#and Kasumi comments that Ayumu is starting to remind her of Setsuna
myonmukyuu · 2 months
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@doridoripawaa YES YES YESSSS FEAR!! You get it 😭😭😭😭 You pass the Uehara Ayumu exam!!!
My take with the season 1 conflict is that painting Ayumu’s jealousy purely as a romantic thing does a big disservice to her character. For me the key thing about it is that she’s so so afraid. She’s so anxious and it’s hit a critical point. She clings to Yu’s side because Yu doesn’t change. Yu is always there for her! But when this whole idol thing starts Yu starts changing - she goes from floating about in life to having a dream and this once steady anchor starts floating around and god damn Ayumu is terrified! I could talk on and on about this but all the visual symbolism in Dream With You really screams that Ayumu wants time to stop and for now to be forever but it’s 1am !!!
But yes you’re right about everything … Setsuna and Ayumu are actually alike in that way….. 🥹🥹🥹
I’m going to think about them sharing an umbrella for the rest of my life….
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Tri-Arame: A Break? No Way!
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~2k Rating: G Time Frame: Sometime during the 2nd trimester of their 2nd year? Later? Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: How many detours will I take? How many WIPs must I start before I can finish one? Will I ever finish any of the works I started over the last couple months? Only my µ’s muse knows.
Anyway, this chapter was born entirely out of a single comment from myon as we discussed the new songs for the Nijigasaki girls. I don’t want to spoil it entirely, so I’ll include it in the followup post.
Also, the girls of R3birth have not made their anime debut, so they will not be appearing in this scene. Perhaps I may come back and make changes later if they are introduced in the second season.
Summary: It’s time for everyone in the Nijigasaki School Idol Club to have a new solo! And Yuu is going to help them all.
Movement at the edge of Ayumu’s focus caught her eye and she looked up.
“Are you alright, Yuu-chan?” She asked the twin-tailed girl beside her under the kotatsu.
“I’m fine.” Yuu offered a smile that was nowhere near its normal power.
“You’ve stayed up late every night this week.” Ayumu reminded. “It’s fine to take a break.”
“A break? No way!” Yuu shook her head. “I need to help you guys.”
“I believe Ayumu-san and I can take care of anything else tonight.” Setsuna joined from her spot opposite Ayumu. “We’ve made a lot of progress thanks to your help, Yuu-san.” She smiled, though Ayumu noted even hers was not as brilliant as usual.
The three girls had been working together for hours since arriving at Ayumu’s place after school, breaking only for dinner. The project was a pair of new solo songs for Ayumu and Setsuna for an upcoming Live being planned by the school idol club. Although, together may have been a little bit of an overstatement, as Ayumu and Setsuna had each been primarily focused on their own song while Yuu assisted as needed.
And on the topic of Yuu’s assistance, she had been helping the rest of the club as well all week. Thus, all the late nights. She had actually ended up staying at Rina’s, Shizuku’s, Karin’s and Kanata’s places after missing the last train the first couple nights and not bothering the next two. Tonight, it was Ayumu’s turn and they had invited Setsuna to join them.
“Are you sure?” Yuu seemed more than a little dejected.
Whatever Setsuna was about to say in response was interrupted by a yawn. “Mm…” She ended up humming and nodding after.
“It seems we should take our own advice and turn in as well.” Ayumu decided. “We can continue later this weekend. But for now, you and I need to rest up for tomorrow, Yuu-chan.” She reminded her friend of the plans they had with her parents. “Or today, actually.” She corrected, noticing the clock on her headboard.
“I suppose.” Yuu sighed and crawled over to Ayumu’s bed before pulling herself up and under the covers.
“I’m sorry, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu suddenly apologized. “I got so wrapped up in our work that I completely forgot to set out a futon for you.” She stood and moved to her closet to retrieve the bedding.
“I’ll help.” Setsuna assured, sliding the table a little to make room before getting up to retrieve a pillow.
“Oh, and one more thing.” Ayumu stepped over to her plushie display and grabbed the pink rabbit before turning and handing it to Setsuna.
“… Right… Thank you.” Pink dusted the raven-haired girl’s cheeks as she accepted.
Ayumu opened her eyes to an unfamiliar sound. Soft, almost imperceptible scratches sounded from somewhere in the room. Then a sound she recognized; a page being turned. She sat up and immediately spotted Yuu setting the table, scrawling away at the paperwork for the songs they had worked on last night.
“Yuu-chan?” She murmured, keeping her volume down as she realized Setsuna was still sleeping behind Yuu.
“Mm?” The girl with green tips looked up from her work, set a hand down for support and twisted her shoulders around to face the redhead. “G’mornin’ Ayumu.” She offered a smile that was barely more energetic than the prior night.
“How long have you been up?” Ayumu asked, sliding out of bed, stepping over Setsuna and making her way to her normal spot at the table.
“Dunno.” Yuu admitted. “I dreamed up some good ideas for almost everyone and needed to get them out on paper before I forgot it all.”
Ayumu couldn’t help smiling. She loved Yuu’s unwavering support, even when it lead to hyperfocus and nigh-all-consuming obsession. And while she wished Yuu would take better care of herself, she had long since vowed to do what she could to fill in where needed when it came to her health and wellbeing.
“Are you going to be alright coming along with us today?” She asked.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Yuu nodded. “I love hanging out with you and your parents. I can take a nap afterward.”
Well, at least she recognizes she needs more sleep. Ayumu conceded to herself.
A knock came at the door, followed by Ayumu’s mother’s voice. “Are you girls up? I’ll have breakfast ready in a moment.”
The sound caused Setsuna to stir, so Ayumu was no longer worried about waking her.
“We’ll be out in a few.” Ayumu responded.
“Oh, Setsuna-chan, good morning.” Yuu greeted the other girl as she slowly sat up and yawned.
Setsuna stretched. “Good morning, Yuu-san, Ayumu-san.”
“Good morning, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu added.
“I had a bunch of new ideas,” Yuu continued “though we probably can’t fit them all into just these songs, and probably shouldn’t try, but maybe we’ll be able to use some in the next set? Anyway, take a look at it later today and let me know what you think.” She held out a stack of sheets.
“Thank you, Yuu-san.” Setsuna accepted and slipped the pages into her bag.
The three then rotated through the bathroom to wash their faces and get ready for the day.
ScarletStorm: Ayumu-san
UeharaAyumu: What’s up Setsuna-chan?
ScarletStorm: I wanted to contact you privately so as to avoid possibly embarrassing Yuu-san.
UeharaAyumu: Yuu-chan?
UeharaAyumu: What do you mean?
ScarletStorm: I believe she mixed up some of the paperwork for our songs.
ScarletStorm: A lot of it, actually.
Oh? Ayumu crawled over to the table to check what was left there. Sure enough, much of it was for Setsuna’s solo.
UeharaAyumu: That appears to be the case
ScarletStorm: I can stop by later tonight so we can swap them.
UeharaAyumu: No need to make a special trip
UeharaAyumu: We’ll see each other again Monday morning
As soon as Ayumu sent the second message, she realized what Setsuna was probably going to reply.
ScarletStorm: I was hoping to work a little more on it tomorrow.
And there it was. Yuu wasn’t the only workaholic when it came to school idol things. Ayumu laughed lightly to herself and shook her head. She was about to agree and set up a time to meet when a different thought occurred to her.
UeharaAyumu: Perhaps we can use this opportunity to help each other?
UeharaAyumu: Look at what the other has done from a different perspective and maybe do some editing or offer some advice?
UeharaAyumu: A little like what Yuu-chan has been doing for us, but we both have different perspectives than her
UeharaAyumu: And each other
ScarletStorm: That’s a great idea, Ayumu-san!
ScarletStorm: It will a little like our Shuffle Festival from a little while back.
ScarletStorm: Actually, no, not really.
ScarletStorm: We’re not covering the other’s song, just helping them write one.
UeharaAyumu: Well there’s no reason we cannot add a little of our own influence to the other’s song
UeharaAyumu: I’ve always admired your style, Setsuna-chan
UeharaAyumu: So I wouldn’t mind seeing what influence you might have on a song that I might sing
UeharaAyumu: Then on the other side, I would like to see what I can add to a song of yours
UeharaAyumu: And on the topic of the Shuffle Festival, I actually kind of hoped I would end up with CHASE! instead of Kasumi-chan
UeharaAyumu: Yuu-chan still likes to play it on her piano every so often and I can’t help humming along when she does
UeharaAyumu: After all, it was the song that inspired me to become a school idol and her to join and restart the club
There was a noticeable pause before Setsuna began typing again. Then another pause. And another.
ScarletStorm: Thank you, Ayumu-san.
ScarletStorm: That song has always meant a lot to me.
ScarletStorm: As such, I am very happy to hear that you and Yuu-san continue to enjoy it.
ScarletStorm: That said, I also enjoy your style.
ScarletStorm: However, I believe Emma-san was a better pick than I for covering Yume e no Ippo.
ScarletStorm: At least she was then.
ScarletStorm: My time with Ayumu-san and Shizuku-san in A・ZU・NA has allowed me to experience many more facets of being a school idol than I would have otherwise on my own.
ScarletStorm: You have allowed me to expand my knowledge and skills of being a school idol.
ScarletStorm: It would be an honor to sing a song in homage to Ayumu-san’s style in exchange for her singing one in mine.
Ayumu smiled.
UeharaAyumu: I’ll let Yuu-chan know we’re trading notes for a little while when I check on her later to make sure she’s taking the break she needs
UeharaAyumu: And speaking of breaks, don’t you be staying up to late working on my song
UeharaAyumu: Both you and Yuu-chan have a bad habit of overworking yourselves and it makes me worry about you
Scarlet Storm: Thank you for your concern, Ayumu-san.
ScarletStorm: I will be sure to go to bed at a decent time tonight.
UeharaAyumu: Alright
UeharaAyumu: See you at the station Monday morning
ScarletStorm: Yes, see you then.
“Wha~?” Kasumi exclaimed, planting both hands on the table and leaning toward two of her seniors on the other side. “Ayumu-sempai and Setsuna-sempai are trading songs?”
Ayumu laughed lightly. “Just trading some influence in style.”
“And learning new ways to look at our songs,” Setsuna added excitedly “how we share them with our fans and ultimately grow as school idols.”
“Kasumin wants to grow as a school idol too!” Kasumi whined. “Senpai!” She turned toward Yuu. “Help Kasumin make her songs even cuter!”
“Yuu-senpai has already helped you a lot, Kasumi-san.” Shizuku pointed out from beside the ash blonde. “I believe what is being suggested here is a little different.”
“It sounds more like our recent Shuffle Festival.” Karin observed.
“That’s what I thought at first as well.” Setsuna acknowledged.
“But what Setsu and Ayu-pyon are doing is trading influence on creating songs, not just covering the other’s songs.” Ai spoke up.
“Exactly.” Ayumu agreed.
“Sounds fun. Ai’m in.” The blonde grinned.
“I would like to try something new as well.” Rina stated flatly. “I would like to discover new ways to connect with my fans.”
“Hmmm…” Emma considered “I enjoyed singing Ayumu-chan’s pure song during the Shuffle Festival, but I wonder how it might feel to sing a cool song like Karin-chan’s or a dramatic one like Shizuku-chan’s.”
“Or a cute one like Kasumin’s?” Kasumi asked.
“I think everything Emma-chan sings would end up being cute.” Kanata’s voice was slightly muffled by her pillow before she turned her head. “Wouldn’t you agree, Karin-chan?”
“O… of course.” Karin didn’t seem to have expected to be asked such a question.
“What kind of influence would you want to have on your song, Kanata-san?” Yuu asked.
“I already get inspiration and influence from Haruka-chan.” Kanata drawled.
“Well, this all sounds like a lot of fun.” Yuu continued. “But if we’re going to overhaul everyone’s songs, it’s going to be a lot of work. But…” she leaned over retrieve a sizable stack of sheets from her bag “I came up with a ton of new and random stuff once Ayumu and Setsuna-chan revealed their idea to me. Take a look and see if anything gives you ideas. I’ll be happy to help wherever I can, as always.”
Seven hands reached forward to take random pages and several discussions broke out among the group.
Ayumu glanced at the twin-tailed girl beside her. Looks like it might be another sleep deprived week for Yuu-chan. She worried silently. Maybe I’ll take a night in the middle of the week this time. Oh. Setsuna-chan and I are pretty far along with our songs, so maybe we can all take a break that night. Perhaps an anime movie night, so long as we limit it to only a few episodes and not an entire series.
Someone said her name to get her attention and Ayumu was taken from her thoughts and into a discussion about a possible lyric change. The next couple hours were filled with excitement and anticipation as the girls of the Nijigasaki School Idol Club began looking at their songs in a new light.
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Tri-Arame: Betting For Play
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~3.1k Rating: T Time Frame: First year of college? Maybe second? Dunno yet Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Welp, this ended up a heck of a lot longer than originally intended. Not complaining mind, but there were only two original bits I wanted to include and it just kept growing from there.
Ayumu startled as an anguished cry sounded from within as she opened the door to her dormroom.
“Y-Yuu-chan?” She inquired, quickly trying to assess the situation. “Are you alr…” Oh.
“Ayumu!” Yuu tossed the controller she was holding into the air as she bounced up to her feet.
“Ayumu-san!” Setsuna greeted as well, deftly deflecting the discarded device to land softly on the bed as she also jumped up.
The two raced across the room toward Ayumu who couldn’t hold back a smile at their antics even if she had wanted to. In the short few weeks the trio had been dating, Yuu and Setsuna had begun a friendly, though no less serious competition to be the first to greet her when she was the last to arrive home. It was one of many ways the two challenged each other but it was probably the one that amused Ayumu the most.
And even if she did feel a little strange being the subject of such a contest, she’d be lying if she said she disliked it. After all, just the way the two lit up merely upon seeing her was enough to warm her heart and drive away any dreariness of the day. As such, she almost preferred coming home last because of this new routine.
“Welcome home!” Setsuna launched herself the last meter or so into a tackling hug.
“I’m back.” Ayumu giggled, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend, and tilting her head down for a kiss.
A sigh sounded from her other girlfriend. “You’re too fast, Setsuna-chan…” Yuu lamented.
Both Ayumu and Setsuna laughed as they parted.
“Well, I do maintain a regular exercise routine, which includes running outside or spending some time on the elliptical.” Setsuna explained as Yuu took her turn to greet Ayumu. “And you know you’re always welcome to join me for my morning routine, Yuu-san.”
“But I do, though… sometimes…” Yuu reminded as she stepped away to allow Ayumu to remove her shoes. “And don’t you also do a bunch of more stuff at the studio?”
“Well, yes,” Setsuna conceded, “but that is more focused on dancing and singing. What I do on my own here is more general fitness.”
“Hrm…” Yuu seemed to consider the idea for a moment before her expression changed. “Anyway, you’re only one win up.” She jutted her chin back toward where they had been playing a moment ago. “You gotta win by two.”
“Right.” Setsuna nodded before turning.
“Eh?” Ayumu uttered as Yuu suddenly slid in close to peck a kiss on her cheek.
Setsuna either caught the movement with her peripheral vision or responded to Ayumu’s voice, or both, as she spun around and strode back. With a sly glance toward Yuu, she mimicked the gesture from Ayumu’s other side. Yuu responded by sticking out her tongue, at which they both giggled.
For her part, Ayumu couldn’t help joining in with the laughter. “Are you two going to carry over your little contest through making dinner tonight as well?” Though the concept was amusing, part of her feared how such a competition might affect Setsuna’s already adventurous attitude in the kitchen.
“Don’t need to.” Yuu said with a grin as she pulled something out of her pocket before presenting it proudly. “I won this at the store on the way home today.”
“Yuu-san and I already picked out what we want and have a pending order up on your laptop.” Setsuna explained.
“Alright, I’ll add my order in a moment.” Ayumu said with a smile.
Though neither girl said as such aloud, Ayumu couldn’t help wondering if the two had made their own side contest with the convenience store promotion. The fact that Yuu had emphasized that she had been the one to win the gift certificate felt like a strong indicator, along with a notable increase in competitiveness between them recently. At least they were having fun.
“Ne, Setsuna-chan,” Yuu spoke up as the two made their way back to the kotatsu “wanna add a little extra incentive to the game tonight?”
“What do you have in mind?” Setsuna tilted her head with curiosity as they retrieved their controllers and took their places.
“Something like the winner gets to make a request of the loser?”
“What kind of request?”
Yuu shrugged. “I dunno, maybe like drawing on their face like when we play Hanetsuki during the New Year celebration?”
“I don’t believe we have any ink…”
“Then maybe make them do pushups, get the winner a snack, clean their ears or something? I’m sure we can figure out something.”
Setsuna considered the suggestion for a moment before smiling strangely. “Alright.”
Ayumu wondered what kind of request Setsuna had chosen that would cause such an expression. Unlike their friend Kasumi, Setsuna was not typically the scheming type, and was not particularly good at it when she did. Rather, she was usually far too earnest and straightforward, to the point that Ayumu occasionally wondered how she had managed to hide her anime obsession from her parents and her dual identity from her fellow high school students.
“Hehe, now I’m getting fired up!” Yuu proclaimed. “I’m so going to win the next three rounds.”
“You seem pretty confident.” Setsuna observed.
“Well yeah, now that I get to make a request of Setsuna-chan, there’s no way I’m passing that up.”
“Hrm, we’ll see about that.”
With her meal chosen and their order submitted, Ayumu moved to sit on her bed. This gave her a good vantage point to observe her girlfriends’ match.
“Ha! Ring out!” Yuu pumped a fist in the air a moment later. “That’s one! Two more to go.”
“Two for me as well.” Setsuna reminded.
“Yeah, but that’s up from one.”
“…” Setsuna pursed her lips into an adorable pout, earning a cheeky grin from Yuu. “Alright, next round.”
The next two rounds were intense. Ayumu watched with bated breath while the two girls participating leaned forward and gripped their controllers harder.
“Victory!” Yuu cried, tossing her controller in the air.
Ayumu reached out to catch the falling device so it didn’t land on either girl in front of her.
Setsuna’s shoulder slumped in defeat.
“Alright, go braid your hair.” Yuu pointed to her rival. “You’re gonna be Nana tonight.”
“Eh?” Setsuna tilted her head with curiosity. “You want me as your prize?”
“Why not?” Yuu grinned. “It’s either you or Ayumu and I didn’t make a wager with her. Besides, I think this prize is one she will enjoy as well.”
Ayumu couldn’t deny that last point.
“While I’m happy to oblige, you really just want me to change my hairstyle to one you see all the time?”
“But we don’t see it all the time.” Yuu insisted. “At least not since we started college. You only wear it to class, and we don’t have any together.”
“You’re…” Setsuna blinked in realization. “You’re right. I hadn’t realized that you two might miss seeing me like that…” She hung her head apologetically. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize, Setsuna-chan!” Yuu laughed, placing a reassuring hand on the other girl’s shoulder. “If you go too long again, I’ll just be sure to win against you again at something.”
“Or try to win.” Setsuna smirked.
“Well, yeah, of course.” Yuu chuckled. “It wouldn’t be as much fun if you just let me win. Anyway, for the record, when I said you’ll be Nana tonight, I meant all night.” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“All night?”
“I suppose you can take out your braids before you fall asleep, but for sure during certain activities.” Yuu emphasized the last two words.
“Yeah, I got that part.” Setsuna rolled her eyes at the less-than-subtle hinting. “But I don’t usually like sleeping with them, so you can’t go overboard and exhaust me again.”
Yuu held her hands up in mock defense. “Hey, I can’t help it if Ayumu gives in too much to her lust.”
“Yuu-chan…” Ayumu interjected, feeling heat rise in her cheeks. She wasn’t wrong, per se, but as was far too often the case, Yuu knew exactly how to embarrass her. Sure, she was looking forward to seeing Setsuna in braids but… wait… What if…? “Ne, Yuu-chan…”
“Would you mind if I played a round?”
“Challenger Ayumu wishes to enter the ring?” Yuu dropped her tone to mimic an announcer. “I thought you preferred more RPG or collection style games?”
“There’s some fighting in them.”
“Turn-based, sure, but…” Yuu shrugged and held out her controller.
“Uhm, I was hoping to challenge you, Yuu-chan.” Ayumu clarified.
“I know. I just wanted to be Player 1.” She reached over for the controller in Setsuna’s hand. “Alright, let’s pick our fighters.” She began scrolling through the selection on the screen.
“You can probably see better from here, Ayumu-san.” Setsuna spoke up as she scooted over a bit before patting the area between her and Yuu.
“Mm.” Ayumu nodded and slipped down off the bed before moving the joystick a couple times to search the roster.
“Oh ho, interesting choice.” Yuu commented as final selections were made and the countdown to start the match began. “But no matter, victory will be mine.”
Yuu proved her skill immediately by landing a devastating first blow before Ayumu could react.
“Nice.” Setsuna complimented. “But remember, Yuu-san, first blood isn’t nearly as important as last.”
“Mmh… huh? Wha?” Yuu reacted as her character was tossed into the air. “Wait…”
Ayumu tapped more buttons on her controller, scoring additional hits.
“Ayumu… when…” Yuu sputtered.
Setsuna snickered as the round ended. “That’s one for Ayumu-san.”
“Eh, uhm, beginner’s luck?” Yuu questioned. “Anyway, Round 2.”
The second round went almost exactly the same as the first. Yuu struck the first blow, but eventually succumbed to a flurry of hits from Ayumu.
“Ayumu!” Yuu cried as she was defeated for a second time. “That was amazing! Where did you learn to play like that?” Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Do I get the play the winner now?” Setsuna added her energy to the mix.
“Yeah, we should totally get round robin tournament going.” Yuu agreed, handing her controller over to Setsuna. “But really, Ayumu, when did you get so good at fighting games?”
“I, uhm… asked Ai-chan and Rina-chan for a suggestion on which character to try…” Ayumu admitted.
“You two have been having a lot of fun with this game for the last few nights, so I thought I could maybe join you…”
“You’re always welcome to play with us, Ayumu-san.” Setsuna pointed out.
“I know, I just, thought I might have a fighting chance if I did a little research first, you know, for combos and such.”
“Yeah, that sounds like something you would do.” Yuu laughed. “Well, now that I know you’re secret, I’ll be better prepared for our next match.”
“Speaking of, you get to make a request of Yuu-san, since you won.” Setsuna reminded.
That’s right, that was also part of why Ayumu had wanted to play against Yuu, to maybe get an unexpected victory and get back at her a little for the teasing.
“Right.” Ayumu cleared her throat and turned to the green-tipped girl beside her. “Well, since Yuu-chan likes braids so much, I think she would look quite cute wearing a matching style to Nana-chan.”
“Eh?” Yuu blinked.
Now there was a reaction Ayumu hadn’t anticipated. Yuu wasn’t the type to fluster easily, but there was no hiding the pink blossoming across her cheeks. And it was adorable.
From the other side of her, Ayumu could hear Setsuna’s sharp intake of breath. “I’ve… I don’t think I’ve ever seen Yuu-san with braids before…”
“A… are you sure that’s what you want as your prize?” Yuu seemed at a loss for words.
How had she put it earlier? “Why not?” Ayumu returned. “It’s either you or Setsuna-chan, and you already made the request of her, and I think she’ll like it as well.”
“So, if I win against Ayumu-san,” Setsuna pondered “does that mean I can make her wear twin braids as well?”
Still riding the wave of confidence from her victory as well as successful teasing of Yuu, Ayumu couldn’t help smirking a little. “Maybe, if you win.” She winked at the raven-haired girl. “But if I win, I get to be the one to braid your hair.”
“That was what I was about to request when I won our rematch…” Yuu admitted.
“Hmm…” Ayumu thought for a moment. “How about as a consolation prize for both of you, I do both of your braids.”
Yuu chuckled. “Is that really a consolation prize or just an excuse to play with our hair?” Was she trying to turn back the teasing tables?
“Can’t it be both?” Ayumu asked. “I mean both of the other prizes requested so far were ones that will be enjoyed by the others and not just the winner, right?”
“Fair point.” Yuu nodded. “Alright, it’s a deal for me. Setsuna-chan?”
“Deal.” Setsuna agreed as well. “But, who’s going to do Ayumu’s braids when I win?”
Yuu and Ayumu laughed for a moment before the next round of the tournament began.
“I think we wore her out…” Yuu observed the girl between them.
“Again…” Ayumu added before sighing.
Yuu giggled quietly.
“I won…” Yuu murmured.
“Won what?”
“I outlasted her.”
Oh, for heaven’s sake, they competed over that as well? Although, Ayumu had to admit the idea was a bit amusing. However…
“Is it really fair when you had me to help?”
Yuu seemed to ponder the question for a moment before grinning. “We really do team up on her a lot, don’t we?”
“Yeah… but it’s hard not to…”
“I know, right? She’s so cute when she makes that expression.” Yuu did a decidedly poor, though likely purposefully so, impression.
“Well, perhaps to keep things fair, maybe next time she and I can team up against you.”
“Now that I’d like to see.”
“You don’t think we can?”
“I didn’t say that. I think Ayumu is certainly up to the task, but…”
Though left unspoken, Yuu’s implication was clear. And if Ayumu was being honest, she had to agree. Setsuna was definitely a passionate participant, but, perhaps as a reflection of other aspects of her personality, she seemed reluctant to, for lack of better words, take the lead. Part of Ayumu wondered if things were fine that way of if it was something they should address and work on at some point.
The sound of Yuu’s yawn pulled Ayumu’s thoughts back to reality.
“Ne, Yuu-chan, do you know if Setsuna-chan took out her contacts?”
“Yeah, before she put on her glasses.”
Oh, right. That made sense. “Also, you promised you’d let her take out her braids before she fell asleep.”
“I think I can take care of that.”
“Scoot up a little.”
“And slide your arm under her.”
“Like this?”
“Perfect.” Yuu lifted Setsuna’s shoulder gently.
Setsuna murmured something before turning with Yuu’s guidance. Once on her side, she wrapped her arms around Ayumu’s waist and buried her face in her chest.
“There we go.” Yuu hummed her approval and started undoing the braids that were now much easier for her to reach.
“Where did you lear…?” Ayumu realized the answer before she finished the question.
“From you of course.” Yuu responded anyway.
Which meant… “You’ve been awake?”
“Not every time.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I couldn’t help being caught up in the cuteness of the gesture.” Yuu admitted. “Ayumu’s thoughtfulness is one of her most adorable traits, and one of my favorites.”
Ayumu felt her cheeks puff in a pout as she reached across Setsuna to gently punch Yuu’s arm who only grinned more in response.
“Anyway, perhaps I’ll challenge you two again and get Setsuna-chan to team up with me that way.” Ayumu pondered.
“Challenger Ayumu wants to enter the ring again?” Yuu did a quieter version of her announcer voice from before. “Winning against us felt pretty good, huh?”
“A little…”
“Though to be honest, I’d’ve brought you in on our little contests earlier, but I’ve just never really seen you as the competitive type.”
“I went up against my rival school idols a lot back in high school.” Ayumu pointed out.
“True,” Yuu conceded “but even then, you weren’t really all that competitive. You worked hard, that’s for sure, and you were incredibly supportive of your fellow school idols, but… hrm…”
“What is it?”
“Oh, hey, idea.” Yuu grinned. “You should totally surprise Setsuna-chan in the morning. Something like seeing who can get the most steps in on the elliptical or whatever.”
“Setsuna-chan would probably win something like that.”
“Possibly. But it really isn’t really about winning or losing, you know.”
“I mean yeah, sure, it’s feels good to win, but it’s also fun to see Setsuna-chan’s smile when she wins.”
“But you already know that, don’t you?”
“That was why you were so supportive of your rival school idols, or at least part of it, right? Because watching them do well was also fun.”
Ah, so that’s what it was all about. It all made sense now. Ayumu had fun surprising her girlfriends with a couple early wins, but even as they adjusted and started winning matches again, it hadn’t diminished Ayumu’s enjoyment at all.
And the silly little requests had really just been a fun bonus. She hadn’t minded at all that the request made of her after her first loss was that she would join in on the twin braids brigade, in fact, she had expected it.
Sure, Ayumu wasn’t nearly as competitive as either Yuu or Setsuna. And sure, she was quite content watching her girlfriends compete over the most random things. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t join in on the fun every so often, right?
“Mm, sorry, I was just thinking.”
“What hairstyles I’ll have you try next time I win against you.”
“Tha… I… if I let you win…”
For the second time that night, Ayumu got to witness Yuu’s flustered expression and she couldn’t help smiling.
“Good night, Yuu-chan.” She said quietly before closing her eyes.
“Good night, Ayumu.” Yuu replied, shifting just enough to plant a kiss on Ayumu’s forehead without waking the sleeping girl between them. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“…ve… y… wo…” Setsuna murmured into Ayumu’s chest before nuzzling in more.
Did Yuu-chan actually wake her up or is she just sleep talking, again? Ayumu wondered. Either way, she tilted her chin down just enough to press her lips atop the other girl’s head before whispering a similar sentiment to her. Finally, Yuu’s affirmations to Setsuna were the last sounds Ayumu heard before sleep took over.
Author’s Note Coninued in Followup Post
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