#amorphophallus titanum
Titan Arum spotlight! Part 1.
This is the great Titan Vancoug at Washington State University Vancouver, blooming in late June 2023. First, some wide shots for scale. That part that looks like a tree is a leaf.
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And I think the "leaf" is super cool!
Treehouse Gardens
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here it is, the corpse flower (amorphophallus titanum)
(click for better-ish quality)
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it looks kinda wilted here because these plants only bloom for ~24 hours before they wilt completely. it bloomed at midnight and since i cannot drive i had to wait until morning to go see it :/
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this was more of a lab setting than a garden setting and they had cut a section of its flesh out so they could study and collect the fruit/seeds to send them to other places for cultivation (they’re endangered)
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if you see inside you’ll see the fruit. when the flower wilts it leaves just the fruit for birds to eat (ignore this god-awful photo quality i was still getting used to this camera)
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these shots are from the top-down. it looks cool from here because you can see the folds and texture that the plant has plant has. it was actually very warm to look from here because these plants warm up to help spread their corpse-scent. i think at it’s highest it was over 90-something degrees fahrenheit (32-ish degrees celsius). these pictures were hard to take because the plant was probably about 8ft tall excluding it’s elevated base. they had a stepladder but i’m short so i couldn’t get the best pics from the top.
and the smell! there’s a reason these are called corpse flowers. it actually wasn’t too bad in this area because it was so well-ventilated but the second you stepped out into the hall it smelled sooo bad. now, i haven’t smelled an actual rotting corpse before but this was probably a good substitute
it was fun to visit. apparently not a lot of people get excited to go see a giant flower that smells like a corpse and only blooms for 24hours every few years if it’s in the right cycle after meeting maturity (10ish years). i found a few people to go see it with, though. and i guess it did make it nice and mostly-empty to see it. i was there for a few hours trying to get the best pictures that i could because i thought it was cool :)
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nagaino · 1 year
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letsberealsworld · 5 months
"Rare and Remarkable: Journeying Through Unique Flowers"
🌸 Dive into a floral adventure like never before! 🌼 "Blossoms Beyond Belief: Unearth the World's Most Unique Flowers" is here to enchant you with the extraordinary. Join our garden party on the dashboard, share your blooming stories, and let's celebrate
Imagine wandering through a floral wonderland, where every petal tells a story of nature’s artistry. In this enchanting realm, flowers aren’t just blooms; they are living masterpieces, each with a tale woven into its vibrant hues and intricate designs. Hook: Picture this – in a remote corner of the world, a flower blooms only once every decade, its petals shimmering like precious gemstones under…
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thefoilguy · 2 years
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Amorphophallus titanum (Corpse Flower) - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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bantennewscoid-blog · 5 months
Warga Serang Temukan Bunga Bangkai di Halaman Rumah
SERANG – Fenomena unik menyita perhatian warga di Perumahan Graha Asri Blok GM, Kelurahan Serang, Kecamatan Serang, Kota Serang. Kali ini bunga bangkai yang memiliki nama Latin Amorphophallus titanum itu tumbuh di semak dekat rumah salah seorang warga. Bung langaka itu pertama kali ditemukan anak-anak yang tengh bermain di halaman dekat semak bambu. Ia menyadari bahwa bunga yang tumbuh berwarna…
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troll-skogur · 9 months
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Amorphophallus titanum - Arum titan
Jardin des Plantes de Paris - April 2023.
A one of a kind blossom. A true luck to have been able to see this flower that only blooms once in 10 years and her first time blooming in Paris after being gifted by Bonn's botanic garden to Paris botanic garden.
For such a plant nerd as I am, it probably was one the most exciting thing of my year 2023.
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Ceset Çiçeği
Ceset Çiçeği
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#AmorphophallusTitanum, #BüyükBoyutluÇiçek, #BüyükÇiçekGövdesi, #BüyükYapraklıBitki, #CesetÇiçeği, #ÇürükçilBitki, #DikkatÇekiciBitki, #DoğalOrtam, #EtliYapı, #KadavraÇiçeği, #KokuÇekenÇiçek, #SinekTozlaşması, #TekYapraklıÇiçek, #TitanArum https://is.gd/7UcBmp https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/bitkiler/ceset-cicegi/
Ceset çiçeği veya leş çiçeği olarak bilinen titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) dünyanın en kötü kokan çiçeğidir. Ortalama olarak iki metreye kadar bir yüksekliğe erişebilir ve çiçek açtığında yarım mil (yaklaşık 800 metre) uzaktan kokusu hissedilebilen, çürümüş et benzeri aşırı derecede iğrenç bir koku salar. Aynı zamanda, “Şeytan’ın dili” olarak bilinen bu pis kokulu çiçek, Batı Endonezya’da bulunan Sumatra yağmur ormanlarında İtalyan bitki bilimci ve gezgin Dr. Oroardo Beccari tarafından 1878 yılında keşfedilmiştir.
Ceset Çiçeği, dünyanın en büyük tek yapraklı çiçeği olarak bilinir. Çiçek gövdesi oldukça büyük ve etli bir yapıya sahiptir, genellikle 2-3 metre yüksekliğe kadar uzayabilir. Çiçeğin tepesinde yer alan kadeh şeklindeki yapı, karakteristik bir koku yayarak sinekleri ve böcekleri çeker. Bu özelliğiyle, doğal ortamında ��lü hayvanların çürüme kokusunu taklit ederek böcekleri kendine çeker ve böylece tozlaşma gerçekleşir. Ceset Çiçeği’nin büyüklüğü, dikkat çekici görüntüsü ve karakteristik kokusu nedeniyle büyük ilgi gören bir bitkidir.
Dev ‘ceset çiçeği’ dört yıl sonra açtı
Dünyanın en büyük çiçeği Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum) Endonezya’da açtı. Kötü kokusuyla tanınan çiçek
Dünyanın en büyük çiçeği olarak nitelendirilen “Titan Arum”un son örneği Endonezya’daki botanik parkında açtı. Büyüklüğü kadar, kötü kokusuyla da tanınan çiçek buna rağmen ziyaretçilerin büyük ilgisini çekiyor…
İlginizi Çekebilir: Durian Pis Kokulu Sağlıklı Meyve!
Endonezya’nın Bogor botanik parkına son günlerde ziyaretçilerin ilgisi büyük. İlginin nedeni dünyada eşine az rastlanan bir çiçek. “Ceset çiçeği” olarak da bilinen Titan Arum dünyanın en büyük ama aynı zamanda en kötü kokulu çiçeği olarak nitelendiriliyor.
Dört yılda bir açan çiçeğinin beslendiği sinek, arı ve böcekleri kendisine çekmek için bu kötü kokuyu yaydığı belirtiliyor. Ziyaretçilerse bu nadir çiçeği görmek için kokusuna da katlanıyor.
Park yetkilileri ise, artık solduğunu düşünmeye başladıkları sırada açan çiçeğin kendilerini de şaşırttığını belirtiyor.
1878’da İtalyan bir botanist tarafından keşfedilen titan arumların 2 metre 91 santimetre uzunluğundaki en büyük örneği geçen yıl Almanya’da, Stutgart botanik parkında açmıştı.
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n5_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Curtis's botanical magazine.. London ; New York [etc.] :Academic Press [etc.]. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/441733
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Amorphophallus titanum VS Ceropegia Adrianae
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First, let's talk about the Amorphophallus Titanum
Meaning and why this flower was chosen: he dead xoxo. but also a one-of-a-kind person to match a one-of-a-kind flower. he is complex, like the flowers which have a specific chemical combination that makes the smell. he is fascinating, as is the flower. and dead. Description: Brilliant, complex, unique.
Check his post here
Now, let's talk about the Ceropegia Adrianae
Why this plant was chosen: it. it looks like. it looks like. like a. a spine. Description: A pretty robot fella. He's got a really nice singing voice and he's very silly :]
Check his post here
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drarrily-we-row-along · 5 months
Titan Arum
It wasn’t Harry’s fault.
Their relationship had always been about competition, from the very start, from 11 years old when they’d despised each other. And some habits died harder than others. It hadn’t been intentional that their dating was a bit like a competition, it had sort of just happened.
Planning alternating date night activities, giving the most heartfelt gifts, being liked by the other’s friend group, even who could give who the most orgasms… It all just sort of happened.
And the same was true with the flowers. Harry had sent Draco a bouquet their first valentines together (3 weeks after they started dating) and periodically they’d send each other random bouquets since. That those arrangements happened to get bigger and more elaborate each time was no one’s fault. The competitive spirit kept their relationship interesting and very focused on the other’s happiness.
It wasn’t Harry’s fault.
Maybe their competitive natures were to blame.
Maybe it was Draco’s fault for sending that ostentatiously loud bouquet to Harry’s classroom when he had the fourth years.
Or maybe it was Hermione’s fault for informing Harry that the largest flower on earth was the Amorphophallus titanum when he’d been idly wondering aloud about where he could find a really big, impressive flower.
Maybe it was that he trusted Hermione to tell him any extra information he might need to know. He hadn’t even bothered to look at the flower before he placed the order for delivery.
Or maybe it was the fact that the flower’s name had both the words amor and phallus in it. And frankly, Harry found the thought of sending Draco a flower that looked like a dick amusing.
But no matter the case; it wasn’t Harry’s fault.
At least, that was the line he’d be using when he arrived in Draco’s office after a furious patronus.
“What. The. Actual. Fuck?” Draco ground out.
Harry couldn’t even see him around the giant plant in the room; standing at least 8 feet tall and several feet wide, it took up almost all of the space in the room.
But as distracting as the sight of such a flower was, that wasn’t the thing that captured Harry’s attention. He’d never in his life smelled something as unpleasant as this flower. It smelled like dead, rotting animals, and Harry had to bury his nose in his sweater. “Err…” he started.
“Don’t you bloody well ‘err’ me, Harry James Potter,” Draco spit. “Why are you sending me a fucking corpse flower? What is wrong with you?”
“It’s the biggest flower in the world,” he said weakly. “And it’s called amorphallus, which seemed funny. Unlike the name corpse flower.”
“Amorphophallus,” Draco corrected. “And that still doesn’t explain why you would send something like this to someone you love.”
And there was just a little twinge of hurt to his voice, Harry could never stand that. He braved his way deeper into the office giving the plant as wide a berth as the small office allowed. “I’m sorry, darling. It wasn’t my fault.”
Draco raised an accusatory eyebrow at him.
“Hermione told me about it!” The eyebrow arched further. “And it was easy to order once I knew who to talk to.” He grinned at Draco, “and the name was pretty funny, you have to admit.”
“I have to do no such thing,” he replied with a haughty sniff.
“How would you feel if I said that you won the flower contest?”
Draco perked up at that “admitting defeat?”
“This is the most ghastly plant I’ve ever seen.”
“Venomous tentacula,” Draco offered with a grin.
“Still better than that,” he said, nodded to the flower.
“It’s a good thing I know you love me,” he said, leaning over to kiss Harry’s cheek.
He nudged him with his nose, “I do love you.”
“I know,” he repeated with a grin. Then, “dinner?”
Harry nodded, “what about the plant?”
Draco shooed him out, “I’ll deal with it later.”
Six weeks later, as luck would have it, when the flower opened in the green house, Harry happened to be there collecting some harvested mandrakes.
Draco also was there, and as Harry watched, he harvested several pollen pods from the titan arum.
He cleared his throat and Draco whipped around, “does this mean I won after all?”
Thanks for the prompt, nonnie! Sorry it’s been an eternity in my inbox.
Read more of my fics here
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carco5a · 19 days
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i went to see the corpse flower (amorphophallus titanum) in bloom but by the time i got there he’d already closed up and most of the smell was gone. just a sort of rotten milk aura. but still!!!!
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lupinus-bicolor · 8 months
the corpse flower really got stuck with the worst scientific name ever. poor thing's called Amorphophallus titanum. LITERALLY "giant misshapen dick" flower. you poor thing
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Question for anyone :D
☆ What your favorite type of flowers, or favorite type of candy ☆
(Admin: Ok so deciding on a type of candy for each of them is surprisingly hard and the question said “or” so I’m just answering the first question, I make the rules, thanks for the question—)
Logan: I enjoy lavender, that’s a nice flower.
Roman: I love roses!
Patton: I like tulips, they’re pretty.
Virgil: … I don’t know, daisies?
Janus: I actually second Roman on this one, I prefer roses over all other flowers. Particularly black roses. Shut up about the symbolism, they’re gorgeous.
Remus: Amorphophallus titanum! Google it!
(Janus: Remus, I don’t think that’s considered a flower…
Remus; it’s a flower to me, Janus.)
Captain: Hmm… lilies.
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jaubaius · 2 years
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BREAKING NEWS: "The upside down ballerina" has just happened at the San Diego Botanic Garden!!! These rare beauties, Amorphophallus titanum take 7-10 years to bloom. The fully opened bloom lasts about 48 hours.
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syngoniums · 1 year
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Amorphophallus (and similar tuberous aroids) incoming!
In past years, I've thrown the corms I've had in a couple of large pots and called it a day. While this is the most convenient way to do it, it causes some cultural problems. Not all species emerge from dormancy at the same time or rate*, and the same is true going into dormancy. This means some corms are at risk of rotting if you water the actively growing plants.
Complicating this further is the fact that amorphophallus can be broadly divided into two groups. Some species, specifically the more cold hardy ones like konjac, paeoniifolius and bulbifer, follow a pretty regular schedule; they begin to emerge from dormancy around March or April, and can be potted up by May or June. They go dormant as days shorten and cool in the autumn, and their corms can be dug up for storage in a cool, dry place until temperatures warm.
Other species, like titanum, don't necessarily follow this seasonal pattern. They may go dormant in response to factors like a change in environmental conditions (e.g., being brought indoors for winter) or being left dry too long. They may not go dormant at all some years, in optimal conditions. Their dormancies are usually significantly shorter too, and they will not tolerate much cold. This means they need more attention throughout the year, and should be left potted when dormant, because they do best with a little water here and there. Some non-amorphophallus like Anchomanes and Gonatopus also require this treatment. There's a more extensive article on this here, but long story short, you need to know which is which.
I have not been mixing the two groups, but having obtained a number of new species recently, I decided it was finally time to get rid of the community pot approach to reduce potential losses overall. Most of the big corms actually lost some mass in last year's extreme heat and drought, so this will hopefully allow me to better control conditions and speed up their recovery. The downside? So many fucking pots. So many smaller pots, too. Time to find some new outdoor shelving.
*This is a callout post for Sauromatum giganteum particularly, forever the kid who sleeps through their 8AM classes
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