#and a lot of bee gees songs feel incredibly crunchy too
running-in-the-dark Β· 2 years
Top 3 crunchiest sounds ?
I love this question, thank you for asking πŸ˜‚ I had to take some time to think about it and now I'll do 5 because I thought of too many (and it's all just gonna be music lol)
(context, though it doesn't make anything any clearer lol)
1. Joseph Williams' voice, but only after about 1993. especially when it does that thing that I like 😌 I don't want to say I'm glad he lost his voice from all the cocaine but tbh I kinda am. I like it better now 🀷
2. this one line in the song Crush Crush by Paul Williams ('crunch crunch, chippy chippy, brain in my crush crush') - it's almost too obvious because it has the word crunch in it, but it just feels soooo nice (there's also actual crunchy chewing noises in that song but I hate those)
3. this part in All Eyes On Me by Bo Burnham (it starts at 2:50)
Are you feeling nervous?
Are you having fun?
It's almost over
It's just begun
Don't overthink this
Look in my eye
Don't be scared, don't be shy
Come on in, the water's fine
You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit
You say the whole world's ending, honey, it already did
You're not gonna slow it, Heaven knows you tried
Got it? Good, now get inside
4. Angela by Toto, when it gets to the part that starts at around 2:00. god I fucking love that part.
5. Work for a Dollar by Jimmy Webb, especially the bass in the beginning
6. (yeah it's 6 now, idc) basically every song on Kingdom of Desire by Toto, but especially these two
7. okay I just remembered this one and I can't leave it off this list, it's so crunchy, I love it so much
8. shit I forgot another important one. Leo Sayer's voice. specifically on the album Here. I probably would put that at number one if this was in order of what feels best, actually.
I still don't know what makes a sound *feel* crunchy or what I even mean by that exactly 🀷 like I said, I hate sounds that *are* actually crunchy (and I really mean hate, they're so bad, like actually physically painful sometimes).
sorry for making this so long 😬 it basically just ended up being a list of songs that I like 🀦
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