#and his truth is simple
emotionaldisaster909 · 8 months
look at his smile
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this gentle, innocent smile
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so unbelievably happy and relieved to see Xie Lian after all those years, alive and well
gods, that’s why i love donghua so MUCH
because THIS IS THE LOOK you’d have after 800 years of devotion, of searching, hoping, longing, loving
they don’t try to make him aloof and sexy in that yaoi-seme kinda way
they just make him TRUE
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comradekatara · 7 months
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tbqh sokka would hunt zuko for sport and zuko would let him.
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bonebabbles · 2 months
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average day in the tiktok warriors fandom
he's. he's literally described on the page as enjoying the feeling of making cats viciously maul each other. He gets "validation" for his feelings constantly through Gray Wing and his other sycophants kissing his ass, and still maliciously and intentionally torments them. He beats women and children for telling him no
What they want is BREEZEPELT. This describes BREEZEPELT. BREEZE. PELT.
The cat who is ACTUALLY reprimanded by authority for being angry all the time?? The one whose dad screeches at him for having basic needs?? A character who is explicitly shown to be manipulated by an evil force because they're the only ones who validate his feelings??
THAT Breezepelt?? Ringing any BELLS?
Lemmie guess. Tiktok probably doesn't like Breezepelt much because if you acknowledge that he's a child abuse victim, you can't keep woobifying Crowfeather into a sad boy. Lol.
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metamelonisle · 9 months
i actually know about kirby outside the context of smash bros or memes this makes me better than literally everyone i know irl and i am not joking
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a-s-levynn · 9 months
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#sleep token#here is a thing#there are certain moments when Vessel looks.. no he rather feels.. small#i mean his.. aura? presence? but not in the non-captivating way but as in an emotionally vulnerable way#i don't really have the words to describe this but just like on this picture#bear with me for a minute because this is either gonna sound completely unhinged or make some sort of sense#it's probably just me having a little more time on my hand than i should and just want to see things but..#sometimes he feels so present in a here-i-am as-i-am take-me-as-you-will this-is-all-i-am i-can't-give-more-nor-less it's-just-me sorta way#he feels so human in the rawest sense possible and yet so deep in character maybe even more so than when he creatures or teefs and all#like.. he is just vessel in it's simplicity and without the 'divine' if you will.. simply just vessel#in his barest of existance#a shadow of someone who used to be but not quite anymore#he is in pieces and it is willingly laid bare under the mask and all that bodypaint oh so clear to see for anyone#and that is not the outstreched hand of you-are-not-alone but the outstreched soul that cries you-can-find-yourself-in-me#and that is what i find so heartbreaking about him#this kind if raw openness because the lore says vessel is a conduit for sleep#for us vessel (and the the others) is the conduit of our emotions#and he is there somewhere inbetween the truths#just him a simple human being who sometimes seems to wish not to be human which makes him more human than anything#and that is what i can't describe better than 'sometimes he feels small' and at time even maybe makes me cry a little
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randomcherryfan · 3 months
I can't hold in my silence
This ver of Frollo is VERY goofy
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Why did Disney make him a twink. Keep his old grandpa age. The older, the better. ROLLO??? LIKE SAY HIS NAME. IT'S FROLLO.
If you took away his entire outfit (like in the art) I wouldn't be able to remember him.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Persephone captain marvel au. Hear me out.
Associated with duality, reincarnation, resurrection, childhood innocence (and it getting ripped away by adults), and her 'counterpart' Kore, which is her in her returning aspect of spring, youthfulness, new life... Come on. Is that not the closest thing to Billy you've ever seen in ancient Greece? Where he gets his powers?
It all starts with Teth Adam, and his devastation at the death of his son. He finds the old paths, breaks them open, and storms down into the underworld to demand him back. His is not a new story.
But where Persephone might ordinarily be inclined to ease her husband's scorn, give the troubled mourner a chance, she is speaking to the champion of magic, the world's mightiest mortal. The chance of success is too high. The challenge would not be enough. The death was too high profile and would risk too many attempting to follow in his footsteps. The man is too unstable, too powerful, too close to the heart of magic for it to be safe - for any of him - to grant his wish and risk his false hope.
They deny him.
Enraged, implacable, Teth Adam lashes out. The battle is long and drawn out, neither side tiring even as both weaken, but Persephone, in either form, is not one of war, and she is felled as her curses shatter, her furies tossed aside like dolls. The sound of Hades' scream as Adam's surprise leaves him open flattens the rubble of their throne room.
The wounded champion escapes, hounded by cerberus and skeletons instead of his son's shade, as her husband crashes to his knees beside her. She has not a mortal soul, and thus will be going where even Death cannot reach.
But Adam killed the goddess of reincarnation, and Billy has odd dreams. He's pretty sure he needs to ease up on the stress. He's restless in winter and distracted in summer, he can sleep outside in howling storms as long as he's tucked snug in the boughs of a tree, he's had the luck of never tasting a rotten fruit. Sometimes it feels like there's ghosts in his hideouts and the kids at school try and bribe him to curse their enemies.
When he chosen to be Captain Marvel the wizard chokes on his own speech when the smoke clears. They stare at each other.
"Well," says Persephone, "that was unexpected. Hullo."
"Hello," the wizard replies, "I was under the impression..."
"I don't think the laws of interference quite apply until I'm immortal again," he says.
The wizard's relief is palpable. It's understandable, he looks ready to keel over from old age. "Can I ask...?" he gestures at the new body. It takes a second to understand.
"Oh, I'm a boy now. For a while."
And that's that.
Until green lantern is killed in battle.
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months
#the thing is. and it doesn’t matter#but like. Ken’s love for Barbie was played as a joke but it also wasn’t#and I just think that his charisma and love should have been allowed to center her more and sort of …. I don’t know#sweep her up on the wave of his charm as she headed out of Barbieland into the real world#it didn’t even HAVE to make it full on romance#because I think the sort of splitting up of Barbie and Ken as this joined identity was good and necessary#and she had this journey to becoming human she had to take first#and tbh I think it would have worked if they had ended the movie as friends#with only the hint of something more#but the simple truth is that the most consistently human thing in the movie as far as SHE was concerned#was that he really loved her! and being loved that way. Is part of being human and even part of becoming human#it’s to feel that warmth and understand it#the Gloria thing didn’t really carry enough emotional weight for me. nor did the vague girlbossery. The creator was shoehorned in#or even the touching (in itself) montage of mothers and daughters at the end#but the realest relationship Barbie had the closest thing she had to it was being loved by Ken#and if they both became human? and she stepped into that space with that warmth of love supporting her#and making her step into this wider world? that would have been something#and the thing is yes yes. He’s basically the Michael Scott of Ken’s. He’s doing the things he shouldn’t be doing in reaction to it#and he has to learn and NOT do that and realize he’s kenough#but that stupid line at the end? Where Gloria’s like ‘honey he stole your house etc. don’t feel BAD for him’#rings hollow. especially because the General Public DID feel bad for him. He was the only one to feel bad for!!!!!!!!!#so Greta and co. Tried to make this Point about rejecting the guy who thinks you Owe him Something#But Ryan’s Ken was not really that guy! He just wasn’t! The core is too pure the love is too real! so the ending is just kinda mean#and it de-centralized her! Ironically enough!!!! Ken WANTED her to have the world. His best self did!#the movie should have let him give it to her. that is really it at the end of the day#barbie
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feelingthedisaster · 6 months
just two characters that are like chernobyl having a more healthy relationship than most of the ya romance books out there
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mymanyfandomramblings · 5 months
I love love love it when the episode summaries for streaming services COMPLETELY undersell really important/intense episodes by boiling them down to the most basic and hilarious descriptions. 'Mabel puts on a sock puppet show', 'Steven helps Pearl find her phone', yes and what about the high stakes plot? i just think its so funny
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neon-angels-system · 10 months
how to stop crying: think about those two middle-aged men being in love
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I honestly just want to frame this and stare at it always. It will be a tapestry I hang over my mantlepiece so I can gaze at it adoringly.
We’ve already talked about it so much but the MEANING they layer into this one moment.
How it concludes and wraps up everything between them. 
Everything that went unsaid in Seresu - everything that was conveyed instead with their choices, their actions, their feelings. 
But also back to Infinity, where the punch first happened. With the choices Fai was making there and the ones Kurogane made instead. With what that meant - with how Kurogane was choosing to save him - and how he HAS saved him, and now it’s coming full circle, and now they’ve saved each other. 
But BEFORE THAT TOO, into Acid Tokyo, where they divorced. Where Fai stopped calling him by his nicknames and retracted all affection between them. How Fai became clinical, building distance between them, keeping Kurogane away from him because Kurogane put his entire life goal in jeopardy and stole his choices from him - how, just like in the other arcs, Kurogane was CHOOSING to SAVE him AGAIN. How in three arcs in a row Kurogane had to stop Fai in order to save his life, and how Fai was so hurt and scared by this that he emotionally retreated. But now here he is, bringing it all back around and reconnecting them both once again. He breathes life back into their interactions - he returns Kurogane’s nicknames to him. He fucking decks him, in a way that only Kurogane would find as romantic as it’s truly meant to be. 
And just how much that means for Fai’s entire life. Fai, who was always just a mask of emotion he didn’t feel, who was always hiding his past and his mission and his feeling - Fai now has nothing left to hide. There are no lies left, no hidden trauma, no backstory that would ruin things. The only thing left is his future, and what he chooses to do with it. 
So he chooses THIS. He chooses KUROGANE. Time has passed since their arrival here, he’s had time to think, he’s made his decisions, and he’s been able to chose who Fai is now. Where he will be. What he wants to do. And who he wants to be with. 
And THIS is the Fai that Fai wants to be. Happy and playful and not actually lying about it, or doing it as escapism. He’s choosing to be happy and affectionate with the man he loves, with the man who’s already chosen over and over again to save his life when Fai was unable to do it himself. 
Here in the present Fai finally gets to make decisions about his life, for the first time completely free, and the first thing he chooses to do is come back to Kurogane and just wreck him. Which is hilarious, naturally, but also the JOY that he’s choosing is absolutely unmissable. The open emotion they both show on their faces, neither one of them guarded at all anymore. 
They’re together, and they’ve chosen each other, and they’re both here on purpose. 
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
something we have discussed is how dennis was the only one who could understand mac and that's great but can we also discuss how it must feel for mac that no one can understand him
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this seems to be accentuated by how off he keeps being about things (offering of war/dennis being shot being "awesome"/being unable to read subtext both with dennis ["figure of speech"] and donald) and how much he's looking for a sense of meaning that he used to find in his identity until s15 made him realize how pointless it was (in a way that reminds me of his crisis in goes to hell 2...), but legacy, history, money and prizes are worth nothing if your heart is not in it.
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and in a way I think dennis is coming to the same conclusion which is why he's the only one who can understand mac.
dennis "you're just being honest about how you feel" reynolds, so concerned with authenticity and upset by the perceived lies when it's just his own denial making it that way. that's building the biggest lie of all.
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if we're looking for the Point, then the point is to have fun and embrace feelings. Big Mo already showed this.
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it's interesting to me how it seems that mac and dennis are working off of each other in the way sunny works as a whole. because if mac is the structure and the text, and dennis is the subtext and the jokes (it's how he's trying to communicate in inflates but it's also the whole reason he comes with mac in madbu), they kinda NEED to be working together for the show to work... they need to find their harmonies, they can't just one or the other lead, they gotta have each other's back.
and also like, a small coda. this season deals so much with nostalgia vs how the past really was, there's so many flashbacks.
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becoming aware of denial and reality can feel really upsetting but ultimately it's a positive development.
if "the hair is a lie" chopping off the head isn't the answer, that was the old way of doing things (in times of war... murder, betrayal, beheadings... "we figured out what works a long time ago"), but now we're looking for peace. basically, death isn't the answer. building your legacy doesn't have to be like pulling teeth. "this doesn't have to be a scam"
it's a good thing if we start seeing things for what they actually are, because it means less denial.
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sysig · 2 years
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You’re just so specil to me :) (Patreon)
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inkykeiji · 2 months
clari i just want to remind you that dabi would absolutely comfort you and do anything he could to make you feel better about this whole character situation (*cough* because he’s the only one who’s allowed to make you feel miserable *cough*) and that our beloved daddy raisin is here for you
ANONNNN please i’m so 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。 you’re so right!!! actually to be entirely honest with you i have literally been thinking about like, how he’d react to this news (both in canon and out of canon as my f/o HAHAHA). like dabi’s such a selfish bastard, and he likes to pretend that he doesn’t truly care for anyone, but no one can convince me that he wouldn’t at least feel the slightest, tiniest, faintest little twinge of betrayal at all of it. and then he would naturally brush it off with a gruff and apathetic ‘whatever, doesn’t matter, he served his purpose in regards to my goals so why do i care’ etc etc but i do think for a tenth of a second that he would feel like he had been lied to, like none of them ever truly knew who tomura was in the slightest, like tomura was never really one of them in a genuine sense before the shield of indifference sets in.
could also see him being like man, every single thing about that guy was completely manufactured, what a fake! disregarding tomura’s genuine love for the lov members, even if that love was based on ideals that were never his own.
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franeridan · 2 months
Thinking about the paths in hsr and how some inform so much about the characters once you figure out the logic behind them, and specifically about ratio longing for nous's recognition but following lan's path - he's obviously a scholar, so him being an erudition character would have made a lot of sense when you don't think too deeply about it, but despite characters with less ties to knowledge walking that path ratio does not. He follows the path of the hunt. And that's a very cool fact about him imho
During his quest screwllum says that more than a scholar he feels like ratio's a doctor with the way he tries to cure people of their ignorance, which isn't strictly wrong and I love that about him (and I love about screwllum that he thinks so poetically too), but the way I see it ratio really is a hunter. He does follow lan's path, when you think about it. His travels are all about his fight against ignorance, after all. Thinking about him and his relationship to the aeons really put a lot of things about the paths into perspective for me - I thought the paths were somewhat more literal, but after all it's about the driving force behind a character's actions, is it not?
Nous is the unrelenting pursuit of the truth, of knowledge and information, and that's why someone like argenti follows that path despite being the furthest thing from a scholar you could think of - his travels are first and foremost about finding the truth about idrila, after all. On the other hand ratio isn't actively devoting his life to finding a truth or amassing more knowledge, and that's why nous won't look at him. He is extremely intelligent and competent, and he does value learning above all else, but his main pursuit is to use that knowledge to rid the universe of ignorance, and that's why he follows lan's path - the hunt is the path of those devoting their life to fighting against something, in the end, be it a literal enemy or a figurative one.
It's really really interesting to me? There's a ton of characters that are given depth by understanding their path, I love to think about it
#this is the reason why sundays bait didn't work on him i think#sunday was acting under the impression that ratio followed nous above all else#that he craved knowledge more than anything#but the simple truth is that he doesn't#he studies because he likes it and because it makes his ambition easier but it's not his life purpose#veeeery interesting truly#I've been going down this type of rabbit holes since i first played through the xianzhou tbh#how dh goes from the hunt to destruction and what that says about dan feng#how i believe it's probable df himself changed path the moment he did what he did?#he was probably abundance before which is why bailu is now following that path#he WAS a healer after all and he DID forsake that and risk destroying his whole home for his goal#it's fun with him bc i think he did change element too#he created a life after all that's probs why he's imaginary too#on that note blade changed path when he was reborn too i think#him following the path of destruction now makes perfect sense but I wonder what he could have been before#same for jl actually they're all so tragic#i wonder if the events of their past might have had jy change path too....#he's a strategist so erudition intuitively works for him but i wonder what knowledge he's truly seeking to follow that path#i would have thought preservation more logical for him ngl#ahhhhh I'm digressing but either way !!!!!! fun topic to think about#makes me even more excited to find out which path we'll be unlocking for march next !!
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