#and I don’t wanna bother the d1nc0bb girlies’ fun
aureutr · 2 years
The more I run into it, the more D1nc0bb has shifted from “not my jam” to a full-on NOTP. I can see exactly two things about it that might make it appealing:
1) Pedro and Timothy are both attractive
2) Cowboys
And if that’s what does it for you, then that’s great! Legitimately, I’m happy for you. But under the cut I’m going to rant about why it’s not for me.
But there’s no narrative cohesion. They don’t make sense together as longterm partners. Hookups, sure, but nothing more. I’ll ignore modern AU because anything goes there, but in GFFA (my strong preference)?
C0bb has people he’s responsible for, and there is no way in hell he would leave them. And after how hard they fought for the land they’re on? No way is Freetown pulling up stakes. You could maybe write a Tusken landback story but even then, they have decent relations with the tribe nearest them now.
That means that C0bb joining D1n on Mandalore or jetting around the galaxy doesn’t make any sense.
Similarly, D1n is either going to throw himself back into bounty hunting, unite Mandalore, or straight up die. Or some combination thereof. Even if he settles down somewhere quiet, it’s going to be somewhere Grogu would be comfortable. I.e., not Tatooine. Their possible longterm goals alone keep them far apart.
And I know that canon is a sandbox and you can throw out anything you dislike, but at a certain point it’s not interesting anymore? Like, I’m down for alternate character interpretations but it’s gotta be something like “let’s change this one component of their backstory or single element of their character, then what?” not “let’s ignore 100% of their characterization and motivations.”
I don’t see the point in shipping when you get to that point. If you strip too much away, you could put any cookie cutter version of any character into your story. I make jokes about “slamming Barbie dolls together” but I guess I do have a limit!
Like, I came back to fandom after years and years because I stumbled across Dinluke and went “!!! The parallels! The potential! Starcrossed lovers??” There are options and so many of them make sense or need very little massaging to get there. Also I like Luke best, hee.
I don’t dislike C0bb, I just don’t like him for D1n. Now, Boba? THAT makes sense and has some fascinating narrative potential. Tension between daimyo and Freetown? Third party throwing hydrospanner in the works? Tense negotiations that end with falling into bed? Possible Bobafenc0bb? Hell yeah, that’s got some meat.
But every time I look at D1nc0bb I go
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