#and almost fainting when james dedicates the video to him for liking all his videos
starchaserwrites · 1 month
metalhead guitar player latino james who grew up listening to reggaeton and goes viral for adding guitar riffs to some old school songs.
pretentious classical pianist regulus who pretends he can't stand urban music but has spent hours scrolling through james' videos.
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bangchanshehe · 7 years
Are You Mine (pt.4/?)
A/N: So from here on out is where it will start to pick up. I promise that in the future there will be smut, however it will get angsty before that happens... As always feedback and comments are always welcome. Thanks for reading.
Genre: Angst/Smut
Pairings: Baekhyun X Emily (O/C) X ???
Word count: 2.8k
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The next morning you woke up feeling more excited then you’ve ever felt in your life. You made yourself breakfast and coffee and took your time getting ready. You fixed your hair and makeup until they looked perfect regardless of the fact that you would be moving later. You finished the last minute packing that you had left and left your apartment to go to SM. When you reached the building you were quite surprised at how small it was. You expected the building to be a giant fortress. There were several women and men outside of the building with their cellphones out and cameras ready to take pictures of any artists that happened to walk by. Prior to coming to Korea you listened to tons of Korean music, not only kpop and were familiar with how dedicated the fans were of their favorite groups. You giggled to yourself as you made your way inside of the building and felt proud of being able to call this your job.  
You met the receptionist at the front who looked at you curiously as if she was trying to figure out who you were.
“Can I help you with anything?” she asked you with a polite, fake smile
“Yes I’m supposed to be meeting Manager Park here?” she nodded and picked up the phone to call someone.
“Yes, hello this is Soo Bong at the front desk and there is a woman here for you…Yes I’ll do that…. Yes, thank you!” she hung up the phone and continued to work at her desk clicking on multiple things with her mouse. She printed out some documents and handed you a card.
“Mr. Park is expecting you on the fifth floor in room 507. If anyone stops you show them this, this is your identification card. The elevators are just around the corner and if you have any more questions just let me know and I’ll be happy to answer them.”
You took your things that were handed to you and headed for the elevators. The excitement started to take a toll on your heart beat, and every step you took towards the elevator was making you more and more nervous. It was starting to finally sink in for you that you were inside SM Entertainments headquarters. You entered the elevator and looked at yourself in the camera of your phone checking that you still looked okay.  The elevator came to a stop at the fifth floor and you made your way out and walked slowly to room 507 to stop and look around the rooms that were open and any people that were walking by. You felt like a star struck fan girl and you reminded yourself to snap out of it. You picked up your pace to come face to face with door 507. You pulled any last bit of self-restraint that you had and knocked on the door. You heard shuffling footsteps and the door suddenly opened wide. You smiled up at Manager Park with a small smile but your grin quickly fell to a surprised expression when a very exhausted looking Baekhyun opened the door instead.
“Come on in I won’t bite!” he moved to the side to allow your entrance. Once you were inside you took a seat at the desk and Baekhyun made his way over to the desk to take a seat as well. He hastily slurped down what was left of his cup ramen and chugged a coke before he finally spoke again.
“Sorry about that I felt like I was gonna die if I didn’t finish my food real quick. My manager had to step out really fast to finish up some last minute arrangements before you could move into our building so I’ll be showing you around for now until he gets back.” Baekhyun in between gasps of air, no doubt feeling heartburn. The boy who looked as handsome as ever in just plain clothes with a smile that could kill, eliminated any possible romantic thoughts in your mind with the way he swallowed what was left in his cup in the two gulps.
You immediately felt bad for not coming a few minutes later so that the poor man in front of you could eat his meal slowly and enjoy it. He gathered up his trash and threw it away by throwing it in the trash as if it were a basketball. When it went inside of the trash he turned to you with a satisfied smile on his face.
“Did you see that?” he asked, and you nodded your head.
“Yes LeBron James I did.” You chuckled as his smile got wider.
“Come on I’ll show you around some.”
He moved to get up and you immediately followed as he explained in detail what was on each floor until you reached the elevator. He pressed a button that led you to the floor that he just explained was the floor with the dance practice rooms.
The door opened and you noticed a change in the atmosphere immediately. The halls were lively and the décor was friendly and fun, compared to the boring in contrast hall that you just came from. You could feel the music coming from behind doors. Yes, literally feel the music. The sound waves hit you and you could feel what song the group was listening too. You smiled to yourself as you began to try to identify the beat. Baekhyun noticed your smile and turned to you with a small smile of his own
“What?” he asked
“Nothing, im just trying to-“you nodded your head and snapped your fingers “Limitless!” you almost yelled out and Beakhyun looked at you surprised
“How did you know?” he asked you with wide eyes
“I can feel the song.”
“But I thought you weren’t a fan of kpop?!” he asked you incredulously
“I never said that! What would make you think that? And why would I work for SM if I didn’t?” he nodded at you with a smirk
“So you just don’t like EXO then?”
“No, I like EXO a lot actually!” you said with a shy smile. You were always willing to admit that you liked something even when it was an unpopular opinion, but admitting this in front of Baekhyun just seemed intimate and personal. Like you had opened up personal information to him.
“Who is your bias?” he immediately asked with eyes so big they looked like they would pop out of his skull.
“That is something that you will never live to know Byun Baekhyun!” you said laughing as you watched his face fall.
“NOONA!” he pouted and whined, tugging on your sleeve.
“How rude of you to assume that I’m older than you, old man!” his pout instantly lifted into curiosity and then into a smirk.
“So I’m your oppa?” he pat the top of your head and bent forward to be at eye level with you “you really are just a cute little princess! Call me oppa, okay?”
“I will call you Baekhyun, because oppa is not work appropriate!”
You scoffed at him and turned your head when you noticed that the door to the practice room opened and a confused person was standing there as you and Baekhyun blocked the door way.
“I was just going to come get Johnny can you tell him that I’m ready whenever he is!” Baekhyun yelled over the loud music to the person standing in the door way. He stood straight and waited for our company to join us.
As soon as the door opened again you looked up and you fought the urge to drool when you saw the idol at the door way making his way towards you and Baekhyun. Your heart was pounding in your chest when you made eye contact with Johnny. He was so much more handsome in person that you would have ever expected. Simple tasks like breathing seemed to be a lot more work than they usually do as you found yourself actually paying attention to your breaths to calm them down. Being shorter, men with height had always been a weakness for you. Having the 6 foot 1 man himself standing next to you made you feel weak in the knees. That same smile that you had dreamt about countless times was now directed at you and you almost drooled.
Everything about his was better in person. His eyes, his makeup free face, his relaxed style and his beautiful hair were all things that you could get used to seeing often. And above all his skin tone was so beautiful compared to your paler skin tone. You weren’t surprised by how tan he was, but it felt like it was the first time actually seeing his skin. The poor boy was so whitewashed to make himself look lighter, but you had to admit that his tan skin was something that made him even more attractive.
“So I hope you don’t mind tagging along with us for now until Manager Park comes back, she’s new here and I’m showing her around.” Johnny nodded and turned back to you bowing and introducing himself.
“Hello, I’m johnny. It’s nice to meet you.”
You quickly bowed back and introduced yourself as well.
“Hello, I’m Emily! It’s nice to meet you too, I’m a big fan of yours!”
Johnny began to smile down at you even wider than he was and lightly laughed. You could feel at the heat in your body rise to your face. What possessed you to say that in front of him? You mentally kicked yourself for being so embarrassing.
“Well, thank you for supporting us!” Johnny said with a megawatt smile that could make blind women faint.
“Do you by chance speak English?” he asked you quietly and you nodded.
“Yeah, I’m working here as an English teacher.”
He smiled and put a hand on your shoulder and the other was on his hip.
“I’m a little more comfortable speaking English, so let’s speak like this okay?”
You could have squealed like a little school girl. It was something just as simple as speaking English with each other, but when you heard Johnny speaking English in videos or live streams it was like hearing his voice for the first time.
“To be honest, I’m still not that great at Korean either, so that works for me!”
“Well, why don’t I help you with Korean and in return you can be my new friend.”
“What?” you asked completely shocked
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He said laughing
“No, no, no.” you cleared your throat. “That’d be really nice, actually. I don’t have too many friends yet.” You clarified.
“Alright then from now on we’re friends.” He slid his hand off of your shoulder and put it on his other hip. “Also you don’t need to use honorifics you can just call me Johnny.”
You nodded your head and smiled at him. You had a feeling that being friends with him was going to be embarrassing for you. Your heart beat out of your chest just being in the same room with him, so how were you supposed to talk to him or be friends without acting like a total fool?
“Or if you’d like you can call me oppa.” He said with a cocky grin and your eyes almost doubled in size as you stood there with your mouth hanging open. At this point you knew that Baekhyun had no idea what the two of you were talking about, but he would definitely pick up on him saying oppa.
Baekhyun stood still waiting for the sweet sound of your rejection to Johnny, knowing that you wouldn’t call Johnny oppa, if you wouldn’t call him oppa. But, he wasn’t prepared for you to actually agree to it.
“Okay… oppa” you said meekly looking down at your shoes.
“YAH!” Beakhyun yelled, startling the two of you, pointing his finger at you.
“Why? Why would you call him oppa and not me?” he questioned acting hurt and disappointed holding his chest.
“Because we’re friends” you stated plain as day, and he scoffed at you
“And we’re not friends?” he asked.
“You’re technically a student so it’s inappropriate, but Johnny isn’t my student”
Baekhyun stood there for a minute sulking and whispered to himself.
“Why am I getting jealous?”
He huffed and turned to go back to elevators, walking away from the situation.The next stop was your office which was on the third floor. Your office was small, but had all of the space that you would need. You had a cute little window with a plant in the windowsill soaking up the sunrays. There was a desk with a desktop computer and a calendar on your wall with a joint whiteboard. Across from your desk sat a single chair for guests to sit in.
You started to smile thinking about all of the decorating that you could do to make the office your own. You sat down in your desk chair looking around the room and mentally designing your space. You tapped on the space bar on your keyboard and your desktop turned on.
You were shocked by what pulled up and you broke out into loud laughter. Baekhyun having the key to your office, must have snuck inside and saved your background to an image of himself.
You looked over at the suspect and he was looking up at the ceiling with a smile on his face feigning ignorance. When he finally lowered his gaze and made eye contact with you he smiled back and put his hands up in front of himself.
“It’s okay, there’s no need to thank me. Now you’ll be blessed to see me every day even if I’m not physically here.” He said Johnny walked over to the back of your desk to take a peek at what you two were laughing about. When he saw what it was he laughed and gave Baekhyun a thumbs up. He moved out from behind your desk and noticed your white board. He grabbed a marker and wrote out ‘FIGHTING!’ with three hearts.
Baekhyun had taken notice and rolled his eyes. He didn’t know what about Johnny made him feel so competitive but he hated it. Maybe it was the fact that you got to call him oppa, or the fact that the two of you had just met and were already friends. Baekhyun had never seen Johnny so friendly to anyone other than his members, so of course he felt a little suspicious. But in the end he told himself not to let it get to him, that you two were just close because the both of you were from the states.  He coughed and got up from the guest chair.
“So, I’ve got to take Johnny to do some work, if you need anything you have my number. Manager Park should be here soon, and I’ll let him know that you’re in your office. The bathrooms are right down the hall and there’s also a vending machine in case you get thirsty or need a snack.”
He looked over at Johnny and nodded his head once to the door before exiting. Johnny quickly followed and made sure to quietly shut the door behind himself. He quietly followed Baekhyun to the elevators and when they both got inside he broke the silence.
“So hyung, you seem like you know Emily well.”Baekhyun just grunted and nodded his head.
“So… do you know if she’s dating anyone?” Johnny asked quietly
Baekhyun froze. He didn’t want anyone else to be interested in you and especially not Johnny. He saw the way you blushed and how shy you were acting around him. He knew that if Johnny pursued you that you’d most likely say yes to him. He felt threatened so he did what he thought was best for himself.
“Yeah, his name is Cole I think. They used to live in the same building as each other.” He said giving Johnny a soft smile
“Oh, I see” Johnny muttered down looking at his shoes and nodding his head “Cole’s a lucky guy”
“Yeah” Baekhyun whispered.
He hated having to lie, especially to one of his own friends, but he felt like there was nothing else he could do. Baekhyun genuinely liked you from the moment he saw you at the bar. He watched you as you sat by yourself and just appreciated the music and the environment without having to be a part of it, and he admired that about you. You seemed to make what some people would say a crazy and chaotic night into a night where you were lost in your own world.He knew that eventually if Johnny did stick around and become your friend that he’d eventually find out that you weren’t dating Cole. But he hoped that maybe when he found out that you’d be dating himself instead.
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esonetwork · 5 years
Timestamp #SJA1: Invasion of the Bane
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/timestamp-sja1-invasion-of-the-bane/
Timestamp #SJA1: Invasion of the Bane
Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane (1 episode, New Year Special, 2007)
  The triumphant return of Sarah Jane Smith.
Maria Jackson and her family are moving into their new home on Bannerman Road. After watching an advertisement for Bubble Shock soda, Maria briefly meets Sarah Jane Smith and finishes moving boxes into the house. It turns out that Maria’s mother has recently divorced her father, so it’s just Maria and her father Alan in the house.
Later that night, Maria sets up her room while the soda commercial plays again. She turns out the lights and goes to bed, but she awakens around 2:30 am to a bright pink light pulsing from Sarah Jane’s residence. Maria investigates and finds Sarah Jane communing with a floating alien that gives her a glowing stone device. Maria runs home in fear.
The next morning, she obliquely asks her father about seeing strange things. Their neighbor Kelsey Hooper stops by to say hello, and the girls decide to go into town after brief introductions with Alan. Further introductions are made as Alan meets Sarah Jane, but Sarah Jane seems rather intrigued by the girls and rushes off.
Kelsey gives Maria the lowdown on Sarah Jane: She’s a journalist who rushes around like a madwoman. The girls board a bus dedicated to the Bubble Shock soda and take a tour of the bottling facility. Sarah Jane rushes the gate and sneaks in behind them, taking some readings on a wristwatch device. The girls go through a supposed security scanner, but the data it takes is transmitted to a strange science experiment behind the scenes.
Sarah Jane continues to sneak around, using her sonic lipstick to open a locked door. She’s captured soon after and taken to visit Mrs. Wormwood, the woman who was working on the Frankenstein experiment. Sarah Jane interviews Mrs. Wormwood, drawing parallels between Wormwood’s operation and the Book of Revelation.
Meanwhile, the girls continue their tour and receive free samples, but Maria rejects the soda. Sarah Jane is also offered a sample, and she also rejects it. The company is very aggressive about wanting every person on Earth to drink their product, adding special emphasis on the ingredient Bane.
Sarah Jane smells an alien influence. She’s also a bit put off when Wormwood suggests that Sarah Jane’s life alone has been wasted. If she only knew the truth. When Sarah Jane leaves, Wormwood signals her assistant to kill the journalist, but Sarah Jane escapes. Meanwhile, Kelsey leaves the tour group and tries to use her mobile phone, but the signals awaken a creature and set off alarms throughout the facility. As everyone evacuates the premises, Maria goes in search of her friend.
Kelsey is soon found by the tour guide. The man smashes her phone and declares that the creature is his mother. In fact, it is the mother of them all. Maria tries to make a call and sets off the alarms again, this time causing a feedback pulse that awakens and frees the young boy medical experiment, known as The Archetype.
The Archetype finds Maria and they work together to elude the factory personnel by hiding in the ladies’ restroom. Sarah Jane Smith finds them soon thereafter, but when Wormwood’s team arrives they are gone. Sarah Jane, Maria, and The Archetype escape, but Kelsey is left behind with Wormwood. Maria confronts Sarah Jane about the events at the factory and those of the previous night, but when Sarah Jane tells her to go home, she leaves in tears.
Wormwood reviews her scans of Sarah Jane Smith and finds residual artron energy, the results of traveling through spacetime. When Kelsey remarks that Sarah Jane lives on Bannerman Road, Wormwood reveals her true form and the girl faints. Wormwood analyzes Kelsey’s knowledge and sends Davey the tour guide (and a recently mindwiped Kelsey) to Bannerman Road.
Sarah Jane talks with The Archetype, who claims to be everyone, but their discussion is interrupted by a male voice from upstairs. Sarah Jane scans the boy to find that he is a human boy but is only 360 minutes old and has no bellybutton. Meanwhile, Kelsey arrives back at Maria’s house and Davey assaults Sarah Jane’s home. The girls find out that Davey is there and they rush to help only to find a tentacled creature that pursues them inside. Sarah Jane and the kids rush upstairs to safety. Sarah Jane uses some kind of aerosol to repel the creature and make it transform back into Davey. Davey runs off, Sarah Jane analyzes the remnants, and Kelsey snoops around in the attic.
Sarah Jane reveals her secret to the kids in the room surrounded by alien artifacts, pictures of the Brigadier and K9, and artwork depicting the TARDIS. She tells them of the Doctor and her travels, and how after she met him the second time, she dedicated herself to investigating alien influences on the planet Earth. Speaking of K9, the daft little metal dog, he’s working to seal a black hole before it destroys the planet. The portal between K9’s work and the attic is a concealed safe in the wall.
Back at the factory, Davey pays the price for his failure: He is eaten by the Mother. Sucks to be him.
Sarah Jane deduces that The Archetype is an alien experiment. As Sarah Jane and Maria develop a friendship, they discover that the soda (particularly Bane) is alien in origin. In fact, it is part of the creatures that they have been dealing with. Sarah Jane calls on Mr. Smith, her supercomputer, to hack into Wormwood’s office for a one-on-one video discussion. Wormwood is unwilling to bargain and declares war on humanity by using the Bane in everyone’s systems to transform them into the newborn Bane.
Sarah Jane, Maria, and The Archetype rush to the factory to find a solution. Sarah Jane sonics the gates to trap the soda zombies but the main gates to the factory are deadlock sealed, so she uses the Bubble Shock bus to break through the walls. Wormwood introduces Sarah Jane to the Mother and then explains that The Archetype is a combination of the strongest elements of each scanned visitor to the factory. The intent is to use the boy to fine tune the soda formula so that every human would drink it, but since he’s no longer needed, Wormwood issues a kill command in the boy’s DNA.
Maria fights back using her mobile phone, but the Mother swipes it away. The Archetype produces the communication device that Sarah Jane received the night before and programs it with the specific frequency of the Bane’s communications. Using that painful distraction, the humans run and the factory explodes behind them. The Mother is presumed dead, but Wormwood as escaped while vowing vengeance.
Everyone returns home to find that the world is restored. Alan meets The Archetype who Sarah Jane declares to be her adopted son. Sarah Jane and Maria reconvene later and deliberate over the boy’s future. Mr. Smith created official adoption documents, and Sarah Jane finishes them with a proper name: Luke.
There’s a nice touch here with nods to the Brigadier and Harry Sullivan while trying to name the newest member of the Smith family.
Sarah Jane waxes philosophically about her travels with the Doctor as the adventure comes to a close.
  This is a wonderful pilot episode for the return of Sarah Jane Smith. It’s fantastic to see her continuing as a journalist with the added expertise of her travels with the Doctor. Knowing that this new series is designed with kids in mind, I find that the Bannerman Road Gang is easily relatable and adds a sense of innocence to the adventure. It’s almost as if Sarah Jane has become a mix of the Doctor and Torchwood, but with a much lighter tone.
It was nice to see Samantha Bond (Miss Moneypenny from the Pierce Brosnan era of James Bond, as well as Lady Rosamund from Downton Abbey) and I did love her turn as a villain, even with the over-the-top scenery-chewing performance. I also couldn’t help but draw a parallel between Luke Smith and Kyle XY, what with the lack of bellybutton as a tying characteristic.
One thing that I’m not a fan of is the tilted camera angles used in the factory. There are better ways to use the style and to inspire unease in the audience.
  Rating: 5/5 – “Fantastic!”
  UP NEXT – Doctor Who: Smith and Jones
  The Timestamps Project is an adventure through the televised universe of Doctor Who, story by story, from the beginning of the franchise. For more reviews like this one, please visit the project’s page at Creative Criticality.
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