#aggie beever jones
wosobronze · 2 days
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too pretty for her own good
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queen-of-reptiles · 3 months
description: lauren is fine, she is completely fine. she is definitely not dating sam kerr's younger sister. and sam kerr definitely hasn't just walked into y/n's flat with her spare key. lauren is completely fine
lauren james x kerr!reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction remember that and have fun ;)
warnings: idk where to begin, smutttt - cunnilingus, thigh riding, fingering, slight breath play, choking, marking, fluff, swearing, cute sisterly relationships
18+ (At start and at end.)
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y/n's head span as she gasped, hand reaching down to clasp with Lauren's as the woman grunted into her, tongue darting in and out of y/n, nose brushing her clit as she spasmed.
"Ah, Lauren. Close." y/n gasped, hand gripping Lauren's tighter as her breathing sped up, back arching as Lauren's tongue did nothing to slow down.
Lauren moved her head, pushing her nose harsher against y/n's clit which caused a moan to escape her lips as she tensed, her stomach spasming.
"Come on." Lauren said gruffly, her tongue going back to work as y/n finally came, a cry of relief leaving from her lips as she does so.
Lauren's tongue does not completely leave y/n, instead using lazy strokes to calm the girl down from her orgasm, only once Lauren felt as if she had tasted her girlfriend enough did she come up for air.
Lauren pushed upwards, arms flexing as she came to lie next to y/n once again, leaning down to press a long kiss to her lips, her tongue sweeping through y/n's mouth.
"Taste yourself." Lauren all but grunted into her mouth. "Taste what I did to you." She continued, y/n's eyes rolled into the back of her head at the words.
The two pulled away, a lazy grin on Lauren's face at the red cheeks of y/n as she pecks her lips once more, smirking at how flustered the Australian was.
"Hmm, that's a way to wake up in the morning." y/n smiles, leaning into Lauren's shoulder who smiles and wraps an arm around her girlfriend.
"Wake you up like that anytime." Lauren shrugs and y/n grins liking the sound of it.
Just as Lauren goes to say something there is the sound of the front door opening and the two tense, both knowing that other than Lauren only one other person had a key.
"Squirt?" Sam calls out and the two spring into action.
"One sec Sammy!" y/n calls, Lauren rushing and grabbing her clothes, throwing y/n her own.
"Oh fuck." Lauren whispers.
"Oh fuck." y/n agrees quietly.
Sam Kerr, Australia's sweetheart, best striker in potentially the WSL and a ground-breaking personality in the world of Women's Football and sport as a whole.
Sam Kerr. Also known as Lauren and y/n's team-mate, mentor and y/n's older sister.
Lauren sent y/n a wide eyed look, both of them as worried and panicked at the other as Lauren slid into y/n's ensuite, y/n tugging on her joggers as she darted out of her room and shuts the door.
"Sammy!" y/n grins racing at her sister who hugs her. "What are you doing here?" y/n asks and Sam shrugs.
"Thought we could go get some breakfast." Sam says and y/n nods, knowing they had late training today.
"Of course, let me just shower." y/n smiles and Sam pauses, knowing her sister was a natural early riser.
"You slept in?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, late night, stayed up binging doctor who." y/n lies easily and Sam chuckles, rolling her eyes.
"You and that fucking show." Sam snorts and y/n lets out a small fake laugh as she moves back toward her bedroom.
y/n enters and Lauren is lent against the wall, scrolling through Instagram as y/n grabs her and drags her into the bathroom. Lauren smirks slightly as she quickly strips herself of her joggers.
y/n finally rids herself of her clothes, quickly ridding Lauren of her own as she drags her into the shower and turns it on, looking toward the bathroom door which she quickly makes sure is locked.
With the shower on and making noise y/n finally feels safe enough to let out a relieved breath as she knows Sam will have turned her X-box on to play a few FIFA games knowing her younger sister took ages to shower.
"Careful baby, your sister is in the other room." Lauren smirks teasingly and y/n glares at her.
"You ain't getting shit James." y/n warns as she washes herself clean.
"Are you sure?" Lauren asks lowly, hand squeezing at y/n's waist as she slides it down, her dull nails scraping at her hip. y/n lets out a stuttered gasp, the Australian naturally tipping her head back onto Lauren's broad shoulder.
Lauren can't help but let out a small chuckle at the power she knew she held over y/n, leaning down to press a series of light kisses down y/n's painfully unmarked neck.
Lauren's teeth pull at the skin under y/n's collarbone, both of her hands gripping at y/n's hips now, tilting her pelvis back into her as she grids lightly against her.
"Lauren." y/n warns breathily.
"What baby?" Lauren asks, grateful she had kept her braids in as she was now stood under the stream of water which would have been a pain to dry her hair from.
"Squirt?" Sam asks, the door handle coming down but the lock doing its job and stopping her entering.
"Just coming!" y/n calls quickly as she turns off the shower and steps out.
The girl wraps her hair in a towel, glaring at Lauren who was stood smugly against the shower door, eyes raking down y/n's dripping thighs which were scattered with marks.
"Since when do you lock the bathroom door?" Sam asks from the other side.
"Must have done it on reflex." y/n calls out. Not bothering too look in the mirror as she quickly moisturises her face. "I'll text you when we're gone." y/n whispers to Lauren, before pressing a peck to the woman's lips.
y/n then quickly slides from the bathroom and into her room, turning off the light as she wraps her towel around her. She could hear the FIFA game coming from the living room and rolls her eyes as she changes quickly.
y/n tugs on a top, pulling her jacket over the top of it and then grabs her bag and phone, cursing herself at the text Sam had sent her an hour ago warning her she was going to appear.
y/n then leaves her bedroom, smiling at Sam as she pulls her socks and then trainers on. Sam finishes her game and switches the TV off as y/n snorts.
"You only come here to use my games." y/n teases as Sam grabs her car keys.
"Shut up." Sam snorts as they get to the front door. y/n looks down, eyes widening at Lauren's trainers which were on the rack and she positions herself in front of them, hoping Sam hasn't noticed.
y/n follows her sister out, locking the door knowing full well Lauren would use her key once she left for training. y/n hops into Sam's car and her heart finally slows down as they pull away from her home.
y/n switches on her phone, instantly connecting to Sam's car and blaring some music out which makes Sam groan mockingly, y/n rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out.
"Shut up." y/n snorts.
"No you." Sam counters.
"No you." y/n says back and Sam rolls her eyes.
"Annoying dickhead." Sam says and y/n chuckles as they pull up to their usual breakfast place. y/n sends a quick text to Lauren.
to lauren <3: All clear xx
from lauren: I'll see you at training x
y/n doesn't reply, knowing if she does Sam will get suspicious on who she is talking too, so she shuts her phone and follows Sam out of the car and into the cafe.
"Isn't that LJ's top?" Sam asks as y/n takes her jacket off. If y/n's heart had stopped, she wouldn't have been shocked, because that is what it felt like.
"Oh yeah, I borrowed it a few weeks ago and she said I could keep it." y/n shrugs easily and Sam's eyebrows furrow.
"I could have sworn I saw her in it the other day." She says before shrugging and looking at the menu.
"I don't know why you bother looking. You always get the same thing." y/n teases, trying to get the topic to move on.
"Shut it squirt." Sam snorts before proceeding to order the same thing with their usual waitress.
y/n just posted on her story x2
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y/n turned up at training a lot calmer than she had been that morning. Throughout her breakfast with Sam panic was flooding her and guilt was creeping into her heart.
What she and Lauren had started was good, great even for them both, Lauren was calmer, y/n was happier, and no one knew that it was the other making them so.
But y/n and her sister had always been close, y/n had always wanted to be like Sam and while the midfielder had slightly taken a different football route, she had ended in the same place, repping Chelsea blue.
Lauren and y/n were still relatively new, only 4 almost 5 months in to being official having started seeing each other just before the beginning of the World Cup.
No one on social media suspected anything, none of their teammates seemed to notice, so they had just kept quiet when they returned and continued falling in love.
And y/n was sure that was what was happening. The 21-year-old was sure she was falling in love, if not in love with Lauren. She had never felt so seen, so understood by someone.
With Lauren she wasn't Sam Kerr's sister, she wasn't the future of Australia. She was just y/n, and it made her feel so special being looked at by Lauren.
The woman could tell if she was angry, upset, happy or nervous with a single glance, and she could calm it with nothing but a look, a glancing touch.
y/n had never been powerless, she was filled with attitude and delight, but she had never fell apart for someone as easily as she had for Lauren, she had never let anyone see her or understand her the way Lauren always had.
Training had started well, the sister duo pairing up for the pre-match games and then the group of players sunk into their usual before lunch match.
y/n was running down the wing, looking toward Erin who was trailing with her, Lauren tracked back, following her girlfriend as she tried to tackle, y/n turned, dragging the ball with her.
But Lauren knew her, knew her tricks and instead of sliding past bounced off her toes and followed left which made y/n sigh. She passed out to Erin, Lauren sending her a smirk.
y/n followed Erin down, trying to get past Lauren who manages to intercept Erin's cross out for a corner. The two teams lined up as Emma called out a warning saying this would be the last kick of the game.
y/n stood strong, her sister grinning at her due to the fact her team was currently 1 goal above Erin's and went to mark her sister, however Lauren had already covered her, easily slotting behind her girlfriend.
Sam furrows her brows for a second but then shrugs and goes to mark Johanna instead. Lauren's hand brushes y/n's back and the woman pushes her elbow back, rolling her shoulders as she watches the ball fly in.
y/n races forward, Lauren right behind her as she jumps and her head fires the ball into the corner. y/n slowly comes down, the bodies around her pushing her off balance.
Lauren quickly wraps her arms around her y/n, stabling her as she comes down by pulling y/n tight to her chest as y/n's feet finally settle on the floor.
y/n sighs out in relief, relaxing back into Lauren's chest in relief as she rests her head onto Lauren's shoulder, the two looking so natural that Millie does a double take.
"Nice catch LJ!" Emma calls out as lunch is called.
"She was a fairy." Millie teases, y/n laugh as she grins at Lauren in thanks who squeezes her waist briefly before y/n runs at Millie, jumping onto her back.
"y/n!" Emma calls waving the girl over.
"Oooh someone's in trouble." Millie teases as she drops y/n next to Emma.
"Shove off Bright." y/n laughs pushing her captain away who gasps mockingly.
"I'll have you benched for that!" Millie gasps dramatically.
"No you bloody won't." Emma warns her, before everyone trudges away and y/n follows Emma to her office where the woman sits her down. "I'll let you go to lunch in a second." Emma promises.
"It's okay." y/n promises her manager who sits on the edge of her desk.
"I just wanted to ask." Emma begins, handing y/n a water bottle she had picked up. "Does Sam know?" She asks as y/n takes a sip, instantly choking on the water in shock.
"Holy shit." y/n gasps out, swallowing her mouthful of water. "Know what?" y/n asks as Emma sends her a dry look.
"That there is something clearly going on between you and Lauren." Emma says and y/n sighs.
"Is it that obvious?" y/n asks.
"I'll take that as a no." Emma sighs. "But it isn't obvious, I just know you both too well." Emma explains and y/n sighs.
"I swear boss, I'll tell her, it won't be a big deal." y/n promises Emma who sighs and runs a hand over her face.
"If that was true, you would have done so already." Emma warns her.
y/n shoulders sink. If she was honest, she had no clue how Sam would react, she could be happy, she could be mad, she could be shocked, hurt the list was endless.
"Why haven't you told anyone?" Emma can't help but ask and y/n sighs, knowing full well someone did know.
"Technically, Lucy Bronze knows." y/n says and Emma hums, knowing y/n and Lucy were close as y/n had played at Lyon for a season and a half before making her jump to Chelsea last year.
y/n had stayed with Lucy during that time, having been taken under the defender's wing who really helped her in the time away from her older sister.
"World cup?" Emma guesses and y/n nods.
"We had kind of began just before and continued during the world cup. Lucy walked into Lauren's room one night when we actually near the same place." y/n explains.
"And the reason?" She asks.
"I see how the media just tears everyone apart. Relationships, confidence, I mean I missed that shot a few weeks back and I just got annihilated for it." y/n continues.
"But you cannot let that get to you." Emma tries and y/n sighs.
"I know, but it does Emma." y/n says angrily. "And I just know, the second anything comes out about Lauren and I..." y/n sighs trailing off.
"You have to tell the team." Emma states and y/n throws her arms up in annoyance.
"Why?" She asks.
"Because I will not risk the chemistry I have created. You can't do it, I'll bench you." Emma warns.
"Emma!" y/n calls but the woman folds her arms. "I'm scared." y/n then sighs, folding her head in your hands.
"The girl who played for Australia at 16, scored the winning goal for the champions league at 17, is scared?" Emma asks and y/n nods.
"Terrified. All the time." y/n sighs and Emma's face drops her cold mask.
"Oh kid." Emma sighs and y/n looks up at her, heart in her throat. "Do you need to talk to someone?" She asks and y/n sighs.
"I don't know." y/n admits and Emma then sighs again.
"You've got until Friday to talk to Sam. We'll forget about the rest for now, eh?" She asks y/n who nods, trying to swallow the butterflies climbing her throat.
"Okay." y/n nods. Emma claps her on the shoulder and nods to the door and y/n nods. "Cheers boss." y/n says, and they both know it was meant deeper than just one way.
"Go get some lunch." Emma orders and y/n nods, walking into the lunch room where Sam already had a plate for her, just deepening the bite of guilt.
y/n just posted on her story x3
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y/n sat with Lauren, the two comfortably pressed together on y/n's sofa as they watched Match of the Day, both fed and showered after their day of training before the Brighton game tomorrow.
y/n had been quiet, Lauren had noticed it, her eyes were glazed over, as if she wasn't really in the moment and so Lauren pressed a kiss to her head.
"What's wrong?" Lauren asked softly.
"Emma knows." y/n says simply, her voice void of emotion as she expected Lauren to yell, to freak out.
"Okay." Lauren says calmly and y/n pauses, her stomach knotting in shock.
"What?" She asks.
"Okay." Lauren repeats calmly. "What do you want to do?" She then asks.
"We need to tell Sam." y/n says, again expecting Lauren to end it, but her grip just tightens.
"It is probably about time." Lauren agrees calmly and y/n sits up and turns to look at her.
"You're not mad? You're not going to yell? Leave?" y/n asks, her voice quiet and shocked. Lauren smiles softly, pecking y/n's nose as she sits up also, bringing the girl onto her lap.
"No baby. I'm not going to leave." Lauren promises and y/n moves her legs so she was straddling Lauren's lap.
"Why?" She asks softly and Lauren sighs.
"We've been together since May in my brain, and even if not, we made it official in September. It's now January, I think that's enough time." Lauren states and y/n smiles softly.
"Okay." y/n says with a breath of happiness.
Lauren chuckles and her hands cup y/n's jaw, bringing her in for a deep kiss which makes y/n's head spin as their lips collide, tongues infecting each other's mouths.
"I think you should speak to someone." Lauren says as they pull away. "About your anxiety, your overthinking." Lauren continues and y/n sighs.
"I know." She says softly and Lauren nods before diving back in for another kiss, ever since their first one she had found the little Australian completely addictive.
Lauren's hands chased y/n's body, running down her back, up her thighs, squeezing her waist before eventually stopping at her arse, squeezing at the skin and pushing her closer.
y/n gasped as Lauren's lips traced a pattern down her neck, the woman quickly throwing y/n's top over her heard and somewhere onto the sofa.
Lauren took y/n's nipple into her mouth, sucking harshly as y/n's back arched and Lauren's name fell from her lips in a breathy plead to continue the pleasure.
Lauren continued her actions, switching to the other breast, leaving the first nipple, red hard and painfully sucked as y/n slowly started to grind against Lauren.
The woman moved y/n to straddle her thigh so the pressure was more pleasing for the Australian and bit at y/n's nipple when she moaned at the move.
"Turn around and take these off." Lauren ordered quickly, snapping the waistband of y/n's joggers.
The woman nodded and jumped up, stripping quickly, leaving her underwear on as she lowers back onto Lauren's thigh backwards.
Lauren's hands landed on her hips, pushing y/n into a grind, at the feel y/n moaned and fell forward, hands landing on Lauren's knee to stabilise herself and she continued to ride Lauren's thigh.
Lauren stretched back, hands coming to rest behind her head as she stared at y/n's ass, thong pulling over her thigh as the wetness of y/n's arousal spilled through it.
"That's it, chase it baby." Lauren ordered lowly, hand coming to squeeze at y/n's cheek as her moans became breathier, desperately trying to push herself over that edge.
"Lauren, please." y/n begged, her whine making Lauren chuckle.
The woman pulled y/n back to her chest, one hand coming to squeeze her throat and keep her against her chest as the other held her waist stopping her grinding.
"Can't even cum without me anymore, huh?" Lauren asks, y/n whining in response. "What do you want baby? Huh?" Lauren asks.
y/n can't answer, too wound up and Lauren's hand slides from her waist and dips underneath the band of her underwear, fingers sliding through her slick folds.
"Need me here?" Lauren asks smugly when y/n jolts.
Suddenly Lauren's fingers rub at y/n's clit quickly, pushing the woman over an unexpected orgasm which Lauren continues rubbing her through it.
Only when y/n is writhing in her hold, begging for a moment does Lauren give y/n a break, her fingers sliding up her toned stomach and pushing her slick past her lips and into y/n's mouth.
Lauren abruptly stands up, y/n letting out a shocked shout as Lauren carried her to the bedroom and throws her against the bed, the girl bouncing.
"Weeee." y/n says and Lauren chuckles as she strips and slides the strap on, making sure it was harnessed properly before kneeling on the bed.
y/n leans up, pressing a kiss to Lauren's cheek before she spins them, pushing Lauren to sit against the headboard.
"Wanna ride you." y/n mutters, Lauren nodding her head dumbly as she watched y/n slowly lower herself onto the cock.
Lauren groaned out in relief, y/n's hands resting against the harness to make the pull on Lauren's clit feel better as she slowly pushed herself up and back down.
Lauren hands grabbed at her waist, pulling her closer and connected their mouths in a heated and deep kiss, moans tangling as y/n continued to push herself up and down on the cock.
As the knot built in y/n's stomach once more, she rocked while feeling full of Lauren's cock, the rocking pushing Lauren to the edge and her hand came to slap at y/n's ass.
The two gasped, cumming together as their mouths continued blending their noises together while they slowly came down, eventually parting as the room filled with slow pants and deep breaths.
y/n slowly sat off the cock, gasping slightly at the feel of her walls clenching around nothing as she laid back next to Lauren who un-clipped the harness from herself.
y/n couldn't help but smile into Lauren's bare shoulder as the two stayed tangled together in a mess of sweaty sheets. Lauren's lips were against her forehead as they caught their breath.
"I think I'm in love with you." y/n says softly and Lauren chuckles.
"I think I'm in love with you too." Lauren promises her and y/n hums.
"Oh." She says, not really expecting to hear it back. "That's good." y/n says softly. "That is really good." y/n repeats and Lauren chuckles.
"Yeah baby. It is." Lauren promises and they both smile into each other's skin.
END of part one
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pelova4president · 25 days
Green looks good on you
Aggie Beever-Jones x Reader
summary~ You’ve been friends with Aggie for as long as you can remember. You just don’t know when you started to catch feelings. Aggie keeps giving you mixed signals and it’s driving you insane. Will she finally confess her feelings with the help of her teammates?
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Aggie has been your bestfriend since preschool. You were inseparable since the day you met her. Aggie wasn’t like all the others girls in your class. The blonde girl was funny and witty, just like you. It clicked immediately and you became bestfriends.
Aggie loved football and so, as the supportive little friend you were you would go and play with her. You weren’t really good and hardly any real competition for her but she enjoyed it anyway.
In school she would go up to the boys and ask if she could play with them. The first few times they told her no and she’d accepted that. But you were angry, they couldn’t just exclude Aggie like that.
You were standing behind your bestfriend and Aggie asked them again if she could play along and yet again they told her no. You don’t know where you’ve gotten the courage from but you walked towards the boy talking and pushed him.
“You can’t tell her no! You’re just scared she’ll beat you!” you yelled, your little eyebrows furrowed in rage.
Aggie smiled at your outburst but as some of the boys were walking towards you she got into action. She took you by your arm and signalled for you to leave.
“No Ags, i’m not leaving. They’re mean to you and you should play too!” you told her, still staring at the annoying boys infront of you.
“Fine, Aggie can play with us.” the tallest boy of the bunch said. A few boys groaned but agreed anyway.
When Aggie was able to play with the boys you didn’t have to play with her anymore. You didn’t have to stand in goal and act like a keeper even though you’d dodge every ball. You didn’t have to come home with grass stains all over your clothes because Aggie wanted to practice sliding and tackling.
You were her cheerleader on the sidelines and every time she’d score she gave you a big smile as celebration.
It wasn’t long until Aggie got to play for a real football team. Every sunday you got out of bed early, ready to go and see your bestfriend play. Her parents would drive to your house to pick you up and go straight to her club.
The first few times you did watch, but sometimes you were a bit bored and started picking flowers and made a necklace out of them. When Aggie was done she’d come up to you and you’d hand her your selfmade necklace. The two of you would act like she’d just won the World Cup and couldn’t shut up about it the whole ride home.
At the age of eight Aggie got scouted. You were over the moon for her. She deserved it but it meant you’d get less time with her. But it was her dream and that was all that mattered to you.
You still got plenty of time with her and you got to see her play every weekend. She was still she same Aggie but there were more feeling involved.
When Aggie got into the older age groups it scared you a little. It wasn’t all about the older girls that could hurt Aggie in a game but there was also more competition for you. You were scared of losing your bestfriend. She was talking about all those girls you didn’t know like they were her bestfriends. Those girls were so so pretty, you couldn’t compete.
When you were fifteen you finally realised it, you had a crush on your bestfriend. You had a crush on Aggie Beever-Jones.
At first you hated it, you even cried to your mom about it. It wasn’t so much the fact that you liked girls, it was the fact that you liked Aggie that bothered you so much. You just didn’t want to ruin your friendship. Aggie was everything to you.
It wasn’t really a surprise to your mom. She saw it coming but she hated to see you so sad.
“Why don’t you just tell her how you feel, she would never be angry or mad at you, love” your mom advised you.
“I just don’t want to lose her. She’ll be weirded out by me.” you groaned into her shoulder.
“Aggie would never be weirded out by you and i think you know that sweetheart.” she kissed your forehead.
But you couldn’t tell her, it would ruin your friendship.
There were times that you thought Aggie was giving you hints. She got more touchy than she normally was and more jealous whenever you talked about another friend of yours.
“Aggie are you jealous?” you asked her with a slight smile.
“No, i’m not jealous.” she told you coldly.
“She’s not my bestfriend, you are.” you’d assure her.
Aggie would groan and mumble a bit, “That’s not what i’m worried about.”.
Her football career and personal life melted into one when she signed her first contract. Football was her life now and she’d have to find a way to find a good balance.
Aggie took you with her to party’s and dinners of her Chelsea teammates and you knew most of them by then. Aggie had told you about most of them in detail so you wouldn’t be so nervous to meet them. And luckily they were nicer than you would’ve thought.
You don’t know why - maybe it was because Aggie took you everywhere with her, or the way you looked at each other, or how she would hold you, or how she talked about you - but every teammate of Aggie assumed you were dating, so when Aggie told them the two of you weren’t dating they were a bit surprised.
“How long have you been together anyway?” Millie Bright asked when you told her about your childhood together.
You looked panicked and didn’t answer. But Aggie did. “Oh we’re not together Mil. Just friends..” she smiled.
“Huh wait- you two are just friends?” a very loud Scottish accent almost yelled.
This time you answered, “Yeah.. just bestfriends.” you smiled politely.
Millie and Erin found each other after dinner and planned something. They just couldn’t fathom how the two of you weren’t together already. You obviously liked each other and Aggie only talked about you. And you went beyond red every time Aggie smiled at you or gave you a compliment.
Zećira interrupted the two friends to see what they were talking about and when she heard what the subject of conversation was she had to be in on it. The keeper waved Niamh over and they had it all planned out. As proud as they were of their little plan they couldn’t have you find out.
“So you’re single right?” Zećira asked you.
You nodded as you felt half of the Chelsea team’s eyes on you. You got red as a tomato as the following words fell out of Zećira mouth.
“So you’re down to date. Niamh here is single too. The two of you would make a perfect couple, don’t you think Aggie?” she grinned.
Aggie rolled her eyes, “hmm, yeah” she put on a fake smile.
Niamh was on you all evening. If she wasn’t near you on the dance floor and talking you up, she was getting you a drink.
“You look absolutely stunning.” the temporary captain whispered in your ear.
A dark blush rose to your cheeks and you thanked her. “You don’t look bad yourself.” you told her.
Aggie saw everything and without really noticing it she was holding her glass a lot tighter than necessary.
“They look good together, don’t ya think?” Erin asked the jealous forward.
“No, they don’t” Aggie flatly said.
Erin laughed at that. She had seen the way Aggie was keeping an eye on you all evening and she’d be lying is she’d say she didn’t atleast enjoy annoying Aggie a little bit. It was funny seeing her so jealous when she would never admit her feelings for you.
“Look i get it mate, you like her. But she likes you too. Just go and tell her.” Erin told you. Aggie shook her head.
“Beever-fucking-Jones, grow some balls man. She’s been eyeing you up all evening and you’ve been undressing her in your mind too. Get your fucking girl mate.” Erin was done with all this bullshit. She pushed Aggie off her chair and towards you. The Scottish player signalled for Niamh to walk away.
Aggie was nervous to talk to you. She didn’t want to ruin your friendship either.
“Hey, can i speak to you please.” you nodded. “I mean like, outside or something.” she corrected.
You walked towards the little garden with her. You could still see the inside of the bar with all the girls inside.
“I’m just gonna say this because i don’t want you to date Niamh. Or anyone else for that matter.” Aggie sighed.
“I really like you. Not just as a friend or bestfriend but like really really like you. I love you, i’ve loved you since.. i don’t even know when and i really really would love to make you my girlfriend.” Aggie said the last bit with her head down.
You took her hand into yours, rubbing over her palms. “Ag, i would really really love to be your girlfriend.” you grinned.
“It did take you a long time though but i’m glad you finally made a move Beever-Jones.” you laughed.
Aggie gasped. “You could’ve made a move too!” she defended herself.
So you made the next move. You kissed her, like you’ve wanted to all those years.
“AGGIE HAS A WAG!” you heard a familiar Scottish player scream.
“Does your team really have come with you?” you asked her.
“Yep, it’s a package deal.”
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pixiesfz · 15 days
Aggie I want to be mad about this, stop looking so hot
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gunnerfc · 3 months
First Time | Aggie Beever-Jones x Chelsea!Reader (18+)
Summary: Your first time with Aggie [fluffy smut]
Warning: fingering (aggie receiving), oral (r receiving), aggie calling r ‘princess’, r calling aggie 'baby', nervousness
WC: 1.7K
AN: saw a clip of Aggie from some event on twitter a few days ago and her outfit had me like 🧎
You giggled as you walked down the hall toward your apartment, your hand intertwined with Aggie’s as you swung them between you. You had been out with your teammates celebrating your latest win, all of you excited about advancing further in the Champions League. You only had one drink but your happiness stems from being able to finally spend time with your girlfriend. 
The entire team had been so focused on winning this game that trainings were harder and longer which meant less time to spend with Aggie. There was something different about tonight though, she had been so touchy with you the whole time you were at the bar. You had recently talked about taking the next step in your relationship but with your hectic schedules, you hadn't gotten the chance.
When you reached your door, you let go of Aggie’s hand to unlock your door. You turned to lean your back against the door frame after pushing the door open. “Do you wanna stay,” you mumbled, hoping the forward would say yes. 
Aggie took a step closer to you, a small smile on her face as she placed her hands on your cheeks. “You want me to stay,” she teasingly asked before leaning in for a kiss. This kiss felt different than any other kiss you two have shared. The two of you have made out plenty of times before but something about this kiss had something more to it.
Your lips moved against hers, neither of you trying to overpower the other and taking your time. Without looking, you pushed yourself off the door frame to guide the both of you into your apartment, your lips never leaving Aggie’s. Your hands roamed each other’s bodies, pulling at each other’s clothes. 
You tried to navigate around your apartment while walking backward and being preoccupied, but luck wasn’t on your side when the back of your foot hit the end table next to the couch. You tripped backward, forcing your mouth off Aggie’s as you almost fell. Aggie quickly caught you before you could hit the ground, both of you started giggling as Aggie helped you stand up. 
“I knew you loved me, princess. You didn’t have to actually fall for me,” the blonde teased as her arms wrapped around your waist. You playfully rolled your eyes at her words before your arms moved to wrap around her neck.
“I couldn’t help myself,” you joked as your fingers trailed up and down the back of her neck. Aggie laughed softly before you two were in silence, eyes locked with each other with looks of love for the other gracing your features. 
Aggie pulled you into another kiss, this one quicker than the first before pulling away to guide you toward your bedroom. You let the blonde lead the way, your breathing starting to pick up in anticipation. You knew you wanted to take this step with Aggie, knowing it was going to make your relationship even better. 
Once you were in your room, you both took your time undressing. Neither of you wanted to rush anything that was about to happen. After you were both undressed, your eyes dipped down as you took in your girlfriend’s body. You took a deep breath before you made eye contact with the forward and you could tell she did the same thing based on the smirk on her face.
Aggie took a step closer to you, your bodies flush against each other. You could feel your heart hammering against your chest and you were sure Aggie could tell how fast it was beating as well. “Are you sure, princess,” the forward cooed as her hands once again held your face. Aggie’s thumbs rubbed your cheeks softly as she waited for you to answer. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, a smile on your face. Aggie matched your smile as she pulled you into a deep kiss. You let her lead the way, wanting her to dictate how things went tonight. While your lips moved against each other, Aggie guided you toward your bed, letting lay down comfortably before her body was on top of yours. 
You felt a low moan creeping out as her chest was flushed with yours, applying a small amount of pressure to your hardening nipples. You felt yourself grow wetter in anticipation, needing your girlfriend to give you a release. Aggie could sense you needed more and didn’t want to keep you waiting. 
The forward pulled back from your lips to trail kisses down your jaw and neck. She paused at the side of your neck, nipping at the skin to leave love bites in her wake. You didn’t hold back your moan this time, letting a quiet moan slip from your lips at the feeling of her lips against your skin. Aggie smirked against your skin at the sounds you made before continuing down your body, leaving small marks as she went down.
When the blonde got to your hips, she left a trail of kisses from one hip to the other. You brought one of your hands to tangle in her hair, attempting to push her further down. Aggie pulled away from your body slightly to look up at you through her eyelashes, you locked eyes with her which earned you a small smirk. Your head fell back against your pillows at the sight of your girlfriend almost between your legs.
Aggie gave one of your hips one last kiss before moving until she was face to face with where you needed her most. Aggie could see how wet you were once she was there, her smirk never leaving her face. The blonde blew lightly on your cunt, the sensation pulled a louder moan from your throat. Your breath stuttered at the feeling as your hips rolled lightly. 
Aggie moved her hands to hold your hips down as she placed a light kiss to your clit. You were non-stop moaning now, the build-up was affecting you greatly. Aggie placed another kiss to the sensitive bud before taking it into her mouth, sucking on it softly. Your back arched at the feeling as the hand in her blonde hair tightened. Aggie sucked on your clit for a few seconds before pulling back with a small ‘pop.’
Aggie tilted her head down slightly to run her tongue through your folds, moaning lightly against you as she tasted you for the first time. Your breathing had picked up significantly now as your head was tilted back against your pillows. The forward took her time, pulling you closer to the edge one lick at a time. You rolled your hips against her mouth, helping to bring yourself closer to coming. Aggie’s grip on your hips tightened some as she continued eating you out, your loud moans echoed off your bedroom walls.
“I’m so close, baby. Please,” you begged, so close to letting go. Aggie’s mouth sped up, her nose bumping your clit with each movement which added to your pleasure. 
Your back arched further off the bed as your orgasm hit, loud moans spilling from your mouth. Aggie didn’t let up as you came all over her mouth, helping you ride your high. You whine at the overstimulation, using the hand in her hair to pull her head back some. Aggie let you pull her hair, her lips and chin were glistening in the moonlight coming in from your window. 
You stare up at the ceiling as you catch your breath. Aggie kissed back up your body before pulling you into a quick kiss, both of you moaning at the taste of you on her mouth. “You okay, princess,” Aggie cooed against your lips after pulling away. 
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak at that moment. Aggie smiled at your reaction, you hadn’t looked at her yet so you missed the look of love in her eyes. You took a breath before tilting your head down to lock eyes with your girlfriend. You used the hand that was still in her hair to pull her down into a searing kiss, and it was Aggie’s turn to moan loudly. While your lips worked against hers, you trailed your other hand down her torso. 
Aggie was using her arms to prop herself over you and when she felt your hand drawing closer to her soaking cunt, her arms buckled slightly. She quickly locked her arms again to keep herself from falling on you as your hand reached where she needed you most. 
Aggie moaned against your lips when your fingers brushed her clit, her breathing picked up slightly. When two of your fingers ran through her folds, she pulled away from your lips as a louder moan echoed off the walls. Her forehead met yours and her eyes were screwed shut when your two fingers pushed into her. You moved your fingers in and out of her slowly, letting her get familiar with having your fingers inside her.
Your hand sped up some as you heard her whispering ‘please’ repeatedly, already so close to coming after she made you cum. The palm of your hand brushed against her clit as your thrust into her which added to her pleasure. After a few more thrusts of your fingers, Aggie came around them with a loud gasp. 
You slowed your fingers some to help ride her high before pulling them out of her completely. Aggie whined lightly at the loss of contact, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. The blonde could feel her arms growing weaker and moved herself to your side before she fell on you. It was her turn to stare at the ceiling as you rolled your side, propping your head up on your arm.
“Good, baby,” you swooned, one of your fingers tracing random circles on her stomach. Aggie let a breathy laugh before turning her head to face you.
“So good, princess,” the blonde sent you a bright smile and the grin on your face matched hers. You leaned over to give her one more quick kiss before you cuddled into her side. 
Aggie’s arm wrapped around your shoulder while yours held her waist. You could feel the love radiating off the blonde as she held you and you felt your skin heat up. You knew taking this step with Aggie would improve your relationship but now that you’ve had sex, you weren’t sure how long you would be able to go before it happened again. 
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pernillecfcw · 15 days
The kids enjoying themselves 😂💙
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dqrciedaily · 2 months
one bed, abj
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a/n: been in a bit of a aggie kick recently! promise for more people soon x
aggie couldn't believe her luck or misfortune, depending on how she looked at it. first ever senior lioness camp and she had to share a room with you, y/n y/l/n. sounded like a recipe for disaster to her.
she’d barely spoken to you before and now she was stuck sharing not only a hotel room but a bed with you as well. the idea of sharing such an intimate space with someone she didn’t know very well and isn’t particularly close to made her uncomfortable.
but as the night sky settled in, aggies mind raced with apprehension as she lingered in the bathroom. she wasn't sure how this sleeping arrangement would play out.
but after ten minutes of painfully awkwardly hiding in the bathroom, when she saw you peacefully asleep, she didn’t mind as much.
once the blonde got into the double bed, your faces were inches apart, and aggie couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly pretty you looked even while you were sleeping.
as the night went on and in a state between slumber and awake aggie begrudgingly allowed you to snuggle up to her, feeling the warmth of your bodies melding together.
she tried to convince herself it was for practicality's sake, it was a cold night out and everyone knows body heat is much warmer than a few blankets! and to conserve space on the narrow bed. but deep down she found herself secretly enjoying the closeness.
in the quiet of the room aggie listened to the steady rhythm of your breathing, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. despite your surface level connection, there was something comforting about your proximity.
but eventually, aggie's curiosity got the better of her. "y/n," she whispered, barely louder than a whisper. "are you awake?"
you stirred slightly, blinking sleepily before looking up to face aggie. "yeah, what's wrong?" your voice was soft and laced with drowsiness.
"it’s stupid really, i just couldn’t fall asleep," the blonde admitted, feeling a twinge of vulnerability. "i’m just not used to sharing a bed."
you laughed softly before answering. "yeah, it can be weird at first. but don't worry, i promise not to hog the blankets to myself! and besides, it's kind of nice having someone to lie on."
the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, the weight of the conversation hanging in the air. and as you lay there, side by side. in fact, it might just be the start of something new, both on and off the field. as the night wore on, aggie drifted into a peaceful sleep, your bodies entwined, differences fading into the background. perhaps sharing a bed wasn't such a bad thing after all.
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Niamh i am at a loss of words
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luellasplanet · 3 months
crowded and confused. (aggie beever-jones & grace clinton)
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word count: 1k
this was one of the fics i wrote when i got drunk and i’ve tried to make it make sense but i really don’t think it does
on your first ever lioness u16 camp you were paired up to room with grace. your shy nature hindered your ability to make friends meaning you followed poor grace around like a lost puppy for the first four days of camp, before you properly started interacting with the rest of the team. much to the relief of the brunette, who could only handle a few days without interacting with everyone else before she lost her mind.
your friendship with aggie in the beginning was slightly more forced than yours and grace’s. due to you playing in a forward position it meant that you and the blonde were constantly having to work on both your off and on the field connection.
but once you had warmed up to the blonde you had spent the majority of your time during the youth group stages with her.
and then even more time with aggie when you moved from your grassroots club to chelsea shortly after that camp.
even four years later you and aggie remained close friends. the two of you had moved in together at the beginning of the 23/24 season following the end of your loan spells at your respective clubs.
during your champions league debut in the first half of the season you had gone down with a broken foot after landing awkwardly during a corner. which meant that you were bedridden for a few weeks before the doctor gave you the all clear to slowly get back to daily life.
the rhythmic four knocks, on your front door, that were repeated in a specific pattern, meant that you knew exactly who was at your door. “oh that’s gracie, i’ll go open for her.” but before you had the chance to stand up aggie was up to open the door, but not before gently pushing you back down onto the bar stool.
ever since you had gone down during the match aggie had been at your aid, offering hugs, food, water, hoodies, anything that you needed she was there within seconds. going with you to all your physio appointments and making sure to keep a close eye on you during gym sessions.
“oh! hey aggie wasn’t expecting to see you here, is y/n home?” slightly pushing past the blonde she made her way into the living room and kitchen area when she saw your crutches placed haphazardly against the couch.
grace had brought a gift basket full of chocolates, hot chocolate bombs, one of her hoodies and your favourite candles plus flowers.
“hey y/n/n, how are you feeling darling?” setting the basket down onto the chair that aggie was previously sitting on in order to have free hands to give you a hug.
aggie busied herself on the other side of the counter, quickly making herself a cup of tea before making her way into her room without even sparing a second glance at the two of you.
three hours later after catching up you and grace had arranged to go out for dinner next saturday so she could introduce you to some of her spurs teammates. “bye gracie, i’ll see you next weekend!” closing the front door softly before locking it and throwing the key onto the countertop.
throughout those three hours there was still no sight of your blonde roommate. after a very painfully slow walk upstairs and across the hallway you knocked on aggie’s door.
before you could even start talking she was already fussing over you walking upstairs by yourself. “you’ve been on your feet too much, you should sit down. you still aren’t allowed to put pressure on your foot properly.” dragging you over to her bed before sitting on it next to you.
the silence in the room was deafening but you mustered up the courage to ask where she had disappeared to. “wanna tell me why you vanished into thin air when gracie came to visit?”
you were met with radio silence. which had left you ever more confused than before. you convinced yourself that you were being ridiculous, aggie and grace were friends, always had been and always will be.
you had slotted in and turned the dynamic duo into the troublesome trio. always getting in trouble for goofing off during training and getting told that the three of you had to speak to more than just each other at camps.
but the disappearing act continued every time that grace came over aggie suddenly had twenty other things to do instead of hanging out with her ‘two best friends.’
same goes for grace. if you invited her anywhere and mentioned that aggie was going she suddenly had to rain check on the plan’s because ‘something came up.’
utter bullshit.
and anytime you could get them in a room together they sat on either side of you constantly trying to win your attention.
whether it was a hand on your thigh, an arm around the back of your chair or offering to do something for you.
it was exhausting. yet you didn’t know what to do, talking to them seemed the reasonable decision but being able to get them into a room together was the difficult part.
after many many feeble attempts to get them to talk to one another you turned to your teammates for help. millie and niamh had helped you realise that maybe both aggie and grace liked you more than just a friend.
but how could you choose just one of them?
there was aggie with her infectious smile and caring nature that made your heart flutter every time you were with her. but then there was also grace who had the best jokes and her constant need for physical affection had you swooning.
there was just no possible way that you could pick between the two.
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sunshine-theseus · 6 months
Fantastic Mr Fox | Aggie Beever-Jones x reader
Word Count: 2.1k Summary: she's a cute girl and has impeccable movie taste Warnings: injuries, nothing else really. guys i love fantastic mr fox and wes anderson films, i have since i was like 4, so i love this fic. Request for - @realsociadadferminofan
Finally joining a team after being in their academy was something so unnecessarily terrifying. Joining a team after being in their rival’s academy, was possibly 10x worse.
Joining Chelsea from the Arsenal W.F.C. Academy was somewhat of an ultimate act of treason. I got DMs from Arsenal fans insulting me and calling me a traitor, ‘you’re not good enough anyway’. DMs from Chelsea fans were predominantly kinder, but I did receive a few ‘you don’t deserve to be here’ messages.
I had been sent on loan to Chelsea last season, straight out of the academy, which had been more accepted because it was seen as something I didn’t have a choice in. Now that I had officially signed with the Blues? Life was harder than it should be. I’m not particularly close with anyone yet, not thinking I was going to be staying around long enough for them to matter, and I’m having to compete to even play because of the diverse skills and experience of our players.
I met Aggie on the first day of training. I wasn’t expecting the number of new players that had joined me in signing over the summer or after the World Cup, and it was severely intimidating.
The person I could claim to be the closest to, was Niamh, which in turn meant I was some-what friends with Jessie, but the roommates had yet to arrive by the time I walked into the locker room, searching for my locker and number which had now been changed due to the apparent must for Mia Fishel to be 2 if she signed. I think I cried about it the day I found out. I had been number 2 since I was 4, clumsily kicking a ball around on horrid grass under gloomy skies, and I was forced to just give it away.
“You’re not number 2?” an unknown voice perks up beside me as I plonk down at my new cubby, the number ‘32’ looming over my head.
I turn to my left, and see a rather well put together blond, lacing up her boots. A new face, but seemingly kind. I tilt my head to the side as she looks up, having not answered the question.
“Sorry, I’ve followed you for a while. You’re always 2, aren’t you? You were last season.”
“Oh… I had to um, give it up. Mia made it a requirement to be number 2 if she signed. Didn’t even give me an option.”
“That’s pretty unfair, it’s special to you. I’m Agnes by the way. Everyone calls me Aggie.” She reaches out her hand for me to shake, which I gently do.
“Like from Fantastic Mr Fox! I’m Y/N.” I smile softly at her as I lace up my own boots.
“You know Fantastic Mr Fox?”
“It’s the best movie ever!”
“Right?!” she then pauses.
“Hey, so I don’t really know anyone here… could I stick with you?” Aggie rocks back and forth on the balls of her feet as she asks the question.
“For sure! I’m not super close with anyone yet, well I’m sort of close with Niamh and Jessie, but I’d love to stick together.” I hop up from my seat and begin to walk along side Aggie as we approach the field, the meeting room seemingly deserted to instead focus on introduction games that tie to our warmup.
It takes a month for me to realise I have a crush on Aggie. Neither of us having anything to do during the October/November international break except train while ¾ of the squad were out, meant a lot of time pretty much one on one. I tell Niamh straight away, the girl having become somewhat of a big sister to me, and she laughs and tells me most of the team already figured.
“Emma loves pairing you up to watch you stumble and blush.”
“What the fuck?!” the call doesn’t last much longer, as Aggie comes to collect me for our gym session, in which I am a very poor spotter for the girl as I gawk and blush as she rolls up her sleeves and lifts the weights.
Now a month after that, I’m sitting out altogether due to spraining my calcaneal tendon in the Champions League game against Madrid.
“This fucking suucks. Fuck Athenea. We were going to play our first ever game at Stamford Bridge together” Aggie pouts, leaning of the fence as I hobble into the seats behind the subs bench, plopping down next to Millie and Guro.
“I know. You have to score for me pretty please. And do a knee slide and give a heart when you get it.” I gingerly smile at her, and she dramatically rolls her eyes.
“Your wish is my command princess.” She jokingly gives a bow.
My mouth gaps open and closed and I feel my face burn as it’s overcome by a deep shade of red. Aggie chuckles and says goodbye before she heads back to the locker room, getting ready to start the game.
“You are down so fucking bad.” Millie teases and Guro hums in agreement.
“Am not!”
“She called you princess and you malfunctioned. It’s like your brain shuts down. You should ask her out.”
“What?! No way! She does not like me back.” The captain and the Norwegian stare at me, blinking once as their mouths drop open, scarily in sync.
“Man, if you can’t see how much she likes you, there is no hope.” Guro chuckles and turns back to the game that’s about to start.
Aggie scores in the 23rd minute. A pass from LJ sets her up and she easily puts the ball in the net. And as promised, she smoothly slides on her knees, making a heart with her hands as she glides along. She moves to take her place as they set up to start again but stops briefly and points to me with a toothy grin. It’s a small gesture to show who the goal was for, and I make a little heart in return.
“Okay! I’m fucked! Millie what do I do?” I frantically turn to the girls next to me as the whistle blows, the game continuing.
“You have to sweet talk her and like offer her your jacket or something. Honestly, she already likes you so don’t change your personality. That’s important. You got that? No changing yourself.” Millie pokes my chest.
“Aye aye captain.” I solute her before Guro adds on.
“And when you ask her out on a date, make sure it’s something you’ll both actually enjoy. Like you both love that weird fox movie, so watch that together or something.”
“Fantastic Mr Fox is much more than ‘that weird fox movie’. It’s the pinnacle of film. Wes Anderson is a fucking genius.” Guro raises her hand in fake surrender.
“But you’re right, that is a great idea. W- when do I ask her?”
“After the game.” The two older women simultaneously stress that it’s imperative I do it soon.
We win 5-1, and I rush as quickly as one can with crutches, onto the pitch to congratulate the team. I hug Niamh and LJ, talk to Emma, meet pretty much everyone, before I get to Aggie. She stands off to the side, talking to Sam and Guro, the latter spotting me and pulling Sam away to talk to god knows where.
Aggie is conveniently missing a jacket, so as I approach her, I shed my own and hold it out to her.
“You’re going to freeze.” She refuses, but I push it toward her again.
“Aggie, you’re shivering, take the coat.” Her fingers graze gently against mine and my stomach swells, my breath hitches.
“Hey… would you, maybe, you can say no, like to, I don’t know-”
“Spit it out.” She nudges me and giggles.
“Do you want to go on a date?” I rush out, avoiding looking her in the eyes, fearful of her rejection.
It’s silent. Well Aggie is silent.
“Forget i-”
“Yes. I really would like to go on a date with you.”
“Absolutely. What did you have in mind?”
“Now I've already had too much to drink, and I'm feeling sentimental, but I'm going to say something anyway, which nobody wants to admit, but I think is probably true: we beat 'em.” I glance at Aggie out of the corner of my eye, and I catch her wiping away a tear.
“Are you crying?”
“Nuh uh.”
“I cry 90% of the time during this speech it’s ok.” My hand inches toward Aggie’s that rests between us.
“It’s not even inherently sad Y/n. I’m just a baby.” She pouts at me as a single tear rolls down her cheek.
I take her hand, slotting my fingers between her’s. I wait for her to retract but she squeezes my hand, running her thumb against the back of it. I then turn my head, my eyes meeting her’s. The hazy blue irises bore into my own, drawing me closer. My other hand lifts to hold her cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” Aggie nods once and I lean in, our lips locking in a gentle kiss.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” her warm breath hits my lips, our foreheads pressed together. I respond by kissing her again.
We walk into training together. Not an unusual sight. The only difference is the short kiss we share before I turn on my crutches to head to the physio to have a check-up on my ankle. I���m stopped as I reach the locker-room doorway.
“No fucking way! You did it!” Millie comes barrelling toward me, wrapping an arm loosely around my neck in a headlock and ruffling my hair with the other.
I hear Aggie laugh and I jokingly glare back at her.
“Yes I did. Thanks to you. And Guro giving me the date idea by dissing Fantastic Mr Fox.”
“Guro what?!” Aggie exclaims. I smile and bid her goodbye.
“YOU’RE BACK!” I stumble as I catch Aggie on my back, the girls around us smiling and giggling as Emma sends a playful glare.
“Miss me? I was only gone a week.” Emma quickly separates us into pairs for a training exercise.
“More like forever. Why does your extended family live in Glasgow?” She takes a hold of my hand as we wait to be given a ball.
“My abuelita loves you if that makes you feel any better. And she’s never met you. It took her months to warm up to my sister’s husband.”
“Mmm, that does make me feel better, but a kiss would definitely help.” She perks her lips and I lean on my tippy toes to press my lips to her’s.
“Get a room!” Niamh calls out from across the field and I blush, hiding my face in Aggie’s neck as she wraps an arm around me. Everyone laughs before Emma sternly tells us to focus.
The time is slowly running out, we’re tied 1-1 and I get subbed on for Sam, joining Aggie on the front line. The 20 or so seconds tick down on the big screen as I run down the pitch, chasing Aggie, calling for the ball. She takes a shot on the goal but I notice the ball veering off course and rush forward. I jump, head making contact with the ball and body making contact with the goalkeeper before I fall to the ground.
I hear the crowd cheer but don’t move. My head aches but pain radiates across my shoulder and down my back. The whistle doesn’t blow even as I cry out, only once the final seconds pass. I feel hands pat my head, assuming I’m just exhausted. I eventually hear Aggie’s distinct voice break through the rest of the noise.
“WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP THE GAME? SHE DIDN’T GET UP SO YOU STOP THE GAME!” there are waves of outraged voices that echo around me, but I can’t do anything but cry and whisper Aggie’s name.
I begin to assess myself as I wait for someone, anyone, to come help. I can feel everything, but it hurts, I can move my fingers and my toes. My breathing is a little rough and my vision is blurred by my tears. I feel someone kneel beside me.
“Hey, hey I’m here are you ok?” I expect to hear my girlfriend’s voice but it’s Ann-Katrin.
“It all hurts. W- where’s Aggie.” I groan out as she strokes my hair out of my face.
“She’s coming. She was having a word with the ref. Asshole tried to card her. The medics and Emma are coming too.”
It takes forever to be assessed, and then I’m carried out on a backboard, Aggie holding my hand as we walk through the halls.
“Are you ok? Are you sure? Do you need anything?” She spits out question after question and I smile up at her.
“I’m okay, I’ve got you.”
“You really are a quote-unquote fantastic fox.” She grins at me and leans down to kiss my forehead.
“I want to quote Fantastic Mr Fox with you all the time.”
“You will. Once you fucking stop getting hurt.”
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chelscait · 7 months
hey my favourite person ever!!!
i’ve put my thinking hat on just for you so can we pleaseeeee have some aggie fluff!! i’m talking like proper tooth rotting fluff, late night after a game with a super clingy and tired aggie 💞💞💞💞
pretty please with a cherry on top xxxx
the debut for the pretty blonde girl. | Aggie Beever-Jones
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You watched on with delight as Aggie was told the words she had been hoping to hear for so long from Emma- to finally play for the club she loved.
She turned to you with a sheer look of disbelief, yourself chuckling as you sipped at the drink bottle in your hand after having just been subbed off. Reaching an arm out around her shoulders to pull her into you, you gave her a little shake for her to snap back out of it, as she had looked like she had seen a ghost.
"Babe, stop dribbling and get a move on. When Emma says it's time, it's time." You raised your eyebrows as you nodded to your manager, right before she turned around to check on Aggie, who was messily pulling up her socks.
After she had done so, she stood up hesitantly, and you reached forward to grab her hand, giving her three squeezes for good luck before tugging her arm down to look at you as you mouthed the three words also.
The heat rose to her cheeks as she kept ahold of your hand, eyes baring into yours as she waited, only once being cut off when the trainers called her name once more. Her hand slipped from yours, and she didn't look back, head forward, to be able to do the job as best as she could- to prove herself.
And that she did.
Once the final whistle blew, you bounded down the few steps leading down to the pitch before twisting your way through your teammates with a bunch of 'well dones', and finding your blonde baller.
"I'm so proud of you, my love!" Your frame reached up to wrap your arms around her neck, pulling her down to your own level as you rocked her side to side. The smile on your face is just as enthusiastic as hers.
She mumbled something as you pulled away, the blush accumulating on her face as she cursed her pale skin for letting her down. Your reaction overwhelmed her senses.
"You played so well. So, so proud, my blue." You continued to praise her to wind her up, tugging at her top as you bit your lip before pulling yourself in to her side.
She didn't speak much after the team had entered the changing room, but you could tell that it wasn't in a bad way- you felt she was too overwhelmed to even conjure up the words to express herself.
Her eyes glimpsed over to you next to her at any chance while you were getting changed, but they didn't wander; they just kept planted on your face while you both spoke between gazes.
She took your hand eagerly once you were both ready to go, leading you out the kingsmeadow doors and towards your car, where she let your touch go for a second before reaching for it once more once inside.
"You okay?" She nodded before leaning her head back on the seat, eyes full of love as you stared at one another- before hers crinkled as she yawned.
"Tired?" You giggled as she responded with, yet again, the same action, telling you her answer.
"Let's get you home then, hey?" You stated before that you pressed your lips to your conjoined hands and removed them from each other to start the car, though Aggie rejoined them once you had it free again.
No words were spoken to the lead-up of you opening your front door and entering your homely flat; you were both squeezed against each other as you took your shoes and coats off- body parts brushing against each other with only loose laughs echoing in the hall.
Once you had hung up your coat, as well as Aggie's, as she had dumped it on the floor, you tried to turn to walk further into the home but were disrupted by a pair of arms picking you up by the waist.
You squealed as she hoisted your body up into the air before adjusting to bring you into a bridal carry, pretending to drop you as she did so, making you wrap your arms as tight as possible around her neck.
She giggled as you buried your face into her neck, the blush rising to your cheeks as you scoped out the situation. She carried you with ease to your shared bedroom before chucking you onto the mattress.
"Aggie!" You half scolded and laughed as she followed to jump on top of you; her face was so close to yours that your lips brushed against hers, eyes drifting all over her face as you lifted your legs to wrap around her waist.
She attached her lips to yours gently, and you selfishly pulled her in for more, wanting to go further before she pulled away with a satisfied smile to your longing pout, pressing one more kiss to your lips before collapsing to bury her head in your neck.
Her whole body weight lay on top of you, but you didn't dare move, wrapping your arms around her to pull her in closer. You laid together for what felt like hours in pure silence, only communicating with your gazes. You could tell she was trying to keep herself awake for you, but she found your fingers brushing her hair back from her face too teasing.
It was only when your touch left that she sobered up a bit, her head being rudely dumped onto the mattress as you sat up.
"Stay." She moaned with a hoarse voice, and a few shouts and screams on the pitch finally caught up with her. She reached out to you, and her fingers twisted in the training gear you were both still adorned in. You lost your balance as she tugged and fell back into her stomach, which Aggie made the most of by trapping you back into her hold.
"Lovely, I need to start dinner; otherwise, we'll starve in the night."
She smirked as her mind's haziness couldn't help but drift off. "No, I have other ideas." She looked down at your lips and tugged you upwards. "And we won't starve just as much after that either."
You laughed at her audacity, slapping her on the shoulder, and she reacted with a moan. "We both know you'll fall asleep before we even get there. Or moan that your wrist is aching."
"Hey, that's never happened before." She whined, shuffling herself down into the pillow as much as she could. You raised an eyebrow jokingly as you recounted the time that happened. You were both drunk and extremely sloppy, and to count, it was nearing 6 a.m., so you weren't that annoyed at her. How could you be?
"You're so cute. I'll always choose you over an orgasm baby."
"Good to know; I hope you would." She scoffed, though the smile crept back on her face as you tried not to laugh. "Why don't we talk about when-"
"See, it's not very nice to poke fun at other people's misfortune, is it?" Her eyebrow rose as she pushed herself up, coming face-to-face with you.
"Well, it was more.. my misfortune, but I get what you mean, baby."
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kamotecue · 8 months
not your u23 anon, but maybe some aggie fluff? maybe both the r and aggie finally joining the chelsea first team after going through the academy ranks together! x
we made it დ a. beever-jones
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pairing: aggie beever-jones x reader
summary: you and aggie finally joined chelsea’s first team after claiming the academy ranks together.
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you slowly opened your eyes, the sun rays streamed through the window, casting a warm glow in the room. you slowly sat up straight and then used your hand to shield your eyes from the sun, as you looked beside you to see aggie sleeping very peacefully.
you chuckled, despite being a couple you had your own individual rooms. there were times, you’d sneak into her room to cuddle, or she’d sneak into yours to talk about the little things, eventually falling asleep in your bed.
“what time is it?” you heard aggie asked, as you hummed grabbing your phone only to see the time.
“it’s 6:54, love.” aggie hummed, before she grabbed your hand that was the closest to her, placing a soft kiss on the dorsal side.
“i’ll sleep for a few more minutes, mmkay?” you snickered at her sleepiness, but gave her a nod.
“in the meantime, i’ll prepare our stuff.” you heard her hum, as you slowly slipped out of the bed. you both had made it to the chelsea first team, after being in the academy together.
you had gotten the empty kit bags, there were labels on it so you wouldn’t get your bags mixed. but it didn’t really matter, as aggie mostly wore your clothes. she claimed it was more comfy than hers.
you both had a successful season while being on a loan, aggie was at everton while you were at lyon. you were a bit sad at the hate she had gotten against her game with arsenal.
you remembered how she called you in the middle of the night, a bit in disbelief about the red card. you did your best to comfort her, and it worked.
you had rummaged through your closet, picking two after training outfits. the chelsea training kit was already prepared, neatly folded on the desk table.
“what else?” you said, humming to yourself. you snapped your fingers, as you rushed to get the boots and shin pads.
“always prepared, love.” aggie said, as she stretched her arms. she was sitting on the bed, her back was against the headboard as she looked at you in adoration and amusement.
you’d always pack the kit bags, she was always thankful for it but insisted that you don’t really have to do it.
“better ready than never.” you said, as aggie snickered. you purposely had gotten the saying wrong, but you were fine with it. as it always made her happy.
“it’s better late than never, love.” aggie said, slipping out of the bed. you gave her a soft look before glancing at the wall clock.
“let’s get ready.” you said, as she gave you a kiss on the cheek before taking her training gear to her room to shower.
you had breakfast together before rushing out the apartment doors, afraid to be late for training. you had the kit bags in your hands, as aggie had opened the back door for you, placing the bags in the back.
“the keys.” aggie said, tossing you the car keys that hit you in the head, as you groaned.
“shit—sorry, love.” you shook it off, grabbing the keys on the floor before heading to the drivers seat. you may be the younger one, but you were the driver and she was the passenger princess.
the road to the training grounds was filled with music, you both were just vibing to the songs. you had pulled up in the parking lot, millie your national teammate gave you a soft smile.
“lovebirds.” millie teased, as you playfully shot her a glare. aggie just gave her a soft smile, before getting her kit bag. you swung yours over the shoulder, before quickly closing the door, locking it when you were done.
the first part of the training, the team worked on their possession before breaking out into 5v5’s. aggie was on the opposite team, and you wore the white bib.
“alright, let’s take a short break.” emma announced, as she clapped her hands a few times. you sat on the pitch, as aggie beelined her way towards you.
the team looked at the two of you with amusement, as you hummed. she sat in front of you as you opened your arms.
you spent the whole break, hugging talking about random things that would come up on her for you page. the day ended with the two of you watching movies in the living room.
you were both cuddled up, as a big blanket was placed over the two of you. you rested your head on her chest, as she had massaged your scalp.
you were playing with the string of her hoodie, twirling it around your finger as she looked at you in adoration. but you didn’t know that, you were so focused on the movie, you didn’t see her look.
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pelova4president · 28 days
Why so shy?
Jessie Fleming x Reader
summary~ Crushing on someone was a whole lot to deal with, especially when your crush is your teammate and your other teammates are all on it.
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You grew up supporting the red side of London. Your father and his father had supporter Arsenal so it was logical for you to be a gooner at heart too. That was until you got scouted by Chelsea.
You didn’t really have to hide that you were an Arsenal fan, you just didn’t bring it up, ever. Your dad and grandpa had already found a solution, supporting Arsenal’s mens team and Chelsea’s women’s. It wasn’t ideal, you knew that but they’ll support you everywhere you’d go.
And even though they did support you in a blue kit, they’d never wear a blue shirt themselves. Whenever they would go and watch your Chelsea games they were dressed in a neutral shirt, your England shirt.
When you got into the blue academy you were a bit shy. You weren’t scared or anything, it was just all new, you didn’t know anyone and well, kids are scary.
But there was Aggie. A blue through and through. She was extroverted, funny and outgoing. Aggie helped you get into the Chelsea spirits and loved to tease you.
Aggie was meant to be Chelsea’s stargirl, you weren’t but somehow you became one alongside your best friend. You were the young blues, the future lays in your hands.
A few months in Beever-Jones found out you were a die hard Arsenal fan and couldn’t stop pestering you about it. You begged her to keep it under wraps, nobody needed to know you pleaded. She wasn’t really about to let it go until you threatened to call her by her real name, Agnes.
So the both of you kept your mouths shut. A good deal for the both of you.
Aggie made her debut when she was just eighteen years old. You were sat in the stands but you might’ve been more nervous and excited for her than she was herself. Aggie kept her cool, she always did but you were stressing away. Your nails had been bitten away by the moment she got subbed in.
After the final whistle had been blown you ran towards her, a bright smile appearing on her face. “You did it Beever!” you cheered jumping into her open arms.
“You’re acting like i scored the winning goal in the Champions League mousey.” Aggie laughed.
“Well, i feel like you just did.” you reacted offended.
Jessie had been part of the senior squad before Aggie and you even got to train with the first team. You were a fan of the midfielder, even thought you would never confess it. You weren’t only a fan of her game but also her beauty. She is very pretty.
Aggie fit right in. She walked into the training ground with you behind her and made some small talk. Erin, Niamh and Aggie seemed like the best of friends. You were used to be by her side at all times and especially now it didn’t help she wasn’t.
Jessie walked over towards you and introduced herself. “Hi i’m Jessie.” she smiled. Jessie Fleming was talking to you and you might melt away.
“Hey- hi i’m mouse, well you know, it’s not my real name but they call me mousey- well you can call me whatever..” you mumbled the last part. God you made a fool of yourself.
Jessie laughed at your rambling and placed her hand on your shoulder. “I know your name mousey.” she smiled.
Jessie Fleming knew your name, your year was made.
“I know who you are too.” you said. Okay that sounded creepy, like stalker creepy. “I- i didn’t mean it like that, not in a weird creepy way. I just know who you are, ‘cus we both play for Chelsea you know?” you tried to recover.
The Canadian only laughed harder at that. “I know what you mean mousey.” she grinned.
And before you could make an even bigger fool of yourself you were stolen away by Aggie. “What were you just doing mouse?” she asked with fake curiosity.
“I was talking to Jessie and i don’t know, it went wrong i think?” you sighed, disappointment shown on your face. You had one job, act normal.
“Yeah well i definitely saw that. Maybe someone’s got a little crush huh?” Aggie winked.
“Ag- Aggie, i don’t have a fucking crush on my teammate.” your brows furrowed.
Your bestfriend backed off. “Okay okay whatever you say mousey.” she shrugged.
Two months in it only got worse. Aggie had forced you to go out with the girls, ‘‘cus that’s what winning teams do’. You never really were a party animal and still aren’t but you’d try your best.
Millie Bright had taken it upon herself to get you a little looser and by that she meant drunk. You were drunk after only a few drinks. You might’ve been embarrassed at how fast you got drunk if you weren’t wasted already.
Getting up from your seat at the bar you made your way to the dance floor, where most of your teammates were located. Aggie was cheering you on as you walked towards her with an excessive swing in your hips.
“Look out everyone, drunk mousey is on the dance floor!” she warned the girls.
Jessie looked up from where she was sat to take a look herself. You were doing all kinds of dances and somehow your very stiff robot was your best.
“What is she doing?” the Canadian asked her Swedish goalkeeper.
Zećira shrugged. “I don’t know, i think she’s trying to dance?” she laughed.
Jessie hummed to herself. She hadn’t seen you like this, ever. The midfielder hadn’t expected you to be such a party animal. You were really shy whenever you talked to her and she never really saw you as an extroverted type.
Jessie had her eyes fixated on you and when an unknown girl came walking towards you her eyebrows furrowed. The girl slipped behind you and began to dance with you. It disturbed her. Why was that girl touching you and why weren’t you telling her off.
“Didn’t know she was such a party girl..” Jessie scoffed.
The goalkeeper looked up from her phone and took a look at you on the dance floor and back at a slightly angry Jessie. “You jealous Fleming?” Zećira asked with a smug grin on her face.
“I’m not jealous, that girl just shouldn’t be touching her. Plus we’ve got training tomorrow.” Jessie answered, her eyes still on you.
The girl behind you was getting more handsy by the second and Jessie wasn’t having it. “And so what if i am?” the older girl grumbled under her breath.
“Then you should do something about it don’t you think grumpy?” Zećira told her.
Jessie took her advice and speed walked towards the heated dance floor. She was pushing through some of her teammates and finally made it towards you.. and that girl.
“She’s not really interested.” Jessie deadpanned.
The girl looked towards you but you just stood still, your cheeks getting even redder than they were before. Jessie was staring her down and she eventually left.
“I think you’re done for tonight mousey. I’ll get you home.” the brunette told you.
It wasn’t like you could argue with her, especially not in your state. You were way too scared to let any words out, in fear that you would say something embarrassing. Nodding your head she escorted you through the crowd and into her car.
“You’re gonna sit there while i’ll say goodbye to everyone.” she ordered you, pointing to her passenger seat. You looked at her with glossy eyes.
“Got it? Don’t do anything stupid please.” you nodded your head and she walked back to the bar.
You weren’t planning on doing anything stupid. It was just that her car horn looked so cool. You couldn’t just sit there and wait until she was back without pushing that button. So you got into her car seat and pushed the button.
You just didn’t expect her to be back so soon. Jessie opened the car door and looked at you. “What did i say mousey!” she grumbled.
“I’m sorry Jessie, i didn’t mean to it just looked so fun.” you pouted at her. She couldn’t be that mad at you right?
Jessie started the car and drove to her apartment. “Where are you taking me to Jessie?” you asked, your eyelids getting heavy.
“I’m driving us to my apartment so i can look after you. Hopefully you won’t do anything stupid this time.” she whispered the last part.
“Jessie jessie you are just like a little bear sometimes. You’re very sweet and soft an- I really like teddy bears so i really like you.” you rambled.
Jessie was intrigued. “Oh yeah? Tell me more, why do you like me mousey?” she asked curiously.
“You’re so nice to me and when you came up to me you were so sexy. You’re so beautiful and stunning and fit.” Jessie was enjoying this way too much. A smirk was appearing on her freckled face.
Jessie parked her black Mercedes. “Hmm, you’re cute.” she hummed.
“You really think so Jessiebear?” you mumbled.
“I really think so mousey.” Jessie said softly before carrying you inside.
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glimmerofawesome · 5 months
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gunnerfc · 4 months
Aggie Beever-Jones NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
Will get you anything you need but will calm you down with whispered sweet nothings
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Aggie’s favorite body part is her hands/fingers
Her favorite body part of yours is your neck, she will always leave marks all over your neck that you definitely have to cover up the next morning
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
Loves sucking her fingers after she’s made you cum
D: Dirty Secret 
Aggie is usually the more dominant one between you two but she does enjoy when you take control and she’s on the receiving end
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
She’s experienced but she had to learn everything you liked and didn’t like which took a few times but she’s a quick learner
F: Favorite Position 
She loves having you sit on her face
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
A mix of both, starts giggly but gets more serious as you go
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Very intimate
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
She doesn’t care, she’ll get herself off while thinking about you/the two of you having sex
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Praise kink, giving and receiving praise
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
In either of your apartments, or if you happen to room together during away games
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
Anytime you praise her, especially during a game or training
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
Doesn’t want to do anything in public because she’s not the biggest fan of potentially getting caught
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
Doesn’t have a preference, she enjoys both!
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
Sensual, but the pace usually changes each time
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
They happen here and there if you’re in a rush but both of you need some release
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
Not really, she wants to stick to what she knows you both like
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You both go for a few rounds, but they are normally a bit shorter
T: Toys 
At first, she mainly just preferred her fingers or mouth but eventually started using a strap you both like
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
You usually tease her more than she tease you, the teasing does have a hint of praise
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
Aggie can be loud most times but she does know how to control her volume
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
When you used a strap for the first time, she couldn’t believe there was a time she was opposed to using one
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s relatively normal, it’s not super high
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
You both fall asleep around the same time which isn’t that quickly after sex but it’s not super late either
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pernillecfcw · 15 days
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Champions on the bus 🚎🏆
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