#and also the funniest collab ever imo
sad0nion · 2 years
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hi please look at the funniest thing i own i love it with all my heart and when i took it out of the box for the first time i couldn't stop laughing for like 15 minutes. it makes me chuckle daily and brings me a wonderful childlike joy.
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starglitterz · 3 years
OOO yesyes meika hime and meika mikoto are really cool, i love their character design and their MMDs on youtube are so fun to watch JSJSJSJS
miku is 😍😍 lots of her songs are bangers + she's like the most popular vocaloid so how can you not like her?? tbh i kind of favour len over rin though that might be because i love the song migikata no chou 🤪🤪
my favourite has got to be gumi!! i love everything about her, her design, her voice, her carrot 😋 plus, one of my first vocaloid songs was matryoshka (with gumi and miku) and i just loved how her voice matched with the theme of the song,, i also really like kaito, the authenticity in his voice just hits different and the same way you think with luka, i like to think if him as the older brother :)
IN TERMS OF UTAITE, OFC, MAFUMAFU AND SORARU ARE SUPERIOR /lh i remember listening to their cover of roki on loop during history class once HDHSJD but i also really enjoy nqrse and miyashita yuu! both are kind of underrated in my opinion, but they're both amazing, and their vocal ranges are eye opening! and also, reol! her songs are so different /pos and it's so fun to see her grow in popularity 😩🙏
I APOLOGIZE IF THIS WAS LONG I'M JUST HAPPY TO SEE SOMEONE MATCH MY ENTHUSIASM IN THIS HSHSHS i'm afraid i popped off too much but this whole discussion made me really happy 😍🙏 YOU TOO, HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!
rimona hi !!! i'm so sorry for only seeing this now 😭 it got buried amongst all the 1k reqs in my inbox </3 ALSO I CANNOT BELIEVE TUMBLR DELETED YOUR ASK SMH I STG IM ABT TO GO TO WAR WITH TUMBLR HQ 🤬🤬🤬
yeah !!!!!!! their designs are so cute omfg,,, i love how their colour palettes compliment each other sm and himes voice is literally ADORABLE
AHAHA YESS miku is the no1 princess in the world after all 😋 LMFAOOO i love them both equally although i will never not be amazed by len's dancing in the live performances, especially like shake it! & remote controller, his breakdancing and stunts are always so cool to see HAHA i love how the animators decided to make him do that!!
AAAA gumi omg u have great taste !! imo she has the clearest english out of all the vocaloids, and yes she was tuned AMAZINGLY in matryoshka hachi so true <333 ooo i haven't listened to as many kaito songs, but i rlly like how mitchie m made him rap in ohedo julianight ! :D AND YES OMG kaito & luka best older siblings,,, with meiko as the wine aunt LOL
YEAHHHH SO TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!! holy shoot their roki cover is So Good i have been listening to it for ages and it never gets old omg,,, NQRSE MY BELOVED <3 i love his voice, especially in combination with araki & meychan, also as streamers i stg aranarumey and atr are the funniest ever i nearly died laughing watching aranarumeys fnaf stream 😭 MIYASHITA YUU YES TY HIS VOCAL RANGE IS SO ("*&*£$&*%)!" omfg bro his unknown mother goose cover lives in my brain rent free 😩 YES REOLLL JSKKDJS AND WHEN SHE COLLABS W GIGA THEY MAKE SUCH BANGERS HER SONGS ARE GREAT TOO OMG
NOO its totally fine i love talking w ppl abt their interests !! this made me so happy omg, i dont rlly know anyone irl who likes vocaloid and utaites too so its rlly great to have someone to talk to abt it :))) /gen HAVE A GREAT DAY DARLING !! <3
p.s. omg do u listen to 96neko 👀 and do u have any other utaites/vocaloids/producers to recommend? and omg do u like fukase and oliver (the vocaloids)?
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bayrut · 4 years
thoughts on me 😌 jk Okay, thoughts on every solo album from each former member of one direction (but just the ones you wanna do, don’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable 👉🏽👈🏽)
thoughts on ceci: truly iconic i love her. best gifs, edits. funniest person. sweatest heart ever. deserves better. underrated.
i put my thoughts on each solo album under a cut because it got very long (took me 30 mins to write) and sorry i did not proof read i wanna go shower
okay let’s gooo
mind of mine-zayn: i’m gonna be honest, back when it came out i didn’t love it because it wasn’t my music style at all (still isn’t) but i knew it was good. like music can be good even if it’s not my style you know? but i had a few tracks i really loved a lot (for example, it’s you, she, intermission:flower, truth) that i loved a lot. but i have been relistening to the album for the last year and i think it’s really growing on me. but i still dislike pillowtalk, haven’t heard it since it came out, and probably never will again sorry i do not like it
hs1-h: when it came out i listened to it like 1 time, some songs i couldn’t finish, and i honestly don’t remember what they sound like (meet me in the hallway, carolina, only angel, kiwi, ever since new york, woman), the rest (sign of the times, two ghosts, sweet creature, from the dining table) i was like okay, maybe they’ll grow on me, so i listened to them for a while, maybe a month or two, still, they did not grow on me. some of the lyrics are quite sexist imo and make me uncomfortable. then i didn’t listen to them at all, apart for sott since it was played on radios etc. i heard hs1 one last time (not completely, only partly) around july 2018 because i watched a livestream of his last show? but i got bored halfway so didn’t watch it all. it was his only live show i’ve seen videos off. i’ve never heard those two unreleased songs he used to sing live ever (medecine, anna)
flicker-niall: i would like to send a kiss to mr niall james horan i love this album so much!! okay not all songs, but the majority make me feel so warm and i love them!! shout out to this town, seeing blind, paper houses, since we’re alone, flicker, and on my own. i don’t really like on the loose and slow hands, but not because they’re bad, i just can’t relate to them oops. also the orchestra version? amazing, probably the best decision niall has ever done his entire life!!! in conclusion, i love it, what a great opening for his career, iconic, i knew niall would deliver, but, it deserved better.
icarus falls-zayn: thank you king for all this good food i love it. no but really, zayn was like here’s 30 songs enjoy! like wow awesome. ok i don’t love the collabs on it, tbh i don’t listen to them. i like the vibe of the album, the story, the visual videos, etc a lot. it’s a very different feel from mind of mind, very refreshing, i love it a lot. although it’s thirty!!! songs, it leaves me at the edge of my seat asking for more, i can’t wait for his third album. my faves are definitely: let me, natural, common, stand still, flight of the stars, there you are, i don’t mind, satisfaction, entertainer, good years. it has a feel of a 3am drive with a friend, but you’re both not talking and you’re both going nowhere. that sad summer nostalgia. love it, makes me wanna cry.
lp1-liam: i honestly liked liam’s ep, and his singles, a lot better than his album. but he didnt write too many songs on them, it’s a bit weird because i can’t really judge liam’s music from it, since i don’t think it’s completely him. remember and heart meet break are probably my two faves from it.
fine line-h: thank God i have not heard any of those songs, and i hope i never will. i’ve read lyrics of it. very sexist i hate it thanks and can he stop singing about fruit? i like eating fruit he’s ruining it for me
heartbreak weather-niall: okay tbh the teasers were so cute and i was very excited for this album, the whole story concept etc, the colours etc. still to this day idk if i prefer flicker or HW because they’re both really good!! i think in terms of music, you can see a clear evolution from flicker to HW, he improved a lot. but still i love flicker because the songs make me wanna cry. some songs i can’t relate to at all: small talk, arms of a stranger, new angel, etc because niall is horny (which is valid but i’m asexual). but surprisingly i’m addicted to small talk from his live performance... makes me wanna scream i love it. my faves are heartbreak weather, dear patience, everywhere, still. i think still is the best song niall has ever written ever he can’t possibly outshine it it’s too good. 
walls-louis: ok i did them all in chronological order but left walls for the end because i just!!!! love it so much i will cry. there are only 2 artists for which i can not skip any songs at all and louis is one of them i’m not exaggerating. any other artists i like (even like, mika) have made some song-mistakes. louis no. never. never has and never will i know it in my heart. walls means so much to me but before i get into that can i just say i love the 4 pre walls songs???? they deserved better rest in peace 2017!lt1. ok so now walls. it is so personal, the lyrics are so so clever, the music is beautiful. my faves are kill my mind, don’t let it break your heart, two of us, we made it, too young, walls, habit, always you, fearless, perfect now, defenceless, only the brave, (and yes i am adding the japan bonus tracks because i am BITTER), just hold on, miss you. yes i did just list the whole album no i do not care you are not allowed to complain about that. this summer at work i was so bored i’d just sit in the sun and sing all of louis’ discography in my head on loop. and i’d listen to walls 1/2 on my way to work and 1/2 on my way back home. the album is so beautiful ceci sorry i am not making sense i am not eloquent at all but it means so much to me i can’t believe his album was delayed so long. i think because it was delayed, maybe the songs aren’t as coherent as in other albums. so let’s think about that for a second. if it’s a bit patchy and this good, what about lt2? it’s gonna be amazing so good he’s gonna kill it he’s just gonna get better and better and better i can’t wait to see it. i’m so thankful that we are allowed to experience louis as an artist, and louis growing as an artist over the years, because he will, and it’s gonna be so beautiful and i’m gonna cry a lot. my description did not do walls justice but know that i love it a lot okay
ask me about my thoughts on stuff 👀
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wincore · 2 years
ALL THE BEST WITH YOUR UNDERGRAD MOON !! also you're a stem student :o?! what are you majoring in? (if you don't mind telling ofc ><)
oooh I'll get around to reading six of crows one of these days. I remember booktok hyping up that and the shadow and bone trilogy which is partly the reason I haven’t read those two (booktok isn’t the best place to get book recs from imo) djfhhjf oh smart teenagers (even if fictious) are scary hkfgh i call it a good day if i can finish my assignments in chem in time (random but ochem totally kicks ass. But !! I did master the art of drawing hexagons neatly)
and PLS i finished maid sama and usui is def a 'perverted alien' but as a whole it was a nice, lighthearted one especially the ending <3 also moon do send some anime recs my way bc nothing beats depending on 2d characters for emotional support
oml ncity had soooo many things going on last year but tumblr in a way helped me keep up with them heh. It's crazy to believe that hot sauce and sticker came out in the same year ;-; being an ot23 stan sure is hard.
p.s. DSFJGBDGLKS IK I'M VERY LATE but y'all have the rights to gatekeep nyc, museums, cheese and collabs bc not many ppl here understand what it means to hang out/have fun with friends ><
THANK YOU SM, SWEETHEART!!! good luck with hs too 💘 ooh yes, i'm an electronics major but shifting more towards computer science (specifically ai) for grad school !!
oof I have never been on booktok and I'm keeping it that way bc I get some book reels on instagram and they're all just hardcore smut 💀 my friend switched over to nonfiction after reading one of the books lmao
chem assignments in hs made me wanna die and it did not help that my mother is a hs chemistry teacher. it just meant me sobbing into my chem textbook and raising a peace sign when my mom asked how it's going. i did like ochem tho, it was like solving puzzles!! the chemistry we learned in engineering was easier lol but not as fun as ochem. (yes, we love perfect hexagons in this household 🥰)
yes!!!! I can't watch it now 💀 but it's def a lighthearted watch that you can finish quickly. plsss if you ask for anime recs im gonna say one piece bc that's my fav anime of all time im so glad Lana finally started it, I am literally buzzing with excitement 🤩 but !!! My second go to rec is gintama - it's also pretty long but it's worth it bc the characters are amazing and it's the funniest anime ever.
i still can't keep up with ncity honestly 😩 there is way too much going in my life now that I can go out again djdkdk I'm barely staying in my room 😭 I too am keeping with them thru the tumblr posts on my dash </3 HOT SAUCE AND STICKER CAME OUT THE SAME YEAR??? omg why did that make me go 🤯🤯🤯 I have no concept of linear time 😎
I'm so excited for the fics now that you've mentioned them again pls !!! corduroy is like a super old fic that I decided to post now bc of peer pressure cough cough cat cough PLSNDJDJD I'm looking forward to the rep fics too but unfortunately I post first 💀💀💀 I really need to step my game up but this gave me enough motivation to 💞 tysm, lovely, and have a good day/night!!!
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demonphannie · 7 years
if dnp collabed w any of the david dobrik crew it would be more awkward than collabing w dodie but it would just be so funny to see them uncomfortable imo
a vlog squad collab would be the funniest thing ever i fantasize about dnp interactions with them.... when scotty did a few dnp ads... wow...... but like they would totally get along with zane and heath and that makes me sad..... also liza and phil would get along really well and it makes me angry that it will never happen
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flowerseoky · 6 years
Top Ten Biases
Tagged by  @baeforjjj (ty ily)
this is gonna be hard as fuck i can already tell u that
Rules: List your 10 Biases & answer the questions.
My top 10 Biases:
1. Hoseok (BTS)
2. Yoongi (BTS)
3. Namjoon (BTS)
4. Jinki (SHINee)
5. Wonpil (DAY6)
6. Jonghyun (Nu’est)
7. Jinjin (Astro)
8. Changkyun (Monsta X)
9. Seokjin (BTS)
10. Young K (DAY6)
1. Between 1 & 4, who would you rather kiss?
hobi.. .i just wanna kiss his forehead and tuck him into bed and tell him he’s amazing okay 
2. Between 2 & 7 who would be your best friend?
uhhhhh i think i would get along w yoongi v well. we have a mutual love for hobi and if he’s #1 yoonseok shipper im right behind him at #2.. i also get his random bursts of energy and funny moods im almost exactly the same
3. Between 5 & 10, who has the better voice?
fuck this. so technically bc young k is also a rapper i dont feel bad saying wonpil but how did they both happen to be in the same group lmaooo
4. Between 1 & 8, who is the funniest?
im gonna say hobi but only bc hes louder and doesnt have any shame ajflkjas i think changkyun’s humor is a bit more deliberate but hes still really funny imo.
5. Between 6 & 9, who would you date?
seokjin is the most boyfriend material idol ive ever seen... 
6. Between 9 & 10, who would you do a collab with?
I think Young K this time bc Seokjin would outshine me in every way. Maybe w Young K he could rap or something? i dont even know
7. Between 4 & 8, who is the better dancer?
JINKI everyone is shinee will forever have everyone beat imo (except maybe Hoseok but im bIASED AS FUCK and hes not a part of this question)
8. Between 3 & 5, who would you most likely marry?
I would marry Namjoon in a heartbeat. I love that boy so much. I also love wonpil but Namjoon is just.. I wanna make him breakfast or something
9. Between 1 & 7, who would you nurse if they were sick?
why not both.. theyre both my babies. Im picking hobi again but its really not fair to jinjin
10. Between 2 & 3, who has the better smile?
are ya kidding me... i love yoongis gummy little smile but namjoons is so wide and the dimples i mean. yeah im going with joonie
11. Between 6 & 8, who would you most like to vacation with?
hmm this is hard bc these are both biases of mine that i dont know a TON about so im not sure how well we would get along... I think jonghyun because he could show me some anime to watch and idk it’d be a lot of fun probably
tagging: @blackshirtjimin @prez-of-the-kings @dtsug-a @jungshookth @s-s-sugaplum and anyone else that wants to do this~!
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