#a lot of people don’t imagine their fav ships having kids because it doesn’t seem like something the characters would realistically do
wellfine · 3 years
Seeing the Sanji gaining weight after wci post immediately after the SH body types post made me wonder if your Sanji is... actually underweight/close to underweight? Like it doesn’t seem quite Sanji-Zeff dynamics to remain distressingly underfed dispute an athletic lifestyle but at the same time, ‘Sanji doesn’t believe he deserves more food than some unfeeling distant guide to correct living tells him he does’ feels very correct. So I imagine he stress eats during WCI and gains like 15 kilos and then post wci loses maybe 5-7 of those kilos, ultimately coming into equilibrium at something closer to a healthy body weight now the true depth of his trauma has been laid bare & accepted by the straw hats
Oops! You activated my deep Sanji headcanon trap card! Lotta words below (CW for talk of disordered eating)
I definitely drew/see Sanji as being a little underweight due to a difficult relationship with food, which I tried to hint at in my notes, but I tend not to say it outright that often because it always invites people with weird attitudes about disordered eating/underweight bodies/etc. I also tried to contrast between his "repose" and the other characters' to show how his body fat percentage tends to stay lower, while the other characters fluctuate (e.g. Zoro) or stay at a higher BF% and end up with less visible muscle definition as a result (e.g. Usopp).
To be totally honest with you Sanji has a lot in common with people at risk of disordered eating - traumatic childhood, being told he was worthless, especially based on his failure to achieve physical 'perfection', total deprivation of control over his earlier life (both when he was on Germa and when he was starving with Zeff), specific lack of control over his food (starving with Zeff especially), a love of food that manifests in preparing food for others' enjoyment rather than his own, and general difficulty accepting his own self-worth (running to Germa in order to save anyone, his difficulty accepting that Luffy wanted him as his chef, his attempt to sacrifice himself at Thriller Bark, etc).
People have misconceptions about what an eating disorder is, and whenever I try and bring it up, there are people who say he could never have one because "he starved once, why would he ever go hungry again!!" (when food scarcity especially in early childhood is a HUGE contributor to developing disordered eating) "he's a chef he loves food" (not everyone with an eating disorder hates food) "he's not underweight" (I mean, thanks to their overrepresentation in media people don't always recognise what underweight bodies really look like, especially when those people are also muscular, but to wit, you do not need to or want to be underweight to have disordered eating) "he's not a teen girl" (eyeroll emoji)... and not even touching the worse comments that dump on people with disordered eating etc. in order to insist their fav could NEVER, as if it's a moral judgement to have an ED, and implying it would somehow be an insult to Sanji.
Fact of the matter is most people's disordered eating has nothing to do with how they look, though I think you could also make the argument Sanji meets that criteria, too (I don't think a dude whose most defining character trait - tied with his eyebrow - is that he covers half his face 24/7 could be described as "confident in his appearance"). Most eating disorders emerge from a lack of control, which is like... Sanji's whole thing. He had no control over his life at Germa, he had no control over his situation on the rock, and we can see how fastidious he is about other aspects of control in his life as an adult. Monitoring his food intake down to the kilojoule is a very likely way he might deal with the trauma he's gone through. There's also the desire to make invisible/internal trauma visible, like other forms of self-harm. I think Sanji both wants people to worry about him and also wants nobody to know anything is wrong with him whatsoever and so it could easily manifest in passive ways like this - Zeff or Nami etc. worrying over "have you eaten enough?" is much easier for him to process and accept than anyone recognising his internal trauma.
All this to say, I think Sanji - probably without even consciously realising it - has a complicated relationship with feeding himself that manifests in him maintaining a borderline-underweight BF% for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with his appearance. I don't think he would've been underfed while at the Baratie, but I still think he would've been developing controlling compulsions around food that would've grown more once he left that environment and was solely in charge of not only his nutrition, but an entire crew's.
I think he probably tries to make sure he eats enough, mostly so that he can still be a useful and functional Straw Hat, but it's a manual thing. Like he doesn't realise until he's back underweight again and starting to notice the effects and has to pour butter over all his meals for a few weeks, lmao. And I think he definitely struggles emotionally with the idea of not "deserving" or "earning" certain foods, and using food (or lack thereof) as a way to punish himself. Add on to the fact that he's been smoking since he was a kid so his appetite is probably shot to hell, and I think you just have a guy whose natural inclination is not to eat more than absolutely necessary and oh, oops, he has a whole ship full of people he loves more than anything he has to feed first, guess he'll just have to make do on the scraps.
A few others have also pointed out the aspect of weight gain as a form/result of healing from trauma, and I can totally see this for Sanji, too. Comfort eating often stems from the exact same reasons as restrictive eating, control/lack thereof again being a major one. I don't think he would have to lose any of the weight gained in order to be happy or healed, though. Maybe he would gradually lose some of the weight he gained during WCI, maybe he wouldn't, but I think overall the arc works as a very appropriate backdrop to explore Sanji working through and starting recovery from disordered eating on top of his recovery from his other traumas.
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mkstrigidae · 3 years
Current WIPs and Fic Concepts
I promised I would do this yesterday, and then I forgot!!! (I was very sleep deprived). Anyways, here are a bunch of the WIP premises that I have in my 'unfinished drafts' folder. Most have at least a few pages written for them, but I love them all! ☺️💕
- A Santa Clarita Diet AU (Jonsa) Takes place in sunny southern California, where a shitty dinner at a mediocre restaurant turns into a huge problem for Jon and Sansa when Sansa's heart stops beating. Although she seems fine, Jon is flabbergasted several days later as he watches his wife- who alphabetizes their pantry and refuses to let anyone wear shoes in the house- rip the throat out of one of the sleazy new partners at their law firm, eating half of him before anyone processes what's going on. Hilarity ensues as Sansa's inhibitions and filter disappear, Arya ropes an extremely confused Gendry into helping figure out what the hell is going on just because he moderates the zombie forum on reddit, and Jon tries to deal with the fact that the woman he loves more than anything is now a humanitarian. He really could use a drink. (This one is actually mostly complete, but i need to refine a few things- i really love it. It's as gory and irreverent as the show, so viewer discretion advised, but it's a BLAST to write).
- A Thor/MCU AU (Jonsa, Steve Rogers/Sansa)- Asgardian prince Aegon is banished to Midgard after one too many arrogant decisions, and is promptly hit by a van containing Dr. Sansa Stark, Dr. Barristan Selmy, and Margaery Tyrell- two astrophysicists studying wormholes and Sansa's best friend and pseudo-intern. Marg yells at him, he yells back, Sansa tases him, and Barristan didn't sign up for the kind of heavy lifting that getting a 200+ pound slab of muscle into the back of a van takes. And then Aegon's younger brother, Jon, shows up, in the middle of an identity crisis because, apparently, he's adopted. He wasn't intending to stay, but he's rather drawn to Dr. Stark and her brilliance, and against her better judgement, she starts to trust him, and maybe even like him. This story is in about three parts so far- the first is based on 'Thor' and the second on 'The Avengers' and are fully Jonsa, and the third started as a family bonding story between the Stark kids and Tony (Ned and Tony are second cousins, and Ned was really supportive of Tony in rehab without expecting anything in return), and accidentally turned into a Steve Rogers/Sansa Stark story, which is a pairing i am HERE for. A lot of this one is written, but it needs some fill in before publishing, although it's one of my favorites that i've written to go back and actually read.
- A Star Wars AU (Jonsa) where Sansa and Arya are Alderaanian princesses who are off planet when Alderaan is destroyed- Sansa as a senator and Arya as a pilot, both working for the rebellion, and jon is a smuggler who does not know how all of these people got on his ship and why two princesses are sassing him. His copilot, Tormund (yes he's a wookie), thinks it is hilarious. I started this one just the other day, and it's already thirty pages long, most of them involving Sansa and Arya sassing people. Dany is a leader in the rebellion, Roose Bolton is the emperor, and Barbrey Dustin is a disgruntled former jedi trying to live in peace on a remote planet until another Stark crashes into her life and harangues her into teaching again.
- A witches/magic AU (Jonsa) where the Starks run an apothecary and spellcasting supplies shop. Jon had been completely in the dark about magic before his mother confessed to being born into a family of witches. He finds himself traveling to her hometown, trying to understand her world more clearly, and what it means for him. On the way, he develops something of a crush on the red-headed shop clerk who brews the best headache potions in town. Featuring lots of magical shenanigans, this is one of my favorites in the folder :)
- A 24 hour diner AU (Jonsa) where Jon is a local mob boss, and Sansa works the late shift at Seaworth's diner to buy textbooks for the PhD she's working on in botany. Sansa's running from memories, and Jon has a soft spot for the red-headed waitress who always remembers how he likes his coffee.
- An East of the Sun, West of the Moon AU!!! (Jonsa) This is one of my fav fairy tales, and of course i couldn't resist Jon as a direwolf striking a deal with the starks!
- A Roomates AU (Jonsa)- Arya, Jon, Tormund, and Sam have been renting the same house together off Winterfell's campus for years- but when Sam moves in with his girlfriend, they need one more person on the lease. Sansa, about to relocate to Winterfell for grad school, finds out that her boyfriend has been cheating on her and that her housing plans have fallen through, all on the same day. Needless to say, she's a bit upset when she calls Arya to relay the news. There's a simple solution here, if Arya and Tormund can stop teasing Jon about his crush for five minutes. (any excuse to write tormund and arya roasting jon, tbh).
- A Fae AU (Jonsa)- When Sansa, a baker living in the city, washes her face in an enchanted spring on a camping trip, she gains the sight as a result. Suddenly able to see the fae underworld all around her is disorienting and terrifying. Sansa tries to conceal it- afraid of what might happen if the fae around her know that she can see them- but slips up, and catches the attention of Jon Snow- one of the lords of the unseelie court.
- A nuclear winter wasteland AU (Jonsa)- (?? I don't even know how to describe this premise, haha) where the Starks are living and running the Free Winterfell settlement in Siberia after a worldwide nuclear meltdown. Before the fallout, Sansa was one of the world's preeminent researchers in plant genetics and pathology, and works at the settlement to create newer, disease and radiation resistant crops to distribute for free to other settlements, aiming to break up the monopoly that Lannister Corp has on the market. Jon is a scavenger, searching throughout Siberia for his sister Rhae who disappeared several years previously. When he runs across Arya Starkovna, helping her fight off another band of radiation ravaged scavengers is just instinct- he doesn't think twice about it. In thanks, she brings him to the Winterfell settlement, where her brother Robb offers Jon sanctuary and resources, in exchange for serving as a bodyguard for Sansa when she travels to other settlements. Sansa is not particularly thrilled by this arrangement, but given that multiple parties seem to want her dead, she doesn't have much of a choice but to accept his company.
- A reincarnation AU (Jonsa)- of sorts. Robb is an archaeologist who finds a strange set of runes at a site up north, and immediately calls in Jon Snow- a historian and expert in said ancient language, as well as an old university friend of Robb's. When he arrives though, Robb shows him their most valuable finds- two mysterious ice blocks, with what appear to be perfectly preserved bodies from over a thousand years ago. No one could ever have imagined that either of them were still alive, but when the ice melts, revealing two very alive girls, the entire crew is instantly buried in NDAs, and given an assignment from the Westerosi government to figure out what the hell was going on. Sansa and Arya wake up, extremely confused about the world they live in, trying to adapt and mourning all that they've lost, even as the people around them wear familiar faces.
- Soulmates AU (Jonsa)- (Yes, another one, I love this dumb trope) Trauma surgeon and medical resident Sansa Stark is having a very bad day, and ends up meeting her soulmate during what she thinks is a mugging gone wrong. Fortunately, he’s not the one mugging her, just an intervening bystander, but she ends up slightly shot nonetheless. Sansa’s fretting about bleeding on the upholstery in his car, but Jon is a bit more worried about her injuries than the blood stains. He’s a bit confused when she threatens him if he takes her to a specific hospital, nearly has a nervous breakdown when she insists on doing her own triage, and is very charmed when she insists on ice cream after taking pain meds at the hospital. On Sansa’s part, she’s a little less concerned about being shot, and a bit more concerned about whatever weird first impression she’s making to her soulmate while high as a kite on pain pills. (this one just needs some tweaking to be postable- I'm not sure if it's going to be a oneshot or a series, but i love what I have already)
- A Demon/Archivist AU (Jonsa)- where Sansa works in the university's historical archives in Oldtown, and is learning to restore old texts with her fellow student and friend, Alleras (Trans Sarella is an amazing concept). When Joffrey Baratheon shows up with a pile of old books from his family's library to donate, Sansa is eager to get away from his sleaze, and accidentally takes one of the books home with her in her rush to leave. Unbeknownst to her, it's more than it appears, and when she leaves it open overnight, she accidentally summons forth Jon- an ancient, powerful, and extremely annoyed demon who is under a curse, and now hers to command. As Jon and Sansa try to get used to this new normal, the Lannisters (unaware that Joffrey had donated the tome) try desperately to find the book and it's owner, wanting Jon's power for themselves, and putting Sansa in considerable danger unless she can figure out how to break Jon's curse. Fortunately, she's a pretty good researcher, even if Jon is initially a bit of a grump. (This is based on a total wish-fulfillment mary-sue type premise for something I wrote when I was thirteen, and I revisited it and wanted to see what it would look like if i took it very seriously, and i am really enjoying it so far. It's a love letter to the terrible, heartfelt writing i was doing in middle school that created the foundations for my writing today, and so much fun).
The one that I am MOST excited about though:
- A Pacific Rim AU!!!! (Ned/Cat, Gendrya, Braime, Sansa/Jon Umber)-Twins Sansa and Robb Stark have always been completely in tune with each other, and when your parents are Jaeger pilots and your mother invented the neural handshake, what option is there but the Jaeger academy? Sansa studies to be an engineer, but ends up copiloting the Jaeger 'Winter Wolf' with her twin brother, after they lose Ned Stark to cancer. When Robb is ripped out of the conn-pod and killed by a kaiju while he's still connected to Sansa, she barely manages to kill the creature before stumbling back to shore, traumatized, grieving, and swearing that she'll never pilot again.
Unfortunately, the Kaiju don't stop just because Sansa does, and when the end of the world is imminent, Marshall Catelyn Stark orders both her daughter and former pilot Jaime Lannister (who lost his twin and copilot, Cersei, several years previously) back to Hong Kong for one final stand. Forced to face both her demons and an irate Arya, furious that Sansa had abandoned the rest of them after Robb's death, Sansa and Arya have to figure out how to pilot Winter Wolf together before the apocalypse comes for them all.
Featuring Marshall Catelyn Stark (commander of the Hong Kong Shatterdome, inventor of the neural handshake, former Jaeger pilot, and BAMF), Sansa x Jon Umber (Yes i know it's a rare pair but i've always kind of loved the idea of them, even though we know so little about him), Kaiju parts dealer and smuggler Petyr Baelish, bickering kaiju biologist Dany and theoretical mathematician Jon Snow, LOCCENT officer Theon, lots of snark, lots of angst and heartfelt conversations, and a weird friendship between snarky-grieving-asshole Jaime Lannister and kind-quiet-grieving Sansa Stark, who are the only two people in the world who know what it's like to lose a copilot and a twin in the drift.
Thanks for reading guys!! There are more, but some of them I just don't know how to explain quite yet, haha. I'd love to hear what you guys think about these!
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padawan-jiejie · 4 years
Summary: Let’s just pretend that Reylo isn’t happening (sorry Rey, I ship you two but hey, for the sake of my emotions, leave for a sec, pls, thanx) and here you are getting lectures from Kylo only to fall in love with him and the ending takes place after The Rise of Skywalker where the bad shit magically handled itself and our fav depressed boy is coming back home...
Word Count: 2804
Pairing: Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x force-sensitive!reader
Warnings: !MyEnglish!, some angst towards the end, one swear word, me describing the Force + TRoS SPOILERS
A/N: I need a way to cope with my feels right now because I... No... Just... No... I can’t... I don’t manage... Not yet... Not now... Not ever... 💔💔💔 Also, I wrote this instead of sleep so... Might contain a lot of mistakes and inconsistencies... And it’s longer than planned so... Enjoy
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You didn’t know what it was or how it was possible but ever since you could remember, it was there. This... feeling. No, not a feeling. Instinct? Sixth sense? Possibly. But not quite. Once you turned 19 it all started to make sense to you. You told your dad to leave you alone after an argument and he did so without any questions. The other day you wanted your friend to tell you what was happening that she’s so upset about and she explained everything even though normally it took a lot of effort to make her speak. Very unusual. You needed to reach for a book high on the shelf and it moved just for you to grab it. Once you were walking down the street and you saw kids playing. One of them sat down after a while to catch his breath and some other older boy was about to throw a ball at him with more strength then the sitting child could have handled. You immediately acted and pulled up your arm. You somehow managed for the ball to fly right above the boy’s head. It didn’t touch him although it was more than obvious it was supposed to end up in his face. These incidents began to be more and more frequent and your suspicion proved to be correct. You were indeed force-sensitive. You didn’t tell anyone though. You were a bit afraid of what the people in your environment would think and considering you didn’t really want to be part of the Jedi, you kept it secret. At least you tried your best. Until he came into your life.
You didn’t care how old you were, you stilled loved climbing trees and since you found a way of using some certain extent of the Force, you could climb higher and easier than ever. You enjoyed it. That day was no different. You came about your daily routine, helped your mom cook the dinner, studied for a bit and at the sunset, you went into your family backyard. As you were walking further from the house, taking in the scent of your favourite flowers, you sensed something. You could not quite put a finger on it and could not decide if it was good or bad. It intrigued you so you followed the feeling. That was when you saw him. A dark figure was standing in the shadows and you knew. It was him, this new mesmerizing notion you were experiencing.
You stopped in your trucks, looking him up and down. He was wearing a mask that would scare you if you wouldn’t feel him. He seemed dangerous if provoked but apart from that, there was something gentle about him.
You swallowed, took a deep breath and spoke up: “May I help you?”
There was nothing for a minute. No motion. No words. Then he stepped closer to you, revealing his whole posture.
“What is your name and how long have you been using the Force?” he asked with an unnaturally deep voice. This must have been Kylo Ren. Suddenly a wave of fear washed over you, but you tried to shake it away.
“Oh my... I... I’ve known about it for a while now and my name is Y/N.”
For a spare second, you were thinking, he was going to kill you, but then again, you didn’t sense anything. His demeanour and reputation sure were terrifying but he wasn’t intending on hurting you. If he did, he would have surprised you and wouldn’t wait for you to notice him. You knew that so you tried to stay calm, waiting for him to make a move. And he did. 
He removed his mask.
You just started in shock.
“I could show you the ways of the Force, Y/N.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“Are you certain it’s not just what you want to believe in?”
“I am not. But I don’t need to be. You are a Sith. Why would I want to be a part of the Dark side?”
“I didn’t say I’d help you to become one of the Sith.”
You blinked. “What are you suggesting then?”
“You are very powerful. I can feel it. The fact that you’re using the Force powers without any sort of training is only a proof of that.” He was circling around you. “I don’t want you to be with the Sith. I don’t want to mentor you about what side of the Force to belong to. I just want to help you embrace it. The Force I mean, without prejudice.”
“I must admit, it sounds... interesting. But why? Why would you want to train me when I’m sure you have other more important things to do? Why me?”
Kylo stood right in front of you, looking straight into your eyes. Your gaze didn’t shift from his. That impressed him. “I do. But it doesn’t happen every day to find a case such as yours and I would like to make the most of it, not waste it.”
You nodded considering your options. There he was, the infamous Kylo Ren, offering you his guidance. He was genuine about it and although you hated to admit it, he was pretty handsome. Those were all pros of signing up for the deal but there were lots of cons.
“What would I need to do? I mean, what about my family? They don’t know I am force-sensitive and I don’t want them to know.” Especially not now when one of the most threatening people in the galaxy is involved. “And I am not faking my death nor am I leaving anywhere.”
“You don’t need to. It’ll be complicated but I can still teach you like this. I can come once in a while and let you practise on your own. I believe you’ll be a natural. As long as you stick to some rules.”
“When do we start?” came out of your mouth before you could stop yourself.
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Kylo would come to you, stay for some time to show you Force tricks, see what progress you’ve achieved, talk to you about it, test you in some things and leave. At first, his visits were completely formal. He would rarely let you see his face, would never speak to you about himself and always kept you at distance. Both physically and mentally. But soon he would start to stay longer, talk more and reveal his face. It didn’t take long for him to be friendly with you to a point where you two would just lie down and watch stars together. You shared many theoretical and philosophical conversations and really got to know each other. Suddenly he wasn’t terrifying at all. It was no surprise when you began to develop feelings for him. At first, it started out as a crush you thought would fade. You thought it was a bit childish to feel this way about him so you pushed it aside as much as you could. But it all only escalated. The more time you spend with him, the more you wanted to see him, the more you wished for him to be there with you, the more you smiled around him and the more your feelings grew. You were not aware of it but Kylo felt similar. He found you extremely beautiful and attractive. You never failed to light up his day. You were a promising student and you didn’t let others define you. He admired that since he struggled with this and you always showed to him that all he needs to be is himself. That he is enough. You were smart, kind, compassionate and brave. You were a good person and a true friend. If only you knew, you meant so much more to him! He tried to suppress what he was feeling, but he couldn't. Therefore after one of your sessions, as you were stargazing he turned to face you.
“Yes, Kylo.”
“I need you to know something.”
That caught your attention. He seemed so vulnerable at that moment. “I’m listening. What is it?”
“Two things actually.”
You frowned but let him speak.
“My real name is not Kylo, but I guess you've figured that out.”
“I thought there was something just not quite right about it.”
“My real name is Ben. Ben Solo.”
“Ben? Hmm... Should I start calling you that?”
“If you want to.”
“I think I do. I kind of like it.”
He gave you a warm smile that could melt your heart in a second.
“And um, what was the other thing?”
“Well... I... just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you as a person and I need to tell you that... You mean so much to me, I don’t think you can imagine just how much.”
You were biting on your lower lip. Your heart was beating fast as you patiently waited for him to continue. Could he feel the same way about you as you did for him?
“I did not want to for us to become close but we did and I am glad. I also never thought that I would... that I would feel about someone the way that I feel about you. And... I don’t want to change it. Actually, I really really like you and not just as a friend.”
You blushed and didn’t know how to react so you just laughed nervously. “That’s funny. I... I mean that... You know... Haha... I’ve been falling for you for some time now so I think this is good news.”
Before you had any time to note what was happening his lips were on yours, your hands in his hair and you were passionately kissing under the stars that witnessed the beginning of your romance.
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It’s been a couple of years since you first met Ben. You started out as strangers and ended up being lovers. Lately, you were, unfortunately, going through a little bit of a relationship crisis. Snoke was out of the picture but there was still the “Rey thing” waiting for it to be done and Ben would never take you with him anywhere and that was frustrating. You were realising what was at risk, you knew why he was doing what he was doing but you couldn’t help but want to be there with him. It was difficult and he wouldn’t listen to you.
So here you were. Sitting under an old tree, horrified, because you could feel it. There was a disturbance in the Force. It was strong and you didn’t like it. Something was terribly wrong and it was irritating you. It was so bad that you even yelled at your parents for no apparent reason this morning because you couldn’t just tell them: “Hey I am dating Kylo Ren and I am Force-sensitive all along and I feel as if I was about to lose the love of my life any moment so would you please stop asking what has gone into me” when all of this was kept a secret from them. You knew you’ll have to tell them one day but not now. Not when you couldn’t even focus on simple tasks, because all you wanted and all you needed was for Ben to come back to you. You needed to know was that he was safe and sound. This uncertainty was killing you.
Then you felt it. One second there was this tension and the other... It was all gone. Totally. Nothing. Blank.
You put your face in your hands and started crying. What was this all about? Did something happen to him? It must have...
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The next couple of days you weren’t able to think straight. All you could think about was your Ben Solo. Where was he? What was the Force trying to tell you? How come this was even allowed?! It’s not like you didn’t have a life outside of your relationship with him - it was nearly impossible given that you two were a secret - but it wasn’t the same when you didn’t know what happened.
Your best friend took you out for shopping wishing that it would make you feel better but she had no idea what was actually keeping you from being your normal self.
“Okay so is this about a boy?”
“What makes you think so?”
“You weren’t with anyone as far as I know so I’m guessing that someone you were in love with didn’t want you back and now they’re with someone and you don’t want to accept that.”
“Ph... If only!”
“What is it then?” she put one arm around you.
“I can’t tell you.”
“Why not? I am your best friend. You can trust me. You know that.”
“I do but this is something I have to process on my own.”
“Well, if you ever need me, I am here.”
“Thank you.”
She wasn’t far from the truth and although not there yet, it still was nice to be at least a little validated. You still had someone really close. You desperately wanted to tell her everything and cry on her shoulder but you knew it was better this way. For now. You had to stay put until you’ll figure out what happened to your loved one. Little did you know all would be revealed soon.
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For whatever reason, you’ve woken up that day and had the urge to visit the lonely and familiar places of the gardens in your backyard. You missed Solo dearly and thought that this could get you closer to him as you still had no answers.
Slowly, like a body without a soul, you walked to your and Ben’s favourite spot. The small field where you used to watch stars. You found it there when he was Kylo, not Ben yet. It made memories rise up to the surface.
Your body collapsed to the ground. You sighed, ready to start crying any minute when it hit you. This strong feeling. It was like a message. As if the Force was calling to you. You couldn’t believe it. There was nothing for weeks and now... It was stronger than before. You sensed him. It felt like Ben right here, right now.
You looked up and it was like a fairy tale. He was there. Ben Solo was there, walking towards you. Tears of happiness rolled down your face as you got up and ran to him. He started to run in your direction too, glad to see you after all. You collided, hugging each other in a tight embrace. Ben spun you around, put you down and kissed you deeply. You were kissing him back like you never did before and like there was no tomorrow. It was such a relief seeing him, touching him and knowing he’s okay.
“I love you so much, Y/N. I am so sorry for everything. But I am here now. Don’t cry, please, my love, it’s alright now.”
“I thought I lost you...” you said silently, unable to cope.
“You almost did but it doesn’t matter. I am alive.”
“Almost? W-wh-what happened?”
“I was technically dead but I’m not anymore and I will stay with you now. Forever. I’m not going away. I’ll give you all of the time you deserve and I couldn’t give you before.“ he whipped away your tears and lower his forehead to yours. He meant it. He just wanted nothing more but to be with you.
“You were technically dead? What? Ben, you bastard! What were you thinking?! I...  I love you, please, don’t do this to me! Ever!”
“Please, forgive me.”
“I already did, but don’t you dare to scare me like this again!”
“I’ll do my best, sweetheart.”
“Yes, you will, you little stupid, urgh!” you slightly punched his arm. He pulled you closer to him, not bothered by your actions, and you cried into his chest. You were incredibly happy you could embrace him again and let him comfort you.
You almost lost him. Almost. But not quite. He came back. He came back to you. He was here. He was here with you and for you. And he would stay this time. He was never going to leave. He was ready to love and cherish you until his last breath. After everything that he’s been through, he finally realised that the most important thing in his life was you and your love. He didn’t need anything else and he wasn’t going to risk it no more. He was yours and you were his and that is all the matters.
Almost... There’s going to be probably a lot of explaining to your family members about how this whole love came to be but those are only details! Let’s not ruin the bigger picture, shall we?
We shall.
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quietest-rebellion · 4 years
Do the chaos household for that character meme you coward
Me upon realizing I have to explain what that is
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Basically it's the idea of my fav murder boys having to live together. This being Stefano, Eddie, and Higgs. @christmasace and I came up with this one night and it has been our main source of serotonin since.
I'm going to do the character break downs for them in the context of their original games though. So anyway, buckle in, lads, this'll be a long one. (Eddie and Higgs will be below the cut)
Stefano Valentini
How I feel about this character
Fav. Favest of favs. I would willingly die for this man in a heartbeat. His voice? Beautiful. His personality? Snarky. His art? Breath taking. The way that he has to fix his hair after getting shot with a smoke bolt? Hilarious. Me? I'm in love. Also the fact he put jokes outside of the theater is iconic. Anyway, Stefano was an appealing character from the moment I first saw him in Markiplier's playthrough. I didn't realize I'd fallen until I started crying at his death and Mark was like "I don't even feel a little bad!" Because then I was like "oh shit why am I crying" Also I believe Stefano is an undiagnosed autistic man with horrible PTSD and brain damage(obviously) and I will die on this hill. I could talk about how I feel about Stefano for pages but I won't right now.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Me. Honestly I feel like Stefano is either an asexual aromantic, who only cares about his art, or he is a raging bisexual who is extremely picky with men since he himself is such a perfect man. As for actual ships though, I feel like Stefano is attracted to Sebastian and flirts with him throughout the game. I just don't really see the idea of Sebastian flirting back. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Emily Lewis. I love the idea of them being in a relationship, official or unofficial, and then things went south and he killed her. Stefano killed a lot of people before being put into STEM, why was this one so special he had to make a series of displays representing her? I don't know, just my thoughts.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
This is gonna sound weird, but I guess Theodore? Look, I just love the idea of Stefano driving Theodore insane and making him regret ever hiring him. And like, all the memes everyone makes about it? Amazing. (A personal favorite, also the one that I made) Plus, "You are special. You've always been special." Yeah, anyway I really need to know what the other half of that conversation was. Does Obscura count? I think she does. I see Stefano and Obscura's relationship being like that of a father and daughter or of a pet and an owner. He just loves her so much and he's so snippy when Sebastian gets to the theater the first time. "You did not appreciate my beautiful Obscura's performance." I imagine if you actually chose to fight and kill her in Ch. 7 he was really upset about it. Guardian is along the same lines as Obscura but I think Obscura has a higher place in his mind. 1. Because she is a camera and takes more photos for him. 2. There is confirmed to be more than one Guardian so he probably doesn't grow overly attached to any particular one, where there is only one Obscura. 3. Stefano seems to love whatever he did most recently the most, which is fair. As an artist, it really just Be Like That.
My unpopular opinion of this character
Unpopular only in the world of the game, but his art is good.  Actual unpopular opinion? Not sure I have one, tbh.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I say it literally all the time but I really want a prequel comic or SOMETHING to tell us more about him as character. What happened to his family? Why did he come to America? What war was he injured in?  Also the idea of him getting some dlc for the second game is still always on my mind, like, it could take place before and during the main game and it’s just us fucking around and making art and then catching Lily and fighting Sebastian. I am not gonna say that he didn’t deserve to die in canon, so really I wouldn’t change that.
Eddie Gluskin
How I feel about this character
Look... uh... I honestly am not sure how to describe my feelings for him. Because on one hand, is a misogynistic asshole who deserves literally everything that happened to him as an adult. But on the other hand, he was an abused child that grew into a hurt and sick adult. Also, when he’s not trying to kill you he is quite the gentleman.  Basically, I love this character, but I have no idea why and am slightly ashamed about it.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Literally no one. This man should not be in a relationship with any of the canon characters. I’d like to imagine an AU where he is sane and settled down with a wife and had 2.5 kids and lived together in their house with a white picket fence but that isn’t going to happen obviously.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Look, I know they never interact with each other, but Eddie and Trager. And like, not as friends really but more as weird acquaintances. They talk about surgeries and such, share a drink every now and then, complain about women, etc. 
My unpopular opinion of this character
He’s straight. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I just wish he would’ve been sent to a place that could actually help him instead of Mt. Massive. But then he wouldn’t be in the game, lmao. ALSO, there is a lot of unused Eddie dialogue in the files for the game. I really wish that all of them would have actually been included in the game. Some gems include: “Did I...? Oh lord. I forgot to give you an anesthetic, didn’t I? Eddie, you doofus! Would forget my own head if it was screwed on!” (Timestamp 16:32) “There you go. No, no, don’t cry. You’re not dying. I’m going to make you better.” (Timestamp 10:13) 
Higgs Monaghan
How I feel about this character
Garbage boy stink man. Just a rowdy, dirty boy. Pizza rat. Like, I sometimes have a difficult time imagining that he ran a company before he was a terrorist, because he doesn’t seem like a very organized person. Higgs is so multifaceted it’s impressive. In the game we only really get to see him a this asshole who wants to end the world. In his journals we see his hunt for power and want to be important. In his bunker we see the organized chaos of how his brain worked and how he operated his life. Not to mention the Peter Englert emails that are so well written. Anyway, I love him.  Plus I’m gonna mention something my sister(Thrushheart) pointed out when I was having her watch me play. He is the exact opposite of Sam. Examples: Sam hates being touched or touching people. Higgs is touching people as often as he can, including but not limited to even licking them. Sam is reconnecting the world, at first for Amelie, then for everyone he’s met along the way. Higgs is ending the world, at first for Amelie, then for himself(or possibly still for Amelie). Higgs is loud and bombastic while Sam is more quiet and reserved. Sam is smol and Higgs is tol.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Look, I’m not gonna say that I do or do not ship Goldenbridges. I’m not sure how I feel about it because, as I said, Higgs and Sam are such contrasting personalities I don’t think it would work. Fragile. Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking, but I imagine they were together before he met Amelie. His betrayal would mean even more if this was true. And in his journals he only ever refers to Fragile as “his partner.” Now I know this was done to hide that they were his journals and because they were work partners, but it could also mean more. And of course we can’t forget the somber and clear writing, directly over his bed in his bunker. “Fragile forget you ever met me.” And how surprised he was to see her on the beach after the fight. The sad look he gave her as she caressed his face. Aaahhhh.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I wasn’t sure whether to include Higgs relationship with Amelie here or in the last section. But he quite literally worshiped her and the ground she walked on so  🤷🏻‍♀️  I don’t feel like she ever really gave a fuck about him though. Amelie is extremely manipulative and proves that every time she opens her mouth so I have no doubt she told him whatever he wanted to hear so that he would help her.
The Veteran Porter. If you worked hard enough to get more than one star with this guy, you learn that he used to work for Higgs and that’s why he is reluctant to trust the UCA. I like to think that he and Higgs were good buddies before Amelie.
My unpopular opinion of this character
With likable villains it’s hard to figure what is a popular opinion and what is not. So I’m really not sure. Maybe just that he didn’t get enough screen time?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
Redemption ark! Redemption ark! Higgs is the one guy on this list where I’m like, “Okay, he saw the error in his ways. Maybe he gets a second chance.”
Anyway, that’s all of them! If you actually read this whole thing, first of all... wow. Second of all, thanks! Here is a screenshot of these chaos boys from The Sims 4 as your reward. 
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asilentfrenzy · 4 years
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(this dissapeared when i tried to save it as a draft 😬)
hmm smells like bait but i’ll bite anyway to get this out of the way lol
i can see why it’s a ship, obviously (then again i have been involved in fandoms long enough to know that any ship is possible lol). elain is sweet and vulnerable, and azriel has the right approach out of all of them during her current healing stage in the books. azriel is the dark brooding character who needs to heal as well. it’s a classic gentle, soft girl with the mysterious, closed off boy type of ship. however, i don’t think they’re right for each other beyond friends (which is all i saw them as until i came to the fandom and saw that they were some giant ship that people are really confident about being canon??). azriel is very dark (he tortures people) and he has quite a temper, and that just doesn’t seem like something elain needs or is prepared to deal with. he has a lot in his past that i don’t believe elain would push him to actually deal with just as i don’t believe azriel would push elain to bring out the parts of herself that she needs to deal with. they would be a very… quiet and safe couple, but almost distant in a way (boring). azriel has also been (and is still) pining over the same woman for 500 years
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and on the other side of why i don’t ship them - lucien. i am a lucien stan, and up until his mate he has had to suffer with the tormenting memories of the woman he thought was his mate being murdered in front of his face by his father while he was held down and forced to watch by his brothers. for him to find his actual mate only for her to be used as an “example of hOw a bOnD cAn bE rEjEcTeD” or, even better, to be used to accommodate the idea of “azriel deserving to have someone reject their mate for him” (are you fucking kidding me lol do you know how fucked up that sounds?? ya bc apparently lucien deserves to be the mate that is rejected i suppose lol gross af) ON TOP OF losing his best friend, his court (both courts actually), being treated like shit by feyre & co, and pretty much being completely alone aside from like julian and vassa (which oc everyone “ships” because they need somewhere to put lucien to help their ship sail and she’s pretty much his only option) that?? would be pretty fucking shitty lol
but, aside from the bond, i genuinely ship elain and lucien. lucien is socialable and charismatic like elain, he enjoys nature, is outgoing, lively, lighthearted, etc. lucien is blunt and calls people out - elain likes to dismiss things that she doesn’t want to deal with to maintain the “ignorance is bliss” type of bubble she tries to maintain. lucien would call out this naivety, where idk if azriel would. not like lucien would at least
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and no, not saying elain is “owed” to lucien so chill tf out, friends lol
like a lot of ships in different fandoms, elriel is drawn together by a few interactions (that were sweet of course, not taking that away) that are blown to the utmost proportions. azriel is a fan fav as the quiet, brooding and misunderstood guy, and while him and someone like elain have the potential for a sweet relationship - i don’t think that it has to be elain specifically to fill that role that shippers see for him as his s/o
mates are rare. as much as the fandom likes to pick and choose when they want to acknowledge the significance of the bond, the bond is still VERY significant. and i definitely fucking think lucien is the LAST character who deserves his bond to be used to paint an “example” of when a bond is rejected lmfao like what
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yeah. elain and azriel have had more positive interactions. but they have also been in a war/dealing with the repercussions of a war. they’re immortals. they have time
(sorry, but i just saw the “imagine if azriel had someone choose him over their mate” bullshit again for like the 13th time and can i just say 🤢🤢🤢🤢 imagine wishing for/being cool with someone else’s suffering and rejection just so your boy can feel warm and fuzzy inside lmfao CAN’T RELATE)
what azriel really deserves is to receive the honesty from mor about where she stands, have the time to get over her, and to find someone who has the full capacity to understand him and has enough in common with him for them to truly thrive
also three “brothers” with the three sisters?? c'mon now
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chocolatetakoyakis · 4 years
Hi there ❤️ can I request you some Headcanons for Ohma, Raian, Gaolang ans Saw from Kengan Ashura ! they are near the swimming pool and they noticed their crush coming in a very beautiful/ sexy Bikini. thanks !! ❤️
Iuhcduhefuhucheihiebd writing about sexy Fighters is 100% OKAY 🤤
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- well he isn’t really emotional in public, like damn the only time we saw him smile was when he was fighting or eating
- and when he saw you with this beautiful F/c bikini at the swimming pool, trust me he was definitely felling something.
- as you approach him to say hello, he will stare at you without any emotion but his brain is trying to analyse what his feelings are saying.
- Kaede is the first who is complimented you, followed by Lihito and our Ashura is still staring at you with piercing eyes.
- even when Lihito is starting to flirt with you he is not even pissed too focused on assembling the informations your awesome body was giving to his poor brain.
- “ this color looks good on you”
- still with his neutral face but now he is staring at your eyes like he is gonna eat your soul.
- I’m afraid this man doesn’t know how to flirt but you got it right.
- your Adorable “ thank you Ohma” made his day but he didn’t reply to you thinking the conversation was over.
- still watch you while you are talking with Kaede about coming to the Spa together
- he isn’t aware that he is staring at your chest, which made you a little uncomfortable but oddly you know that he isn’t a pervert.
- Lihito telling him discreetly to stop staring because it’s rude.
- now you’re all alone with him because Kaede went to her room to take her VIP card for the Spa you two are going to do and Lihito being Lihito accompanied her
- you are both silent while looking at each other
- you started the conversation by suggesting to go next to the beach waiting for them to come back ( because you were not comfortable with our Ashura’ gaze on you )
- before you walk back, he aggressively took your hands while pronouncing your name.
- INTENSE EYE CONTACT ( you’re dying inside )
- “ Y/n you look really Ho.....
- OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA ! ( bruh you know who it is)
- you being push in the water by Karla Kure ( damn she has a lot of strength for a teenager ) who is now stuck on Ohma’ Abs.
- him not realizing what happened started to freak out when he saw Karla’s lips next to his and ran away as fast as he can.
- he was not here anymore when you get out the water but oddly you felt really happy about what he almost said before YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT OR WHO push you on the water lol
⭐️ If you’re his crush and he doesn’t really knows you, he is gonna stare at you without any comment or shame in hope that you will notice him I guess. And then turn his head when he’ll get caught. Like a 10 y old boy basically
RAIAN KURE : my fav
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- oh fuck
- Sorry.
- basically like “ This bitch is showing off” “ she is not that pretty hmph”
- he is gonna feel many emotions when he’ll see you sunbathing alone on a long chair.
- First he is gonna mentally insult you I guess like why do you have to be so pretty and all, tries to convince himself that you are just doing it for attention ( DONT TRY TO UNDERSTANT ITS RAIAN )
- is glaring at you like a Mad dog
- Second, while glaring at you he’ll analyze your look and how your hairstyle, skin and bikini fit perfectly
- his gaze softened a bit as you take your sunglasses off, so he can see your beautiful eyes.
- after this 20 long minutes at staring at you and trust me having those dark eyes glaring at you during almost half an hour is SUPER LONG AND SCARY. he finally accepts the fact that you are hot and he is attracted to you ( I mean probably only sexually ) he will finally see you as a prey or as a trophy if he noticed that other men were looking at you.
- will go to see you ( more bother you because Raian is fucking Raian )
- the rest of his family being like : WTF IS THIS KID DOING AGAIN
- the whole swimming pool froze as he started walking toward you. ( this man almost killed a man remember )
- you greeted him with a normal but awesome smile “ Good Afternoon Raian. What’s up ?
- your cool attitude pissed him even more because you’re not afraid or anxious about him being next to you.
- is gonna make mean or childish comments about you and your relaxing position.
- you responding normally because you’re used to the Devil’s manners.
- Him getting even more pissed because you’re not loosing your cool
- showing off his Abs for SUUUUUUUURE
- Raian wouls smirk at every boys that were looking at you while talking to you to make them jealous, inferior and frustrated ( you can’t see him because you’re basically almost sleeping )
- threatens you to throw you into the cold water ( and will fucking do it )
- really don’t try him
- Shit.. too late you are in the swimming pool completely wet.
- he jumped with you in his arms so he is also in the swimming pool with you but doesn’t seem to be affected by the cold water
- if you can swin you’re gonna look at him like WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM ?! Before laughing I guess
- if you cannot swim you are gonna hug Raian very hard because your afraid I suppose. ( + him being proud because your boobs are stick to him )
⭐️ if he doesn’t know you, he is gonna have the same reaction but will not come to you directly. He is gonna try to make you noticing him first so he can catch you and do a famous SEXY SMIRK + SHOWING ABS at you.
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- awww it’s your turn pretty FacePalm guy
- probably at the swimming pool with Saw Paing and some other fighters
- noticed you immediately but didn’t stare because he knows it’s rude
- expects his crush to see him and doesn’t do anything
- finally understand that his Crush saw him but is too intimidated by his group of friends so she is not gonna come to say hello to him ( Bruh they’re so tAll and could kill you a simple flick )
- Gaolang going to the bar alone so you can go to him without being annoyed by his friends
- “ hi there Gaolang”
- is a little surprised by your presence at first but greeted you with a very warm smile
- invite you to take a drink with him ( it’s free for both of you because you’re VIP however he would have paid for you )
- interesting conversation
- talking about Japan in general because both of you are foreigners here ( if you are not then he’ll ask you many thing about Japanese cultures )
- is gonna talk about Thailand and ask about your country too
- you don’t even see the time passes because you two are enjoying yourself at the bar
- probably being interrupted by Saw Paing screaming somewhere so Gaolang has to go to stop his friend
- before leaving you he’ll give you a small cute smile meaning I’m coming back
- after stopping Saw Paing from terrorizing everyone he would come back to you and offer you to walk next to the sea while chatting
- You’re not crazy and you ACCEPTED IT OF COURSE
- after a long walk full of laught ( and romantical tension ) he would just says : I found you very pretty Y/n.
- you didn’t expected that ans you didn’t respond right now which made him feel anxious poor baby
- is finally reassured when you thanked him and is probably blushing
- will make sure you’re back to your hotel room safe and may even ask you for another date later in the week.
⭐️ if he doesn’t know you, he is the type that would observe you from afar before maybe I said maybe try to talk to you if he got the occasion.
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- do I really have to make this one ?
- Screams the second he saw you
- you being scared at first but once you noticed that it was Saw Paing you felt reassured in a way.
- SHOWER OF COMPLIMENTS your ego is fucking boosted to the level 100 easily
- has no shame
- will drag you to the beach with him because a lot of people were glaring at you two and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
- take your hands h24 to drag you somewhere
- you two planned to surf, I mean you wanted him to teach you a little ( sounds like a Date Bruh just imagine )
- really want to help you and is very tender in a way with you like he helps you with your position and all by gently touching you.
- in his head he really wanna get close to you only by helping you and not really By hitting on you like others guys ( what a cutie )
- cute nicknames game between you two
- sees you as the perfect teammate
- compliments, compliments, compliments and ALSO COMPLIMENTS
- your Surf class will end up with you two playing in the water like children
- he is very energetic but doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you so he is more calm in a way but still SCREAMING
- “ I Really Had Fun Today Y/n lets doit again !”
- him wanting you to meet Gaolang for sure ( or if you two met because of him, I’ll like the three of you to spend more time together )
- secretly stare at your Ass and legs sometimes
- May threaten you to throw you into the ocean if you don’t give him little kiss for the lesson maybe
- having many fighters shipping you two together
- probably you two eating snack together at the end of the day
- he is clearly proud to be seen with you for some reason
⭐️ If he didn’t know you and just saw you at the swimming pool, I feel like he would compliment you from afar but SAW PAING BEING SAW PAING you would notice him immediately because he is so fuckin loud and give him a cute smile.
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strongerwiththepack · 4 years
Fab-Five-Feb: Virgil
Week 3 of FabFiveFeb for @gumnut-logic‘s challenge (and its your fav boi this week too! I only broke him a little bit..promise). Still getting over the feels from the ep on Saturday so this one just sits in it’s own little timeline fold. Using the prompt “I’m trying!” - enjoy!
“Don’t let him get under your defences!” Scott shouted at him from somewhere to his right.
“I’m trying!” Virgil grunted in response, re-adjusting the position of his arms to better protect his torso. In his distraction a foot soared out to kick him in the face, and although Virgil saw it coming and managed to roll with it, he stumbled back slightly.
“Well don’t let him get over them either!” Scott directed again, sounding exasperated.
“Scott!” Virgil grumbled, rubbing his jaw. “You are not helping!”
His opponent cackled in victory and Virgil narrowed his eyes at his mischievous co-pilot. “Lucky hit”
Gordon merely grinned. “I’m just warming up.”
Virgil huffed and brought his arms back up into a defensive position as he edged forward again. He and Gordon had been sparring for a good ten minutes now and it was safe to say this was not Virgil’s area of expertise. The many bruises he was now sporting would be testament to that.
Gordon swung out at him again and he swiftly dodged out of the way before launching his own attack in the opening Gordon had created. Except…it wasn’t there anymore – and neither was Gordon. His brother had ducked under his arm quicker than Virgil could blink and he felt a hard push on his back making him stumble forward. He heard Scott suck in a breath as he teetered and almost fell.
Gordon was laughing behind him. He righted himself again and clenched his jaw. He had to admit being this badly beaten by his much younger, much smaller little brother was a major blow to his ego.
“Aw come on Virg, don’t give up now.” Gordon teased with that stupid grin still plastered on his face.
Virgil huffed and charged in at Gordon. Enough was enough, he was bigger, he needed to stop going on the defensive and use his weight to get-
A sweeping leg knocked his feet out from under him and a following firm hand pushing his shoulder back meant he landed on his back with a heavily thud. The breath was knocked out of him and he lay flat on his back breathing heavily for a few seconds.
He tuned back in to hear Gordon gloating somewhere over to his right. “Oh yeah!” His brother cheered. “I’m like a ninja! Kachow!”
He could only imagine the actions that must have been going along with this spiel but he was too tired to even lift his head.
A worried Scott suddenly appeared in his field of vision.
“You okay Virgil?”
“I’m fine Scott.” He groaned pushing himself up. “But I think I’m done for today.” He mumbled sparing a glare over his shoulder at Gordon’s jeering.
“You’ve got a good foundation Virg, you just need some practise. I bet Kayo could give you some pointers.”
“Yeah, whatever Scott.” Virgil mumbled as he headed towards the door.
Scott looked on sadly as Virgil left the room. Gordon was beside him an instant later, all cheer gone from his face. Scott had a feeling his jokester brother had been putting on the act to make Virgil see this as more of a recreational thing than mandatory combat training.
“He’ll be okay Scott. This is Virgil we’re talking about, he knows how to protect himself.”
Scott clenched his fists and fired back. “Well clearly he doesn’t.”
Gordon frowned. He knew Scott was just worried. This was completely new territory for them. Virgil had been attacked last week. Badly. And they were all on edge now.
International Rescue had been evacuating a small town in Eastern Europe. A young man had approached Virgil saying he had lost his daughter. Scott had sent his brother with him to help find her. Ten minutes later and John was on the comms saying Virgil vital signs were all over the place. Co-ordinates and a full-pelt sprint later and Scott found his little brother unconscious on the ground of an alleyway. He had been badly beaten and his belt and watch were missing.
They found out later that three guys had jumped him to steal his equipment, including the man who’d claimed his daughter had been lost. Scott had been furious. Not even an hour later and all three men were being loaded onto GDF ships. It hadn’t been hard to track them down. Scott wishes he could have dealt with them himself for what they did to Virgil.
And Virgil. This incident had brought up a lot of nasty thoughts for Scott. He’d never worried about Virgil not being able to protect himself before. Sure he didn’t have the military training that Scott and Gordon had gone through but he was a big guy. He knew how to handle himself. Or at least Scott had thought he did. Now he wasn’t sure.
He’d always had to worry about Alan when he was out in the field. His littlest brother was all too enthusiastic and wide-eyed on rescues. He was so vulnerable. Scott liked to believe the best in people, but he also knew there was a lot of unsavoury characters in this world. He wasn’t naïve. Not everyone supported International Rescue and that could be dangerous for them.
So yes he worried about Alan. He worried about John. He even worried about Gordon. Sure the kid had combat training but he was still young and seemed to be a magnet for trouble. For some reason though he’d never worried as much about Virgil. And now he was paying for that decision.
Scott found himself outside his brothers’ door without even thinking about it. He knocked quietly. “Virg?”
“Come in”
He pushed the door open to see Virgil holding an ice pack to his jaw. Scott winced. “Gordon wasn’t too hard on you was he?”
Virgil sighed. “Nah, just gotta keep my face looking pretty.” He gave a half-hearted grin at the end.
Scott didn’t. He was still reminded of what his brother had gone through on that rescue every time he looked at the still healing split lip and the faded black eye.
Virgil frowned. “Stop worrying Scott.”
Scott looked at him exasperated. “Stop worrying? How can I stop worrying after seeing my little brother bleeding out on the ground after being attacked by some low-life thugs!?
Virgil sighed looking down at his lap. “You don’t trust me anymore.”
This stopped Scott in his tracks and he frowned. “What?”
Virgil looked up at him, eyes watering slightly. “I can see it in your eyes Scott. You don’t trust me anymore.”
“Virgil.” Scott whispered stunned. He sat down next to his brother on the bed. “Of course I still trust you, why would you think that?”
“Because now you’re looking at me the same way you look at Alan.”
“I trust Alan.”
Virgil’s gaze pierced into him. “Not in the same way you trusted me.”
Scott kept his gaze intensely. “I still trust you Virg. I always have and I always will. Nothing is ever going to change that.” He looked away. “I’m just worried.”
“It won’t happen again Scott okay? It was just a bad place, bad time situation.”
“God Virgil, I hope against hope that it doesn’t happen again but we can’t know that for sure. I need to know that you can protect yourself if you need to.”
“I know.” Virgil said quietly.
They sat in companionable silence for a little while longer before Virgil said. “I’ll work with Kayo. It’s something I should’ve done a long time ago.” Virgil sighed. “And it’s not just for myself. I want to be able to protect you guys if it’s needed too.”
“Good.” Scott said before thinking. “Maybe I should get Alan and John to do some classes as well.”
Virgil snorted. “Good luck getting John down for that one.”
Scott grinned mischievously. “I didn’t say he was going to have a choice.”
Virgil just rolled his eyes, before standing up, groaning slightly at his stiff muscles.
“And where are you going now?” Scott questioned.
“To find Kayo. I need to wipe that smirk off Gordon’s face asap.”
Scott chuckled. “I’ll book my seats for the re-match.”
As Virgil left the room Scott sighed and picked up the photo Virgil had sitting on his nightstand. It was one of Scott’s favourites. A framed picture of all five of them on the ranch, it must be over 12 years old now. They all looked so happy.
Scott wishes they could’ve kept some of that childhood innocence. Wishes he could protect all of them from the evils in the world. Sadly, that wasn’t realistic.
But that sure as hell wouldn’t stop him from trying.
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edda-blattfe · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland Tag Game: Post Release Version
Link to game template: https://edda-blattfe.tumblr.com/post/623310756946067456/twisted-wonderland-tag-game-post-release-version
Rules: Answer the following questions, then tag 3 or more blogs to keep the game going. Have fun, and may the gotcha goblins seek favor upon you!
Tagged by @twisted-eels
~Your twisted tale begins!~
1. Y(o/u)u just woke up in a coffin trapped with this talking rat thing that swears he isn’t a tanuki. How do you actually react?
- Severly confused but relatively calm. I would likely ask said rat thing a long list of questions...you know, like where are we, why are we stuck in a coffin of all things, and how did he manage to sneak me out of the house without waking my light sleeping but up.
2. Let’s pretend for a second that you’re not at the mercy of a magic mirror and incompetent bird dad, choose which dorm you would like to be a part of. Why, and do you think the mirror would agree?
- I used to think Diasomnia, granted that was mostly because of the gothic fairy vibes the dorms aesthetic gives off, my tendency to excel in academics, and the results I typically get from dorm sorting quizzes. However, as the game reveals more info on the dorms and student’s personalities, I think the mirror would sort me into Pomefiore. The reason I usually excel in school is because I love learning and have an (admittedly pathetic) desire to impress instructors/people in charge; also have a hard time accepting failure from myself (the mere thought of failing is enough to trigger anxiety attacks, but let’s not focus on that). These traits are synonymous with the “magnanimous efforts” Pomefiore prizes above all else. Vil’s beauty expectations would be trying, but if he (or Rook) is willing to teach that would likely trigger that desire to impress them along with those other traits. This is all speculation though. 😅
3. Going back to twst reality, where you don’t have magic and get sentenced to Ramshackle; what is your first thought upon seeing this safety hazard of a building? What’s the first thing you choose to fix there?
- “You’re leaving new here...alone..with only a talking rat for protection in a world of magic....great.” Will likely go around picking up small things at first to clear up clutter, next item is the doors and windows. Hope the ghosts can help me out at least a little.
4. In an alternate reality where you don’t immediately get lumped together with Ace and Deuce, who in the school becomes your best friend(s)?
- Likely Rook, Malleus, and Jack. Rook and Malmal are both characters with specific interests who don’t really get many chances to gush about their passions, that combination tends to work out well for me, they also seem approachable despite the out of character reputations their peers keep shoving in mc’s face (seriously, I don’t see how Rook is any weirder than say Sebek or how Mal is supposed to be intimidating when doesn’t act even remotely shady) talking to them would be easier than the “normal” students. Jack is someone I can respect for his morals and honest nature, we’d definitely get along well in class.
5. Which existing club would you give a shot? Any particular reason why?
- Science club! (Not because of Rook) The science club is a mishmash of multiple disciplines that could have been made into a separate club if enough people took interest, this is an especially enticing detail as it would offer multiple fields to study.
6. Don’t be shy, we know there’s a certain someone who’s caught your eye! Who are they? How did you meet?
- Ya’ll already know it’s Rook, let’s not kid ourselves. It’s possible I met him in the science club or maybe ran into him while he was “hunting” someone and stopped to ask what he was doing.
7. Which of the events was the most exciting for you?
- Really wanted to like Fairy Gala because, fairies. But Ghost Marriage is the fav at the moment.
8. Ghosts: delightful dorm mates or unholy terrors?
- Absolute delights! Having them around the dorm would be comforting since you know them and you’ll never be left alone in this dilapidated horror scene of a dormitory.
9. Choose a champion (no further context, just pick).
- Rook. He’d offput his enemies before taking them on, an effective strategy in any scenario requiring a champion.
10. Would you rather (a) film a movie with Vil, (b) play a round of magic shift with Leona, or (c) go gargoyle sighting with Malleus?
- C! Gargoyle watching sounds like a relaxing past time.
11. Thoughts on fairies?
- AMAZING BEINGS!!!!! I wanna know more about the different sorts of fairies! Please please please give us more fairy lore tw!
12. “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” (Choose wisely now)
- Vil is pretty, don’t get me wrong, but I think Silver is the student I’d say is the most beautiful student physically. Sorry Vil.
13. Would you rather (a) keep Azul from eating fried food, (b) be responsible for dragging Idia out from his lair, (c) break a rule with Riddle standing right in front of you, or (d) tell Kalim to his face that Jamil isn’t all that great (not true).
- B, it might take a lot of effort but he’s getting out of that room one way or another.
14. You stumble upon Rook stalking another student from inside the bushes. What do you do?
- Join him of course! Ask if he’s learned anything about his current subject.
15. Which homeland (that we know of) would you like to learn more about?
- Valley of Thorns
16. Thoughts on Grimm?
- Fluffy but kind of a jerk. Really hope we don’t have to fight him in the end.
17. If you had magic, what would be your unique magic?
- Maybe some sort of illusion magic? The thought of being able to create false sensory information straight from your imagination is enticing, ngl, and could come in handy in tricking people into say leaving their room or to get their but to class.
18. Favorite ship? (oc ships are cool too)
- I...don’t have an absolute fav....wow...erm, maybe a tie between Choco x Trey and Rosid x Lilia
19. Favorite theory?
- Crowley isn’t the main villain. At this point he’s so useless we actually want him to be the villain, but imagine the anti-climatic reveal that he isn’t.
20. The school year is coming to a close, how are you feeling? Any thoughts?
- Please don’t make me go back to my parents, this place is better. Besides, who else is gonna take care of Ramshackle if I’m gone?
21. “Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” What do you wish to see from the game in future stories?
- More lore please, I’ll take anything at this point!
Tagging: @fluiditism , @tomik0 , @octavinelle-mafia , @choconanime , @terrors-of-nightraven , @the27th , @twistinghearts , @permanentlyexhaustedowl , @oiseaunoir11 , and anyone else who wants to take part in the tag game. Have fun!
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1milzine · 4 years
As we celebrate over 200 followers on tumblr, here’s round two of favorite rarepairs!
@lurkerwithcomputer said: Still taking fave rarepair asks? I have a slowly growing love of Toga Himiko/Kaminari Denki. I'm honestly surprised it's so rare considering all the Traitor Kaminari theories. (I mean, there are only *2 fics* - I kid you not - on Ao3 with this ship and one of them is mine...)
Mod Muse: Oooh, good point. This will be a very valid ship if the traitor theory turns out to be true! Heck, even if it doesn't, I could see the dynamic being a lot of fun. Toga's chaos, empathy, and undercurrent of cunning combined with Kaminari's raw chaotic dumbass… chaos squared.
Mod Echo: I’m fond of the “Kaminari is the traitor” theory just because Kaminari is cool but like he could be even cooler with a shadowy past, and Toga and Kaminari would just be amazing to see together in general. I feel like these two are a pair I would not want to meet in a dark alley. @_@
Anon said: this is gonna sound weird but bakugo and that friend he had in middle school (the one w the long fingers) they WERE childhood friends, nd i feel like theyd have a very “no homo” kinda relationship (but secretly Yes Homo) nd angst bc the friend ISNT a hero student and esp w bkg rebuilding his relationship w deku, he could feel like hes not Good Enough to act on his feelings 4 bkg. idk i think itd b cute bc hes the friend bkg had a consistent good relationship w/ and i wanna explore that dynamic
Mod Muse: I don't think it's weird at all! I could definitely see that sort of vibe coming from them and the potential for angst, character development, and all those other things is… delicious. I love rebuilding old relationships type ships, and this hits that mark perfectly. :D
Mod Echo: “Childhood friend” ships are A+ in my book; I love those wholesome moments of “Remember that time when we…” Doesn’t seem like a weird ship to me at all!
Anon said: Dunno if you’ll do another round of fav rarepairs but I think ShinIzuOcha is so cute!! Also Kendo x Momo x Jirou are adorable
Mod Muse: Oh gosh, you're right, they are cute! I should have thought twice before suggesting this event… i'm… gonna end up with too many ships. RIP me
Mod Echo: Y’all ever look at canon and go “Wow, you’re just not trying hard enough. There are 505607920 ways you could be infinitely more awesome.” And here’s two of them right here! I’m a big fan of Shinsou in general so sign me up for ShinIzuOcha, and Kendo, Momo, and Jirou just seems like a totally natural ship--their connections all have good development!
@fleurdesamione said: I love the big three as a polyship! They're just such a good balance for each other and so sweet in their friendship! The idea of them sharing a romantic bond just makes me soften!
Mod Muse: *teary eyes* Too right OP… too right
Mod Echo: L I S T E N they’re not called “The Big Three” for nothing, okay??? There are some characters yah just don’t separate and this is it right here, gold standard. Nejire and Mirio’s outgoing natures balance out Tamaki’s shyness and Tamaki’s determination gives the others motivation to keep going. So good, just so good.
Anon said: Todoroki/shinso has got a killer vibe going for it right now with me! I love the idea of the two who declare from the start they don't want to make friends coming together and finding a warmth and love from each other.
Mod Muse: That sort of dynamic is always nice! I’ll admit, I probably wouldn’t have thought of Todoroki/Shinsou on my own, but now that you mention it, it sounds like it has a lot of potential.
Mod Echo: Yesss, let’s continue to further the Shinsou agenda… I think there’s so much good stuff that could happen in a ship like this--they both have elements of their quirks that they hesitate to use or don’t view as heroic, so finding a way to make their quirks into something they love and feel great about TOGETHER is just flawless. 
@coffee-craving-canine said: I have A LOT of rarepairs, but currently, my favorites are Frozen Marbles (Rei/Compress) and DabiHawksMiruko. Compress, despite being a villain, is much more of a gentleman than Endeavor ever could be and would treat Rei so much better; plus he's very charming. Rei deserves good things. The scandal with Dabi secretly dating two heroes is angst heavy, making it fun to plot how it could work out. Hawks and Rumi can relate to each other with their animal instincts (plus "Dabi is a furry" jokes)
Mod Muse: Is now the time to say that I actually ship Dabi/Miruko myself? So yes, Coffee, I definitely understand where you’re coming from! And you’re dead right about Rei deserving good things! Compress may be a villain, but at least I have little doubt that he would treat her right.
Mod Echo: YOOOOO, I love this!! Mr. Compress more like Mr. Steal Yo Girl!!! He should totally go save Rei; Horikoshi get on this stat! DabiHawksMiruko is hilarious to me because I’m imagining how such a situation would happen in canon and what people’s reactions would be… Great stuff.
Anon said: My favorite rarepair (and just bnha ship in general) is Setsumori! (Setsuna/Kinoko) They have such a cute dynamic: Excited tol and shy smol (in the most simple terms). They're also just both cuties!!
Mod Muse: You have me intrigued. Excited tol and shy smol girls is a worthwhile shipping investment indeed! 
Mod Echo: Class 1-B needs way more love! There are so many fun characters and dynamics there and then the comic just glances right over them. I want to see some interactions with these two in canon!
Anon said: Inko/Yagi/Naomasa! All Might and Naomasa have such a good rapport in Vigilante! But Toshinko is such a wholesome ship! So why not make a ot3, you know?
Mod Muse: I do know! Naomasa deserves more love, and Inko and Toshinori both deserve nice things. Ship them all together and let them all be happy and warm and wholesome. ^.^
Mod Echo: There are so many shippers with great taste submitting responses here. I love All Might/Inko, and I also love All Might/Naomasa--Inko/All Might/Naomasa is like double the love! We all know Toshinko is A+ but man, I feel like Naomasa’s calm and just generally kind demeanor is a great match for Inko too. This was a great idea for acquiring new ships....
Anon said: Shipping Fuyumi with Miruko is popular but I'm also intrigued by Mt. Lady and Fuyumi together, considering they also have such clashing personalities. With Mt. Lady very self-assured and attention-seeking and Fuyumi tends to throw her all into supporting others.
Mod Muse: Oooh, I could see them making lovely foils! I approve! Also, imagining the surprise of Fuyumi’s family and friends finding out she’s dating Mt. Lady… lmao
Mod Echo: I like Fuyumi with like… everyone. XD She’s just a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world… But Fuyumi with Mt. Lady could be really cool! I feel like Mt. Lady is really good at putting on a media personality, but having to be herself around Fuyumi could be very interesting challenge!
Anon said: i have such a soft spot for kirishindeku ;;w;; shinsou and deku already have a friendship in the series, and kirishima would absolutely get along w shinsou as well!! they make me all sorts of emotional, haha
Mod Muse: S o f t. I think that Kirishima and Shinsou would balance each other out really well, and then Deku falls really nicely somewhere in the middle of the relative soft-stale cinnamon roll spectrum.
Mod Echo: I see you, fellow Shinsou fans; I see you. Kirishima and Deku are already adorable together just by themselves, but Kirishimi and Shinsou is a dynamic I hadn’t even thought of. I could totally see Kirishima hyping Shinsou’s joining the hero class, and can we just talk about the sheer amount of motivation contained in a KiriShinDeku ship???
Anon said: I really like Mei/Himiko/Iida! mostly because of how hilarious it would be to pair off Iida, one of the most intense and serious members of class A, with two of the wackiest, one-track mind characters.
Mod Muse: O-oh my gosh. I have no words, this is… this is just utterly fantastic. Bless Iida and, in this scenario, heaven help him. I could actually see this relationship being good for all three of them though! 
Mod Echo: RIPPPP Iida! XD There are some ships you like because they’re serious and deep and thought-provoking… And then there are some ships that you love that are just plain comedic genius. The potential for wacky hijinks here is truly and completely off the charts. Just yes, please.
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benisasoftboi · 4 years
Unorganised thoughts on Silver Snow:
When I finished Golden Deer, I said that it had felt like a more traditional Fire Emblem story than Blue Lions. Silver Snow is that but even more so (though GD is still the most trad-FE cast, IMO)
Having already played those two routes, it felt very much like a whirlwind tour of them both, plus another battle thrown in at the end - a battle that probably should have been harder, but I (completely accidentally) built the bulkiest Byleth imaginable, especially resistance wise, plus high magic - and so, by pairing high defensive stats with Nosferatu, I tanked every attack that came my way 
Gaming, for me, is just doing whatever the hell I feel like, stumbling into good results, and then pretending that I did it on purpose
I spent the whole battle with the Dragon Tales theme song stuck in my head. Kind of killed the mood
I really enjoyed that after wrapping up both the Edelgard and TWSITD plots, they basically Persona 4 you by trying to convince you that the whole game’s done now and all that’s left is to chat with everyone - though unlike in P4, there’s very obviously something left to do because they give you a whole month of prep time, rather than just one day
I felt the same way about this on Golden Deer - none of the characters are appropriately shocked by Rhea’s highly questionable actions 
Also - she says she’s going to explain the whole truth! And she doesn’t! Only the Byleth creation stuff! The other revelations from Golden Deer are missing! Rhea! Why! Are! You! Like! This!
This is actually a problem I have with this game as a whole - they want to keep certain lore and secrets exclusive to certain routes, but it results in every story feeling in some way incomplete. Like, Fates gets a lot of crap, but at least you did get a full story from your half (third? never played Revelation) a game for the price of a whole one. Blue Lions gets the worst of it, I think 
Plus, when you know some of said secrets, it makes characters who refuse to share them in other routes seem weirdly (and sometimes, contrivedly) cagey about things they really do not need to be cagey about. See: Claude refusing to tell Dimitri and Byleth in Azure Moon that he wants to End Racism, and instead vagueing about ‘achieving his dream’. This is not Edelgard wanting to conquer Fodlan and dismantle the entire social structure, Claude, your ideals really are not so controversial that you need to be this coy. Dimitri and I are cool, we getcha 
My one sentence review of the whole game is basically: Great characters, great world building, great gameplay - but really, really frustrating plot structure
I’m also really upset that Seteth does not have a dragon form
Speaking of Seteth, I married him this time around. I mostly decided to do it for laughs, but while Byleth/Dedue is still my number one Byleth pairing, I came to really, genuinely like them together. Seteth is one of my favs, now more than ever
It helps that romancing Seteth feels a lot less... creepy than romancing most of the students. I like Linhardt, but romancing him felt very weird to me because I couldn’t get over Byleth having first known him as a 16 year old under their care. Dedue, for the record, doesn’t elicit this response  because he doesn’t really feel as much like a student to me? Role-wise he feels a lot closer to the knights, and it’s just that he's been enrolled as a student for convenience’s sake, which makes him and Byleth feel more equal than they do with most of the other kids. Helps that he’s also on the older end
Anyway, Seteth and Byleth would be the nerdiest couple ever, is the impression I got from their ending. The confession scene made me laugh in how ‘oh we’ve got a lot of work to do - btw wanna get married? - sweet, now let’s get back to work’ it was. Mark Whitten is a gem
It’s also the the first time I felt like the game was actually shipping me with a main lord (Seteth taking that role in the absence of the box lords on this route). Haven’t done Crimson Flower yet, so no opinion on the Edelgard/Byleth relationship yet, but regarding Claude and Dimitri my (pretty damn controversial, possibly a bad idea to put out there) opinions on them with Byleth are that
Claude and Byleth are platonic bros, regardless of Byleth’s gender. I just don’t get any feeling of romance from their relationship at all, and so pairing them off feels weird (to me, personally - I don’t hate the ship or anything, though)
Meanwhile Dimitri 100% had a crush on his teacher at school, but after more than five years of enduring trauma after trauma, and then half a year of beginning to heal (whilst fighting a war culminating in the execution of his step-sister), Dimitri is nowhere near ready for a romantic relationship. And when he is, I wouldn’t want him with any of the main cast, Dimitri x Village Girl OTP. I guess if it has to be anyone, I’d be okay with Mercedes, maybe Marianne - hell, maybe even Claude - but really, I just want him to get a fresh start. I think that’s the healthiest option for him, in the end
I do think it’s a pairing that could work in an AU where Dimitri doesn’t have any of the experiences he has in canon, though 
And again, this is just my personal reading
I’ll also admit that I may be influenced by the fact that his two most popular pairings are with Byleth and Dedue, who I greatly prefer with each other. Mostly because I love Dedue with all my soul and his ending with Byleth is by far his happiest, in my eyes at least. It’s the only one where he puts some distance between himself and Dimitri and evens out the power balance in their relationship, which makes me happy because oh boy, the Dimitri/Dedue relationship is super interesting and compelling, but also (again, by my reading) all kinds of unhealthy as it’s presented for most of the game - power balance issues like I say, the fact that they tend to indulge, even encourage, each other’s worst instincts and behaviours, mutual guilt complexes - like I say, it’s fascinating, but damn screwed up. IMO, they’re one of the best examples I’ve seen of how unhealthy relationships aren’t always the result of one bad person, and how two good people can end up being very bad for each other
Though it is, again, a pairing I can see working (and actually being incredibly cute) in an AU where they’ve lived less horrible lives
And it’s not like I don’t want them to be friends, I just want them to also develop healthier boundaries and equal levels of respect
oh my god none of this has anything to do with silver snow what am I doing
But hey, speaking of Dimitri - I flip flopped on whether I thought his death was handled better or worse here than Golden Deer. It was given, I felt, more appropriate gravitas, but again suffered from ‘Dimitri’s dead! No, Dimitri’s alive! Oh wait, now he’s dead again’ in like, three successive scenes. And then you see his... ghost? I guess?
Dimitri really seems to get the short end of the stick on routes outside his own. Claude’s non-Deer roles were, in both cases I’ve played, much stronger and more fitting, and Edelgard is Edelgard
Maybe he’ll be good in Crimson Flower. Please. I miss Dimitri mattering. He’s probably my favourite of the three
There’s a point - obviously I don’t fully know Edelgard yet, but from what I got from the White Clouds section, above anything else she strikes me as an incredibly realistic depiction of a slightly edgy, extremely idealistic, but also highly naive and short-sighted teenager
Her whole goal, it seems, is meritocracy. She hates the crest system and the nobility, and she wants to create a system of equal opportunity. I can get behind that, but I really hope she’s prepared to accept the fact that true equal opportunity is basically impossible without recreating The Giver, as inequality is always more complex than one single factor being to blame for everything. Has Edelgard considered other limitations that make true meritocracy difficult to achieve? Has she been working on, say, a comprehensive benefits system? Or is she more of a libertarian type, and so primarily all about negative freedom and removing direct oppression? I hope Crimson Flower goes into detail on this, I’d be genuinely interested to know
I also find it interesting that she gets very angry about the fact that people hurt her and her family as a means to their own ends, so she decides that her own ends are to eliminate the system that lead to that happening - and she doesn’t care who she has to hurt in the process
This isn’t a CinemaSins *ding* plot hole observation, I genuinely think it’s interesting, and not actually that unrealistic
I also suppose her goal is no less naive than End All Racism By Being Nice To People, but Claude isn’t killing and persecuting people in attempt to achieve that, so it invites less scrutiny
I do wonder if I would have felt more strongly positively about her if she’d been my first playthrough. I do believe she’s a person that sincerely means well, and she’s certainly sympathetic, but - hmm. I’ll make my mind up when I finish CF
Anyway, paired endings. A few that I got include Raphael and Bernadetta (by far my favourite Bernie ending so far, seriously, what is that Caspar ending), Shamir and Leonie, which was cute and goofy (as Leonie’s endings tend to be, I notice, I do like that girl), Felix and Dorothea (not my favourite for either, but cute), Sylvain and Mercedes (the same but even cuter), Cyril and Petra (which felt wrong, partly because I love Cysithea a hell of a lot, and also because despite knowing there’s only about a year between them, Petra looks so much older pre-time skip), Ferdie and Marianne (super wholesome and sweet), and Linhardt and Caspar (my boyyyyssss that I refuse to ever separate again)
Not sure what I’m going to aim for on CF aside from keeping those boys together and also Ferdie/Hubert, as I’ve Heard Things
Flayn and Manuela have an A support so I figured they had a paired ending and it turns out they do not, which means Manuela was alone forever and Flayn ran away because apparently she hated having Byleth for a step mother I guess, rude
My Byleth (Myleth?) was prepared to be the best step mother in the history of the world, so offended
I realised ‘Javelins of Light’ is one of my absolute favourite tracks in the whole game. Mostly because it sounds like something out of Danganronpa, which made me nostalgic
I also like ‘Guardian of Starlight’ for somehow managing to sound like a Danganronpa/PMD: Explorers crossover track
I love how out of nowhere the Immaculate One fight is. It really does just feel like they needed something to distinguish the route from Verdant Wind outside of Claude not being around, so they just had a map that was less cool in every way except for the dragon
Is there an explanation for why Nemesis doesn’t show up on this route?
Also - I didn’t mention this in Golden Deer thoughts but I also found that final battle way, way easier than it was probably meant to be because I’d made everyone into a flier and so the floor damage hazard was meaningless
Which I totally did on purpose and not so I could make a stupid joke post about my all-wyvern team 
Anyway, in conclusion, Silver Snow was a good route, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would (I’d kind of thought it was just going to be GD without Claude, which isn’t... totally wrong, but it’s got some other stuff going on too), I liked Seteth getting to have a bigger role, I thought it had the best final boss (if not the best final boss map), and I liked that I got some more Dragon Lore (never a bad thing)
please don’t yell at me for my controversial shipping opinions 
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kichimiangra · 5 years
For poor artists...
Okay so weeks ago I came across a post (That I can’t seem to find now...) that roughly went like this: “All you tumblrites with depression need some hobbies to help with depression because hobbies help.”
“Not everyone has the privilege of being able to afford hobbies!  Hobbies cost money!”
“You don’t need expensive stuff to draw!!!  Draw on scrap paper!  Napkins!  Go to the dollar store!”
Now for weeks since seeing that post it keeps coming back to me... almost hauntingly.  It’s not that I can’t comprehend that people can’t afford expensive art supplies, on the contrary I very much remember being like that!  But today you poor artists have access to something wonderful that I didn’t growing up:
Under the cut let me tell you a tale about a wonderful place that could have granted my wish for art supplies growing up!
And that place is called Wish.com!
(Disclaimer #1: Almost everything I’m talking about here are supplies that I myself have personally purchased and tried using AND STILL DO!)
(Disclaimer #2:  I don’t believe that good supplies make a good artist, but good supplies can help make a good artist better/ make their life easier!)
Now growing up I did not come from a wealthy family.  I had 3 siblings, all of us close in age so we were kids/ teens together.  My father worked in a warehouse and my mother was a stay at home mom because it was impossible to find an affordable babysitter considering that My older sister had trouble in school with bullies and a reading disorder, I was an un-diagnosed autistic devil-child, my younger sister had severe asthma and was always sick, and my younger brother was deaf.  We all kinda needed special attention.  As you can imagine we didn’t have a lot of money, and as I got older and more Artish meant I had to make due with what I could get.  That didn’t mean I went without, just often had to save and wait for what I could use, which followed me to adulthood.  Had Wish.com been around in my teens it would have been a godsend and I’m patient enough to wait a few weeks to get my order!
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God I love these things!  These ball point pens with 10 colors are what I use for story boarding comics and note taking!  I used something like these when I was in college because notes were much easier to organize and read when color coded!
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“But KC!  I like to sketch with blue/red pencil first!” Lookie here!  Colored pencil lead refills in all sorts of colors!  Cyan works great and so does the red!
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Now I didn’t know they came this small until recently but I LOVE this 0.3mm Mechanical pencil!!!  The lines are so thin and small!!!  I have literally never seen anything smaller than a 0.5mm in a store!
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Now I like mechanical pencils for their consistent lead size as you draw! They’re just a click away from being back to sharpness!  But you may want a 0.5mm and a 0.7mm and this 3pc set is soo sleek looking!  It’s good to have a 0.9mm too! I used to have a spongebob .16mm pencil I stole from my brother but it went missing!  I have never found another one that HUGE again! T_T
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Speaking of pencils this nice little set comes with a mechanical pencil+lead+a white plastic eraser.  They work great though the eraser is not my personal fav...
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THESE are my favorite erasers to use!!!  Not only are they cute colors but they’re a good consistency!  They’re softer than a plastic eraser but a bit harder than a gum eraser so they feel really good to erase with and do a good job!!!
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If you really like working with Pencil you can prolly just get a cheap #2 pencil at a dollar store or a box of them at Walmart, but I Really like the feel of a 2B pencil!  This lead holder comes with some replacement lead too so you don’t have to worry about sharpening it to nothing!!
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This set of Graphite sticks are a little messy but it comes with all kinds of lead hardness and you can use an x-acto blade to sharpen them to different size points!!!
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This is a pretty basic but nice sketch set and has a lot of size options to pick and buy from!!  I’ve used the small 32 set and it has everything you need if you love pencil art!
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FINE LINERS!!!  I have a story about Fine liners! Internet shopping hadn’t quite taken off yet for my family and the only store I knew that sold Microns/Fabercastelle fine liners was a local store.  They didn’t sell them in singles so the cheapest set you could buy was a $15 Faber Castelle set with 5 pens (Sm/Med/Lrg/Brush/Chisel).  Now $15 doesn’t sound too bad until you remember my family was poor.  How poor?  Poor enough where my sister and I would each get one of these sets for Christmas and store one away while sharing the other set in hopes of getting them both to last until June where I could get another for my birthday that will hopefully last BOTH of us until next Christmas.  I noticed when you buy Microns off of Wish.com you have a 50/50 chance of getting a knock off brand but these ones here worked pretty good for their price!
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“But KC!  Not only am I a poor artist... I’m a poor HIPSTER artist! I wanna kick it OLD SCHOOL!” WELL This is a nice cheap little set of dip pen nib holders and nibs!  The pink one is cute but I have the black one.  I personally love my Cork nib holder more but for plastic this one is decently comfortable to hold and a good price!  I find Nibs are a bit of “You get what you pay for” but if I was displaced into an apartment somewhere without any of my stuff and I wanted some dip pens this set would do just fine!  Dip pens take some skill to get used to so even if you want to just cheaply try some this is a good set to start with!  And if you want better nibs later on they fit right in these holders!
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I also have a very decorative (but functional) glass dip pen!  Unlike the metal nib dip pens above the glass one doesn’t really allow for a lot of variation in line weight, but if you want the line work to stay a consistent size then this one is pretty good for that, though depending on your paper it can bleed a bit... once again takes some practice to get used to it.
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Now you’re gonna need some ink for those dip pens!  I haven’t really gotten to try any black ink from Wish.com because I have a few bottles of black ink that I keep getting for birthdays and Christmas and such, so I haven’t run out and gotten to try a new brand.  COLOR ink on the other hand...  These little 5oz bottles have gold sparkles in it!! And they look nice to boot!  They can get a little expensive because on THIS particular order you can only order them one at a time (And pay shipping for each bottle) but you really don’t need all 24 bottles as a lot of the colors look similar to each other.
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Here’s a sketch of Keira Hagai from Jak and Daxter along with the supplies used to draw it (Notice the ink, glass and black nib pens and the 0.3mm pencil.  The only thing used not from Wish.com is the feather sweeper I made from sculpey and chicken feathers.)
The ink doesn’t work great as paint though but you know what does?
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PAINTS!  I didn’t buy this one but it’s a nice little affordable starter set with pallet and brushes!
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Now I’m a bit snooty, I prefer to buy watercolor paints in tubes and an empty paint pallet.  The paint pallet I have isn’t THIS one specifically but this one is a bit nicer than the one I DO have and a bit cheaper as well!  (Mine doesn’t have a lid the folds out into a paint mixing area)(Now I wish I had this one!)(Maybe when my current pallet runs out of paint...)
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If you use watercolor paints you’re gonna need some brushes!  This is a pretty good deal!  You get 12 brushes and get to pick either flat or round tip brushes!  They’re also not too shabby!
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I use a set like this though!  They has a water reservoir in the handle so you squeeze the water out and onto the paint!  The reason I prefer these is I have a lot of pets and they like to get into mischief, so having a pallet that can be closed if I get up for a bathroom break or water that can’t be knocked over is a must for me!!
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“But KC I like more... dry mediums...” Lucky for you colored pencils are all over the place on Wish.com!  You can get all kinds of different sets and sizes and some even have nice carrying cases too!  I haven’t bought any because I own a LOT of colored pencil sets already and don’t use them frequently...  I’ve also tried some chalk pastels from Wish that worked well enough on their own but the way I use them is grinding them into a fine powder and brushing them onto paper and that didn’t grind well...
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And What’s art without PAPER!?!?  Wish.com is tripping paper!  Whatever is in your price range look around!  I can promise you you’ll find a sketch book or two within your budget!  Some even name brand sketch pads!
And now some miscellaneous stuff:
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I LOVE binder clips!  Great way to keep all my paper together and in some places hang stuff up so I can stare at it a bit before continuing working on it!
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I like art markers and not many truly can fill in the shoes left by Copic brand markers.  I have tried a handful of copic alternatives (And watched even MORE comparison videos by other people who own said markers.)  I feel like there is no such thing as a GOOD CHEAP QUALITY art marker.  There are lots of sets on Wish.com that (For their prices) are what I consider “Cheap enough to tinker with”  When I was in highschool back in 2007-9 I really really really wanted Copics and was resentful that I was poor and couldn’t get any.  I would get so angry when I saw 14 year olds on deviantart who drew like ‘14 year olds on devintart’ but had no less that two 72 sets of copics. I know, it was rather petty of me to be resentful of younger more fortunate artists... The trade off with my parents was that I would settle for Prismacolor markers, bought 1 per week with a 40% off coupon provided I did all my chores and kept my grades above failing.  That was the closest I ever had to an allowance.  Throughout the years I’ve settled with ‘Tinker Markers’ (Cheapish alternative markers) and Ohuhu, Prismacolor, and Touch New seem to be the better alternatives.  Just don’t go looking for a brush nib >.<!
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MASKING TAPE!  Always good for taping things to other things!!  Unfortunately I feel like Walmart gives you bigger rolls for better deals so if it’s going cheap I’d say you don’t need tape from Wish...
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Aaaah!  A light board!  And another long trip down memory lane!  Last October going into Inktober I noticed there were people throwing little fits about Inktober itself and if it’s okay to do it with a digital medium.  One persons comment stuck out (And echo’d in my brain) where they said (And I’m paraphrasing): “How am I supposed to focus on my ‘self improvement’ with traditional art if I just can’t draw from the anxiety of knowing that every pen stroke is permanent and I could completely ruin my drawing at any second without the CTRL+Z and layers!?!?!?!” To which my first knee-jerk reaction was: “Wow kid... I think you have waaaay more problems than inktober if your anxiety levels are THAT high that you can’t just accept an oopsie doodle and try again...” But then I do remember a time when I was like that.  In college I scheduled a really bad semester with too many classes, mostly art classes.  One was a classic Pen and Ink class which I did fear screwing up, not because of anxiety of failure but because I would have to start over on my homework, and that would take time from all my other homework.  Time I didn’t have.  I found a large sum of money on the ground ($100.00) one day, waited a month (Nobody claimed it), donated half to my local animal shelter (As is a karma thing in my family with ‘found money’) and used the other half to buy a light board (With a 40% off coupon.)  It was the size of a shoe box, thick and clunky, and didn’t get very bright, but it did what I needed it to.  If I screwed up on ink homework I’d throw a new paper over it and start again.  You can be cheap and use a window on a sunny day, but light boxes (or light boards now) are so affordable and sleek and thin and wish has a lot of them!  I have a cheapish but large A-Line tracing board that sits on my drawing table and fits well and honestly saves 40% of what anxiety I would have putting pen to paper (If I hadn’t been drawing freehand so long that I just don’t get that kind of anxiety over it)
If Wish.com was around when I was a teenager art supplies would have never been THAT big of a deal and I wouldn’t have had to ‘Carpool’ 3 fine liner sets per year with my sister!
Really, I know there will still be people out there who still can’t afford some of the things listed above, but if you have an inclination to try art whether it’s with pencils, paints, markers, pastels, ink, dip pens, fine liners, whatever you lean towards, Wish.com has a cheap affordable version that may not be the best quality out there on the market, but thinking back 15 years ago little KC would have loved to save up some money, order some new supplies, and wait a month for them to arrive so she could use them.
Once again most of the supplies listed above have been bought and used by myself.  There are some great materials at mostly affordable prices on Wish.com so if you are poor like Little KC was you probably know the patience of putting aside a dollar here and there and having to wait, or if you are well off but don’t want to spend too much on a hobby you haven’t tried yet and don’t know if you’d like Wish.com has you covered!
And if you’d like to, Reblog this for other poor artists so they know they don’t have to share their fine liners!
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luckydicekirby · 5 years
fic commentary meme: your favorite part of white collar podcast fic, OR the hallucination scene(s) from bathymetry, orrrrr any part of I Really Am Your Color but that seems less likely
SHOCKINGLY i’m sure, hallucinations from bathymetry wins : P I love a good hallucination/dream sequence! A fact about me I’m sure we’re all unaware of. (My favorite bit of the white collar fic is of course everything El says; I have nothing productive to say about I Really Am Your Color other than ‘damn, still can’t believe that lipstick scene’.)
So this whole Brigmore segment/the back half of chapter 4 was added to the outline really late, because initially what I had written down was like. “They solve the attempted murder plot somehow” and that turned out not to be helpful! So I was like okay there’s a witch, so they must be at Brigmore, whatever, and then that ended up tying in really well with being able to poke at the central problem of Billie being unable to move on from her past. And so the blunt force way of getting at this was to have her LITERALLY confront their past and then handwave it with magic! And I really wanted an excuse to write Delilah.
Also this is way more interesting than doing my job and thus got long, oops. From Chapter 4 of Bathymetry.
“You should run,” says a voice from behind her, muffled.
Billie turns around. There’s a woman there wearing Billie’s old Whaler uniform, mask included. She’s a lot more solid that Billie’s visions usually are. Once Billie focuses on her, she doesn’t disappear. “You should run,” she says again, in Billie’s voice. “Before it’s too late. Before you get tangled up in something else you don’t understand.” 
“I’m not going to abandon her.” She’s talking to a ghost, but she can’t quite stop herself. Billie steps forward. She wonders what she would feel, if she reached out.
lol I actually FORGOT that this bit starts with Billie talking to her past self. obviously, I love it when people talk to their past selves. Mineshaft 2.txt baybee
Anyway part of what I wanted to accomplish on a character level while we were here was Billie very pointedly choosing not to run away--to no longer be the version of herself that would. So, the unsubtle way of doing that is just...having that version of herself explicitly tell her to do it! Externalizing internal conflict for fun and profit.
In my outline this whole scene is written as: “B: maybe has a Think about running away but like. She Isn’t Gonna--lol does Past Fake Memory Billie try to tell her to. OR fake memory delilah. Anyway she literally tells her past to fuck off, and...runs into Thackeray menacing C and O? And hard cut” so if you’ve ever wondered how elegant my outlines are: they aren’t. 
“You think I’m stupid,” says her ghost. “You think I let Delilah lead me around by the nose. Maybe I am. Maybe I did. But do you seriously think you’re any better? Please. You’ve been following around the fucking Empress like a puppy. She’s just a reckless, spoiled kid, and you look at her like she’s going to save you from yourself. That’s who we are now?”
Emily-Delilah comparisons are a fun way to make Billie really upset! Sometimes you’re in love with a woman whose mom you helped kill and who is also the niece of your Terrible Ex, And That’s Fine. Also, there’s something very ouch about your past self saying, disdainfully, oh, you think I’m stupid, don’t you?
“Shut up.” Billie steps forward, gets in her own face. It’s not very satisfying.
The ghost snorts. “We always were a sucker for a pretty face. Admit it. You haven’t changed at all. This is who we’ll always be.”
I think we can only assume that Billie making bad choices because a girl is pretty is canon.
“Say that to my fucking face,” Billie says, and the ghost laughs, and laughs, and takes off the mask. Except when she does, she isn’t Billie any longer.
In some universe where I had restraint, I would have Billie have to deal with EITHER her past self or Delilah, but not both. However, restraint is for suckers.
“Little Billie Lurk, lost without her master,” says Delilah, and she looks more real than Billie’s ghost ever could. 
Writing Delilah dialogue is VERY fun. I really like the cadence of the first line here.
Delilah never looked like she belonged in the real world. She was like what Billie imagined the Void would be like, long before she ever set foot there. Otherworldly and regal and terrifying. “So convinced that you’ve changed. What would Daud say? Oh, that’s right. He doesn’t say anything anymore. You left him in the Void. You didn’t even bother to do the one thing he’d asked of you in fifteen years. 
And of course my other fav thing to do in this fic, bring Daud up so I can be mean about him! And have Billie deal with her guilt about him/decide not to be like him, I guess. But mostly to be mean. 
The both of you were always pathetic, trying so hard to wash away the blood on your hands. You haven’t figured out that it always ends in blood. You’ll never learn that lesson if you don’t let the Kaldwin girl go.”
“It doesn’t have to,” Billie says. “It’s a choice. It’s always a choice.”
This also leans into one of the themes of this fic aka “what I think doto was about”, that you can’t blame other people for your own choices, and that at some point you have to admit that murder isn’t gonna solve your problems. (or more poetically, breaking cycles of violence.)
Delilah steps forward, reaching out to cup Billie’s cheek. Emily touched her there earlier today, and Billie leaned into it, and now she’s somewhere in this house, and Billie has to find her—
Ah yes, the romantic face touch! Also, Billie snapping out of the hallucination a little bit by thinking/worrying about Emily here is important--the need to save Emily is the way she leads herself out of being figuratively and literally stuck in the past. Because that’s romantic, to me personally.
“I thought about asking you to join us,” Delilah says, thumb running across Billie’s cheek. “I would have if you hadn’t taken the first ship out, getting away from this place as fast as you could. Even after you betrayed me to Daud. There was always something about you. That fire in your eyes. Ambition and longing and the knowledge that you were owed more than the hand you’d been dealt. Maybe it’s the same thing Emily sees in you.”
“Now you’re really just trying to piss me off.” Billie barely even thought about it, but the twin-bladed knife is back in her hands. 
Delilah laughs. “You think you’re strong enough to kill me now? I don’t think so. You put on such a good show, Billie, but I know you’ve always been weak.”
Delilah explicitly laying out the idea that turning away from violence makes you weak, so that Billie can immediately refute it.
Her grip tightens on the knife.
She wants to make Delilah bleed. That’s what this knife was meant for. 
There’s some sort of throughline about the twin-bladed knife being a symbol of the aforementioned cycles of violence that is a little weak because I only decided to do it like, 2/3 of the way through the story, but that’s why Billie giving it to Emily ends up being a big deal in the next few chapters. Had I edited this story all at once instead of in chunks, I would’ve gone back and laid some groundwork for it earlier.
That’s what it wanted to do to the Outsider, but the Outsider didn’t deserve it. Delilah does. Delilah deserves everything Billie can give her. Delilah tried to kill Emily twice, and the first time Billie didn’t even know, didn’t even think to try to stop her. There’s still time for her to make up for that.
Billie really WANTS to fight her but...
Delilah’s form flickers, and for a moment, Billie can see the empty manor behind her. 
“Well?” Delilah demands.
Delilah’s gone. Emily made sure of it. And Emily didn’t kill her: she’s always been clever enough to find the ways to give people what they deserve without spilling their blood. 
(low chaos is hot, apparently!)
And she’s going to get a bullet between the eyes if Billie doesn’t find her soon.
“I don’t have time for this,” Billie says. She shrugs off Delilah’s ghost, and turns away.
...she deliberately chooses to focus on the present/Emily instead of the past. Romance! Character development! Yeah! Anyway, this is pretty much the point of the scene--Billie choosing not to, say, do what Daud might have done, and try to get revenge on someone who isn’t even there. I actually had a hard time writing the scenes later where she gets together with Emily, because these were the emotional beats I was planning to hit and then I did them early and had to find new ones.
“She’ll never forgive you,” Delilah says. The same crooning voice she always had, because she isn’t here anymore. She’s gone. Billie’s never going to see her again.
Billie vaults over a banister and doesn’t look back. 
Void, she hates this fucking house. The place echoes, and her eyes keep trying to lie to her, and she is so sick and tired of shit like this. She thought it would be over when she dealt with the Outsider, but it’s never really over, is it. There will always be bad people, but Billie isn’t at their mercy anymore. And she’ll die before she lets Emily be, either. 
And this is a deliberate echo of a doto line-- “you’ve always been at the mercy of bad people, haven’t you?”, which Billie says about the Outsider when she finds his body in the void. I love the doto thing of drawing parallels between Billie and the Outsider and so I do it a lot in this fic. Thackery and Flint being an Overseer and a witch is kind of an attempt to draw this parallel out further--they were at the mercy of bad people too.
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hollenius · 5 years
I'm so so sorry but I have to: Werner for the character meme (and/or Chuck McGill, if you can't think of anything!)
What the hell, I'm gonna do Werner AND Chuck
Fav thingabout him: He is so sweet; if I had a German uncle or grandpa or something, I'dwant him to be mine. He obviously takes his work very seriously too. He(initially) seems like a very cautious, careful sort of guy...unfortunatelythis attitude does not extend to all aspects of his life.
Least favthing: He's too sweet, dammit. His naivete and trusting nature made megenuinely angry, because I couldn't believe anyone could be so stupid aboutanything when he seemed fairly smart about everything else. I don't think youhave to be "street-smart" to understand that breaking out of an enclosedcompound without permission isn't the sort of thing you'd be allowed to getaway with. I was annoyed at how he felt like a plot device at the endthere--that he just existed to force Mike to have to kill him. It's a fault ofthe writing more than the character. Everyone could see the end coming from amile away, which is (as far as I can remember) unprecedented in the series.Even things that were heavily telegraphed and seemed obvious usually carriedsome sort of unforeseen twist, i.e. everyone thinking the lantern was going tobe involved in Chuck's death, but not knowing it was going to be a suicide. Thesecond they showed Mike building up a relationship with Werner, everyone knewexactly where it was headed. Also, this is a weird pet peeve, but I hate how healways called Mike "Michael". Bro, you've been working with him formonths, you are the only one who calls him that.
Fav line:(agh, unfortunately I can't recall any because I don't have any way ofrewatching season 4 at the moment. I love that he was courteous enough totranslate into English that he felt like he was going to throw up in the bumpyvan ride.)
brOTP: Him& Mike as cute old man drinking buddies.
OTP: Werner& his unseen wife, I guess. (That phone call before his death was so sad. I hope nothing happens to her, but this is the Breaking Bad Cinematic Universe, so bad things often happen to innocent people.)
nOTP: idk,Werner/Kai? I haven't really seen him shipped with anybody so I can't say Ihave any strong opinions on the matter.
randomheadcanon: (again, I need to rewatch all of season 4, because I remember thestory arcs, but not enough of the little details in dialogue and stuff.)
unpopularopinion: I have to admit, I don't know enough of what the popular opinions onWerner are to know what an unpopular opinion would be. I liked him, I just wishhis character arc felt less contrived and that he was treated like less of adevice. I also have seen some people in some places comparing him to Walt,which doesn't really make sense to me, because personality-wise they're justtoo far removed from each other. (Then again, people were even comparing dopeyPryce to Walter White, which was also a stretch!)
song Iassociate w/ him: I...I have no idea! Sorry. (So long, farewell, aufwiedersehen, goodbye?)
fav picture: the cute little drawings @callmcgills did of him! (Also, ugh, the shot where he is, uh, shot...is beautiful. Depressing, but cinematically beautiful. I’m not posting that here though.)
Fav thingabout him: Honestly, as a fellow cowardly, anxiety-ridden, socially maladroit, perfectionistolder child, aspects of him are extremely relatable, frightening as that may beto admit. (My younger brother is of the slacker/moocher variety, rather thanthe con man variety, though.) I don't agree with everything he does, but I understandwhy he does it. (This is actually pretty similar to my attitude towardsSkyler's actions in Breaking Bad--I don't necessarily agree with her decisions,but I mostly understand why she acts the way she does.)
Least favthing: I think he should've been willing to at least put Jimmy on some sort ofprobationary path to HHM after he landed Sandpiper. HHM was under no obligationto hire Jimmy after he passed the bar (a lot of fandom seems to feel otherwise,which makes no sense! I don't think any other firm would've wanted to hireJimmy either!) Jimmy probably would've still managed to screw something up, butat least then if Chuck wanted to officially bar him from working for HHM forgood, Jimmy would know why, and what it was that he had done to cause that. Itdoes no good to punish someone if he doesn't even understand he's beingpunished, which is what the whole issue is in the first place with Chuck goingbehind Jimmy's back and using Howard as the perpetual bearer of bad news.
Fav line:"Because if there's one thing kids love, it's local printjournalism."
brOTP: lmao Chuck is bros with nobody except his space blanket, and his ol'sipping-scotch-and-chortling companion Howard, before that relationship gotdestroyed...
OTP: ...althoughI must also confess a SHAMEFUL desire to ship Chuck/Howard, because it's gotsuch a messed up power dynamic, because they've known each other for at least18 years, because Howard's clearly still so much in awe of Chuck (which Chuckprobably enjoys), and because neither of them seems to have any other friendsor close relationships. (Are we ever going to learn what's up with Howard'swedding ring? Even my mom thinks Howard is gay at this point! And what's upwith papa Hamlin? Did he die? Retire?) Canon-wise, I'm actually really curiousabout Chuck & Rebecca's relationship, because I have to wonder what it washe did that caused her to divorce him, but not bear any particular grudge oranimus towards him afterwards. He was clearly really upset about the divorce,but doesn't bear any ill-will towards her either. She doesn't appear to enteredinto any new relationship after the divorce either. It's all very mysterious.
nOTP: I can'ttell if this person was serious or not, but I swear I remember seeing someonepropose some theory that Kim had fucked Chuck at some point, and that's gonnaget a BIG NO from me.
randomheadcanon: oh god I've got like five hundred of them at this point. Themassive infodump that was Chuck's obituary in the season 4 premiere contributedto a lot of them, I think. I imagine Chuck's freshman year of college, at age14, was absolute hell for him. He was so proud to get accepted to an Ivy Leagueschool, but had been upset it wasn't a more prestigious one, like Harvard,Yale, or Princeton. (He had applied to them and had a few interviews, but unbeknownstto him, he had been heavily penalized in their byzantine admissions proceduresbecause, despite his sterling academic record, they didn’t find him outgoing or athleticenough.) His parents put him on the train to Philadelphia by himself, with afew suitcases, a map, and $50. He had no problems getting to the university,but was pretty overwhelmed right off the bat by the fact that everyone else wasolder and wealthier than him; he had dealt with this to some extent in high school, butnot to this degree (I headcanon his fictional alma mater, Francis Xavier HighSchool, as a typical Jesuit all-boys preparatory school that draws heavily fromupper-middle-class suburban families). Here he was, a literal child, thrustinto the adult world, and the world of the elites, at that. He probably feltself-conscious about things he hadn't even realized he could feelself-conscious about before, and spent at least a couple nights sobbing intohis pillow, and praying that his roommate couldn't hear him. He made a coupledesperate attempts to fit in, with a relatively low level of success (e.g. goingto a party and trying to impress people there by playing piano, only to get abeer spilled on him instead), before deciding it wasn't worth it and he wouldthrow himself singlemindedly into his classes and extracurriculars. He had hisfirst-ever panic attack sometime during his first semester, and wound up at thecampus doctor's office because he had convinced himself he was having a heart attack.On being told he was physically fine, he was indignant, but all the same, henever told his family about the incident, or anyone else either. Somewherearound this time, he also gets a letter from his parents, telling him he'sgoing to be a big brother in a few months, and won't this be exciting for him?(He wants to tell them his life is too exciting for him as it is, but saysnothing, instead writing back that he is sure having a younger sibling to helplook after will be the greatest experience of his life. He almost convinceshimself that he means it.)
unpopularopinion: I DON'T HATE CHUCK. (The most unpopular opinion of all!) He's myfavorite character on the show, with the obvious disclaimer that saying acharacter is my favorite doesn't mean I approve of all the character's actions,etc. Also, I know he's just a fictional character, but I'm still pissed offabout people celebrating that he killed himself & saying they hope it waspainful & stuff like that. Like, how much of an asshole do you have to be?What a horrible thing to say.
song Iassociate w/ him: Burning Down The House j/k, probably Faure's Sicilienne,because I too, cannot play it on piano without screwing up
fav picture: Not a picture, but I can’t resist.
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prisonerofbangtan · 6 years
Sorting Hat Ship for channynum
Can I have a sorting hat ship with The Boyz, Seventeen and Stray Kids, please?
 I'm an ENFJ, 5'7", have a long black hair, dark eyes, fair skin, oval face and chubby cheeks. I’m the eldest of 4, making me reliable and a good leader. Very caring, supportive (#1 fan🤣), affectionate, kind, strong both physically and mentally. Really nice a friendly to everyone and polite around adults. I get competitive and fearless sometimes. I'm a good listener so as a good adviser. I work hard, play hard! I do things fast, walk fast, work fast, speak fast but I always think through it before act. When I work with others, I’m the idea gatherer. If there’s a problem, they tend to let me deal with it. I’m pretty agreeable and good with comforting. My way is to encouraging people, not to use harsh words or yell. I love sharing my love with my family & people I care. I just love, enjoy doing thoughtful things for others and always wish them well. I like to take things slow when it comes to love. If I date someone, ‘like’ is not enough. I must feel that I gonna love him so much in the future. Then, I’ll date him. Because if I’m someone’s girlfriend, I want to be it forever. If I love, they will have all of me and my support. I'll fill what they lack and I'll cut down what that's too much. I'm good with children, they make me super happy! 😍 I really enjoy being around them. My friends say I'm persuasive, understanding, altruistic, funny and very friendly. I adore animals, children & LOVE cuddling, skinship, coffee and books. In my spare time, I work-out, as well as reading, watching movie (horror movies are my fav) and cooking. I enjoy amusement park & adventurous things. I really like stars gazing and going for a walk at night. Listening to music is things. I love the sound of piano the most. I hate heat & worst with directions. I'm always there for my sibling. Smile's always on my face & I hope everyone can smile, too. I like someone who is firm both with his actions and his words. The one who keeps his promise and doesn't lie brcause I'd trust him and only him whole heartly. I'm not good with change. So, it's ok if he's not the strongest but can give me a sense of steadiness and security. It'd be great if he's family-oriented and loves his family. If I love someone, I love his family too.
 Thank you so much for your time and kindness!! please take your time with my ship if you’re too busy, I understand!🌹 Hwaiting ♥ I hope you have a lovely day filled with smiles, a lot of love and support.~❤️❤️❤️
I’d sort you into….
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 The sorting hat wouldn’t take long to sort you at all
In fact the hat was barely on your head before it was calling out “Gryffindor” (imagine the scene with Draco being sorted into Slytherin)
 You just have a very strong Gryffindor aura
You’re very adventurous and strong.
You also seem like the type to do anything if it means protecting those you care about.
 I feel like you’d also have a natural talent for Defense Against The Dark Arts as well as Care & Keeping of Magical Creatures
Very courageous as well^^
You’d be the pureblood who protects all the muggle-borns
Since you love books and reading so much you’d kind of be like the next Hermione
And although people from any house can get along with people from any other house, I can see you personally being more compatible with either Ravenclaws or other Gryffindors.
I can also see you maybe being more attracted to Prefects?
 Now let’s get on with the shipping!
 In Stray Kids, I ship you with….
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 Okay so throughout the entire time reading this I just thought “Han”
 Like, I ship you two so hard.
 I can see him being a Gryffindor too, so you’d have plenty of chances to meet and hang out within your time at Hogwarts.
 You’d be like the ‘best friends’ type couple that everyone would be jealous of.
You’d both have similar interest in Quidditch, and you’d often go out on the field to help him practice.
Very competitive 1 on 1 Quidditch matches between the two of you would be a regular occurrence.
And you’d always be his #1 fan supporting him at all of the Quidditch matches.
Your encouragement would definitely be something he’d appreciate, and he’d try his best to show you how grateful he was for you in as many ways as possible.
Even if that meant you having him help with practicing your dueling for DADA
(fyi in every duel you would win. Like he’d be the Seamus Finnigan type when it comes to spells, setting things on fire etc. However you’re dueling would inspire him to get better and over time you’d see him improving)
Jisung also likes horror movies so most of your dates would consist of sneaking horror movies & cheesecake into the Gryffindor common room so you can just hang out, watch horror movies, and eat cheesecake and probably cuddle quite a bit too.
 and you better bet one of your dates would be stargazing on the quidditch field
And since you probably started off as best friends you’d be able to take your time before getting into a relationship with him.
And by the time you finally got together you’d be 100% sure that you loved each other as would the majority of your fellow Gryffindors who had been betting on when you two would get together since your first year.
 I just ship you two a lottt
 In Seventeen I ship you with…
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 Wonwoo is 100% a Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw prefect at that
You described your ideal type as being someone who is firm both with his actions and his words, stable, and honest. And I feel like Wonwoo could really provide this for you.
Wonwoo would probably notice you in the halls helping out a muggle-born first year who was upset or being picked on by older students.
And he’d 100% fall for you right there, but he wouldn’t show it right away. He probably wouldn’t even notice either, but in the back of his mind he knew there was something special about you.
Since you both enjoy reading he’d probably notice you a lot in the library & would eventually build up the courage to talk to you.
Don’t get too excited though because your first few conversations would just be about studies.
But after a while it’d become a regular thing to sit together in the library and eventually you’d start having deeper conversations.
He also seems like the type to want to take things slow and be completely sure before making a move with someone, so he probably wouldn’t show too much interest right away (even though he knew he felt something for you from the moment he saw you).
His zodiac sign is Cancer, which shows if the relationship isn’t serious he would have no interest, but from the beginning he’d be able to see himself having a serious relationship with you at some point.
And Cancers also tend to be very family oriented
Other students would probably perceive him as cold and write him off, but with you being so friendly and such a good listener you’d be able to see the warmer side of him.
The two of you would just fit very well 
 In The Boyz I ship you with…
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 Eric is another one that would be a Gryffindor I think.
He’d also be a muggleborn & the youngest out of his friend group as well as his family so he’d have a lot of pressure on him to be really well at everything he does.
Because you were both in the same house he’d see you around a lot and I feel like he’d almost admire and look up to you in a way as well as have a tiny crush on you that his friends would tease him about.
But nonono he would never admit it or even talk to you unless you said something to him first.
Overall he’s a very smiley & giggly boy and I think he’d take pride in being able to make others smile too if nothing else.
He’d be kind of the class clown too (almost along the lines of Fred & George).
So when the pressure finally got to him & he wasn’t smiling as much as before you’d definitely take notice.
And you’d take the time to listen to him & try to make him smile again. You’d even offer to help him out in his classes if that would make him feel better.
And by this time my boy was noticeably whipped. I can just really see his ideal type being someone who is encouraging and someone he can learn from.
·At first I think you’d find him sweet but you wouldn’t really be able to see yourself in a relationship with him.
But then you’d find him in the moments when you needed someone the most. Like, your pet owl would get injured and he’d be the first person there to check and see if it was alright.
 He’d put in all his effort to comfort you & would even help you nurse it back to health.
And that’s sort of when you’d start realizing your feelings for him. Because you’ve always been someone other people could rely on & now you’d have him to rely on.
He’d never break his promises. He was loyal to you, and you knew you could trust him.
 And since you’re such a smiler and he’s sort of the class clown he’d make sure your smile would never leave your face.
@channynum There ya go! I hope you like it!! Eric’s was kind of long but it had me soft.  You’re so sweet & thank you so much for requesting!!
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artswaps · 6 years
for the character ask thing: allura!
Do I like them:
My second-fav character after Keith. She’s so kickass, an absolute angel, when she smiles I smile, the light of my life, princess of my heart etc etc. I love Allura with my entire heart and soul??? Yeah. 
5 good qualities:
So fierce and brave and willing to fight for her vision of peace. She’s obviously scared and unsure at times, having such a massive burden on her shoulders and without her father there to help guide her decisions, but she has never once flinched away from the task in front of her. Remember when she was captured by Zarkon in s1 and when she was brought to him the first thing she did was scream at the guy and try to charge him???? My girl’s got guts. 
I love that she has mouse friends she plays charades with and lets do her hair up into ridiculous styles, and she has a box of jewellery and likes sparkly things and got excited when she found out there was another girl on the ship and immediately tried to bond with Pidge when the mice told her, and aaah… I just adore that softer, girly side to her. She has such intense responsibilities and so much that’s expected of her, but underneath it all there’s this youthful energy that reminds us that Allura’s just a kid who likes to have fun just like the rest of them. She’s?? adorable????
Compassionate and selfless- she just wants to help people!! She just wants them to have the chance to live in peace. She’ll do whatever she can to give them that chance, even if it means risking her own life. Allura is someone who has had so much taken from her, but she’s always willing to keep giving away whatever she has left in her if it means someone else will be safe. It’s not even a question for her, she just has that much compassion in her heart.
Said that the Alteans were very good diplomats largely because of their shapeshifting abilities, but one of the very first things she said when she met Lance was how hideous she thought human ears were. Ruthless. asdfjgfhk no but she’s really come leaps and bounds when it comes to her diplomacy skills. It wasn’t really touched on much in the show how being a diplomat was something Allura had to learn, rather than a skill she already had. But one thing that does come across as pretty clear to me is that in the more recent seasons, she seems to have more confidence in the way she delivers her words in those scenarios. I might be imagining that to some extent, though.
Very stubborn and independent and won’t let anyone talk down to her. A lot like Keith in that once she’s decided that she’s gonna do something, no one in the universe can change her mind. Like hell she’s gonna let anyone bench her in this fight- she knows how capable she is and she’s always gonna fight tooth and nail to help people however she can. 
3 bad qualities:
Kind of idealistic. Puts a lot of faith in Voltron being the One True Key to winning the war because and how it’s “a symbol of hope”, despite the fact that at the end of the day… they really are just one small team of people, and can’t be everywhere at once. Also her worldview prior to s3, the whole Altea=good and Galra=evil mindset she held was a pretty naive view of the universe. It was absolutely understandable what with the trauma she was dealing with and all the Empire had taken from her, but it was a conviction fuelled by her own losses and the grief/anger she was feeling, rather than one that took in the bigger picture. Not at all saying that her feelings about the Galra were unfounded or childish, just that the black and white outlook she had on the war was a little naive. (The fact that she was willing to challenge that mindset and admit she might be wrong, despite her trauma and all the inner turmoil it must have been causing her, just proves how strong she is tbqh. I admire her so much)
Can be a little too reserved. Loves the team dearly and cherishes the family they’ve become for her, but has trouble expressing that when addressing people on an interpersonal level rather than a practical/professional one. Comes across as a little stiff in such scenarios. 
Puts too much pressure on herself; she’s scared of being vulnerable around her team, expects herself to carry the burden rather than let others share it. She rarely breaks her composure around the others, worries too much about seeming strong and self-assured, and doesn’t like asking for help. This is something she’s actually improved on a lot since she became Blue’s paladin, I’m so proud of her aaahh. She seems to have become more open emotionally since s3, which is great!!! But I still think Allura is someone who is too hard on herself for her “failures,” and when she doesn’t meet the high expectations she sets for herself. 
Favourite episode/etc:
Probably The Hunted, because to me that really marked a massive turning point for Allura’s development. It was when she was finally forced to ask someone for help, rather than expecting herself to carry the burden alone and somehow succeed on her own grit. 
Plus, Paladin!Allura is just really, really cool. It makes me so happy? It’s awesome seeing her as a more integrated part of the team, and that was the first episode where that really took off. She seems so much more comfortable and open around the others, now. There’s been quite a few scenes in seasons 3-5 where Allura’s been shown openly talking about her doubt or anxieties around other team members, and it’s just so wonderful seeing her break down some of those walls. 
Also, Crystal Venom is always a classic. A very sad one for Allura, but very important. I found the corrupted AI a bit silly, the way it kept switching between moods or whatever… but the scenes of Allura running through her memories of her with her father were beautiful and heartbreaking. 
Hmmmnnn I’m more interested in Kall/ura just because I’m more invested in both their characters, but I gotta admit I actually think the chemistry Allur//ance have started to develop in the last few seasons is v cute. 
I’m not sure if it counts as a Brotp cos it’s more familial than anything but I love the Coran+Allura dynamic, I think it’s underappreciated and very, very good. They’re so important to one another.
If we’re talking more in the way of friendship than Keith+Allura….. let my introverted awkward alien kids be best friends, dreamworks!! I also really like the thought of Pidge+Allura and Hunk+Allura…. wow I just really really want Allura to have a close friendship with everyone on team Voltron don’t I lmao. 
*chanting* Kallu/rance! Kallu/rance! Kallu/rance!!! 
idk I don’t really have one for Allura cos I don’t see much ship content for her. Sh/allura, I guess?? Eh. 
Best quote:
“No. I won’t give up on you. I won’t give up on any of you, no matter the circumstances.” 
hhhdsjfkg if that isn’t Allura in a nutshell I love her so much
Allura 100% puts on secret fashion shows in her room with the mice as her audience. She wishes she had more chances to wear all those beautiful dresses she owns, but she’d feel a bit silly being the only one in the castle all dressed up when everyone else is in casual wear.
The mice and her have fun, though. She lets them pick out the accessories for each outfit. (There’s no way they’re touching her makeup, though.)
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hotgirlinahotcar · 6 years
* headcanon free-for-all
tagged by: several of you for other things (that are started but still in my drafts...). And with all of y’all already tagged in those too... instead of re-tagging the same people for the same stuff... new thing... tagging: @conviictus / @melioriisms​ | @cunninglinguistx​ | @governingmouse | @governinglion | @nicophaught | and everybody else who wants to | non-rp-blogs: just replace ‘your muse’ with one of your fav chars to write about notes: the following answers are heavily influenced by headcanons {d’oh} and whatnots and are subject to change if we ever actually find out more about Gidge...
♥ is there an article of clothing that means the most to your muse? Yep, several. Nope, not her jackets. All the special shirts and other garments that weren’t initially hers but somehow ended up in her possession for some reason or other... (except for stuff that was just discarded or forgotten at her place that ends up in her closet without having any special meaning to her).
❀ what does your muse’s daily routine look like? Most days Gidge gets up at the asscrack of dawn to go surfing - unless the weather won’t permit it (in which case she either goes back to sleep, wakes up her woman for a different kind of workout or catches up on chores and whatnot instead). After a quick shower she then shows up for work barely on time and spends her day there being her glorious sapphic psychologisty self... then after work there really isn’t much of a routine anymore, it’s more of a day to day thing... either back to the beach, or when stuff is piling up, it’s time for chores/errands/paperwork etc and she does the adulting thing. The nights that are all about her girl and spending time together doing whatever they feel like really are her favs though (especially when those also happen to include beachy-surfy and/or lesbionic stuffs). If she’s single though, she might turn her axe-effect up to 11 and hit some lezzie nests for starters... Just hanging out with friends in general is never a bad idea either. And of course the more or less sporadic lazy and quiet nights in are good for the soul too. Naturally, with a lifestyle like that, there also are the days when she’s just beyond exhausted because all that lack of sleep for various reasons caught up with her and she just goes to bed early to recharge properly.
◎ does your muse plan for the long-term or short-term? Both. Realistic goals and all that. Of course she’s only human though, so while she may have the sapphic psychologist skills professional knowledge beneficial to maintaining a healthy balance in general, advice is always easier given than taken. In consideration of that, in most matters, she not only encourages clients and friends alike but also tries to live by it herself. On the flip side of that, nothing wrong with indulging in occasional crazyass notions either. Even the wildest dreams come true for some people after all... In advice-mode she’d also insist on cautioning against actually expecting the more unrealistic stuff to happen though. Cause that kind of thinking has the potential of providing the ideal environment to the birth of delusions.
◆ what is one secret your muse has? Her girlfriend Franky is probably the biggest one... and the canon one... other than that, in verses where she did the pro-surfing circuit thing, it’s not so much of a secret as a part of her life that she just doesn’t share with people at work... with the long lost kid trope, there’d be that... then I have plenty of ideas about the reasons why she got into psychology in the first place... like being forced to go to a mental institution/straight camp when she was a teenager... as in shit was done to her there by the people who were supposed to help her and it becomes her calling to provide therapy done the right way and save people from suffering the likes of what she had to endure... lotsa stuff along those lines. And then there’s the ever classic infinite roulette game of insanity: ‘paid for college (or whatever) by being/got rich by being/gets off on being/leads a double life as/is undercover as/used to be/is mistaken for/pretends to be/wants to be/is forced to be/is being lured into becoming/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse - a stripper/porn star/lingerie & nude model/hooker/high class escort/assassin for hire/notorious thief/criminal in general/heir to a famous crime family/rockstar/other type of celebrity/is married to/divorced from/related to (somebody rich and famous)/vampire/mermaid/witch/werewolf/alien/ghost/superhero/immortal/time traveler/pirate/ninja/dinosaur/rocket ship/shark toast/swirly whirly junglepants/several or all of the above/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse - and somebody knows/finds out/stumbles over the intel/gets dragged into it/starts investigating by looking into something unrelated/gets an (anonymous) tip/comes from that world too (and is either keeping the same secret or the complete opposite, is well known for it/comes from another but equal/similar/conflicting/antagonistic situation/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse}’ {you get the point, these could all go on forever and range from slightly canon-divergent to the crackyassest bloody shit you could ever imagine... Now, I’m not saying I could imagine Gidge in any and all kinds of scenarios, but I’m never not up for at least spitballing, no matter how cracky and insane it might seem.} {Back to the serious side though, I love the whole secret thing so much, so there’s gazillions of headcanons/ideas that I have, but not too many that I’d just ascribe to Gidget in general, so it really depends on the thread.}
ϟ who means the most to your muse? why? Her girl. She’s the love of her life and the world wouldn’t make sense without her in it. And while Bridget had a life before her, since she met Franky/Lorraine/*insert your muse’s name if you wish*, she can’t imagine ever going back to that because she doesn’t even remember what she was living for before she experienced the love they have for each other. 
☛ what is your muse’s biggest regret? {I’m gonna leave this basically open for now because I think that would heavily depend on plot and thread and whatnot.} For example, if she did have a kid that she lost somehow, obvi it’d be that... but ‘kids are gross’ versions of her never even would’ve had said child and thus would have entirely different biggest regrets... ex pro-surfer Gidge might forever mourn the loss of that career and might not ever stop resenting whatever ended it... {so yeah, options, options, options... with variations... and alternatives... so just scroll back up to that roulette wheel and we’ll leave it at that until something specific comes along.}
❥ is your muse cool? She thinks she is anyway... XD Nah, she’s chill, but she def has that adorkable side too. Especially when she’s actively trying to be cool... like that ‘I’m not a screw’ scene... {Sorry babe, but your inner Elsa had her gloves on there...}
✯ which three traits define your muse? {Actually... lemme change this one a bit... you can do either version, whatever you prefer.} to be answered at some point in the not so distant future {So I just realized this is just gonna make this post a lot longer and doesn’t even quite fit in with the headcanon thing anymore anyway and can easily be a whole other tag thing by itself...}
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♕ would your muse hug a monster? *smiles at @governinglion​ with wide open arms* {PS: Dude, we really should start talking about starting something... I even have a couple of ideas I’ve been meaning to shoot at ya but haven’t yet cause my ADD is playing fucking pinball with me atm...}
❣ is your muse a fighter or a lover? What’s with the ‘or’? It’s entirely possible to be both at the same time... Just sayin... So yeah, definitely both. Particularly so when the lover brings out the fighter. (That goes for kinkyass passion-motivated activities as well as the ‘my love for you will make me fight to the death and I ain’t letting nothing and no one get in my way’ thing.) 
✎ what does life mean to your muse? Biologically, she’s pro-choice. Philosophically... okay, yeah, nope... not gonna go there. To answer in some profound yet vague and still revealing way I’d have to write a fucking epos. So I’ll pass. Your call whether you wanna ponder the meaning of life or disregard this one too.
Disclaimer: Actually this was a meme before I misappropriated it for this. So all credit for the questions goes to whoever wrote them originally. @vhsmeme I think... I hope you don’t mind that I turned it into a tag thing instead. By the time I realized I should’ve fucking asked you first, I had already written most of the replies... so...
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But yeah, not cool to just assume it’d be okay, and I acknowledge that. Sorry!-ish. In my defense tho... there’s a hugeass ‘free-for-all’ right there in the title... I just realized that... XD
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