#adian gallagher smut
justasimp1 · 2 years
Hii first i wanna say your writing is amazing! i am not sure if you are taking requests right now but if (when) you do, what about reader and Five working in comission together, have a mission where they have to pretend they're a couple (love the fake dating troupe xD), sexual tension building up and things get heated by the end? if you still do smut ofc! Have a great day :)
Five Hargreeves x F! Reader
I love this idea! Smut, Fluff, Fake Dating
Important Information: Five and the reader are both over 18 years old. This is a separate universe from TUA! If you like this AU then try reading this....
Task Finder
You wanted to murder the Handler–like jump over the glass desk and wrap your hands around her throat, squeezing them down. You imagined her esophagus twitching underneath your palm, a smirk lifting your lips, the weak slaps to push your hands away, the life leaving her-
"You can leave now" The Handler's words snapped you out of your murderous gaze. Five began to stride to the door. However, your feet reluctantly stayed in place.
"No, hell no, fuck no, I won't, I can't" Your words didn't seem to faze her. She shrugged, looking back at the door. You thought about getting on your knees and begging but remembered Five was still in the room. "He can just kill them!" You crossed your arms, a small pout tugging at your bottom lip.
"You're doing the task, no exceptions. Now leave!" The Handler closed her eyes, ignoring your previous question.
You didn't want to act like a bratty child but fuck you wanted to throw a mini tantrum in the bathroom. Five's eyes kept side-eyeing you, his lips were pressed in a thin line, his jaw tense. Going on a mission with Five...cool. Going on a mission with Five and having to fake date?! Everything would've been fine if you didn't have a burning infatuation for him.
"Is working with me that bad?" He made a snarky grin but his voice sounded hurt. You looked up at the fluorescent office lights, shaking your head.
"No, it's just because we're friends and we have to pretend to date for the whole day" You pinched your temples, thinking about forced kisses, subtle touches, and eye contact.
"Don't worry too much about it, darling" He put on this fake charming voice, looping an arm around your shoulders. You grimaced pushing him away.
"What's wrong, baby?" He squeezed your cheeks together, making your lips inflate. You stopped walking down the hallway, trying to avert your gaze somewhere else. But the proximity between you two made you pear up at him through your eyelashes.
"Can you stop with the pet names?" You let out a stifled chuckle, your words muffled by your plush lips. Five smiled, his tongue darting out on his lips, he leaned in closer to the point where you could smell his expensive cologne. It wasn't strong but it made your mind go hazy.
You gulped, fingernails digging into your sweaty palm. "We need to practice" His voice warmed your lips. You couldn't tell if he was talking about the pet names or closing the distance between you two. You slightly leaned up, only a few centimeters, testing the waters.
His thumb crossed your bottom lip, pressing it down. His cocky response was caught in his throat. And so was yours. Still, you managed to mumble a quiet "Five"
Time was moving too slow, his lips ghosted yours before he clicked his tongue, letting you go. He continued his walk towards the elevator at the end of the hall. "Let's go" He snickered. You blinked rapidly, trying to process what happened.
"Right..." You whispered underneath your uneven breathing.
"4'o'clock" Five pulled you closer. You looked to the right, scanning for a man with a brown slick back and a curled mustache. You squeezed Five's arm, as the man walked over to you. "I'm right here, stay calm" His thumb rubbed circles into your exposed skin.
"Are you enjoying the party?" His voice was rusty and slurred. Alcohol coming from his body.
"Yes, thank you for inviting us, Mr. Houghton" You smiled, unconsciously leaning into Five. "I and my husband were interested in your private collection" When you finished your sentence his eyes darkened and the foolish beer emotions disappeared.
"Are you cops?" He let out an obnoxious laugh, looking at your expression for hesitation. His hand went to touch your arm. You allowed him, forcing another smile.
"Never in my 38 years of living, I ever thought of being one of those hooligans" You laughed, biting at the inside of your cheek. Five bit back a laugh when he heard your fake age and minor accent.
"You seem very curious for a woman. My private collection is more of a man's thing, eh?" Mr. Houghton gestured towards Five, waiting for an agreed hum. Five's arm rested at your waist, if he could pull you any closer he 100% would.
You took in a sharp inhale, your brain rebooting. Mr. Houghton seemed to notice, his eyebrows arching at the awkward PDA. "How long have you been married?" Shit, he was quizzing you. You prayed that you or Five wouldn't slip up.
"10 long happy years" Five lifted your hand to his mouth, his lips pressing against the silver band around your finger. You looked at his action, the temperature of your cheeks rising. A faint rosy tint covered his cheeks also.
Only if he knew...
" I couldn't even stand the first one" Mr. Houghton let out a loud laugh, putting a hand on his abdomen.
Five grimaced, intertwined your hands, rubbing small circles on the back of your hand. "Well, I married her for a reason: I love her" Five leaned down pressing a kiss on your forehead. For a second, you imagined a scenario if you were married, him whispering corny sweet nothings late at night, subtle glances, him taking special days off at the commission just to spend time with you.
"Any children?" He queried, the space between his eyebrows creasing in disgust.
You bit the corner of your lip, a little excited to learn if Five would ever think about having children. However, he was glancing at you like it was your choice to make. "Not yet. We want to enjoy the silence a bit longer" You wondered what Five would name his kids, maybe something unique but not too extreme.
"What's her favorite flower?" The questions started getting more personal. Shit. You thought about different flowers, hoping to telepathically send your true answer to Five.
"Magnolia, I got her a bouquet on her birthday" Five spoke without missing a beat. And that had to be the truest thing he's uttered since the shenanigan started. He gave you a bouquet of Magnolia flowers on your birthday and after one whiff of the plant, you fell in love.
From then he got you those flowers often, gave you special scented perfume, and even planted a Magnolia tree in your backyard. That was around 3 years ago, you were surprised he even still remembered.
"Where did you meet?" His nose scrunched, his eyes narrowing at the small hint of standstill.
Fuck. You had been working in the commission with Five for whose knows how long. Yet, you guys didn't meet there, you met at a coffee shop- no an office- no a— "17 years old, at a funeral of a mutual friend" Five's eyes remained on Houghton, keeping a tight smile.
You squinted your eyes, thinking back to your teenage years. There was definitely a funeral but you don't remember Five being— oh shit he was right?! You were beyond flabbergasted, your memories were foggy but you could tell Five's face structure apart from any hazy person.
The elderly man hummed for a bit, sticking a piece of brown stiff tobacco inside his mouth. He chewed on it for a while, eyes scanning the ceiling. " I need new colleagues, anyways" Mr. Houghton's voice was laced with alcoholic venom. He trudged towards the opening leading outside of the gallery.
"Brace yourself, try to not think about killing him too soon" Five whispered. He seems to skip over your shocked expression. Nonetheless, he put his finger underneath your slack jaw, pushing it up, his thumb rubbed your lip as he did at the office.
"How...what the hell?" You were squeezing your eyes, hoping that he would transform into some type of cyborg. Your throat urged you to take a fresh breath of air.
"What can I say? You're hard to forget" His lips stayed parted like he wanted to say more. His eyes flickered towards your pressed mouth. You felt warm under him, like you would melt if his eyed you any longer. You wondered if he was able to see every insecurity from vision.
"Five" The words came out strained. You looked away, pushing his hand away, your heart filling your ears. Five murmured something incoherent, beginning to follow Houghton out of the room.
"Leave us" Mr. Houghton grumbled to the two bulky men standing in front of the burgundy door. The men scanned you like a fresh piece of meat. Five's hand twitched, reaching to grab your arm, he sent a glare at the nearest man. They huffed, taking heavy steps towards the unsupervised art gallery.
Houghton fiddled with a key, shoving it into the golden keyhole. When the door creaked open, he step aside, allowing you and Five to enter first. The room was small, with a chair in the middle of it and a large safe in front of it. Your hands balled into a tight fist when he closed the door.
He wobbled to the safe, twisting the lock several times. You slyly peered inside, seeing stacks of books, your stomach churned. "My newest edition" He let out a long groan, selecting the top book. He popped it open, holding it high so you both can see.
Multiple pictures of a tied-up woman (maybe even girls) were scattered across the page. Usually, bondage could have been a turn but there is no way these pictures were consented to. You gritted your teeth, hand rubbing the gun tucked under your dress.
Five beat you to it, removing his gun from the inside of your jacket, shooting him 4 times in his leg. He let out a scream, it echoing off the soundproof walls. You reached up the slit of your dress, snatching your gun. The barrel lined perfectly against Houghton's temple.
Five put the book back inside the safe along with a small shot glass of booze he's been hiding and several lit matches. The paper book covers caused a domino effect of flames. "NO!" Houghton choked out, his hand smearing his blood on the pant leg of his suit.
You removed the safety, teasingly dragging the head of the gun into his mouth. You cooed inside his ear, shoving the tough material down his throat. Five smirked in admiration and something more dark lurked beneath his pupils. "Crazy fucking cock-sucking whore" His filthy words were muffled by the gun.
You laughed holding back the hysteria before pulling the trigger. The sound blurred your ear drums, his body trashing came to a slow stop, and there was a thud as his head hit the floor. You stood up before the pool of blood could stain your skin.
You must've been staring at the lifeless body for too long because Five pulled you into him. He embraced you tightly, kissing your head. "He was a lunatic, you saved a lot of people" He sounded like he was trying to comfort you. You knew what he was saying was right but taking a life put pressure on your soul.
And Five knew this.
You looked up at him, batting your eyelashes. "You did so good" He rubbed your cheek, pulling your face up. You could taste his scent on your tongue. Your legs went weak while you strained yourself to hold back from smashing your lips on each other. The hand on your back was enough to make your mind go blank.
He was so close. A silent ache filled your lower abdomen. You gripped onto the front of his suit. He was lost in your eyes like there wasn't a decomposing body on the ground. Your lips were touching but neither of you dared to move.
Your mouth opened but you didn't say his name in a stern voice like usual. You just slowly breathed, relaxing in his touch. "We should go" His words tickled your face.
"Right..." You said however you made no move towards the door. Five gulped, like a character in a movie that knew staying in a particular situation would have bad consequences. If you pushed further, he would have no choice but to return the kiss. You thought about it for a while, basking in his stare.
Five wanted–no he needed you to say his name, stop him from doing something irreversible. His tongue swiped across bottom. It took a long time for you to realize this is Five, a commission's assassin, a cocky bastard, a teasing son-of-a-bitch-who-made-you-fall-in-love-too-early-in-your-life.
If you kissed him, he would laugh and act like you accidentally tripped on a rock. If you confessed to him, he would think you were drunk and mistaken him for your future husband.
You backed away, looking down at the rim of blood that had yet to reach your heels. You hurried out of the room, not waiting for Five to catch up. Rich people were still talking with soft classical music. You lifted the slit of your dress and grabbed the car keys, that were stuffed inside your garter belt.
The wind was icy, making you shiver, and the ruffles of your dress sway in the wind. Five walked out of the doors, his eyes burning holes at the back of your head. In your peripheral, his face was contorted in confusion.
You snorted under your breath, clicking the lock button on the car key, faint beeps came from the middle of the crowded parking lot. You wondered aimlessly towards Five's black car. "Are you driving?" You jiggled the keys at him.
"Y/N." He deadpanned, the rest of the sentence dying on his tongue.
"I kind of wanted to doze off in the back or something..." You hummed, unlocking the car, and opening the back seat door.
"Y/N-" You closed the door, his grumbling still seeped into the cracks of the car door. You tossed the keys in the front seat before laying down, exhaustion taking over your body.
Five's footsteps faltered, turning back around. He swung open the door, almost sitting on your legs if you didn't move them fast enough. He slammed the door shut, turning towards you. You sighed, scooting to make more room. Five didn't get the memo because his body hovered over you, hand moving up your leg to your waist, and he pulled you back down.
He was acting on some rapid impulse.
"Five?" You swallowed your confusion, looking at him almost connecting your lips, your hands helplessly by your side. He shook his head, throwing out apologies, his hand running threw his hair. You absentmindedly reached for his suit jacket again, tugging him back down.
It was contradicting your recent statement but it was worth it even if Five wouldn't acknowledge your stupid crush on him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in. He kissed like a starved animal, desperately scraping at your rising dress. His tongue poking around your mouth.
His teeth clashed with yours, heavy pants leaving your mouth. It made your insides clench around nothing when he pressed his hard groin into yours. His brown hair was making a small curtain around you two. His breath smelt like mint and expensive champagne.
Your fingernails dug into his scalp, quiet moans of his name leaving your lips. "Five" His lips moved messily on your lips, jaw, and neck. His fingers slid up your stockings, to your thin black undergarments. He found the oval-shaped damp spot and applied pressure to his rubbing.
You arched your back, fingers clawing for something to grasp. "You're driving me crazy" Five strained, his fingers pushing your panties to the side, his thick fingers dipping inside your hole. "Saying my..." He let out a guttural groan "Fuck—saying my name like that"
You felt like just the width of his fingers would tear you apart, he made strong efforts to pump his fingers back and forth. Your eyes fluttered shut, your tongue running dry. "Five...please" Bolts were forming at the base of your veins. Heart pulsing along with your hole.
Five hissed, bowing his head. He pulled out his fingers to palm his growing erection. He made lazy kisses on your breast, sucking at your clothed nipples. You squirmed, feeling wetness coat your inner thigh. "Can I?" His voice was hoarse but he managed to say it gently.
You waited for a moment, thinking about your angsty declaration. There was a part of you saying don't think anything of it, it's just a regular hookup. Then again you wanted to believe the soft look in his clouded eyes, the desperate holding back gaze. You wanted to believe that saying yes was going to lead to something worth more than car sex.
"Yes," The words were unsure of themselves. You tilted your head up, avoiding eye contact. Five took your hand, unhurriedly making you cup his sore boner. You swallowed the lump swelling in your throat, your finger tugged at his pants. Five allowed you to drag them down along with his boxers.
You peeked down, the tip of his hard cock was flushed red, the rest of the shaft leading to a darker tan. Your mouth watered at the sight of sticky precum building at the tip. You stretched your fingers to meet his girth, you stroked him softly, not wanting to hurt the fragile organ.
"Five...?" You continued moving your hand, gathering the slick from his tip.
"God–please" He whimpered, tossing his jacket off, and unfastening his tie. You wrapped your legs around his torso, bringing him closer. You moved your hand faster, pumping more of him. Your lips opened to speak but Five put a shaky finger over your mouth. "I'm going to cum if you keep talking"
You narrowed your eyes, hiding a laugh. You placed his cock near your entrance, rolling your hips so Five would get the none verbal message. He put a tense arm on the seat, and the spot to the right of your head dipped. You tried to move your eyes away from his face but fuck he was making your lungs stop functioning.
Your obscene thoughts were put to an end when he rammed his length inside you. You felt all the remaining air you had, leave your body. His grip on your hips was going to bruise. You couldn't form a complete thought before he started moving.
His cock was covered in your slick, a glistening ring forming at his base. He rutted into you with little concern with the force pushing the car. You felt your spirit rising from your body, your pounding heart canceling out the moans.
Fire was under your fingertips, shocks twirling in your stomach. You threw your head back, eyes losing their vision. "I need to feel you cum–on my cock" He muttered, regaining his composure. It all hit you like one wave.
Losing feeling in your muscles, a long whimper leaving your mouth, contractions erupting through your form, involuntary trembling circling your weak limbs. You sucked and pulled at Five's length, making him lean back, burying your hips into his.
He repeated your name along with frantic nonsense: "You are so perfect" "I've wanted to do this for so long" and "You feel so good inside". His hips stutter, making his nails dig into your hips. In the blink of an eye, he pulled out, spraying his cum on the inside of your thigh.
He twitched, massaging his dick, and more white beads dripped out. You tried to catch your breath in the steamy car. The smell of sex and cum filling your nostrils. Five wiped his semen off with his stranded jacket, tossing it back down again.
The weight of his body hovered over you again. He delicately pressed himself down, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. "You okay?" You wouldn't have noticed his calm words if you weren't paying attention to the awkward silence.
"Yeah...it was nice" You kept the smile to yourself, trying to get a peak of Five's face. He lifted, his face crinkled with a gasp.
"Well I thought it was breathtaking" He chuckled, seeing panic cross your face. Before you could take back your words, he pressed a kiss to your lips. You tried you move but your body was too tired.
"If we could do this again. I would marry you in a heartbeat" He mumbled, grinning.
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