#and I go back and reread it voraciously until I get to the point where I left off and am like WHERE IS THE REST
inkovert · 3 months
I don't make the rules but - if you don't get excited at the thought of going back and re-reading the story you wrote then you're writing the wrong story.
You are your first and most important reader.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
The Calm After the Storm - hyung line
Pairing: hyung line member x reader 
Wordcount: 1.0-1.2k words
Genre: smut, angst, fluff
Rating: 18+
Hello jell-o to everyone again! I usually try to publish by Sunday night but it’s exam season so I’m a bit busy with uni. Also, Jin’s part was super difficult to start but then boom, it turned out to be the longest, so every delay is due to that and I refuse to postpone again so I’m publishing it unedited. Might reread in a couple days and actually edit the post. Every piece is about 1100-1200 words (they’re getting longer and longer!)
The original theme for the week was going to be aftercare, but me being a chaotic mess made me go a little bit wilder than just aftercare. I tried to adjust every scenario to how each boy would approach intimacy with his partner, and how each couple would recover from different types and degrees of interaction, It also depends a lot on the kind of ideal girlfriend I imagine for each of the boys. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: ahem. It’s very descriptive, some parts more than others. So, let’s get this started. Oral sex galore (highly recommended if you’re a fan of being eaten out yay!) crude language, unprotected sex within a safe and established relationship (please be careful guys, use condoms and dental dams I can’t recommend it enough), foodplay, overstimulation and squirting (ten points if you can guess who’s featured in that scenario), biting, spanking, mild bondage, some bold PDA, angsty/insecure reader. Also, swearing and consumption of alcohol.
Member disclaimers: very jealous, possessive!Namjoon, Eat!Jin can be wildly inspirational, Yoongi is a tease feat. some higher tongue technology, Hoseok is a very stretchable freak, but also a sunshine boy with magic hands and a big, fat-
-heart. (Binch, you thought.)
Here you can find the maknae line
And here you can find my masterlist!
His heavy body suddenly fell on top of yours, followed by some deadly stillness. You knew why the French called this "the little death". It sounded very elegant. Very erotic.
But really, Namjoon seemed almost dead in his postcoital slumber.
There had been an excessive carnality in your latest encounter, made of bites and bruising grips. He was spurred by an unmotivated jealousy that almost tempted you to tease his possessiveness more often. But that's what you thought before letting him take you. Now your opinion was strongly different. It would be unlikely for you to be able to handle him like this more than once a month.
He was an animal. 
It took him some solid two minutes before brushing his mouth and chin on your chest, though you didn't believe he could wipe his face on your damp chest. He placed open mouthed kisses on your breasts, snaking his hand once more between your thighs, hoping to get you to cum again while he recovered from his previous high and got ready once more.
"Joon, baby, please don't." You whined.
He moved his hand away, spent and pliant, bringing it to your outer thigh, dragging your leg over his back, his body sliding up towards your neck, nuzzling in the crook beneath your ear. It was deliriously intimate.
He kept pushing until there wasn't a way to be closer to you. You felt engrossed in warmth and skin and his comfortable weight. He was massive on top of you, so vast he was all you could see. He was your entire world. The sense of comfort overwhelmed you and you let your eyes close, however you knew you both needed a clean up.
"My woman. My little vixen, my darling god. My love, " he murmured in your ear. "Are you okay, kitten?"
You felt adored like never before. "A little tired, but I'm ecstatic. I can barely feel anything at all."
"Did I hurt you?" 
You thought back to the way he had pushed inside you. The sound of the bed scraping again the floor. The crude noise of skin against skin. Usually he wouldn't go so hard at missionary, keeping it intimate and loving. That violence was for more carnal and animalistic positions, but tonight had been extraordinary in many ways. He had carried you over his shoulder from the lobby of the apartment complex to your front door, entered your shared apartment and thrown you over the back of the sofa, where he had lifted your skirt and spanked you almost too aggressively. He had taken your first orgasm there, with his fingers inside you, and his spare hand covering your mouth; then he had carried you again, this time to your bed. He had dropped you on the edge of it, your back on the covers, your hips hanging from the edge as he sat on the floor and put your thighs on each of his shoulders, straddling his face. He had been voracious, making you cum twice with his tongue on your clit. Then he had ripped all of your clothes off, damaging your lace knickers and tearing away a couple buttons of his own shirt. And finally he had entered you. He started with you on top but as he grew more desperate he flipped you on the bed and got into a violent pace, growling about you belonging to him and him being the only one who could fuck you this good, of you being too used to him to be happy with anyone else. You couldn't comprehend how a man as smart and civilised as Namjoon could become such a beast, but still... He had chased his high unrelentlessly, and you hoped he would be done after the two of you came together, your inner muscles squeezing him tight, but apparently he was so desperate he kept going, finding his release again. As he noticed you hadn't enjoyed as much he proceeded dragging his lips down your body and eating you out once more. If it were for him, fuck it, he would live with his mouth latched between your thighs.
Back to reality you comforted him, "Don't worry love, you didn't hurt me. It was just... Very intense."
"I don't know what got into me."
"Well, I know what got into me."
"Don't joke about it just yet, I still feel pretty volatile."
"Damn, that man couldn't keep his eyes off you. And even a girl from the catering was checking you out."
"I couldn't care any less." You stated, combing his hair. You grabbed a bottle of water from the bedside table and a delicate cloth napkin you kept in your bedside. You wiped at your face and neck without disturbing Joon, than you tried to freshen him too. He let you maneuver around him, cleaning him up, then you moved to the rest of your bodies, Namjoon getting more collaborative.
"I love you so much. I can't think about anyone else I would do this with. I love that you're strong, that you can take that without even wavering. You are unafraid, and you welcome me as I am. No one else could." He declared.
You kissed his head and tried to continue cleaning. You reached between your legs. 
"Let me" Joon said. He stood on his knees and parted your legs gently, observing the results of his frenzy. "I'm sorry I got carried away." 
He kissed the side of your knee and pressed the cloth to your outer labia, gently, especially after he noticed how red and swollen they were. A sick part of him got turned on again. He wasn't that surprised at all. He loved seeing his effect on you. Knowing it was him, that you wouldn't let anyone else do this to you. He moved his hand gently on your crotch, opening you and now cleaning the more delicate skin of your vagina. You couldn't believe that this was the clumsy man who regularly asked you how to wash his stained clothes and if you could help him fix his bruises. He was attentive and careful. "All right?" He asked.
"Yes, I think I'm going to fall asleep, though."
He briefly wiped himself, then he felt his own lids grow heavy. "Let me get rid of this and I'll be back in a second. Do you want clothes?"
"Please." He knew it was a yes. He took the cloth to the dirty laundry, then picked up one of his old, worn out t-shirts and a pair of cotton briefs. He wore clean boxers and came back to you, helping you wear the clothes. You quickly curled up against him, your head on his chest, and he brought you closer, hugging you tightly, and brushing your hair from your face. After a few minutes you were both asleep.
“Honey I can’t find the chocolate sauce- Oh, hi there!” Jin walked in your bedroom only to see you naked on top of the covers, the aforementioned chocolate sauce sitting on the bedside table, and also drawing pretty decorations over your naked skin. 
“Would you like to clear your intentions?” He said, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and a playful smirk lifting his lips to one side.
“I think it’s all very clear, here...” You commented. You were a little bothered by the fact that even though he had come back from tour two days ago, he still had to lay a finger on you. And also he had been sleeping at the dorms, uselessly increasing the number of night you had to do without him. 
“Is it a new beauty treatment?”
“Would you like me to leave?” He asked. You were upset by the fact that he was still avoiding intimacy with you. You felt like smacking him in the head right now. 
Maybe something had happened during the tour, maybe he didn’t like you anymore… Maybe he had found someone else, somehow, even though he didn’t have much spare time to get to know someone, maybe it was a member of the staff… 
Your mind was going to really bad places in that moment, knowing that you could trust him, but also craving for the smallest sign that he still wanted you. 
He took a step closer, the absent look on your face getting him worried. “What is it? Why all of this now?”
“I really missed you.” You said, after taking a while to steady your voice. 
“I missed you too.” He said, sitting on the bed, one of his fingers touching a heart-shaped stain of sauce on your belly. He brought it to his lips. “And I really appreciate the whole chocolate thing you have going on here—”
“Do you still like me?”
“Where is all of this coming from?” He asked, bringing his clean hand to your hair, pushing it back, holding your face in his palm. “You are making me worried, sweetheart.”
“You haven’t been coming home and I want you so much, damn I’ve wanted you so much for so long and you haven’t been coming home and maybe during tour you realised you don’t like me that much or—”
“First of all, I love you. And there’s no changing that. Secondly, we’re working on the muster, you know how much work there’s into that. Loads of choreographies, background checks, reworking songs, it’s a mess. I didn’t come home because I was very stressed, I knew I would unleash all my nerves on you. I didn’t want to put you through that.”
“So you still want me?”
He nodded, a tender smile on his face. “Can’t you tell?” He shot a glance to his lap, where you could see the shape of him under the trousers. “I’m trying very hard to hold back right now.”
“I need you to show me how much you want me.” 
“Let me go grab some whipped cream.” He suggested with a devilish grin. 
“Didn’t know we had that.”
“I just brought it home for the strawberry salad we were supposed to have tonight. But I guess we have better plans now, don’t we?” He said, his voice coming from the kitchen and then approaching the bedroom slowly. “I hope you don’t mind getting messy because there’s no way you’re getting out of here clean.”
“Do you mean literally or morally clean?”
“Let me shut that smart mouth up.” And then he kissed you. It was hotter than your normal kisses, even though his body was angled away from yours. 
“Take ‘em off. I need you,” You whispered, pulling at his shirt. He undressed impressively quickly, keeping his boxers on and grabbing the cream. 
“I’m gonna start with something innocent.” He commented, spraying some on your mouth and lips and taking it away with a kiss. “Want more?”
You nodded, your mouth ajar, tongue eager to meet his. He complied, joining your lips once more. “Let me get that sauce now, I don’t want you to imprint all that chocolate on me.”
With that he started licking all the small heart away from your upper chest. “I think I need something to balance it off.” He had the actual audacity to spray some more cream around your nipples. “Better now.” He said, diving in. He devoured the food adorning your belly, again using your belly button to spoon in some cream. 
When he reached the invisible line dividing your belly from your pubis, he stopped, laying a soft kiss there. “Do you want me to...?”
“Do you want to?” He didn’t eat you out often, the act implying a level of confidence you weren’t quite familiar with. 
He nodded timidly. “But I’d rather be inside you.”
You couldn’t dream of anything better. Quickly, you sat up, helping him remove his underwear. God, you had missed seeing him naked. You had missed feeling him under your palms, against you, below you, inside you, on top of you. 
The proportions of your longing hit you right there. “I need you.”
He laid beside you, on his back. “I know it’s been a while, so maybe you’d like to be on top and pick your pace.”
“You are incredible,” you declared, admiring how considerate and smart your man is. Climbing him, you let your intimate parts brush against each other, his hands laying on your thighs. 
“I missed having you like this.” He said, caressing your skin. “I couldn’t stop thinking about this the other night. I was so close to coming back home, wake you up and fuck you into the mattress.” He said with a small embarrassed giggle. He didn’t dirty talk that often, and when he did, sometimes he felt too shy.
“I thought you would come home. I waited for you naked in bed.” You told him in a soft, breathy tone. 
“God, I missed out on that.” He pressed his hips upward, augmenting the friction and enjoying your increasing wetness.
“You really missed out.” You wrapped your hand around his wrist and brought his fingers to your lips. 
He moaned quietly. “But I’m here now.”
You nodded, your tongue wrapping around his fingers. As his eyes rolled shut, you grabbed his length, enjoying the incredible thickness of the veins running under his skin, and pressed the tip to you entrance, a high-pitched sound escaping your throat. You let your hips roll gently downwards. With his hand accompanying your backside, you let him help you ride him, your own hips dictating the pace, the angle and the depth of your movements. As you felt that sense of fullness come to a peak, you brought the fingers resting in your mouth down to your sex, Jin naturally finding the sweet spot that had you mutter soft curses to the ceiling. His spare hand caressed your back gently, encouragingly, until finally you constricted around him, dragging you both to completion. 
Collapsing on his chest, you took a few deep breaths. “We’ll need a shower now.”
“I licked you clean, though.”
“That was amazing.”
“You were delicious.” He commented, kissing your forehead.
“Let’s just lay here for a while.”
“We’ll fall asleep, you know that.” Seokjin said, stroking your hair. 
“That’s what we always do.”
“God, we suck at aftercare.”
“We really do.” He still got in that position you usually fall asleep in. All considered, you could deal with this after a nap.
Yoongi had… tastes, in the bedroom. 
Not just strictly within the bedroom, but yes, he had tendencies which would not belong to most people regarding intimacy.
That’s why everyone was looking at you funny at dinner. In the asphyxiatingly hot Korean summer you were wearing a sleeveless turtleneck with the lame excuse of a sore throat. Which you had, but for reasons absolutely unrelated to the weather. And your eyes were getting droopy. Yoongi was right at your side, being unusually touchy-feely with his affections. At such a point of your relationship, you were used to holding hands, you loved it and you loved the content expression on Yoongi’s face whenever you reached for his hand, or whenever you noticed he was reaching for yours. But tonight, with an arm around your waist, offering you his shoulder to lean on, you knew he was absolutely conscious of your situation — you wanted to kill him because of that: how could he drag you to dinner with the whole group with you in these conditions? — and he was trying to support you and help you close your eyes, at least to regain some energies. 
Every time you let your eyelids fall, you had flashbacks of him less than a couple hours ago, you could feel his hair tickling your naked nipples, his mouth lavishing your skin, covering it in bites and bruises — hence the turtleneck — and you could see his head thrown back, his pout opening in a moan tender as his stare when he looked at you like a goddess, like the most precious of treasures. You could still feel the drag of his hot and hard sex between your breasts, his hips snapping as he pushed the tip past your lips. At some point he had stood perfectly still, ordered you to stay put as he flipped around, his thighs straddling your face as he leaned down to reach your left hip bone with his mouth. He had proceeded taunting you with his dick right in front of your face, you desperately trying to get it in your mouth while he deliberately denied you as he kept rubbing your inner thighs. When you finally managed to get his tip with your tongue he enveloped your clit between his lips, making you cry out gently and lose your feeble grip on him. After a few minutes he had realised he didn’t really like that position, since your ministrations could distract him from the task at hand and make him get sloppy and inefficient. He spent a couple more seconds thinking whether he preferred getting inside you or eat you out till you orgasmed, but he thought he could postpone the actual sex after dinner and get you riled up in the meanwhile. He got himself into a more comfortable position, not without remembering to put some more hickeys of the pale skin of your crotch and pelvis, and proceeded to pleasure you just like you always needed him to. You had been confused, and slightly disappointed, when he had rubbed your belly tenderly after you had recovered from your high, and then briskly stood up and headed for the bathroom. 
“Are you good?” He whispered lovingly at your ear.
“I don’t think I’m really here mentally.” You admitted.
He was tempted to bring you home, wrap you up in the covers and caress your hair until you both fell asleep.
“Do you wanna go home?”
“I don’t want you to miss dinner with everyone.”
Everyone had noticed you weren’t at your best; you were being less talkative and even though you were doing your best to hide your yawns, they were still very frequent. Plus, you couldn’t help but cringe and hide inside Yoongi’s shoulder whenever Hoseok got particularly loud.
Yoongi felt his heart soften everytime you clung to him, some possessive part of himself feeling proud that you showed so explicitly who you belong to. But some other part of him was already thinking what could he possibly do to start you up again. Maybe he should just be settling for some calm and fond lovemaking, maybe he could…
You touched his knee with yours, his hand snaking under the hem of your shirt. Something dark awakened within your belly and suddenly you opened your eyes, meeting your man's gaze. He licked his lips and used his other hand to caress the inside of your knee. Your whole exchange continued, encouraged by the small booth of the restaurant and the table hiding your mildly inappropriate endeavours.
“Are you feeling better now?” He whispered in your ear. Goosebumps rose on your nape, your mouth feeling too dry. A quick nod — you couldn’t really trust yourself talking. 
His hand sneaking higher and higher on your leg, he teased you some more: “If you behave, I’ll let you suck me till I cum, then I’m gonna turn you around and slap your pretty bum as you ride me. Then I’m gonna hold you tight and eat you out, until I’m ready to make love to you again. And when I get inside you again, I’m gonna go so slow you’ll beg me to fuck you harder. You’ll beg me to hurt you. Understood?”
You blinked a couple times before lifting yourself from your slouching, now very awake, almost oversensitive.“Yes, sir,” you replied obediently.
“Good kitten.”
You managed to be more interactive during the rest of the dinner, still limiting yourself to those sitting closer to you, Jungkook, Namjoon and their girlfriends, who appeared to be on the more quiet side. 
As the night went on and Jimin started suggesting going somewhere else, Yoongi looked at you, his expression completely unreadable, still you knew it meant that it’s completely up to you. You also knew he didn’t enjoy the night scene at all. He’d much rather stay home with you. And the wetness you felt coating your panties gave you one more reason to turn down Jimin’s offer and head home. 
Yoongi grinned wide as soon as you entered the car taking you to your apartment. He kept every single promise. And when you finally both laid spent on top of the covers, your bodies laying naked and unashamed, he took a few deep breaths before standing up and rinsing himself in your ensuite. As soon as he was clean and dry he slipped on a pair of shorts and got to the kitchen, grabbing some water and some ice cream. When he came back you were still vegetating on the bed, breathing heavy, eyes opening at the dip of the mattress beside you. He offered you the bottle, brushing your hair away from your face, kissing your cheekbones, your temples, the tip of your nose and the middle of your forehead. 
“Do you want me to run a hot bath?” He offered in a whisper, taking you in his arms and caressing your face continuously.
“You got ice cream...” you mumbled.
“You didn’t eat much at dinner and you rode me pretty fiercely. You need to eat something.” He explained. “Bath or no?”
“Yes, please.”
“Just one more, _____”.
You didn’t like the way he used your name to manipulate you into doing things that you’ll regret tomorrow morning. 
“I can’t, really.”
“I know you can baby, just one. I know you’re gonna love it. I’ll make you love it.”
You whined slightly at the shift of angle. “I’m currently loving this one.”
He quickly withdrew from inside you, making you huff in disappointment as he repositioned himself, rolling you on the side and hooking your leg over his side. “Thank God I’m elastic.”
“Thank God you’re so good me. I love you, angel.” And with that he entered you again, your neck arching so that you could kiss him. “My baby, my joy. You’re incredible. Keep squeezing me, ____, don’t you fucking dare stop now.”
“Please, I need your hand on me.”
“I’m here, angel. I got you.” His fingers slipped to your front, immediately finding your clit and teasing it desperately, your head whipping back, his tongue caressing the crook between your neck and shoulder. The stimulation made you clench further and Hoseok too gained profit from the furious activity of his digits. 
“Hobi, I’m—”
“Yes, angel, keep going.”
“It’s too much.”
“You can take it.”
“Hoseok—” with that you realised your orgasm had surpassed the ordinary — and the previous two — and suddenly you were drenching the sheets. 
“Oh my god, babe that’s too hot. Damn it.” He bit down hard on your shoulder, suppressing a scream, finally ramming into you. 
Sex with Hoseok was always pretty energetic, leaving you exhausted and barely functioning. And usually pretty sore the morning after, no matter how religiously he followed your special aftercare etiquette. He had confessed loving all the special attentions you needed afterwards and it helped him unwind and relax before sleep. 
It was probably the second time you’ve ever squirted. The first time was because of the joined forces of your Hoseok’s fingers and a new vibrator you had decided to experiment, some months ago. The whole messiness of it upset you slightly. But the happiness and pride radiating from Hobi’s grin compensated fully. 
“Are you feeling good, my angel?” He unhooked your leg gently, massaging your thigh and knee. 
You moaned. Too good for words. He’d been right, the angle was amazing and the snapping of his hips teased your bruised backside just enough to mix the pleasure with a sliver of pain. 
“We’ll have to change the sheets, love.” He massaged one breast delicately, innocently, slipping his hand between the side of it and the mattress, lifting it and helping you ease the soreness due to their excessive bouncing while you rode him earlier on. “Shower or bath?”
You moaned again. He giggled. “My fucked out princess...” Cradling your head in his arm, he looked at you fondly. “Don’t tell me I have to sponge bath you.”
You gave him a side glance, slowly coming back to reality. 
“I want you to bath with me.” You whispered. Bath time was sacred time. Usually you didn’t let him in with you, needing some distance to get back to yourself, recovering from whatever folly he had led you to. “Please.”
“I’ll get your bath ready, then I’ll have to change the sheets, but I’ll be with you as soon as I’m done.” He promised reassuringly. 
A few minutes lately you felt his svelte body slide in behind yours inside the bathtub, his arms wrapping around your middle. 
“You were amazing tonight, ____.” Again, your name coming from his lips loosened a tight knot inside you. “I love you so much.” He ran the tip of his nose along the edge of your ear, “You have no idea of how much you’re loved and cherished, sweetie.” He was calm and almost quiet during this exchange and it surprised you, especially since one of the reasons he wasn’t allowed to bath with you was because he was a human powerplant, always emanating an alarming level of energy. 
“Want me to wash your hair?”
“Thank you so much.” You didn’t say for what, but the heaviness of the words made it clear that you didn’t mean only for him washing your hair. He was very careful, pressing his digits on your scalp to ease your nerves and rolling them slowly but with a lot of pressure, just as you liked. As you finished rinsing and exited the tub, he made you stand in front of him, checking your skin attentively, especially your wrists, which had been bound together to the headboard with a rope, and your backside, bruised by his slaps. Finally he inspected he hickies on your breasts and the bite mark on your shoulder. He put some lotion on your wrists, hoping that the red marks wouldn’t turn purple, and did the same on the bite. 
“Let’s get your hair dry,” He said. It took about twenty minutes, his hands skillfully handling the hairdryer. He let his own hair dry naturally, the locks turning slightly curly in an absolutely endearing way. 
He picked up some lotion from the cabinet in the bathroom and offered you his hand, leading you to the bedroom. “Do you need some water? Some juice?”
“Just water would be nice.” You sat on the fresh sheets, immediately wincing at the slight burn of your behind. Laying down, you rolled on your front, not without releasing a pained breath. 
It didn’t take long for Hoseok to come back, the stark contrast between the white sheets and your bruises making him ten times more apprehensive. In his hands he carried a bottle of water, a small ampoule and a cold cloth -- usually he prepared some wet cloths in the freezer when you planned out heavier impact play. Offering you the water and the ampoule, he reached for your lotion and straddled the back of your legs, pouring some ointment on his hands and slowly, delicately beginning to rub your glutes, focusing where the bruises were already turning a dark shade of crimson. Then he laid the cloth on your skin, the cold causing you to hiss. 
“Did you get your muscle relaxant?”
“Yes, baby. Thank you.” You reached for his leg, caressing his hip reverently. 
“It’s okay. Let me ease your legs, they look tense.” He proceeded massaging you thoroughly, taking his time. As he slowly ascended from your calves to your shoulders you felt you herbal muscle relaxant kick in, the hawthorn berry extract working its magic in tandem with Hoseok’s magic hands. 
“I love you so, so much, Jung Hoseok.”
“I love you too, babe.” He smiled, devotion filling his heart.
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catboynecromancy · 3 years
1, 3, 7, 8, 18?
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic. Probably something very, very heavy in internal narrative. I'm also way more comfortable writing humorous/crack and fluffier stuff, even if I often come up with very angsty plots. 😅
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole? Lol. I'm pretty open to anything. I'm *really* not into A/B/O and have only read one fic of that (which is only because I was beta'ing a joke fic for a pal). I used to be into much, much heavier/darker fic tropes, but I've sort of started drifting away from them as I get older. Also, I guess, I have a very difficult time with unrequited fics that don't end up with it ever being requited. Nothing wrong with them at all, they just make me sad. 😭
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Uh, I use what I call "Idea" docs/notes (this is where information, random bits of dialogue, scene ideas, overal ~vibes~ go), "Deep Cuts" docs (this is where I put literally everything I chop or change too drastically while I am writing, just in case), and I have a very vague outline for tapoma but I don't bother with one shots.
7 & 8 are going under a read more because 1. long, 2. NSFW, 3. Dialogue from chapter 4 of tapoma.
Also thank you for the ask~~~~ 💕💕💕
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Hahaha I've shared this before so please forgive me! But also it's probably my favorite thing I've written (thus) far. I mean I've really only been writing consistently for about a month and a half at this point, so I don't have too much. I’m just really proud of 1. the use of a dante’s inferno quote & the whole haha la petite mort/orgasm/whatever dfsjk, 2. the flow of it into a metaphor.
Love led the two of us unto one death.
Adam’s thoughts are elsewhere, lost in the memory of last night, when Ronan had been especially pliant and willing beneath him. His pitchy whines, soft pants, and uninhibited, shameless moans as Adam thrust eagerly into the tight, wet, heat of his ass. His pleas for harder, harder, harder, Goddammit, Adam, fuck me like you really mean it because, even though Adam was giving it his all, Ronan is, at his core, a salacious creature that can never, truly be sated. But, again, Adam is his own sort of creature, one made of never-ending wants and desires, just as voracious as Ronan. The only difference is, he’s been this way for a lot longer, and he’ll take until there’s nothing left.
What a pair they make. The beast who will give everything unprompted, with the one who hoards it after being deprived for such a prolonged length of time.
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“Adam?” Ronan gasps, voice louder than he intends.
His head snaps to Ronan, arms wrapping against his chest in a way that is quickly becoming familiar. “Fuck,” Adam breathes out, also louder than necessary. He gives it some thought and, then, appropriately repeats with more force, “Fuck.”
“Yeah,” Ronan agrees lamely. He looks around, nodding along to a far-off, nearly inaudible beat coming from somewhere in the distance. “Should you – ”
Adam interrupts with a quick, “No.”
“Fucking hell, you didn’t even let me finish what I was saying.”
“Don’t have to. My answer is still no.”
Okay so this one takes some explanation for sure. Like, overall, there is nothing all that great going on here? But there's this sort of feeling and choppiness that happens when you're still super fucked up and the music suddenly cuts off, leaving you in relative silence. It's hard to hear because the music has been blasting in your ears for hours, and conversations tend to get really weird and stilted at this point in the night and whenever I reread this part, I end up throwing myself back into this very situation all over again lmaooo
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pens-swords-stuff · 4 years
Hi there, i saw your post about writing and i have a question. In 2011 I started writing what was going to be a science fiction novel. In 2012 I put it aside to study photography at university. I feel like being at university and having to write for deadlines and reading a lot killed my interest in both. I graduated in 2014 and I honestly miss reading and writing things. How can i get into both again?
My advice to you is to start small, and set zero expectations for yourself.
For reading, you pick a book that sounds pretty interesting. All you need to do is have that book nearby — just carry it around with you. You don’t have to read it, all you need to do is have it close no matter where you are. Maybe you’ll read it when you have a bit of downtime, maybe you won’t. Both are okay. But if you do want to give it a shot, it’s right there.
Maybe you pick up the book, read the first page or so and put it down. That’s okay too. Maybe you don’t pick it up for several weeks after — that’s fine! Just be sure to have it nearby. It took me a month to get past the first few pages of a book after my reading drought, and I had to reread the first few pages several times over. But eventually something clicked, and I finished that book in one night. Until you get to the point where you’re reading voraciously again, all you need to do is have it nearby, pick it up when you feel like it, and put it down when you’re done for the moment. That’s all you need to do.
Don’t feel ashamed or frustrated when you can’t go on — forcing it isn’t going to make reading fun. Your only task is to keep it nearby. 
The same goes for writing as well. 
Open up a document, and write down a sentence — just a single, simple sentence. Maybe that sentence will become two sentences if you feel like it, maybe it won’t. Both are fine. Right now, your task is to just write one sentence. If you go above and beyond, great! If you don’t, you already completed your task.
Once you get the hang of writing down sentences and you feel like writing more, your next goal is one paragraph. Just one paragraph — a short three sentence paragraph is fine. Maybe you keep going, maybe you don’t, both are okay.
Right now, your goal is to just write a tiny bit. Don’t push yourself too hard, we’re just taking baby steps at the moment. Just get into the habit of writing one sentence every so often. Keep going if you have more to say, stop if you’re struggling.
Once you start reading again, writing will become easier as well because you might get inspired and get an idea. If reading is still slow-going, watch some TV shows or a movie, play a video game, listen to some podcasts. Open yourself up to inspiration without expecting anything — you might be surprised at what ideas you come up with.
And when you get an idea, don’t focus on writing it out just yet. Just jot down a note so you won’t forget it (bullet points are fine), and write a single sentence about it. 
Eventually, reading one page will become reading two pages, a chapter, an entire book. Writing down one sentence will become a paragraph, a scene, a chapter. Maybe not now, but you’re preparing yourself to go there. 
For now, just dip your toes back into the water, and let them adjust to the temperature. When you’re used to it, you can go a little bit deeper. When you go to the gym for the first time in years, you don’t immediately pick up the 100lb weight; you start with something much lighter and work your way up. It’s the same thing here.
Take it slow and don’t push yourself. You’re probably very rusty and it’s okay! Take it easy and go a little bit by little bit until it’s fun again. Be kind, forgive yourself for not being able to do more, and do what you can, when you can. Good luck!
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televinita · 6 years
Library Triage
Speaking of my incompetence, I managed to accidentally check out an avalanche of super-awesome-looking/hotly anticipated books with fairly restrictive deadlines toward the beginning of a 10-day hell period at work where I had no time to start them. I am almost out of it now, but they are basically all due by or before the end of June and my brain is spinning out trying to fathom how I am going to organize my reading schedule without rushing and ruining the books for myself, SO, time for project Talk It Out Concretely!
(or. you know. even more ramblingly than usual)
Starting with an achievement: Last night I finally had time to finish Fanny Fran Davis’ Everything Must Go, an absolutely delightful romp which was on its final renewal and only a week away from being due. Prior to that I was working on it in 15-minute breaks at work and 1+ minute stoplights on the commute to work. (seriously. thumbs up to its format.)
1. A & L Do Summer - Jan Blazanin: This is a book that Goodreads has been recommending to me for 5 years. I always thought it looked cute, but maybe not substantial, so I kept putting it off because it required an ILL request. But next week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is “books to read by the beach,” and I saw this on my recs list again and went, “You know what? This is exactly that kind of book. This is exactly the right time of year to finally read it. I want juvenile cuteness that lets me vicariously be 15 (17 apparently?) again with months of freedom ahead to enjoy in a rural Midwest setting.” I’m struggling with whether to read this or the next book first, but I think this one will go quicker. Due 7/2, like the next two. 
[edit: I waited until the day before it was due, for some reason, but it was everything I wanted it to be!]
2. Like Mandarin - Kirsten Hubbard. Another book GR has been recommending to me for 5 years, another one that needed an ILL request. I figured I’d send away for them both together because of sort of similar themes in girl-bonding and rural locales, though this looks much more serious. It’s  always caught my eye; there’s just something about the "young high schooler latches onto/idolizes Cool Senior High Schooler" concept that appeals to me -- oh, and only JUST NOW did I realize it's by the same author as my beloved Wanderlove! Definitely loving it now. Definitely.
[edit: accurate]
3. Heart-Shaped Hack - Tracey Garvis-Graves: After rereading The Island for the first time in 6 years and remembering how much I loved that romance/had anticipated more work from her, I saw this and immediately went, “I could cast Waige in this.” I am coming to the conclusion that this is untrue, because Mr. Hacker is turning out to be way too cocky for any character I’ve ever liked, but if I re-calibrate my expectations for what is actually being offered, I still feel like I will love this. And if that’s the case...there is a sequel. (which unfortunately would have to come rather far down on this list)
[edit: really should have waited for the sequel in hand! I think it will be better; this was good but rather more, uh, adult-romance-y than I expected so I’d like to at least see them in a higher stakes plot]
4. Going Geek - Charlotte Huang: technically due first, on 6/23 and it’s an ILL so getting it back is tough. BUT I am less interested in it than any of the 3 above, so if I don’t through at least 2 of them first, I’ll let this one go with no remorse. I only requested it because it seemed similar to Life in Outer Space, but that one was wholly satisfying on its own. This does look like a solid YA novel, but it doesn’t have a special hook, and I am up to my ears in Hook Books.
[edit: I made time! Glad I did; it was better than I expected it to be]
5. The Broken Girls - Simone St. James: Not a specific craving right now, but I have been on a wait list since it was released and mentally waiting since November because I love a good thriller with a mystery from the past & an abandoned building -- and then I forgot to suspend my hold and it came in before I was ready. Also due 6/23, and still hotly requested. I am probably gonna lose my shot to read this on time and have to wait another 4-6 weeks, but at least it’s in my home system.
[edit: I made time! Barely took me 10 pages to get addicted; SO WORTH IT.]
6. Learning to Stay - Erin Celello: This popped when I was looking for novels with brain-damaged spouses. I was looking for Waige-related reasons, and with the veteran angle this isn’t going to work for them, but its premise is irresistible to me and I have a suspicion who it’s perfect for: Barbie/Julia (with begrudging thanks for season 3 of Under the Dome for actively showing me what it could look like). Not due until July 8 and will probably delay it until after #7, actually, because I’m having trouble focusing on other ships right now, even ones I adore.
[edit: well done, though I couldn’t keep my characters straight because there was an annoying lot to match up with my original pick, so I kept unintentionally running everything twice.]
7. Shine Shine Shine - Lydia Netzer: All right, full disclosure -- this one is my final, brightest and best attempt to find Walter/Paige (complete with a Ralph!) in a novel. I am setting myself up to fail, in part because the premise includes the idea that the central female character is kind of off in her own way. But like. How else* was I supposed to react to “genius engineer husband whose wife has 'taught him to feel -- helped him translate his intelligence for numbers into a language of emotion‘ + autistic son”???
(*alternate option for how else: I’ve got Happy in my back pocket: As children, the temperamental Sunny and the neglected savant Maxon found an unlikely friendship no one else could understand. Even the ironic name fits!)
This one just got here and I’ll pick it up in a few days. It’s a home system request, but we only have one copy and I already had to wrestle it away from someone who kept it 2 days overdue* so we might tussle again. (*you might be asking yourself why I did that, given the state of this post. I don’t know either. I was in a feverish delirium of reading desire by that point and every book I found online looked more imperative to get immediately than the last, but I was stuck waiting for all of them).
[edit: it was beautiful and I have so many favorite quotes and I cried a lot and it was worth it even if only one character lined up well; the pair won my heart on their own merit.]
8. 45 Pounds (More or Less) - K.A. Barson: a cute YA novel about an overweight girl trying (or at least being pestered by her mother) to lose weight. I’ve been saving it for motivation for when I actually attempt to exercise / not eat like crap this summer. This, like the remaining books, has essentially no due date since no one is likely to request them out from under me even once I return them.
[edit: tossed back unread for the time being. too many shiny new things appeared.]
9. Voracious: a hungry reader cooks her way through great books - Cara Nicoletti: this is either going to help the above plan or hurt it, but it’s such a great premise, especially as someone who once considered starting a side blog devoted to highlighting passages in books that describe great meals. I am not actually sure if I will finish it at all. But I’d like to try. 
[edit: see above.]
10. Shelf Discovery: The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading: this book was mentioned in a review for one of the lesser-known books in it; I forget which one, but it intrigued me because there are TONS of titles in here that aren’t usually mentioned in online lists like this, and I love when people talk about books I have actually loved instead of pretending that Catcher in the Rye and The Perks of Being a Wallflower are the best examples of universal YA literature we can find.
(What’s most likely going to happen is I’m going to read 3 chapters and then wig out about how many I haven’t read and put it back until I have, so I can enjoy the comparisons in our reactions instead of being unduly influenced, but... )
11. Sixteen: short stories by outstanding writers for young adults: Absolutely lowest priority, probably will never get to it, but if I had no other reading responsibilities right now? I would be reading it now. I spotted this when I went to pick up the above, and I don’t even usually like short stories, but this is a compilation of outstanding writers for young adults IN THE 1980S.  And there is a very specific style to young adult books from the 1980s that sometimes, I just absolutely crave. Let me give you more of its description: Stories dealing with teenage concerns, written especially for this collection by well-known authors of young adult novels such as the Mazers [that would be Harry and Norma Fox], M.E. Kerr, Robert Cormier, Bette Greene, and Richard Peck. Biographical sketches for each author are included, as well as follow-up activities for the reader. Me, gesticulating wildly at basically all these names: I KNOW THEM! (as authors, I mean. Once upon a time the library’s teen section was full of their work and I devoured it as voraciously as the newer stuff)
[edit: it was short, so I read it and am glad I did.]
AND AS PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED: THERE ARE STILL MORE I WANT, but I can’t think about them right now.
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bluegrasshole · 7 years
do all the get to know your author questions bc they're all good and i can't pick
ko…. you need to work on your decisiveness (but thank you)
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
i mean.. not really. i had decided not to write any more fanfiction to focus on an original story i started but then… i wanted to get used to the setting, work through some personal stuff… kind of warm myself up while still writing the other one… so i’m writing a nurseydex lighthouse story like i said i would
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
my entire fanfiction.net account is bad. so so so bad. and surprisingly recent. also i HATE my early zimbits stuff, but of course one of them is like my second most popular piece so i can’t delete it. like really hate. and it’s frustrating because i have good stuff from that time period, so i don’t even fucking know what was going through my mind.
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
chronological but i tend to go back and add things obsessively. i like getting the skeleton down first just to get the basic plot and know where i’m going, then i go back to add in details – the meat of the skeleton if you will… and you know i like details
4) favorite character you’ve written
any dex is my favourite, but also specifically jack from samwell gentlemen’s hockey because he cracks me up, and i really loved writing parvati in that one parvender piece. 
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
camilla? in strange lovers i didn’t even know i was writing camilla until i realized like 3k in that my character who i’d named millie and was blonde was in fact… camilla. she snuck up on me
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
oh… i do go back and fix things often (in strange lovers i went back to rewrite parts of ransom’s character and his role months after i originally posted it because i realized i had written some pretty shitty stuff regarding black men) but, meh, row upon row is always one i’d like… want to go back and fix, especially the rushed ending, but i can’t go back and change it now because it’s been read by too many people…
7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
super embarrassed. only my best friend knows because she’s also a writer but i still don’t feel super comfortable talking to her about it. we’re getting there with each other. she doesn’t write fanfiction ya feel though i think she’s read some
8) favorite genre to write
lmao idk i like writing comedy but plot is hard so i don’t often do it. character studies i guess, AUs, angst
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
music, and listening to people tell stories about themselves or others, just being around people is inspiring to me. i recently went to a show that was a mix of folk music and storytelling about prince edward island? and it was incredible i left there feeling so invigorated
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
i do most of my writing in a café a minute from my apartment, with or without music depending on if my wireless headphones are dead or not, always w a blended matcha latté
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
oh man. i mean since i started writing in like, 2010? i mean, everything, obviously. but since 2015 – christ. still everything? well, definitely verb tenses/points of view/epithets/general structure and technique, definitely better at rhythm though that took some serious work and a couple stories focussed solely on rhythm and flow. i think i’m much better at nuance now – weaving different themes together to make at least a semi-coherent story… and general prose, i think. finding a balance between minimalism and appropriate imagery. i’m more comfortable playing around with grammar then i used to be. idk, i think my voice has just overall developed into something clearer and distinct from others.
12) your weaknesses as an author
plot and dialogue-heavy scenes. i like writing dialogue and i think the lines themselves are good usually, i just have a hard time, like finding the balance between dialogue, dialogue that has to accomplish something, and prose. and writing a neat point-a-to-point-b plot is a losing battle
13) your strengths as an author
i’ve been told setting, and i think that’s about right. i get obsessive about crafting like, a complete world where it feels like there are things that happen outside of the plot and the main characters. building fucking lore into the setting is the most fun for me. i think the details make the story.
14) do you make playlists for your current wips?
heeeelll yeah
15) why did you start writing?
idk i spent a lot of time on the internet and all the quote unquote cool kids were doing it. i was in a RP where we were all pretty close friends (still follow them on all social media including fb) and we just like, wrote each other fic. i was pretty good at writing before then (for a kid) and even was runner-up for a national award or something in grade six? i barely remember what it was for but i do remember the piece was called “autumn’s opus” and it was comparing the seasons to an orchestra or a piece of music idk. it was pretty killer for an 11-yr-old if i do say so myself
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
oh i don’t know about haunt but i do get sad about jack and kent all the time
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
read your dialogue out loud to see if it sounds natural (it probably doesn’t) and put dooooown the epithets. it’s lazy writing and you don’t need them. and reread reread reread reread. in different fonts, different colours, on differents days, out loud, by different people… reread!!
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
absolutely anything by fluorescentgrey but especially her historical AUs, familiar’s character designs and rawness, waspabi’s dialogue and humour, montparnasse’s prose and tenderness, misandrywitch’s everything, and this piece which inspired a tattoo and pushed me to start experimenting with my own writing a couple years ago… among many others
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
oh i usually just give up halfway through that’s how
20) do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
usually i go to the café and sit for like 5 hours and if i get a few hundred words out of that i’m happy
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
ugh it’s so bad and shitty and i hate it all
22) are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
well, yeah. i don’t like writing about religion so i just… don’t, much. strange lovers had the most religion of anything i’ve ever written. and i’m cautious about writing about race though i’ve done it a few times… i don’t super like writing traditional coming-out stories because i just don’t care all that much so i’ll usually twist them around somehow if they’re necessary. 
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
all of my life experiences inform my writing. that’s not me being facetious i just mean that i really like listening to people tell stories and telling stories myself and gossiping etc that i think it’s clear that i prioritize that in my writing
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
ah yes coal mining in 20th century nova scotia lmao
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
the very first paragraph from my nurseydex wip: 
There are days where you think you could lose yourself in the fog and there are days where you wouldn’t mind. When you wake and it’s there eating the world up, surrounding it all like a living thing, voracious, and it’s even hungrier at night, and the only thing that reminds you you belong to the earth and are tied to it like the oldest and most solid daybeacon in the harbour is the horn, loud and long and haunting and filling. And the light. The light, the light, always the light.
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ddpej · 7 years
Hey cousin! It's your winter anon again! Sorry to be messaging you so late, today got away from me. Thanks so much for the book recommendations! My library doesn't have them as e-books yet, alas, but I'll see what they have in terms of physical books. In any case, I was curious--> how did you find the Young Wizards books? You mentioned that you read them when you were younger. Do you have any characters you identify with? Or any scenes you reread again and again?
Hello again!  I am not sure if any of the T.Kingfisher stuff is physical, as I think she’s mostly self-published under that name, but good luck!  There are definitely physical books published under her real name, if nothing else. ^_^  Rambly answers below the cut!  (I hope they make sense.  It’s been a long day, and sleep will be glorious.)
I don’t remember finding the YW books myself, and to be honest I probably didn’t!  I was a voracious reader as a child, with definite but broad tastes, so my dad was in the habit of getting books for me from the (much larger) library near where he worked.  A lot of the books I read were things he found (or perhaps the librarians recommended, I don’t know) and just brought home.  I suspect SYWTBAW was one of them.  He also always looked up the books he brought home to see if they were part of a series and if the authors had written other things; that way if I liked a book he had some other titles handy to get the next time.  In this manner would I have gotten the rest of the series as they were available, up until sometime in my teens when he started to wean us off his library card. =P
(My dad truly went above and beyond, anon, you have no idea.  His books-for-the-kids binder was three or four inches thick, full of handwritten author pages front and back with the books listed by series on each page and the pages marked with colored paper clips – two related colors for each child, one that meant “really liked” and one that meant “liked well enough”.  I don’t remember for sure which colors were mine, but between the three of us we had greens, blues, and red/pink.  I honestly don’t know where he got that many colored paper clips, there were quite literally hundreds!  Titles on each page got.. initials after them, I think it was, to indicate which child(ren) had read them.  He also kept track of the books my mom read (and himself), though compared to us kids that was a very small trickle.  I think he may have also had some sort of time indicator that he used to note which authors he hadn’t brought home in a while?  Certainly he made a point of checking back periodically to see if authors had new books out, one way or another, so that he could add those to the lists.)
(He probably still has that binder, for all that it’s been unused for years.  Paper-clipped pages and all.)
Anyway!  I am not terribly prone to strong identification with characters so much as I am prone to flashes of identification with characters in specific moments, if that makes sense?  So while I wouldn’t say that I identify with Darryl as such – I am definitely not abdal material, for one! – there are nevertheless some shared autistic experiences in there.  Similarly there are resonating lines from/about most of the characters at some point or another.  (Interestingly, though I adore Ed, I don’t know that he’s actually got one of those.)  I am perhaps closest to the cats overall (Rhiow has more than a few resonances), but it’s hard to say for sure and I was not around for the Big Meow, so things may change once that’s eventually made available again.  I also have only read GWP once so far, so a lot of the newer characters are still fuzzy in my head.
As far as rereading scenes over and over goes, again, not as such?  I am far more prone to either settling in for a wholesale reread or else getting a tickle in my brain re: some specific thing and having to go look up that spot for a quick reread to scratch the itch.  (These tickles are usually along the lines of “[thing] happened, and [character] said something I liked.  How was that worded?”  And then I have to go find that spot to find out, and I usually end up reading the next three chapters just because, and sometimes I’ll just keep going until I finish the book.) (again)
..I feel like those last two paragraphs may not be very satisfactory answers, but they’re going to have to do for now!  Good night and go well.
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