#midoriya izuku
obsessive-dumpling · 3 days
Did you catch that? Did you catch all of it?
Katsuki is crying, uncontrollably mind you, in front of all the most important people in his life. In front of his parents, in front of his hero, in front of his oldest friend, he is crying as if he lost his dream... because he thinks he did.
Not because of the permanent damage to his arm, no. Fuck his arm. Did not shed one tear over that. Barely even blinked. No he's crying because his dream included IZUKU.
"For the rest of our lives..."
For. The. Rest. Of. OUR. Lives!
When he looked at his future he saw them together for the rest of their lives! When he looked at his future all he saw was Izuku. And he thinks he's lost his only way to that future.
"What the hell did I do to you?"
This right here is where we hit misunderstanding central. He's admitting here that without their rivalry, he does not deserve to stand next to Izuku. Even in this vision of their future together that he concocted in his mind, he even says "and I would be on your heels"... He's saying: You were always my future but I know my place... You've looked at my back too long and I was perfectly fine with a future where all I can do is look at yours... But now that's gone. What have I done?
And his only consolation? An emotionally constipated Izuku, trying to hold back tears for ONCE in his life because he KNOWS- he KNOWS he needs to be strong while Katsuki crumbles, but that's all he can do. Because there is a second misunderstanding here.
While Katsuki believes that they could only be together if it was in this one capacity-- Izuku is thinking the EXACT same thing! He thinks he could only stand next to Katsuki if he was a hero. And all he can do now is offer the very last of what's left of that dream. As if saying: Wait! We have a little more time left...if you'll have me, I still have this ember. Shortly followed by a: But you're probably just emotional right now! As if to say: You probably won't care this much once you rest...
Both so close, and yet still missing each other.
Thank Horikoshi that Toshinori is there to be like: The two of you ARE still heroes and will always be heroes. You are MY heroes and now the worlds as well. Restoring them as a pair. Allowing them to cry together and ultimately smile together. Mourning the future they thought was ahead of them while simultaneously celebrating that they at least made it here.
The nuance, the layers, the honesty... Horikoshi is blowing me away... I can't wait to see the new future they create together.
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kiisaes · 1 day
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now they can bicker like an old married couple together for the rest of their lives 👍
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nanahg13 · 2 days
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I live and die for them.
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gglitch1dd · 2 days
Could we get a one shot of the little sprouts finding inko high school yearbook and see’s a picture of the grandfather afo and inko tells them the good memories she had of izuku’s father
Is that Ojisan?
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Obaasan- Japanese for grandma Ojisan- Japanese for grandfather. I stand to be corrected though.
"Look its Baa-baa!" Shoyo pointed to the book that was on the ground.
Toshinori paused what he was doing as he sat up on the couch where he was seated next to Kane. His eyebrows furrowed as he leaned forward to where Shoyo and Hero were sitting on the ground on a blanket. "Hero can you quickly pass the book over?"
Hero nodded his head. "Sure! It's so cool. Obaasan looks so young here." He stated as he used his quirk that he just so happened to get from his grandmother. With a flick of his hand the book was levitated and was pushed over to Toshinori. Shoyo got up from the floor to run over to where the other boys were.
Kane had Koda sitting on his lap a dinosaur mask on his face as he peered down at the book that Toshinori now had in his lap. Walking over to stand at the back of the couch was Asahi.
In the photo album were old high school photos from when their grandmother was younger. Inko was, for one, much more skinner but had the same warm smile and long green dark hair. She smiled at the camera as she hanged off of a young Mitsuki Bakugou's shoulder as they smiled at the camera. Both of them were in high school uniforms.
"Kane," Toshinori started. "Isn't that your gran?"
Kane's eyebrows furrowed as he leaned forward. "Yep, that's her alright. She doesn't age at all." He sighed.
The boys heard the familiar shuffling of their grandmother as she walked into the room. She leaned next to Asahi to see what they were looking at. A soft gentle smile went to her face. "Aww you found my old photo album." She moved to shuffle to the couch. Toshinori moved to the other end of the couch, allowing Inko to sit in the middle. Even with her hair greying, she was still as wonderful as ever. "That one was taken at the school festival." She told the boys as she pointed to the one that they were looking at.
She turned the page to show another one where Inko's eyes were wide, in a similar fashion to how their father's eyes would go, as she was stuck on a roller-coaster with Mitsuki.
The older woman chuckled as she pointed at that one. "We were at the park on this one. It was quite the experience. I wore my best kimono for that one."
Asahi's eyebrows furrowed as Inko turned the page. Sitting there at the top of one of the pages was a photo of her in a beautiful white and gold kimono next to a man in a men's kimono, who had white curly hair with tufts in a familiar style to the boys all around her (minus Kane). "Obaasan, who is that?" He asked pointing to the man in the photo. Although the fourteen year old couldn't see his face, by the way his grandmother was smiling up at him in the photo, he seemed important.
Instead of tensing or stiffening up at the question, Inko smiled dearly. One that was filled with love despite the years that had gone by. She sighed as she put a hand to the photo. She looked up at him. "That is your grandfather."
"Ojisan?" Hero let out surprised as he sat up on the floor and was looming over the book as well. "We have a grandfather?"
Kane rolled his eyes. "Of course you have a grandfather! How else would your father exist?" Kane asked rhetorically as he motioned down to the photo album.
Koda tilted his head before looking up at Kane. "Oji?" He asked confused.
Kane nodded his head his head as he took the little five year old's hand. "Your Jiji. That's your grandfather." He tried teaching the youngest of the Midoriya boys." Koda let out a hum as he turned to look at the photos as well.
Toshinori was mostly silent as Inko turned the page and then finally the boys could see him clearly. A photo of him and Inko. Inko had a bright smile on her face, flushed blushing cheeks as the man seemed to be laughing at something.
He had hair as white as snow, although short, was as curly and wild as their father's hair. He had a smile similar to Izuku's with hands the same large shape as well. His eyes, although not as big as Inko's had the same dangerous look their father would have whenever working.
He looked so much like their father.
"He was so wonderful." Inko said softly. She let out a giggle. "And romantic too. He would buy me a bouquet every week from my favourite florist. He was always so busy with work but he always made time for me. He wasn't much of a talker but he would just let me ramble on and on and on and he never judged."
She turned the page to show multiple photos of her with their grandfather. Them on a formal date, or them in the very kitchen Inko was previously in. And finally at the bottom of the right page was a little ultrasound photo with the words "It's a boy!" written at the bottom.
"Wait! Is that dad!?" Hero asked shocked as he pointed to it.
Inko laughed as she turned the page and at the top of the page was a tired looking Inko in a hospital gown but in her arms was a sleeping little baby boy with a head of green hair and soft freckles on his cheek. "Yes, it was. He was so tiny and so loved. He's father was scared at first, to be a dad, but he adored Izuku."
Taking up space on the entire next page was a photo of their said grandfather, holding baby Izuku. Izuku's small hand gripped his father's pinkie and on Hisashi's face, there was nothing but love in his eyes. Beautiful warm undenying love for his new son. Such a soft smile on his face as the two were in a shot just themselves.
Toshinori's eyebrows furrowed. He opened his mouth to speak.
Instantly, every Midoriya boy stiffened at the tone of voice. It wasn't anger or sadness or shouting. It was that tone that showed that they were doing something that he didn't approve of. Him being their father.
They turned around to see Izuku standing there with his hands in his pockets, a frown on his face. He could clearly see what they were looking at. Instantly they all went pale, knowing how much their grandfather was a touchy subject for their father.
Izuku glanced at the album and then at his mother. Inko sighed as she closed the photo album. Izuku looked to Toshinori and then to Kane.
Immediately Kane stood up, holding on to Koda, putting him in his arms. "Alright guys, lets head to the car to go home. I heard mom's making giyudon." He said as the Midoriya boys all stood up without a word, heading towards the door to leave their grandmother's apartment.
Koda waved a hand to Inko. "Bye-bye." He said looking over Kane's shoulder.
Inko smiled as she waved back. "Bye baby. See you soon."
Toshinori stood by the hallway towards the door. He looked between his grandmother and his father. He opened his mouth to speak. "Dad-"
"Get into the car, Toshi. I want to talk to my mother." Izuku instructed.
Toshinori hesitated but decided he'd talk to you first before talking to his father on the matter. He turned and left. Izuku stayed standing where he was as he looked at his mother. Nothing was said for a painful few seconds.
Inko sighed as she shifted to face her son. "Izuku-"
"I told you that I don't want the boys to know anything about that man and you deliberately went behind my back." Izuku said almost emotionlessly as he looked at his mother. "Why?"
She closed her eyes. Her son had always been so sensitive, even now as an adult. "Izuku, the boys saw a picture of him and I answered. They deserve to know about their grandfather."
"They don't need to know anything."
"Okaasan, remind me again who has to answer their questions?" Izuku asked as he took a step closer to his mother with a raised eyebrow. "When the boys turn to me, their father," He motioned to his chest. "And ask why he isn't in any of my childhood photos, what am I supposed to say?" He asked his mother, with a twisted expression, half pain and half anger. "The answer you gave me? Excuses?"
Inko frowned as she looked up at him. "Izuku, don't do that to me."
"You lied to me for seventeen years of my life about where my father was even though we both knew that I knew you were lying." Izuku tried his best to keep his voice levelled and not to shout at her. "That man was never in my life and when he finally did come back, you know what the first thing he wanted to do?"
Inko closed her eyes in pain as she turned away from her son, knowing what his answer was to his question.
"He tried to kill me, all because I got One for All. And who had to throw him into Tartarus? Who had to ultimately make the decision to kill him because he was a threat to society as a genocidal psychopath? Me." Izuku pointed to his chest, fighting off the tears that lined his eyes as he frowned at his mother. "That's who. Not anyone else, but me. And you expect me to explain that to the boys? Never."
"Izuku, he loved you." Inko tried to reason. "He loved us-"
Izuku laughed as he turned away from his mother. "Loved us and yet left you to live as a single mother to a one year old? Loved us and yet you were the only one working hard to provide for the both of us? Okaasan that's one weird definition of love."
He shook his head as he turned to face the exit hallway, his hands going into his pockets as he didn't look at his mother. He was silent for another moment.
"Okaasan, I love you." He stated. "You are my mother, and the sacrifices that you've made for me will never go without gratitude from me. But if I ever hear you talk about that man to the boys again before Y/N and I have spoken to them first..." He left his statement open ended. Izuku left the apartment, leaving Inko alone.
Despite her son's anger, and the pain he held in his heart, Inko turned to look into the kitchen. Sitting there on the counter was a pile of groceries that her son put on the counter just for her. A beauquet of fresh flowers from her favourite florist sat in a vase just for her, with a slab of her favourite chocolates too.
In truth, Izuku couldn't care about his father and the lack of his presence in his life. Yes, it hurt.
But nothing hurt more than seeing his own mother all alone when she didn't have to be.
Despite the anger and pain in his heart, he was more angry for his mother than for himself.
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dominaecaede · 2 days
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the cost of war.
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axonomi · 2 days
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"For the rest of our lives..."
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kuyenshino · 2 days
My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi is a katsudeku slow burn fanfic I rec
tags: not really character death, violence, friends to enemies to friends to lovers, pining Katsuki, oblivious Izuku, protective Katsuki, codependency, infatuation, not really unrequited love, admiration, misunderstandings, bad communication, past childhood friends, past bullying, jealousy, possessiveness, prejudice, both bad at feelings, soulmates, character development, partners, ...
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sugawara--san · 2 days
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chat does he know about marriage
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lunejump · 12 hours
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so uh... forever...
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nyxartx · 2 days
Oh how I can’t stop right now … hopefully I’m able to finish this soon 😭
I’m so emotional about them currently
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whatarainyday · 2 days
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full volume worth of shojo content now pls ty
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kiisaes · 1 day
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dekusleftsock · 3 days
Someone described Katsuki’s thoughts on their future as this “catch and chase” esc game and I can’t stop thinking about catch-a-Kacchan now. The symbolism of that now is so telling with Katsuki’s new admission. Oh my god.
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Like of course izuku could never catch Kacchan: that was the game. The hope that their rivalry and therefore their new found relationship could stay this way forever. He would never lose Izuku because they were always trying to catch each other—chase, grab, hold, let go, and chase again.
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Honestly it almost feels like the end to this statement, one he never quite articulated to himself, and especially not to the world. Ofa gives power, ofa gives hope, and ofa ties itself to the people it interacts with. Ofa breathes the life into the game of their lives, catch and release.
Ofa may be a cursed power, but I just thought we’d be competing, and I’d be on your heels, for the rest of our lives…
Because ofa is the beacon that, on a very literal level, allows catch-a-Kacchan to exist. What do I do if I don’t have an excuse to be with you? What if I don’t deserve it?
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And it’s such a small detail of symbolism, and idec if it’s purposeful, it’s just the fact that it exists at all that I love it so god damn much.
As Izuku tries to comfort him in the only way he really knows how (“well I still have the embers! It was a nice dream while it lasted! Please don’t cry you’re just overly sensitive right now, I’m sure you won’t feel this way later..”), and as Katsuki believes that the only way he’s allowed into Izuku’s life is this small glimpse into their rivalry—and, in spite of it all, allmight reminds them that they have changed.
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The world, it has changed. The winds still blow high across the country, and we are reminded that the most important part of despair is the connection we have with each other. They are not just heroes, they are the greatest heroes—together.
The world will never be the same—and isn’t that the most beautiful part of it all? That we have changed, together?
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polymorphin · 2 days
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“these match your eyes, kacchan! i can make earrings out of them!”
kicking off pride month with my full piece for Of Love & Lore: Fantasy BKDKBK Zine 🐉
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fever-dreamer97 · 2 days
Izuku: We need to talk about how you write autographs.
Bakugo: No, we freaking don’t. I’m great at them.
Izuku: You put no love or thought into them.
Izuku’s scrolling social media: In fact, I saw this photo you were tagged in from a fan and on the autograph, you just wrote ‘To extra, from Dynamight.’
Izuku: You didn’t even attempt their name.
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bicheetopuff · 3 days
I don’t think y’all understand how crazy this is. Well, I know you do but I like yapping and I need to type things out to completely understand for myself what’s going on.
Katsuki pushed Izuku away their entire childhood after Izuku was diagnosed quirkless. Before that, it felt like he wanted Izuku to push himself in more things. In his own weird little way, he believed in him. Katsuki was good at everything and he was self aware about that so the reason he always singled out Deku to try out the things he was trying and comparing their furture quirks was because he always wanted Izuku as his rival. He saw something in Izuku that he couldn’t find in himself which at that age deemed him “worthy” of competing with him.
When Izuku was confirmed to not have a quirk and everyone was telling Katsuki that his quirk was amazing, he felt like Izuku wasn’t worthy of competing against him anymore and was offended that Izuku didn’t understand that. He legitimately thought that Izuku was trying to stoop Katsuki “down to his level” because he didn’t understand that Izuku just wanted to be around him and be friends with him. He wasn’t trying to sign up for his life long rivalship that Katsuki had made up in his head that his four year old self established he had already won.
Even then, Katsuki still believed in Izuku. In the TUMs where Katsuki is trying to chase down Nine but Izuku finds him first. He’s not surprised. He’s angry that he didn’t have the same skill that Izuku did in that department. Or when Izuku was talking about applying to UA, Katsuki didn’t laugh it off. He wanted Izuku to not apply at all because he knew there was a chance he could actually get in. Or when Izuku actually did get in, Katsuki wasn’t surprised, he was just wondering how. He has never not had faith in Izuku.
And now, after he established that Izuku never meant ill will towards him and realized that he was just being a jerk towards him for no reason, he started to view him as a proper rival again. Izuku is the only person in his life that has been able to push him to become his best self. He grew so much as a person. But, Izuku’s influence and just his care for him in general landed him wounded on several occasions now. He almost died. Yet he’s unable to think of himself first anymore like he used to.
He went to Izuku’s hospital room and cried like a baby because of Izuku losing his quirk. Because he lost that rival that wanted and needed for so long. He lost his second chance to compete with him after losing so much time. He feels like the person he cares about most just lost his dream because he wasn’t there to help. He blames himself for Izuku’s misfortune yet couldn’t care less about his own.
And from Izuku’s POV, he just experienced a heavy loss for not being able to save Shigaraki (yet/in the way he wanted to). He lost his quirk which made his dream come true even if it was only for a short time. He’s quirkless again yet the first person who came to check on him was the very person that used to give him hell for not having a quirk. The guy he chased after his whole childhood because he wanted to be like him and be his friend. And that guy that always used to push him away pours his heart out and tells him, “I wanted to play this game of cat and mouse with you for the rest of our lives,” and he can’t be anything other than shocked and reassuring at the admission.
This scene single handedly began the healing process for both of their inner child’s. Katsuki feels comfortable to show his emotions and admit to wanting a rival and Izuku finally gets to see just how badly Katsuki wants him around.
But, Izuku still hasn’t even truly acknowledged Katsuki’s apology. And even in this chapter, all he said were things to make Katsuki feel better. He hasn’t explained how he feels about anything yet.
I want Katsuki to tell Izuku that even if he’s quirkless, he still wants to be by his side. And I want Izuku to tell Katsuki that he forgives him for everything he’s done. I NEED THEM TO TALK!
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