#and do i really think filis one of the smartest in the company? yes yes i do
pilkypills · 26 days
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the rest of em didn't notice
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legolaslovely · 5 years
The Note
A/N: Another Kili story because I love my Durin boys. I got the idea from one of @thereandbackagainimagines ‘s imagines (this one) but changed it to be a Kili story. Hope you guys enjoy. I have so many stories coming for you guys it’s not even funny. Like 9 drafts that are ready to post. I have a problem, it’s fine.
Pairing: Kili x Reader
Word Count: 1,816
Warnings: Mostly fluff, a leetle angst for plot
Summary: While traveling with the company, (Y/N) receives a note from a secret admirer and she’s not sure what to believe.
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You sighed and wondered when this awful day was going to end. You were dead tired and hungry, one of the straps had snapped off your pack, and your best dagger’s handle had broken again. You were ready to turn around and go back to the Shire and give up. Silently, Fili drudged beside you, keeping you company at the back of the group.
You looked up as Kili called your name. He took your broken pack off your shoulders and said, “We’re stopping here for the night.”
“Thank Mahal, you said, stretching your muscles. “I gotta figure out how to fix this pack before tomorrow or my back will surely be broken by the time we reach Erebor.” The second you plopped down on the ground, Thorin gave you an order.
“Go gather firewood.”
You suppressed your eye roll and stood, feeling your feet ache more than ever.
Kili took your hand and helped you up. “(Y/N), I’ll go. Stay here.”
You waved him off. “It’s okay, it’s my turn.” You smiled at him. Kili and his brother could always lift your spirits and they were often helping you with your duties when you let them.
“Okay then…uh, before you go, can you tell me, d-do you know which way the river is?” Kili asked, hands behind his back.
You nodded slowly. “It hasn’t moved for the past three days, Kili. To the north,” you said, pointing to your left.
“Oh, that’s right. Thanks.”
You chuckled and turned down the hill.
It didn’t take long for you to find ample firewood. It was honestly the best you’d found this week. After you stacked it and started the fire over which Balin would cook, you returned to where you’d left your pack. “Now to fix this blasted thing,” you said to yourself.
You gasped when you looked down. Your bedroll had already been set out. At the head of it, rest your pack. You knelt down, taking the straps in your fingers, seeing it had been repaired. Your thumb rolled over the neat stitching. “Who’s done this?” you asked out loud though there was no one to answer. Behind you on the roll lay your dagger. It too was repaired with a note wrapped around it.
Anything for you, my darling, amrâlimê. Meet me on the south side of the river. I’ll be waiting for you.
Your brow furrowed deeply as you read the note. You didn’t recognize the handwriting. You looked up to see most of the company away from the camp with their dinner duties. The only one around to ask for advice was Thorin, who was the last dwarf you wanted to talk to about something like this.
Nevertheless, you walked over to him, interrupting him as he set out his bedroll. “Um, Thorin? Do you think Azog knows what we’re trying to do? Do you think he knows we’re here?”
He looked to you and sighed, dropping his pack on the ground. “There’s always a possibility. He has spies everywhere. But I can assure you, we are most prepared for him.”
“I’m not worried. I was just… wondering what you thought. Never mind.” You turned away and heard him continue.
“My nephews would die before they let anything happen to you, (Y/N). Don’t worry,” he mumbled.
“No one will be dying for me any time soon,” you said. He actually chuckled.
You read the note over again. Who was calling you amrâlimê? No one had ever called you that in your life. You sat on your bedroll and decided to ignore the note. While no one was around, you absently grabbed your dagger and skillfully twirled it in your fingers, tapping the blade and switching it open. The contraption worked smoother than it ever had before. Who had done this?
You stood, tucking the weapon in your trousers, and crossed to the wood. On your way by, you said to Thorin, “I’m going to the river. I’ll be back shortly.” He grunted in response.
You sneaked through the wood with your hand on your dagger. With every step closer to the river, you grew more certain that this wasn’t a good idea. You should have waited, you should have brought someone with you, you should have ignored the note!
The rippling water grew louder and you thanked the bright sun for still shining low in the sky. The last thing you needed was to come upon an enemy trap in the dark. Just when you decided to turn around and return to the camp, you heard a twig break underfoot.
You whirled, drawing your weapon and holding it roughly to the throat in front of you.
“Woah, (Y/N), it’s me!”
You huffed out a breath. “Kili! What in Mahal’s name are you doing out here? I could have killed you!” You smacked the back of his head, sending his hair flying around his face. You returned your dagger to your holster and bent to the river, wetting your hands in the cold stream and rubbing your face and the back of your neck. Your heart was pounding.
“I didn’t meant to scare you,” Kili said.
“Well, you did!” you laughed, letting your hair fall back on your wet neck. You squinted at Kili. He was watching you closely. Staring, really. “Is your brother with you? You shouldn’t be out here alone.”
“Neither should you.”
You chuckled and shrugged. He was right.
“Why are you? Out here, I mean,” he asked.
You bit your tongue. You were sure if you told him the truth he would tell Fili and neither of them would ever let it go. You’d be the joke of the company and then the whole of Erebor. You stared at the calm water. “I, uh… I came to bathe. But it’s getting dark now so… Why are you out here?”
“To meet you.”
You turned to him. He could barely meet your eyes. His hands were glued behind his back and you could see his chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. You had never seen him like this before. “How did you know I’d be out here?”
“Because I wrote the note.”
“You?” Your mind caught up with the events of the day, the little hints that you should have picked up on. Your chest swelled. He had feelings for you? He was the one who always comforted you, made you laugh, helped you with your work. Was it out of more than just friendship? Your mind flashed back to the note. You stared at him, and a sudden yearning flooded you- you wished to hear his voice say that word to you aloud.
“You wrote the note?” you breathed. “You fixed my pack? And-and my dagger?”
He nodded.
You laughed. He was always making you laugh…
Then everything turned sour. The smile was wiped from your face and you backed away. “This is one of your jokes, isn’t it? That’s really nice. Pick on the dam of the company, play with her feelings. Nice, Kili!” You bent, grabbing a rock in your hand. You threw it at him but he dodged it. You turned on your heel and started for the camp, ignoring his calls to you.
You pushed down the tears that threatened to gather in your rage filled eyes. You heard twigs snapping and rocks sliding against boots as Kili caught up with you. “(Y/N), wait!” He landed in front of you, holding your cheeks. “Wait.” His voice was soft and tender as if he were comforting a child. “You’re wrong, (Y/N).”
“Don’t patronize me.” You swatted his hands away and got around him, but he pulled on your waist with a strong grip.
He pushed your hair from your eyes. “I’m not trying to. I’d never joke about this, I’d never lie to you. You know that.” His voice died away as he ran his fingers through your hair. You placed trembling fingers on his waist and he continued with a smile twitching at his lips. “What I said in the note was true. I’d do anything for you. I’m surprised you haven’t heard Fili teasing me about it all along. He says if you wanted it, I’d find a way to move mountains for you.”
You tilted your head, a smile slowly growing. “I’ve heard him say that before. I just didn’t know…”
“That he was talking about you.” His fingers trailed down your arms and lifted your hands to his mouth. He kissed your fingers and spoke into them. “I shouldn’t have left that note. I should have just told you from the start. But there’s no privacy in the company! Ever!”
“I know!” You laughed. You knew too well the lack of privacy that came with this quest. “I had no idea who could have left such a note so my mind went straight to Azog. I thought it was a trap!” He laughed at you, his smile was bright and reaching his eyes. “I-I didn’t know.”
“You have no idea how much I care about you, do you amrâlimê?”
Your gaze fell to the ground and you felt heat rise to your neck. Your eyes blew wide when he lifted your chin and held it gently in his fingers.
“You really don’t notice how happy you make me? How I can’t keep my eyes off you? I sit next to you every evening at dinner and set my bedroll next to yours. Any duties or work that will take you away from me, I make sure it’s already done so I can spend as much time as possible with you.”
Your lips were parted in awe. He glanced down to them and your tongue darted out before they broke out into a lopsided grin. “I-I thought you were being nice.”
“Mahal, (Y/N). You’re the smartest dam I know, but you are dense sometimes!”
You smacked him, laughing.
“The whole company knows,” he said. “Thorin told me just last evening you were too good for me and that you’d never say yes.”
“Say yes to what?”
He had been speaking too quickly for his mind to keep up. He froze now, his voice soft as a mouse. “To courting. Me. To courting me. I was going to ask you.”
You bit your lip. “Oh, well, he’s wrong.”
“Thorin. If you asked me to court you, I’d definitely say yes.”
“I’m asking you,” he said.
“I’m saying yes.”
You barely finished your sentence. He kissed you fiercely, stealing your breath. He was holding you so tightly around your waist your toes were off the ground. You squealed and laughed into his mouth and he put you down, breathing heavily, with the widest smile you’d ever seen on his face.
“Sorry, I got excited.”
You giggled and gently pulled his lips down to yours again. A proper, passionate kiss. “I got excited too.”
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thebeethathums · 5 years
An Adventure - 5
Bilbo Baggins x Reader
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You were so intensely focused on aiding your party that you missed Gandalf creeping along the ridge as you crept forward to stab the leg of the troll about to eat Bombor, causing him to drop him as you darted back into the shadows.
“There's summin’ else out ‘ere,” the troll said after he yelped, his hand going to the new wound you’d given him. You quickly darted out and stabbed another in the arm causing him to yelp as well and then turn to Bilbo with narrowed eyes, “Is ‘ere more of you, burglehobbit?”
“Wait I smell summat… human,” said another and you silently cursed yourself for not noticing when the direction of the wind changed. The first troll, and likely the smartest of the bunch, smacked his friend on the back of the head as he sniffed the air, “Human you say. Smells more like elf.”
The dwarves fell silent, interested in this bit of information as they realized you were the only one not with them at the moment. The third troll chuckled dumbly, licking his lips, “I like elf.”
The first sniffed the air again as you tried in vain to move downwind and then let out a roaring laugh, “No there's more dwarf smell too… it’s a disgustin' mutt. Their mixed blood makes them taste so good tho'. What a rare treat.”  
You had frozen at the word mutt, your eye twitching in anger, you hated being called that and it was one of the few things that almost instantaneously brought out your temper. You tried to keep calm, there were more important things to focus on right now, but the troll called it out loudly again, “Hey Mutt, you deliciously dirty thing… Show yerself Mutt or your dwarf friends won't even need ta be cooked.”
“Yeah, Mutt.” The other two chimed in.
It was an empty threat, you knew it, and you should have just continued with your plan but your anger got the better of you. You lost it, springing from your place without thinking as you threw one of your last daggers into the leader troll’s eye, seething “Say that again to my face, you slime!”
He bellowed, clutching at his face, and in your anger, you rushed forward only to be taken up by your foot by one of the other trolls you'd temporarily forgotten about. Now upside down, your hair loosed from its poorly fastened knot and cascaded towards the ground, revealing the sharp point of your ears that you were always so careful to keep covered.
You kicked and struggled against the troll's grasp as he lifted you to his face, “Put me down, you overgrown worm.”
The troll poked you with a fat finger, “Well would ya look at tha'. It’s a She-Mutt.”
You spat in his face, much to the horror of Bilbo and the dwarves who knew that the troll could easily crush you or bash you into the ground in seconds, a fact you either hadn't thought of or simply didn't care about. Luckily the Troll didn’t have time to retaliate before Gandalf came to the rescue, splitting a rock so the light of dawn would turn the trolls to stone.
The dwarves rejoiced at his timely return but you were still stuck upside down in a now stone troll hand, struggling to get your foot out of your boot so you could get down. It was no use and you angrily called, “Yes that’s all well and good, Gandalf. Now would you please get me down?”
The wizard came and freed you, letting you fall gracefully to the ground to land on your feet like a cat, and you quickly tied your hair back to its usual bun, calming yourself as the dwarves stared at you. It was Thorin who stepped forward and roughly grabbed your chin to push the hair away from your ears before spitting the word, “Elf,” at you like it was a curse.
You yanked away from him as Gandalf stepped between you and the rest of the company, “Enough. Does your grudge run so deep that you would harbor ill will against her when she's been here, helping, from the start?”
"She deceived us all. I have no reason to trust her more than any other elf."
Gandalf went to argue with him but you piped up behind him to cut him off, “Gandalf, he’s right. I hid my heritage from them when they placed their trust in me openly. I can not ask them to trust me again after that. I shouldn’t even be here, my anger put them all in danger.”
You gathered your knives and then stormed off through the forest toward where you had left Blossom, with the company looking after you a little astonished.
“Does it really matter if she’s part elf?” Kili asked looking in the direction you’d gone, Fili nodding along with him.
Bofur added in, “It’s not as though she’s done anything but help us.”
Balin put in a final word to which all the other dwarves agreed, “She’s shown us nothing but friendship, Thorin, would you really cast her out because of her ancestors?”
Thorin actually looked a little ashamed for a moment, “No. I suppose that would not be wise, but do not ask me to place my trust in her again”
They went in search of you and found you just finishing saddling up Blossom with shaky hands, your face looking deeply sad. Bilbo stepped forward, “You’re not leaving are you, (F/n)?”
“I am.”
He began to protest but you spun and gave him the best smile you could, “You all will be better off without me anyways. If I can't even keep an even temper against slow trolls then I will be of no use against a dragon, I may even be a hindrance.”
Gandalf sighed, exchanging a knowing glance with you, “If you must go, my dear girl, then go.”
“What? You’re going to let her go just like that?” Fili growled as Kili pleaded to you, “Please, (F/n), stay.”
You wouldn’t look at them or any of the other dwarves, studying the floor for a moment before swinging yourself up into the saddle and giving one last parting thought as you looked off to the horizon, “I’m sorry I deceived you and I wish you luck in reclaiming your home. Everyone deserves a home… Oh and someone give the hobbit a dagger or the like. Even burglars shouldn’t go unarmed.”
With that, you trotted off in the direction they had just come from and Bilbo felt like his heart was breaking. Gandalf, on the other hand, was angry, spinning to face Thorin, “That young woman has been cast out of every home and family she has ever known, she will return in time but the damage you have done is beyond repair.”
Thorin clenched his jaw, stating, “It was her choice to leave,” before turning to stalk off towards the ponies.
Balin shook his head, “Are you sure she will return, Gandalf?”
“Of course. She does not know it yet but she just needs to gather her thoughts. She will likely head towards Radagast’s realm and when she is ready she will join us again” The wizard replied, putting the dwarves’ minds at ease.
Bilbo was still watching the small speck on the horizon that was you, “Will she be alright on her own?”
“Yes, my Halfling friend, she will. She has spent much of her life wandering the world alone. She will be fine.”
The mood was somber as they pillaged the troll hoard and Gandalf did as you asked and gave Bilbo a small elvish sword, just before Radagast showed up in search of the grey wizard.
Once alone, the first thing the strange man asked was, “Where is your apprentice, Gandalf? You haven’t gone and lost the dear girl, have you?”
Gandalf shook his head, “The dwarves did not take too kindly to her heritage I’m afraid. She has gone off somewhere with her thoughts.”
Radagast eyes widened, “You should not have let her go. There is an evil falling over the land, it has never been more dangerous on the roads and even in the forests.”
Gandalf quirked an eyebrow at him and Radagast set into explaining the situation in his forest with the giant spiders and the lack of growth before mentioning Gandalf’s worst fear- Dol Guldur was no longer uninhabited. The necromancer had returned.
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