#alicia magentano
spoiky · 22 days
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Behold. All of my TGED (mostly Lloyd and Javier) incorrect quotes doodles I've amassed in over a year all created because one day I was bored.
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lloydfrontera · 2 months
what would alicia do if javier turned up at the tournament in a dress and a wig actually?
like. she would recognize him for sure so. does she confront him?? does she out him in front of everyone??? does she take him aside to ask him what the fuck he's doing?? i mean the answer is pretty clear, she made the rules herself, lloyd's the prize and if javier is there to participate he's also there to win but like. what the fuck nonetheless.
or does she just. let him in. does she even try at that point. because if javier's participating it's no longer a matter of whether he's gonna win, its about how badly she's gonna lose.
what do you even do if you organize a competition you're sure to win to marry a guy and then at the last moment his best friend, the only person in the world who can defeat you, turns up and signs in to participate. what's the royal protocol there.
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Tged affirmations - Part 2
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(All of these are light-hearted btw!)
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pospoets · 6 months
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procuder2 · 2 months
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What would happen if in the original timeline, The Knight of Blood and Iron, Alicia, about to become a tyrant, arrives in search of Siluria. Someone who is a genius in the field of magic?
I drew this for my mutual on Twitter. But yeah. I must spread Alisilu agenda here as well.
I think it would fit well with the Black Lily X White Lily concept... please talk to me. Please.
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garyfiddlesticksdammit · 10 months
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:)))) queen!! slay!!! literally and figuratively?
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mythspy · 2 days
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is it just me or does this seem like a parallel…
also GOD DAMNNN i guess lloyd has a type.
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noturfang · 29 days
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Beside toxic yaoi couple, I also draw doomed yuri couple
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spacedustpan · 5 months
Look I can't take screenshots because I can only read on mobile, BUT!!!!!
It's on webtoon so EVERY SINGLE EPISODE except for the last like 10 are free.
It's ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and you will not regret it!
The latest chapters are the chapters of all time! The storyboarder and the artist have seen fit to give the fans EVERYTHING AND MORE!!!!
This webcomic is, afaik according to the author themselves via the hiatus interview, EVEN BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL NOVEL!
This series is ABSOLUTELY worth your time! Please give it a read!!!!! 🙏OTL
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ur-iel · 2 years
ohh tumbler has better quality than tik tok. fancyy
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monomonommonn · 2 years
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
i think my issues with the canon romance at the end can be summarized by that competition alicia holds to win lloyd's hand.
she's like 'oh your new body sucks you need to marry someone who can protect you 24/7' so she holds a tournament to find the strongest woman in the continent and marry him to her so he'll have built-in bodyguard. which is objectively the funniest thing she could've done i love her so much. but. like. it's so unnecessary, redundant and also just,,,, factually incorrect??? ajdhka god lemme explain
here's how alicia puts it
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but,,,, lloyd already has a bodyguard who's at his side 24/7. like. that's very much a plot point of the entire novel. there's literally a character who's arc is about coming to care about lloyd above anything else and deciding to stay at his side for the rest of his life to protect him. like. that's very much a thing that happened. it literally takes us 320 chapters to get to that point why are you acting like you're doing something new here
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a swordsmanship competition. to decide who gets to marry lloyd. remind me what character have we spent the entire novel being told and shown over and over and over again is the most powerful and strongest swordsman in literally the entire world???
right. but he can't participate. because he's not a woman. which i think it's the point to this rant.
i don't think i need to spell it out but i'm gonna anyway.
the only reason javier isn't the one to end up with lloyd is because he's a man. because even by the in-universe made up requirements he's the most qualified one to do so, except that he's not allowed to even participate because he's not a girl.
and y'know what's the extra thing that just. makes me go a little insane because it's the one detail that makes me doubt for one second that all of this wasn't just pure chance or coincidence and instead is bk moon taunting us. y'know what it is.
what character is the only one who canonically can and has passed for a woman with no issue whatsoever in a seemingly out of nowhere gag that never comes up again. do you remember.
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right. yeah.
so we have,,, a character who is devoted to our main character and has sworn to protect him for the rest of his life with everything he has, who is the strongest swordsman in the entire world and who can easily pass for a woman.
and then the main character is supposed to marry whoever wins a competition to decide who gets to protect him for the rest of his life, who is the strongest swordsman in the country and where only women are allowed to participate.
and i'm not supposed to read anything into that.
okay. i feel like i'm going crazy this is me right now
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but seriously. this little tidbit that was probably just meant to be a joke about how alicia came to marry lloyd just,,, really highlights how unnecessary and redundant their romance feels to me
like. why would lloyd need to marry alicia. when he already has javier.
do you get what i mean
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individuals-collective · 11 months
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clqveris · 8 months
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the case goes cold...
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procuder · 11 months
Llojavi Idol Au
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I draw this for #역영설_전력60분 in topic '아이돌' (idol) on Twitter!! I just wanted to see llojavi get caught in 4k lmao
And also, Javier calls Lloyd as 'Lloyd-hyung' is also my favorite
Bonus: this is my old art of tged idol au (based on my headcanon)
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Javier would be what? A visual ofc! He can sing/dance/rap whenever idol can do, he's also can
Alicia would be a main vocalist imo, yeah, I'd love to think that she would have a beautiful voice
Solitas as a main rapper!! No one would fit this role more than him
And Lloyd...if he's not a manager, he would be a main dancer of this band and also not allowed to sing LMAO (imagine when a lot of t-ged fans complaining about his lines and not even know that he's a tone deaf)
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