#alastor x niece reader
theamberfist · 1 month
One Blind Mouse | Uncle Alastor + Reader
Familial! Alastor is Reader's Uncle
Description: One day after an overlord meeting, Alastor stumbles upon a giant demonic mouse that he soon realizes is his relative from life.
(Notes: CW Alastor, death, violence) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is Alastor's niece/nephew/whatever term you prefer) (Reader is blind) (Reader is a mouse sinner) (Pretend Alastor had a sister for the sake of this oneshot)
Words: 2,940
Alastor's ears perked at the familiar sound of screams that always seemed to accompany the streets of hell. He'd just stepped out of a surprisingly entertaining overlord meeting and now his high spirits lead him to take a walk down the road. 
This part of the city, being Carmilla Carmine's territory, was significantly less of a disaster compared to most of hell, and although he didn't enjoy the area nearly as much as some others- such as Rosie's Cannibal Town- it was still a pleasurable enough experience. As he walked, he calmly held his microphone-cane behind his back and took in all the sights.
Most of it was nothing out of the ordinary; sinners running in fear at the mere sight of him, remnants of bloody fights and brawls, as well as a few trashed buildings and alleyways the overlord expected Carmilla to be very unhappy about. 
Alastor sighed. If there was one thing he both loved and hated about hell it was that every day tended to be just the same. Territory disputes, murders that were ultimately never permanent, and newly-killed human souls ending up fearful and disoriented as they randomly appeared throughout hell were all nothing he hadn't seen before. In his time living down here, he'd come to place great value on entertainment and breaks from normality. At the very least, they made afterlife in hell a little more fun.
It was because of this he considered summoning Husk or even Nifty to liven things up. That was what he normally did when he lacked any other form of entertainment, but before he could even decide which to rip from their normal lives, a new sound reached his ears that suddenly caught his attention.
It was almost akin to a roar; something he would have expected to hear from a lion or even a dinosaur if they were more common forms for sinners to take on. Glancing up, he now realized the sound had come from just a few blocks away, where a giant figure towered over some of the nearby buildings. 
It looked like a huge...rat? That was the best way Alastor could describe the entity; with glowing grey eyes, demonic markings, and surprisingly sharp claws and teeth. The rat was ripping apart the nearby buildings as sinners screamed and tried to run away, which made the Radio Demon's ever-present smile widen. It seemed he'd found some entertainment at last. 
So of course, he made his way towards where the rat was towering over buildings; realizing it was right on the edge of Carmilla's territory; approaching that of the V's. He hadn't even realized he'd been so close to their space but it hardly mattered now. While he'd at first assumed the rat's goal to be complete destruction simply for the sake of discussion, that didn't seem to be the case now that he observed them. 
They were ignoring most of the frightened sinners around them; aside from a few that happened to scream extra loud as they ran. Instead, their focus was more towards the nearest building; a TV store in which every single piece of merchandise had a different channel playing at once that made for quite an obnoxious display of sound. Even Alastor wanted to cover his ears, not stopping the giant rat sinner as they tore the place apart sloppily. 
He continued watching the scene for a few more moments until a car finally showed up nearby and a tech-related sinner stepped out with a frightened look on her face. Alastor recognized her as one of Vox's employees from back when they'd still been friends, though he was surprised the TV producer hadn't fired her yet with his poor track record of employees. 
Once out of the car, she approached the giant rat cautiously; as if unsure of how to handle the situation. 
"E-excuse me?" The sinner called, though the rat ignored her, "I demand you stop! This store is property of Vox Tech and you're going to have to pay for any damages you cause!" Alastor's smile only widened now, curious to see whether this seemingly out-of-control sinner would even acknowledge the tech demon or if they'd just continue to go about their destruction. If his employee couldn't handle things, perhaps Vox would even come all the way down here himself, and wouldn't that be a treat to watch? 
As expected, the rat ignored her as they crushed another giant flat-screen TV between their claws. The Vox Tech employee seemed almost offended as she came closer to them. 
"How dare you?!" She exclaimed louder now; taking on a more demonic form that was indicative of her anger, "Have you no respect for the art of television?!" This seemed to finally get the rat's attention because they paused, dropping the shattered TV and turning to face her as they gazed down.
"Art?" They repeated, their voice coated with that demonic tone one became accustomed to hearing while in hell. Alastor raised an eyebrow at the realization that this was not their regular form, wondering what they could have originally looked like but not saying anything just yet. "You call this art?!"
The rat grabbed another TV and threw it at the tech demon, nearly crushing her under its weight if she hadn't gotten out of the way in time. "This is pathetic!" 
Alastor had to agree there. Television had always been a lesser form of media to him, and it seemed this other sinner understood that too. Perhaps when they calmed down the two of them would get along.
Though, there was another part of him that took note of how familiar this particular was...
The rat grabbed two more TV screens and crushed them in either hand now; snarling. "Don't pretend to know anything about art if you support him!" Alastor knew without needing to ask that they were referring to Vox, which made his smile widen even more. It seemed he really would get along with this rat. Though, the more he listened to them speak, the more it felt like he should recognize that voice.
"Don't make me tell you again! Unhand our property!" The tech demon tried, though she was shaking as the giant rat stared her down. 
"No." The rat replied before tossing another TV at her. This time, it managed to hit her and she was knocked back into the nearby wall. It seemed the impact was enough to kill her, too, because her body finally went limp. Alastor knew she wouldn't be dead for long before regenerating but it had done the job for now, anyway. 
It seemed the only one that didn't realize that was the rat because they reached for another blaring TV and tossed it in the direction of the now-dead sinner again. Then they grabbed another and did the same before repeating the act again and again until every last screen had been destroyed. 
It was only then that the Radio Demon realized what was going on as he watched the giant rat feel around the destroyed store for any more Vox Tech Products; they were blind. 
They couldn't actually see the tech demon when she'd shown up; they'd only known where to throw the TV based on where they'd heard her voice. They'd been sloppily feeling around and grabbing TV's earlier because they could hear the obnoxious sounds coming from them, and they'd only killed the extra loud sinners because they could hear where they were.
How interesting, Alastor thought as he watched the rat's shoulders rise and fall as they caught their breath. They were far from the first blind person he'd met but they were the first one he'd run into in hell thus far. Based on the display he'd just witnessed though, they were doing just fine down here despite not having sight. He was about to step forward and introduce himself when a peculiar sight stopped him.
The rat, which had been giant just a moment ago, was now shrinking in size before his very eyes. They went from being taller than the nearby building to becoming so small he couldn't even see them from where he stood anymore. 
Curious, he stepped forward, realizing they'd shrunk to the size of a mouse. And, in fact, it seemed that that was exactly what they were; not a rat, like he'd presumed earlier. Like most sinners in hell, they still possessed human qualities, but the big mouse ears on their head and the tail made it apparent which animal they were meant to resemble. 
Amusement shined in the Radio Demon's eyes now as he continued observing the little creature. This tiny mouse had done all that damage just moments ago; leaving one of Vox's stores in complete ruin. He never would have expected them to possess that kind of strength based on how they looked, but it made him all the more curious of their motive as he now approached them.
"Well, hell there!" He called. Immediately, the mouse jumped in surprise and reached for their ears as if they were in pain. "My, that was quite a display!" He went on, ignoring their clear shock, "May I ask what might have prompted it?"
There was a long pause as the tiny sinner regarded him, now bent at the waist so that his face was a little closer to their eye level. For a second he wondered if they really were capable of speaking or if he'd simply imagined it earlier, but then they shouted.
"Uncle Al?!" Their voice, which had lost its demonic edge and returned to normal now, suddenly sounded so familiar that it felt as if the Radio Demon had been hit by a truck. How had he not recognized you before? What other little demon could have casually caused so much destruction to a TV store than his own niece/nephew/etc? 
"Why, is that you, my little mouse?" He asked with a grin so wide it nearly hurt. You nodded eagerly, immediately running up to hug him. You were so small, though, that you could really only latch onto his ankle. 
"It is, Uncle!" You replied, only now realizing how ironic his old nickname for you had turned out to be. You'd known the second you'd heard his voice that it was your favorite family member and finding him again like this couldn't have made you happier. Alastor chuckled, kneeling and placing a hand beside your little body on the ground. Once you felt it beside you, you immediately climbed on and then he carefully held you up so that you were closer to his eye-level. 
"And here I'd thought you ended up in heaven!" He told you, though his tone only held amusement. Your presence had always been enjoyable to him; ever since you were a baby. When he'd died, he'd been surprised to find he actually missed the nights when he used to have to come over and babysit you for his dear little sister's sake. 
"Nope," you told him, "But I'm pretty sure mama is there! I've been alone down here for years." The Radio Demon nodded at that. Like their mother, he'd had no doubt his sister had gone to heaven. Your presence in hell was a surprise, but with how mischievous you'd been as a child, it made some sense, even if he hadn't gotten to see how you turned out when you grew up. 
"It must have been quite lonely being by yourself." He replied as he brought you to his coat pocket now. You felt around the area before seemingly deciding it was acceptable and getting comfortable within the fabric. 
"And loud." You nodded. Alastor didn't doubt that; you'd had great hearing even when you were alive, so he imagined those big mouse ears made it even more amplified now. "I hate television."
"I agree with you there!" Alastor replied as he began walking back down the street with you safely tucked into his pocket now. "Especially since the whole point of it is to see the pictures, isn't it?" You nodded, crossing your arms in disdain. "At least radio is tasteful." In life, you'd always loved tuning into your uncle's nightly broadcasts. No matter what you and your mother had been doing at the time, you'd always made her take you home to hear them. Alastor nodded in amusement now. 
"Uncle Al, where are we going anyway?" You asked suddenly.
"Well, I do still have a broadcast to run!" The Radio Demon replied, "I'm sure the citizens of hell will want to hear about that giant mouse causing so much destruction earlier." You giggled and got a little more comfortable in the demon's pocket. "Now, while we talk, do tell me more about those demonic powers of yours?" The fact that you possessed the ability to grow and shrink between more and less terrifying forms just like he did was certainly not lost on him, and nor was the possibility of capitalizing on those powers with the potential of you two taking over hell as family. 
♡ After that you're almost always found in Alastor's pocket whenever he goes anywhere
♡ Sometimes you like to hide in his pocket and then pop up at random times, which he used to scare some of the hotel guests after the first found you
♡ You go into your demon form whenever you get angry, which usually happens when you're surrounded by way too many loud noises at once and get overwhelmed
♡ Alastor thought it was entertaining at first but after the third time you broke his coat pocket by transforming while he was literally carrying you around, he invested in some cute little earmuffs to prevent it
♡ Everybody at the hotel thought you were adorable once they got past the initial shock of A) Alastor having a niece/nephew/etc and B) the fact that you'd popped out of his pocket and startled them
♡ Vaggie lets you ride on her hair bow sometimes and Charlie absolutely loves to pet your mouse ears (she's very gentle but sometimes gets too excited and Alastor has to pull you away from her)
♡ You were terrified of Husk at first because he's a cat and Alastor, always looking for entertainment, did nothing to help with that fear
♡ So for a while every time you would be near Husk he would have to be super careful not to scare you and make you go into demon form
♡ That was until you realized who you really had to be afraid of; Nifty
♡ She associates mice with uncleanliness so she tried to stab you many times at first. Alastor never let her actually succeed but he did enjoy watching her chase you around the hotel for the first week
♡ That was how you got over your fear of Husk because he would sometimes let you hide behind the bar in between the bottles of wine. He even fed you a piece of cheese once and you were sold on him after that
♡ Eventually though, a solution was reached with Nifty when Charlie suggested they dress you in nice clothes (A red striped suit like Alastor's or a dress version of his outfit, fitted for your tiny self) in order to give the cyclops a visibly difference between you and the actual vermin she was supposed to kill 
♡ That worked well but you're still too scared to go near Nifty most of the time
♡ Sir Pentious dubbed you an honorary egg because you were close to them in size and he thought you were just so cute. He got you a little hat like the ones they wear and would even let you ride atop his hat (kind of like Alice with the Mad Hatter in the live action Alice in Wonderland)
 ♡ Angel Dust also loves you and one of the first things he did was introduce you to Fat Nuggets, whom you adored
♡ Sometimes you ride Nuggets around the hotel like a horse since you're the perfect size for it and Angel has many photos on his phone of the two of you being absolutely adorable
♡ Despite how he may seem, Alastor can be a very protective uncle. Since you've come to the hotel, he makes sure everyone keeps their volume down most of the time so as not to bother your sensitive ears. If anyone so much as raises their voice in your presence they're met with his sadistic expression and radio dial eyes as a warning
♡ No one is allowed to watch TV when you're around either; he doesn't care that English Descriptive Audio exists he just doesn't want you to feel sad that you can't have a normal experience like everyone else because that used to get to really you when you were a kid 
♡ Since you're always in his pocket, you've met most of the other overlords at meetings and things
♡ Rosie adores you and every time she meets with Alastor she brings along a new mouse-sized outfit she sewed for you as a gift. You have a whole wardrobe of tasteful clothes made by her now
♡ Zestial and Carmilla think you're cute but won't ever admit it. They just smile whenever you pop out of Alastor's pocket during a meeting; wanting to see what they're all talking about
♡ You did meet Vox once because Alastor ran into him on the street
♡ That went about as well as expected and you turned into your demon form due to his loudness and the fact that he insulted your uncle
♡ You and Alastor took turns beating Vox up that day 
Headcannons related to this concept: Cursed-Cat and Mouse
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deadghosy · 3 months
Pt5 of Penguin! Reader x Hazbin Hotel
Prompt: The aftermath of the court is where you decided where to live
Note: this will be the final part of the series lol. Sorry if the sections are short, I tried to make it long with the bullet points just being some. 💗
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“The court has spoken. The rightful place the reader belongs in, is……” sera say opening her mouth to announce the news.
Lucifer is fucking happy that sera said that would go with them. Charlie has tears dropping out her eyes as she finally is relived to have you by her side and kingdom. Adam was pissed as he thrown papers on the ground. Lute is screaming mentally as her heart breaks.
Back in hell, every one does a celebration party. You get a bandanna with your name, the scarf wrapped around your neck has the name of Y/N Morningstaryou are officially in the family. Welcome to hell.
Literally you get all the food you love in a week of celebrating before they monitor what you eat 💗
Charlie is such an older sister vibe as she shows you the ropes of being royalty as she gives you an allowance. Which you totally didn’t spend in cookies and cakes. But matter of most is that she even shows you how to run the hotel while you just quack at things from afar. Overall her protective rate is 5/10.
Lucifer may be happy and relived that you can be in hell with him. But he is still worried about your safety in hell as he watches you closely and even has razzle and dazzle to look after you. It’s cute and all for you. But for others, they can tell this man baby’s you so much to the point he even gets you to bed like one. Overall his protective level is 100/10
Vaggie loves teaching you how to use her spear in case the exterminators try to kidnap you. She is always the one who watches you on the playground to make sure you are okay. Her protective rate is 9/10
Husk is the damn grumpy drunk uncle who only has a soft spot for you as you aren’t annoying and is pure. Literally you aren’t a bad kid as you just help clean glasses. PST, he actually bought plastic looking glasses so you won’t cut yourself on accident. Plus he appreciates that you want to help him. It’s just you are so small and he is bigger than you. Overall his protective level is 7.5/10
Angel is like that older brother who knows how to hide bruises. And of course we know why…but like past that imagine you bruised your whole ass knee and you didn’t want anyone to worry for you so you went to angel. He chuckled and took care of it. You are such a cutie that he kisses your head and sends you off. Overall his protective level is 7/10
Alastor loves teaching you about his radio station. He even takes you as a co-host and a regular guest as he makes you quack out a song. 💗 some awesome uncle and nephew/niece moments as he also makes you tea if you can’t sleep. His protective rate is 8.5/10
And the rest of hell, they love you equally as somewhat you bring hope in hell to have them redeemed as they visit the hotel to see you and meet you. Hell, the other deadly sins met you and were in awe at how cute you were. Beelzebub was immediately starstruck as she feeds you some of the best food in hell.
So in the end, you love being in the royal family of the Morningstars. It’s peaceful in the hotel with you around as Angel can now get a lot of days off💗
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Adam is immediately flipping off the two demon royals as he lifts you up in his arms. “SUCK IT BITCHES AHAH!” Adam yells pulling you close to his pudgy body as lute is flipping them off from behind the first man as the two demon royals are sent back in hell.
After exiting court, you are met with getting ice cream with the two angels who were fighting with the demon royals verbally. Adam got you [favorite flavor] ice cream as lute just smiles smugly happy to have you here with them.
Adam has gotten use to you not leaving him like how his other ex-wives did. He won’t admit he feels insecure about you leaving him. But with you now being property of heaven and you living with him personally. He feels like he might actually have a loved one with him. It’s not like romantic since you take form of a gah damn actually penguin. It’s more of a platonically close friendship. He finds you alluring at how sweet you are to others. Even if Adam isn’t. Overall his protective meter is 9.5/10
Lute is still the same ol lute everyone knows. It’s just that she watches you from afar. Keeps tabs on you and where you go. Its like if she’s your personal bodyguard. She always love bombs you in a manipulative way. She just wants you to depend on her. I mean hell, she’s literally crazy at how pure of gold you are in heaven. Her protectiveness level is…200/10😨
Sera is a busy woman, but she keeps tabs on you too. Even sending a angelic guard to make sue you are mentally okay and not unstable of taking you away of your so called “home” down there. But she cares for you endlessly in a mother figure way. her protective meter is 5.5/10
Emily is happy regardless if you went it heaven or hell. This girl literally take you shopping with her as she get you a cute sailor like outfit for your delivery job. She even makes you your own damn basket to give cookies to your regulars with their mail. Overall, this sweet girl’s protective meter 4/10
St. Peter sends you cookies on weekends as it’s the days that you aren’t working as the adorable penguin delivery boy. 💗 St. Peter checks up on you as well as you are just staying home and he comes by just to see if you are liking to live in heaven for years now.
You live with Adam as he and you have some kind of relationship were he wants to look after you. Literally it’s oddly sweet this man has a change of heart kind of. He literally will try to cook only for you to burn out the fire in the kitchen. He’s ordering gah damn take out.
See, me personally you’re still getting stalked a bit from yandere! Lute as she smile smugly seeing you in heaven everyday and replaying the son of bitches face when you got to stay in heaven with them.
The amount of times angels in heaven have gifted you lots of grift baskets for the custody of heaven. It’s crazy as it’s whole bunch of fans just celebrating you staying 💗 it’s sweet but crazy.
Overall you still got your job as a paper delivery person and you get watched 24/7 every day. From afar….😨 but all you know is that you are safe in heaven still missing the people below them.
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Heaven and hell is shocked, what I mean by that is Lucifer and Adam being shocked. Adam is immediately yelling out profanities at how this is “complete bullshit”. Emily and Charlie did a mutual nod to each other not hating or liking this idea as it seems clear and fair to share you 50/50 like divorce parents.
After court, it was time to hang out with hell only to go heaven for the next day. 😭 honestly, you could stay in hell for a week and go to heaven for another whole week☝🏾😕
Adam gets so salty seeing Lucifer pick you up and take you through the portal to hell. Lute just scowls walking away. Meanwhile Lucifer is still salty as well to share you, he has to be mature as Charlie was just excited to have you the whole week.
You still sleep in Lucifer’s bed when you stay in hell, but there is still a spare room for you. And for heaven you sleep directly in the same room as Adam as he snores holding your chubby and round fluffy body.
Thanks to @gineazu for the idea of this schedule of them sharing reader.
Hell has reader on mondays Wednesday's Friday's and sundays. As heaven has them on tuesdays thursdays and Saturdays like a true ass divorce. But just like I said you could also spend a whole week in hell and another whole week in heaven. And it could repeat.
You’re literally eating nuggets in the hotel’s lobby until a busted down wall happens as a golden light shines. “Kid, pack ya shit. The shit lord didn’t bring you to me on time.” Says Adam with sunglasses and chewing bubble gum. Lucifer came from the kitchen having lemonade for you only to drop it seeing Adam. “What are YOU doing here!” He exclaims seeing the first man. Adam smirks, “I’m here to collect the bird brain. Duh?” “It’s literally only been 2 days?!” Lucifer retorts.
Yeahh…at first Adam had a problem being clingy towards you and wanting to stay in the blue skies with him.
Honestly it’s funny how Lucifer is the mom who wants to scam the father to make it seem he is abusive as Adam is just a guy trying to be the fun dad. It’s literally tug of war for your affection for crying out loud- 😭
“HAVE YOU SEEN SMILEY?” Is basically the song to describe your relationship between the two places of heaven and hell. It’s so painfully tooth aching and wholesome.
It’s nice spending time with your people in hell and heaven. Like literally it’s cool how you still got your delivery job in hell and heaven at most. Overall you are just happy seeing both of your so proclaimed friends and family. ‼️💗❤️🦆
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A/N: I did this because I couldn’t choose lol 💗 hope you guys like this as everyone gets their own happy ending
taglist: @zamadness @ilovelyneysm07 @listenerchan @equkki @ambersison-allejo @froggybich @hah-simp-acc-2 @aria-tempest @chefysawesomeideas @angela075905 @loyx2 @libraryraccoon @indom-eclipse @simpcreator @caffieneaddictt18
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writing-fanics · 5 months
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Hazbin Hotel X Reader Ideas
[a/n: this helps me know which sounds more appealing to yall]
[summary: everybody has their own secrets especially the radio. even secrets he doesn’t disclose to his partner]
fallen from heaven
[summary: she couldn’t raise her weapon anymore killing human souls who here in a way given a second chance at life. Hunting down souls who cowered in fear when exterminators raised their weapons at them, while she couldn’t even lift her arm over her head]
Lucifer Morningstar [short king]
Imagine dating Lucifer Morningstar
Duck Duck Goose!
[summary: time for some fun and a game of Duck duck goose!]
Charlie Morningstar
I believe in you [Aunt!Reader]
[Summary: After your sister-in-law, basically disappeared/left, leaving her thirteen years old daughter. You stood up to help take care of her. You supported her plans for the hotel yet, told her heaven isn’t what it seems]
I’m so proud of you you [aunt!reader]
[summary: she was so proud of her niece she couldn’t be happier, of her standing up to the angels. Now with the extermination happening in no less than a month, and the hotel being the first target. She was going to protect her niece’s dreams no matter the cost]
<depending on the events of the final two episodes next week rumor has it someone from the main cast is going to die>
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circeyoru · 3 months
I've been having a whole scenario in my head and I wanted to ACTUALLY read them from a fanfic
A oneshot where reader is like an empress of Hell, they're the one who rules all the overlords and owns said overlord's souls, ans also the founder of overlords, but their power is just right below Lucifer's and Lilith's
The timeline takes place right after the fight between Adam and the exorcists vs the Hotel
So like, the hotel is rebuilt! And Charlie has received a few actual customers that wanted to be redeemed
And Alastor feels like there's something going to happen that it's making him all tingly and nervous, and it did!
And then, reader like showed up, but under disguise (Charlie is like a niece figure to reader) but then again Charlie doesn't recognize them because they're in disguise for some purposes (I'll let you decide 🥰)
And Alastor, was completely shook, he WAS NOT EXPECTING READER AT ALL
Though he was QUICK to realize that reader was in disguise, so he just slightly scrambles to introduce himself even though he's hiding his excitement and nervousness
After all Alastor was eager to please his master, he also ended up dropping his radio vintage voice in the process
"Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, *quite* the pleasure! What brings you to this fine establishment madame?" literally took their hand and kisses it
And reader is just like
"I may have been in need for a place to stay. But I heard Vox had cameras everywhere, and this was the only hotel I could have privacy"
Vox was an overlord ofcourse, he's also on Ravine's command, but Vox always had cameras stalking Ravine, which Vox calls it.. "keeping an eye for protection"
And since Alastor was the Radio Demon, every camera breaks of crashes if he was recorded, qnd it counts the hotel! That's why Ravine came to the hotel in the first place, and they explained Charlie that he didn't need to be redeemed, just a place to stay at the moment and Charlie wouldn't refuse someone in need. After all if Charlie refused Alastor will find a way to make her
it made Alastor slightly annoyed at Vox displeasing reader
But also boosted his ego and pride! Maybe once he saw Vox again he would rub it on Vox's face that reader came to him for a place to stay instead~
And after all that chatty yada yada or tour
Reader and Alastor finally had a real private talk at Alastor's radio tower! This part is a bit angsty but fluffy
They catch up and then Ravine brought up Alastor's wound in his chest caused by Adam, along with his mic/cane that he was not holding no more
Alastor tried to brush the topic off, feeling ashamed
But reader insisted. They ended up locating the wound exactly and placed a hand over it before Alastor could protest, and healed him
And Alastor didn't have a choice but to melt into the touch, his fluffy ears pulling back in the process
And maybe just reader teasing Alastor for his deer habits
Or an extra scene of Alastor stating that reader came to him and rubbed it on Vox's face
Let's try something~ Here's a spoil on the next story I have written~ Will be out in a few hours.
Now this is a newer request, but it was so unique (and the longest request I got I think) that it got me thinking, so I had to write it. Haha~
Collection of Overlords = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader] P.S. It's out now~
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witheringblooddemon · 2 years
I’m trying to look for a platonic alaster (hazbin hotel) x niece reader story that I just can’t find 😭
Idk if it was deleted or what but it was something like the reader had adhd or something and, after destroying some of Husk’s glasses, has a very bad breakdown and Alastor helps her calm down after.
If anyone know what fic this is, I would be forever grateful!
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Touch of Glass ch.3
Between now and dawn
prologue, chapter 4
Alastor x reader
TW: none
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I hear the door open behind me, and before I can turn around my father is grabbing my arm and pulling me back down the hall.
" Let's go y/n, we're done here." He says, pulling me along with him.
It wasn't before long before my father and I were back in the car with Lauren and Peter. My father started up the engine of the car, and we began to drive. No one said a word in the car, and the only thing I could feel was the burning heat from the sun, as if it was trying to burn through my dress, and the thick tension in the air. Finally, we pulled up to a large house, which looked like it had costed a life worth's amount of money to maintain. The car had stopped right in front of the house, and towards the top of the staircase leading to the inside of the house, were two girls, four guys and one older lady. We stepped out of the car, Peter moving to get my bags from the back of the car, while the four men came from the top of the staircase. One of the men had taken the keys from my father, and had gotten into the drivers seat, while the other three helped Peter take my bags.
" Welcome back dear." The older woman said, as she opened her arms to my father, who gave her a hug.
" We weren't gone for long mom." My father said to her, and it was clear to me now that this woman was my grandmother. The younger girls next to her, were also hugged by my father, though he didn't speak to them, which lead me to wonder if they were distant cousins.
" Everyone, this is y/n, my other daughter of course. Let's make her feel as welcomed as possible." My father said to the three women. They all stared at me for a moment, before the older woman smiled.
" Please come inside, we have much to talk about. Also, Wallace, there's someone here for you. Mr. Lucian." The older woman said. She took my hand and looped her arm through mine, before leading me into the house. It was large, the walls were high up, picture frames decorating each of the walls, each image as captivating as the last. It was hard to focus on just one thing in the room.
" My name is Martha, but you can call me Marthy if you'd like. I know grandma, or grandmother, are a bit to soon. Don't you think?" She asked me, and I nodded silently to her. She was about to say something else, when we heard another shriek.
" AH! Oh my goodness, is this her? Wallace your daughter is divine! Just look at her, so pretty. Wow, Electra really did a number on her didn't she? I always knew she'd be a good mother, no offence Lauren. But wow, you are absolutely, stunning!" The woman said as she made her way quickly down the hall and straight to me, pulling me away from Martha. " Oh just look at her! So cute, just as adorable as I remember! I've always wanted a fashionable niece, my wishes have been heard!" She yelled as she pressed the side of my face into her chest, engulfing me into a hug.
" Molly please, your harassing the poor girl. Look what you've done, you've made her all flustered." A man behind Molly said, pulling her away from me. I hadn't even noticed how red my face had gotten. Was it the weather with the dress or this woman's words? I couldn't tell, no one had ever gushed over me that way before.
" I'm Charles, Molly's husband. Please don't mind her, she can be a bit... overwhelming." Charles said, shaking my hand as Molly held onto him.
" Please, call me Aunt Molly. I'm Wallace's sister. We are going to have so.much.fun together. You're never gonna want to go back to London, I promise." She squealed as she pulled me into another hug. I heard Martha laugh from behind me.
" Come on girls, it's almost time for lunch." She said, as we all followed Martha into the dining room, which had the largest dinner table I had ever seen.
" I'll be back everyone, I assume Mr. Lucian is waiting for me in my office. I don't think we mind if he joins us, right?" My father asked, before everyone shook their heads. " It's settled then, I'll be back in a bit. " Everyone took their seats at the table, while Molly pulled my hand to sit next to her, while there was an empty seat on my left. We all sat down as what I assumed to be servants brought out the food and placed it in front of us.
" Oh excuse my manners I forgot to introduce you. This is your sister, Almarice. This is your cousin, Molly's daughter, Janice." Martha said, gesturing to the two girls across from me. Janice smiled at me and waved enthusiastically while Almarice held a blank expression. I smiled to the both of them and waved back to Janice.
" Hello everyone, I believe most of us remember Mr.Lucian." My father said, and next to him stood a man who looked to be around 6'2, very tall obviously, with chestnut brown hair that seemed to look messy, but in a good way. Messy enough to the point where all he really needed to do was run his fingers through it and it would be fine. His eyes were a dark hazel color, which was a bit hard to see due to the round glasses he wore. His vest was a dark brown with white stripes, with a white button up underneath. He wore brown trousers with matching black shoes. His skin was a tan shade, but almost a light tan. His expression seemed to be one of joy, his grin stretching from ear to ear. " Mr. Lucian, this is my daughter, Y/n." My father said, pointing to me. I stood up as Mr. Lucian held his hand out for me to shake.
" It's a delight to meet you darling. Do you mind?" He asked, as he gestured to the empty seat next to me. I smiled and moved back so I was standing in front of my seat.
" Not at all." I replied as I sat back down next to Aunt Molly. My father sat across from his mother, who was seated at the head of the table.
" I hope everyone enjoys their food, I'm sure the servants did a wonderful job with it." My father said before we had all gotten our plates of food and began to eat.
" Before I forget, Y/n, I've gotten you tickets to see a show later. A play I assume it is. I've asked Mr. Lucian here to take you, since he's well known in this town." My father said, before taking another bite of his food. I nodded and looked at Mr. Lucian briefly, only to find that he had already been staring at me.
" You're not from here are you?" Mr. Lucian asked, before taking a bite of his food. I shook my head and placed my utensil down.
" No, I'm actually from London." I say, before he chuckles a bit and puts his fork down. A servant comes from behind him to fill his glass with what I assume is wine.
" Well that explains it. From your accent to your clothes you definitely seem to be of foreign beauty." He said, before taking a sip from his cup. I smiled, feeling the heat rush to my face from his words.
" Oh please, I think the only thing foreign about me is my attire. It's definitely not made for this weather." I say, before turning back to my plate and grabbing my glass. I take a sip of the wine and feel like I had eaten a lemon. It was so sweet, almost like pure sugar.
" That gave it away too, though you look marvelous, I'm sure you'd feel much more comfortable if you had something more, open." He said, looking at the sleeves of my dress. I chuckled a bit, knowing now that is was really out of the normal for people here to dress the way I did in such hot weather. " If people aren't religious they don't dress the way you do, but I take it your not the most religious person in the world either." He said, looking at me questioningly. I shook my head, taking another sip of the wine. For as sweet as it was, I felt bad just letting it sit there.
" No, I'm not actually, I think it's all silly folklore." I said, before taking another sip of the wine. From across the table I could feel eyes on me, while my father was busy having a conversation with Lauren and Martha. Aunt Molly seemed to be speaking to Charles, while I could feel Almarice and Janice staring at me intensely from across the table. Mr. Lucian laughed and took another bite of his food.
" Some people would strongly disagree with you. I think it's justifiable in moderation, but I digress." He said, chuckling a bit, and I couldn't help but laugh with him as well. He was very care free, laid back. Calm and he seemed to have not a care in the world.
" Some can even put up a good argument, almost convincing. But I believe it's more of a false imagination, made from the need to know what comes next after this life." I respond, and he nods taking in my words. He smiles again, before taking a sip of his wine. He stares down at his watch for a moment, before putting his hand into his vest pocket and pulling out a envelope.
" Wallace, I thank you for the lunch. But I want to freshen up before the play tonight. You know I take these things seriously." He said, before standing up. " The play starts at six, and since it's about half past four that should give me enough time to be ready. " Mr. Lucian said. My father stood up before looking at me. I stood up, knowing the look on his face. It was the same one my mother used to give me when I needed to follow her. The three of us began walking out of the dining room and towards the front of the house.
" I knew you'd take this as grand as you feel. Thank you for coming by and agreeing to take Y/n out tonight." My father said, before he stopped. " Oh, I need to give you a contract, it's from Charlie." My father said, before turning and walking up the stairs.
" Are you going to change out of that dress? It isn't much warmer at night here." Mr. Lucian asked, before I turned to him.
" Most of the dresses I packed were like this. I'm sure Aunt Molly will give me something to wear once she see's it though." I responded and he smiled before laughing a bit.
" Your aunt is definitely something. I look forward to seeing you tonight Ms. Y/n. " Mr. Lucian said to me. I smiled at him.
" Likewise Mr. Lucian." I said, before he chuckled a bit.
" Please, call me Alastor darling." He said.
I smiled and nodded, before rephrasing my sentence. " I hope to see you tonight as well Alastor." I said, before I could hear the footsteps of my father coming back into range.
" Sorry this took so long. You know how the servants can be sometimes. " My father said, before handing Alastor a folder. A servant had came with a brief case and a brown jacket, handing it to Alastor. He slipped the folder into his brief case and put his jacket on, which was actually quite long. He nodded his head to my father and I before descending down the steps to a car that was waiting for him, which was a bright red.
I turned back to walk down the hallway, only to be greeted by Aunt Molly along with Almarice and Janice.
" We need to get you ready and out of this long but beautiful dress." Aunt Molly said, before waving her hand to a few servants. We walked up a staircase that was not too far from the long hall we were in. " You can finally see your room! Oh this is so exciting! I just know you and Janice will get along nicely." Aunt Molly said, and I turned around to see Janice smiling at me, while Almarice had a sour look on her face.
We stopped at a large door at the end of the hall, before Aunt Molly opened the door. It was large, the windows stretching to almost the height of the ceiling. " Your mother said you were more of a modern type of fashion, so Janice and I set this up, of course with Lauren too." Aunt Molly said and I felt my chest explode with excitement. The windows faced the large garden in the back of the house, and the view was absolutely perfect. There was a balcony not too far from where my bed resided and the bathroom was also a few feet away from my balcony. I had a large vanity, as well as a matching walk in closet, which was almost half the size of my actual room. The closet was decorated with all kinds of clothes and shoes, and they all looked amazing to me.
" We need you to try the dresses on of course, but, what do you think of your new room?" Aunt Molly asked me, and I was at a loss for words. Growing up I was always traveling with my mother for work, so the closest thing I had ever had to a room I could enjoy were hotel rooms, or someone else's guest room.
" I love it. I love it so much. Thank you." I said to her, and she smiled. Aunt Molly almost looked like she wanted to cry.
" Of course. We missed you so much." She said, as she had pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back, unlike the first time we had hugged. This time, Janice joined our hug, and I could hear her sniffling. But still, no matter how much love they gave me, I could still feel Almarice giving me her cold stare.
Masterlist Tag List: @willowaudreykeyes @dvlsxx
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Second Chance 4
Harry Potter AU
Parings: Sirius Black x Reader 
Link to Chapter 3 
Rating: M- mature themes
The next morning you stood getting ready to go on a mission with Tonks. She jabbered on and on about how she was going to get Remus to fall in love with her. As you brushed your hair, you found yourself wondering if this is how Remus felt when Sirius and yourself were all over each other? If so you most definitely owed your older brother an apology.
“Where are you going??”
You were relieved to hear Sirius’ voice. He had walked in with Matilda on his tail. You couldn’t help but feel thrilled at watching the two of them together. Matilda finally had the father that she wanted (minus the fact that he wasn't exactly the man that he used to be).
“I have a case to work on.”
You replied, knowing that Sirius did not like the fact that you were an auror. Sirius had made snide remarks about your career choice since he had been back. You knew it was the protective side of your lover coming back, however, it was still annoying. He didn’t seem to understand the fact that you did the job because you enjoyed it plus it helped with information for the order.
Sirius, meanwhile, sat down with an eye roll. Normally, he wouldn’t say anything in front of Matilda but at the moment he didn’t care.
“Who is it this time?”
He asked. You didn’t respond right away as you avoided Tonks’ nervous gaze.
“Just some dark wizard. We are going to watch him for a bit.”
Sirius leaned back with a groan. He ignored Remus who was standing behind Matilda and Harry waving his arms saying “no” silently.
“Who is it, Y/n?”
You finally turned.
“Fenrir Greyback.”
Both Remus and Sirius’ mouths dropped. It had been no secret to either man that Greyback had always been person number one on your list to catch. After what he did to your brother, he signed his own death warrant.
Sirius quickly stood up.
“Absolutely not! How many times do we have to have this damn conversation? I don’t want you going anywhere near that man!”
“It's my job, Sirius.”
Sirius was trying to keep calm. The two of you had discussed staying away from this man at least 30 times in your past. What were you thinking? Was having a boyfriend and daughter at home not enough to make you want a safe job?
“Find a new job. I never wanted you to be an auror anyway.”
You crossed your arms over your chest before focusing on your daughter who was looking between the two of you nervously.
“We’ll have this conversation later.”
Sirius shook his head.
“No, we are having this right now. You are going to stalk some crazed lunatic who turned your older brother into a werewolf and I am supposed to sit back and be cool with this? What about Matilda and I?”
“The last time I checked you are starting to do jobs again too. You could easily get caught. So, I am sending your question right back to you. What about Matilda and I, if you get hauled back to prison?”
Harry stood up and was gently trying to tug Matilda out of the room. He knew that this was a conversation that neither of them needed to be seeing. Matilda, however, wasn’t moving. She was almost ready to panic. The last thing that Matilda wanted was for either of her parents to get hurt or sent back to prison.
“That isn’t going to happen. Memory charms are about to be my best friend.”
“So it's okay for you to go out and do missions but it's not okay for me?”
At this point, Remus had enough. He had been watching his niece’s horrified expression as she truly realized what her parents were going to be doing. Remus put a hand on Matilda’s shoulder.
“Go with Harry, dear.”
Matilda didn’t argue with Remus. She quickly stood and followed her best friend out of the room as Remus turned to face Sirius and yourself.
“I want both of you to stop right now. Did either of you happen to notice the expression on your daughter’s face? She is scared and both of you were so wrapped up in each other to even realize. Sirius, I don’t like the idea of Y/n and Tonks going after Greyback any more than you do but Y/n is right. This is her job. It's just watching him. Y/n, you are going to have to accept the fact that Sirius isn’t a sit back and watch type. Now go in opposite directions until the two of you can talk like sane adults.”
Both Sirius and yourself refused to look at each other. Neither of you wanted to admit that Remus was right. You felt immediately guilty about having that argument in front of your child. This would make for one awkward conversation later.
“I’ll see you all later.”
You said before turning and following Tonks from the room.
Sirius didn’t move for a moment. He stood looking at the place that you had just vacated with pain-filled eyes. If something happened to you, he honestly had no idea what he would do. He had just gotten you back and now you were out risking your life.
He turned and walked into the other room changing into another shirt while muttering under his breath. Sirius’ attention fell on Matilda who was sitting on the couch. He felt immediately guilty. The poor girl looked too much like himself as a teen when he was trapped in this godforsaken house.
Sirius hated listening to his parents fight as a kid and now here he was doing the same thing to the little girl that he loved more than anything in the world.
“Tilley, everything is going to be just fine.”
Sirius said calmly as her grey eyes rolled to him.
“I don’t know about that.”
Sirius quickly knew down in front of her and took one of her hands in his. He looked between his daughter and Harry, who was looking as worried as Matilda.
“I don't want the two of you worrying about adult business. The only thing that I want the two of you worrying about is being teenagers.”
Matilda looked up. She wanted to make a comment about the conversation that she had heard between her parents the night before but didn’t. Sirius wanting Peter Pettigrew’s head on a silver platter wasn’t a normal request.
“It's a little hard not to. Mum is going after Greyback and you’re going out to do whatever you’re going to do. How do you honestly expect me not to worry?”
Sirius sighed. The expression on the girl’s face eerily reminded him of you. Granted, every time he saw that expression you were usually yelling at him or upset about something.
“You’re so grown up for your age, sweetheart. I suppose asking you not to worry is a bit selfish. Matilda, nothing is going to happen to your mum or me. Okay?”
Matilda finally nodded. Sirius patted her cheek before standing up.
“I need the two of you to stay here and be safe.”
When Sirius walked out of the room, Harry turned to Matilda.
“Shall I get my invisibility cloak?”
Matilda nodded without even thinking about it. Sure, her father told her to stay home and be good but when it came to her family being torn apart again...it wasn’t happening. Matilda had finally got her family back together and she was not about to lose it again.
Harry and Matilda slipped into the back seat of the car that Remus had bought a few days before. They knew if they were caught, things probably wouldn’t end well.
Sirius and Remus got into the front seat a few moments later completely unaware of the extra company in the back seat.
“Level with me, Remus, was I wrong earlier?”
Sirius asked, lighting a cigarette. Remus started the car without replying for a moment. He really didn’t want to get in the middle of this argument but it seemed like he didn’t have much of a choice.
“No, not really.”
He finally replied. Sirius frowned.
“So you agree that Y/n is wrong and that she shouldn’t be auror? I’m not saying that she has to be some ordinary housewife or whatever but just not an auror.”
Remus sighed, putting the car in drive.
“I never said that.”
“Then just what are you saying? Is there a gas leak or something in that house?”
Sirius snapped, feeling on edge again. The last thing that he wanted was to have it out with Remus but he would if he had to. He couldn’t help being livid over your career choice.
Remus chuckled.
“Sirius, I get that you are worried about Y/n...the two of you have been together for a very long time…”
Sirius held a hand up.
“Not talking about that! I am talking about the woman that I love running around with my cousin’s kid playing the Hardy Boys meet a werewolf.”
Remus sighed.
“Y/n knows what she is doing. She was trained by Alastor Moody himself. I’m more worried about Tonks than I am Y/n. Figure that one out.”
“So what’s going on with Tonks? Don’t you dare say nothing because I am seeing stuff?”
Remus’ instantly went scarlet. His green eyes focused on the road and didn’t dare to glance at his friend. Sirius smirked.
“Uh-huh. How long has this been going on?”
“3 months. I would like to thank you by the way. I tried some of those tricks that you use on Y/n. Tonks thinks I’m god in the bedroom now. I can honestly say that has never happened before.”
Meanwhile, Matilda and Harry were blushing so hard that they couldn’t even look at each other. This particular conversation was the last thing that they had expected to overhear. Matilda wanted to die. She didn’t even want to think about her parents having sex. What kid honestly did? If it wouldn’t have blown their cover she would have kindly asked Remus and Sirius to talk about something else.
Sirius laughed.
“I told you.”
Remus had this unfamiliar arrogant expression on his face. It quickly faded and went back to normal serious Remus Lupin.
“Do you realize that Y/n and yourself have been sleeping with each other since Y/n was around Matilda’s age?”
Sirius winced.
“First off, Y/n was in fourth year. Matilda isn’t there yet...not until fall. Second, things were different when we were teenagers. Third, if I find out that Matilda is doing that...some teenage boy is going to die under mysterious circumstances. Matilda isn’t like us so I don’t have to worry about it for a while.”
Remus had to agree there. Matilda was a lot different from her parents. She didn’t have time for boys and their crap at the moment. Remus was thankful for this...beyond thankful.
“Matilda is different. She’s smarter.”
Sirius nodded.
“Y/n and I were having sex because we both wanted to feel close to someone. I was trying to feel close to people a long time before Y/n agreed to be with me.”
A truer statement had never been made in Remus’ opinion. At that point in both of your lives, the two of you were desperate for someone to feel close to. Sirius was on his last stand with his family. In his 15 years on the planet, he had never once felt actual love. You were wanting someone to love you for you not just being Remus Lupin’s sister.
For Sirius, you were the first girl that wanted him for more than just his family’s good looks and money. You actually cared about him.
“So who are we going after?”
Sirius asked, having enough of the subject of his past. He didn’t want to think about the number of girls that he slept with before getting with you and the first couple of weeks after “starting” the relationship. Sirius wanted to admit that you changed him immediately but that wasn’t the case. It took you almost leaving him over his contestant flirting with other girls to get his head screwed on right.
Remus looked down at the paper on his lap.
“Lucius Malfoy. He isn’t here but someone who has some dirt on him and Peter offered to give up what she had. The only catch is she is a stripper.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow as he looked at the building.
“So, that is why we are at a strip club.”
Remus nodded.
“The girl is Sarah Meadowes.”
Sirius frowned.
“Dorcas’ sister?”
Remus looked down sadly. He didn’t want to think about how Dorcas would feel if she knew that her sister was working in some strip club.
“Yeah. I didn’t really want to go in but we need the information.”
Sirius sighed.
“I have no shame. I’ll go in. Not a word of this to Y/n.”
He didn’t wait for Remus to reply before getting out of the car and walking inside. This was the last thing that Sirius planned on telling you about. That would be suicide.
The music in the building was blaring as Sirius walked to the bar and flagged down the bartender for a drink.
God, I used to enjoy this shit.
Sirius thought as he looked around the room for Sarah’s face. He didn’t know her very well. She was a few years behind Sirius in school. He didn’t have the time or patience for the little girls that would blush like tomatoes when he walked by. She would hang out with her sister from time to time but in no way was she part of Sirius’ group.
When Sirius finally spotted Sarah, he put down what was left of the fire whiskey and walked in the girl’s direction. He mentally apologized to Dorcas for what he was about to do.
“How about a dance, sweetheart?”
Sirius whispered in Sarah’s ear. Sarah didn’t turn around as she finished putting some money in her bra.
“Sure, my name’s Tiffany.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. This was going to take more effort than he thought.
“Isn’t that cute, Sarah?”
The girl quickly turned around. She was completely shocked to see her school crush standing right in front of her.
“Sirius hi. I heard that you got out of…”
Sirius nodded.
“Yeah. now about that dance?”
Sarah followed him to a private room and closed the door behind her. She knew exactly what he was here for. Members of the order had been paying her visits off and on over the years. Sirius’ visit wasn’t going to be any different.
She slowly climbed on Sirius’ lap and gently rocked her hips against his. Sirius took a sip of the whiskey that Sarah had put in his hand.
“I know what you’re here for.”
“Is that so? Well, I guess that saves me from asking.”
Sirius replied. He kept his face cold and shut off. The last thing that he wanted to admit was the fact that Sarah was actually decent at a lapdance. Sarah stroked her hand down his chest before leaning forward to press a series of kisses down Sirius’ cheek.
“Peter Pettigrew stays at Malfoy Manor. The little tool thinks that he won’t be caught there. If you want to get your hands on him the best day will be a Thursday. Lucius and his band of merry misfits meet with the dark lord that day.”
Sirius took another sip of his drink.
“Just how do you know this?”
Sarah smirked.
“I used to have bad friends. So what about you?”
Sirius raised an eyebrow.
Sarah nodded. She quickly turned, pressing her back against his chest. Normally she wouldn’t let some man touch her but this was different. This was the one man that she wanted to get her hands on since she was a child. She took his left hand and placed it on her breast. Sirius didn’t move to grope her like most men would. Instead, he sat dead still.
The moment Sarah’s eyes landed on the golden band on his ring finger; she froze.
“Do you have a family now, Sirius?”
“Yeah, I’m with Y/n Lupin. We have a 13-year-old daughter.”
Sarah wanted to stomp off but decided to enjoy the moment while she could.
“I figured the two of you would end up together. I didn’t expect kids though. It looks like Sirius Black has grown up.”
Sirius took another sip of his drink.
“Yeah….I guess.”
Sarah turned back to face him.
“How would your fiance react knowing some other woman was rubbing all over you? Better yet, would your little girl like someone who isn’t her mummy touching you?
Sirius’ expression turned colder. The taunt about Matilda and yourself was below the belt.
“Let’s not talk about my family, huh? I was here for an answer to my question. I got that now.”
Sirius took his wand out and muttered obliviate. He carefully slipped out from underneath Sarah and slipped out before she came back around.
Remus looked up when the car door opened. The expression on Sirius’ face was one that Remus knew well. There was something bothering him and Remus had a feeling that he wasn’t going to find out.
“Malfoy Manor on Thursdays. You’re welcome.”
Remus only nodded. He decided not to question his friend about what happened with Sarah Meadowes. If Sirius wanted to tell him what happened he would.
“Great. I heard from Y/n. They found Greyback. I was thinking about going to join them.”
Sirius put his head back against the headrest.
30 minutes later….
You sat beside Tonks as she watched the door to the bar that Greyback had walked into. She had suggested going inside and changing her appearance but you said no.
“I don’t like it. I could go in there and stay hidden.”
“No, Tonks you know that you aren’t supposed to go near that man alone. You heard what Kingsley said. This guy isn’t like anyone we have ever faced. He has been haunting my family for years and I can tell you he won’t just die.”
A knock on the window made both Tonks and yourself jump. You felt relieved the moment that you saw Remus on the other side.
“I’m killing your boyfriend.”
You muttered to Tonks before getting out. Remus gave you a small smile before going to his girlfriend. Muttering “jerk” under your breath, you turned to Sirius. You knew that he was still mad about the argument earlier.
“Come here.”
He said, pulling you from your thoughts. You didn’t need any more of an invitation to close the gap between you. Sirius pulled you into a long kiss. His hands closed on your face, stopping you from pulling away. You could taste the whiskey on him but at the moment you didn’t care. All that you could think about was the commanding kiss that he was giving you.
You were the first to break the kiss in order to breathe. Sirius was clearly waiting for you to come back for round two. You reached up stroking your hand over his cheek enjoying the feeling of his five o’clock shadow on your hand.
“I’m sorry about earlier. I was an ass.”
He said, softly.
“I was too.”
Matilda and Harry finally came out from under the invisibility cloak.
“Tilley, we need to get back under there.”
Harry said, looking around for his godfather. He knew that things wouldn’t be good if they were discovered in the back seat.
“Greyback is in there, Harry. I want to go have a look at him.”
Matilda replied. Harry shook his head.
“Are you crazy? We can’t even use our magic against him.”
Matilda rolled her eyes. She didn’t care at the moment. Fenrir Greyback caused enough issues with her family. He deserved a fist full of “don’t fuck with my family.” What Matilda seemed to forget was the fact that Fenrir Greyback was a full-grown man and she was a petite 13-year-old witch.
“I’m going, Harry. You can come with me or not.”
Matilda cracked the car door open and slipped down the alleyway so her parents wouldn't see her. It took Harry all of ten seconds to join her.
“I knew that you would come.”
She said with a smile. Harry nodded, swallowing.
“You’re my best friend. I’m not letting you go in there alone.”
The two exchanged a very Sirius Black/James Potter smile before slipping into the doorway. What the two didn’t see was Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback totally saw them come inside. The two death eaters gave each other confused looks before grinning evilly. Bellatrix was the first to stand up.
“Well, well look who it is.”
Both Matilda and Harry spun around automatically muttering “crap.” This was definitely going to make it into their all-time world’s worst decisions list. Matilda pushed in front of Harry glaring at Bellatrix. The older witch smirked.
“Matilda Jane Black. I wondered when I would meet you. I’m sure mummy and daddy would panic seeing you here.”
Matilda scowled at her before looking at Greyback who had stood up.
“Smells like her uncle. Bet she will taste as good too.”
“Quiet, you trash!”
Matilda snapped. Bellatrix giggled.
“She has Sirius’ temper. It will be lovely watching him suffer when we kill you little one.”
“Yeah, that isn’t going to happen.”
Matilda spun around to see her very angry father behind her as Remus and Tonks crashed through the front door. She felt even worse the moment that you walked in and all of the colors drained from your face.
Bellatrix looked around with her crazed expression.
“Look at this, wolfie, family reunion, know?”
Greyback scowled at the nickname Bellatrix had given them. He wasn’t about to get in a fight with two aurors and two other wizards that could easily handle him. This was no fair fight.
“Let’s go Bellatrix.”
He snapped as he gave Remus a little wave before disappearing. Bellatrix, meanwhile, didn’t want to back down but Greyback was right. This was not a fair fight. She quickly disappeared from the room leaving Matilda and Harry to deal with some very angry looking parents.
Matilda squeaked the moment that Sirius’ arms were around her.
“What the actual hell were you two thinking?”
He snapped as you crashed into Harry and began checking him for any signs of injury. Matilda didn’t speak as Sirius and yourself switched kids.
“I know that I’m not talking to myself.”
Sirius said, keeping his eyes on his daughter’s face. Matilda chewed on her lip as you finally let her go.
“Matilda Jane Black, your father asked you a question.”
Matilda knew that you weren’t playing. When you pulled the full name card, she knew that she was in for it.
“We wanted to have a look at him.”
Sirius rubbed a hand over his face. This was the closest that he had ever come to straight passing out. Walking into that bar to see Matilda and Harry within feet of death eaters was enough to cause a near panic attack.
“Well, there you go. Enjoy your little look at some death eaters? Remus, get them home.”
Neither Sirius or yourself were able to move as Remus ushered the children away. You were trying to get control back of your pounding heart as you heard your brother going into “professor mode.”
“Harry as I have told you before your parents died for them. You are poorly repaying them and Matilda your parents are going through enough hell as it is. We don’t need your help to add more.”
You didn’t hear any more as the door closed behind them leaving only Sirius and yourself alone in the bar…
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phrikewritesfanfic · 3 years
Draco x Fem!Reader Historic Au Part One
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Part One:
         Lucius Malfoy leads a group of Death Eaters into the palace in the dark of the night. Sirius, Duke of the house Black, spots the hooded figures and rushes to warn his King. James sits in his chambers with his queen, watching as their twins sleep peacefully. Sirius bursts through the door, sword in hand, panting, “we’re being invaded.” James lunges for his weapon as Lily quickly scoops up the infant heirs. She follows behind the men as they try to get out safely. A group of cloaked beings appear from around a corner. Voldemort emerges from the group, a sadistic smile on his face. “You should have taken my offer when you had the chance.” James and Sirius close ranks, blocking Lily and the children. The figures begin to surround them, James looks back meeting his beloved’s eyes. “Run,” he urges hastily. Lily attempts to argue, but nods when she glances down at the babes in her arms. She rushes down the hall until she runs straight into someone. She screams, ready to fight  for her life, before she realizes who it is. Hagrid, the bastard son of a Viscount, stops her from falling to the ground. “My queen, what’s happened?” Before she can explain they hear voices and steps growing closer. She quickly passes the princess to Hagrid and urges him, “we need to run.” Clutching her son she leads the large man off. They take refuge in a hall as she explains the situation to him. More voices, including Voldemort’s, can be heard coming towards them. They’re looking for her. She realizes what this must mean for her beloved James, a cry trapped in her throat. She stares at her children, resolve building, and sighs. She hands Hagrid her son, tearily explaining, “Take them to my sister. Duchess Petunia, she and her husband have a son near their age. They’ll be safe with her.” Hagrid opens his mouth, ready to argue, when Lily touches his arm. “Please Hagrid. I need to know they’re safe. I trust you to ensure that. Think of it as the last request of your queen.” She smiles sadly, he nods. 
        Lily grabs her dagger and steps around the corner, ready to draw attention to herself. Hagrid closes his cloak around the tiny royals and sets off in the opposite direction. He hears Lily’s scream, urging himself faster. As he makes it from the palace grounds he spots a limping figure. He sighs when he recognizes Sirius. The two make their way to the Dursley manor. They knock on the door and explain the situation to the disgruntled couple. The Duke and Duchess accept the children into their care and quickly send the men off. 
      Days later Vernon greets his wife, followed by Marquee Alastor Moody. Petunia leans away from the eccentric man as he greets her with an unsettling smile. His gaze quickly shifts to the trio of infants being watched over by their nursemaid. “Alastor here has shown interest in the girl,” Vernon explains apathetically. Petunia’s brows raise in confusion prompting her husband to continue. “I understand taking in your sister’s son, the heir and only son, but the girl is just unnecessary responsibility. We’d be expected to school her and eventually provide a dowry for her to wed. The Marquee here has shown interest in taking her off our hands.” Her gaze moves from her husband to the other man, still examining the children. “I’d take both of ‘em if you’d prefer.” Vernon shakes his head, “the boy probably has some fortune awaiting him. Besides, we can marry him off for a nice dowry. I’m not paying for her dowry.” Moody nods, stepping over and gently picking up the small girl. “What’s her name?” Petunia gently touches the babe’s hand, “Her name’s Y/N.” Alastor nods, “Y/N Moody, then. I trust this’ll stay between us.” Vernon nods and sees the man off. Petunia watches as her niece is whisked away, staring sadly at her sister’s son playing with her own. 
Eleven Years Later
     Draco finds himself wandering the palace halls. He’s too young to be a part of the important discussions his parents are having with the king, so he explores. One day he watches as a haggard man strolls in followed closely by a girl roughly his age. She looks up, meeting Draco’s gaze for a moment before the man calls out, “Y/N keep up.” She rushes forward, “coming Father.”
        Draco watches her go, curious as to her identity. He quickly forgets about her, however, when she doesn’t reappear. It’s years later that he sees her again. 
       He finds himself with a group of royal children for tutoring. He notices that Y/N is one of a very few girls allowed. As they make way to their tutor, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, sons of Baronets who’d sworn loyalty to the Malfoys, are bullying the son of a displaced Viscount, Neville. Y/N storms up to them, pushing Goyle away as he swings his leg out to knock the boy down. “What is your problem?” She asks harshly. Draco stands up from where he’d been leaning against the wall, staring at the intrusive girl with a raised brow. The idiots bumble with excuses, only causing her annoyed gaze to grow. “I’m bored. Let’s go.” Draco calls, causing his cohorts to rush towards him. The trio slink off as Y/N helps Neville up, grabbing his dropped papers. He thanks her quickly, rushing off. 
    Draco sees the girl many times after that, stopping his companions from their fun, tormenting those around them. 
      One day Blaise, the son of a widowed Countess, is flirting with a palace servant. The girl pushes him away, refusing his advances, and he ignores her. The girl begins to sound more panicked as Blaise’s grip tightens on her arm. Draco debates stepping in, becoming uncomfortable with the situation, when Y/N storms up and punches the young Earl in the jaw. This action causes his hold to loosen, allowing the girl to skitter off, a quick word of thanks aimed at her defender. Blaise rounds on the girl, anger boiling in his eyes. He raises a hand, a threat of violence, and is taken aback when she doesn’t flinch away. Instead, she kicks her leg out, knocking his out from under him and causing him to tumble to the ground. Draco snickers behind her, earning a glare from both. “You’ve no right to take what isn’t freely given to you.” She spits, turning her attention back to the boy on the ground. He blinks up at her with a growl, “you should keep your nose out of things that don’t involve you.” She raises a brow at him, “ensuring that the King’s servants aren’t tormented by arrogant ratbags such as yourself is a hobby of mine. Ergo it does involve me.” Blaise stands, ready to continue arguing, when he sputters and stops cold staring behind her. “My Lord,” he stutters, bowing slightly. Y/N turns around, a smile forming on her face. “Hello Father.” Draco watches Blaise’s jaw drop at the endearment. “Causing trouble, pet?” The girl crinkles her nose, shaking her head, “interfering with trouble, Father.” Alastor’s eyes gleam brightly as he nods, “well then, carry on.” Y/N leans up and kisses the disfigured man on the cheek. He nods to Draco as he passes, allowing his daughter to continue her tirade. 
    Draco finds himself intrigued by the outspoken girl. He watches during lessons as she easily disengages any mayhem his companions try to cause. He knows he should be annoyed, help his “friends,” but he can’t find it in him to interfere. She keeps close to the few main subjects of torment; the one other girl, Luna daughter of the Knight Lovegood, Ron son of a displaced Baron and brother to one of the king’s knights, and Neville who’s grandmother’s title keeps him close to the king, even if his parents aren’t in great standing currently. 
   One day Draco is surprised to see the trio unguarded. Before he can question it Crabbe and Goyle shove their way over to torment Neville. “Seems your little guard dog isn’t here anymore.” Goyle laughs, snatching the book the boy’d been reading. Crabbe grabs the item before Ron has a chance to and snickers, “her daddy got called away. She won’t be back here any time soon.” Draco glances at Blaise, “called away?” The Earl rolls his eyes, smirking, “yeah. He was sent to hunt down one of King James’ supporters. Apparently the man’s been trying to stir up trouble and the king isn’t happy. Moody might not make it back, if the rumours of Black’s brutality are true.” Draco watches the chaos idly wondering if he’ll ever see the brazen girl again.
Let me know what y’all think
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theamberfist · 26 days
Cursed-Cat and Mouse | Uncle Alastor & Cursed Cat Alastor HC's
Familial! Alastor is Reader's Uncle
Description: A strange cat pops up at the hotel one day and begins terrorizing everyone; especially a certain mouse
(Notes: CW Alastor, death, violence) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is Alastor's niece/nephew/whatever term you prefer) (Reader is blind) (Reader is a mouse sinner)
Words: 979
❀ These headcannons are related to One Blind Mouse, a little oneshot I wrote! A friend of mine said 'if you're going to have a mouse reader you need to involve Cursed Cat Alastor' so here were are! ❀
♡ Considering Alastor literally had a niece/nephew/etc who was a mouse, no one expected him to get a pet cat
♡ And to be honest, neither did he
♡ No one knows how or why the cat showed up, it just appeared one day and they couldn't get rid of it so it lives at the hotel now
♡ Everyone calls it 'cursed cat Alastor' because it apparently looks just like your uncle but he refuses to admit the truth of that name so he just calls it a vermin
♡ When the cat first showed up, you were terrified
♡ You thought your uncle Al had finally gotten tired of carrying you around in his pocket and had decided to do away with you when you heard the meow of a cat in the lobby
♡ So when the cat stopped and noticed you there was a good five seconds where you both just froze; you out of fear and it out of who-knows-what-emotion 
♡ Then you took off running and, naturally, it chased you
♡ You probably ran all through the hotel (luckily you knew the place well enough not to bump into anything), shouting for your uncle, before he finally appeared and was surprised to see the little creature had no cornered you 
♡ He thought it was a prank on your part at first. Even in life, you'd always loved to pull tricks like this. But when he noticed the cat literally salivating over you he finally reached down and grabbed it by the scruff of its neck; letting out a hum of curiosity
♡ You climbed up Alastor's suit to take your place safely in his pocket as he debated what to do with it and that was when everyone else came into the room, witnessing the scene
♡ Angel thought it was hilarious, Husk was as unamused as ever, Sir Pentious teared up at its cuteness, Nifty was distracted by some nearby bugs, and Charlie was so excited by the little creature that Vaggie had to hold her back from running over and grabbing it
♡ Charlie, loving the fact that the cat looked exactly like Alastor, insisted they keep it, to your dismay
♡ She listened to your concerns though and promised she wouldn't let it hurt you and that they'd train the cat
♡ She even got a little collar with a bell for the thing so you could more easily hear it when it was coming
♡ For the first week, you lived in absolute fear
♡ You refused to leave Alastor's pocket for anything except the few times he actually slept at night when you would bury yourself in his hair for protection
♡ For some reason, he and the cat really hated each other. Whenever he came near it, the thing would his and bat at him, earning an angry smile from him in response
♡ He tried to kill it several times through mysterious circumstances but to no avail. Somehow, the cat would evade his traps every single time; as if it simply couldn't be killed
♡ Finally, there was a day where you simply couldn't be in Alastor's pocket and he had to leave you behind at the hotel
♡ You were both devastated and terrified as your uncle left but Sir Pentious promised you he'd have the egg boys protect you until he came back
♡ They did a good job for about ten minutes but then they got distracted and suddenly you were left alone with the cat in the same room as you
♡ You froze as you heard it come over to you, fully expecting to be eaten right there and then. But to your surprise, it started purring and nuzzling against your tiny body. You reached up to pet its ears and then suddenly it didn't seem so scary anymore
♡ Imagine Alastor's surprise when he returned to the hotel later that day to find you curled up on the couch with the cat; fast asleep as you lay against its side. It was wide awake, though, with its eyes looking in opposite directions and everything
♡ After that Alastor almost wished the cat would have attacked you instead
♡ He could not get you away from the thing; no one could. It became like your little bodyguard; always around you as it protected you from any impending danger
♡ Charlie thought it was sweet but your uncle Al did not appreciate having his role as your protector be called into question like that
♡ You rode the cat around like it were a horse, you slept on its warm and soft belly, you let it lead you around like some kind of service animal, you took care of it and made sure its fur was always pristine despite it being the most cursed being the hotel had ever seen (in Alastor's opinion)
♡ He would never admit to being jealous of a literal cat but he was jealous of a literal cat; especially because it resembled him so much
♡ But since you loved the cat so much he had to put up with it
♡ The only time Alastor approved of your little bodyguard was when Lucifer visited the hotel
♡ Before, Lucifer would make a big show out of offering to become your uncle too, which Charlie was always happy about since she wanted a cousin. The king of hell liked you as much as everyone else at the hotel, and he especially liked making your uncle jealous the way he'd once done with Charlie
♡ But now that the cat was around it wouldn't even let Lucifer near you
♡ As much as the thing hated Alastor, it seemed to hate Lucifer even more so gone were the days where he could swoop in and offer to be your new uncle or put you on his hat and fly around like before
♡ Alastor supposed the cat was good for something, after all 
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