lucabyte · 3 months
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you dream of devouring your friends whole
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
What are your thoughts on Jaime x Cersei, Jaime x Brienne, Tyrion x Tysha, George x Isabel, and Henry VIII x Anne Boleyn? (Sorry for the long list!)
Glad to see someone else feeling charitable and letting me vent my unsolicited opinions 😂. Saved the George x Isabel for the last cause I’m sure it will be the longest lmao!
Asked Via: Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it: https://lady-plantagenet.tumblr.com/post/627331607624302592/send-me-a-ship-and-ill-give-you-my-brutally
Jaime x Cersei: Despite it’s fundamental flaws, it is... titillating to read. The idea of people falling in love with their own other-gender counterpart is twisted yet so intriguing. I must confess that I am not as disgusted by incest as most people, so bear that in mind. The thing is, Cersei is definitely a narcissist with a lot of internalised misogyny and this ship just feels so justified to her character.
The issue is, and as the books go on, it becomes quickly clear that Jaime’s love is not as deep and as his appearance changes, and they no longer look identical Cersei’s own mental image, Cersei’s love also wanes and then you’re hit with how shallow it was. So I ship these two... but I also don’t because they’re toxic? Honestly, book-wise I am intrigued to see what will happen, if they end up together... or they don’t... either way I’m sure it will be quite a ride. You see, I’m not emotionally invested.
Jaime x Brienne: Oh the Sapphires... Obviously anyone who cares for Jaime’s wellbeing would want him to end up with Brienne as opposed to Cersei. I read this interesting theory recently on how these two don’t actually love each other but confuse their strong platonic feelings of affection for romance. You see, that’s also an interesting take as both characters are quite bereft off opposite gender friendships.
However, I strongly ship them romantically as well, Book!Brienne (hey show as well!) is truly admirable because based on her choice in men e.g. Renly, you can see how she had still not given up on her maidenly fantasies and I just love her for that, because true love isn’t something to which only pretty women are entitled. She in many ways represents salvation for him as she being a true knight in spite of her gender, can veer him back into the path of chivalry. He is most chivalrous around her, I mean, not only because her good conduct influences but also because he performs some of the most knightly deeds by cause of her e.g. rescuing her from the bear pit. I like this ship, it’s a good trope subversion.
Tyrion x Tysha: I find this one of the more heartbreaking ships of ASOIAF, because to me it represents Tyrion’s loss of innocence.
She is a haunting figure because of how small remnants of her memory were enough to pull Tyrion into the toxic relationship he had with Shae e.g. she too hard dark hair and there was music around when he met her. Its one of those weird (as @omgellendean put it in her brutally honest ask tag answer - a character who consists of only a name), but unlike Ashara Dayne, she is not idealised and given this over-the-top tragic story. So this elusive Tysha is an entity by what she symbolises: foregone youth and a sweetness that has no place in the ASOIAF universe.
Henry VIII x Anne Boleyn: As I said in my last ask. I cannot tolerate the romanticisation of infidelity, and that is especially when the male’s spouse is a wonderful woman fit for him and has done nothing wrong. I don’t have strong feelings against Anne Boleyn herself, as I prefer to see her as ‘Anne the Educated and Sophisticated Reformer’ as opposed to ‘Anne the Seductress’. Ugh let me just say... rule of thumb for whether it’s a good pair: Do thousands have to die for your selfish desire to be together? Yes? Then probably not meant to be. Just a thought.
I think Anne knew her own mind and I like to think her strong beliefs influenced her decision to breach this marriage (no I didn’t think she was her father’s pawn gah I’m sick of that term), but they were ultimately unsuited in everything and it was a passion brought about by Henry’s caprice. My heart breaks when I think on how Anne could have been happily married to Henry Percy. I’m also tried of this whole ‘master manipulator of men’s hearts’ reputation Anne is getting. You do realise refusing to be a mistress was not being a tease as much as it was just being a conventionally virtuous woman..? The girl knew her worth.
George x Isabel: Oh god. I promise to not start writing an essay. As weird as it is to ship dead people, they are my OTP, the main characters of my main historyfanfic, and frankly the most unsung couple of TWOTR. The fact that there are no records of letters or any particularly over-the-top romantic gestures by either of them, just intrigues me more because it was very much a relationship defined in subtle deeds. If you peruse the more academic TWOTR literature you can see all the fine but conclusive evidences of a devoted relationship: He posthumously enrolled her in a guild when he stayed there with his children (months after she died), he was buried together with her and her ancestors not his, how during 1470 he sent her to Exeter for her safekeeping while her mother and sister remained at Warwick and when a siege broke out he (and his father-in-law) immediately rode south to lift it and the amount of expenses and care he put into her funeral. Not to mention, the hassle it took for them to get married: years of trying to get a dispensation underneath the king’s nose culminating in them having to cross the channel.
The thing is, it had a lot of politics behind it and to be honest I don’t find that less romantic. It was one right for both of them: for the wealthiest heiress in England and the handsome younger brother and heir of King Edward - truly no one else would do for any of them. One of the things that grabs me is the medievalness of it all, how they were bound together by what was essentially a plan to reverse the country’s inevitable transition out of ‘bastard feudalism’. You also get a sense of how this marriage despite the ultimate failure of its purpose (to make George King) brought George the chance to establish himself as a major magnate through his wife’s lands which ultimately became his main source of power as opposed to his royal status. The relative peace that ensued after 1472 shows that his status as Warwick’s political heir (as Christine Carpenter put it) did something to placate the disapointment of not becoming king. So the way I see it, Isabel’s death took from him any of the satisfaction and peace she brought with her lands and persona as he once again reverted to his old (even more than before) reckless self. Not to mention the people he executed after her death in his grief believe in her to have been poisoned (most historians believe that’s unlikely).
Aside from that, in a society where pretty much everyone strayed (even Anthony Woodville had a bastard daughter), it is quite heart-warming how the man known for his treachery, happened to be one of the only ones loyal to his wife: no bastards or women were ever linked to his name not even in rumour. As for Isabel, she is quite a shadowy figure but you get the sense she was intelligent because of the care her father took in preparing her as his heir, because of her wealth you get this sense of majesty and significance about her. The two times we can deduce anything about her personality is a true supporter of her husband: once, when deciding to treat with the Yorks behind her father’s back to reconcile George to them, second, remaining steadfast to George when he tried to squirrel her sister Anne out of her inheritance. Based on the homage she paid to her ancestors, she seems proud of her ancestry so it’s quite intriguing to think why she made the aforementioned two choices, endangering her father and sister in favour of her husband. And oh god I’m rambling, I can say even more if you can believe it but I shall stop. Overall, one might think I’m wishful thinking but frankly Anne and Richard are touted as star-crossed lovers all the time and with even littler evidence to support it (not that I don’t ship them, I do). I might be subjective, but the story of George and Isabel’s life is just so compelling...
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szappan · 5 years
tag time, thank you!
 Hello, I hope you’re all having a nice day. The things I was tagged in have clumped up so I thought I could just do them all now. Thank you to everyone who tagged me!!!
1. Diana @britneyshakespeare (thank you so much!!)
Rules: tag people you’d like to get to know better! (reading this i felt like one of those crying cats, im so honoured seriously thank you)
Top 10 songs I can’t stop listening to: this is actually very well-timed because i can actually name these and also @sastrugie tagged me in a similar one, thank you:
You Ain’t Going Nowhere - Bob Dylan
Atlantis - Donovan
All La Glory - The Band
Moondance - Van Morrison
Šlechtici - Golden Kids
Not Enough - FUR
Leave Her, Johnny - George Sneez
Be Bop A Lula - Gene Vincent
Series Of Dreams - Bob Dylan
Márti Dala - Pásztor Anna & Kiss Tibi
Favorite color(s): all but orange on its own. orange paired with something else is fine. it’s amazing if it’s obnoxious.
Favorite ships: two white cats they’re husband and wife, the coconut lorikeets in denver zoo and merthur
Lipstick or chapstick: neh
Last Movie: my brother and i watched Thor: Ragnarök again last week, I think that was it. I’ve been really trying to watch more movies lately, especially considering how it’s the primary art source of the era (not really but it is kinda.. what)
Currently Reading: Winnie the Pooh
i’ll tag everyone at the end of this, thank you!
2. thank you @smittyjaws and @savoy-brown-shoe for this tag from ages ago!
the point is that i shuffle my music library and list the first ten that come up
 A 67-es Út - Republic
Death Of A Clowd - The Kinks (look at this babie)
Feel A Whole Lot Better - Tom Petty
Somebody To Love - Queen 
Paintbox - Pink Floyd
Piano Concerto No. 1 - Tchaikovsky
No Time To Think - Bob Dylan
The Diary Of Horace Wimp - ELO
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - The Band
Oh! Darling - The Beatles
thank u!
3. thank you @thenesmith for this here very 7 questions tag! i love the format you did this in by the way and also @britneyshakespeare too!!
Relationship status: i’m not in a romantic relationship with anyone
Favourite colour: see above but i also realized that i really like that blue that my corduroy shirt is, it’s like light but strong and muted at the same time
Lipstick or chapstick?: no thank you
Top three ships: yuh
Last song I listened to: I’m listening to Help! by the Beatles, thank you youtube autoplay
Spell out your name with song titles: W - Wonderboy - The Kinks I - I Love My Shirt - Donovan L - Lod’ Do Neznáma - Tublatanka E - Everyday - Buddy Holly S - Summer ‘68- Pink Floyd 
4. Thank you, Diana @britneyshakespeare yet again!
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Are you named after someone? I am not.
When was the last time you cried? Two days ago on the way home on the bus because I was thinking of a song that made me cry
Do you have kids? no thankfully
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I try not to
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Well, I guess at first glance I see how they look, but behaviour-vise I tend to notice how aware they are of their surroundings
What’s your eye colour? You know that post telling hazel-eyed people to shut up? Brownish-green. Totally green if the lights are right. Totally brown when the lights are not right etc
Scary movie or happy ending? Both can be good, especially combined
Any special talents? I can bend my left thumb in a way that it looks like my hand is broken
Where were you born? Right in the middle of Budapest in a hospital
What are your hobbies? Reading, drawing whatever i can, i guess music, ruining various pieces of clothing with various techniques, putting whatever spices i see in whatever dish i’m making, being gentle with my cat
Do you have any pets? cat
What sport do you/have you played? I used to swim a lot, even tried synchronized swimming for a year or two, then gymnastics when I was littol, then I took up karate and broke my arm three months in so I quit, I tried ballet too this year but that’s over now and I also did yoga for a few months so yeah these are the official ones
How tall are you? 5′4″? 164 cm?
Favourite subject in school? I don’t dislike any of them. I like English a lot tho
Dream job? shepherd. but a lot of people told me that i have potential to better the world and i want to do that too somehow but also if i could just focus on getting through each day not by making money but by making bread or yes, herding sheep, i would do that too.
thank you!!
5. thank you @thenesmith again! this is to post gifs of my top 5 favourite movies. (currently)
1. Spider-man: Homecoming
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2. The Road To El Dorado
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3. Labyrinth
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4. The Rutles - All You Need Is Cash
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5. idk Back to the Future
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6. thank you, @siliconpine!
20 songs tag game
A song you like with a color in the title || Crimson and Clover - Tommy James & The Shondells
A song you like with a number in the title || Fourth Time Around - Bob Dylan
A song that reminds you of summertime || Mary Jane’s Last Dance - Tom Petty (obvi)
A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget || i dont think theres a song such as this because i dont like forgetting people
A song that needs to be played LOUD || Birthday - The Beatles
A song that makes you wanna dance || anything pink floyd because i came to the conclusion that you cant dance to pink floyd so i always want to prove myself wrong
A song that makes you happy || Happiness Runs - Donovan
A song that you never get tired of || Ophelia - The Band
A song that you would love played at your wedding || Light A Roman Candle With Me - fun.
A song that is a cover by another artist || Dream A Little Dream Of Me - The Mamas & the Papas
A song that you have sung as a duet at karaoke || none sadly
A song that makes you think about life ||  It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding) - Bob Dylan
A favorite song with a person’s name in the title || Maxine - Traveling Wilburys
A song that you think everybody should listen to || It’s Nice To Be Nice - Pugwash
A song by a band you wish were still together || See My Friends - The Kinks
A song by an artist no longer living || Rock & Roll Suicide - David Bowie
A song that makes you want to fall in love || I Got You Babe - Sonny and Cher
A song that breaks your heart || You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go - Bob Dylan
A song that you remember from your childhood || Egy bogár - Cseh Tamás
A song that reminds you of yourself || Friends To Go - Paul McCartney
thank you so much!
7. again by @siliconpine!! thank you so much
A This or That Tag Game
Honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour what // sweet or sour no // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen// sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macaroons or croissants// glitter or matte // Degas or Seurat  // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip not a fan of either // coloring books or watercolor // fairy lights or candles
thank you!! i think this is it!
thank YOU if you got this far in, and I’ll tag @vanillatumbleweedscoffee @stars-in-my-damn-eyes @sneez @fancybasementfestival @kipland00 @dreameramongwildflowers @punkslap @rhapsody-under-pressure and everyone who i tagged before and anyone who wants to to do any of these tags as they see fit and if they’re in the mood or have enought time or are just looking for something to do
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nightwingswing · 6 years
Roy Harper Hc!
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Hello my lil’ wings!
Hope you’re all very well! 
I got good news! Soon I’ll be able to update my current stories! I can’t wait!
This Hc are dedicated to my friend  @matsukawaissei !
Hope they cheer you up and hope eveything goes well , hon!
I’ll write that fic tomorrow tho! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tags: @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things @wonderlace19 @algentforthewin
If you want to be tagged in any of my series, stories,Hc or have any promps, feel free to message me anytime! My askboxs is always open!
-Roy Harper is a mess tbh -But- He’s your mess. - You and him meet in a club a few years back. - Around that time you were just a student in University
- Christmas came, and as always your class decided to have a dinner together.
-After eating in a pretty decent place ( this year was organized by the responsible one)  you all decided to go dance/ drink a bit
- You ended in a pretty nice club. Not many people were inside, a few in some love seats and a few dancing under the lights.
-your friends were quick to grab the biggest love seats and put them together,making one big for all of you.
- In a few minutes you all were having nice conversations while drinking your favorite drinks. 
-Alas, all night long something keep getting your attention away from the conversation.
- A pretty man, maybe 3 years older than you?
- He had long-ish red hair under a pretty old cap. He was muscular, well toned with wide shoulders.
-You guessed his muscle was as big as your head
-Okay OKAY He was hot
-” wawawa (y/n)!!! whatcha looking at??” your friend smirked, her hair tickling your cheek as she looked in the same direction as you. She saw him and her evil smirk told you what she was gonna do.
- (f/n) no.
- Oh, but (f/n) yes.
-Before your obtrusive friend was able to embarras you you got up and walked towards him.
-You turned to her for moral suport and found her smirking and giving you the thumbs up dance.
- ...Your friend is pretty creative 
-You walked to him, slowly to cooly invite him to a drink but when you where si close yous shyness  got all like “BAM! BABBY IM BAC!” 
- Which means that you 
- Walked to him very sure and in the last  moment went al
- “nnnNOpE!”
- “(y/n) oH MY GOD!” your friend dramatically said.
- See, she knows you very well and knew you would do that. So she placed herself behind you and when you tried to walk away you clashed and you crashed into the pretty redhead lap.
- Oh yes 
- Your friend keep apologizing for you because you were startruck.
- So pretty
-So blue
- His eyes had you mesmerized 
- Like...like two pretty sapphires
-” Well thank you” he scratched his head, almost shyly. “ Nobody told me that”
- Oh shoot
-You said it out loud
- “No we’re just mind reading you actually.” said your unhelpfully helpful friend
-“ Stop smirking (f/n)! You look like a Cheshire cat”
-” Oh, I’d date Cheshire in a heartbeat, actually.”
-” She’s not that bad.” said the man
- Meanwhile you were a cute tomato
- Well, look at the positive side: You future husband and your bestfriend get along pretty nicely!
- “Ohh well look at the time! gotta go, take care of my friend ta-ta~” she smirked as she walked away
- “Please excuse her.” you said, blushing
-” No worried, beautiful. I know a friend just like that” he smiled. “acts just like that with..a grumpy bat”
- If by a friend you mean yourself  and by grumpy bat you mean Jason, you’re  not wrong Roy. 
- You both chuckle for a bit, he smiles sweetly 
- “Name’s Harper, Roy Harper”
- “ Im (y/n)” You smile, blushing slighty.
- You two hit it off nicely.
- He was a genius.
- He told you about this bots he was creating and if he had you hooked before now he had you all aboard .
- You can say your night was talking with Roy 
- Feat your bestfriend looking at you with a big proud teasing smirk and the promise of fangirling at home,Obviously
- At the end of the night, you two had echanged numbers, instagrams, twitters, life..
- After a loooong good bye ( long because none of you wanted to let go) it was his friend the black haired one who grabbed him by the hood and draged him away.
- what did he call him? jared? jonah? no no it had something with birds...Peakdick? no no...ooh! Jaybird!
- As it’s obvious, your friend did a batman on you.
- Meaning she interrogated you about the most minimum detail.
- She approved
- Meanwhile, Roy had with Kory talked on and on about how beautiful smart you were... 
-Kory, ever the shipper found your friend in instagram and now the two of them are the managers of your ship.
- That was the song that sounded on your first date. On your first dance
-Meaning, its your song
- Yes, the lion king is the song thats gonna play at your wedding.
- That’s what you get when you have Jason picking the music, Roy.
- You’re lucky it wasnt Batman, he would have picked the intro song and grabbed you bridal style and did a simba with you.
- I must say, Oliver and Dinah adore you.
- Dinah most of the two, she likes your style
- You ain’t taking any of roy’s s+ht
- Also, you two look wonderful with fishnets.
- Fishnets for da win
- Oliver is another story completely tho
- Oliver is like that embarrasing dad that makes way to many puns and brings out your baby pictures?
- That but worse.
- “ Look at this video, its Roy’s first ever training!”
-” did you just hit your forehead with your own kid’s toy arrow?” you said, bitting back a chuckle.
- That ain’t happening Roy.
- Not while im the narrator.
- *evil laugh*
- ejem, as i was saying
-  Your next 20000 dates were pretty sweet and romatic
- He call you all types of cutesy names like babe, honey, beautiful, angel, my queen, Firecracker...
- Obviously you get pretty embarrased when he call you the last one in public.
- “  Firecracker?? why  Firecracker??” asked an inocent Kory once
- “ Because she’s pure fire and i’d love if she made me go crack!”
- “Roy that one was pretty bad, and I’ve lived with Dick”
-” wait wait! i got more!  Firecracker because so sexy that makes me explode in blushes! and...not only blushes!”
-”ROY!” You shyly hide behind kory.
- “Actually, i think Kory is pure fire.” your bestfriend smirked at her.
- woah...i ship it.
- You call him cute nicknames too, like dork, speedy, darling, love...
- And all the hero and villain comunity knows you two as Bow and Arrow.
- You know who’s who *wink wonk*
- Thought you argued like all couples do
- Cause both of you are stubborn af
-Oh it’s a sweet memory that day you were arguing pretty heavy when suddenly Roy smashed you against the lockers in the watchtower and kissed you hard.
- You smashedd him against the mirror and pulled his leg around your waist
- He growled and picked you up sitting you on the marble
- And well, thats how you tainted the innocence of the watchtower.
- Maybe i can make that idea the imagine of tomorrow...
- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Is that a yes I hear?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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yourereallyhere · 5 years
tagged by @historyandships @iishallbelieve <333
1. What Station on the Ark would you be from? Uhhhhh I literally have no idea bc we don’t really know about a lot of the stations / what they did. I’m in pre-med so maybe Go-Sci because that’s where Ark Station Medical is? I just looked up all the stations but I really have no idea. good question though. if anyone wants to respond with what they know about they stations that’d be !sick!
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? I’m kind of a goody-two shoes but if there was a curfew then maybe that. Or defending someone (I'd like to think)
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? It’s hard to think of what I would or wouldn’t do considering that I've never even been close to being in their shoes but I don't think so
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) hmmmm maybe a dog??
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? wow so many minor characters have died it’s hard to remember. Is wells a minor character considering he was only in a few episodes? if yes then him. if not then Jake. let us go back in time and bring him back season six </3 but not like before Clarke was arrested like present show time bring him back
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Clarke, Bellamy, Murphy, Roan, Monty. I wanna say Raven but we’re in a fight right now.
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to?  Louwada Kliron Kru SO COLORFUL
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? Lian (?? whatever Leeann is in trig)
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious. Honestly I never liked him he was so weird and cocky and in his first 2 seconds in the show the people who followed him died and then he jumped off the drop ship in front of Murphy like wooOOWW Finn ur sewww coooool and and then he cheated on his girlfriend who risked her life to be with him like idk? couldn't you wait more than a week and half??? and then he literally massacred a village like ik people have done a lot of shitty things but they were posing no threat whatsoever. they tried to redeem him with the spacewalker backstory but I didn’t really feel for him :/ I don’t think he deserves the insane amount of villianization (is that a word?) he gets in fits and stuff but I also don’t think he’s the good guy they introduce him as
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? I think without knowing most people would say yes and on one hand I don’t do drugs and it seemed super drug-like so I probably wouldn’t but on the other hand emotionally this has been the worst year of my life bc I went through a medical thing so maybe?
11. What character do you relate to most? I think lately Murphy bc my life is literally Murphy’s law ( ha ha no pun intended ) and I kind of feel like a lot of things are working against me but I'm still here bitchesssss
12. What character do you like the least? ABBY I literally have hated her since the first episode and I wish she could die without it breaking my baby Clarkes heart but I know it would kill her to lose her so I'm kind of in a pickle. and jaha before he died was the WOAT 
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical) Loose jeans or something similar and a t-shirt with a comfy jacket and the closest thing they have to Blundstones boots
14. Favorite type of mutant animal? butterflies
15. What would your job be on the Ark? something in med bay
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked? obvi
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive, then who would have made the best commander? Aiden
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? if I was around other people and it was a good effect then lots of dancing I think but if I was alone and it had a bad effect like with Clarke and Bellamy then I would be pretty sad 
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach? Neither. id probably try and set up some sort of judicial system and figure it out with a group of people
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone? Clarke with Bellamy as her right hand and some others (including Kane) as a council. Their main concern was relations with the grounders and the people who have actually communicated with them should be in charge of that 
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis? Kane’s
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there? the iPod. idk how they survived this long without music.
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? I don't like having permanent things on my body especially when its not symmetrical asdfghjk but maybe like a small meaningful tattoo?? hair would be two dutch braids or just down and war paint maybe the black line on the face like in season five?
24. Favorite quote? too many to choose from but literally anything bellarke. a few that jump to mind are “but we need each other Bellamy. the only way we’re gonna pull this off is together” “you keep her centered / you got it backwards” “I’ve got you for that” “if I'm on that list you're on that list” “we can’t lose her” oh and non bellarke “If only a conscience was a free pass, and not just a voice in your head you pretend to listen to between unspeakable acts.” is a good one
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? Murphy or Bellamy 
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE Braven (I don't mean to offend but they just used each other for sex, I love their friendship) / but for actual canon relationship Kabby (but only because everything abby does bothers me), marper (too pure for this world pls let more good things happen on this show), niytaviah (so! much! sexual! and! romantic! tension!)
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo? Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen for those rover ~vibes~ / Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing by Aerosmith / Love Like by Peter Collins, and show guest star Brie Larson, Gemma Chan, or, selfishly, Chris Hemsworth 
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time? party and watch movies and sexy time
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die? I’m the guy who died first when the scouts attacked in season 1 bc that’s my luck
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? Bellamy
31. A character you’d bang? umm if you know me you know the answer to this is my homeboy Bellamy he can do whatever he wants to me
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden? I wanna say eden but being alone would suck so space
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground? I guess I'd have to because if not I would die uk and I would read if that was possible. if not I'd get some friends
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits? stealing supplies
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with? Harper, and if Bellamy wasn’t too depressed to hang out then him too. Most difficult would be echo
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself? not long at all
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do? Hide, the valley is literally huge. or wait in the village bc no one is taking it over bitchhhh if they wanna talk then talk
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite? Diyoza, McCreary
39. Would you Spacewalk? no im so scared of getting lost in space
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat? space algae
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it? nahhh I said the valley was huge before and I meant it, they're all overreacting just share it bruh
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes? thumb drives into bullet holes
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia? 100% also he kind of knew she would wake up. if I was her sister then the same as Bellamy. if not then kill her.
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper? Cryo
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet? Bellarke
tagging @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky @anne-shirley-blythe @fen-ha-fuck-you @talistheintrovert @prophecy-gurl @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold
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pantton-sandacers · 6 years
My Heart Soars
<–First ~ <-Previous
~Summary: Logan and Patton have been internet friends since they  were 14, and after dating for years, they decide to get married,  planning to meet each other in real life for the first time as they  stand at the altar together. ~Special thanks to @crownedsharko for helping me with this fic. ~A/N: This fic has been so much fun to write and see everyone's reactions to! I won't be able to keep up the whole 'updating once every week' thing after this week because the school year is starting for me and I don't think I'll be able to update weekly. (not to mention I have Serious writers block on the next chapter of Messages From A Stranger) Read it on AO3 Ship(s): Logicality Rating: T Word Count: 962 Warnings: hospitals, amnesia, memory loss (trigger warnings are chapter-specific) ~Tag List: @artisticlnsomniac @professional-fangirl75 @insert-epic-blogger-name-here @juni-raptor @moonstone-fox @mythicalquill @thethirteenthplanet @trashypansexual @ab-artist @anxiety-overthetop @dead4sevenyears @freepaperie081 @hi-disappointed-im-daughter @lienlovesshadowhunters @mariniacipher @nerd-in-space @sassy-and-messy @zaidiashipper
Chapter 9: Patton Meets Logan
A pinching pressure on his finger woke Patton from his slumber. Frowning slightly, he fumbled with the device on his hand, pushing it off completely before closing his eyes, and beginning to drift off to sleep again.
The feeling of tears on his skin and a force gripping his hand woke Patton again. As he slowly blinked awake he processed the presence of a handsome stranger sobbing next to him. Somewhere in Patton’s mind he registered the stranger’s voice as a familiar sound- but he wasn’t sure why.
“Um, hi,” Patton greeted, still waking up
The stranger’s head shot up and they stared at Patton with hopeful but disbelieving eyes, “Oh thank God you’re alive! I was terrified I’d lost you again.”
“What do you mean?” Patton asked as the other cried into his hand.
“Th- the pulse oximeter, the beeping machine that shows your pulse, it went flat. I- I thought,” the stranger stopped themself on a sob.
Patton tilted his head in confusion, “Oh, was that the thing that was pinching my finger? I took it off cause it was annoying me. Sorry to scare you like that.”
The stranger chuckled through their tears, “I’m just so glad you’re alive, Patton.”
Patton’s mind was barely able to recognize the name as his own, “Patton… yeah, that’s my name.”
The other looked at Patton in confusion mixed with nervous laughter, “Yes,, and I’m Logan.”
“Logan…” Patton mused, “Your name sounds familiar, do I know you? Sorry, I’m terrible with names and faces.”
Logan froze, his eyes widening in fear, “P-Patton… if this is a joke it isn’t funny... please.”
Patton sincerely apologized, “I’m sorry, I can’t think of how I know you.”
Tears spilled from Logan’s eyes, he couldn’t lose Patton, not again. He had to make him remember, “Do you know how you ended up in the hospital?” his voice was shaking, but he was fighting to keep himself together.
“Um…” Patton thought for a moment, “There was… a plane. And,” Patton looked at his body and examined all the injuries he had, trying to put something together, “I must have been hurt pretty badly to end up in the hospital, I’m guessing it was a plane crash?”
Logan nodded, “Do you think you might have hit your head during the crash? Could you have possibly lost some memory?” he was trying to remain neutral in the things he was suggesting, not telling Patton anything specifically- he needed Patton to remember on his own.
“Well…” Patton tried to recall his memories, but he realized his mind was blank. He sighed, “I think I might have,, but I don’t want to forget the person that I was! Or, am!”
“I know, I don’t want you to forget who you are either, Patton,” Logan was frantic, though he hid it well. He needed to show Patton something, do something that would help him remember. He spotted Patton’s engagement ring on a tray, it must have been taken off before his surgery. Logan grabbed the ring and hid it in his hand before adjusting Patton’s hospital bed slowly.
Patton was a little surprised at the sudden movement, “Logan, what are you doing?”
“I’m adjusting your hospital bed so you will be able to see me when I do something in a bit.”
“O,,kay??” Patton was a bit confused, then Logan stood before him, hands behind his back.
“Patton, I’m going to attempt to reenact a moment that I hope will spark your memory.”
“Alrighty then,” Patton gave Logan a confused look as he saw him kneel to the ground before him, but a memory flashed in his mind as Logan began to speak.
Logan took in a breath as he pulled out the ring from behind his back, “Patton Sanders, you are the most important person to me, and I love you with all my heart, I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you’ll let me. Patton Sanders, will you-”
“Wait! You didn’t have the ring in your hand when you proposed to me, Logan! You sent it to me and asked me to open the package before you began your speech…” Patton realized he what he’d said, “oh my gosh… you’re gonna be my husband?!” he gasped, more in shock at remembering than disbelief.
Tears brimmed at Logan’s eyes, and he smiled as he set the ring back on the tray, “Yes, and you’re going to be my husband. I’m so happy you remember, love,” tears streamed down Logan’s face as he sobbed in relief. For right now, the love of his life was alive and with him. And that’s all he ever wanted.
Patton smiled sadly at Logan, lightly tugging him closer by his arms and gently wiping the tears off Logan’s face. After a moment of staring into each other's eyes, Patton cupped Logan’s face and pulled him in for their first kiss.
If Patton thought Logan’s proposal made his heart beat fast, that was nothing compared to this, the soft touch of their lips warmed his chest and brought the widest smile to his face.
Logan pulled away shortly, smiling, “I wanted to kiss you longer but the pulse oximeter started beeping faster than the average heart rate, I didn’t want to cause you any further health problems.”
Patton smiled, running a thumb over Logan’s cheek, “Well, what can I say? When I’m with you, my heart soars.”
Logan chuckled nervously, “I think, at least for a good while, you’ve done enough soaring, my heart. Right now I’m happy just to be with you.”
"I'm happy to be with you too," Patton smiled and kissed Logan’s nose, making him blush before he moved closer and the two connected their lips again.
~The End~
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a-splash-of-stucky · 6 years
good things come (to those who wait)
Link: Read it on AO3 Square Filled: Sex Machine Ship: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Explicit Tags: BDSM, Sex Machine, Sex Toys, Dom Bucky Barnes, Sub Steve Rogers, Bottom Steve Rogers, Edging Summary: 
If there's one thing that Steve Rogers hates doing, it's waiting. But for Bucky? He'll do anything. For Bucky, he can be good.
Word Count: 3796
Notes: Created for @mcukinkbingo Look, I know I only filled 2 squares last time, but we’re gonna try and do better this time ‘round, okay? Consider this part 2 of my unofficial Chris Evans Birthday Celebration. Gif that inspired this fic. 
Stucky Masterlist
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If there is one thing that Steve Rogers hates doing, it’s being patient.
He’s not impatient, per se, he just hates waiting around when he knows that something is about to happen. Steve hates hanging around and being kept in the dark, hates how the seconds tick by and bleed into hours.
Well. Not really hours, but that’s what it feels like.
It is exactly because of his hatred for waiting that Bucky is making him do this, the little shit. Because Steve hates waiting, Bucky is drawing this out, making Steve squirm impatiently in the centre of their bedroom. Steve can hear Bucky’s soft footfalls, as well as various thuds and thumps behind him, but not knowing what exactly Bucky’s doing is driving Steve crazy.
Steve is kneeling on an area rug on their bedroom floor, ass resting on his heels. His wrists are secured at the small of his back using Bucky’s leather belt. He’d tied it snugly enough for Steve to feel the leather digging into his skin, but not tight enough that would cut off his circulation. Steve’s pretty sure that if he flexed, he could probably break the thing, but that’s part of the game, isn’t it? This is yet another way to test Steve’s patience, another way in which Bucky is trusting Steve to be a good boy.
Being a good boy, that’s what put him in this position in the first place.
When Bucky had suggested that they indulge in some play time, Steve had been one hundred percent on board with the idea before the words had finished leaving Bucky’s mouth. Within moments, they’d gone from heated kissing, to heavy groping, to Bucky shoving Steve face-down into the mattress as he yanked Steve’s jeans and boxers down his legs. Bucky had then proceeded to give Steve one hell of a rimming, turning Steve into a whining, moaning, panting mess.
Fuck, Steve’s getting harder just thinking about Bucky’s tongue. Christ, it’s sinful, the things that Bucky’s capable of doing with it. Bucky knows just how to press all of Steve’s buttons, alternating between tiny kitten licks over Steve’s hole, to actually curling the muscle into his body, teasing Steve’s rim and lighting Steve up from the inside.
Once Steve’s ass had been thoroughly coated with copious amounts of Bucky’s spit, Steve had been treated to a couple of Bucky’s fingers. They’d slipped in so easily, what with how loose and open Steve was. Bucky had curled them against Steve’s prostate in a way that had had Steve’s balls tingling within mere seconds. Just – just – as he was about to shoot off, Bucky had pulled them out, replacing the fullness of his fingers with the stretch of one of Steve’s favourite toys; a sleek black vibrating plug.
“You’ll need the stretch for what I’ve got planned for you, baby,” Bucky had husked, as he slid the bulbous toy into Steve’s body. His tone had been dark and seductive, sending a shiver of excitement down Steve’s spine.
Bucky had manoeuvred Steve from the bed, to the current position that he is in, on the floor. Once Bucky had bound his hands, he’d come to stand in front of Steve, a slow, languorous smile on his lips.
“Got you a new toy, sweetheart,” Bucky said quietly, as his fingers combed through Steve’s hair. Steve had shivered at the touch, his heavy eyelids sliding shut. He would’ve purred, if he could.
“You’ve been so good this week, Stevie,” Bucky continued, still using that special, soft tone, the one that he saves just for Steve, for only when they’re playing like this. “You’ve been so good for me and I said I was gonna give you a treat, right? Don’t I always keep my promises?”
Steve nodded sluggishly. “Yeah,” he croaked, “Yeah, Buck, y’always do.”
Bucky hummed approvingly. “Now, baby, I need you to be good for me a little longer, ‘kay?” he asked, “I just gotta go set up your surprise. I need you to be a good boy and wait right here for me, can you do that?”
The corner of Steve’s lips turned down in a frown. He didn’t want Bucky to leave him, but if Bucky wanted Steve to be a good boy, then he could force himself to wait.
“I’ll be good,” Steve breathed.
Bucky ducked down to plant a kiss on Steve’s forehead. “I know you’ll be good, Stevie,” he whispered, lips grazing Steve’s brow. “You’re always good for me.”
Yes. Being a good boy, that’s what put him in this position in the first place. That’s why Steve is now completely naked and kneeling on the floor, his hard cock curving up towards his belly, the tip flushed scarlet and coated in pre-come. As much as Steve hates waiting around, the anticipation gets him riled up like nothing else.
Steve knows that whatever Bucky has in store for him, it’s something good. Bucky’d promised that it was a special treat, a reward for Steve being a good boy.
So, there Steve sits, eyes downcast and body as still as he can make it. He strains his ears, trying to figure out what his surprise could be. It sounds like Bucky is dragging the furniture around, probably rearranging the living room to set something up – does this mean that his surprise is a big thing?
Steve clenches his hole in excitement, which makes the vibrator rub against his walls, which in turn causes a little moan to bubble past his lips. The vibrations are on one of the lower settings, but the toy is wide enough to stimulate him just the way he likes it; nothing too intense, nothing that’ll get him off, but a nice distraction all the same.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity later, Steve feels – rather than hears – Bucky re-entering their bedroom. Steve senses the weight of Bucky’s gaze on his shoulders, which makes him straighten up in anticipation. He waits with bated breath, feeling Bucky’s gaze dragging down his spine and lingering on his ass. He imagines Bucky licking his lips appreciatively.
“You bein’ a good boy for me, sweetheart?” Bucky asks, as he slowly circles around Steve.
“Uh-huh,” Steve replies, looking up at Bucky through his lashes when Bucky stops in front of him. He stands with his feet hip-width apart, arms folded over his chest. Unlike Steve, Bucky is still fully clothed, wearing a pair of medium-wash jeans and a loose black t-shirt.
Steve desperately wants to ask Bucky what his surprise is; the question is poised on the tip of his tongue. Tempting as that may be, Steve keeps his mouth shut and his head bowed, waiting for his next instruction.
“You ready for your surprise, baby boy?”
Steve nods his head fervently.
“Use your words,” Bucky orders, hardening his tone.
Steve swallows a moan — because fuck if Bucky’s voice doesn’t turn him on. “Yes,” he whispers, tipping his head back to look up at Bucky, “I—I’ve been patient, been good, Bucky, I’m ready, please I—,”
Bucky clucks his tongue in sympathy, stepping closer to stroke his thumb over Steve’s cheekbone. “I know you’ve been good, pretty boy, you’ve been so patient, haven’t you?”
“Yeah,” Steve breathes, licking his lips.
Bucky chuckles with amusement. “Okay, baby. Shall I show you what your surprise is?”
“Please,” Steve says, eyes going wide with excitement. Bucky sticks his hands out for Steve to grab hold of, then uses both to pull Steve up.
As soon as Steve has straightened up to his full height, Bucky hooks his metal arm around the small of Steve’s back and pulls him close, crushing their lips together. Steve moans, his body melting against Bucky’s, hands clutching at Bucky’s shoulders. When Bucky sneaks a hand between Steve’s cheeks and presses his fingers against the vibrator, Steve keens, breaking the kiss with a quiet whine.
“Oh—oh, Buck—,” he pants hotly, fingers scrabbling at Bucky’s metal bicep. Bucky catches his chin with his free hand and kisses Steve breathless, leaving him dizzy with want.
When Bucky pulls away, there’s a shit-eating grin on his face. “Love you,” he says, pecking the corner of Steve’s lips. “Now, stop distracting me, punk, I thought you wanted to see your surprise.”
Steve splutters. “Me? I wasn’t—you were distracting me—,”
“You wouldn’t be back-talking me now, would you, baby boy?” Bucky asks, stepping away from Steve as he folds his arms over his chest again.
“I—no, sir,” Steve says, swallowing down his protests. “I wasn’t.”
“Good,” Buck murmurs. “Now, c’mon, let’s go,” he urges, taking Steve’s hand and leading him out of the bedroom.
“What is it?” Steve asks, as they walk down the hallway, unable to contain his curiosity any longer. “What’d you get me?”
“You’ll see,” Bucky says, his tone cock-sure and smug. When they round the corner, Steve notices that the furniture in their living room has been pushed to the edges, to clear a space in the middle for—something that Steve thought only existed in porn films.
“Bucky…” Steve breathes, eyes going comically wide at the sight of the contraption.
“Yeah,” Bucky agrees.
At first glance, the thing dangling from the ceiling looks like a medieval torture device. Upon further inspection, Steve realises that the leather straps hanging from the rings in the ceiling are held together by a leather panel, which is supposed to function as a seat. There are stirrups for his feet and cuffs for his hands.
“’S called a sex hammock,” Bucky tells him.
Steve snorts in amusement; creative name. The sex hammock is only half of the picture. In front of the hammock, between where his legs would be, is a contraption that has Steve’s knees weakening and his hole clenching in excitement. He wants to rip out his plug and get that stuffed inside him.
Bucky’s gotten him a sex machine.
The machine comprises of a black box, with a stainless-steel rod protruding from one end. At the end of the rod is a respectably-sized dildo. It’s flesh-coloured and veiny, probably 8 or so inches in length, with a fair amount of girth to it — nothing that Steve’s ass can’t handle, but certainly large enough for him to feel the stretch. The walls of his channel flutter in anticipation.
Steve jumps when cool metal fingers trail down his spine. “You like it, baby?” Bucky breathes, warm breath ghosting over the side of Steve’s neck.
“Yeah,” Steve croaks, “Yeah—please, I—can we?”
Chuckling at the way Steve’s excitement seems to have subsumed his ability to speak, Bucky takes Steve’s hand and leads him over to the hammock, encouraging him to sit in it so that Bucky can arrange his boy the way he wants to. The leather is supple and cool against his skin, and the straps seem to bear his weight with no problem. Bucky helps his feet into the stirrups, before securing his hands above his head, using the cuffs that are attached to the straps.
The seat portion is slightly angled, which means that when Steve looks down his body, he is looking directly at the sex machine. Up close, the dildo looks even more inviting.
“Comfortable?” Bucky asks, once he’s finished checking Steve’s bonds.  
Steve hums affirmatively, “Yeah, ‘m good, Buck.”
Bucky smooths a hand down his torso, before leaning in and pecking Steve on the lips.
“Look at you,” Bucky growls, as he pulls away. “Wish you could see yourself, Stevie, all spread out like this. Fuckin’ delicious.”
Steve preens at the praise, feeling a hot flush bloom across his cheekbones and down his neck. His eyes track Bucky’s movements, watching as he comes to stand between Steve’s spread legs.
“You ready for me to take this out?” Bucky asks, tapping a finger against the toy in Steve’s ass.
“Yeah,” Steve replies, voice trembling with anticipation.
His eyes flutter shut as Bucky hands – one warm, one cool – trail down the backs of his thighs. He moans when Bucky palms his cheeks and spreads them apart, taking a moment to look at Steve’s hole. It little imagination on Steve’s part to picture the look on Bucky’s face; dark, with wanton desire written all over it. His hole must be a pretty sight; shiny with lube and stretched obscenely wide by his toy. He clenches his muscles and is rewarded with an appreciative “Fuck, yeah.”
Steve exhales shakily as Bucky grabs hold of the vibrator and eases it out of Steve’s body. He feels empty without the toy, his hole stretched out and loose, as if Bucky’s been fucking him for hours on end.
“Fuck,” Bucky breathes, as his hands cup Steve’s cheeks, thumb pressing on either side of his hole and spreading him open. “Baby, I can see—sweet Jesus, this is too much, Stevie, wish you could see yourself right now, you look so open, so fuckin’ hot, baby.”
It’s the tone of his voice – husky and gravelly, desire coating every word – that makes Steve melt into a puddle of desire. There’s just something about Bucky admiring his most private of places that makes Steve feel like he’s worth a billion dollars.
Bucky deposits the plug on their coffee table, before pulling a remote out of his pocket. He presses a button, and Steve jumps when the machine whirrs to life. Bucky chuckles at his reaction.
He hits another button and Steve watches, fascinated, as the rod extends, the dildo moving closer towards Steve’s ass. His heart is pounding with excitement, pulse roaring loud in his ears. Bucky steps closer and grabs hold of the dildo, guiding it towards Steve’s hole. Steve moans loudly when he feels the blunt pressure pressing against his rim.
“Colour, baby boy?” Bucky asks.
“Green,” Steve replies, “Green, Bucky, so green.”
“You know the rules, Stevie,” Bucky says, smoothing his free hand over Steve’s thigh. “No coming until I say so.”
Steve whines, but nods in agreement.
“What d’you say if you need to stop?”
“Carter,” Steve says immediately.
“Good boy,” Bucky says, a smile on his lips. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” Steve says breathlessly.
Bucky puts his hand back on the dildo, steadying it, before clicking a button.
“Fuck,” Steve groans, drawing the syllable out as the flared head breaches his rim. His jaw is slack, his face pressed against his right bicep as the toy spreads him open. Steve feel like he can’t catch a breath; his ass is being split in two, stretched wide around the girth of the fake cock. Unintelligible noises are coming out of his mouth, conveying his pleasure.
“Oh, Stevie, you’re takin’ it so well,” Bucky rasps, one finger tracing Steve’s stretched rim. The reverence and awe in his tone sends a wave of arousal coursing through Steve’s veins. He can feel the intensity of Bucky’s stare, trained on his little hole, his eyes fixated by the way Steve’s body stretches to accommodate the toy. Fuck, Steve gets a little harder at the thought of Bucky enjoying the spectacle.
“You good, sweetheart?” Bucky asks, gently squeezing Steve’s thigh. His touch is grounding, making Steve hum contentedly, too overcome with the sensations in his ass to be able to voice his thoughts.
“Where’re you at, baby?” Bucky prompts, “C’mon, use your words.”
“Green,” Steve slurs, “M’ green, ‘m good, c’mon, Buck, fuck me, c’mon.”
Bucky chuckles. A moment of silence pauses, before the cock inside Steve starts moving at a slow, languid pace, with shallow thrusts.
“Ah! Oh m’god,” Steve gasps, fingers twitching reflexively.
“Good?” Bucky asks. There’s a note of amusement in his voice; Steve knows that if he could see his face, Bucky would be wearing that lopsided, cock-sure grin.
“Y-yeah,” Steve grits out, “Want more—please.”
He squirms restlessly, trying to fuck himself on the dildo. Unexpectedly, Bucky’s metal hand curls around his throat, pressing down on his windpipe. Steve gasps, his eyes snapping open as a whimper leaves his mouth. The silent order comes across loud and clear: stay still.
“No,” Bucky says sharply, “You want more, baby, you’re gonna have to be patient. We’re playing by my rules.”
Steve whines in protest. Before he can open his mouth to argue, Bucky’s fingers are curling through his hair, pulling him into a rough kiss.
“It’s okay, Stevie, m’gonna let you have it, you’re just gonna have to be patient, ‘kay?” Bucky soothes, “You wanna be my good boy, don’t you?”
“Uh-huh,” Steve rasps, nodding weakly in agreement.
“Good. Let’s see how much you like this, then,” Bucky says, as he clicks another button. The fake cock slows right down, taking the meaning of ‘snail’s pace’ to a whole new level. Seriously, the thing is probably going at about one thrust per minute.
Steve groans in frustration. “Bucky.”
“Please—please, I want more, please,” he begs, voice cracking.
Objectively, Steve knows that no amount of begging will make Bucky change his mind. If Bucky wants to draw things out, he can, and he will. Steve gets off on being good for Bucky, but Bucky gets off on reducing Steve to a blissed-out, fucked-out, begging mess. He loves to push Steve to his limits, to push him until he’s sobbing for mercy, tears streaming down his face, nose wet with snot; a blubbering, near-incoherent wreck.
Bucky strokes his knuckles down Steve’s cheeks. “Patience, sweetheart,” Bucky croons, “Nice and slow, and then we’ll build it up, okay?”
Steve whines pitifully.
Bucky clucks his tongue in sympathy. “I know, sweetheart. If it makes you feel any better, this toy has a nifty lil’ trick,” he says.
“Wha’s it?” Steve pants.
In response, Bucky presses another button.
“Fuck!” Steve shouts, eyes screwing shut when, without warning, the cock in his ass starts buzzing. “’S got a vibrator in it?!”
“Yup,” Bucky replies, popping the ‘p’. “I can control ‘em separately, too. Let’s play around with that, hmm?”
Steve groans quietly, too caught up with the vibrations in his ass to respond with words. The tingling in his ass is simultaneously too much and not enough. He’s been toeing the edge ever since Bucky put his mouth on him, but the sex toy isn’t quite enough to push him over.
The concept of time becomes irrelevant as Bucky plays with the different speeds and settings on the sex machine, testing out different combinations to see how Steve reacts to each one. He establishes something of a pattern, using the machine to fuck Steve at a slow, gentle pace for an extended period of time, before cranking up the speed and turning the vibrations to full force for a few seconds, so that Steve feels like he’s going to explode. In those few seconds, Steve’s brain whites out and he very nearly screams the roof down.
The periods in between those bursts of stimulation are the worst, though; torture in the most sadistic way possible. Sometimes, Bucky trails his fingers over Steve’s abs, or plucks at his puffy nipples. If Steve asks nicely enough, Bucky will lean over and give him a sweet, loving kiss. His hand never strays anywhere near Steve’s painfully hard cock, no matter how enthusiastically Steve begs.
Sweat is dripping down Steve’s body, pooling in the hollow of his throat. Steve’s fingers are gripping the leather straps in a vice-like grip, in an attempt to ground himself against the assault of pleasure on his ass. His chest is flushed and heaving with exertion, his throat raspy and his voice hoarse from crying out.
Despite his exhaustion, Steve wants more.
“You doin’ okay, baby?” Bucky asks, metal fingers crooking under Steve’s chin, tipping his head back, forcing Steve to look Bucky in the eye.
“Bu-uck,” Steve whimpers, “P-please, I need’ta come.”
Bucky cocks his head to the side. “You want it, or you need it?”
Steve’s bottom lip wobbles, fresh tears spilling from his eyes. “W-wan’it,” he mumbles, “But—Buck, I wan’ it so bad, m’so close, please, p-please, I’ve been good, please, I—,”
“Shh, sweetheart,” Bucky soothes, stroking his fingers through Steve’s hair. “You’ve been so good for me, Stevie, I know you have. It’s been mean of me to make you wait this long, hasn’t it? You’ve been doin’ so well, waitin’ for me ta’ give you permission.”
Steve whimpers, craning his neck up for a kiss, which Bucky gives him.
He jolts in surprise, inhaling sharply when he feels metal fingers curling around the base of his cock. “Oh,” Steve gasps, breaking the kiss. “Please, can I have it? Pl-please, can I come?”
His voice wobbles as Bucky starts to stroke him off, his grip too loose to provide any real friction. The copious amounts of pre-come trickling down the sides of Steve’s cock makes Bucky’s hand glide easily over his length, his fist making lewd, squelching noises that can be heard over Steve’s near-continuous moaning.
Three things happen simultaneously.
First: Bucky increases the speed of the sex machine, the fake cock sliding in and out of Steve’s stretched, sloppy hole at an inhuman pace.
Second: Bucky cranks up the vibrations, setting every nerve ending in Steve’s body alight.
Third: Bucky tightens his grip on Steve’s cock, creating a tight, slippery channel for him to fuck into.
“Fuckfuckfuck!” Steve screams, “I—Bucky, hngh I – please, oh m’god, please, please—need it—so bad—ohh,”
“You wanna come, Stevie?” Bucky growls, lips suddenly brushing up against Steve’s cheek. Steve yips in surprise when he sucks a mark on the underside of Steve’s jaw.
“Yes,” Steve hisses, eyes screwing shut as he strains against his bonds. “I—please, please, I wanna, please I’ve been good, please, Buck, please.”
He whimpers when he feels Bucky’s warm breath ghost over his cheek.
“Come for me, sweetheart.”
Those words flip a switch inside him. Every muscle in Steve’s body goes taut as the pressure that has been gathering at the base of his cock shoots through him like a bolt of lightning. His mouth falls open on a silent scream as his climax rolls through him, a tsunami wave of pleasure that he can’t escape. He feels the warmth of his own come splattering on his belly and chest. His brain short-circuits. His vision whites out. He forgets how to breathe.
When Steve comes back into himself, he finds his face tucked into the crook of Bucky’s neck. He realises that he’s being carried, Bucky’s arms wrapped securely around him.
“Mmph,” he mumbles, pressing his lips to Bucky’s skin to show that he’s awake.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” Bucky say softly. “You okay? M’just taking you to the bedroom.”
“M’good,” Steve agrees sleepily, “Feel good. Love you, Buck.”
“Love you too, Stevie,” Bucky murmurs.
“Gon’ tie you up like that someday,” Steve slurs.
Bucky laughs quietly. “Yeah, okay baby, that sounds like a plan.”
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bakuuha · 5 years
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
bakugou / character development, yes.
fluff, angst, domestic, quarrels, you name it. anything below the nsfw zone is free game. i like to explore more of the realistic expects of relationships but i won’t say no to subtle instances too bc that’s bakugou’s immediate go-to style.
i go by the +2, -2 rule.
considering how difficult bakugou is, that’d be a woozy yes. but as a mun, i’m honestly not that selective. i usually bar much shipping at the beginning mainly because i want to get a feel of how i write my character first and get it down to pat. after that, it’s really up to chemistry and how much their dynamics can appeal to me. i’m ... honestly quite easy as long as it’s not abusive since a weird part of the fandom seems to insist pointing fingers at bakugou up as one :^/
hmmm, it’s usually the very touchy parts that makes it nsfw. getting red in the face when noticing the other’s attractive features? nah. but it’s really the intimate touch on no-no parts that makes it nsfw and just not for me to write it at all, really.
lately, i’ve been reading up some cool bakutodo fics and some bakujirou moments and i’m quite into it. bakukiri seems cute from all the gifs and fanarts around but i’ve yet to dive into the fics section bc lack of time. bakudeku .. i tend to need a lot of understanding and development of how the two works in a relationship ( meaning, a lot of ooc communication ) because of their bad history and really, really, conflicting compatibility. either way, i’m up for even crackpairs so the obvious rule of the thumb is, chemistry. 
it would be much better, to be honest. either someone asks or i asks when i notice something in threads but i might be oblivious too. but making sure that muns are on the same page is very important to me so yes, ooc communication is required. but really, i won’t think any less of you even if you pop into my im to ask ‘ hey, do you ship -this-?? ’. i love it !
hmm, on the writing side, very less since i can be very focused and single minded on trying to understand my character on the complex side and churning out headcanons in my head. on the reading side, quite substantial. argumentatively, i also do hc churning in my head for couple-based relationships and devising how bakugou will be in it.
more-or-less, honestly.
tododeku is really cute tbh. kind of like that fluffy cake that i go to when i’m having a bad day. then there’s uhh eraserhead/all might ? mirio and tamaki ? mostly what i’ve seen as snippets and mentions on the dash sometimes and i’m all up for supporting these !
ask me and see if we can develop something from there. bakugou is a very difficult person though so .. he can be a lot to work with.
TAGGED BY: @icyht thanks, friend !
TAGGING: again, be that monoma and steal it from me.
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ambootyos · 6 years
Cast A Spell On Me Pt. 8
Part 7
Word Count: 1,418
A/N: Enjoy! This has not been proof read.. 
Tags: @originalbish98 @thegenericluchadora @theprestigious0ne @reigns420 @dorkyvillain @laziestgirlintheworld @villainsqueendom @baybayforlife @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure @thevillainclub @alexnine @i-ship-it-okay @sheaxdevitt @wannabefandomgirl @breakfastwiththesun @earl-01 @littleblueghostspoon
Ships: Luxe x Marty, Luxe x Dalton, Luxe x Will, Ophelia x Finn
Character: Finn, Marty, Dalton, Will, Ophelia (OC), Luxe (OC), Aleister
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“W-What do you mean magic isn’t done with us?” Ophelia asked, her voice starting to shake. “We have to be. Last time we got involved with magic..”She trailed off, as she started to pace around the room.
Finn grabbed her hands, and sighed. “I know..but ‘ave you noticed anyfing different? Luxe is different..’nd ‘vat guy she was ‘wif, he acted like he knew me..not to mention, she just left ‘wif Dalton..”
Her eyes widened. “Castle? Did he recognize you?” She asked, before biting her lip nervously.
He nodded. “Kind ‘ov..but it got me ‘finking, we know ‘wha Will is..we know who Dalton is, ‘nd I’m just gonna assume ‘vat this ‘ova guy is most likely a witch, or somefing along ‘vose lines..’wha if Luxe ‘as discovered ‘er powers?”
“That doesn’t have anything to do with us Finn!” Ophelia exclaimed.
“I’d like ‘ta believe ‘vat..but, I don’t. I can’t. Someow we’re gonna get pulled back into ‘vis, and you know it..” He replied, his voice calm and collected.
Ophelia frowned, and glanced at the necklace. Finn followed her gaze, and sighed, before cupping her face, averting her eyes to him instead.
“Ophelia..’ya don’t ‘ave ‘ta worry about ‘im..I promise. I’m not let ‘im hurt us again..’ya just ‘ave to trust me.”
She smiled softly and nodded. “I-I trust you.”
“So, am I gonna get to hear about your day?” Dalton asked, as he drove me home, in my car. He insisted on driving, thinking I was too tired to do it myself.
“I don’t know if you’d even want to. It hasn’t been my finest few hours..” I sighed, before nervously twiddling my thumbs.
He breathed a laugh. “No judgment here. I’m the king of bad decisions.” He shrugged. “Plus, I really doubt whatever happened wasn’t that bad.”
“I slept with Marty.” I sighed, as I shook my head. Dalton choked on laughter, causing me to grow even more embarrassed. “On top of the counter, at my job, and my coworkers walked in on it.”
He held back laughter, and nodded. “T-That’s not so bad. I mean..unless he was bad?” He teased. I shook my head. “No..he was, definitely not bad.” I said, as my face started to turn red.
“And I can’t imagine you being bad, so you have nothing to worry about.” He replied.
My face dropped, as I thought about Will. He was the reason I regretted what happened with Marty. I don’t know what I’d do if he found out, or how I’d even begin to explain what happened.
“Although, I gotta say, I’m a bit jealous of him.” Dalton flirted, cocking his brow. I cocked my head, a bit surprised he’d just come out and say that. I breathed a laugh.
“Oh yeah? And why’s that?” I chuckled. He smiled, and shrugged slightly.
“Well, I thought Will was the only one who’d be able to catch your attention. It’s why I didn’t make a move the night of the party. Although, I was secretly hoping you’d kiss me.” He started, before clearing his throat. “Tell me, is it too late to throw my hat in?” He asked, as we pulled into my driveway. I smiled softly.
“We’ll see Dalton..” I winked, before getting out of the car. He got out as well, and waved goodbye, before snapping his fingers, and disappearing.
I went inside to see Will waiting on the couch, he smiled slightly when he saw me, but something felt off. I could feel his feelings, thanks to the unity spell.
“Will, is something wrong?”  I asked, his eyes expanded for just a second, before returning to their former state. They were heavy, like he’d been crying, but he just shook his head, and faked a smile.
“Oh, it’s nofing Darling..” He stated, trying to sound sincere, but failing miserably.
I sat next to him on the couch, and put my hand on his knee, before sighing. “Will, no lies. Please. I know how you’re feeling. Remember? Why are you upset.”
“Maybe you should tell me why ‘ya feel guilty first.” He mumbled, not looking me in the eye.
My face fell, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. “How’d you find out?” I asked, looking at the ground.
“I decided ‘ta check up on you today, ‘nd I saw you..” He trailed off, the words getting more difficult for him to say. “‘Wif him..”
I nodded. “So, you were spying on me?” I asked, before pursing my lips together. He shook his head. “No, ‘vat’s not what it was oka-”
“Yes it was!” I exclaimed, as I stood. “Look, I understand you’re mad at me for doing this with him, but, you shouldn’t have been spying Will!”
He sighed, and stood as well. “All I was doing was making sure you were okay! It’s not like I wanted ‘ta see you ‘wif him!” He exclaimed. I smacked my forehead, and shook my head.
“He was right! You did this unity thing, just so you could always know where I was!” I spat out, before realizing what I’d just said. His face dropped, and his eyes started to water.
“He was right? You talked, ‘wif him, about me?” He mumbled, sounding even more hurt now than before. I sighed, and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly, as I laid my head against his chest.
He didn’t say anything. He didn’t hug me back.
“Will..I didn’t mean it like that. I was just mad..I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.” I said, softly.
He finally hugged me back, and pressed his forehead to mine. “I know, ‘vat me ‘nd you aren’t really ‘togeva, and I don’t ‘ave ‘va right to be angry. You’re allowed ‘ta see ‘whoeva you want. I was just..’oping it wasn’t gonna be him..” He admitted.
“Look Will, sometimes, things happen in the heat of the moment. I don’t know if it’s gonna happen again, but..it doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. You’re my best friend.” I started. “If this whole friends with benefits thing, means I’m not allowed to see other people, then that makes it a relationship. And, I don’t want that right now. Can you handle that? Or does this have to end? Do you wanna go back to being just, friends?”
He shook his head. “I can handle ‘vis Darling..” He sighed, before nodding. I smiled, and brushed his hair back, out of his face.
“Okay, good.” I said softly, before kissing his cheek.
I think he was still a bit upset, but that was understandable in a way. I sat back down on the couch, before pulling him to sit next to me. I laid my head in his shoulder, and he smiled softly as he draped his arm around me.
We watched movies on the couch, until we both drifted off to sleep. My dreams were..odd to say the least.
All I could think about, was what happened between me and Marty, and images of my view clodded my subconscious. When I finally woke up, my head against Will’s chest as he slept soundly.
I was careful getting up, I didn’t wanna disturb him. I rubbed the temples of my forehead, being a bit confused.
Then I realized, if Marty could put dreams in my head before, what was stopping him from doing it now? This thought, made me angry. I marched over to his house, and knocked on the door.
Aleister answered, and looked a bit surprised when he saw it was me. “Oh, Luxe. Hello. What exactly are you doing here?” He asked. I rolled my eyes, and shook my head.
“Can I talk to Marty please?” I stated dryly, he moved aside, letting me walk in, just as Marty was coming down the hall.
Marty cocked his head, and smirked. “Ah, Love! How did I know, you’d come back for a round two?” He said arrogantly.
I smacked him in the chest, and shook my head, confusing him a bit. “I’m not here for that. Are you still putting dreams in my head? Because stop it.”
He smirked. “Love, ‘m not putting any dreams in your head anymore. But, I take it you’re ‘aving some hmm?”
I looked at the ground nervously, and he put his hand on my chin, tilting my head up to look at him. His smirk grew wider.
“Why don’t you tell me about it Love?”
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chokememrstark · 6 years
Requiem Of Memories // Part 11
Ship: Samifer (Sam Winchester / Lucifer)
Words: 2115 (Chapter 11 / 15)
Fic Summary: As Sam and Lucifer continue to talk, the conversation takes a different turn and Sam finds himself giving into his new found desires once more. He knows it's not right and that he shouldn't feel like this, but it's impossible to stop it.
angst, hurt & comfort, alternative universe, au!lucifer, mourning, depression, blood and gore, nightmares, loneliness, guilt
Note: I highly recommend to read Nightmares Become Reality before this, otherwise the premise of the story and the setting might not make much sense.
Tagging: @shebahda @sassysupernaturalsweetheart  @spnyoucantkeepmedown   @brieflymaximumprincess  @kajuned @archingangel @this-darkness-light @secretlydaydreaminglifeaway @humongouscandycoffee  
If you want off the tag list or want to be added, just drop me an ask or IM!
Read on AO3!
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Sam stayed silent for a very long time, just thinking about Lucifer’s words and unmoving. Did he really think like this or was it just a way of fawning on him? Then again, Lucifer had no reason to do that. Sam was already here and he didn’t plan to go anywhere, so this explanation made very little sense. But he couldn’t be the reason his own world was still the way it was, no way.
“You don’t have to believe me, Sam,” Lucifer said after a while. “I wouldn’t know how much this world might have changed if you had been born here, but I know that it would not be such an awful place if that were the case.”
“Maybe it wouldn’t be,” Sam sighed and looked at his hands on his lap. “But you surely would be. My Lu- … the Lucifer I knew didn’t profit from me being born.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You said you were told about true vessels, about two halves and all these things… well, for him it happened, but it didn’t help.” Sam felt awful saying this, but deep down he knew it was the truth. “Lucifer came to me speaking the truth and I claimed he was a liar that tried to use me. There is no good outcome to this… I’m the reason he was imprisoned in the cage again, I’m the reason he had to force his way out and that he lost his child and… and that he died…”
“No, Sam, I don’t believe you were the reason for that.” Lucifer laid a hand on Sam’s folded ones, but the hunter didn’t turn around. “I don’t know what happened, but you weren’t the reason this happened. You couldn’t be.”
“Do you wanna know what happened?” Sam finally asked, giving Lucifer the most heartbreaking glare. “I let him down, that happened. He came to me in peace and I declared war on him. He offered me his help and I accused him of trying to end the world. Even when we were stuck here and tried to survive I refused to believe that he had any good intentions…”
“You did what you thought was right, Sam,” Lucifer assured him and squeezed his hand slightly. “I’m sure he knew that. These things were out of your control, nothing more.”
“No, you might be right with a lot of things, but this time you’re not,” Sam shook his head. “I should have been the one to reach him, to understand him. It’s in me, I knew that all the time. But I didn’t want to believe it. Lucifer was the devil, the one who was the root of all evil. I couldn’t accept that I was just like him, that I understood him because we had experienced the same things… I… I just couldn’t…”
“It takes great compassion to understand someone’s reasons and that you understood his is a good thing,” Lucifer explained slowly. Sam didn’t even notice how he moved one of his hands to hold the angel’s. “You knew in your heart that he had been wronged and knew it was unjustified.”
“But I didn’t help him,” Sam mumbled. “I fed him to the wolves, again and again.”
“Because you didn’t know what else to do. You were taught he’s evil, then he told you that you are his destined vessel and you couldn’t accept it, isn’t that it?”
“Yeah,” Sam sighed. “I didn’t feel threatened at all when we first met actually. He was… calm and reasonable, he did nothing that would have caused my appal. If he would have threatened me, like Michael did with Dean… but he didn’t. He never did, to be honest.”
“And why not?” Lucifer wanted to know, earning another sigh.
“He told me I would say yes anyways, that I would come to him… and I did.”
“So, he had no reason to threaten you. He knew you and knew how you’d act and he decided to wait. Michael was never that patient, neither in your world nor in mine.”
“Don’t remind me.” Sam shook his head quickly to push back the memories. “Stomach cancer, throwing Dean into a world similar to this or us both into a world where we weren’t hunters… he even killed an angel that was trying to help us just to prove his point. And in the end he possessed Adam, our brother…”
“Michael seems to be an ass in every world,” Lucifer scoffed, to which Sam cracked a weak smirk. “Say, if your Lucifer would have done the same, would you have said yes?”
“I don’t think so, no,” Sam said. “I don’t even know what made me say it in the end, probably desperation and hopelessness.”
“If he would have come to you and said: ‘Sam, I need your help to fight my brother so this apocalypse can end before it starts. This was never my wish, it’s God’s plan and I want to end it now, before innocent people die.’ Would you have said yes? Would you have believed him?”
Sam looked at Lucifer like a deer in the headlights. He had no answer to this.
“You had to find out the truth yourself and he knew that, I’m sure of it. I never wanted this mess either, trust me. Fighting my brothers isn’t exactly the most desirable thing for me.”
“So, you’re telling me it had to happen the way it did? But why?”
“I don’t know, I’m not the one in charge, I’m afraid,” Lucifer said. “What I learned is that we have to fight for our free will and our life, even if it means being cruel to those who don’t deserve it sometimes. You were cruel to your Lucifer because you fought for what was right in your eyes and that’s a noble cause. You wanted to save people and not cause suffering.”
“Maybe you’re right…” Sam looked back down at their hands and began brushing a thumb against the angel’s palm. “It still feels wrong. After what Lucifer told me while we were stuck here, I wish I could go back and change my decision. He just didn’t deserve this.”
“And exactly this is what defines you, Sam. Your wish to could go back and do better, your wish to help someone you wronged. You are not responsible for what happened, but you still want to change it and fix any damage possible.”
“But it doesn’t matter, I can’t do it.”
Suddenly Lucifer’s hand was on Sam’s chin, lifting his head up and gently turning it around. He met the angel’s eyes and was surprised to find nothing but understanding in them.
“It’s not your fault, Sam,” Lucifer repeated, more firmly. “I can assure you that never meeting you would have had catastrophic consequences and your Lucifer was much better off because you were there than he would have been without you. What happened to the two of you was horrible and awful, but it would have been much worse if you wouldn’t have been there.”
“Like it was for you?” Sam asked, covering Lucifer’s hand with his own. “You were promised your other half and never got it, not even out of your reach, right?”
“Yes and you can’t imagine how it feels to know that you are destined to be alone for the entirety of your existence and to be hated by everyone, without anything to change that. When you have everything and suddenly it’s ripped away from you and you are cast out into the cold and loneliness of a cage, without anyone caring, and you have to watch your mere name being associated with evil and hate. And then you came and I can finally begin to see what this broken promise could have been like. Don’t blame yourself, Sam. You were a gift to your world and to your Lucifer alike, not a curse.”
Sam could feel the tears form in his eyes, but he couldn’t even bother to blink them away. Lucifer’s words hit a nerve in him that he didn’t know even existed. He couldn’t help but wonder how devastating the life Lucifer described would be like and what he realized made his heart heavy. At least he had had his brother and friends, but Lucifer had no one, not even his demons. They were merely servants, but there was never anyone who had shown him sympathy or understanding or even… love.
“I don’t know what to say,” Sam whispered. “I… I’m sorry you had to go through this.”
“You don’t have to be,” Lucifer assured him and gently brushed a finger over his cheek. “Even by just being here you changed everything for the better. I’ve hoped for my other half to come to existence, I have prayed and begged and a long time ago I have given up because I realized it would never happen. I know you are not technically my other half, but the effect you have on me is astounding.”
“But I don’t… do anything…” Sam frowned. “I’m just here .”
“Yes you are here and you choose to be. With me, the most unlikely person to stay with after what you had to go through. And still, you stayed. You might not think this decision was important, but to me it was the only good thing happening ever since my fall.”
“I don’t wanna leave anymore,” Sam admitted shyly, blushing even though Lucifer knew this already. “I like you, I’m worried about you… if I have to be in this world, I’d rather be here with you than anywhere else.”
“I told you already that I like your company and I do,” Lucifer smiled. “But I hate to see you blaming yourself for things you can’t change. And sometimes for the things you do because you feel like it.”
“You mean like kissing the Devil after he almost died from being attacked by a few dozen angels?” Sam asked, earning a smile.
“For example.”
“I don’t feel bad for it,” Sam assured him. “I mean I did, but not anymore. I enjoyed it, kind of.”
“Well, you better enjoyed it,” Lucifer huffed in an offended tone. “I usually don’t allow every random human to kiss me, I hope you know that!”
“I’m honored that you didn’t smite me then,” Sam smirked. “And besides…”
The hunter leaned forward, bringing their lips together once more in a touch that sent spirals of warmth and cold through his body at the same time. He had no idea why this was happening, but he could actually get used to this.
“I can’t say you're a bad kisser either,” Sam said when he pulled back from the angel. “But I still think it’s highly inappropriate to kiss the Devil out of the blue.”
“You should know that the Devil doesn’t care for inappropriateness, that’s something heaven can concern itself with.”
Sam had little time to react when Lucifer suddenly pulled him closer and kissed him again. It happened so fast and surprisingly that all he could do was let it happen and close his eyes at just how sweet and amazing it felt when the angel wrapped his arms around him. If it weren’t for his conscience, he would have let everything happen at this point, but after a minute Sam pulled back with the saddest look in his eyes.
“Lucifer, don’t get me wrong please because I really enjoy this, but-”
“It’s too fast and too soon, I know,” Lucifer interrupted Sam to finish his sentence. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist. It’s better if we just… go on as normal, don’t you think”?”
“Yeah,” Sam sighed sadly, still sitting almost on Lucifer as he did. He enjoyed this too much for it to be a good decision, but he couldn’t move away just yet. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, this time it was me,” Lucifer smiled. “You have a very addictive… personality.”
“Sure, that’s what you had on your mind just now,” Sam laughed. “I will take my personality away now, not that something very bad happens.”
It took Sam a lot of concentration to shove himself away from Lucifer, but he managed to do it eventually. Not that he wouldn’t have enjoyed what was happening, but he couldn’t come to terms with it happening at this point. Yes, he liked Lucifer and he was desperate for someone to be close to, but it wasn’t the right time or reason for this. He was glad Lucifer didn’t seem to be mad, but he was a little disappointed with himself for just throwing away such an opportunity. Maybe another time… Sam hoped so at least.
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chokememrstark · 6 years
Requiem Of Memories // Part 10
Ship: Samifer (Sam Winchester / Lucifer)
Words: 2434 (Chapter 10 / 15)
Fic Summary: After their kiss, Sam feels very strange and goes to sleep. Still, he returns to Lucifer during the night and they have a rather interesting and nice chat. He can't help but wanting to be near Lucifer it seems.
angst, hurt & comfort, alternative universe, au!lucifer, mourning, depression, blood and gore, nightmares, loneliness
Note: I highly recommend to read Nightmares Become Reality before this, otherwise the premise of the story and the setting might not make much sense.
Tagging: @shebahda @sassysupernaturalsweetheart  @spnyoucantkeepmedown   @brieflymaximumprincess  @kajuned @archingangel @this-darkness-light @secretlydaydreaminglifeaway @humongouscandycoffee
If you want off the tag list or want to be added, just drop me an ask or IM!
Read on AO3!
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It felt like an eternity that they kissed, but for Sam it couldn’t have been long enough, especially when Lucifer relaxed and actually kissed him back. For this short period of time, Sam felt like crying from the sheer intensity of emotions. There was something so painfully familiar about their touch that Sam’s heart ached when Lucifer eventually pulled away. It was like he lost something precious that he might never get back.
For two whole minutes the two simply looked at each other, Lucifer visibly shocked from what had just happened between them. The longer Sam looked at him, the more he succumbed to the creeping up horror and fear inside of him. His face felt incredibly hot while the rest of his body was freezing cold and his chest tightened so much that he could barely breathe.
“I’m so sorry, oh god....” even Sam’s voice was just a shadow of itself, crackling and pleading desperately. “I didn’t… I mean I did, but I didn’t mean to… I…”
“Sam, breathe,” Lucifer said forcibly calm. “It’s all good, really.”
“No… no no no!” Sam gasped breathlessly. “I… I shouldn’t have done that! I’m sorry, I didn’t think, I didn’t think at all… that was so uncalled for!”
“You didn’t stab me, Sam.” This time, Lucifer sounded much calmer and even smiled at the hunter softly. “It was a kiss, not attempted murder.”
“But it wasn’t right !” Sam insisted, running a hand through his hair desperately. He couldn’t believe what he had just done. How could this have happened? And why now, in this completely impossible situation? Sam felt so awful he thought he would throw up at any given moment.
“It’s all good, I promise,” Lucifer assured the brunet and laid a hand on his cheek. Sam looked up almost panicking, his eyes wild and wide and completely out of himself. Lucifer’s expression softened when he looked at him. “Maybe it’s the blood loss, but that was actually very nice. I already feel a bit better now. Apparently your saying to ‘kiss it better’ actually works.”
Sam could feel his heartbeat in his ears, his hands tingling and as much as he tried to concentrate, the humming sound in his head was overwhelming. A part of him wanted to kiss Lucifer again, but another part wanted to run away as fast as he could and hide in a hole somewhere for the rest of his life. This was surely the most embarrassing thing he had ever done in his life.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” Lucifer continued, his thumb gently stroking over the stubbled skin on Sam’s cheek. “You had a very eventful and rough day, maybe it’s best if you go to bed now.”
In lack of a verbal response, Sam just nodded. He could barely fight the urge to lean into Lucifer’s touch and it got more and more difficult with each passing second. When Lucifer stood up, Sam followed him immediately, the angel’s hand still on his cheek and his eyes still looking into Sam’s own, making it unable for the hunter to break eye contact. He could have stayed like this for the rest of his life and he wouldn’t have complained, even if the mere thought was hideous.
“You were really amazing today,” Lucifer said and, much to Sam’s surprise, leaned forward for another kiss. It was short and gentle, almost like a piece of satin brushing over Sam’s lips, but it had a very similar effect as the first. Sam’s knees became weak and he only managed to support himself by holding onto the other’s arm. He hadn’t felt like this in so many years, he couldn’t understand what was going on. When Lucifer broke the kiss, a faint smile decorated his lips. “Go and get some rest, we can talk tomorrow if you want to.”
Sam couldn’t answer. Again he was reduced to a weak nod when Lucifer retreated his hand. For a moment he wished that the angel wouldn’t go, that he would stay with him and that they’d talk now, but he knew this was a bad idea. He was exhausted and conflicted, his shaking hands alone were proof for that. So, instead of asking Lucifer to stay, as his first urge had been, he walked over to the bed and laid down.
Despite not thinking he would find any rest for a long time, Sam was out within a few minutes already. In the end, it had been a rough day, even if he wanted to deny it. Between the worry about Lucifer and their kiss, he had also met this world’s version of Meg and probably lost some of his mind on the way too, while he was at it. After all, he had just kissed Lucifer! Lucifer, the literal freaking Devil of this world and the reason it was in ruins. And still, it had felt so amazing, hadn’t it? Sam couldn’t explain why he felt so much bliss during the short touch of their lips, or even more when Lucifer had done it again . He should feel scared and awful, but he didn’t.
Sam fell asleep, but his mind couldn’t forget what had happened before during the whole time. He kept thinking, kept wondering what had happened that he suddenly felt the urge to do something stupid like this. Maybe it was just his sheer exhaustion and unstable state in the end, it could be. But why did it feel so good then? Was he really so lonely that he did something like this just to feel a little better? Or was he so relieved that Lucifer would survive and so touched by his words that he forgot everything else around them? When Sam woke up a few hours later, he still had no answer. His head hurt and he still had a hot knot in his stomach that made him want to scream, but he didn’t know what on earth had gotten into him to do something like this.
After laying there and staring at the ceiling for a few minutes - which was difficult because it was still dark outside - Sam slid off the bed. He stood there for a whole five minutes to decide what to do next and what he came to do was probably even crazier than their kiss. For the first time since he was here, Sam walked over to the door that Lucifer had said led to his own bedroom and knocked on it. There was no reaction at first and Sam was about to give up already when a faint ‘Come in!’ reached his ears. Slowly he pushed the door open and peeked into the room.
“Lucifer?” Sam knew he acted very intrusive right now, but he couldn’t help it. “Is everything okay? Do you need something?”
It took a moment before the darkness was lightened up by a lamp next to the bed, but when it did, Sam saw Lucifer sitting on it and looking at him.
“I am fine, thank you,” Lucifer said with a warm smile. “What about you? Do you feel better now?”
“Yeah, a little,” Sam awkwardly scratched his neck and looked up. “Hey, can we talk for a moment? I mean, if you have time of course.”
“I always have time for you, Sam;” Lucifer said and patted on the big spot next to him on the bed. “Come inside. I hope you’re not surprised, this room isn’t very luxurious sadly.”
Sam nodded and followed Lucifer’s invitation. He didn’t bother to look around much, even though he noticed that the room was indeed rather shabby and empty.
“About last night,” Sam began when he sat down, sighing deeply. “I’m sorry, really. I shouldn’t have kissed you, that was very inappropriate and rude.”
“I told you already that it’s okay and I meant it,” Lucifer insisted, still smiling. “You forgot yourself for a moment, nothing to be ashamed about.”
“I know, but I shouldn’t have done this.” Sam shook his head. “I don’t know what got into me, it just… happened.”
“And?” Lucifer asked, drawing Sam’s gaze up to him. “You could have done worse, Sam. What you did was worry about my health and you did everything in your power to help me, which I am very thankful for.”
“And I kissed you without your consent.”
“So did I after that,” Lucifer smirked. “We’re even. And now stop blaming yourself for every step you make, it’s not going to help you in any way.”
Sam smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He was glad that Lucifer wasn’t mad at him, but how could he stop being mad at himself for doing something stupid like this? It wasn’t as if this had been the first time, really, and all because of some flowery and charming words?
“In case you are worrying,” Lucifer continued after a moment of silence. “You are a good kisser, so I won’t say I didn’t enjoy it.”
“You… what?” Sam’s voice died in his throat and he felt his cheeks becoming hot again.
“I think you heard me,” Lucifer chuckled. “It’s all good, I am not mad at you and I am glad you were here to help me when I came back. This fight was awful and I don’t know if I would have made it if it weren’t for you tending to my wounds.”
“But… you’re an archangel,” Sam mumbled, a little confused. “Couldn’t you have just… healed yourself?”
“Of course,” Lucifer smiled. “But even an archangel can have a hard time recovering when they were attacked by three dozen angels at the same time. Our power is like a battery and if we use too much of it, we have to recharge.”
That made sense, but it was hard to believe for Sam that he had actually helped Lucifer. Maybe he assisted him a little, but he had freaked out basically while doing it.
“I’m glad you are okay now,” Sam eventually said, looking down at his hands. “Meg was really worried too.”
“Ah yes, Meg.” Lucifer leaned back into his pillow. “She’s a very loyal one, but a little reckless at times. I hope she wasn’t too mean to you.”
“No,” Sam quickly shook his head. “She was actually rather nice! I mean, after a while. Just like our Meg, kinda…”
“Your Meg?” Lucifer asked and Sam turned around with a smile.
“Are you that surprised?” he asked. “I mean, she was different and all, but their personalities are rather similar.”
“So, your Meg is a little annoying demon too?”
Sam had to laugh at this, as it was a kind of fitting description of the Meg he had known. The most fitting part being annoying, especially when she had possessed him.
“She was… unique,” he eventually answered. “At first she was really nasty and even possessed me, but she… kind of turned? I don’t know why, but she changed. After the apocalypse she was different.”
“What happened?” Lucifer wanted to know amused. “Maybe I can use it to help with mine too.”
Sam’s gaze turned a little sadder and his smile vanished.
“It ended,” he simply said. “She was on our Lucifer’s side when the apocalypse was going on, that didn’t help her after we jumped. Another demon took over hell and everyone who was loyal to Lucifer had a very bad time after that.”
“She’s very loyal indeed,” Lucifer said. “Mine is too. She can be annoying, but she is still young. Out of all my demons, she is the one who stayed most human.”
“Why that? Do you have any idea?”
“I assume you know how demons become demons? Souls being tortured and corrupted in hell, the whole ordeal?”
“Yeah, I heard of it,” Sam huffed.
“Well, Meg wasn’t like that. She died when she was only eighteen, suicide.” Lucifer shrugged at Sam’s surprised glare. “She didn’t even get tortured much. It only took a week until she changed and became a demon. I think that’s why she is still very human inside, there was not enough punishment to fully get rid of it.”
“Wow, that would answer some questions,” Sam mumbled. “Our Meg was able to show compassion by the end.”
“Yes, she can do that here too. But mostly it’s directed at me, don’t ask why. I have no idea.” Lucifer laughed awkwardly, something that made Sam’s stomach tingle slightly. “She’s a good one though, very reliable and strong.”
“She’s nice, yeah,” Sam smirked. “I like her.”
“I think you’re the first human she likes too, in a long time at least,” Lucifer nodded. “She told me what you told her about my other demons too, how they treat you.”
“Oh,” Sam’s face flushed even worse than before now. “I… I didn’t mean to complain or anything, really. It just came up…”
“No, it’s okay,” Lucifer raised a hand to prevent Sam from interrupting. “I’m glad I know and it will not happen again. You are not a threat, you are not a spy either. You are my guest and they will treat you with respect or suffer the consequences. My home is yours now, Sam.” Lucifer gave the hunter the most affectionate and gentle smile he had seen until now. It made his whole body feel warm somehow. “No harm will come to you here and this is not their decision, it’s mine and mine alone.”
“I’m flattered,” Sam said honestly. He was a little embarrassed, but that Lucifer actually cared for this matter was very moving. The angel was full of surprises it seemed, but most of them turned out to be very nice ones in the end.
“I am very content with you being here, Sam,” Lucifer suddenly said, which pulled Sam out of the strange mesmerized state that he had slipped into. “You are special and you are unique to this dying world and having you by my side is a new experience that I enjoy very much.”
“But, I’m just me…” Sam muttered.
“And ‘just you’ is what this world has never seen before - what I have never seen before,” Lucifer smiled. “You told me you were never born in this world and now look what it has come to. Your world is different, you saved it countless of times. Your world is alive because of you.”
Sam had never thought about it this way before, after all it was very narcissistic to claim that he was the savior of the world and mankind. The world wasn’t alive because of him, or not?
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