#actually don't really object to their portrayal of trevor as 'kind of bratty idiot who wants to get held down' like that tracks
teekays · 7 months
i love tzjd but i have to indulge in it privately and on my own or with no more than like. 4 trusted mutuals. because outside of that circle there's this bizarre insistence on making jd an experienced dom top like it's a magnet for the most classically yaoibrained fujos out there and it makes me giggowl so bad like are we seeing the same jamie... not to vibes stereotype i'm sure there are plenty of anxious little guys who are also dom tops out there but that is NAWT my jamie and that is the APPEAL! the greater toronto area's highest grossing grandson is not doing all that. i need you all to open your hearts to the hockey boys having kind of boring normie sex that is full of love nonetheless 👍
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