#alternatively no one has any idea which ones are which which is even funnier to me
pastafossa · 3 months
How do you get past writer's block? I have a fic that I'm working on that is updating on a schedule, and I made the mistake of giving myself a month off in between parts and now I can't really get back into writing it. I don't want to leave it abandoned because I have a few people who I know are really invested and I don't want to leave them hanging, but I'm having a hard time getting as excited to write it as I did before.
Ok so I'm in a weird place for this, hilariously. Because The Answer That Usually Works For Me (TM) and that carried me through a regular weekly update schedule for almost two and a half years is, in fact, not at present working for me apparently my brain can write through a pandemic but not through recovery from the shit that went down in December/Jan so we found my writing kryptonite. However, I'm going to assume you're closer to 2021 Pasta than 2024 Pasta. SO LET'S GO WITH THE METHOD I NORMALLY USE SINCE IT WAS SUCCESSFUL FOR YEARS. Cause that's the thing: sure, I've written almost a million words, and pumped out chapters for years (ignoring the past few months) but I promise, I hit the same walls as everyone else even when nailing weekly uploads. But over those years, I came up with a fairly solid list of steps that I'd go through one by one.
Fun one first: when I'm in a block, I almost always try re-engaging with canon first. I'd rewatch my favorite episodes, binge a whole season, or even the whole series depending on how much of a boost I needed. For me at least that was often like Pavlov's bell, my favorite story triggering a flood of affection. I'd remember why I loved this fandom and the characters so much, and it could often kickstart my brain and excitement back into gear. If you really want to dangle a carrot and your fic touches on canon, focus on watching parts you're excited to get to in your story. A big one for me in TRT for example was the post-Nobu, Nelson v. Murdock episode, since I'd had that planned for TRT almost since the start, and I was very excited to reach the hurt/comfort I had planned. Even if your fic isn't following canon though, see if it'll give you a creative rush again!
So let's say step 1 doesn't work, either because the canon just isn't hitting the spot or because your fic is dealing with something else. In this case, my next step was usually to jump ahead to write a scene I was really eager to get to. It was often a short blurb, but it was always something I REALLY wanted to explore, and because I'm also a reader who likes exactly the tropes and plots I'm writing, I want to read what fucking happens. Except, fuck, I'm not there yet, am I? And I can't see how that scene finishes until I write my way up to it and finish it. This is my own carrot. Multiple scenes in TRT were written months or even years in advance, simply as a way to bribe myself. This is also an option!
But maybe this doesn't work. Sometimes it didn't. This is when it got a bit more serious. For anyone who was reading at the time, you'd have noticed that I'd sometimes drop side fics, either Matt POVs or one-shots. This was me, in essence, working on the shower principle (basically, ideas/solutions will come if you stop thinking about it and do something else, like take a shower). I figured if I went and wrote something else - either with less stress, or something fun and dopamine-inducing - the part of my brain focused on my Big Fic would wander around the writer's block beneath my notice. And it almost always worked, all while I still kept my brain trained that, hey, even if we're not writing This Thing, we're still writing.
But let's say this doesn't work either. You're well, and truly, stuck. Been there now and then. And, you're going to hate this one. I hate it but it works 9 times of 10. And it is: Write anyway. Half of it was spite. I was not going to give up my schedule, I liked my schedule. The other half was that I knew myself. I knew if I could just get past the chapter/plot/dialogue I was struggling with, I'd be able to roll along again. And so I made a rule: whatever I wrote didn't have to be pretty. It just had to exist. If that meant I wrote, "Jane chased the cat in circles and caught it. She was happy." then that's what I wrote. Because everything, EVERYTHING, can be fixed in editing. But you can't fix what doesn't exist. And so there were those nights when I would scowl and groan and snarl and bash my head against that writer's block until 5 in the morning, but in the end Jane chased that fucking cat adn caught it, it was written. Hilariously, sometimes those chapters have wound up amazing (likely because I spent so much time hammering at them) and reader favorites. There are absolutely, I believe, moments where you can, and should, see if you can push through.
But that brings me to *waves* now. A lesson I've only recently recently and with encouragement. Namely... sometimes brain no go and that's ok. My steps work for me 99.9% of the time, but I've done the above during the past few months, and it just... hasn't dragged me out entirely out of it yet. Sometimes, our brains demand that break, especially when things just aren't going great. There's a reason TRT had a break of roughly 2 years between chapter 4 and chapter 5 (feel free to check the chapter index with dates on AO3!). I had some life things happening and I just was not in a place to write, even if I was still busily plotting and planning and thinking about TRT behind the scenes. And that was ok. We're not machines. I came back like a bulldozer in Jan 2021, yes, and bulldozed through weekly updates, but that break was needed. And now I'm obviously taking a short one again while I recover from everything. It's ok if you're not in a place for it. So the last step is one I've been told a lot by dear friends recently as they helped me through this: be kind to yourself, and try not to stress if none of the above works. The story will always be there, and if TRT is any indication through all its highs and lows, your readers will be there when you start up again.
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yanderes-galore · 4 days
Can I request a yandere rivalry between Nobara and Itadori? I feel like they'd make for an interesting dynamic.
Honestly, they're very similar so playing around with this could be fun. If you have ideas that could've made this darker, let me know.
Yandere! Nobara Kugisaki vs Yuji Itadori
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Rivalry, Manipulation, Slight violence, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Yuji and Nobara are known as the class clowns in their group.
They're very similar to one another, even if Nobara acts like she hates him and Megumi.
Nobara's more serious and brash than Yuji at times, yet they have their moments.
For their rivalry, maybe you're another student of Gojo?
You train alongside Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara, doing missions and various exercises.
This means you're often around the two due to team exercises.
Yuji's often overly friendly, easily excitable, and very caring.
Nobara tends to be overconfident, brash, arrogant... yet can be caring and dutiful.
Nobara doesn't show her caring side often, although it comes out at times when with you.
The two both care for you as friends and team members.
The two could either share or have a rivalry.
I assume romantic intentions have a higher chance of being a rivalry, while platonic intentions may make them share.
These two are primarily just petty at first.
Over time they no doubt see they like you to a similar degree, they don't notice it until they realize they're jealous.
Nobara is envious of how clingy and friendly Yuji is with you during training.
Meanwhile Yuji is upset you and Nobara have private shopping days together.
They collectively are upset when you choose to spend time with Megumi.
Their rivalry definitely starts as just jealous friends.
It's mild enough, right?
It's normal for friends in a group to feel jealous if the whole group isn't together... it just feels strange.
Both of them can be rather determined, although Yuji seems more emotional.
Yuji tries to excuse his jealousy.
Why shouldn't you hang out with Nobara...? He can just... go find you later.
Nobara is more... outwards with her jealousy even though she's usually level-headed.
She doesn't understand... why would you hang out with Yuji or Megumi?
Isn't it obvious she's the better one to hang out with out of the three?
Megumi is most likely aware of the two's jealousy, yet decides it's better not to be involved.
If you wanna hang out with him, he isn't preventing it.
Even if Yuji and Nobara are irritated.
Nobara definitely acts like she's the one you should be around more often.
She hasn't had this kind of bond with anyone since she was younger....
Yuji on the other hand doesn't pick up on the hostility from Nobara at first.
That is until she sabotages your time with Yuji, offering an alternative smugly.
Then Yuji gets it... and he's determined to convince you to be around him.
Again, their rivalry isn't the worst.
It's petty stuff, the two often arguing while you're unaware.
Even if you are aware, they're just continuously trying to get you to pick between them.
Surely one of them is your best friend, right!?
It would be funnier if you said you preferred Megumi more... the two of them are just stunned.
Their arguments obviously get worse when one of their obsessions deepens.
Like, maybe Yuji falls for you romantically?
Nobara would be a bit too prideful to admit she's in love... yet.
Meanwhile Yuji can't help but look lovesick when training with you or speaking with you.
Nobara no doubt notices... she's seen such a look before on men.
The idea pisses her off.
Of course he has to love you.
Why wouldn't he....
So while Yuji is trying to win you over on dating him, Nobara keeps cutting in.
Oh, such a shame, it doesn't seem like you have any time to indulge in Yuji...
Nobara's planned a night out for just the two of you~
Which leaves Yuji... frustrated.
The two have fought in the past when they first met.
Here they are fighting again because they both happen to have an interest in you.
Yuji hides his crush less than Nobara, who keeps it very hidden.
So in Yuji's eyes, Nobara is just being an overprotective friend.
Is she scared he'll hurt you if you date?
What's actually happening is Nobara likes you romantically too and just knows how to mask it.
I can just imagine Yuji trying to make peace by explaining his feelings to Nobara.
"Hey, I know you're worried I'll hurt them... but you know I'd never! I promise to treat them right when I date them! I don't want us to fight too much over this-".
He thinks he got his point across, only for Nobara to grit her teeth and admit her true intentions.
"You're such an idiot... I like them! I'M going to date them...! Keep your hands off..."
Once the two realize they like you the same way... cue more fighting.
The two would bark at each other like dogs over you.
The two may even work to try and win you over, with gifts and plans thrown your way to try and cultivate your feelings for one of them.
Again, it would be even better if you actually had a crush on Megumi... making their efforts amount to nothing.
The two propose shopping trips, walks in the park, training, dinner...
At some point you'll get suspicious.
Even more so if they get physically affectionate.
Yuji has a tendency to hug you and hold you tight... while Nobara is more subtle by putting an arm around your shoulders or waist.
Eventually you'll pull them both aside and ask what has gotten into them.
Only for them both to suddenly try confessing, putting down one another while they try to make you pick between them.
Their voices are hard to discern as they're speaking over one another, pleading for you to pick who you'd want to date.
Maybe you're not interested in them... or maybe you need time... either way, until you pick someone they'll be at each other's throats.
If you pick Nobara, Yuji's disheartened but will try to accept your decision... for now.
Nobara definitely rubs it in his face
If you pick Yuji, Nobara is sent on a tirade, yet accepts just being friends... for now.
Yuji's too overjoyed to care, holding you tightly while sticking his tongue out at Nobara.
The two wouldn't hurt each other physically... hopefully...
But they'd probably even sabotage the winner of your affections.
If you liked someone other than them... there's a temporary truce.
After all, they can't allow someone else to have your attention... can they?
Overall their rivalry is petty but not anything too violent.
It's a competition to see who will be the better friend/partner for you...
Even if one of them wins, the other probably won't give up their feelings for you unfortunately.
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rubyblue2005 · 8 months
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Based on a previous post about an Au where Atsushi's ability wasn't turning into a tiger but instead swapping places with a Giant Tiger Spirit, Byakko.
Previously I bullshited/vaguely described Atsushi being swapped into Byakko's spirit realm thing/home as a glowy garden with a pond and a sky that is always a galaxy of stars.
Now I offer a funnier residence for our Spirit Tiger.
The Backrooms
Or any Liminal Space.
The idea of Atsushi just being flung into places that call to memories he doesn't have plays a funky tune for me. Especially since Atsushi was raised pretty much solely at the Orphanage, so he wouldn't have any basis for the feeling of twisted deja vu that someone who had been to a mall or yellowing house would have stored in their subconscious. Which is why Liminal Spaces feel so off. So to him, it would just be a deathly silent area where there are things he needs to run from and has jumbled time flows.
Like, one time during his stay in the Orphanage, Atsushi sees a newspaper laying on the ground in the corner of a liminal space room covered in dust and when he picks it up to read it, he finds it's actually a newspaper a few years into the future. And that's how he finds out that he has a job in the future even though there are sparse details on the incident the "ADA" came out as the victors of. Something something... New recruit Atsushi Nakajima... Something something
Another time, maybe after some odd months at getting employed at the ADA, Atsushi finds an old photo of Dazai with two other people at a bar dated to be years old. And he just cannot believe how scrawny Dazai looked at 16. It's a bit jarring for Atsushi.
For more crack, Atsushi finds one of Poe's books once. The published date is around eight years into the future and the back of the book has that summary paragraph but it's just a proposal letter to Ranpo. And now that Atsushi has this knowledge, he has to keep his mouth shut and wait for the published date to come around and thank god, Poe and Ranpo are "Rivals" for the most part because Atsushi doesn't think he'll be able to keep from asking vastly inappropriate questions.
Atsushi even finds pages of The Book™. But the pages are more like liquid mirrors into other worlds. Especially seeing that The Book™ is just an Alternate Universe wonderland. And he always feels so solemn whenever he picks one up and looks at the page. Maybe one time he sees the BEAST Alternate universe and BEAST Atsushi just stares back with a tired visage that makes both Atsushi's sad. Another alternate version of them is stuck to forever return to this place. Maybe, all Atsushi's are tied to the backrooms because all Atsushi's are also somehow connected to The Book™.
The same "ADA doesn't know that Atsushi isn't the tiger at first" applies because I find that hilarious. But this time, it's just a little bit more serious, like the creatures from the backrooms so more than just chase but they know better than to touch something that smells distinctly like the Spirit Tiger but there are other people in the backrooms and they are far more dangerous. Especially in an unhinged sort of way. And sometimes when Atsushi "De-transforms" he somehow has wounds that weren't there before. But most of the Ada dismiss the scratches and gashes for accidental or having happened in the fight that required Atsushi to secretly swap with Byakko in the first place.
Atsushi stays with the lanky shadow creature's territories to avoid the other humans. But sometimes, a human that's been in the Backrooms for just a little too long is insane enough to wander far into that territory and Atsushi nearly pays the price each time.
Though, Atsushi being kinda buddy-buddy with the lanky shadow creatures of the Backrooms has the side effect of him not really having the instincts to fight with Rashomon and Atsushi has to literally train his body to react towards Rashomon because the shadow creatures are considered 'safer' in the eyes of the Spirit Tiger. This also has the unfortunate side effect of Ryuunosuke thinking "Jinko is dumb" but also unfortunately for Ryuunosuke, he's the one who gets dragged into the backrooms with Atsushi when someone inevitably has the ability to fuck with other abilities on a semi-higher level. At least it wasn't Kyouka stuck in this strange place.
Now, unlike Atsushi, Ryuunosuke does indeed have the vague memories of places in his subconscious from his life, so he gets the full Backrooms and Liminal Space unsettling vibes. However, unlike Atsushi, Ryuunosuke also does not have a scent that is distinctly like the Spirit Tiger, and the lanky shadow creatures of the Backrooms notice. And now the two are trying to leave but they can't and it's now significantly harder with everyone and everything being after the two now.
To Shin Soukoku, it felt like they are in the Backrooms for a week at most, to everyone else... This is not so. How long it has been for Yokohama is up for interpretation.
Was it only a few seconds?
Or was it over a month?
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comicaurora · 2 years
Is there a fan theory you’ve seen for Aurora or any other story that you really enjoy, regardless of whether or not it is/ was correct?
Ophelia was pregnant and/or Gertrude killed her
In Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Wasp's powers aren't just from Pym Particle technology - she's also secretly a mutant. There's subtle textual support for this if you look, it's just never brought up
Batman Beyond is specifically the alternate future that happens if Damian Wayne is never born. Disproven in the comics and as far as I know this is just my personal theory, but I like that it allows for the Beyond future without dooming Main Canon Bruce to a lonely and depressing old age sans batfam
Han Solo is slightly force-sensitive which is why he's so lucky and such a good shot, but he has no idea and would be very frustrated to learn that he's been subconsciously cheating
Rey is descended from Obi-Wan, probably through Satine (obviously not canon but I was solidly in this camp and maintain it would've been better than what they went with)
The Arkenstone is a Silmaril which is part of why everyone gets so weird about it
Everyone specifically calls the One Ring "precious" because it's a tiny fragment of sauron's soul and his original name meant something like "precious" or "beloved" and everyone it gets near subconsciously picks up on that residual vibe without knowing why or even realizing it's happening (I don't remember the details on this one but it was very cool)
Zion is just another layer of The Matrix
The hidden SOS signals in the BotW Divine Beast themes correspond to when each champion first called for help during the Calamity, and correspondingly, since Vah Medoh's SOS starts the latest of the four, we can deduce that Revali waited the longest to send out his distress call because he was too proud to admit he was outmatched. Bonus theory, the bullet-time feature is actually Link's special champion ability (like Mipha's healing, Revali's gale, etc) and thus exists diegetically in-story rather than just being a game mechanic
My personal BotW theory that'll be proven or disproven whenever BotW 2 comes out: the Triforce of Courage is notably absent from this incarnation of Link - because it's currently being used by that spooky green ghost arm to seal mummy-Ganon, and that ghost arm definitely belongs to a previous Link. This sealing is why Ganon's previously-ubiquitous mortal form is now only known in legend and he's just been farting out metaphysical calamities every few thousand years - some past Link used his part of the Triforce to lock Ganon down and stall the cycle of reincarnation. Bonus points if sealed-Ganon also has the triforce of power and they're just locked in a stalemate until BotW 2 begins and the spooky arm merges with Link. I have a lot of thoughts about this game and I NEED IT
my other BotW theory is that every time Link dies it's not a timeline-breaking game over - the local Koroks just lug him back to the shrine of resurrection and pop him back in for a few minutes to juice him up. the less silly version of this theory is just that the sheikah slate automatically warps him back to the shrine of resurrection when he goes down and then warps him back later, but I think it's funnier if a bunch of koroks crowdsurf him up the Great Plateau
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stellar-snz · 2 months
can you do a prompt for Sunday or aventurine? ^_^ been obsessed with these two lately hehe
Ofc!! I added some headcanons for 'em, so I hope you don't mind :33 Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like these <33
✦ Not gonna lie... but the feathers in his earring gives me so many ideas. Because of that, I headcanon him as someone who's allergic to feathers.
✦ Flowers too. He despises getting flowers as gifts since they make him sneeze himself dizzy. ✦ He's mildly allergic to some scents. There have been occasions where he tries to show off his status and wealth by buying a very expensive perfume, only to regret it later because it's bothering his nose.
✦ When sick, he's very stubborn at admitting it, sometimes even requiring the other party to "prove" that he's sick before he finally admits it.
✦ One prompt I wrote with him in mind is "Aventurine being captured by someone who wants information out of him. That person doesn't know what to do to get Aventurine to talk, but then... he notices the feathers on his earring and uses it against him." ✦ Another prompt I made was "Aventurine hiding illness, and the person he's meeting getting fed up with it, so that person makes a bet with Aventurine. If he sneezes even once during the meeting, Aventurine will have to admit he's sick." (This was actually a prompt I used in one of @rachwavs' [sorry for the tag] streams)
✦ Honestly... feather allergy too. It's even funnier considering that he has head wings too. ✦ I'd definitely agree that he would use his head wings to cover his nose when he sneezes when his hands are busy. It has made him sneeze a couple more times, though...
✦ He tends to overwork himself and gets sick as a result. Though he tries to push through his illness, given his status... a little part of him feels happy when someone points it out and tells him to go back home and rest until he's better. He just wants a break fr 😭
✦ A bit of a control freak, so he definitely stifles/hides his sneezes when making a public appearance. ✦ Anyways, a prompt I had for him is "Sunday stressed out with planning and organizing the Charmony festival and doing his best to ensure it goes without a hitch. Unfortunately, the florist assigned to take care of the flower arrangements ran out of stock of the flower that was supposed to be used. In a haste, Sunday tells the florist "any replacement will do" which ends up to be a mistake since when he does the final checking before the festival, the flowers chosen are ones he's allergic to" ✦ Alternatively, Sunday working himself to the ground due to the preparations needed by the Charmony festival and when the day comes to enjoy the fruit of his labor, he can't... since he ended up sick on the day of it.
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jourke-rourke · 8 days
some assorted insights I have gained from analyzing the wanted posters shown at various points throughout the show: (this is gonna be mega-long as i am allergic to concision. to be fair I did issue a clear warning about inflicting text posts on everybody)
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from episode 1. One and Three are listed as having the same height and weight (both 6'0" and 210 pounds).
who do they think they are kidding. I do not buy this for either of them
unless they weighed Boone while he was carrying multiple holstered guns. Which, y'know, maybe.
I can buy 6'1" and 210 pounds for Six, but uh. What's up with the race there?
African American? My man is not from Earth. He doesn't even know what planet America is on
ALSO Jones and Boone have the same NCIC number. This might be a mistake on the showrunners' part but I think a funnier interpretation is that the GA just never bothered to assign his fake persona a real number so they just copy-pasted Boone's
Alternatively maybe it is actually Jones' and there's a weird glitch in Boone's GA profile where it just displays other people's ID numbers. supporting evidence is this shot from S3 where he inexplicably has Ryo's ID number (while Portia doesn't get her number listed at all)
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this is from the blink drive scientist in the past who downloaded the GA database. fun fact: since Portia is in prison clothes but Boone does not yet have terrorism added to his charge list, it seems that the scientist left for the past at some point during S2. neat!
Also both Boone and Portia have a note on their profile that says 'not permitted to carry weapons or firearms under any circumstances.'
yeah, good luck with that one.
getting into charges (these are all S1):
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for some reason Jones is never charged with terrorism despite the fact that he is an undercover agent and they could literally charge him with anything they want, it's not like they'll have to prove it.
he was literally part of a terrorist cell and instrumental in bombing 10,000 people. why was he never charged with terrorism.
also can you imagine being the poor merc who gets knocked off the 10 most wanted list in favor of an undercover cop's secret identity created to fool like four people. your rep would never recover
Corso is the only one with a trafficking charge, which I assume refers to human trafficking. I'm gonna be real, I'm amazed Boone hasn't scored one of those by now, given that we see main universe Boone exactly twice and both times he immediately attempts to sell the first person he sees into slavery. maybe he's just never been successful but is really gunning for that so he can fill out the fifth charge slot on his most wanted poster with something cool.
Boone does get a kidnapping charge, which I'd wager is probably from his old crew, since 'snatch kids to blackmail parents' seems to be their M.O.
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this one's from S2E11, 'wish I'd spaced you when I had the chance.'
They finally got Ryo's name right! It was still under Tetsudo when he was arrested so I assume when Misaki showed up she was like 'hey man you know that's not his name right?' and the GA folks updated it
Nyx just has theft, assault, and fraud charges, none of which seem to warrant imprisonment in the most maximum security facility in the galaxy, so I'm assuming she was sent there because she kept beating people up in min sec
Also, damn, Two is really racking up the charges. New extortion, kidnapping, armed robbery, and corporate espionage. Wow.
However, she has inexplicably been cleared of the piracy charge. Absolutely no idea what's going on there.
I'm assuming kidnapping is from when she snatched Tabor, and armed robbery is basically a normal Tuesday for them so whatever.
The corporate espionage and extortion could theoretically be old charges- the wanted posters list charges in descending severity, with violent crimes first, so it's possible they just got left off for space purposes
But I think corporate espionage is actually related to when they snuck into Dwarf Star to steal the nanites
Also, that's such a cool crime. Five would probably be wildly jealous if she knew Two had gotten an espionage charge. Five definitely deserves one with all the hacking she's done
theoretically Six and Three could also earn that charge since they did the same stuff as Two. We never find out if Six was charged with it.
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I can't put subtitles on this or make it into an actual gif but the robot reads his list of charges as murder, assault, kidnapping, piracy, and terrorism.
Hey, he finally filled out that fifth slot on his wanted poster!
He might also have a corporate espionage charge (if so, lucky him) that the robot left off for concision (couldn't be me)
That said, the terrorism charge raises its own set of questions. Or mostly one question, which is 'why is he the only one who got charged with it'
Obviously it's from the white hole bomb, but why didn't Two or Four get charged with it? My best guess is maybe Three was visible on security footage somewhere, or in the memory stores of the male android if the GA got access to those? Or maybe just left his DNA at the scene since he got bloodied fighting the Android while the others (except Five) were elsewhere. God only knows and he has not deemed to share his secrets with me
and for a final note we're going back to lovely Five!
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she's not on the 10 most wanted list but she does still get an actual wanted poster, so score
that said. uh. as previously established, crimes are supposedly listed in descending order of severity
so this shot implies that out of all the sketchy shit Das did, while illegally stowing away on a space station, hacking into restricted areas, and surviving through thievery and pickpocketing for literal years. of all the things she did.
the crime that the GA is most concerned about
is truancy
can you imagine being such a notorious criminal that you get your own actual wanted poster that cops all over the galaxy are expected to study and know your face. and the primary thing that you are charged with is truancy. if i was her I'd be pissed
'ah. yes. the most wanted criminals in the galaxy: mercenaries, murderers, space pirates, terrorists, and also this random teenager who hasn't shown up for class in like four years. we have got to get this terrifying criminal off the streets ASAP.'
anyways nobody at the GA appreciates Five's diversified criminal portfolio. charge her with espionage, cowards. she'll be thrilled.
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thebansacredbanned · 10 months
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ok so I have managed to lose the original fic ask game post that @wishthefish tagged me in a couple of weeks ago bUT I did save this screenshot so I will just randomly talk about these fics for a bit (I am always happy to talk about my fics for a bit, this is an open invitation) SO
I know I've been through the wars
This is part of the greater Xuyao (yes Wen Xu and Meng Yao, no I'm not sorry, they're immensely shippable if you're not a coward) 'choose your own adventure' verse where I basically lose my mind and create diverging timelines in almost all of which Meng Yao suffers terribly bc Meng Yao whump is weirdly easy to write
The cyoa thread for this is 'Wen Xu dies as in canon and Wen Chao decides he wants Meng Yao for himself' -> 'Wen Chao dies as in canon, WRH continues to let everyone else abuse MY' -> 'NMJ conceals the way MY has been treated so no one knows'
All the titles from the greater Xuyao cyao fic come from the The Amazing Devil song "Battle Cries", which I chose mostly because there was a cool lyric for the first fic back when it was supposed to be a one-shot, but also loads of the lyrics from the song work really well
I picked "I know I've been through the wars" for this chapter because unlike in the alternate branch of this fic where everyone finds out, only MY (and NMJ, to a certain extent) have any idea of what exactly MY has been through. Which is good because his trauma isn't being gossiped about! But is also Bad because people who him to be happy (people = LXC) keep accidentally making things worse :3
which then my few beloved commenters were like 'this is so evil!' and i was like 'it's not even that bad' and they were like 'YES it IS', but angst is my default at this point for some reason so I didn't notice oops
At the end MY runs away from the banquet to hide. There's currently one sequel branch for this (NMJ goes to find him and is actually helpful for once (this is largely NHS' fault)). I have some plans for another branch (LXC goes to find him and continues to try to help without knowing the problem) but the way my brain was taking it was almost Too Dark for me so I haven't written it (yet). I might. Or I might be nice to MY for once and have LXC go and actually find out the problem. But then I'd be being nice so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it
This is. Nie Mingjue/Jin Zixun. I am sorry about this one
So when I wrote the first Xuyao installment I really wanted to write but my brain wasn't clicking so I put the sunshot generation into a random name picker, spun it a bunch of times, and decided Meng Yao and Wen Xu would be interesting (it was going to just be a creepy dark fic and then I wrote like three sentences and went oh. it's a love story. oops)
ANYWAY a few months later when I was bored I spun the wheel a bunch more times so now I have a Selection of rare pairs for whenever I feel like it
Mingxun was Not the one I was going to write first but here we are
Basically my initial thoughts were "jin zixun gets bullied into going to war by his cousin and then gets his gay awakening when he gets shouted at my nie mingjue" and yeah I guess that Happened
The title is a lyric from "Helpless" from Hamilton and was @nemainofthewater's fault/idea, which I thank her sincerely for because I hate titling things. I also think it's really funny
This was SUPPOSED to be a short crack one-shot but then wishthefish bullied/persuaded/encouraged to write more and it's annoyingly fun so now there are at least three chapters with the potential of more
Takes place within a mixture of show and book canons, whichever is funnier at any given moment
Really, if Jin Zixun is too busy being distracted by da-ge then no one is causing problems at the hunt and no one is getting murdered by out of control Wen Ning so like. This could very much solve all the problems
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heronoegg · 11 months
What would their dynamic be like?
Bakusquad memeber: Momo
Bakugo nickname: Ponytail
Position: Shopper friend (will literally take the everyone out or buy something for them online)
Bad point: Emotional support
Jirou introduced her to the idea of being part of th squad so im not gonna include her it's about the other members
Bakugo- I feel like at first Bakugo didn't really care that she was quote un quote in their squad but i've read a couple of stories where i've seen Bakugo and Momo as really good and close friends it just takes Bakugo a minute to get used to her (as with other people) Bakugo can easily lift Momo emotionally cause Momo is like Deku in some ways where she lets things slide that shouldn't unfair treatment is not something Bakugo stands for and will defend her on every matter as will she be there to let Bakugo rant to her if Bakugo needs to
(It could kinda also go the other way but i feel like Momo doesn't rant she more of bottles everythiing up and says its fine when it's not and needs to be told she deserves to be treated correctly on any matter)
I also think Momo would go out of her way to do things differently for Bakugo cause i headcanon Bakugo needs hearing aids so she would rephrase instead of repeat what she says and if its super important stuff that Bakugo really appreciates but would never say so
Kirishima- Never really thought of how they could be friends but since he's the one who started the squad shes going to hold a high respect for him and consider him the leader even though it's called the Bakusquad i feel with his lacking intellect Momo would have a field day with Kirishima trying to understand why he does the things he does over all i feel like if she could get close to Bakugo she could get close to Kirishima too
I feel like when she finds out about Kirishima's depression she say "Does this offend you?" or "If i do this would that offend you?" alot and Kirishima would assure her it's find she doesn't have to ask everytime and if something is bothering him he'll let her know but she rather know in advance as to avoid even offending or hurting his feeling cause she has that Iida in her
I feel like she could relate to alot of things with Kirishima and they would talk all night long about what they think their doing wrong and how they could be better heroes and people in general they are both golden retriever friend
Kaminari - if Bakugo isn't busy helping Kirishima i feel they would alternate between being the study buddies of these two but Momo would usually end up with Kaminari and helping him out
the more time she spends with Kaminari and notices little things Kaminari does Momo would come to it by herself that she believes Kaminari has ADHD and she ask and Kaminari's like "Yeah i have ADHD" and shes like why didn't you tell me? the answer of all time "You never asked :p"
Momo absolutely loves to give Kaminari things so she buys alot of things for Kami like "I thought you might like this" or "This reminds me of you so i bought i hope you like it"
One of the funnier things is i feel like Kaminari can get away with bullying Momo into doing things she doesn't wanna do sometimes like when they can drive Kaminari will lock her in the car until she makes one of those disabled people things to hang int he car so they don't have to pay for parking and Jirou's so on board and just lets him do it and shes like "Yall are evil" or lock her in the closet until she makes something they could just go to the store and buy from her point of view
it's all in good fun (maybe not for Momo but its funny)
Kaminari would invite her to sit in front of the TV all day and watch stuff like regular show which she would find vulgar but sit through at least 3 eps before not wanting to watch it anymore where Kirishima or Sero would go until they they wanted to do something else like 10 eps in
Sero - Im honestly not sure but the only interactions i can see between them is when Sero said that the way her quirk works is like poop but i feel like they would be really chill
i headcanon Sero Latino and Momo British so maybe they could talk about food together but i feel like Sero would say the stuff Momo likes to taste bland and Momo would be like "You know Jirou said you would say that"
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caliginousarchitect · 2 years
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Vongola 10th generation squad (+Byakuran and Kyoko) based on @bonesetblues​‘s KHR/BNHA crossover curiosity kills the cat (but satisfaction brings it back)
As yet in the fic only Tsunayoshi and Byakuran have actual established cat forms, so I was like,,, WHEEEE Tsuna I did him as a cinnamon classic tabby longhair. Not actually doing him as a Norwegian Forest Cat, but I did base his facial structure on one a bit. (And it is quite funny to envision him going from being one of the smallest of his agemates to having a good kilo on them) Byakuran Longhair, high white spotting over lilac (with a carried point gene because even carried it can affect the eyes sometimes). Also wings. He came out kinda Eh sadly, I think Hayato Mediumhair blue silver spotted mackerel tabby. Something about him gave me spotted tabby vibes (and hey, kinda a shoutout to Uri), and I got to make his facial markings be a shourout to his glasses. Takeshi Shorthair black solid, very low white spotting. Homozygous for Japanese Bobtail (fun fact, Japanese Bobtail is a Partial Dominance gene- with only one JB gene, the cat has a shorter than normal kinked tail instead). I actually concluded that Bobtail was a very fun idea for Takeshi, because it’d make him a lot harder to read. You can’t really see the emotions the tail would convey if the tail is that short, after all; like how Takeshi generally gives off cheerful vibes all the time, shrouding his actual thoughts. Kyoya Black solid mediumhair, with very oriental-type build and head structure. Lambo Did him as a kitten because, well. him young. Gave him Laperm-type curled fur, since Lambo has fairly curly hair (he’d be medium or longhair, but, well, kittenfluff) and curled ears (to reference his lightning horns). Black solid with medium white spotting forming patches to reference his general cow theming. Chrome Blue solid shorthair (pale/light blue). Gave her some white hairs to indicate scars because,,, how, exactly, did she end up losing an eye and internal organs and not have scars? (even if the accident didn’t leave any somehow, surely there were medical proceedures at some point that would have?) Mukuro Blue solid mediumhair (dark blue). You know, I didn’t realise his other eye was blue until right now? (Although I’m a manga reader so) Also his Eye of Reincarnation is drawn in its third path, Path of Beasts, because I Thought It Was Funny. Ryohei Shorthair blue silver classic tabby with extreme ticking and rufousing, and a little white spotting. I actually have other incarnations of Ryohei. Still a bit iffy on how our attempt at his markings/colouration came out here. (alternate version that can’t be put here because of image limit is a red tabby with very high white spotting, with his red patches being in more unusual spots than you’d usually have, and slightly higher rufousing than Kyoko)
Kyoko Longhair red classic tabby with extreme ticking and less extreme rufousing than her brother, and low white spotting on her nose. (have an alternate version is the same but just, classic tabby instead of ticked classic tabby, but again, don’t have the image allowance to put that in this post) Other characters who we are considering doing: Xanxus- gives me real strong longhair/ medium-high rufousing / black classic tabby vibes. Probably built like a maine coon. Big beefy boy. Squalo- It’d be kinda funny to have him be a shorthair? Just because imagining how he’d flip out given the reason he has longhair is mildly amusing. Blue silver broken mackerel tabby to go for shark gill/scale vibes. Maybe some white spotting? Reborn- author of the fic thinking melanistic serval, me over here going “would a black savanna cat or a very small black cat be funnier?” Like, a savanna cat is 100% going to cause chaos, they’re leggy and they’re a hybrid breed that’s still using the rather unfortunate wild ancestors (unlike Bengals which are now a... what’s it called, a fixed breed? and no longer use their progenitor species) so the non-domestic genes are still very much there. A savanna is tall enough to open your doors easily. But on the other hand, having a tiny black thing doing all the same things despite the size IS very funny to think about. Expected vs unexpected chaos, I guess? those are the only other ones that really wandered through my mind while I was doing these, but maybe others will in time
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stridingseer · 8 months
cant say i have any specific asks about inception ships but i am more than happy to hear you talk about rarepairs because there is simply not enough content here <3
Okay this uh, admittedly might get long (I am going to do this in point form for the sheer rambles). Very Long Thoughts Under the cut!!
Eames/Robert Fischer
One thing that keeps on swinging around to me every time I write them or read about them is this one constant theme, aka the idea of Identity.
Who is Robert supposed to be after the inception? How does he reconcile with breaking up his inheritance? Who is he outside of his father? Who is he besides being the son of Maurice Fischer?
For Eames, it's a bit funkier but Eames is a forger. His identity is anything that the job needs him to be. But then, who is he really? Is he a combination of his forges? Yes he plays a role for the others but what are his thoughts about it?
(I recently got a reply back from another writer for this ship that pointed out that Eames got to deal with the psychological aspect of the inception and I can't help but wonder: how does he feel about having to do this to Fischer in the first place?)
What happens post canon between these two is SUCH an oasis for writing ideas. Have them meet years later at a bar! Maybe Robert chooses to break up his empire and then go AWOL before running into Eames (maybe Eames steals his wallet for the THIRD FUCKING time, admittedly it'd be funny)
Similarly: what did Eames see at Fischer-Marrow while he was there? The two of them probably did meet which means the first meeting is one of infinite possibilities. I just love the idea of Eames introducing himself, calls Robert by Fischer, and then Robert corrects him to use his first name. (names as intimacy and trust!! NAMES AS INTIMACY AND TRUST)
I do have this headcanon that Eames also has like similar-esque issues as Robert which is why he's the one who more or less starts digging in from the angle of the father-son relationship. In a way it's him getting his own catharsis when Robert gets his but again, it can get really messy. It's also why he keeps on bringing it up. Anyways they both have family issues and they're foils your honor.
Would like to thank This Fic for getting me into the pairing though there are som Very Good Ones in the tag. I love them all dearly.
Anyways I have a cannibal + shapeshifter roadtrip fic in my drafts and it's actually an exploration on identity. And also a second person fic from Robert's POV that tackles his relationship w/ his father like my relationship with both of my parents. Consider it an alternative reading of sorts
Arthur/Dom Cobb
Basically they're inception's reasonable right hand man/mastermind who has Big Ideas (aka Rusty and Danny from Ocean's 11 though admittedly their dynamic is way different)
Read them as exes who can't leave each other alone and it suddenly becomes quite funny to watch the movie in that way. Cuz then it makes Arthur's constant :/ funnier but he's STILL hanging around.
I like the idea of the two of them living together to take care of Cobb's kids at the end of inception! Arthur comes to visit and ends up staying way longer. They are now common in laws.
And given his logical brain, if any of the kids needs him w/ history or math or geography, Arthur is There because his whole job
One thing that does rotate in my head is just the sheer loyalty that Arthur has for Cobb? Like the Fischer job goes wrong on the first layer in and he, like Eames, can say that he can voice that he's walking off the job. The Thing is his choice to Not to. Tiny thing but it speaks volumes. Also if they go to hotels, these two basically live together even on the job.
So Arthur 100% knew Mal which means that I imagine that it's Cobb who first dragged him into dreamsharing. I just like the idea of the three of them testing limits and whatnot (it's very Ocean's 11 in its parallels but it also gives more depth and food to think about. Of course Mal and Cobb get married and Arthur is not bitter about it, not at all)
I also raise you the idea of Eames calling Arthur a 'nanny' for watching over Cobb's kids. And then Eames gets called 'gold digger' for getting with Robert. Neither of them are wrong about it technically but it could be that it's a fun in joke/dig at each other.
MORE FICS ABOUT THEIR FIRST EXTRACTIONS TOGETHER AND WHATNOT!! There is so much food for thought about how they managed to find their place in their extraction world.
On a similar note: their first adventures in the dreamscape. Basically the question of 'how many times has Cobb shot Arthur to wake him up'.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
aw hey another relationships ask. how about sae and akechi? (platonically if thats not obvious,) vastly interested in hearing your opinion
OH MY GOD I HAD NOT EVEN CONSIDERED THEM. CAN WE TALK ABOUT SAE AND AKECHI IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK ABOUT SAE AND AKECHI “youre literally about to talk about them” I AM}!??!?!? SWEET!!!!! literally i saw i had an ask and i was like oh man I’ll probably have to save it for tomorrow and then i saw what it was and was Instantly restored to Full Health. my HP bar is massive and so is my brain. anyway this is once again gonna turn into kind of a big post so
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
They’re, like, coworkers, which is already incredible bc they’re like. a 27 year old woman and a 17 year old boy. i dont actually know how old sae is but you get the idea. can you imagine being sae and working so hard to earn a position & respect as a young female prosecutor and then theyre like. can you confer with this Teenage Prettyboy. shes so strong for not just walking out.
But It Gets Better. Every interaction they have is stellar. The very first time we see them interact, which is also The First Time We See Akechi, At All, is, god i dont remember the Actual conversation they have i only rememebe the end of it, the most important part: akechi trying to get sae to buy him sushi and looking so miserable and pathetic when she’s like “only the cheap stuff :/“. Fucking…. incredible. 10/10 introduction to their dynamic all on its own. I cannot remember if akechi ever asks her to get him sushi again in the game or if im recalling something that happened in the anime or a fanfic. but. god its so funny. akechi, AKECHI, trying to pester this adult woman he works with into treating him to food. and her refusing. its incredible i could talk in circles abt how good this is for years.
and then it gets even funnier bc of like. the scene where sae realizes that Her Laptop Has Been Tampered With, and she asks akechi if He did it because they had a Disagreement recently. sae thinks akechi is petty enough to like. illegally take important and classified case information from her computer. over some difference of opinion that like, i imagine we see in the game, but if we do its so Understated that ive never noticed it. and she goes Did you try to get revenge on me. you bitch. like its so so funny
AND IT STILL GETS FUNNIER. BECAUSE. makoto says like. she got the impression sae had more trust & respect for akechi than for her. Sae is like “this guy I work with can be annoying and full of himself but he’s genuinely smart and he gets the job done i respect that” and then the guy in question is A TEENAGE CELEBRITY.
I don’t think we ever get to see akechi talk about sae all that much but like. It seems like he does Genuinely Like Her. And also is constantly passive aggressive at her!
In conclusion i. They’re incredible. They’re coworkers, theyre enemies, theyre very good friends with deep respect and even a kind of admiration for each other, theyre one businesswoman and the weird as hell teenager she works with that she feels compelled to be nice to because she has a little sister his age.
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
Again yet another case of like. ^ All That is just like. Their actual canon interactions. I cant improve on that. The only way it can be made better is by having More of it. GOD I wish we got more of it. Oh also I think they talk shit about other people theyve both worked with together. With the utmost professionalism.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
theyre a combo of “GOD i want akechi to have friends. so bad” + “This is the funniest thing ive ever seen. in my life” i wish i was big brain enough to come up with something as riotously hilarious as their dynamic. the whole concept is so singularly unique. i dont know if that was even INTENTIONAL. its all There and it just gets skimmed over. just….. completely fascinating
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
*sobbing and blubbering* what if… goro akechi… had friends and people he cared about… even if he wont fully admit it or tries to avoid it… Like legit that’s. theyre. theyre like friends. i keep going to say They Get Along but they do not get along. but they are. friends. mostly in a Work Friends kind of way but still. & like. i think itsjust inevitable that as an Older Sibling sae will see people younger than her & feel Urge To Watch Over Them And Make Sure Theyre OK even without any like Personal Attachment. *sae voice* i guess i have to take care of this annoying fucking kid because NO ONE ELSE IS!!
of course agaun they also both just have Professional Respect for each other. as well.
favorite interaction they have in canon
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
ACTUALLY I HAVE NO IDEA. I JUST WANT TO SEE THEM INTERACT MORE FULL STOP. i think anything they did together would be funny
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postalninja · 11 months
You have Skyrim mentioned as a fandom of yours in your blog description, but I actually don't know your stance on it at all - who are the blorbos?? the ships, if any???? (And - get better soon!!)
Yesssss! I've written four fics for Skyrim (plus one long neglected WIP), which is why it's listed at all. I didn't play it when it first came out (open world games are hard for me - I tend to get overwhelmed) so it took a couple of years and two characters before I finally properly got into it. The sneaky Bosmer archer is the build that clicked for me - I got really good at killing things from a distance so I was having lots of fun with it. I ended up playing more than 300 hours with that character, which probably means that Skyrim is the single game that I've put the most time into. My partner has been an Elder Scrolls fan since the beginning of the series, but I couldn't get into Oblivion when I tried it, so Skyrim is my first and only Elder Scrolls experience. I still dearly love it, despite its jankiness and flaws! As for ships, it's kind of a funny story. When I was playing the game and looking around for a husband, the only character that I wanted was already married - big, burly Ulfberth War-Bear. Now, at the time this was decidedly not my type!! I've always liked long-haired pretty boys and emo villains, but there was something about him that intrigued me. And I started developing this fantasy in my head about him and my character getting together, how it would happen, the drama around the fact that he was married, etc. And a few years later when I started writing fanfic, I actually wrote it! To this day I think it's the most self-indulgent thing I've ever written, and I have a special fondness for it despite the fact that the pacing is off and that my writing has improved a lot since then. If nothing else, it has some excellent drama. I even incorporated Quintus Navale, the character I actually ending up marrying in the game, to make it even more dramatic! And then I wrote a spin-off about him and Adrienne (the spurned spouses!) which was a lot of fun. Later, I wrote my first novel-length fic about Rune from the Thieves Guild and his search for his parents. I spent a lot of time developing the plot, writing and re-writing the first draft, and it's still one of my favorite things I've written. It features Rune/Sapphire as a ship, but is a bit of a slowburn, with more focus on the plot.
And then I got inspired for an alternate version of events from that story, which is the neglected WIP that I mentioned. I created an OC for Rune's mother who I really grew attached to, and I wanted to explore how things would have turned out had she made different choices. I have 45 pages written, but have been stuck for a long time with it, especially since I moved on to writing other longfic ideas. I'd still love to finish it one day. The most recent Skyrim fic I wrote is a short, funny idea I came up with for a fic exchange. It pits Arcadia and Farengar from Whiterun against each other, and I loved the result! One of the funnier things I've written, I think! ^_^ Goodness, I've blabbed on! Thanks for the ask and the well wishes! <3
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archer3-13 · 2 years
Have you read the jojo manga or are you an anime-only?
I tend to do both the manga and anime whenever i can of any series really, get a feel for what changed in adaptation and what stayed the same and all which i feel is rather important for discerning certain qualities and aspects of a work. I atleast taste test and look to see what changed anyways.
the one piece anime adaptation for instance, its overall larger problem i would note as an adaptation is that it [for the longest time anyways] drastically slowed down the pace of what was often a rather fast paced frantic even manga. its why even though the mangas fuck long in its own way, it feels a lot more compact and concise then the anime tends to.
alternatively the 2011 hxh adaptation cut out an entire sequence of the 2nd phase hunter exam, where in the manga instead of cooking pork for both examiners machi got the examinees to go make sushi, with the joke being that the story made by a japanese man for japanese people was set in a world where sushi was uncommon. personally i feel the sequence does better for character, as it makes more sense why the examinees wouldnt have any idea what they're doing, it gives machis frustrations a more appreciable tint, and its just funnier. But cutting the 2nd phase into the one pork challenge and gag helps expediate things. and on a side note, well the anime makes pitou look definitively female, in the manga you could argue pitou is suppose to be nyan-binary as it were and at the very least has more masculine features.
Which to get back to jojo, i have seen both the anime and the manga. when i go to enjoy jojo just for fun mind i tend to go for the anime because i love its visual spectacle and styling, much as i love arakis artwork. they're really good adaptations in general the jojo show shows.
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goffilolo · 2 years
black clover thoughts part 4: the crack edition
at this point i am ignoring canon and embracing my crackhead ideas that are not only implausible but also ridiculous. it's time for the fuckin AUs (those of you who followed me for my bnha demise!au know what kinda brand of fuckery im on):
my personal opinion is that the entire spade arc would've been resolved much quicker and funnier if asta just straight up got himself contracts with the dark triad's devils after beating the zogratis' asses (no don't ask me how that happens, i dont know either and also i dont care). what i do care about however is that this then results in asta having a demonic quartet of little gremlins running around, eating all his food, being general nuisances and providing unwanted commentary. i call this the 'peanut gallery au'. the only thing that asta can actually do about them is put in them in his grimoire for a time out if they start fighting each other too much. there are now 8 devils living in the black bulls' base including nacht's. there's so much drama, it's like clover kingdom's equivelant of bruno's rat telenovelas. bitches from magic parliament show up at the base to see how the whole devil investigation is coming along and gordon, of all people breaks a bottle on the floor and yells 'SCATTER' with all the devils running and hiding in the most ridiculous places. At some point megicula is allowed to manifest in her normal size for good behaviour and the first thing this bitch says is 'i should be allowed to curse the king, you know, as a treat' it takes a very uncomfortable amount of time for anyone to disagree with her. lucifero walks around pissed the entire goddamn time, because not only does the contract stop him from using his magic without permission, he can't even run his magic through asta, because this kid is the single most useless host to any devil except liebe and his godforsaken anti-magic.
you know who deserved better? my bestie licita. as far as i know she never gave up asta for adoption, lucifero never showed up to fuck with liebe and she got to raise both of her magicless idiot sons. this also has the added bonus of the whole family becoming Hage's cryptids. Just imagine Hage having like stories of some woman living in the woods who steals magic and life from all creatures and has 2 sons with no magic and one of them looking like a fuckin demon. the potential people, the potential. not to mention asta having no fuckin idea that anything about his family is even remotely abnormal for majority of his life to the point where when asta actually meets noelle's siblings at that magic knight's award party he just looks at all of them and goes 'where's your devil sibling?' 'our what now?' 'you heard me'.
also i seen some posts floating around tumblr of 'what if the dark triad kept yuno around to be their puppet king' so you got evil dumb bitch yuno having 2 uncles and an aunt who are fuckin psychopaths. and as much as those posts were hysteric i present you an alternative: what if the zogratis siblings weren't evil, instead they were spade kingdom's equivelant of black bulls, like they still got their devil contracts and all that jazz, but they're just a trio of absolute fuckin weirdos and the king of spade in a stroke of genius is like 'you know what would be a good idea? entrusting my only son yuno to those 3 weird bitches'. which then results in medieval fantasy retelling of 3 men and a baby. Also just to make things clear, allen aint dead in this AU so zenon gets to be married man he was always meant to be. When yuno grows up and visits clover for like diplomatic reasons (with his uncles and aunty obv) he meets magic knights including asta who at this point is already rocking those demonic frienship bracelets with liebe and the zogratis siblings are equally baffled and jealous because none of their devils can fully manifest like that? how did you do it?
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mickules · 3 years
Could we see your head canon for how Takaaki got that scar on his forehead?
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Most people (Taka included) think that Takaaki's injuries were sustained during the line of duty, but in fact almost all of them were caused by other officers under the guise of 'friendly fire'. Takaaki was made an instant target after his father's impeachment, the fallout effecting most police payslips/pensions. His own record was impeccable so they couldn't outright fire him, so he was bumped down to cold cases, and would be relegated to the worst patrols when he signed for overtime. He was extremely outspoken against corruption so the scandal destroyed his credibility and every dirty cop saw it as a perfect opportunity. For his part; Takaaki goaded them- meticulously gathering evidence because his word alone meant nothing, using spite to fuel his personal vendetta and pursue a one man campaign to see every single one of them taken down. It's not just the gangs who call him 'Demon Cop' (in canon the scar was from one of his beta designs but he lost it in the final cut which was a shame)
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references to [these] - [asks]
I do love the idea of Takaaki having his own 'Ishida' side, he certainly has the eyes for it! But my bro made a good point that if Taka gets his emotional side from his mother - stands to reason he gets his 'Ishida' side from her too. Especially with her sheltered upbringing she'd probably had no healthy way to express such utter rage, other than becoming a Mama Bear.
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If that was the case too - it makes it even funnier to imagine Taka's maternal grandparents, recognising the boy that looks like their ex-son in law, with the personality of their estranged daughter, and remembering her temper. They might make themselves scarce.
(alternatively: "Hey Takaaki! How do you keep control of your 'Ishida' side so well?" "That's my secret. . . I'm always 'Ishida'.")
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:-O!!! Gift fic to me?! That's so cool! I hoped no one would notice but I completely avoided naming her on purpose, as I am diabolical at names- I have OCs from childhood who are still nameless - So I'ma take a leaf from @porcelain-dionysus 's suggestion and give her the 'Kiyo' from Kiyotaka's name : Thus Kiyoko. :)
You're totally right. Taka was a lifeline for Takaaki, someone for whom all this pain and struggle and misery was for. He thrives on being able to care for someone, to be useful to them, to have them depend on him, and Taka makes it easy to weather the storm.
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No, Takaaki is a bean pole. He runs on coffee, cigarettes and spite. And riceballs when Taka makes them for him. (feat. the convo with my brother when I sent him this pic)
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The image of Takaaki as a serial dater who has made his way methodically through all the parents of his son's friends is PEAK. Takaaki as the most eligible bachelor, inspiring Lady Dimitrescu style interest for this tall scary man amongst the Hope's Peak parents is so bloody funny to me.
You know the Hagakures would find a way to force Takaaki and Taka out of the unhealthy work/study - sleep cycle they force upon themselves, and a post-school summer celebration is the perfect excuse to get the boys to relax for once. It's probably Hiro's idea, but Hiroko is the one who organises it.
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Hiro ends up with being sentenced with a community service order - he gets Taka-bro to help him with it. He's comfortable with Hiroko pursuing relationships because he knows if he did notice any red flags with it, she would definitely hear him out.
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(thank you!! :D) If they did get together it's unlikely they'd get married on paper, mostly because Takaaki would refuse to put her in a situation where she could be saddled with Toranosuke's debt. They'd probably fall into a common-law marriage, and not knowing exactly when they became a couple, once a year they'd pick a random day to celebrate their ''anniversary''.
(edit: more takaaki asks - [here])
(next set of asks [here] mostly just text this time round tho) (previous set of asks [about Taka’s eating habits])
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trans-cuchulainn · 3 years
so you read the táin, what next?
táin bó cúailnge is a great starting place if you're interested in medieval irish lit. it's famous for a lot of reasons -- its length, its quality, the fact that there are good, accessible modern translations available... definitely a go-to if people want to know where to start
but say you've read the táin, and maybe you've even read the remscéla (fore-tales, prequels), and you know there's a shitton of other material out there but you have no idea what direction to go in
here are my recommendations for
what medieval irish text should you read next based on which bits of the táin you liked most
a non-exhaustive* and extremely biased list**
*I may or may not make further recommendations at some stage.
**i tried to minimise the ulster cycle content here bc that seems like an obvious jumping off point and you're probably here for Weird Shit but there's still some ulster cycle bc i like it
if you were intrigued by the hints of supernatural fuckery going on in the background but still like having some humans around -> togail bruidne da derga (the destruction of da derga's hostel)
if you have no interest in humans and just want supernatural fuckery all the way down -> cath maige tuired (the second battle of moytura)
if the ríastrad/warp-spasm gets you excited ;) and you want more body horror and weird creatures -> immram curaig mael duin (the voyage of mael duin). or pretty much any voyage text but mael duin has some of the fuckier creatures in it
if you're like "yeah! medb DID effectively utilise girl power!" and/or just really want to see cú chulainn getting beaten up -> serglige con culainn (the wasting sickness of cú chulainn)
if you're into the geography of it and how events relate to place names and histories -> this is called 'dindshenchas', the lore of place-names, and there are whole collections of just this, but you might also like acallam na senorach (tales of the elders of ireland) which is that but with a frame-story around it, featuring st patrick on a road trip with the last of the fíanna
if you read the mustering of the ulaid and were like "oh hey a big-ass list of names? i LOVE a big-ass list of names! give me all the names!" -> lebor gabala erenn (the book of invasions). alternatively, dindshenchas.
if you cried over the fight with fer diad and generally enjoyed having Feelings -> well, ideally, early modern prose texts (FULL of feelings), but since there are minimal translations of those available, consider longes mac nuislenn, oidheadh chloinne lir, or anything with the word "aided" or "oidheadh" in the title (it means "violent/tragic death")
if you like the references to classical texts that happen now and again -> merugud uilix meic laertis (the wanderings of ulysses son of laertes), aka the medieval irish retelling of the odyssey, which bears no resemblance to the odyssey; OR togail troí (the destruction of troy), the irish retelling of the trojan war that had a noticeable influence on the táin (togail troí is more relevant, merugud uilix is funnier)
if you like it when people insult/trash-talk each other -> scela mucce meic datho (the story of mac datho's pig)
if you just really want to know what the fuck is going on with the bulls -> echtra nera (the adventure of nera). this is only one version of the backstory but it has some cool supernatural fuckery in it so what's not to like
if you want more láeg/cú chulainn content -> tóraigheacht gruaidhe griansholas (the pursuit of gruaidh griansholas), which is a late text featuring excellent láeg moments
this has been: 2am medieval lit recommendations with néide, your host. tune in tomorrow and i might actually give you links to help with finding these. have fun.
edit: now updated with links. where possible i have provided a link to read the text free and legally online. some are pdfs, some are archive.org, some are just text. two exceptions: tales of the elders of ireland is a very recent translation and is not available legally online; link is an affiliate link to amazon, so if you buy it via that link, i get a few pennies. i recommend supporting your local libraries and bookshops if you can tho. dillon’s translation of serglige con culainn is also not available online that i could find; link is to a scan. it was published in the 50s so may not be *quite* out of copyright yet but close enough i hope. (quality is not great as i had to compress it.)
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