#along came a spider
watsittoyah · 1 year
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Along Came A Spider…2099
Warnings-Sexual content, sex dreams, time travel, oral sex, rough sex, fang play, size kink, and slight blood play.
Chapter 1- Don’t I know you?
As you lay in the middle of your king size bed, you feel a dip by your feet. “Mi Corazon?” You hear his soft voice call out to you and you slowly stir. “Hmm?” You sit up on your elbows and see a large figure crouched at the foot of your bed.
“Baby? Did you get your food? I put it in fridge for you.” You say with a yawn as you sit up fully in the bed. He gently pushes you onto your back and he crawls between your thighs. “Thank you, Mi Corazon. I’ll get it later, I’m sorry for waking you up.” He moved one of your curls that happened to escape your scarf and tucks it behind your ear. “Issokay.” You yawn and wrap your arms around his thick waist. “Did you save some people tonight?”
He nods and leans down, sniffing your neck and resting his weight against you. You feel his arousal which wakes you up fully. “Mmm, tell me about it.” You whisper as you feel his teeth trace down your delicate throat.
“Mmm later, I promise. I just….want you, right now.” He leans up and looks at you with his pretty hazel colored eyes. You don’t argue with him, because you want him too.
It’s been three weeks since you two have had some privacy. Due to him saving people as well as being a scientist, and you starting your new job as a engineering tech. It’s been hectic. But in this intimate moment you wanted your husband.
“This is new.” He says as he looks down at your night gown. It was scarlet and a bit see through. “Do you like it? I ordered it last week.” He squeezes your perky brown breasts and sucks the left one through the thin fabric. Which tells you all you needed to know that he indeed liked the night gown.
You let out a soft moan and feel his heavy dick pressing against your now wet cunt. “M-” He stops you and leans up, so his warm body isn’t pressed against you anymore. “Do you remember our safe word?” Your husband asks as he leans back down, moving his face towards your inner thighs. You nod but he smirks in the dim moonlight. “Use your words, amor.” He says as he hands rubs your outter thighs.
You bite your bottom lip and open your legs, watching his now ruby eyes linger for a moment too long. “Spider.” You say as you lift your night gown, revealing your naked flesh to him. “Good girl.” He says as he lifts up your right leg and places it on his shoulder. He lifts your left leg, kissing your inner thigh and placing it on his other shoulder. You look down and see his pretty eyes lock onto yours.
Your pussy clenched as you see his teeth extend into fangs. You let out a groan as he runs his sharp k-9’s against your puffy lips. He uses his tongue to part your lips and as soon as his tongue dips deep inside of you, you grip your pillow.
You watch as your starving husband eats your wet pussy and you moan out into the moonlit room.
His eyes roll back as he uses his tongue and spit to edge you. Your legs begin to tense up as you rock your hips to his movements. He sucks on your clit and then he stops.
“Amor, you need to stay still. If you move too much I’ll have to pin you down so you can’t move. And I know you don’t want that.”
“W..what if I do?” You challenge him. He raises a thick brown at you and he yanks you closer to his fanged mouth. “You sure about that?” Before you could give a cocky response, his mouth had engulfed your entire pussy lips and you groan out incoherent sentences.
He slows down just enough to give you slight friction, but not enough to make you come. He flicks his tongue slowly as he watches your reactions.
“Baby, please. More.” You moan at as he lazily flicks his tongue again. “Mmm, perdoname mi Amor. But I’m going to go at my pace. I want to savor this, pretty little pussy.” He spreads your lips apart he lays his tongue flat against your swollen clit and he twirls his tongue inside of you. Your walls clench slight around it and you moan to the heavens.
Your eyes rolls to the back of your head as you reach down and grab his forearms. You hump his tongue and moan to a god who you hope isn’t listening.
You look back down at him and you see his fangs trace against your inner lips. His eyes still tracking your every movement. “Please.” You moan out as start to buck your hips. He gives a heavy sigh and with a quickness, your husband had moved his mouth away from your pussy and he had pinned you against the bed. Your front against the bed while he laid on top of you.
“I told you not to move, now you get this.” You hear his boxers being pulled down and he smacks his thick heavy dick against your ass cheeks.
If you were a form of water, you’d be a waterfall right now. You push your ass against him but he pins your lower back down. “No, no you don’t get to tease me. You just have to take this dick and use that pretty mouth of your to bite that pillow.”
He grips your throat and you let out a laugh. “Can’t I use my pretty mouth somewhere else?” You tease which causes him to use his knees to spread you apart and you feel his dick start to push through. “Ay dios mío, next time I’ll use that smart ass mouth. But for now…”
As he slides in from behind you let out a gasp and he grips your neck tighter. His dick fills you up and he hasn’t even pushed his full length all the way in yet.
“A…ay dios mío, mi amor.” Your husband grunts as he continues to slide in deeper. You groan out as he slowly thrusts up inside of you. He bites your ear and you bite down on your pillow.
God he was big and your pussy was sucking him in deep. You feel his fangs against your neck next and you moan for him to do it. “Are you sure?” He moan as he fucks you deeper. You moan out yes and you feel his teeth sink into your shoulder.
You feel the air leave your lungs for just a moment and your body is in pure ecstasy. Your husband pounds into you harder and his devilish jaw lets go. He moves your face and you taste blood on his lips.
You suck his tongue and you moan out how you’re going to come. But he doesn’t slow down. Instead he goes faster and lets his body weight hold you in place. “Come for me, come on daddy’s dick so you can suck it clean for him later.” You go to moan out your husbands name as you feel yourself about to come. “Mig-“
You jolt awake from your erotic dream, hearing construction work outside your window. You wake up wet and you look over at your phone screen to see it’s only 5am. “Fuck.” You throw your blankets off of you and you check your shorts. Sure enough you had a wet dream like some pre-adolescent boy.
You wish you knew who the hot stranger you were dreaming about but you had no idea. Which was odd, because from your psychology class, you’ve learned that the human mind is so strange that it can’t create a human face out of thin air. Which means you had to have seen the strangers face before.
You crank up the hot water in the shower and you step in not caring of the scolding water burned you or not. You take your banana milk body wash and clean between your legs. The dream flashes in the back of your mind and you lean your back against the shower wall and you let your hand cup your one of your breast. You think of how the stranger had his face buried between your legs and you use the body wash as lube.
You rub your clit thinking about your dream guy and you let out a moan thinking about his hazel eyes, his large frame. His thick d-
“Hey! Don’t use up all the hot water! Some of us have to shower and go to work!” Your roommate yells behind the door. You move your hands away like a shamed child and quickly finish up your shower.
Once you’re all dried and dressed, you make it to the kitchen to see Erica, your roommate, running around looking for her left shoe.
“Tommie? Have you see my-” Without a missed beat you point under the couch and grab your overnight oats from the fridge. “Thanks T. Oh you’re still coming out tonight right? I know you, you’ll say yes and then in the last minute you’ll make an excuse and stay in.”
You take a bite of the chocolate oats and nod slowly. Both answering her and being happy with your breakfast. “Yeah, I’m still coming. I won’t leave you hanging with Monica and Jerry.” You loved your group of friends but Monica and Jerry tend to always get Erica in trouble. But with you there, their influence won’t be an issue for her.
“Alright, remember we’re going to club Epic. I want us to get together and…” You space out as you eat your chocolate oats and your mind seems to wonder as you lick your spoon.
You think about your dream guy and you imagine your tongue on him. In his mouth, on his neck, on his chest, down his happy trail-
“Tommie!” Erica snaps her fingers in your face and you snap out of your day dream. “What?” You ask with a scowl on your face. “I asked if you could pick me up after work.”
“Yeah, at seven right?” You ask as you scrap the bottom of the jar. “Yes, look I gotta go, can you feed Milo for me?” Your roommate leaves out in a hurry and you as soon as you hear the door lock you place your hands on the counter and you let out a groan.
“Alright girl, you need to stop having these sex dreams and these sex day dream over a man who isn’t your man. He probably was some stranger you saw on the street, you just need to stop.” You tell yourself as you go and pour some food into Milo’s dish bowl. “Milo? Come eat.” You call out to the small kitten.
You know that Milo will come out to eat eventually and you get your blazer off of the coat rack. You grab your purse as well your water bottle and lock the apartment up behind you.
As you walk to the parking lot you hear your phone ringing. You answer it on the fourth ring. “Hi grandma.” You say as you cradle the phone between your shoulder and ear. “Hi, baby cakes. Remember this Friday is family dinner night.”
You press the unlock button to your car as you continue to the drivers door. “Yes grandmother, I remember because you call me every Tuesday and remind m-”
Your drop your water bottle and it rolls towards down the wall way. “One second grandma.”
You put your phone in your pocket and you take off running towards the bottle.
Before you can grab the bottle a pair of hands grab it and you have your knees on your chest. Holding up a finger. “Whew I’m outta breathe. Thank yo….you.” You stare into a pair of hazel eyes and he stares at you.
You two seem to be frozen in that moment. Your dream guy, the dream guy he’s standing right in front of you, standing at at least six foot four. Which made you feel small considering you’re only five feet.
You finally snap out of it as you hear your grandmother on your phone. You grab the phone and tell your grandmother that you’ll call her back. Once you hang up you look up at the handsome stranger as he gives you a look.
“Do I know you?” You ask him. “No, I don’t think so, but here you go.” He hands you your water bottle and as he does your fingertips lightly brush against each other and you feel a spark.
“Well, you have a nice day.” He turns and you blurt out the first thing you can think of. “I like your eyes, they remind me of caramel candies.”
Caramel candies? Tommie are you stupid?
You hear him chuckle and he turns back to you. “Thank you, it’s not everyday you get a compliment like that.” You feel your cheeks warm and you find yourself smiling wide. “My name is Tommie Valentine. What’s yours?” His eyes seem to search your face before answering. “Miguel O’Hara.” He tells you.
Strangely…you knew that. But how? From your dreams? Maybe you’ve heard it somewhere?
“Isn’t that last name Irish?” He nods as he shoves his hands in his pockets. This type of body language you take notice. Hmm he’s uncomfortable?
“It is. I’m sorry I’d love to chat but-” You shake your head. “It’s fine, I have to get to work anyways. Thank you again, and since you’re a neighbor, don’t be a stranger.”
Tommie get in the damn car and drive.
Before you embarrass yourself any further, he turns on his heel and he walks away from you. You feel a bit hurt by that. “Have a good day at work, Tommie.” Miguel calls over his shoulder. You smile again as he says your name and you can’t help but watch him walk away.
He was well built like in your dreams and you immediately think of what else is well built. You snap out of it and quickly get into your car. Hopefully you can beat Nueva York traffic this morning.
Luck must have been on your side because you make it to the building with five minutes to spare. “Miss Valentine, you’re late.” Your boss says as his back faces you in your office.
“Sir, I have…three more minutes.” You say checking your watch. He turns to you and you feel like a spanked child by the way he is narrowing his eyes at you. “You are late, when my calls haven’t been answered, the coffee hasn’t been made, and my paper work hasn’t been prepped. I advise you to come in earlier. Now be sure to push my meetings back for the hour.” Mr. Stark says as he walks past you.
You fake a smile and give him a yes in response. As soon as he leaves you flip him off and toss your things down. “God Howard Stark is a pure asshole.” You mutter as you get ready for work.
Working as Howard Starks Assistant should be a dream come true, but he always felt entitled to every second of your time. Last year he made you come in on your birthday just so he can have you polish his golf equipment.
The pay was at least good enough to suffer through this until you could find another job in possibly technology engineering.
You look over at your window and you take a deep breathe. Nueva York was so pretty during this time of morning. The skyline had hints of orange, gold and red in it. The city was rough but it still had its hidden gems in it…
As you get the flow of things you glance at the clock and see it’s close to noon which means Mr. Stark will be wanting his noon day coffee. As you leave your office you see Gregory, the sweet old security guard by the elevators. “Miss Valentine.” He says with a nod of his hat.
“Hello, Gregory. I’m heading out for coffee. Would you like anything?” He shakes his head. “No ma’am I’m fine.” But you know him. “I’ll bring you back a vanilla cake pop with a small black coffee.” He gives you a gentle smile. “Thank you.”
About ten minutes later you leave the building and wait to cross the street so you can go to the local coffee bean shop.
As you wait, you hear your phone ringing. You look at the screen and see it’s Erica. As you go to answer it, you feel someone standing a bit too close to you.
When you look back you see a shaggy looking man. He gives you a smile and his front teeth are missing. “Hey pretty lady.” He says which makes you want to shrink back from him. You see the cross sign and you makes haste and cross.
But not without some confrontation. “I said hey.” The shaggy man said as he grabbed your wrist. You snatch back from him. “Don’t touch me.” You snap at him. Which causes a rise out of him.
“Oh someone is feisty. I like little chocolate things like you. Come here, lemme just-”
“Hey!” A voice says causing the man to look behind him. You take that chance and you go inside of the coffee bean. You shake off the encounter and get in line.
There was only five people ahead of you so you look back at your phone and see Erica left you a text.
I think I’ve met the man of my dreams-Erica
You roll your eyes because you know Erica falls in love every day of the week.
Oh? Do tell.
You reply back.
As you see her typing, the line starts to move fast.
He’s this cute nerdy looking white boy. His name is Dennis and he is an oral hygienist. Girl he asked me out for Friday! I am in love 😍
You laugh at what your love bound friend had sent you and you think for a second.
You met the man of your dreams, well sort of. He seemed like you’ve met him before but where you wonder.
“Excuse me miss?” You snap out of your thoughts and see it’s your turn to order. “Oh sorry about that.” You order the usual for Mr. Stark as well as something for Gregory and you get yourself a simple chai latte.
Once the total is given you pay and wait by the pick up area. As you wait you go to reply back to Erica.
I’m happy for you! Just make sure when you go on that date, send me your location and bring your mace.
She gives a reply and you’re about to read it but you glance up and you see Miguel. He seems to search the room and his hazel eyes land on you.
However he gets in line and you fix your curls and blazer. “Tony?” The barista calls out. “It’s Tom-you know what never mind.” You accept your order and Miguel stands besides you.
“Fancy meeting you here.” You say with a breathy smile. He nods and grabs his drink. “I happen to be in the area. And you?”
“I work at Stark Tech. Well I’m Mr. Stark’s assistant.” You tell him as you two start to walk out. He holds the door for you and he follows you outside.
“Do you like your job?” Miguel asks as you wait to cross the street. “I…do.” He gives your a raised brow. “Really?” You let out a breath. “Honest truth? I want to work in tech engineering. My dad, he use to work for his own company but it went bankrupt and you know things happen. I want to revive that for him and I want to build better things for the world. I know I can do it. I have the capability and the drive. I just need…someone to believe in me and I don’t have that. I know my friends and grandparents all say they believe in me but I can tell they don’t. The look in their eyes tells me all the time.”
“I believe in you.” Miguel says to you. You look into his eyes and right there you know, he’s telling the truth. Your foot clips under you and you feel yourself about to fall but Miguel yanks you into his chest and you can’t help but stare.
“You know if you keep getting yourself into these bad situations I’m going to need to become your bodyguard.” Miguel says as he stares down at you. You suck in your bottom lip and press your breasts against him, hoping he feels how hard your nipples feel through your white bodycon dress.
There is sexual attraction between the two of you that isn’t hard to deny. He clears his throat and lets you go just when the cross walk sign indicates it’s safe to walk.
You take a step back from him and cross the street feeling a bit embarrassed by your behavior. As you get across the street with him you see in the reflection of the building that Miguel was staring at your hips and ass.
Which caused a smirk to crawl across your glossed lips. You turn on your heel, almost catching him still staring at you. “Are you busy tonight?” You ask him. He seemed to be taken aback by your question. “No…why?”
“My friends and I are going out tonight. To this place called Club Epic. And since you’re new I’d figured you want to go. If you don’t want to then-”
“I’ll be there. What time?” You tell him to be there around nine and he nods. “How about we exchange numbers, just incase plans change.” Miguel hands his phone over to to you, unlocked and you key in your number. You put your name in as well and call yourself so he has your number as well.
When you hand the phone back Miguel was eyeing you up and down, which made you nervous. “You know in this light your eyes look kind of red.” You comment. He immediately shuts his eyes and turns on his heel. “I’ll see you later. Stay out of trouble, amor.”
Did you say something wrong for him to leave so abruptly?
You were in your closet looking for something to wear. So far half of your closet was on your floor. Erica came to your door and paused. “Damn, what are you doing? Trying to dress the whole neighborhood?”
You ignore her and go to the back of your closet. “So remember how I said I invited someone to the club with us? Well he is extremely cute, and I want to find the perfect outfit to wow him.”
“Oh! The guy! Okay, well why don’t you go for the classic black dress?” Erica suggests. “I was going to do that but I want to wear something red. I don’t know why but I feel like that’s his favorite color.”
“Did he tell you that?”
“No, look just help me.” You pull out a red two piece suit and she shakes her head. “This is the club, not one of your stuffy business meetings. Oh! This! This will make him stare.” She shows you a form fitting cocktail dress and you make a face.
“I haven’t worn that in like three years. It might not even fit me now.” Erica sucks her teeth at you and throws the dress at you. “Go try it on now.” You go to protest but just go and try the dress on.
As you pull off your t shirt and sleep shorts, you drop them onto the floor and you take the dress and you slide it on.
It was a bit tight in the hips area but other than that it fit you perfectly. As you look at yourself in the mirror you pat your small tummy pouch and look at your cellulite covered thighs.
You had a cute shape but you tried to avoid wearing outfits like this. Only because they show every flaw you felt you had.
Erica had barged into the bathroom and she smiled like a Cheshire Cat. “Damn little mama, you got a boyfriend cause if you do, I know he be eating you every night!” You turn to her and laugh.
As the both of you wipe the tears from your eyes, you see her looking at her phone. “They’re leaving their place now. We gotta hurry up.” You both go back to getting ready and you decided on putting your hair up. As you do you notice two small dots on the side of your shoulder. They look like bite marks, which you know wasn’t there yesterday.
As you go to touch it, you think of your dream about Miguel biting your shoulder and you snap your hand away.
What was that?
You shake out of it and decide to put a bit of concealer on your bite mark as you finish up.
Once your heels are on and your lip stick is in place, you and Erica both head out the door…
It’s been forty-five minutes and you feel nervous about your outfit choice. You tug at the hemline and Monica was coming back with drinks. “You look gorgeous.” Jerry compliments as he accepts his drink first. “Thank you.” You say as you accept your drink next.
“Tommie, where is this guy?” Erica asks as you scan the crowd. “He’s just running a little late.”
“Well I don’t know about the rest of you but I need to go out there and shake a lil sumn’. Jerry come on, I see a few guys eyeing us and I want to leave here with some digits.” Monica says as she throws her shot back and grabs Jerry’s hand onto the dance floor.”
Erica had sat with you and you check your phone again. There was no messages. Maybe he isn’t going to show.
“T, you’ll be okay right here right? I see Nikki over in the corner. I’ll be right back, really quick.” You put on a brave face and nod. “I’ll be fine. Trust me. Go.” Erica leaves you at the table and you look back at your phone.
You decide to text him.
Hope you still can make it, I’m just sitting close to the bar. I’m wearing a red dress.
You press send and you nurse your vodka and coke. “Anyone sitting here?” You turn and regret it instantly because it’s just a random guy trying to talk to you.
“I’m saving this table for my friends.” You tell him. “I can be your friend then, gorgeous. My name is Nathan.” You sigh because you don’t want to talk to this guy. “Nathan, let me just stop you right there. I’m sorry I’m not interested. And I’m not looking for anymore friends.”
“Well that’s too bad because I wanna be your friend. What’s your name?” He slides in next to you and just when you’re about to open your mouth to curse him out. When you feel someone standing behind your chair. You look up and you see him.
“Hello, amor.” Miguel’s hazel eyes seem to glow in the dim club lights. “Hi.” You forget about the creep and Miguel leans over your chair, in a way that makes him look like he’s about to pick you up out of your chair and take you away from all the chaos.
“Excuse me, we were talking.” Nathan tries to cut in. “Looks like to me, she was just leaving. Puedo tener este baile, mi amor?” You accept his hand and he starts to take you onto the dance floor.
“Hey!” Nathan stand up and when he sees Miguel’s full height he backs down a bit. Miguel smirks at Nathan and he takes you away from him and he brings you to the center of the dance floor.
Jungle from H.E.R plays and he pulls you close to him. You look up at him and in your mind no one else was in the room with you two. “Siento llegar tarde. Something came up.”
“It’s fine, really. I’m just happy you came at all.” You say as your sway your hips to the music. “Why wouldn’t I come? I wanted to see you.” He says as he looks down at you with kind eyes.
You swallow hard and lean your head against his chest. You close your eyes and for some reason this feels familiar to you. Like you’ve danced with him before.
When you look up at him again, you go to speak but your tongue felt like it was stuck at the roof of your mouth. “Red is a beautiful color on you. And it’s my favorite color.” Miguel comments as he spins you slowly and pulls you back.
“Thank you.” Is all you can say as you rock to the beat with him. He smelled so good, and his black button down seemed to hug him right across the chest. You start to wonder how he looks out of the shirt. Maybe how he looks in your dreams?
This man has haunted your dreams and now he is in front of you. You stop moving and just stare at his eyes. “Can I just…?” You get on tippy toe and he leans down. Your eyes flutter closed and you feel his cool breathe against your lips.
Shit even his breathe is attractive.
You feel his lips about to touch yours but you feel a harsh push and cold liquid on the front of your dress.
Your eyes snap open and you see a girl drunkenly dancing. You move back and Miguel helps you off of the dance floor. He leads you to the bar and gets you some napkins to get what smells like tequila, off of you.
“I’ll be right back.” Before Miguel could reply to you, you were already heading to the bathroom. You get inside and as you run the cold water, you glance at your dress in the mirror and you feel angry.
Why did that drink have to spill on you in front of Miguel? Why did that creep have to come and talk to you? You wanted to look perfect for Miguel. You wanted this night to be perfect for Miguel. You feel yourself starting to hyperventilate so you hold onto the sink.
You hear a gentle knock to the door and without opening your eyes you call out to whomever was behind the door. “Someone is in here.” You let out a breathe and use the sink water to dab the dress off a bit.
The knocking happens again and you narrow your eyes at the door. “I said someone is in here.” You call out again but they just didn’t get the hint.
So you toss the wet napkins into the trash can and you yank the door open ready to tell the impatient knocker to fucking stop. But your words die slowly when you see Miguel making his way into the small bathroom with you.
Without breaking eye contact he locks the door behind himself and looks you over. “Are you okay? You looked stressed and I wanted to check on you.”
You turn away from him and face the mirror. His eyes find yours and you let your eyes drop to the sink as you scrub the dress. “I’m fine.” You lie. “Tommie? Amor look at me.” The base in his tone made you stop what you were doing and meet his gaze in the mirror.
“Are you okay?” He leans in so he’s trapped you against the sink and his body. Now that’s you’re alone with him, you feel nervous and horny.
That’s crazy right? Feeling as if you know this complete stranger, and wanting him to grip your hair and fuck you till you can’t use your legs properly.
This is crazy.
“I’m fine.” You lie again, swallowing hard. Miguel’s eyes seem to darken a bit as he nods. “Hmm, if you say so. But I think you’re stressed out…and nervous.” His voice drops down to a whisper and you can’t help but feel his warm body heat radiating off of him. “I…I’m not nervous.” You stutter out to him.
“Are you sure about that, amor? I think you’re nervous.” Miguel was tracing a finger down your arm which gave you goosebumps. “What makes you say that?” You ask as you squeeze your thighs together.
“Well I am a highly intelligent man, and when I was in college, I had studied human behavior. For example, you’re biting your bottom lip and gripping the sink, which shows me you’re nervous. You would rather stay in this very room and not go back out there, because of the embarrassment….” He eyes trails down to your backside and when his eyes meet your again, they look ruby red.
“…But you’re also squeezing your inner thighs together, and that didn’t happen until I got close to you….do I make you nervous, Tommie?” He asks as he presses his front close to your ass.
You can feel he’s hard and you accidentally let out a moan. “N..no.” You lie again. He simply tsks and he lets his hand travel into your messy updo. “Don’t lie to me, mi corazón. Tell the truth and maybe…I can help you relax.” He gently tugs your head back so your neck is exposed in the mirror.
The slight pain feels good to you and you swallow hard. “Maybe a little.” You tell him. His ruby eyes looks directly at your breasts that are spilling out of the top of your dress and he pulls it down. You feel his dick throb against your ass and you test it by back up against him.
“No hagas eso, amor. O te devoraré. Do you want that? Do you want me to devour you right here?” He asks as his lips press against your neck.
“God, yes please.” You beg. Your eyes flutter close as he squeezes and massages your breasts. “Put your hands on the mirror and make sure you don’t get too loud.” He whispers against your ear.
You open your eyes and in the mirror you see this man get on his knees for you. You look back but he shakes his head. With his finger he motions you to turn around. You do as you’re told and he rubs his large palms across your ass.
“You are a goddess you know that, right? You are the definition of beauty.” He whispers as he lifts your dress, letting the cool air of the bathroom caress your exposed thighs and ass.
His fingers hook around the band of your panties and he pulls them down to your ankles. He bends you over so that your cunt was exposed to him.
This should be embarrassing but it was erotic and you wanted this man to see all of you. You feel his lips kiss your thighs and you hear the buckle to his belt. Which made your walls clench.
You wanted to peek and see what he was doing but that thought gets interrupted when you feel his tongue lick from the hood of your clit all the way to your ass. You sag against the sink and watch your own eyes roll back as Miguel palms you open and continues to lick you out.
You moan out to him and feel your legs turn into jello. “Baby…don’t stop.” Your dreams couldn’t compare to this moment. Miguel’s nose rubs against you which causes you to arch your back and slowly fuck his mouth.
“Just like that, amor. Fuck my face, just like that.” He moans out as you get a death grip on the sink. He flicks his tongue deep inside of you and you bite your lip hard as you feel yourself getting close to the edge.
He sucks your clit and rubs your asshole at the same time which causes your walls to clench. “Mmm, don’t hold back, amor. Come for me. Come all over my face so I can drink you up.” You let out another moan as he flicks his tongue faster. “Don’t stop, jus…just like that.” Your body tensed up as he doesn’t slow down. He keeps up with his pace and you let out a whimpering moan as you feel your cum drip down his face.
He holds onto your hips and sucks you deep. You collapse but Miguel grabs you before you fall and he turns you around. You grab him close by his shirt and kiss him.
He holds you and you taste yourself on him. As you slide your tongue into his mouth you feel something sharp and it cuts you.
You pull back from him and you feel the small cut on your tongue. “Ouch.” You comments as you turn your head slightly and look in the mirror. You glance at Miguel in the mirror and you jump.
His eyes were blood shot. His mouth looked devilish and his demeanor made him look like a predator. He looked like a monster. When you turn back to him, he had moved away from you and when you reach for him he jerked away from you.
“I’m sorry, I need to go.” And just as fast as he came in was just as fast when he left. You fixed yourself quickly and called out to him. “Miguel! Miguel wait!” You try to catch up to him but he was quick and he was gone.
Leaving you wondering what did you do wrong?
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boncottontail · 7 months
The thing about acas!roier and acas!cellbit is that they’re geniuses in their own right but are complete dumbasses when it comes to figuring out each other’s secret identities.
Cellbit already had a bit of a theory from the beginning. He’d noticed a ton of similarities between Spider-Man and Roier but his brain created a mental wall that’s preventing him from connecting the dots because with all he’s going through currently, the last thing he wants is to find out that his friend (crush?) is also his arch nemesis.
Roier, on the other hand, is too gay and in love to even consider that Cellbit is Black Cat. He notices the similarities, too, but it all goes down the drain because whenever he’s with Cellbit he feels all icky (/pos) and weird and every slight physical contact with his crush shuts down his brain. He sees Cellbit through rose-tinted glasses (similar to how Damien views Anya).
So, yeah. It’ll take a while.
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holy-shit-comics · 9 months
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Lillen Moiral posing for her Forbes cover shoot.
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Transformers Animated Swap au.
(Be warned any ficlets of this au is written in no particular order and some things may be subject to change as I progress with this au)
Along Came a Spider
The Space bridge repair crew have been on Earth long enough for the seasons to have changed. According to Sari the humans have this tradition called Halloween that seemingly lasts the whole month of October but is really just the last day of the month, only artist celebrate the whole month with a practice known as Inktober. Which is why Bulkhead, Wasp, Sari and Elita-1 were at a pumpkin patch picking out which pumpkin they would like to crave. Well, only Sari, Wasp and Bulkhead were choosing pumpkins, Elita was staring at the faint fake spider hanging above the entrance of the pumpkin patch.
Memories of that awful day were threatening to resurface after years of trying her damnist to forget them. Elita may have been on the fast track to becoming a member of the Elite Guard at one point in her life but after Archa 7 Elita tried to forget about that and and pretend that she was always a maintenance bot. If she knew Earth had spiders she would have reconsidered staying on Earth for a long as they have and went full force with repairing their ship but now it was too late for that.
Elita shuttered at the fake spider and returned with the rest of the group. Soon after Bulkhead accidentally destroying the pumpkin that Wasp and Sari picked out and Wasp playfully making fun of Bulkhead for it. Bulkhead's expression sored a little bit but soon brightened back up. From what Elita understood Wasp and Bulkhead were apart of the same platoon back when they were in Autobot boot camp, that Wasp wasn't the nicest of bots back then and that something happened that, from what she could infer from Bulkhead and Wasp's arguments was Wasp's fault, that Bulkhead and his best friend from boot camp wer sperated to never see each other again. It painfully reminded her of the friendship she once had with Optimus and Sentinel before Archa 7, but thankfully their time on Earth and with Sari's interference the two have begun the slow process of actually becoming friends.
When they got back to base the trio immediately started to think of what they should dress up as.
"Oh, Wasp, you should dress up as a fuzzy little bumblebee, since you know you're like a, well wasp, and bumblebees are like wasps but cuter and still pack a sting!"said Sari full of energy.
Bulkhead's face dropped and turned into one of somber while Wasp's flashed with anger for a moment.
"No," said Wasp bluntly and a little too quickly.
"Yeah Bumblebee did have quite the sting," whispered Bulkhead in a quite tone that no one else in the room heard.
Sari's smile faded upon seeing Wasp and Bulkhead's reactions.
"Or maybe you could go as a vampire?" asked Sari nervously.
"Of crouse I would," said Wasp whose expression immediately softened up.
After a few more hours and the team accidentally discovering Elita had a fear of spiders when Sari decided to prank her with a toy spider, Wasp, Sari and Bulkhead were all ready to go. Bulkhead had somehow found a sheet big enough to fit his whole body to complete his ghost costume and falling through with his promise Wasp was dressed as a vampire. Sari had said that her costume was a surprise so she didn't tell them what she was going as until she arrived fully dressed. Elita was definitely surprised when Sari showed up dressed up as her. A cardboard box was wrapped around her little buddy drawn and coloured to look like Elita's body and she was even wearing a blonde wig in a ponytail to emulate Elita's head.
After her failure on Archa 7 to save her best friend, someone she would dare to call her brother, Elita didn't think that anyone would be looking up to her, unless they were shorter than her which was true for Sari, but here Sari was dressed up as her to go trick or treating with the two youngest members of their team. Elita had said that she was flattered but she wasn't going with them.
It had only taken a few hours for everything to go to scrap. Elita was listening into Wasp and Bulkhead's conversation via their com links when she heard that Wasp had spotted something that resembled a giant spider. Upon hearing that Elita had immediately let her easdropping known and left for their current location.
Elita and Optimus were defending themselves from the giant organic spiders that were surrounding them from all sides. They had no other choice but to blow up the energon that was stored in the Decepticon warship. While escaping the explosion the worst happened. Optimus' grapple missed it's mark, which until then was something that had never happened, and the young autobot fell to his death. If it wasn't the explosion that killed him the spiders definitely did. Primus did Elita hope the explosion is what offlined her old friend and he wasn't eaten by the spiders.
Suddenly a giant spider dropped down in between Wasp and Bulkhead. Bulkhead was frozen in shock while Wasp immediately activated his stingers and took aim at the giant spider. Shocking everyone there even more than they already were the giant spider transformered into a 'bot. It transformered.
The first thing they noticed about the mech in front of them was that he had two long spider legs that shot up attached to his back and the back half of a spider attached to his waist. The mech was painted black and purple with gold highlights with some dark blue thrown in. The next thing they noticed was that he had four eyes, each glowing in a menacing red. The final thing the trio noticed was the Decepticon logo on his neck armor, the logo itself looked beaten up and had scratch marks all around like if the 'con had tried to remove it.
The 'con moved fast and in a blink of an optic was right in front of Wasp.
"Now hold still so my friend could actually see you this time!"yelled Wasp, calling Bulkhead had a bitter taste in his intake after everything he had did to him.
The 'con looked a Wasp lowering himself to the minibot's eye level. Wasp was taken aback by this, not just the fact the menacing 'con was now making eye contact with him but the look in the 'con's optics. Wasp didn't know how to describe it, the 'con somehow looked tired, angry, calm and sad at the same time.
"I'm not here for you two I'm here for something else, something that, probably wouldn't give me fully my old life back but something close, and an escape," said the 'con, even though he sounded calm on the surface but he underneath the calmness he sounded tired.
"I'm not sure we have what in the Pit you're talking about but we have nothing that could help you and if we did we won't help a 'con like you," spat Wasp taking aim at the larger bot in front of him.
The 'con laughed at the smaller bot's comment before turning his body to look at Sari. That was when it hit them he was after the key.
"You're not taking my friend's key!"yelled Bulkhead as he turned servo into a wrecking ball and started to go into place to swing it.
Before either of them could make a move the 'con had sturked them both with some kind of vemon that knocked them out.
"I wasn't asking," said the 'con coldly.
The 'con turned to the little girl and tried to give her a reassuring smile, which failed miserably seeing as that he had just knocked out two of her friends and he had razor sharp teeth.
"Don't worry they're not dead just unconscious," said the 'con as Sari tried to use her key to wake them up, "also my vemon is organic and the key of yours doesn't work on organics".
Sari looked up at the 'con that was towering her with fear in her eyes.
"What do you want?" Sari asked with wide eyes.
"I think I said that already, I'm looking for something to give me an escape and my old life back," said the 'con, "and I think that key of yours would be helpful in that".
Sari was unsure of what to think the 'con seemed genuinely upset about something and angry lashing out at anyone and anything. But, then again he had hurt her friends but they did went to attack him first.
The 'con dropped down on one knee to be closer to Sari's height. He tried to give her a soft soft smile before beginning to speak once more.
"The others back on the warship called me The Black Spider, I had a different designation a long time ago but now that's in the past," said Black Spider sounding genuinely sad while telling Sari he used to have a different name in the past.
Black Spider suddenly got up and went to grab Sari's but before he could Elita had arrived and tackled him to the ground. The two begun to fight with Black Spider pinning Elita to the side of the building.
"Look, Elita, I just want that key to try something," said Black Spider through gritted teeth.
Elita looked surprised for a moment before regaining her composure.
"How do you know my name?" Elita asked the larger 'bot.
"Everycon knows the name of the 'bot who supposedly defeated and offlined Megatron," said Black Spider but for a moment he also seemed surprised to be asked that.
Black Spider picked Elita up and threw her before making a break towards Sari. Black Spider used his webbing to tie Sari up before using it make to escape.
"Sorry, change of plans," said Black Spider to the frightened child.
Sari struggled against the 'con before Elita using Wasp's stings managed to hit Black Spider sending both of them crashing on the top of a building. Upon getting up Black Spider gently put Sari down onto the ground before using his webs to tie her to a wall. As soon as Elita landed the two immediately began to fight each other.
"I know all of your moves, Elita, pure textbook Autobot Academy," said Black Spider as he dodged all of Elita's attacks.
"Do I know you?" Elita asked genuinely confused on how he knew all her moves.
"I don't forget things as easily as you forget your friends!" Black Spider spat with venom in his voice, "but you did manage to remember Sentinel!".
Elita's energon ran cold as she finally recognized her combatten.
"Optimus?" Elita hesitatedly asked.
"Oh now you remember me, not that I blame you I look every different nowadays," said Black Spider sounding rather sad whilst confirming his identity to be that of Elita's long thought dead friend.
Elita took a step back her head was figuratively spinning because of this knew information. Elita looked saddened at the Decepticon symbol on his neck armor.
"I see you've joined the Decepticons," said Elita sadden to see her former friend join the Decepticons.
"Not like I had a choice in the matter!" Black Spider yelled dangerously close to breaking down while falling to his knees.
Elita approached her former friend and placed her hands on his shoulders in other to comfort him. Elita took note of how he flinched when she placed her hands on his shoulders. She will hurt whoever made him so afraid.
"Then tell me, old friend what happened?" Elita asked with genuine care and sadness in her voice.
Black Spider embraced into Elita's touch. Elita could tell that Black Spider was severely touch starved. Elita was definitely going to hurt someone. When Black Spider remained silent Elita asked again.
"Who did this to you?"
"That son of a glitch Decepticon scientist, Shockwave, he did this to me!" Black Spider yelled.
Black Spider wrapped both of his arms around Elita's stomach area and pulled her into a tight hug. This was a genuinely distressing for Sari to watch. She wondered what kind of horrors took place during the war that the others didn't tell her.
"After I fell, I tried my best to fend off the spiders but eventually a good number of them bit me sinking their venom into my body, I should have died, but instead I went into a sort of stasis lock mode, and when I awoke I was in a laboratory strapped to a medical breth with a purple warframe with one optic and clawed servos
"I immediately recognized that he was a victim of the empurata procedure, which has been banned by the high council after the war had ended so I knew that he was an old 'bot that likely has been around since before the war, I later learnt that his name was Shockwave, I slipped in and out of conscience for the next few solar cycles and each time I woke up I was different, he turned me into some techno-organic freak!
"After being fully situated with my 'new and improved', as he called it, body they branded me with the decepticon logo and forced me to be one of them, I didn't want to but I had no choice because even if I somehow escaped I would never be expected back into Autobot society as part organic, you know how much the others hate anything organic," Black Spider explained sounding like he was going to snap any moment.
Black Spider's story was a truly upsetting one to hear. Sari was shock to find out that most Cybertronians hate organics but was thankful that she meant the ones that did like them. Sari felt truly bad for Black Spider and wished she could help him, maybe she'll let him try use the key on himself to see if it could restore his original body or at least fix his broken mind, even then Sari knew you can't just magic away trauma.
"Nonsense you were practically Ultra Magnus' sparkling even before we joined Autobot Academy together," said Elita whilst giving her broken friend a hug.
"No, he would be the first to say that they need to lock me up and experiment on me," said Black Spider looking up at Elita from where he was kneeling.
Elita looked away from her old friend, she didn't know Ultra Magnus how he would take something like this or respond to it.
"Look, Optimus-".
"It's Black Spider now,".
"Black Spider, there's always a place for you in team E-1, I'm sure the others wouldn't mind, I'm sure they'll give you a nice warm welcome, maybe not Wasp but I'm sure with some encouragement from the others he'll come around," said Elita to the kneeling mech and saying the last bit with Wasp with slight humor.
Black Spider looked up at Elita before beginning to raise.
"Maybe one day I'll take you up on that offer, but for now I'll like to figure things out on my own," replied Black Spider.
Soon after getting up and unbinding Sari from the wall he left. Elita looked guilt ridden, angry and sad, mostly sad though. Sari felt like Elita wouldn't want to talk about what had just happened so for now Optimus being Black Spider and the Cybertronian equivalent of a human experiment was going to be a secret between the two of them, at least until Elita was ready to talk.
The two made their way down the building just when Bulkhead and Wasp arrived.
"Aww come on, we missed the action!" exclaimed Wasp.
The two females didn't say anything to Bulkhead and Wasp which tipped them off to the fact that they didn't want to talk about whatever had happened. Without a word Elita transformed into vehicle mode while Sari claimed into Bulkhead and begun their trip back to the plant and Bulkhead's to Sumdac Tower to drop Sari off.
"Hey Bulkhead, how would you take it if one day your best friend whom you thought was dead suddenly showed up one day and was a decepticon?" Sari asked the large 'bot.
"I would never recover from the fact my best friend was a decepticon and spend way too long grieving over the person I thought I knew," replied Bulkhead thinking about his boot camp days.
'That is what I've been doing for stellar cycles now,' Bulkhead mentally added.
Sari fell silent and the rest of the ride was like that in complete silence. Both Sari and Elita hoped that sooner rather than later Black Spider would take Elita's offer of becoming a member of the team up.
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purplewitch156 · 4 months
Ooo along came a spider??? What's that one?
Along Came a Spider is my monster, horror, gen-fic. I’m still figuring some stuff out with the plot, but ultimately, Tom is an abandoned child. Right now, I’m leaning toward Merope raising him. They are extremely poor and homeless. I’m not sure yet how Merope dies, whether it’s a drug overdose or she vanishes one day or is attacked/assaulted, but Tom suffers a traumatizing loss that sparks the birth of the Spider.
The Spider is a manifestation of his anger, sorrow, loneliness, lack of control, etc. I’m calling it the Spider instead of Voldemort (even though it is Voldemort but in monstrous spider form) because I was heavily inspired by two particular enemies in Elden Ring.
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In Elden Ring, the Grafted Scion, aka the spider, takes the limbs from its victims and grafts them onto its body to form a terrifying mass of parts. The idea behind grafting is that it makes them stronger and I think that idea would be very attractive to Voldemort. However, I imagine my Spider Voldemort looking a bit more like another enemy in the game, the Revenant. Interestingly, they can be killed with healing magic which fits in well with this story.
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The other inspiration for Spider Voldemort is from A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik, specifically the maw-mouth. The maw-mouth is like a slow moving ooze that grows larger with each victim it absorbs, but instead of killing its victims, they are kept alive within the maw-mouth in eternal torment. The maw-mouth’s body is covered in the eyes of its victims. So my vision for Spider Voldemort is a blend of these monsters. I love the idea of him utilizing aspects of his victims to trick or torment others he hasn’t grabbed yet, like the bear in Annihilation when its roar is the scream of the last person it killed.
Once the Spider is born, it pretty much runs rampant, turning the town where this is set into a graveyard, but the Potters are able to escape. They flee to a watery, low-lying forest area and end up discovering that a particular mineral/rock wards off the Spider. I’m picturing them as witchy/mana crystals that are powered by hope and when they are lit with hope, the Spider can’t be anywhere near them, kinda like the dementors. So the Potters build a new home in this river-swamp-forest with these crystals.
The Spider fucking hates the Potters. He hates them in a manner that is above and beyond. He hates that they were able to get away from him. He hates that they are thriving. He hates that they are a supportive family that loves each other. Pretty much he hates anything that Tom didn’t get to have because he is built from the things that went wrong in Tom’s life. He is determined to kill them and he eventually gets James and Lily, leaving Harry who’s 13? to fend for himself.
Harry grows up, but Tom doesn’t. I’m not sure if Tom turns into the Spider in that initial birth or if the Spider absorbs him, but he’s in the Spider one way or another and that freezes his growth, keeping him the same age. 8?? Not sure yet. Eventually, once Harry is in his 20s or 30s and defying the Spider left, right, and center, the Spider frees Tom from himself and orders him to bring Harry to him.
Harry will have no idea that the kid he finds in his swampy woods (is gonna be a swamp?? hmmm) is the one who brought about the Spider and he has no idea that he’s being led into a trap. He just sees a kid while he’s out hunting and says, ‘Hey, you can’t stay out here on your own. You can stay with me, though.’
I think Harry’s gonna be a bit closed off in this fic. And I imagine Tom will be, too. So I think of this story as two damaged, traumatized people healing each other.
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speedygal · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers Animated (2007) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bumblebee & Elita One, Bumblebee & Prowl (Transformers) Characters: Elita One (Transformers), Arachnus Prime (Transformers Animated), Bumblebee (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Bitterness, Detroit, Character Study, Guilt, Regret, Heartwarming, Stand Alone Summary:
It started with a drive to shake off the unpleasant feelings that caused recharge to be evasive mere hours after the events of Halloween.
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rags-n-bones · 8 months
Chapter 26, longest one yet, wherein Peter gets at least a little injured.
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redysetdare · 7 months
I'm laughing at this more than I should be.
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watsittoyah · 1 year
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Along Came A Spider…2099
Warnings-Sexual content, sex dreams, time travel, oral sex, rough sex, fang play, size kink, breeding kink and slight blood play. Some obsessive behavior..
(My Spanish isn’t great, so I did use google translate to help…)
Chapter 3- Tinted Windows…
Your eyes opened and you were stretching. When you look around your room you instantly feel a panic.
Was last night a dream?
It couldn’t have been right?
You throw the sheets off of the bed and your legs felt a bit wobbly. As you run to the door you stop as a very well built Miguel O’Hara stood there with breakfast for you.
“Buen día, mi amor. How did you sleep?” He asks as he looks down at you with a smile. It wasn’t a dream, he actually is here. “I slept like a baby. How about you?” He places your breakfast down and he cups your face between his hands.
“I slept great, at least until you started snoring.” You look at him mortified. “I don’t snore!” You move away from him but he pulls you back. “I’m only teasing you. You don’t snore. But speaking of things while you were sleep, your roommate wants to talk to you.”
Your eyes shoot right to the door. “Shit, shit, shit. I need my pants. Where are my pants?” You grab a pair of sweatpants and you roll those on, tossing your ripped shorts into the trash. “I’ll be right back.” You tell Miguel as you leave the room and close the door behind you.
In the living room your see your roommate, reading a magazine. “Good morning.” You say as you stand there. “Morning.” She says as she flips the page.
Ooh she’s in a mood.
“Erica I can explain-“ She raises a hand. “You know I woke up this morning and I smelled breakfast. I was thinking, T is out of her depression funk, good for her. But then I remembered that we didn’t go grocery shopping just yet. So I left my bedroom and I see a big back in our kitchen. And that big back didn’t belong to you-”
“I can expl-”
“Let me finish. This man spoke to me, he was polite. He made me a plate, he made Milo some food. And he cleaned up after himself. Shit I’m thinking about letting him move in with us. Now is that the man who had you in a mood for the past two weeks?” You just nod and she looks up at you.
“You better had forgave him, or so help me, T I will body slam you across this apartment. Because that’s a good man you got. Hell does he have a brother?” You feel a small smile on your face and shrug.
“I don’t know we were a bit too busy last night for me to ask.” Her eyes get big. “Was it good?” She whispers. “My legs are still wobbly but girl, it was more than good.”
“You lucky bitch.” You both laugh and she gets up and pulls you into a hug. “Go, we can have that walk later. I need to go visit my mom. And make sure you two keep that in your bed room. I don’t want to come home and I see ass and tiddies where Milo eats his snacks.” You suck your teeth at your roommate but smile.
“See you later E.” She waves over her shoulder and leaves the apartment. As you walk back into your room your see Miguel getting dressed. “Where are you going?” You ask in a panic.
“I have some important business to attend to, amor. Trust me if it wasn’t important I wouldn’t be leaving your side right now.” He kisses your lips several times before walking to your door. “Oh, okay. Well will you be back later?”
“No, I’m going to be busy for the next few days, but I will text and call you every chance I get.” You give a sad smile and Miguel pulls you into a hug. “Don’t give me that look. It’s already hard enough I have to leave a beautiful woman like you alone for a while. If it were up to me I’d kidnap you.” You laugh at that but in his eyes he looked serious.
“Go, you have business and I have a breakfast that my loving hus…” You stop your words right there.
Were you about to say loving husband?
“You enjoy your day, Miguel.” You smile at him and he stands there for a moment. “You too, Tommie.”
“Here let me walk you out.” As you two walk to the front door, Miguel turns to you and he lifts your chin up so you’re staring up at him. “When I’m all done, I want to take you to dinner. Would that be okay with you?”
“Yes, I’m sure it would….are you sure you can’t stay? It’s my day off and I’m going to be all alone in this apartment for a few hours.” Just then you hear a small meow and you both look to see Milo stretching out by the window. “Don’t tempt me. You hold down the fort, Milo. And I’ll call you, amor.” Miguel pins you against the wall and he kisses you passionately, leaving you feeling light headed. “Until we see each other again.” Miguel gives you one more peck and he leaves out the door. You close it behind him and you press your back against the door, sliding down it like some love sick puppy.
“Milo don’t look at me like that.” You say as Milo watches you from across the room…
It’s been a few days and you haven’t heard from Miguel. “What’s wrong baby cakes?” Your grandmother asks as you help her in her garden. “Hmm? Nothing. The strawberries look good.”
“Those are cherry tomatoes. Now I know something is wrong. Look at me.” You try to avoid her eyes but you know you can’t. “What’s wrong?” You sigh and sit down in the dirt.
“There’s this guy, and well we haven’t been talking long but…it feels like I’ve known him for a long time. Anyways he said that he would keep in contact with me and I haven’t heard from him…in the past few days.”
Your grandmother gives you a side hug. “You like this boy?”
“I do, he…just seems so familiar to me. Am I being clingy?” You ask as she helps you up off of the ground. You clean off your butt and she shakes her head. “Baby cakes, that’s the thing about you young ones. Don’t even say you’re old you’re only thirty-three, that’s young. There is no such thing as clingy when it comes to someone you care about. Call him if you want to. Leave him a message and let him know he’s on your mind. Don’t neglect your feeling. Be honest. That is what your grandfather and I do. That’s what your father and mother use to do. Be honest.”
You nod at her advice and as you go to speak you hear the back door and your grandfather comes out with a tray of drinks.
“Boy it is hot out here. How would you ladies like to take a break and have some ice cold lemonade?” You accept the glasses and hand one to your grandmother.
“Charles, you didn’t make this too sweet did you? You know your sugar levels can’t handle that.”
“Barbra, just drink the lemonade and stop worrying about my sugar levels.” As your grandparents bicker, you smile at the two. They were the best parents that anyone could have asked for.
When your parents had passed when you were thirteen, you had moved in with them. Their relationship was the blueprint for you. And maybe one day you could have what they had.
“The garden looks wonderful, Barbra. Now can I take my granddaughter to the junk yard so we can build something?” Your grandmother kisses his cheek and pats his face. “Come back to me, Charles. And bring our baby back safe.” He smiles and nods. “I will. Now come on brains. I know where we can find a mini jet engine.”
You place your empty glass down and kiss your grandmother on her cheek. “I’ll keep him safe.” You and your grandfather gets to the front of the house and you get into his pick up truck.
“What do you want to built today, brains?” Your grandfather asks as he starts driving down the street. “I’m thinking maybe a gene splicer? Or another alarm clock.” You say as you look at your phone and see a message from Miguel.
Thinking about you, amor.
You smile and text back.
I’m thinking about you too…I miss you.
You press send before you regret it and hear your grandfather cough. “You okay?” You ask concerned. “I’m alright, I’m just gonna stop by the store and grab some cough drops.”
He turns down the road and stops by a mini bodega. “I got it.” You tell him as you get out of the truck.
You walk inside and go directly to where the cough drops were. As you look for the sugar free brand you feel someone watching you. You glance around and see no one except the cashier. But he was watching the tv.
You go back to looking and you find a brand with at least 3 grams of sugar in it. “Better than nothing I guess.” You mumble as you walk to the register. You grab a bottle of water on your way up and place them both on the counter.
The cashier looks over at you and straightens. “Hello there.” He says in a friendly tone. “Hello..” You balance on the balls of your feet as he rings you out and you catch him staring.
“I hope you found everything you needed today, and if so could I take you out for a coff…” You wonder why he stops talking and when you look at him he was staring past you in horror.
You look back only to see no one was there. “Okay, well you have a good day.” You give him exact change and you go back out to the truck.
“How much do I owe you?” Your grandfather asks. You shrug. “The cashier gave it to me cause I was cute. So it’s free.” You joke. “You’re as stubborn as your father, I swear. The man wouldn’t let me pay him back for anything.” You smile and as you two pull out of the parking lot you see a large man leaving the bodega.
That looks like, nah. It couldn’t be…could it?
Your hands were filthy but it was worth it for all the parts you two had salvaged. “Make sure you don’t go building something illegal. I’d hate to have to put my granddaughter in jail for the reward money.” Your grandfather says as he helps you with your parts and puts them in the back.
“I was going to say it was you and get the reward money.” You both laugh and he pats your curly hair. “You know you remind me of CJ everyday. Down to the curly hair…” Your grandfather grows silent and he takes his handkerchief out and wipes his eyes.
“I miss dad too. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I’ll look in the mirror and see his eyes.” You two stand in silence and from the corner of your eye you see movement. You try to strain your eyes but your grandfather clears his throat.
“I know you are your fathers daughter, but promise me you won’t go into that line of work.” Here we go again. “Grandpa I know you don’t want me working as a tech engineer but I know I have what it takes. Alchemax would pro-”
“Don’t you ever say that company’s name in my presence, brains. Not after what they did to this family. After what they did my your parents.” You suck in your bottom lip and nod. “Yes sir.”
As the two of you got in the car you sit in silence. “Can we stop for some ice cream? I’ll pay.” You tell him. “We can stop and I’ll be paying. I won’t have my granddaughter spoiling me. I’m suppose to spoil you. And maybe some great-grand children if you decide to have some.”
“Here we go. Grandpa I will have babies one day but not today or tomorrow.”
“I know, I just want you to have someone. Like I have your grandmother. I want you happy. Even if it’s with a gold fish.” Your grandfather drives and you look out the window. In the rear view mirror you see a black sleek sports car following the truck. The windows to the car were tinted black so you couldn’t see who it was behind the wheel.
You have light conversation with your grandfather and keep an eye on the car. So far it’s been following you for the past ten minutes.
“…I’ll be sure to stay over for dinner tonight.” You answer as he takes a left turn and sure enough the car takes a left turn as well.
Who is following us?
When your grandfather finally gets to the ice cream parlor, the car just drives past and you feel yourself finally relax.
Maybe it was just a coincidence?
You and your grandfather head inside of the ice cream parlor and were greeted by Mary-Anne. The owner of the parlor. “Hey guys, what can I get for you two today?”
“I’ll take the cherry cone with butter crunch cream.” You give your grandfather a look. “Mary-Anne he’ll have the vanilla sugar free cone.”
He huffs. “Back in my day a man could eat a honey bun and have a bottle of coke and no one would bat an eye.”
“Well I want my grandfather to see me in my wedding dress so no complaints. Alright I’ll have the toffee special, but in a waffle bowl.” Mary-Anne gets your orders ready and your grandfather pats his pockets.
“Drat, I left it-I’ll go get it. Don’t you dare pay.” He goes to leave but you stop him. “I’ll grab your wallet. It’s in your special spot right?” You go to open the door but the handle was moved away from you and you’re staring into a pair of pretty hazel eyes.
Before he could speak you push him back out. “Miguel, what are you doing?” You ask him in a hushed tone. “What do you mean? I was just in the neighborhood.” You blink serval times because clearly this man thinks you’re stupid.
“Miguel, don’t you lie to me, why have you been following me?” He goes to lie but you raise your brow at him. “Don’t you lie! That was you leaving the bodega. That was you in the junk yard. And that was you in the car following us. Before you say no, there are hundred of ice cream parlors in Nueva York. But this one, is special because I’ve been coming here since I was a little girl. That? That is too much of a coincidence. Now tell me the truth.” You tap your foot and cross your arms waiting for his answer. He sighs.
“I was only following you because I had happened to spot you while I was out. I was going to text you but I thought that was a bit creepy. I’m sorry mi corazón. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Miguel pulls you in as he moves your arms so he can embrace you.
You wish you could stay mad at him but you can’t help but melt from his touch. Your body missed him. “I missed you.” You tell him as you look up at him. “And I missed you too.” Miguel leans down to kiss you but you two jump apart when you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
“Grandpa! I was just-”
“About to introduce me to your friend?” He asks as he eyes Miguel. Miguel goes to shake his hand. “Hello sir. My name is Miguel O’Hara, it’s so nice to meet you.” He shakes his hand back and you can tell he’s sizing him up.
“I wish I could say the same.”
“Grandpa!” You scold him. “Tell me what are your intentions with my granddaughter?” If you could have the ground open up and swallow you, you would.
“I want nothing more than to keep her safe, sir.” Your grandfather looks over at you. “Is this man someone who you like?” You feel put on the spot but you nod and feel your face warm up. “Yes.”
He huffs. “I already knew it. When I came out here the boys paws were all over your behind I thought I was going to get some grandkids tonight.”
Miguel tries to hide his laugh and you cover your face. “Grandpa I’m paying for your ice cream. I’ll even let you get the one you really want just go back inside please.” He purses his lips but goes back inside.
“I like him. He’s funny.” Miguel says as he stands there watching your grandfather. “He’s a real riot. So are you still handling your business?”
“Nope, I am officially done for the rest of the day.”
“Good, then I’m inviting you over for dinner at my grandparents.” Miguel looks a bit surprised. “So soon? Are you sure?” You lean in close. “Miguel we literally had sex and I know you have fangs.” You whisper to him.
“Right…right. Do you think your grandparents will like me? Should I bring something? Maybe I should go get a haircut.”
“Don’t you dare cut those locks of yours. You’ll be fine and you can bring my grandmother flowers. She has a garden so she’d love that. Now let me go back inside before this grumpy old man starts to tell me about condoms and other forms of birth control. And Miguel?”
“Sí amor?” You pat his cheek. “You’ll be fine. I’ll send your address. Dinner is at seven o clock sharp. Don’t be late.” You kiss his lips and walk back inside of the parlor. Your grandfather narrowing his eyes at Miguel.
“Grandpa stop that. He’s a nice guy. How much do I owe you, Mary-Anne?”
“He better be nice. He’s as big as a bear and he stares a little too hard at you. I don’t like it.”
“Mr. Valentine you should be open minded. My son, Maverick. He brought home a handsome boy the other day and I have to say he makes him happy. Tommie does your man friend make you happy?”
“Yes he does. And he is coming over for dinner tonight. Grandpa don’t even try to argue, or I’ll tell grandma about the ice cream.” He shuts his mouth as you pay and you two leave out of parlor.
You shoot Miguel a text and you cross your fingers hoping tonight goes perfect.
Good thing you had a few cute clothes in your old bedroom.
You were freshly showered and you were trying to get your curls to listen. But they wanted to defy gravity and stick up. “Where is my butterfly clip?” You say as you search your dresser. You find the clip and secure it in your hair.
You then give yourself a nice look over. You were wearing a pretty flower dress that came down to your calf’s. A pair of yellow wedges and you had on a thin chain with your initials on it.
“Is this too much?” You ask as you turn and look at your plump butt in the mirror. “No, this is cute. And sexy at the same time.” You comment as you grab your phone and check the time.
Miguel had sent a text that he was outside and you ran out of your old room to go meet him. “No running.” Your grandmother calls out from the kitchen. “Sorry!” You call over your shoulder. Just before you open the door you take a calm breath and put a smile on your face.
When you open it you see Miguel standing there with two bouquets of flowers. “These Spider Lillie’s are for you, amor. And these baby breathe flowers are for your grandmother.” You smell the flowers and they smelled amazing. “Thank you, please come in. I’ll introduce you.” You lead him into the kitchen and there you look for a vase.
“Grandma, this is Miguel. Miguel this is my grandma.” Your grandmother wipes her hands dry on a dish towel and she opens her arms to him.
“Come here and let me look at you.” She touches his face and she then smiles at the both of you. “My you are handsome. Now I see why my granddaughter is taken by you.”
“Grandma, please.” You whine. Miguel smiles at her and she pats his chest. “Miguel I hope you like chicken stew with vegetables from my garden.”
“That sounds delicious, Señora. May I help you set the table?” She nods in approval and you show her the flowers Miguel had gotten you.
“Oh these will look so lovely in my garden, Miguel. Thank you.” She sniffs them and he looks over at you and mouths that he likes her. You mouth back what’s not to like?
After the table is set and the food is out, the four of you sit down and get ready to eat. You help serve Miguel and he pours you a drink. Your grandparents watches you two and feel a smile on your face as Miguel’s hand finds yours under the table.
“So Miguel, what do you do for work?” Your grandmother asks as she passes a roll to your grandfather. “I am a scientist. I work in the field that involves evolution to mammals as well as insects.”
“Ah, you're a brain just like Tommie here. I’m happy, the bloodline has hope yet.” You see your grandmother shoot a glare at your grandfather and then she smiles at Miguel.
“I apologize for my husband, his sugar is just low. Anyways, how did you and Tommie meet?” You go to speak but Miguel talks.
“It’s actually quite embarrassing. I had moved into the building about four months ago and I had first saw your granddaughter when I was bringing boxes to my apartment. I have to say I was smitten the very moment I seen her. But I was too shy to approach her first so I just stood back and waited for the perfect opportunity. So it was in the parking lot, she had dropped her water bottle and it was really flying down the walk way so I picked it up and from that very moment, we’ve been talking ever since.” Miguel says as he rubs your knuckles with his thumb.
“Oh my goodness look at you two. So cute, you know it’s as if you two have been together for years. Doesn’t it seem like that, Charles?”
“Mhm, yeah.” Your grandfather says as he eats another forkful. You eat your food and feel that dinner was going to be perfect for sure.
After a plate and a half, some dessert and coffee, it was time to go home.
“Are you two sure you had enough?” Your grandmother asks as she sees you two out. “Grandma, if we have anymore food, we will have to be rolled back to the apartment.” You says as you give her a hug and a kiss.
“Dinner was amazing, Miss Barbra. Next time I come over I’ll have to share my abuela’s cookies recipe with you.” He gives her a hug as well and she rubs his back. “You two don’t be a stranger, and Tommie make sure you call me when you two get home.”
“I will!” Miguel leads you to his car and he opens the door for you. After he makes sure you’re inside safely he closes it and walks around. You open the door and he slides in. “I like your grandparents. They’re sweet.”
“They are. And even though my grandpa was acting grumpy he likes you. Did you see his face light up when you mentioned that you liked football. I think he’s going to take you away from me.”
“Nah, he’s not my type. I like pretty women named Tommie Valentine.” Miguel starts up his car and he drives out of the driveway. As he drives you sit there in silence for a while.
“What’s on your mind?” He asks as he holds your hand. You sigh. “I was just thinking how much I don’t know about you. Like was what you said about meeting me true?”
“Of course. I seen you wearing this pretty pink dress and you were talking to Erica about watching a robotics documentary. Your hair was out and you looked happy. I wanted to talk to you but well you know.” You look at his profile and study it.
“I’m still sad you didn’t come up to me sooner. I would’ve liked to have known I had a secret admirer.”
“Well, mi princesa. The whole thing about a secret admirer is that it is a secret. And besides I’m sure I would’ve startled you with my demeanor.” He says as he glances at you.
“I guess, you are a bit intimidating. But I still don’t know much about you. Like do you have a brother? Are your parents still around? Where do you work? Why do you have fangs?” He laughs out loud and kisses your knuckles.
“Alguien tiene muchas preguntas. So many questions. Well I have a half brother named Gabriel. It’s a bit of a touchy subject with my parents but they are still around. I work at Columbia Tech. And about the fangs that’s going to have to wait until later, only because it’s a lot to explain.”
You pout at the last answer. “Okay, I guess but when you finally tell me I’m going to have notes ready.” He chuckles at your answer and shakes his head. “I know you will. Is there anything else you want to know?”
“Have you saved any people?” That question causes him to freeze and he looks at you as he stops at the stop sign. “What did you say?”
“Have you saved any people? I know being a scientist can bring on new discoveries to help further modern medicine. If that’s a touchy subject for you I can-”
He interrupts you by kissing you. Which’s causes the wind to be sucked out of your lungs. When he moves back his eyes were gentle and you can tell he wants to say something but instead he continues driving.
You sit back in your seat and you soon hear rain hit his windshield. “I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight. This rain is going to be so good. Maybe I’ll sleep with my window open.” You say as you look out the window.
“Is that so?” Miguel asks as he lets go of your hand and squeezes your upper thigh under your dress. He gets to the inside parking lot and you watch as his hand squeezes again. “Yes. Should I not sleep with my window open?”
You watch a smirk crawl across his lips. “I’m not saying no, but if you’re not careful you might let the boogeyman in that way.” Miguel backs into a parking spot and that move right there made a moan escape your lips. “Did you say something, amor?”
“No! Nope! I didn’t. But I’m a big girl, Mr. O’Hara. I don’t believe in the boogeyman.” You say as you move your hips a little so he can go further up your dress. “Oh that’s a shame. Because if you did believe in him, I’d have to come over and check to make sure he doesn’t come into your room tonight.” Miguel says as he moves his hand and runs this thumb across your bottom lip.
“Well I know the boogeyman won’t be coming into my room. But I know who I want to come.” You say as you hold his hand still and suck his middle and ring finger. Miguel’s eyes instantly turn ruby red and he presses a button to make his seat lean back.
“My my, you are a big girl. Well why don’t you show me what else big girls can do, espléndida.” You lick his fingers and bring his hand under your dress and under your panties.
He slides his wet fingers inside of you and you grip his wrist as you moan. “Miguel…” You moan out, knowing no one can hear you over the rain.
“Your pretty little pussy is sucking in my fingers so well. I wonder how many more fingers you can take.” He whispers against your ear as he uses his palm to rub your clit. You feel him insert another finger and you lean your head back, letting your throat be exposed to him. He licks and sucks your neck as he does a come here motion inside of you.
“Oh god…” You groan out as you move your hips. “You feel that? Your greedy little pussy keeps squeezing around my fingers. But I have something else it can squeeze.” He takes your hand and places it over his crotch and you moan because you want to taste him.
You move him back and you unzip his pants. “Can I?” You ask as you look at him and moan. “It’s all yours, amor. Do whatever you want to me.” He leans back and you lean over the seat as you pull his dick out and suck him. He continues to rub your pussy as you suck the head. You choke a little which turns you on because he throbs in your mouth.
“This mouth, this fucking mouth is heaven. Fuck.” Miguel moans as he grips the back of your neck. He slowly fucks your mouth as he rubs you and your eyes roll back as you moan and gag. “Fuck, don’t stop. Just keep sucking. You don’t need air right? No you don’t. You don’t need air. Seré tu aire.” You feel tears running down your face but you feel yourself getting extremely wet.
You wanted this man to fuck your throat, till he came. He bucked up faster hitting the back of your throat and your legs started to clench as you were close to coming on his seat. His head falls back as he groans that he’s coming. You tighten your throat and in just that simple movement Miguel’s whole body went still and he let out a whimpering groan as he came down your throat. You swallow deeply and you shiver as you come soon after.
The both of you were breathing heavy when you had leaned back. Miguel was staring at you, his eyes were roaming your body. You were staring at him. Already taking off your panties and climbing over the seat, straddling him.
You guide him inside of you and you both let out a moan as he stretches you out. As the base meets your pelvis you still and Miguel placed his hands on your ass and he grips you tight.
“Rock your hips for me. I’m going to show you how I like to be ridden.” You start to move your hips but Miguel guides you and he bites his lip drawing blood from his fangs.
You lean over and flick your tongue against his blooded lip and he captures your lips with his. He kisses you and slaps your ass causing you to rock your hips harder. “Just like that. Princesa, fuck me. Fuck me just like that. You’re to good. Eres tan buena conmigo. Just like that. Keep that up and I’ll get you pregnant.”
You tighten around him and you fuck him harder as you rock your hips. “You like that? The thought of me fucking coming inside of you? Oh Princesa, I’ll fuck the come inside of you. Come here.” He grabs a hold of you and you feel him scrape his fangs against your shoulder as he fucks up deeper inside of you. You let out a strangled moan and you bite into his shoulder instead.
He groans out your name and moans out he’s coming. Your body shakes with climax and you both come hard, causing a mess on his driver seat. You rest your hand on his window and he rests his head against your chest.
You look down at him and he looks up at you. “Aren’t you glad I have tinted windows?” He says causing the two of you to laugh. He gently pats your butt as you slide off of him. You wince and you fix your dress.
“Sorry about your seats.” You say feeling embarrassed. “Don’t be sorry, I was going to get my car detailed anyway. And Tommie?”
“Hmm?” You ask feeling very lust drunk. “Anything you want to ask, just ask me. I would never hide anything from you.” He then leans over and gives a peck to your lips. “Mmm, thank you, Miguel.”
“No need for a thanks. I just want to be honest with you…Oh! Make sure you tell your grandmother you’re home.”
You pick up your phone and text her then put the phone back in your bag. “Do you want to come inside and spend the night?” You ask hoping he’ll say yes. “Y…I can’t. I have something to do. But I can walk you inside.” You frown at that.
Because for some reason you feel as if Miguel is hiding more than why he has fangs.
The more you get to know him the less you actually know who Miguel O’Hara really is…
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boncottontail · 4 months
Chapter 9 of Along Came A Spider, my guapoduo QSMP x Marvel mashup fanfiction, has been uploaded! 😘
Link here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48396487/chapters/135046216
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spw-art · 7 months
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Alice! We want YOU!
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sinistersuns · 1 year
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🕷️ SPIDER IS OUT!! 🕷️ watch it here >:]
I’m so excited to finally release this!! It took so much time and effort and is one of my favorite things I’ve ever made <3 RBs are very appreciated!!
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swampwitched · 4 months
along came a spider is such an ethan murphy album
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