#alvin olinsky
impossibleheartflower · 8 months
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fangirlfrom-hell · 6 months
Exciting ||Jay Halstead x Daughter and reader
Jay has to take his daughter to work for the first time and he’s not excited about it.
For the one that voted Jay x daughter on the poll (this is not a Christmas story though)
Jay wasn’t comfortable with the idea of taking his 4 years old daughter to work, but seemed like luck was not on his side. The girl was on vacation, Y/N was on a work trip, the nanny got sick, Will was on shift and the little girl’s grandparent’s couldn’t take care of her all day long, so he had no choice. He called Voight, who with his raspy voice and without any problem said “Bring her.”
He sighed, “Ok, baby girl. You are coming to work with me today” He notified his little daughter who was sitting with her short legs hanging from the couch.
“To the police station?” Her eyes were shining bright out of excitement.
“Yea”, her dad chuckled. “Mommy will pick you up later, when she comes back home from her trip, ok?”
“Okay. I am excited!” Excited was the last feeling she learned in school and from then on she would use it for everything.
“I am excited too”, he lied, he was more nervous than anything. “Go get your backpack”, he ordered and when she was gone he muttered to himself, “I’m already running late”
It wasn’t common to take one’s son or daughter to the bullpen, but is wasn’t so strange either. Voight and Al had done it in the past with their kids; Burgess and Adam had done it with Malayla too, even Kevin had to take his little sister from time to time. This was the family Hank talked about.
Jay went upstairs with a small pink and shinny backpack with unicorn form on his arm, making a funny contrast with the gun hanging from his hips.
“Where’s the baby girl?” Adam said when he saw his friend arriving alone.
“Platt stole her from me”, he answered. He would have arrived even later if he had waited for Trudy to give her back to him. Kim smiled at the image.
“We haven’t seen her in a while”, Al peeked his head from his hidden desk to participate in the conversation, “A bit of her cheerfulness will do good to this place”
“Well, she is, and I’m quoting, “very excited” to see you all”, the proud dad smirked.
But as much excited as she was, the baby Halstead was very shy to even say good morning to them. As soon as Trudy Platt carried her upstairs, the girl ran towards her father as fast as she could.
“Why are you crying?” Jay asked in a very low voice, while sitting her on his lap.
But the one answering the question was Platt, “She started to worry when she noticed you weren’t around downstairs and then silently started crying”
Ashamed, the little Halstead girl hugged her dad’s neck and buried her face on his shoulder. A chorous of “aw” was heard around. This wasn’t what she expected, visiting the police station didn’t make her feel excited after all.
“It’s alright”, Jay kept whispering into her ear. It was only after a few minutes later that she calmed down, but even when she was acting as if nothing had happened, she was still embarrased.
Al passed by from the coffee room to his desk and handed a coockie to the girl. She hesitated on accepting it, she first turned to her dad who nodded in approval and she stretched her tiny arm to take it.
“Precauted girl. Good”, Olinsky smiled at her and she smiled back.
“Why don’t you take your colors and get to work in your coloring book, hm?” Jay said more like an order as he put her down. He couldn’t really advance in his work if she was there right beside him.
They walked to an unoccupied desk right infront of Adam. The girl climbed the chair as her dad took her belongings out of the unicorn backpack, “There you go. I’ll be right there if you need me. Remember to…”
“…be quiet, shhh” his daughter completed.
She stayed there for a while, coloring different pages. The detectives, specially Kim, would praise her artistic work whenever they had to walk by her side. She liked Kim, that woman was funny, but she couldn’t really take her eyes off of the man who had gave her the cookie: Alvin Olinsky, but he was too busy to noticed.
“Daddy”, she silently stood up an whispered, trying not to distract the people around, “I don’t want to color anymore. I want to draw”
“Uh, let me check if I have something for you to—“
“I have some white sheets in here”, Hailey opened a drawer and handed a bunch to the Halstead girl. She liked Hailey too, she had a bright smile.
“How do you say?” Her father encouraged her before going back to her place.
“Thank you, Hailssss”
She was immersed in her own world, drawing, coloring and cutting. She stood up to get closer to Adam and touched his leg to call his attention.
“How do you write ‘I love you’?” She asked the detective.
“Oh!” He took a notebook and a pen, “Very easy, let me just show you”
Jay looked up to witness the scene, altough he couldn’t hear any word they were exchanching, “Hey, sweetie”, he called out, “Let Ruz work, ok?”
“No big deal” His collegue said handing her the sheet.
A few minutes later, the little girl stood up once more to go with her father. She stretched her hand to hand him a very colorful circle of paper.
“Wow! Is this for me?” Jay exxagerated his emotion, and then melted when he read the phrase ‘I love you’ followed by a crooked heart.
With excitement, she explained it was a cup holder: “Yea, you can put your mug there”. Following orders from such a smooth voice, Jay placed his mug over the gift.
“Just what I needed” He kissed her head. When she withdrew of his side, Jay immediatly took the paper with the witten phrase and placed it in a spot where he was able to see it all the time.
Before going back to sit on her chair, the girl passed by Al’s desk and stood next to him staring, until he finally noticed.
She took him by surprise, a cute surprise, “Hey, you scared me!” That made her laugh.
“What do you like the most?” The kid asked wothout any other introduction, “Ducks or unicorns?”
Detective Olinsky took his time to answer the question. He observed that Halstead’s daughter was wearing a T-shirt full of unicorns, her pink shinny backback also had the shape of a unicorn, so he went by that, thinking it would be the correct answer.
“Unicorns, I love unicorns”
But she didn’t had the reaction he expected, instead she sadenned, “Oh! I was going to draw a duck for you”
Being in a space close to Olinsky, and paying attention to what his daughter was doing all the time, Jay listened and couldn’t help to smile to the reaction of his parter.
“Oh, well, I love ducks too!” Alvin tried to amend his error.
“A duck, then?”
“Yea, a duck!”
And she moved her tiny legs as fast as she could. Both detectives shared a look and laughed.
It didn’t pass a lot of time when the girl was next to Olinsky’s chair again, but this time he noticed. Without speaking, she handed to him the drawing of a duck happily swimming in a lake.
“What? Is this for me?” She nodded. There was something peaceful in his voice that she liked. “Thank you very much! I really love it. What’s this?” He pointed to a brown circle tha was close to the animal. The answer make him smile showing his teeth.
“A cookie”
“Well, this masterpiece deserves to be in a special place” The detective took a bit of tape and pasted the drawing where it could be seen by everyone.
Little Halstead ran to his father to tell him what just had happened.
“That’s not fair!” Adam teased her later on the day. “I want my own drawing too! I showed you how to write that phrase, you gotta remember that!”
“It will have to be another day”, Jay intervened. “Time to pick everything up, your mom’s on her way to pick you up”
“Mommy’s back?” She asked with the same bright eyes she had when realizing she was going to the police station.
“Yeah!” Her dad smirked.
“I am excited!” She stated while putting her stuff back into the backpack.
“Say goodbye, time to go. Mommy’s downstairs”
She waved her little hand to everybody in the bullpen, “Bye bye”. She even peeked her head into Voight’s office, “Goodbye, Serge”
“You are leaving already? Goodbye, little one” Hank said in a very friendly tone, “Come back soon, whenever you want”
She laughed at the idea, “I will”
It was a bit hard for her to walk down the stairs. “Do you need help?” Jay asked with his arms opened to carry her and she jumped to him.
As soon as she spotted Y/N at the desk with Trudy she yelled at her. Jay put her down on the floor when the stairs were over and his baby ran towards her mom, who picked her up in a tight hug.
“Ugh, how much I missed you” Y/N said covering their daughter in kisses.
“Me too!”
“Did the detectives threated you good?” Trudy asked, “How was your day at daddy’s work, hm?”
Wothout hesitating and with a lot of emotion, the girl answered “Oh! It was exciting!”
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imjustwritingg · 4 days
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I was about to go to bed and now I’m crying
📸: spiridakos
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sexlapis · 9 days
when i say “i miss my old man” this is who i’m talking about
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felicitysmoaksx · 11 days
Elias Koteas returning to Chicago PD (even briefly) was not on my 2024 bingo card.
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thena0315 · 9 months
The Original Chicago PD Main Cast
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Season 1: Jin left/dies
Season 4: Lindsey left
Season 5: Olinsky left/dies
Season 6: Dawson left
Season 10: Halstead left
Voight, Ruzek, Burgess and Atwater are all that remains of the main OGs
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fromasgardandback · 2 years
Detective Halstead’s Girl
Jay Halstead x Olinsky!Reader
description: Jay falls for Olinsky’s daughter.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: stalking, creepy men, step-parent hate, car accident, boyfriend Jay
masterlist | oneshots
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Y/N Olinksy, the woman that Jay Halstead had fallen in love with. He didn’t know Alvin had an older daughter, but he did. They were young and in love when Y/N was born, and before he met Meredith. Not that Y/N had any distaste for her stepmother at first, but she did notice something off. Meredith would try to get in the way when she would come and spend time or even the weekend with her father. It got even worse when Y/N had to move in with her father. She had a good relationship with her sister, but because of Meredith, she spent most of her time outside of the home. That’s where she meets Jay, at Molly’s Bar on a Tuesday night.
“Hi.” He smiled his charming smile at her. “Thought you could use another round,” Jay set the bottle of beer down next to the drink on the counter. “I’m Jay.” 
“Y/N. Thank you for the beer. I definitely needed this.” She smiled lightly at him. She wasn’t in the mood to talk, but with a handsome man standing beside her, she’d forget about her woes for the night.
“Would you like to talk about it? Maybe take your mind off of what’s bothering you?” Jay sat next to her, not waiting for her answer.
“I’d like that.” Y/N smiled softly. “It’s a family thing, well, a stepmother thing. I live with my dad for the moment while I’m apartment hunting and his wife is quite possibly one of the worse people you could meet.” She grinned, trying not to bring Jay down with her.
“I’m really sorry to hear that. If you’d like, I could help you find an apartment. Actually, my brother owns and building and so does my co-worker.” He smiled proudly.
“Are you serious? Yes, I would love to check out both of them. Thank you so much!” Y/N's smile widened, immediately lifting her spirits.
They spoke the rest of the night getting to know one another before they said goodnight. Jay gave Y/N his number promising to give her Will and Kevin’s contacts in the morning. Which he did, bright and early the moment he woke up. She thought it was sweet that Jay was still thinking of her even when he just woke up. Some women would have thought that was creepy, but not Y/N. It was kind and thoughtful. 
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A couple of weeks had gone by and Jay and Y/N have been on a few dates but made nothing official yet. Y/N was like her father in that way, mysterious and keeping people on their toes. But when she called Jay in the middle of the night scared, he didn’t hesitate to call in back-up for his girlfriend.
“Y/N!” Jay ran towards her as she stood outside the front of the local bagel place near her father’s home.
“Jay!” She sighed in relief hugging him as he held her closer into his frame.
“What happened, darling? Are you ok? Did they hurt you?” Jay took a step back to scan her face and body for any signs of injuries.
“No. No, I’m physically okay. Just scared and freaked out.” Y/N sighed, still slightly trembling.
“Talk to me, what’s wrong?” Jay led her to his car.
“I don’t know. There’s just this guy I’ve seen wherever I go. I didn’t pay any attention to it at first cause it’s a semi-small neighborhood, but then it started to get everywhere I went. To the gas station, the grocery store, the post office, the bank, and even outside the building I work in. I’m pretty sure he’s following me.” She sighed a single tear falling from her eye. Y/N didn’t dare mention anything to her dad. She knew that she wouldn’t be “allowed” to go out alone or to be stuck at home with Meredith. She wanted freedom and promised herself to be careful, but now she wishes she told Al. It was starting to get out of hand and terrifying her by the day.
“It’s alright, baby. I’ll protect you. No one is going to hurt you.” Jay held her close again, gently rubbing her back to calm her down. 
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Now it was taken to a new level of scare and threat. Y/N walked outside of her office building and to her car. A small fire started in a car parallel to hers in the parking garage. She panicked and dialed 911 to notify them of a car fire. She then ran towards the stairs to grab the fire extinguisher and put it out. Once she met up with the owner she left knowing they’d take care of it. But as this was happening, her stalker put a tracker on her car. As she was leaving, there was a blue sedan following her one car behind. She noticed a couple of turns with this guy but didn’t make the connection until she was mindlessly driving around Chicago. Where she went, he went. Now Y/N was terrified and shaking. She knew what to do now, but all common sense ran out of the window and was replaced with anxiety. She fumbled to call Jay or Alvin. She hit a random number and heard the dial tone.
“Y/N?” No answer from her. “Y/N, sweetheart what’s wrong?” She heard Al’s voice on the other end of the phone.
“Dad?” She sighed shakily into the phone. “Daddy, there’s someone following me. I think it’s my stalker, I don’t know what to do.” Y/N sighed trying her hardest not to panic anymore and break down into tears.
“Y/N, listen to me. Do not go home. Come straight to the district.” Alvin said.
“O-ok.” Was the last thing Al heard before the sound of a car crash and tires squealing.
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Y/N sat in the banged-up car, bloody and confused. Trying to move, she saw a man slowly getting out of his car. She recognized the blue sedan and struggled in fear to escape the wrecked car. Her seatbelt was stuck and there was no way she would be able to get out of there without any help from the fire department. Sirens blared in the distance as the man walked closer to her. She saw a slight glimpse of something in his hand, and before she could register what was happening, gunshots went off. 
Y/N woke up in a hospital bed, machines beeping, and a nurse checking her out. She let her eyes adjust to the light before looking over and seeing Jay asleep in the hospital chair next to her bed.
“Jay.” Y/N said hoarsely as he woke up, looking at her.
“Y/N. You’re awake. Hi baby.” He softly placed a kiss on her forehead, letting his lips linger a little longer.
“What happened?” Y/N looked tiredly at her boyfriend.
“You were in a car accident. But don’t worry we caught the guy. And yeah, he was your stalker, but he’s locked up now for a long time. He can’t and won’t hurt you anymore. I promise.” Jay slid into bed with her, letting her rest on him. “I got you now.”
“Thank you for saving me.” She cried into his chest.
“For you, I’d risk it all.” Jay kissed her forehead, cuddling his girlfriend.
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 2 months
TL;DR - Taking requests for CPD oneshots/prompts
Itching for more Voight content…
If anyone has an ask or would like to submit a prompt for me to write, please let me know! I love writing oneshots and have been itching for Hank lately, especially due to the events of 11x7 (-_-)
I also will write Antonio Dawson if requested. Other characters possible, at my discretion.
I don’t write smut, but I will walk the line. See my already written oneshots on my alt accounts, @musntbill and @random-weird-fandoms, linked below.
I can write “x reader” like the above, in any POV (first, second, third) as needed. I can do fluffy, angsty, or tense, or something else, just ask!
I am open to any and all ideas and pretty flexible. :) Feel free to comment, DM me, or drop something in my Tumblr inbox if you’d like. <3
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academicelephant · 1 year
Why do I always have a thing for those characters/actors/other celebs who have like five fans out of which only one is creating content of them (and sometimes that one is me)?? This is kinda frustrating
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Chicago PD : 5x10 (Part 5/6) Jay and/or Hailey scenes
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Jay Halstead and Alvin Olinsky
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inside-district21 · 1 year
[Family AU]
Alvin: We’re having a baby.
Jay, confused: Oh, congrat-
Voight, slamming down adoption papers: It’s you, sign here.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 6 months
If CPD were dogs
I posted a while ago, but since I lost my other blog I tought about re-posting this because it’s fun
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sexlapis · 17 days
please hear me out pls just listen to me pleas
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evanbukley · 2 months
olinsky deserved better.
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thena0315 · 8 months
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SVU x CPD crossover days
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