#again outside of tumblr if i can easily control what i see then it doesn't count
threadmonster · 11 months
I don't really know how to describe the feeling? FOMO somehow, maybe? I don't like it though.
It's like when there's two or three popular anime series and everyone is only talking about them and you just sit there after giving them a try like, "yeah, okay I see the appeal but... *munches on some popcorn while rewatching an anime from 10 years ago*"
I don't hate the series that this applies to. I kinda feel like maybe I just don't get it? I have felt this way even in middle school about books.
This is more about experiences outside of tumblr.
#{domino rambles after dark}#that post about how saturated each season is these days and there's no time to watch them all or enjoy them or remember them?#and you have THAT MUCH being aired throughout the year just to only see talk or hype about maybe 5 tops?#again outside of tumblr if i can easily control what i see then it doesn't count#bsd s5? only see it here#a lot of the hype this season is jjk and i get it! i enjoyed s1 and it got me actually watching anime again! but also ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌#i don't have that much interest is s2 and so somehow it's like watching out the window while everyone is having fun#am i also having fun? yes! but still...#that's my 5:30 AM two cents because i was starting to fall asleep#since i am at work falling asleep would be bad#after work i guess i'm gonna go to the stupid store and get some ingredients for ice cream#i wanna make ice cream i have a theory and want to prove it right#it's getting exhausting have to stop periodically to recap a book because i then have to remember the important plot details#when i'm distracted by my love of the character interactions and development#i worked 4 nights in a row and have somehow only read 1.5 books partially due to that#it's fun! but i also lose interest quickly that way#this is when i would like to say 'okay that's enough i'm going to sleep' but alas (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)#this is also primpted by apparently the ceo of mappa saying yuri on ice didn't bring them enough money#but simultaneously not conforming whether the movie is actually being worked on or just canned.#okay now i will shut up because i think this is a lot for the tags to handle
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allastoredeer · 3 months
I just found some Hazbin Hotel leaks, pre-being pick up by A24 and, do you know we could have had an episode where Charlie meets all the Deadly Sins? We were absolutely robbed of a pretty good filler episodes before the big finale with heaven.
Here's link to the leaks: https://imgur.com/a/nCorcZq
In case the link doesn't work, you can also look at this tumblr post: https://www.tumblr.com/hellaverse-critical-confessions/727383242254204928/hello-the-pre-a24-leaks-anon-again-heres-link?source=share
I really hope they use some of this old concepts on the next season cause they seem quite funny and interesting. Those ideas could help flush the characters out a bit more and the worldbuilding. What do you think?
Me writing notes while reading the leaks:
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“Angel and Charlie drag Husk out to a carnival show to show him the not-so-sleazy side of life. This proves difficult with Husk being raised to know nothing but crime and no experience with innocent fun.”
Husk has no experience with innocent fun. He only knows the sleazy side of life T.T Also he has mob connections 👀That is good to know. I find that so, so interesting. It explains it grim outlook on life. Why he's hardly every smiling or having fun. I think one of the first times we actually see him smile is after fighting those shark demons with Angel Dust in "Masquerade."
Now that I'm thinking about it, he smiles a lot more after that. Or, at least from what I remember. I might need to rewatch the show (for the dozenth time, LMAO). But, that kind also goes to show how much this guy needs friends. Good relationships. Connections outside of crime, which is all he's known all his life.
Also love delving more into Vaggie too. How she's incredible responsible, but controlling. After reading through a few of the episode description about her, my personal headcanon/take is that she still has a bit of that "angels are superior" mindset in the way that when she challenges Maxine, she's quickly reminded of her own limits when she's defeated "very easily." It's like what Carmilla was saying in the show. The angels are arrogant in their fighting. They leave themselves open, they're brash, and uncoordinated because they're not used to fighting demons who can actually fight back.
As far as we've seen, all of their victims are regular demons. None of the Overlords. Well, except Carmilla that one time, and she'd taken down the Exorcists with relative ease because she knows how to fight, and she's powerful. Given that this is the first time an Exorcist has been killed, and the first time we hear about an Overlord being attacked during the Extermination, I assume not a lot of Exorcists come face to face with the Overlords.
So, this kind of brash arrogance still lingering in Vaggie, who see's a demon talking down to her and automatically challenges them to a fight, only to lose immediately. Then her falling back into her insecurities that if she's not able to protect/fight for something/someone, than she's useless (which is ANOTHER thing she's learned from her time as an Exorcist angel--if she's unable to fight for the cause, what use does she have?). It's like this double-edged sword, and I'm rahhhhhh I'm gnawing on it.
ALSO ALSO, getting not only one annual event held in Hell, but TWO! "Hells Weapons Exo," (which I like to think Vox co-hosts with Carmilla, as she is a weapons manufacturer, and Vox is the guy to go to if you're looking to sell/buy something. Also, Vox HAS to have a showmanship side of him. Like, a legitimate showy, entertainer side--which I also like to think is what brought him and Alastor together before their, uh, falling out.)
Their second event being "Challenge Day" where lower tiered demons can challenge higher tiered demons for control over souls? I interpreted this in two ways, 1) challenging a higher tiered demon for the souls they already own, or 2) challenging the person who owns your soul as a way to get it back - both of which I really like. It actually fits really well with some of the world-building I've been doing for the last few days, so I am eating it up.
ALSO THE FACT THAT THERE'S A ROYAL BALL HELD AFTER "CHALLENGE DAY." My RadioApple brain LATCHED onto that so quickly. Imagine Lucifer taking Alastor to the royal ball as his date T.T I wanna see them all dressed up fancy, and I want them to dance, and dsofslknjljblkjbj FUUUUUUCK
Thank you SO Much for sending me this! I am soaking up these lore pieces like a sponge.
It also mentions Angel and Charlie taking Husk to a carnival show, which makes me wonder if there are places like carnivals open in Pentagram City, or if it's similar to the traveling circus thing Blitz grew up in. Like, do hellborn demons who doing travelling circus/carnivals just go through all the rings, one-by-one, including the Pride Ring? That way the Sinners get to get in on it too? AH! I just love thinking about it.
Thank you thank you I am feasting so much right now.
Oh, also, I just realized I didn't answer your original question about the Sins, GOD I wish we got that. I want to see Charlie interacting with all the Sins so badly. Though, I suppose with Amazon not really owning Hazbin Hotel, where all the Sin's have been showing up, I wonder if they'd be able to do an episode like at all.
I don't know. Things to think about.
But to sum up! Thank you so much for this! I know this answer kind of went on long LOL, but you have given me so much brain food and I am eternally grateful 🙏
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en-hale · 2 years
♡ rules ! ♡
Please take a moment to read this!
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~ reminders ~
⊱ I only write for enhypen!
⊱ please don't interact with any of my nsfw work if under 18. I don't mind if you enjoy my writing, but please do it privately and understand what you're reading/viewing!
⊱ I can't control who sees my work and who doesn't. If under 18, you are in charge of your own actions, and what you see on my blog is not my responsibility, but yours.
⊱ I try to stay as gender-neutral as possible!
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~ for future request ~
⊱ requests: Closed!
⊱ patience is important. I'm a very slow writer! and also have a life outside of Tumblr!
⊱ be kind !
⊱ any request that has subject matters that I specially said I will NOT write (look at "do NOT write") will be deleted!
⊱ Please make sure your request is thorough and easily understandable. I won't take ones that have too many specific details, or those that are too vague.
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~ DO write ~
⊱ genres: angst, fluff, and suggestive/smut. I'm open to writing other genres as well.
⊱ type: MTLs, scenarios, reactions, timestamps, headcanons, and one-shots!
⊱ I write for any gender! I like to keep it as gender-neutral as possible though!
⊱ I'm open to writing about subjects involving race, weight, or specific appearances as long as it concerns the reader and the reader only. If I'm uncomfy with the asked request dealing w/ these subject matters, then it won't be done. (good examples: enhypen reacting to s/o getting their birthmark removed, enhypen members playing with s/o's afro hair, enhypen reacting to s/o coming out as bi, etc..)
⊱ Suggestive/smut -
I love writing sweet, romantic, gentle, and sensual smut! I'm a lot better at writing it more than anything else!
I don't mind writing rough, revenge, or jealous sex! But, I will not do humiliation, degradation, name-calling, or mean/harsh sex.
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~ do NOT write ~
⊱ I will not write anything that is to change the race, weight, gender, or physical appearance of the members. I will also not write anything dealing with racism, misogyny, homophobia, fatphobia, or anything problematic when it comes to the members! (examples on what not to send: s/o reacting to enhypen member being anorexic, enhypen members most to least likely to say the f-slur, etc..)
⊱ not doing member x member atm! (might in the future!)
⊱ angst -
no physical, emotional, mental, or sexual abuse for any members! Once again, I'm open to writing it if it concerns the reader, but if the request makes me uncomfy, then it won't be done.
any extreme scenarios will not be written! (ex - self-harm, rape, suicide, deaths, etc... Anything that falls under these categories.)
⊱ suggestive/smut -
obviously, no suggestive/smut work for the maknae line! I will also not be adding any members who have just become of legal age! Hyung line (Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon) only!
suggestive/smut themes I will NOT write:
- CNC/rape/sexual assault or harassment/ambiguous consent and anything similar or related
- ddlg/ageplay/incest or stepest/BDSM and anything similar or related
- feet, hair, lactation, watersports, or any other fetishes similar or related
- knifeplay or bloodplay and anything similar or related
If any of the above themes are requests, then they will be automatically deleted, and depending on the severity of the request - blocked.
~ others ~
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⊱ I will not tolerate any type of bullying or harassment to me and/or my followers. I am not afraid to get into confrontation if need be. but I'm a super-duper nice person, so please don't be icky towards me!
⊱ I'm open to constructive criticism!
please enjoy!
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I Wish You Would
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 7
"He drove past her street each night"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark Tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 2,896
Warnings: angst, alcohol, poison, only a pinch of fluff. Not in that particular order.
A/N: this one has more Loki than the last. And... I'm sorry. Also, the timeline is important from the last chapter and forward, so keep it in your mind.
A/N2: @chrissquares made me these awesome dividers! And dear @nacho-bucky beta read this for me!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and YouTube
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"We won't be able to control the dwarves for long, we need to calm them down soon or they will attack."
"Your Highness, we need a plan of attack to keep them from breaching through their borders, some shield spell or-" A different councilman piped up.
"No, what we need is to keep peace. We need a negotiator to help maintain order. No more endless war, we can solve it without offence." The Allfather looked at his counsel until his eyes fell on his son who sat quietly throughout the whole meeting. "Loki, I want you to go and calm the situation down, solve it peacefully."
Loki looked up at his father, his stern gaze left no place to argue.
"Yes father." Loki got up after that, getting ready for the long day ahead of him. But before he could go his father's voice stopped him.
"I expect that when you'll be back you will make arrangements to make up with Lady Iyllir for your past behaviour."
"My first priority now is with the negotiation I need to handle." With a thin smile Loki walked away from his father, now with newfound determination to leave Asgard soon.
He stayed there longer than he wanted to. Apparently their species didn't sleep as often as Asgardians do. When he finally got back to the palace, he teleported right into his room and got in bed; he was never more grateful for his powers than now. Through all of his tiredness though, the moment his head hit the pillow you plagued his mind and sleep faded away from him as you pulled him closer into your dangerous clutches.
He felt as if he was the same heartbroken guy he was before everything happened. She took over his dreams after he let her go, and if he was being honest he let her. He'd imagine her next to him, holding his shattered heart together just enough for him to be able to go to sleep, keeping it as close together as she could until the morning came and she was no longer there and the pieces were all scrambled again. He woke up and remembered that you weren't next to him, and no matter how much he'll conjure her up he knew she won't be you. A face identical to yours still doesn't feel like you.
You were so much more than just a figure to him, he could conjure her up and she would be just like you with the same smile and eyes but beyond that she was nothing but empty. She wasn't you because you had a soul that he could feel just by being close to you, and you had emotions behind those brilliant eyes and sincerity behind the smile. You were so much more than a trick of the eye.
He couldn't even touch her.
Last time, after he left you he was ruined, knowing that he had no way to undo what he did- he had no way back, especially after the fall. But now he knew that even if he would go back and knock on your door- you won't let him in. He knew he would only shatter the peace you could have had if he hadn't barged into your life and wrecked you all over again. He was a selfish man but you wouldn't let him in your door again. Loki wasn't dumb by any means, he knew that you meant what you said and he couldn't blame you.
Sleep decided to claim him, but he could only hope you won't be there too haunting his dreams.
"Are you sure this is wise?" Loki voiced out his doubts as you picked your head out of the blanket fort the two of you spent the afternoon making only to shake your head at him.
"Yes, it is like the best thing ever," were mortals so destructive that they enjoyed lacking their needed sleep time? He was certain midgardians needed more sleep than him and it was rather crucial for them. "I cannot believe you've never had a movie marathon!"
"I don't see the point of sitting in front of your screen for many hours without any break, we could just as easily watch one and on another occasion the other. Why the rush to do things we can just do another time?"
"Time is short, and you have to live in the moment. There is nothing wrong with spending just one day as if you're running out of time with someone, actually that is something endearing in a way." He watched as you got lost in thought before your eyes focused on his again and he knew you won't let him deny this. So the god of mischief entered the warm steady fort you created, well it wasn't actually that steady but you didn't need to know the little magic he used on it.
He had to admit that the little nest the two of you built was quite charming, it was odd how such a delicate thing could give one the feeling of safety.
"Come on we are starting the first movie!"
"You still haven't told me, who is this Potter?" he picked up the disc and examined its packaging.
"I love it when you say that with your accent! And he is a wizard!" you giggled at him and put a bowl of popcorn in between the two of you as the movie started playing.
"Are you trying to tell me that this guy is doing magic?" It was preposterous to know that this is how humans perceive magic. He wished he could show you what real magic is like, maybe one day he will.
"I know! it's amazing! I love Sci-fi so much." The movie kept playing on with him making snarky comments at the characters and with you giggling and defending the movie.
The movies went on one after the other and he might have gotten emotional over some scenes, not that he showed it of course.
It was in the fifth movie that he felt a soft weight on his shoulder and when he looked to the side he saw you laying your head on him with your eyes closed. At this point the snacks were pushed aside and you had gotten closer to him and now you fell asleep on him, your bodies touching and he doesn't know why but he held his breath then. You let yourself to be in such a vulnerable state with him, in this makeshift fort, and his body reacted to it more than it should have. With each loud fast beat of his heart realization fell upon him. He didn't know what it was just yet, but he understood it.
It was odd, the feeling he got, he had never been this enchanted with someone before- let alone a human. You seemed to have some sort of effect on him that he couldn't shake off even when you weren't around him. You caused these blooming feelings to erupt inside of him and it was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. And all you did was fall asleep with your head on his shoulder. The god of mischief was falling in love.
It was 1am and you might have just stolen Tony's car alongside some expensive bottles he had locked away.
You just had to get out of there, the thoughts got too loud and the dreams got more vivid, so you knew exactly where you needed to go to get your mind straight and maybe drink some wine.
No one knew about the apartment that you kept even after moving into the Tower. The only other person that knew about it was Tony, who bought it and kept it there just for you, clear of annoying neighbours in a silent neighborhood.
Getting into the apartment you shivered at the cold, so you turned on the AC and popped open the first bottle of wine.
So you sat there with the bitter sweet wine scenting the room. So far you had no luck of forgetting the young prince, his taste and smell easily overpowered the alcohol if you focused on them strongly enough.
You almost did.
But with each sip you got sent back into a kaleidoscope of memories. Headlights pass the window pane and sent you aware to a far memory.
"Why are you dressed up like that?" Loki raised an eyebrow at you when he took a sit at the dining room table and you put a drink in front of him. He grew quite fond of midgardian drinks, they were much better than mead. You closed the window and the curtain, the bright light outside was blinding you. It was too early in the morning for that.
"Like what?" you stretched your arms and hem of your night shirt went up a bit and revealed skin that Loki tried not to look at.
"Still in your sleep wear."
"It's morning and I'm not going anywhere." You shrugged him off and sat down in front of him.
"Are you not going to change because I'm here?" he kept his eyes on your face.
"No, I'm comfortable." You shrugged him off again and began to eat your toast. Your answer however lingered in the back of your head.
"Alright," he answered and took a sip. "I'm just saying that it's not fitting for a lady to be dressed like this."
He knew how much you hated being called that. His smirk was hidden by his cup of coffee.
"You son of a bitch… don't call me that."
"Not call you what, my lady?" you pointed your fork at him and he couldn't help but think how adorable you look like this.
"Call me Lady one more time and I'll show you exactly how not lady-like I am."
"Okay, fine!" he watched as you brought your cup to your lips only to realize that you drank all of your tea. "Come on, I'll make you another cup of tea as an apology."
You let him take your empty cup with a satisfied smile. When he was in the kitchen you wandered to the question he asked and the immediate answer that you gave him. It took you a second to get out of your thoughts when you realized something.
"Oh wait Loki you don't know how I make my-" you got up to the kitchen only to open the door right to Loki who just gave you the tea he just made. He moved past you and sat at the table.
You hesitantly took a sip, only to sigh in content- it was perfect.
"You know how I like my tea." It was a statement but you were still fazed by that fact as you sat down. His reply was short.
"Well of course I do."
It was odd how such a simple thing as that could make your heart flutter with a feeling that you haven't felt in a long while but you knew exactly what it was.
Three months ago in Asgard.
Asgard looked beautiful in the morning. Loki stood in his room next to his window which overlooked the garden. His mind wasn't in Asgard though, and he had a decision to make, one that was waiting for him the moment he steps out of that door.
He knew that it's been almost a month since he left you and you told him to never come back. He had to find a way to move on even if he couldn't. He'd call it a coincidence if it weren't just unfortunate luck.
He was well aware of his options and the fact that there were none, and while he'd rather perish in his own misery a part of him still knew that he would have to take the other choice.
You'd never take him back, not after what happened when the two of you were well aware that the heartbreak would come, not now that you knew who he is.
Without letting himself think any further Loki went out of his room and descended a floor down until he stood outside of the large doors. He gently knocked on them. Who knew, maybe this will someday give him some twisted peace?
The door opened and there she stood in a flowery gown, Lady Iyllir.
"My lady, I've come here to apologize for my past behaviour. I would very much like it if we could resume the plan for our marriage."
You threw one bottle of wine aside, it was 2am but you couldn't even drink, you couldn't do anything. You just wished that he would come back and be here. He could always read your mind even when he assured you that he wasn't actually reading your mind.
"Please Loki, I miss you too much to be mad anymore, just come back."
You knew deep inside you that you'll never be clean of him; you'll never forget him for as long as you'll live. If you could, you'd rush all the way to Asgard for him, throwing away your stupid pride.
Maybe he will knock on the door, maybe he is on his way. You humored yourself but the hope was still there.
Yes you told him to leave but what you really wanted was for him to be there on the other side of the door screaming "I'm in love with you" or maybe he'll wait there in the pouring rain and throw pebbles at your window.
How did the god of lies not see it? Why couldn't he see that when you told him to leave you wanted him to chase after you and fight for you?
"I need you Loki, I do."
Then there was a knock on your door, you were sure you imagined it. But it was real and a smile took over your face when you went towards the door. He heard you.
Everything you needed was right there on the other side of the door, with his face and his beautiful blue eyes, and even with the conversations with the little white lies.
You rushed to open the door after he knocked on it again.
But he didn't have his blue eyes.
"Mike?" you really thought that Loki would show up for you. Your smile fell.
"You seemed off today darling," he walked past you into the living room. "I thought you might want some company."
In your state of disappointment you shook yourself out of it and closed the door. You had a boyfriend, you didn't have Loki. You won't have Loki.
"Oh, thank you. That is very thoughtful of you." He put some bags of food and drinks on the counter and came back to you. He wrapped you up in a hug. He may not be Loki, but you needed a hug right now so you held onto him.
"I know that as an Avenger it must be rough, with the missions and the constant danger," he brought you to sit on the couch with him. "I understand that it could get hard, but I'm proud of you for doing that and I want you to know that I am here for you."
He was saying everything you needed to hear, and so you nodded into his chest. Loki was wild and crazy but here you have a guy who is steady and stable and your heart can't seem to listen to logic.
At least he's here.
"I'll get us something to drink and then we can talk about it if you want, okay?" you nodded at him again as he got up and went to the kitchen.
You straightened your shirt until he got back with a bottle of wine and two glasses.
"Oh, I already have wine right there-" you looked back at the half bottle that was left and cringed.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll like this one. Plus this one is brand new." He tried to joke but you wished he hadn't seen how much you drank already. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to drink more but you needed it.
You took the glass with the red liquid. Testing it, you shook it in the glass and sent the burning red liquid down your throat. It was pretty good, you had to admit. It had an unusual taste to it that you couldn't quite figure out.
"It's from Europe." He smiled and you smiled back lightly.
You talked to him and didn't really care that you finished your glass of wine soon and he poured you another one.
The alcohol must have started to get to you, you felt a little spacey, the smell of the alcohol made you feel weird.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" he laughed at you a bit and put his glass on the table.
"I asked you if you're okay, do you feel better now?" it was starting to get a bit hot in the room, you forgot to turn off the AC, you looked around for the remote.
"Yeah I'm just- didn't you drink from your wine?" you looked at the full glass on the table. Your head was starting to hurt and you picked up the glass, the weird smell came back to you and the world felt blurry around you.
"No, I'm afraid I am not here to drink."
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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cottoncandyjester · 2 years
This is what you did to me, I woke up to a horny ass guy posting on tumblr and now I want horny scenarios.
What if Rin and Ernesto team up to fuck Monday, poor guy is so stressed he needs a good fucking.
He is in his office, passing around, looking either really mad or tired, he had a long day.
Now Rin is watching all of this, and of course he thinks that's hot, his man is mad, looking like he could easily break Rin if he wanted to.
Just the minute he is about to jerk off to this Ernesto, like the good boyfriend he is, tells Rin they have to help Monday to relax, since he always helps them when they are stressed.
This could end up in Ernesto and Rin fighting to see how is the one who fucks Monday better.
Rin would love to tie him up so he can use Monday until he thinks is enough.
Ernesto says that's not what Monday would like, something more passionate and slow.
Or Monday getting tired of their fighting and fucking them roughly against a desk, the walls, the floor, any place really until they are so stupid all they can do is beg for more. Of course they would forgive him for doing that, they know he never does that unless he had a really bad day!.
After the aftercare and all Monday would want to die, he fucked in his office, now he has to go outside knowing that probably  someone heard that. What if Rin's men heard that?, what if his men heard that, what if Ernesto's kids (his kids also? He doesn't know yet) heard that??. He is so embarrassed.
Rin loves that tho.
Ohhh I’m gonna drooool~
Those two will agree to a temporary truce if it means relieving monday’s stress. Rin would probably break that truce though and try to tie both Ernesto and Monday up, he’s quite handy with rope.
Rin loves having his control ripped away from him so monday snapping and fucking him would make him squeal and giggle just turning into a drooling babbling mess. Rin is always sooooo loud and he can’t help but laugh and squeal when he’s getting fucked especially if it’s rough, just drooling and giggling.
Ernesto would definitely want a more slow and sensual time but the moment monday snaps and fucks him and Rin to get rid of his stress he will definitely be a lot more reserved with his moans than rin but happily offers himself to monday as a way to help his stress moaning about how he belongs to monday for him to use whenever he wants, cursing in Spanish when he gets close.
I can just imagine when they are done they hear panicked voices and scrambling coming from the other side of the door as Ernesto’s very nosey children try to act like they didn’t hear all of that
Rin would totally open the door, hair still messy and shirt unbuttoned just giving a bow with a cocky little smirk before skipping off. It takes a hot minute for Ernesto to get his strength back just grumbling about how he definitely isn’t the young chicken he used to be but it’s definitely a little awkward when the others see him again sully can’t stop staring at the ground hands shaking and face all red while Dante and fritz are whispering and laughing only to shut up when Ernesto shoots them a glare.
Rin and Ernesto definitely would team up more often after that, even maybe making a deal to share monday all the time cause what’s better than one Boyfriend? Two✨
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saturn-space-squid · 4 years
Summary: Izuku has been doing amazing at his work study, but mistakes happen, especially to inexperienced heroes. What seemed like a harmless action during a villain chase quickly turns into a downward spiral that may prove to be deadly as it remains unnoticed within U.A.
Note: so I've been writing this fic on AO3 for a while and it's nearly finished, but I decided I really wanted to put it on Tumblr too so I could interact with readers more easily! 😁 There's no ships in this fic, but I do have a lot of Bakugou and Deku interactions. Also this fic has lotssss of angst and mentions and descriptions of self harm and suicidal thoughts so beware of that.
Chapter 1: The Mistake
Everything was happening as planned. Mirio was inside of the store capturing the villains and reassuring the hostages while Izuku chased down the last villain that managed to make a run for it. Izuku charged up one for all as he sprinted towards the man running down the crowded sidewalk. Izuku saw an opening and took that opportunity to jump into the air and tackle the man to the ground. He lifted the man up, the hoodie falling from his head to reveal he actually looked to be about the same age as Izuku.
Izuku looked up at him in surprise, but quickly got over the shock as he quickly secured the boy's hands who looked down at the ground with guilt. People stared at the commotion, asking questions worriedly which Izuku quickly answered, reassuring everyone. He was too relaxed, he should've been more alert.
As Izuku turned back around to look at the boy he was holding onto the boy broke free of Izuku's hold and took that opportunity to flick Izuku's temple. To the outsiders it just looked like a strange, simple action, but for Izuku he felt a sudden shock of pain behind his eyes as he grasped for the teen who backed away.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be like this…" The boy whispered before he sprinted off into the crowd again. Izuku attempted to chase him, his temple was burning, his feet suddenly unable to cooperate with his body and before he knew it he was falling over, the crowd panicking and crying out. His body hit the asphalt, his eyes closing just as Mirio started running towards him, calling out his name.
Izuku felt very strange and very wrong when he woke up. His body felt empty, like he was hollow and as soon as he opened his eyes he wished he could close them again. He's on a bed in an unfamiliar room, a fact that would usually at least peak his interest or even cause slight panic, but as he glanced around the room he felt... disinterested. Izuku looked over and saw Mirio staring at him, smiling.
"Midoriya! You had me real worried there for a while. I'm glad to see you're awake, I should go tell Sir!" Izuku just nodded silently as Mirio left. For some reason the sudden absence of people around him made him want to cry. What was happening to him? It's not even a minute later when Mirio walks back in with Nighteye following him. Nighteye looks at Izuku with about as much obvious interest as Izuku feels at the moment.
"Togata has told me what he saw of the incident, but it wasn't much. Can you please explain what happened during this patrol?" Nighteye asks calmly, sitting next to Izuku's bed while Mirio stands towards the back.
"Um...there was a robbery with hostages and we both captured most of the villains pretty easily…" Izuku feels a weight on his chest as he glances back at Mirio who seems to notice the discomfort. Mirio nods encouragingly as Izuku looks back at Nighteye.
"One of them ran off so I went after him. I captured him quickly...but the crowd was panicked and I let my guard down since he didn't try to struggle." Izuku can hear the emotion in his voice and he doesn't like it at all. He doesn't like how sad and scared he suddenly sounds. Nothing is making sense to him right now and he's freaking out a little about how empty his body feels.
"Midoriya." Nighteye says, causing Izuku to suddenly look up at him. Izuku suddenly notices the tears on his face and he quickly wipes them away, confused and freaked out. "Are you in any pain, Midoriya?" Nighteye asks, his tone changing slightly. Izuku shakes his head and he glances back at Mirio who is no longer smiling.
"Something is wrong I think…" Izuku responds quietly. "The boy used his quirk on me, I still feel strange." Nighteye nods.
"Can you describe what you believe is wrong?" He asks and Izuku pauses. He can sort of describe it, it's kind of a familiar feeling, but it might not make sense to other people.
The last time he felt nearly this bad was when Kacchan told him to jump off the roof.
Izuku starts crying again as he grips his chest, the emptiness mixed with the feeling of heaviness causing him to lose his composure. Nighteye looks worried at this point.
"Izuku does your chest hurt?" Izuku doesn't respond as the feelings seem to crash into him. His chest does hurt, but he's not sure if it's in a physical way. Nighteye says something to Mirio, but he can't hear it at the moment.
Izuku rolls in on himself, his muscles tensing and shaking, before he feels arms wrap around him, very familiar arms. Izuku opens his eyes and listens to Mirio.
"Everything is okay. Nobody can hurt you here. You're safe now." It does manage to relax his muscles, but Izuku is pretty sure they don't actually know what's wrong with him. Izuku starts to calm down as Mirio talks, the feeling never fully leaving though.
"Can you hear me, Midoriya?" Nighteye asks as Izuku relaxes. Izuku nods and looks at him, embarrassed.
"How did the boy use his quirk on you?" Izuku sniffles, Mirio not letting go of him fully.
"He flicked my forehead and it suddenly felt like it was on fire. I passed out afterwards." Nighteye nods.
"I believe the quirk you were hit with was a brain manipulating quirk. Quirks like those can control thoughts, consciousness, movement, and even emotions." Izuku pauses.
"So the reason I feel so bad is because of that quirk?" Nighteye nods again.
"It hasn't been that long since you were hit with the quirk, so it makes sense why it's still affecting you. It should wear off within another hour or two." Mirio smiles at Izuku and he slowly lets go of him.
"See Midoriya? It'll all be okay!" Izuku attempts to smile at Mirio's optimism, but the feeling doesn't leave.
Part 2
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fullmetalirin · 6 years
FMA Brotherhood: Episode 19
FMA Brotherhood Episode 19: "Death of the Undying"
Kain Fuery manages to save Hawkeye, with Mustang coming to defeat Gluttony. Alphonse meets up with the group and they pursue Barry, who chases his body into the depths of the third laboratory. The group splits into two teams. Mustang and Havoc are ambushed by Lust, resulting in both men being grievously wounded and left for dead. Lust then confronts Barry, slicing him to pieces. Hawkeye, believing Mustang to be dead, desperately shoots Lust repeatedly with minimal effect. Before Lust can kill Hawkeye, Mustang appears, having cauterized his wounds, he repeatedly incinerates Lust until her philosopher's stone is depleted. No longer able to regenerate, she crumbles to ash. Barry's soul survives, but his blood seal is scratched out by his human body, which kills both of them. Edward returns to Resembool and heads toward the Rockbell residence where he sees his father Van Hohenheim at the grave of his mother Trisha Elric.
Mustang flashes back to Hughes' death when Riza doesn't respond and freaks out.
Then we cut back to Ling expositing. Oh joy.
Gluttony is strangling Riza. She's emptied her clip into his head but he's not dying. It's pretty gruesome, we see his wrecked eyeball. She empties another clip and pushes him back a little, but they're out of ammo again. For some reason, they just stand there like idiots instead of running. Fortunately, Mustang steps out of his teleporter and uses magic to generate force out of nothing to throw Gluttony out the window.
Riza yells at Mustang for saving her because lolwomen. Later she does thank him and then he's the one telling her to keep in professional, because women are just crazy nagging hags who don't say what they mean and need strong manly men to keep their heads in the game.
I really don't like the cracked-skin effect on the homunculi. It looks so fake, like a low-res CGI model.
How did Alphonse know where they were? Did Ling tell him?
Al informs them about homunculi's powers. Despite this they're going to continue to waste all their ammo shooting Lust later, because they're idiots.
Mustang uses Barry's rampage as an excuse to investigate the laboratory, which is clever. Barry doesn't kill anyone because serial killers are such polite people. Al has cartoon face during this, which I guess is appropriate since he really doesn't fit in here.
Lust shows up and Havoc gets distracted by her jiggle physics when he looks at her tattoo. As Tumblr helpfully explained to me, this is actually groundbreaking feminist representation because while it looks indistinguishable from normal anime objectification see it's actually making fun of Havoc for being a pervert and no, Tumblr, it's pandering. Perv pandering doesn't stop being perv pandering just because a woman drew it. But okay, sure, it's not that bad by the very, very low standards of anime, so maybe I can put up with it as long as it doesn't…
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…do… that.
Guys, this is not making fun of perverts. Havoc is a hero and Lust is a villain. This is letting perverts be in on the joke. Tumblr, please for the love of God shut up about Brotherhood being so tasteful in its depiction of boobs, because it's not.
Anyway. Lust taunts Mustang about Hughes' death and then… looks actually pained when he shoots her (where Gluttony barely flinched). Why did she do that if bullets actually hurt her.
There is some gross banter about getting Lust on her knees. I'm sure this has also, through some strange Tumblr alchemy, been transformed into groundbreaking feminism.
Then Lust shows off her Philosopher's Stone because the author needed a way for the characters to learn a homunculus' weakness and couldn't think of a way to do it that didn't involve handing Lust the idiot ball. I've heard this is slightly less stupid in the manga and she only does this after Havoc gets injured, is that true?
Like I said before, this reveal utterly baffles me. So after all that buildup, the homunculi are just... monsters powered by magic. That’s so boring. They can no longer be used to ask questions about personhood and humanity -- I mean, maybe they could if the show actually committed to them being alien and different, but it doesn’t. What this comes down to is just that Philosopher’s Stones and rulebreaking magic is cool, so the homunculi have them so they can be cool boss monsters. Except they’re not cool. In OG, they were puzzles that required special knowledge and preparation to defeat; that’s cool. In Brotherhood, as we’re going to see, you beat the homunculi by just punching them in the face until the author decides they’ve run out of HP. They’re just damage sponges. And just as I revile damage sponges in video games, I revile them in TV shows too. Characters just throwing the same attacks at each other for five episodes is not interesting.
I also hate that this means Philosopher’s Stones are absolutely everywhere in this continuity instead of something actually special, a theme that will continue.
Lust says homunculi still have human feelings. Wow, what a dumb idea that no one would ever want to read about. It sure is a good thing Brotherhood decided to completely forget about this and just make homunculi boring boss monsters, huh?
Then, despite Lust using her claws as instant-kill ranged attacks in every prior fight scene, she now switches to sloppy, easily-dodged melee swipes, because Lust is really hogging the idiot ball today.
Mustang says he can decompose the water into hydrogen and oxygen to create an explosion even with wet gloves. This is totally inconsistent with what we're previously told, which is that creating oxygen is the easy part for him. He shouldn't need a spark to manipulate the air content, that should be a separate thing. This just seems like the author showing off a trick she remembered from chemistry class. It sure would be interesting if alchemy actually worked like this all the time, but Mustang never needs to do anything like this elsewhere.
Then despite having just been told that homunculi don't die when they are killed they walk right back into the room, because the idiot ball's really getting around today.
Cartoon when Mustang complains about being treated like a match. Because a climactic battle is definitely the time for that.
Then Lust FINALLY uses her spear-claws and stabs Havoc through the spine which, in a rare appearance of consequences, actually does paralyze him until the epilogue when Dr. Deus ex Machina heals him because consequences are for losers. I'm also a bit unclear on how she severed his spine without also severing his aorta.
Mustang realizes he can use Lust's Philosopher's Stone to heal Havoc and rips it out of Lust's chest. Lust screams in agony, implying this does actually hurt her, so again, why did she show it to him?
Lust's body disintegrates, but she's able to reform around the Stone. It's really gruesome. Somehow this does not crush Mustang's hand in the process, but she does finally stab him… nonfatally, because she's got the idiot ball again.
Bradley shows up outside.
Lust says Mustang was a candidate for sacrifice but she's killing him anyway. Uh, did she run this by the others? She then leaves him for dead instead of finishing him off because the idiot ball is strong this episode.
We then catch up to Barry, who tells us souls reject incompatible bodies. Al freaks out at this, but fortunately this will never matter for him.
Lust shows up to whine about how she has to kill Al. No, you don't. Just leave. You control the government. Bradley can give you another hideout at a moment's notice. The most important thing hiding here was you, and you just blabbed all your secrets anyway. Just cut your losses. You idiot.
Lust once again taunts someone into shooting her and once again staggers and screams in pain, because the idiot ball's terminal now. Shouldn't she also know she's running out of lives and this is maybe not the best idea right now?
Al vows to protect Riza because he’s tired of watching people die. It’s a nice moment that also happens way, way too early in his character arc. I like Al as the childish, out-of-his-depth foil to Ed’s easy confidence. This moment works better as a climactic ending reversal than as an offhand detail a third of the way through the story. If he’s just another noble heroic alchemist, he’s redundant with all the others we already have.
Meanwhile, Riza is hysterical and ineffective because she's a woman in a shonen anime.
You know, more seriously, I would like to point out that giving a female character awesome gun skills doesn't actually mean anything in a story about how non-guns are really awesome. We see a lot of great gunplay from Riza, but it's always alchemy that actually saves the day and gets all the focus. It's moving the goalposts. Sure, we'll give the woman a cool skill… that we will then choose to make useless in the context of the story. It's such tedious faux-feminism, going through the motions so you can say, technically, that you have a "strong female character" without actually doing anything to respect them or integrate them into the narrative. For every "strong female character" in Brotherhood, there's a male character who's stronger. Women are still, fundamentally, supporting characters – they're awesome because part of the male fantasy is an awesome support staff, but the boys get to be more awesome and the boys get to be who the story's actually about.
I really want us to start being more critical of representation like this. Treating strong female characters like a list of checkboxes is so totally wrongheaded. Characters don't exist in a vacuum. A skill that's impressive in one narrative or one power level may be completely meaningless in another. We need to look at characters within the context of the narrative they inhabit, relative to other characters and the framing of the work.
To prove my point, our resident Gary Stu has just appeared to show Riza up and beat the boss fight literally without moving a single step.
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Mustang is using Havoc's lighter for a starter, despite explicitly establishing that it was busted earlier.
Mustang fireballs her again.
He also drew a perfect transmutation circle in his own blood and perfectly cauterized his internal bleeding despite explicitly saying he doesn't know medical alchemy. Now that his jacket's opened, we also get to see he's been hiding a Superman physique this whole time. You could put this in a parody of male power fantasies and I'd say it was too unbelievable.
Mustang fireballs her again. We get a gruesome close-up shot of her skin burning off.
Mustang fireballs her again.
Mustang decides he can kill this regenerator monster powered by the thing that supposedly has infinite energy by just killing her enough times, because he's read the script.
Mustang fireballs her again.
We get a closeup of her Philosopher's Stone, and coincidentally also a closeup of her tits.
Mustang fireballs her again.
And again.
I'd like to point out that every single one of these fireballs is ENORMOUS. Alphonse has to create a stone wall to hide behind so Riza isn't charbroiled too. We can see the entire room lighting up. I'd also like to point out this is in a SEALED UNDERGROUND ROOM, and FIRE REQUIRES OXYGEN. OXYGEN IS NOT INFINITE. If he lights the whole room on fire, he is DONE. HE USED UP ALL THE OXYGEN IN THE ROOM. HE CANNOT KEEP SPAMMING FIREBALLS. And I don't care what fanwank you can pull out to justify this, because the bottom line is that someone winning a fight by endlessly spamming the same move is terrible writing. This is not a climactic boss fight, this is just the Gary Stu showing off how awesome he is.
And through all of this Lust has done absolutely nothing except writhe and scream in agony, because Mustang is a Gary Stu therefore fire stunlocks everything. Only at the very end does she actually try to attack him, remembering she can spear people through the brain just in time for him to kill her while her spear is INCHES away from his face, because he's very awesome.
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Meanwhile, Lust can still talk but somehow not extend her spear one more inch. Her Philosopher's Stone disintegrates, so the woman has nobly died to teach us that you can kill homunculi by just hitting them until they run out of HP, because that's so interesting.
And then Mustang collapses from his wound now that it no longer matters, invoking the very important power of the Not-Sue: see, he did all that while he really was one step away from death, that totally makes him less sueish and not more!
Mustang ignores Riza to praise Al for protecting her.
Bradley, our other resident Gary Stu, is revealed to have been watching the whole thing. He for some reason does not kill Mustang, thus establishing who has the greater Sue power.
Winry is sulking and hoping the man comes back safe because that's her purpose in life.
Then we end with more Barry, because we really needed that. His body is somehow still not dead, and erases the seal on the one part of the armor that stayed intact, killing them both. What was the point of this?
Then the show remembers Ed is supposed to be the protagonist. We cut to him for five seconds to discover Hoenheim has conveniently returned to Resembool at the same time as him.
A lot of people tell me that OG was misogynist garbage and Brotherhood is super progressive.
I don't know what anime they watched, but I just saw the sole female antagonist – and let's take a moment to reflect on the fact the sole female antagonist is Lust – die a gruesome, disgusting, sexualized death less than a third of the way through the story because she was too busy flashing her tits to actually fight, for no other reason than to show how awesome a dude is.
This is my breaking point. There is no coming back from this. I don't care how awesome Olivier is. Anyone who recommends this show as full of ~great female characters~ without thinking this content deserved even the teensiest of caveats is not anyone whose judgment I trust.
And sure, let's be real here, I watch anime, I'm willing to put up with some misogynist crap if there's something else worth my time. But this has established, very definitively, that there absolutely will not be anything worth my time. Lust, as we will see when we continue with OG, was an incredibly important and complex character in the original anime, absolutely crucial to the narrative of the homunculi and many of the things I loved about the story. And this is what Brotherhood does with her.
And that's not even the only awful thing about this episode! Ed wasn't in it at all! Mustang's takeover of the narrative is complete. He's the one who got to solve the mystery, fight the villain, and save the day, pretty much singlehandedly. And I'm sorry, but even if he wasn't an insufferable Gary Stu, Mustang just doesn't interest me as a character as much as Ed. I like him as a deuteragonist to Ed's protagonist, not the other way around. So no. This episode really hammers in that there is absolutely nothing here for me.
But lucky you, I read a plot summary of all the episodes after this, and I know the very next one is something I want to complain about too! So we'll keep going for one more episode. One last nail in the coffin.
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gayneral · 2 years
I would say all but that seems overwhelming dhdhsh
Soo I guess just 80-98 for now 🤲
it defs would have taken longer to do all but I would have lmao but thank you soo much for sending some in babe
80. earth tones or jewel tones? I guess like both have nice colours and some I don't like as much but overall I would say jewel
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Aren't they the same? I tried to look it up and both come out Glühwürmchen. So maybe it's abt what I call them? In German they are Glühwürmchen so literally lightning bug but in english I actually like firefly better 82. pc or console? I've only ever had a computer (safe for the DS Lite and now the Switch Lite) so I'm not good w controllers, I keep messing up the buttons lmao. My bestie gave me their old Playstation recently so I will be able to make better judgement soon
83. writing or drawing? oh whew, well I like doing both but writing doesn't come to me as easily. Not that art is but I am able to do it more often so I guess drawing
84. podcasts or talk radio? I had to look up what talk radio is and yea it's p much what it says on the tin lmao. I'd say Podcast, bc you can choose more specifically what the topic will be and who will talk abt it and how
84. barbie or polly pocket? Oh maaan this one is hard. I had and played with both as a child and I liked both a lot so it's really hard to choose. Back in the day I could not have chosen and I can't choose between Barbie and Polly Pocket as I knew them. But I checked how PP looks now and these days I would choose Barbie lmao
85. fairy tales or mythology? I was into both as a kid but I got to hear more fairy tales so hm fairy tales it is
86. cookies or cupcakes? Oh Cupcakes, definitely. Though I rarely get to eat them bc they aren't as common here. There used to be a time when they were all the craze for like a year back when I was younger but it sort of died off, which is sad. So I eat cookies a lot more but my choice would be cupcakes
87. your greatest fear? oh man,,that's serious. Uhm I will just ignore that
88. your greatest wish? Man I just want stability. And I guess that includes stuff like mentally and like w surgery and w relationships and financially and w work and living situation. I just want to be okay ig
89. who would you put before everyone else? Well...first of all my friends, definitely my friends. And like especially some of them, I would literally die for you. Like I am sorry world but I'm ready
90. luckiest mistake? Oh it's hard to view any of my mistakes as lucky tbh. I just see them as my own failure lmao. I can't think of like a good mistake off the top of my head. Sorry Sorry
91. boxes or bags? God I mean it really depends. Like if you want something sturdy boxes are always better but if it's like you go to work and bring like your food and water and some supplies then a bag is more comfy to carry like a tote bag or smth
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? again it depends on the setting and what you need. Like sunlight is great for many things, I think it's the most useful bc it's the best to see outside, you can use it to work mostly, it feels nice most of the time. Lamps are great when it's dark and you need to see or work and lamps are also great if u need like extra sight for details and stuff. And fairy lights make a cute ambiente
93. nicknames? This question has come up a couple of times over the years on tumblr and my answer has always been I don't really have any that settled. Like at least not in the traditional sense like based off ur name bc u can't really nickname my name. There's like stuff like bro, bestie and the likes and ofc like things my boyfriend calls me sometimes. I overall like them tho, if it's my friends that use them
94. favorite season? a tie between spring and fall. I like the nice warmth of spring and like everything turning green but the aesthetic of fall is super nice too. I guess I just like seasons w milder temperatures
95. favorite app on your phone? It's a constant cycle between tumblr, instagram,twitter, youtube, netflix and spotify, discord. But the most ig is discord bc I use it to communicate w my friends
96. desktop background? It's a whole folder of pictures from stuff I like and art of my ocs, mainly art of my ocs done by my friends. They change in like 15 minute intervalls
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? none,,,I used to know my mothers old old number but nah don't even know my own
98. favorite historical era? oh boy oh boy. Okay so, I was always really interested in the black plague so that is like a favourite when it comes to like what was going on. But ofc theres also the question of favourite aesthetic wise, especially clothing, as a tailor lmao, and it gets a little more dificult at that. Like 17th century is already nice but it really gets hot (read beautiful) in the 18th and 19th century. For mens fashion it just goes downhill from there. Another good era for fashion was the 50s (both for women and men) and there was another spike w men in the 70s and partly 80s tho not everything was that great.
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Not to start shit, but seriously look into the cost of having outdoor cats, both for their health (significantly reduced lifespan) and the effect on the ecosystem. Outdoor cats are more likely to catch/spread disease/parasites, get attacked by predators/shitty humans/other cats, hit by cars, etc. Plus getting lost. And you can't train cats not to hunt, and they decimate wildlife regardless of what you see. Just because it's what you're used to doesn't mean it's good. Cats can be happy indoors.
Few quotes from the Cat Protection page:  “Cats have a natural tendencyto explore so allowing them access to the outside world givesthem mental stimulation and reduces stress.” It increases the space available to them which, as animals, they need plenty of, and it adds more variety to the space available to them. The added stimuli for their senses keeps their brain stimulated and active which is obviously extremely important to mental health. Exercise is also very important for cats and going outside provides them with a lot more opportunity for it.  Cats are usually quite introverted so sometimes they need time and space away from people, an escape from the house. They need to be out in nature because they are animals. Going outside allows cats who live without any other cats to socialise with other cats which is, again, important for mental health.
There’s also the very obvious factor right now that if you kept a cat indoors in this heat it would probably die. 
The Cat Protection page cites “rodent control” as well but my cats are trained not to hunt anything (depending on your method, it’s sometimes easier than training them just to avoid hunting birds), still relevant to other people’s cats. You definitely can train cats not to hunt, because I have done it with every cat I’ve ever had, and so has every other household in my family (we’re big cat people in my family). If they have toys to hunt, that takes care of their natural urge to hunt, and if you train them to see that as their target instead of living creatures it goes a long way to stopping them feeling the need to hunt. If you want to learn more about it there are a ton of resources out there on Google and at your local vets.
Interesting point - the original post was about declawing cats to stop them scratching furniture and how inhumane it is. You know a humane way to stop them scratching furniture? Let them outside, where they’re free to scratch pretty much anything they want! Most cats I know don’t scratch the furniture in their homes and they’re all outdoor cats with claws.
Some cats probably can be happy living their entire lives within four walls, just like how some cats are happier with the option to be indoors or outdoors. Just because it’s okay for one cat doesn’t mean it’s right for all of them. 
The whole reason people get collars or get their cats chipped is to keep them safe outdoors, so I don’t understand how this is a foreign concept to so many people?? And also cat flaps and outdoor huts for them etc?? Also people who own one cat and get them neutered, that’s so they don’t get too friendly with other cats they meet while they’re out and about. Also as much as I don’t want any anti-vaxxer shit dragged into this, any responsible cat owner will get their cat properly inoculated before introducing them to the outdoors anyway. 
There are no predators in the UK (closest thing I can think of is a pet dog) but i don’t know about the US, which is where I’m assuming all the keep-your-cat-locked-in people are from (just cuz a lot of people i come across on tumblr are American and if they aren’t they say so). 
Also cats don’t tend to fight once they’re used to each other. The cats in my neighbourhood had maybe 6-12 months occasional spats while they were getting used to new cats on the block when we got ours and since the territories were sorted out there’s been 15 straight years of feline peace. Cats are very calm, docile creatures and they don’t tend to fight much at all. 
Regarding cars and unsavoury humans, cats pretty much keep to themselves while they’re out and about. They tend to either stick to their own garden or wander around other people’s gardens, safe from strangers or cars. They stay clear of roads unless they’re crossing them - they don’t just hang out there. Generally speaking, there are cat neighborhoods, and anyone who would mistreat a cat would be easily avoided by limiting the cats outdoor time to supervised only time in the garden until the jerk is caught. 
Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to address every one of your points thoroughly. My cats love having the freedom to live their own lives and get really anxious and upset if we lock them in (we kept them both in for a week while Poppy was on meds to make sure she wasn’t throwing up and even Declan, the chillest guy ever, was super anxious and kept crying and clawing at the door and getting sick and having diarrhea and generally being extremely upset which is so unlike him) so there’s nothing anyone can say that would make me put my cats through that.
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Love ur tumblr,it's awesome,congrats!!.Please,could you write an Eddie shot about I'm Eddie's girlfriend. One night I have a nightmare: he falls while he's climbing at some show and he gets hurt badly.I wake up very scared so I beg him doesn't climb that night because I have a bad feeling,but he does it. Nothing bad happens of course,but I get so angry with him.He tries to apologize in a sweet way,you know ;) Thank you!! Btw, English it's not my mothertongue so forgive my mistakes :)
The room was so fullthat no one else would fit in. Porch was just somewhere in the middle of itsusual duration, Mike was rocking his guitar in a breathtaking solo. You stoodat the side of the stage supporting your friends, but mostly your boyfriendEddie, who was just going crazy from all the energy and atmosphere. He wasjumping around and running all over the stage and he obviously wanted to geteverything out of him. You loved watching him perform, but his kind ofself-expression in moments like these often made you worry a lot. His passionfor climbing and jumping into crowds was something you didn’t share with him.Again, you had to watch him trying to get on the top of several speakers. Theroom went dark, the only cone of light was directed at Eddie. The speakers werefew meters high and he was almost there. Two or three little moves. But justwhen you were about to feel joy that he safely reached the top, his handsuddenly slipped and he fell down on his back from an enormous height. A dullhit was pretty much audible and you witnessed it all in an unexpressible shock.Eddie’s paralyzed and motionless body didn’t show any signs of life. Youimmediately started crying and wanted to run to him to help him, but a pair ofsomeone’s arms caught you and refused to let you on stage. He repeated over andover that you couldn’t go there and that there were people who’d help him. Youtotally broke down as you watched more and more people rushing to the stage,taking Eddie away from you…
„Y/N! Y/N, for God’s sake, wake up!“ you heard from adistance, feeling hands on your shoulders. You woke up to Eddie’s worried face.There’s no need to say how hard the wave of relief hit you. Your cheeks werewet and your heart was beating so fast that you thought it would explode soon.You grabbed Eddie’s tshirt and pulled him into the tightest hug you’ve evergiven him. You still couldn’t stop yourself from crying, because the damn dreamscared the shit out of you. „Love, it’s okay. It’s gone. Shhh, it’s okay,“ hecomforted you as he was stroking your back. He held you until you calmed downand then asked what happened.
„I was watching you play and you decided to climb up thehuge speakers you always have on stage and…and fell down. You just lay thereand didn’t move and I wanted to help you so bad, but someone held me didn’t letme go there…oh God, why was it so real? I thought I’d never see you again,Eddie, I seriously thought it was an end…“ salt water filled your eyes again,which made Eddie take your face in his hands and kiss you on the forehead.
„It was just a bad dream, okay? I’m here with you and I’malive. Please, stop crying, Y/N,“ he whispered and wiped the tears off yourcheeks.
„What if it was some kind of warning? I don’t want you to doit. I’m so worried about you all the time. And I don’t wanna wait untilsomething really happens to you,“ your voice was still shaking a bit.
„It’s under my control everytime, Y/N. It’s not as dangerousas it seems, trust me,“ he objected.
„Eddie, you’re the only one I have and you know that Iwouldn’t handle losing you. Promise me you’re not gonna do it at least the nextshow. Please, I don’t ask for much.“ He sighed long, but agreed: „Okay okay, Ipromise. But now you promise me that you won’t have bad dreams tonightanymore.“
„Promise,“ you smiled and cuddled up to him. His arms wereproviding you a feeling of safety and home, so you soon fell asleep withoutbigger problems.
It was right before the beginning of today’s show. All theguys were in a great mood and you were supposed to be, too, but somehow youcouldn’t get that dream out of your head. Eddie looked fine, nothing seemed tofrustrate him.
„You’ll be careful, won’t you?“ you were making sure beforehe went up on stage.
„Of course I will, don’t worry,“ he quickly kissed you andthen disappeared in a corridor leading to stage. You sighed and waited forStone’s and Jeff’s girlfriend to go watch your men together from the side of thestage as usual. They kicked off the show with Why Go and Deep, Jeremy and Even Flow followed. People in the crowd were great, you couldhardly see someone who wouldn’t enjoy this night as if it was their last.Usually you’d dance and sing along, however today you still couldn’t help itbut felt something bad in the air. You kept repeating in your head that nothingcan happen, you trusted Eddie and his words. Everything seemed to be fine sofar, but you turned to the girls and started talking to come to other thoughtsanyway. They were great girls and it was always fun to be around them. Finallyyou felt better.
„Hey ladies, do you see that photographer over there? Stonetold me he’s totally head over heelsfor Ed. Look at his face! Y/N, I swear even you don’t look at Ed like this!“You all laughed as you focused on that photographer.
„He looks like he’ll do everything to steal him from me,“you joked.
„Well, I think not only him,“ Jeff’s girlfriend pointed tosome girls in the crowd who were jumping there half naked. „Gosh, he’s crazy!Does he wanna jump again or what?“ You immediately turned your head in Eddie’sdirection. He was already one leg on the speaker, climbing higher and higher.Your stomach gripped tightly as an unexpected wave of fear mixed with angerflew through your body. He made a fuckingpromise.
„No. No, I’m not gonna watch this,“ you told the girls andran to backstage to Eddie’s dressing room where you took your jacket and gotout of the building. You caught a taxi and got back to the hotel room. It washard for you to believe that he really did it. Despite his own words. You tooka quick shower and when you returned to the bedroom, you found out that Eddiehad tried to call you several times, because the phone was full of left voicemessages. You deleted all of them, you already didn’t want to hear a word fromhim today. You slipped under the blanket and tried to fall asleep before hereturns, but it was useless. Your head was so full and didn‘t allow you to cutoff from the reality.
As soon as you heard the opening door, you took a deepbreath. You even wanted to fake the sleep, but before you managed to close youreyes, he already stood in the bedroom. And apparently, angry as well.
„Can you explain to me why didn’t you answer my calls? Doyou even know how worried I was about you? I wanted to cancel the rest of theshow when Mike told me you’d left without any reason!“ he said in heightenedvoice. He literally made you look at him in total disbelief.
„Excuse me, without any reason? You know the reason verywell, Eddie, so stop acting like this! You will be telling me something aboutfear? You? You never fail to amaze me, really. But you know what, I don’t wannahear anything from you, let me sleep.“
„No way, I’m not done yet. Look, Y/N, okay, I admit that youhave a full right to be mad at me, but you should have answered the calls.You know how it’s dangerous outside, people can recognize you and not all ofthem are nice and friendly. You should have waited for me,“ he wildlygesticulated. You sat up on the bed.
„Eddie, but this is not about me at all! I mean, what didyou expect? That I will happily watch you climb almost to the ceiling and jumpinto people who can easily not catch you? That I will just stand there andsupport you in this? I think I told you clearly enough yesterday how importantit is to me that you stop with it. And if I remember well, you promised me.“ Theblame was on his side, so he didn’t have any right to accuse you of anything.
„I know! But as you can see, nothing bad happened and I’mhere. It’s a part of the show! I want to give those people something they won’tever forget, do you understand?“ he continued with his silly arguments.
„Yeah, how nice of you that you care more about other peoplethan me,“ you said. Eddie probably lost his ideas how to reply, so he justuttered: „This isn’t leading to anywhere.“ And then he left the bedroom.
„Idiot,“ you said quietly to yourself as you were layingyour head back on the pillow. Soon you heard the running water form thebathroom and despite your strong wishes you couldn’t fall asleep even thistime. You tensely laid with closed eyes as he returned to the room.Surprisingly, he obviously thought that you were really sleeping, because hissteps and moves were very quiet. He slowly laid next to you under one blanket.First few minutes he kept silent, but you could feel his open eyes.
„Y/N? Are you sleeping?“ he whispered.
„How could I?“ you responded. Then he carefully threw hisarm over you, taking your hand in his. He sticked to your body from behind andkissed your shoulder.
„I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done any of it, I’m such anasshole. You’re the most important person to me in this world, so if you reallywant me to stop with it, I will. I’d rather see disappointment in thousands othereyes than in yours. I love you so much, Y/N,“ he said quietly, causing yourheart melting.
„Why do you always get me so easily, Vedder? I hate you,“you smiled and pulled his hand up to your lips, where you kissed it.
„This doesn’t look like hate,“ he laughed slightly, leaningin for a kiss. You let him play with your lips for a while. „Mmm, and thisdoesn’t look like hate at all,“ he continued kissing you, slowly getting on thetop of you. Your hands disappeared under his tshirt, exploring his muscularbody. His lips landed on your neck and softly sucked the skin. As his handsstrayed under your tshirt as well, you couldn’t stop yourself from breathingloudly. All of this was great for his ears, because he knew he was doing a goodjob on you. Once he rolled your tshirt up and caught one your nipple in hislip, you gasped and tugged his hair a bit. You could see his content face as hestarted going down little by little. And yes, his expression was enough for youto turn you on. You felt his hot breath and wet kisses everywhere on your tummyand later even on your thighs. It took him so long before he finally got whereyou wanted him the most. He skilfully removed your panties and threw them away,while you were eagerly waiting for his next action. He returned to your thighs,paid a little more attention to them and then made his way up. As soon as histongue touched your clit, your grip in his hair tightened. He started off verygently, circling his tongue around and gradually increased the intensity. Hewas tasting you with the tip of his tongue by tesing you in the area of your entranceevery now and then. You were writhing under his touches and because of all the delight.When he’d decided to use a finger to help you come, you were high up in the skybecause of how good it felt. You even had to let go of his hair, because you weresure you’d have tugged them out.
„Fuck, Eddie,“ you moaned, crushing the sheet between your fingersright before you reached your climax. Then Eddie rolled down your tshirt again andmade you lay on his chest. He gave you little kisses in your hair while you werestill catching your breath. You ran your fingers to his long hair and played withthem, because it always calmed you down. „I love you,“ you murmured to his chest.
„I hoped to hear this,“ he smiled, „good night, Y/N.“
Hello, firstly, thank you♥ secondly, I really hope that by your “sweet way of apologizing” you meant something smutty and if not, I’m very sorry! And thirdly, this oneshot is the longest I’ve written so far, so I hope you enjoyed it♥
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