stop zis instahahahahant!" Cups giggled and continued his belly tickling as Mugman started to trace his finger on Werner's back. This made Werner arch his back, but then bend down, making his body not deciding which way to go. He twisted, but that made the brothers go on each side. It was bad enough to have someone tickle your sides, but two different people with two different styles? It was horrifying. Mugman was tracing up and down his sides while Cups dug into them. "Stahahahahap!!" he wiggled, laughing loudly. He eventually fell to the ground, the brothers getting the same idea and going for his feet. "Stop! I-I'll forgive you!" "Aw, don't worry, we won't go too far," Cuphead smiled back at him. He began to give a ticklish massage to his left foot, Werner squeaking and his toes twitching. Mugman then remembered the quill and ink. "Say! I have an idea!" he giggled. He took out the ink, dipped the quill in the little bottle and began doodling over The pads of his feet, first his toes, then the sole. "Noo!!" he shrieked. "Noohohoho fahahahahair!! Stahahahahap!! It tickles!! Hahaha!!" "Really? It tickles?" Cuphead acted surprised. "Golly, I didn't know!" This made Mugs giggled as he began drawing a cat picture on his sole. After, they stood up, giving Werner a breath. After a few minutes, they pounced on him and both blew raspberries on his belly. "EEEAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" he screamed, pounding the floor with his fists. Mugman had a large raspberry that went deep into the skin and Mugman had a quick, but torturous butterfly raspberry, making butterflies come in his belly. "Gee, for a soldier, you're quite ticklish!" "HAAHAHAHAHA!! G-GAHAHAHAHA!!!" "Think we should stop?" Mugman wondered. "YAAAHAHAAHAS!! YAHAHAHAHAS!!!". "Nah, he can take more!" Werner was already in a pool of his own tears as Cuphead moved to his side, blowing raspberries and Mugman wiggling his fingers on his neck, making him squeal and move his head, trying to block the attacks. Cuphead went to tickle under his knees and got a surprise. "AAAEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!" he hollered. "NOT ZERE!!!!! EEEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" "Wow! Mugman, I found a spot!" He wiggled his fingers under one knee and Mugman draw with his quill under the other. It felt like Werner's laugh was ripping out of his lungs. Ticklish sensations covered his whole body. Under his knees was the worst place to tickle since it not only made every single nerve feel like they were feathers, but also when they were tickled, he was immobile. He wanted to scoot away, but he couldn't. After a couple more minutes, Mugman looked at Werner. His face was garnet red and his tears were rushing out like waterfalls. "Woah! Okay, I think that's enough, Cup!!" Mugs stopped. "He can take some more!" Cuphead grinned, reaching for the quill feather. He took it and dug the pointed end into Werner's naval. He went into silent laughter, squeezing his sides, wheezes coming out. "C-Cups! Look at his face...!" One look at his begging face made Cuphead quickly stop, Werner shakily breathing in. After around half an hour, he sat up, coughing and then looking up at the brothers. "Heh, I guess we went a BIT too far..." "A... bit...?" Werner raised an eyebrow. "A-are you okay?" Mugman offered a hand. Werner took it, holding his stomach. Mug expected to be scolded at or to be kicked out. "... still got zoze cookies?" "Huh? O-oh yeah," he nodded. He grabbed the tin and gave it to Werner. "You don't... hate us, do you?" "... I suppose... I can forgive you for fighting me," he smiled a little. "BUT! You don't know ven... but I vill get revenge!" "Deal!" Mugs giggled. "... how about I grab some milk," he thought aloud. "And I can tell you some stories from the var?" That peaked the two brothers' interest and they spent the afternoon, listening to Werner tell them all kinds of stories while working on the machine, them helping out. It would definitely be an afternoon they will never forget.
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aticklishtem · 4 years
ok this idea just popped in my head but what about Ler!Cala tickling a Lee!Werner?!?! (Idc if u do headcanons or a fic but this was the best idea I’ve had in while and I wanted to share it with a wonderful person like u)
awww that is indeed an adorable concept, thank you for sharing lovely nonnie 💖
This is a dangerous combination bc Werner is an incredibly shy lee and Cala is a super teasy ler~ it’d probably start off with her being like “oooh, your fur looks so soft, can I stroke it?” , and lowkey Werner’s already a bit flustered bc he’s not used to being cooed over, but the moment he accidentally lets slip a squeak when she brushes his belly it’s game over. Cala just smirks while pretending to be innocent , like “oh sorry, sweetie, did that tickle? What about here? Here too~? Aw, that’s too bad, cause these squeaky giggles are just so adorable I don’t think I wanna stop~” and poor Werner is just absolutely dying, blushing furiously and trying to muffle his squeals (but that just leaves his underarms vulnerable too) and cursing/begging in German, yet strangely not trying *that* hard to get away. He huffs and sulks a bit afterwards but she just giggles and is like “it’s okay sugar, your secret is safe with me~”. if Werner happens to pass by the beach a little more often, it is of course pure coincidence 🧜‍♀️🐀
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aticklishtem · 6 years
*dead because of blushing*
Oke just a little side note before we begin, I don’t mean to offend ANY German people in this! This is how they made him talk in the game, so I’m just following his character.
Also, YES. I DO SHIP IT THANK YOU VERY MUCH. You can take this platonically or not, but I did add one little shippy scene in this 🚢
Serioulsy, Lee!Werner is so cute to mehdjsndhskbd I CANT EVEN??? I’m a mess thinking about it XD
I hope you enjoy!~
((tem sez: this is yet aNOTHER BEAUTIFUL BLESSING BY @kittychanaskthecrew​ who you should go follow rn if you aren’t already!!! *w* ))
Cheer Up, Won’t You?
Werner put his face in his hands as he sobbed uncontrollably. He hadn’t cried in a few years. Tears were streaming down his face, each little high pitched squeak and hiccup making him even more drained. People around the isles had been spreading rumors about the rat. “Working in a small room on Rube Goldberg projects won’t get him anywhere.” Some would say. “No, he went crazy years ago! The war was too much for him, so he popped a screw. He makes little trinkets to calm himself down from the war.”
Even the smallest of words can get to the toughest of people, Werner had found. He could feel his heart actually ache, his small yet lanky body trembling. Why was he crying so hard? He didn’t have to be such a baby over a few harmless rumors, right? Right? He had managed to bottle everything up for years after the war. Those weren’t little trinkets in the war- oh no. They were giant missiles- huge tanks- ginormous aircrafts, and all were made in under a week. He knew all of this very well, so why is it suddenly hurting so bad? Every rumor seemed to bring back a familiar memory from the war.
Suddenly, he heard someone knock on his door. Oh dear god, it couldn’t be. Not right now. With the the perfect “rat-a-tat-tat!” Humming at his door, he felt almost 100% sure it was who he thought it was. Werner got up slowly, wiping his eyes with a little squeak. He winced as he felt the pounding feeling rush back to his head the second he stood up. Everything was spinning.
When Werner opened up the door, he saw none other than the well composed Dr. Kahl. He was as prim and neat as ever, the only thing seemingly “untidy” about him being his long, curly hair that was puffing out at the sides of his head. “Oh, ahm, hello, Kahl.” Werner said, his voice soft and raw from crying. Dr. Kahl smiled. “Why hello, Werner! I was just stopping by to,” Suddenly, Dr. Kahl’s face fell. He immediately went from a slightly self centered know-it-all, to a concerned and shocked man.
“What on earth has happened to you?” Kahl said, almost trembling when he saw the red in Werner’s eyes. He immediately knew that Werner had been crying, crying very hard nonetheless. “I… did nacht get much schleep last night?” Werner said, grinning a little. Dr. Kahl chuckled as they walked inside, Werner telling him everything.
“Ah, I see,” Dr. Kahl smiled. “We should have to find a way to make you smile, now shouldn’t we?” Werner’s face visibly became red. “Now, now, I don’t sink zis is necezaree-“ “Nonsense!” Kahl butted in. “You are feeling sad, and as one of your closest and fondest friends, I shall help you along!”
Over the course of two hours, Dr. Kahl has tried everything that he knew to make Werner happy. Trying his most bori- funny jokes, showing him a book on mechanics, and even letting him see a few blueprints for one of his upcoming machines. Unfortunately for the both of them, nothing would work. Werner, eventually driving himself to tears again, had to step outside for a moment to compose himself. Though this upset his friend that he had to do this, it left him to look at his amazing room.
It may not seem like much to the average eye, it was incredible to Dr. Kahl. Blueprints, equipment, and most of all, the books. There were books everywhere! Manuals, guides, and even some of Werner’s own plans. Through all of the books that caught Dr. Kahl’s eye, one in particular really got his attention. It was a small notebook, the cover worn down and the pages dulled by pencil lead. Dr. Kahl knew that he shouldn’t look through something like this, he almost knew that he NEEDED to. (For science, of course!)
As he flipped through the pages, he saw amazing sketches of anatomy of different creatures. Mr. Kahl immediately decided that Werner also loved to sketch, as he was terrific at it. Though the more he searched through the journal, he realized that there was a pattern being repeated. Tickling. The curious doctor was suddenly interested, immediately flipping through page after page of tickling. Some pages were of Werner wondering why he couldn’t say the word “tickle”, and others where he was practically screaming out to be tickled.
Dr. Kahl then realized that Werner had wanted something like this to happen to him for a long time. He finally knew what would cheer the poor fella up. Sure, it’s childish and a bit embarrassing, but it would work.
Werner came back into the room, eyes red again. “Zoree, I didn’t mean to do zat. I have not cried in a vile now.” Dr. Kahl didn’t say anything, just patted the bed beside him. Werner obliged, sitting down next to him. A squeeze to his side made Werner jump, his eyes widening. “Vait!-“ but that’s all he could say before he was pushed down onto the bed, immediately attacked with tickles.
“What a very nice laugh you have, Werner!” Dr. Kahl teaser, scratching along Werner’s collarbone, another hand creeping up along his side. “EEhehEHEHheheheE! zTAhPpiT!” He squealed, high pitched giggles ringing out through the air. “Oh, but you wouldn’t want that, would you? A little notebook on your shelf told me otherwise.” The doctor winked. “Now, stay still! I’m trying to examine your body!” He said, running his fingers under his knees and admiring the squeal. “VhyhyhyYHYhyhYYHY DIHIHID YOohooU reHEHEAd ZAHAHAhahaAT?!” He screeched, feet pounding on the ground.
Werner was kicking and squealing, his eyes back to a white tint and his face with a grin. When Dr. Kahl reached the rat’s stomach, he paused, clawing his hand right above the sensitive spot. Poor Werner squealed and squirmed our of anticipation. “Eeeeek!” He whimpered. Suddenly, two fingers danced across his stomach, making it quiver and jump. Dr. Kahl chuckled. “You really do have a sensitive stomach, don’t you? You just love it when I tickle, tickle, tickle there!” He said, and dug all of his fingers into his stomach.
Werner absolutely screamed with delight, kicking and thrashing about. “nnyaaaAAAAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHE! ES KITZELT! ES KITZELT! Ich kann nicht aufhören zu lache!” He screeched, his high pitched voice going up an octave. “And I also know from your little journal,” Dr. Kahl grinned, pinning Werner’s arms above his head. “That you like to be tickled, just. Like. This.” He suddenly began to blow raspberries all over his stomach, neck, and collarbone.
Everything started to feel so tingly on Werner. He was thrashing and squealing, giggling and snorting. Even though he would never admit it, it was quite obvious that he liked it. But when he felt something nibbling at the extremely sensitive skin on his ears, his laugher went silent.
Dr. Kahl immediately stopped as Werner curled up into a little ball, no longer the tough guy or the depressed guy, but a tiny, cute lee that wants so much to be tickled. He was still giggling and gasping from the tickles, clutching his sides. He looked adorable spread out on the bed, his face less splotchy, but now replaced with a red blush on his face. He finally got the courage to look up at Kahl, who was currently gazing down at him, chuckling. “V-vhy did you stop, Kahl?” Werner giggled, curling up again.
“Well why wouldn’t I?” Dr. Kahl said, putting a finger to his chin as if he were pretending to think. “Obviously, you didn’t like it.” Werner sat up. “Yes I did!- I mean-“ he covered his mouth. “Well, whatever did you want me to do again? I completely forgot.” That idiot. Werner mumbled something under his breath. “Er ist so ein Idiot.” Dr. Kahl perked up. “So what would it be that you want?” “Kitzel Mich.” “What was that?” “Kitzel me.” Dr. Kahl grinned. “What was tha-“ “Tickle me!” Werner shouted. Dr. Kahl kissed him on the forehead, making him jump and blush very hard. “V-vhat?” He said, giggling nervously as Kahl looked over him with wiggling fingers.
The seemingly tough, yet sad soldier had turned into a cute, giggly mess that day, yet the composed near freak had turned playful and joyous. Now, thankfully for Werner, he gets tickled more than once a week because of Kahl.
They both love switching their roles up a little bit.
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bo-bo-bean · 6 years
Marine Corps Tickles
Werner Werman looked into the broken piece of oven glass used a mirror. His eyes were sulken in, there were bags hanging heavily under his red eyes and his fur was matted. He wasn't able to sleep, eat, or shower well ever since he came back from the Marine Corps. It's been hard for him. Dreams of fellow rats dying in front of him, starvation some days, heck he would even duck down when he heard someone passing by. He wanted to see a psychiatrist about this, but he knew none. He sighed and did the best he could, which was taking off his spiked metal helmet and smoothing down his hair. He would've thought that having food all around against having not a lot in the face of the army would gain his appetite, but it did none of the sort. This included a comfy matchbox with fabrics for a blanket he could just sleep in forever and a working shower. But none of those got him back in the mood he was before the war. In the battle, he craved those things... but now? He just felt selfish about having them. He went out of his whole, his robotic cat running up to him, giving his face a licking greeting. "Ja, hello to you, too..." he pat the cat's nose softly. He heard the car purr, but still have a concerned look. Only Werman could tell because he added emotions, purring and cat habits except vermin hunting to it's DNA chip he had created. "... Franz." The cat got attention from the name he was given, looking in Werner's direction. "Am... Am I zelfish? I feel like I am..." He sat against a wall and took out his cigarette. He lit a match and illuminated the end of his cigar, puffing a few breaths. "I mean, I have all zeze zings! Schover, food, a bed... but I feel like I don't deserve it..." he panted his hand on his side of his head, letting out a grunt. "Arh...! It's driving me mad...!" Franz watched his master continue on, saying how his friends need this, how some rats died and didn't deserve to, how he could've stopped this and stopped that and change this and don't do that. When the list finally came to a halt, Franz went to his master and gave him a cheer up lick. "Franz... Only you understand mein problems... vat vould I do vithout you?" he hugged his cat's snout. "Too bad you can't heal depression, huh?" Franz's ears perked up to an idea. "Guess I'll go zee ein psychiatrist after all... come on, Franz." He stood up and began walking away, but Franz had a different idea. He grabbed Werner by the scruff of his neck and set him down next to the door. "... Franz , I don't haffe time to play." Franz let off a little mew he he nuzzled his little nose into Werner's tiny belly. Werner let out a little squeak as he quickly averted the spot from the cat. "Franz...! Vat are you doing...!?" Franz let off a content purr as he knocked Werner down onto the ground, Werner getting scared. He didn't add any chip of being playful with vermin before and, hopefully, it's not the opposite. "Vat ever you are zinking, don't!" But his words fell on deaf, cat, robotic ears. Franz began licking Werner's belly, him shrieking and letting out a laughter he thought he would never let out in years. The tickling didn't feel good. A rough, scratchy, tickly tongue against his quivering belly was seemingly a new form of torture to Werman. However, the laughter he let out felt like a boulder being released off of his chest. He liked the laughter, but the tickling? Absolutely not. "F-Frahahahanz!! Haahaheeheahaha!! S-stohohoheeheehee!!" Ignoring his master's rules, Franz was able to successfully turn Werner to his side and hold him still, front paws on his wrists and ankles. He licked his side, Werner squeaking madly, thrashing, but to no avail. "E-enohahahahagh!! Z-zis isn't fahahahair!!" He could feel his pet's tongue licking every inch of his side. Was Franz bathing him? Making him happy? Both? He couldn't tell. Franz got to the other side, Werner snorting and cackling madly. He couldn't breathe much, but the laughter still felt amazing. He didn't know why, but laughing until his breath was almost gone made him feel happy. Franz finished his side, stopping to let his master breathe. "Y-you... are ze... devil..." he panted. However, he felt Franz chomp on his boots and take them off, Werner gasping, fear in his eyes. He remembered one thing clearly; his feet were ultra ticklish. He remembers hanging from trees to scout and his fellow army friends would rip off his shoes and tickle his feet senseless. He would hate it and remembered he would get tears in his eyes in seconds. "Franz! N-no! Vait! I'll do anyzing!" But it was obvious what the cat wanted... to make his master laugh more. He began licking his feet, Werner screaming loudly and laughing, clutching to his sides. "N-NEIHIHIHIN!! NAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" And there were the tears, trailing down his cheeks like waterfalls. He couldn't kick his feet out from his pet's grasp, so all he could to was keep his hands squeezed to his sides and let out his laughter. "FRANZ!! F-FRAHAHAHANZ!!I CAN'T BREAV!!! HEEHEHAAHAHAHAHAA!!! P-PLEAZ!!!" When Franz got to licking between and under his toes, Werner went into dreadful silent laughter. His wheezes were nothing compared to his banging fists on the floors. Now he really didn't like the laughter. It hurt a lot, but then again, it still felt good. Finally, Franz let up, looking happy with himself. Werner stayed on the ground, a giggly, panting mess. He let in gulps of air before seeing his cat. He didn't want to scold Franz, no matter how much he felt like he needed to. "F-Franz..." he wheezed. He sat up, stumbling since there were still tingling sensations in his feet and toes. Franz caught him and curled him up into his arms and purred. The purring did tickle and he let out giggles... but this was the tickling he liked as he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep in his pet's furry arms.
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