#also this template edit by me is v questionable rip x2
lgcshion · 1 year
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hello, new friends ! my name is rover — yes, like kai’s latest cb, thank you, kai — & i’m here to introduce you to my muse, 櫻田詩音 ( sakurada shion ) ! he’s a 2005 liner — the only one in the group rp now heheh ( ^^ ; ) — & an aspiring vocalist from tokyo, japan. for reference, he’s in the male junior evening training group, & male dorm e, & he also attends sopa atm, too ! you can find more information about him below the cut, but please check out his DETAILS & OVERVIEW pages, if you’d like some extra reading material. lmk if you want to plot & i’ll reach out via tumblr dm. i’m primarily plotting through tumblr right now — i’m so sorry (╯_╰) — but if that changes, i’ll let you know. anyway, thanks for having me, & thanks x2 for the welcomes !
& M I S C
shion has this really bad habit of scribbling new song lyrics & lines of poetry he thinks of on literally anything he can get his hands on. this includes the whites on his sneakers, the corners of old newspapers, the palms of his hands, the notes app in his phone, & sometimes even the backside of important paperwork the company gives him. it bums him out so bad whenever he forgets what pops into his brain, so anytime inspiration hits him like a ton o’ bricks, he needs to write it down & carries at least one pen with him at all times.
on his pages, i’ve described him has “slow-paced” many times, & there’s a reason for that. he will never rush to do anything, no matter how important it is. he’s a firm believer in slow & steady wins the race — acting more like a tortoise, but resembling a hare... i see you, shion — & takes his sweet time with everything. whether it’s getting ready in the morning, eating his dinner, learning a song, or even cleaning his side of the dorm, he works sluggishly. things will get done, & his work will often be great, but he does it on his own terms.
branching off from above, he can be somewhat stubborn & stuck in his ways. he takes a long time to make decisions & that’s because he puts way too much thought into them, but once his mind is made up, it rarely changes. if people disagree with him, he’s comfortable with that as he’s patient enough to hear out & respect different povs, but he’s not known to budge from his opinions. this has gotten him into some light trouble in the past, but nothing major.
shion is a huuuuge sucker for romance, & themes of all types of romance, love, passion, heartbreak, etc. are explored in his poems & lyrics. however, the kicker here is that he’s never actually been in a relationship himself. ╥﹏╥ it’s something he’s always wanted, but ya know — being a gay kid in japan ( & now in south korea ) isn’t easy, & his shyness works against him here, too. he daydreams about what it’s like to have a boyfriend all the time, & his sweet little heart falls for people very easily. he’s kinda pathetic in a way, but it’s outta his control.
really, he’s still very young & he’s very much still figuring himself out, & he’s making mistakes, & learning lessons, & flopping, & failing, & basically doing literally everything he should be doing at his age, & i’m just here to help him grow in this verse. if your muse wants to take part in his journey in anyway — like literally anyway i mean that; the good, the bad, & the ugly, i want it all — lmk & we can figure it out together ! (*>ω<*)
& P L O T S
i love the idea of shion having a found family, if you will. people in his life who he’s not related to, but who feel like sisters, & brothers, & cousins, etc. those he can lean on if he needs a breather from training, those he can cheer up when they’re feeling upset, & those who can help him become the person he’s meant to be. if your muse has, like, parental instincts, even, they could just “adopt” shion as their own, like ig it, he is pretty babie in the grand scheme of things. (⋟﹏⋞) gimme gimme !
as it’s a dream of his to become a main ( or lead ) vocal of a k-pop boy group someday, shion wants to make sure that his efficiency with the korean language is up-to-par, especially his pronunciation while singing. he knows it’s crucial to have clear diction, & since korean isn’t his native tongue, he’s really leaned on your muse to pick up the basics. he’s very patient & will take these lessons seriously, but you’ll have to forgive him if he nods off from time-to-time. maybe this could even turn into real friendship !
maybe your muse & shion got into an argument when they were working on something together, & ever since that moment, things have never really been the same. shion is admittedly really awful with confrontation, & his stubbornness can sometimes make him hotheaded if he does lose his patience. it’s rare that he does, but it happens once in a blue moon. to make the scenario more broad, the point of this is that i think it’d be great for shion to have some conflict in his life. it’ll be interesting to see how he responds, so if you have other ideas for how this could happen, lmk. up for anything !
i would adooore for shion to have a big dopey crush on someone (─‿‿─)♡ this also doesn’t have to turn into anything deep, i just think it’d be fun for him to think the world of someone in that way, & write silly songs/poems about them, & be all (´♡‿♡`) when they’re around. feelings could be mutual, not returned, or it could even end in some kinda confession/heartbreak scenario, like, idc... give him something to write ab, please ! literally begging you rn, #shameless ! c’monnnn just think of how cute it’d be... 
other japanese muses that remind him of home would be awesome tbh. he’d love being able to be homesick with them, & think about their childhoods, & dip into some good ol’ fashioned nostalgia here & there. maybe they can go out to traditional japanese restaurants in the city whenever they can or something cute like that, too; bond over shared cultures & stuff !
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