#and if im low on that for whatever reason anything more than a few sentences is just utterly insurmountable and i can't read it
milkweedman · 2 years
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Attempting some tablet weaving for the first time. I have essentially no idea what im doing--i did watch a few videos which mostly went in one ear and out the other, as well as look for some written guides which were completely indecipherable if for no other reason than Reading Hard.
The warping was fiddly but straightforward, and the first several inches are totally botched bc i wasnt really creating a clean warp shed bc i had no idea what belonged to what half, but after i figured that out it got way neater ! I'm not really concerned about how it looks though. This first attempt will serve its purpose either way, which is to be a bag handle so that i don't have to crochet or knit one. Yes i did finally try tablet weaving just to avoid knitting or crocheting more straps.
Also wow, these cards really arent going to last very long. I pulled them out of the 5 deck hand and foot set (hence why they're all 3s, since thats the worst card to get and i figured removing a few wouldnt be missed), but if id realized they deteriorate so fast i definitely would have just used something else. Oh well though.
Also, i had a feeling this would hurt my back, and indeed it does. I lasted about 10 minutes before it was too much. Might need to use a chair next time.
#was talking to my fiance about dyslexia earlier and have been thinking abt it a lot recently#was diagnosed as a teenager at the same time as the adhd#mostly dont think abt it and generally considered it not to affect me that badly#but i have a theory abt why i csnt read anymore and why written patterns are SO hard to follow#which is that i think reading for me takes a LOT of mental energy and focus#and if im low on that for whatever reason anything more than a few sentences is just utterly insurmountable and i can't read it#its even worse in any language other than english which baffled me for years#but ! my fiance was telling me how he has an easier time reading english than anything else bc he practiced SO MUCH trying to read normally#in english but didn't do the same in hindi or anything else#which like. oh. yeah. i also tried way harder with english bc that's what school was in and i was desperate to not be seen as stupid#which also explains why reading aloud in any language other than english is so so hard#reading hamlet aloud for english lit: god this sucks but i do love hamlet#reading dante's inferno (french translation) aloud in french lit: oh my god i hate every second of this and i think i will die from nerves#reading childrens poetry aloud in russian for my intro to russian class: if i dropped dead right now that would be preferable#and like my russian pronunciation was not the problem here#i could have a conversation with my teacher in russian okay#and i know cyrillic ! no problems there#but having to read it aloud ?? exhausting and miserable#anyway. all of this to say that i am not using patterns bc trying to mix reading with learning a new thing is just. not happening#backstrap weaving#tablet weaving
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changkyunswifey · 3 years
12:20 am l im changkyun
wc: 1.2k
request: //
genre: implicit smut ? pretty heavy angst, fluff somehow?
pairing: changkyun x gn!reader
contains: i'm not sure if this is really triggering but better safe than sorry so : TW// rather heavy angst that deals with abandonment issues and not being able to live without someone but overall this is just Changkyun dealing with your insecurities like a champ and loving you as much as you do
a/n: i'm not doing well so i wrote this. Changkyun is my comfort person and maybe that's why i wrote so much about him, i hope you are all okay and taking care of yourselves.
Both of your bodies drowning in the moonlight, Changkyun's forehead was resting against yours as you were making love to one another.
Pants, moans and occasional growls slipped out from both of your lips, swallowing each other's sound in heated and passionate kisses, your lips pressing on his, his tongue made its way inside of your mouth, exploring every inches of you with his warm hands, feeling up from your thigh, to your waist down all the way up to your chest before resting softly around your neck, barely applying any pressure just so he could angle your face the right way to kiss you how he wanted.
You pulled away from his to admire his every features, the way his eyes were slightly glimmering under the faint light coming from outside, how a few drops of sweat would pearl near his hairline, his black hair sticking to his forehead, beautifully framing his face, his mouth agape as his hot breath fans on your lips, low and barely audible sound making their way out of his beautiful swollen lips.
It had been a while since you and Changkyun saw each other and finally being with one another, sharing your love and adoration felt overwhelming, it was a lot to take in, almost too much.
You ragged breath turned into faint sobs, your emotions getting the best of you, the sound that you made brought Changkyun out of whatever trance he was in.
"Baby ?" he asked worriedly, getting no answer from you he halted his movements and brought your face for you to look into his eyes.
"Y/N ? Love, did I hurt you ? Please tell me I didn't hurt you." every alarm was setting in his brain, he knew you guys were the passionate type during those moments but never has he done anything that could hurt you, so the thought of doing it made panic rose within him.
"No - I'm fine, you didn't do anything wrong," you began, seeing him untense above you, rubbing both his thumbs on your cheeks to sooth you from whatever made you break down like that.
"I just missed you so much and all of this feels overwhelming and I didn't mean to cry like I'm so sorry I just -" he hushed you with a kiss, firm and quick but which held so many words.
"I missed you too, a lot. Don't apologize for that, okay ?" he reassured you, obvious care in his tone, his words and acts never failed to make your heart swell.
"You're not going to leave again, are you ?" you whispered against his lips, your eyes closed to hold back the tears that were threatening from rolling down your cheeks.
"I'm not leaving. Ever." Changkyun truthfully said, finding himself getting emotional on his own, seeing you allowing yourself to be so vulnerable before him always made him feel some type of way, the more the time passed by, the more he was helping you out of your shell, and so were you.
You guys were like two flames, even more powerful than soulmates. In addition to being made of each other you also made each other grow, when you met, your lives just completely changed. You started seeing the world differently. You were pushing one another to engage with the divine, shift consciousness, and become a better, soulful being in this experience.
And this is why your relationship was so intense and challenging.
It was making you deal with both of your unresolved issues and become bigger persons.
Tonight was most certainly another moment of growth and emotional bonding.
"I'm not ready to lose you." Changkyun confessed, blinking and allowing a few tears to slip from his eyes.
You brought his face down to yours and kissed his tears away, messily rubbing your nose against his as a sign of reassurance, holding his face close to yours, as if you were one.
"You're the reason I'm still here.." you replied, sincerity blooming out of your sentence.
This moment was intense to say the least, what started as a passionate and loving night was taking a complete turn and slowly grew onto a night of deep hearted confessions.
"It's us against the world, right ?" he said chuckling softly, subtly referring to that one night you were the first one to say this, you had decided to meet up atop of a hill which was hovering the city, being visited by a few couples and group of friends who wanted to stargaze just like you.
That night was meaningful, the world felt small and you were on top of it all, it was really you two against the world.
"I love you so much Changkyun, I love you so much it hurts." you admitted, pouring your feelings directly within his heart, "And I love you more than any words or stars could express Y/N."
The atmosphere was heavy, the warmth previously enveloping you had cooled down, a small breeze could almost be felt as no words were being spoken.
Kisses were being shared, even deeper and more passionate than before, it was almost becoming messy, none of you dared to pull away too much nor for too long, your lips barely leaving his, a thin layer of spit covering your lips as his tongue swiped against it, offering you the softest french kisses you could ask for.
You were just staring at each other, losing yourselves in one another's loving gaze, his breath tickling your chin as you two tried to ease the tension that had made its way in your systems.
After a while, just staring at your lover, he leaned down to kiss you again, one quick kiss, earning a relaxed smile from you as you both let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, that simple gesture had eased the tension and you kissed again.
Your bodies started moving under the covers once again, your right hand tangling in his hair to pull him closer to you, if that was even possible, while you left hand held onto his arm for dear life, scared he might just disappear under your touch.
Changkyun wasn't doing any better, one arm sneaking under you to press your chest flush against his, as his other hand mimicked yours and ran through your hair.
At this moment, you two really made one, unable to be without the other everything fell into place. The way he was holding you close to him, as you were half laying on top of him, completely out of breath, stroking your sticky hair out of your face, lowering his gaze to admire your face, a lazy smile adorning your lips as you absentmindedly drew random shapes on his chest with your fingertips.
"I'm never going to leave you Y/N. I promise." Changkyun breathed out, kissing the crown of your head as you slowly drifted off to sleep, wrapped in his warm embrace and endless love, being with him feeling as comforting as it could.
It felt like home, he felt like home. Yes, no matter what happened, you knew you could always run to him to find whatever you needed, you silently admitted to yourself that Changkyun is home.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
Oh... Bitch. #19 and I request Mikey. I wanna see your magic and well... His. 😏🧡
Oh yes, let’s get it!
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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Michelangelo was dumbfounded. Truly stumped at the sentence that rolled out of your mouth.
He must’ve misheard, it wouldn’t be the first time, his mind always running a hundred per hour but this wasn’t the case.
Michelangelo gripped your feet, massaging the soles as you spoke. The two of you sat on the couch in the truck. It had taken several weeks of begging but Mikey had managed to swear on a stack of Wu-Tang vinyls that if Donnie lended him the truck he would return it in its complete safe mint condition. The reason for this was he wanted to take his girl out for a drive, maybe park somewhere nice, watch the night life, the city lights.
It was gonna be a perfect date for sure.
After some driving around, totally showing off that he so was a responsible driver unlike what his brothers suspected, he had parked. The two of you moved to the back part and enjoyed every nifty little gadget for entertainment that Donnie had installed.
So now as the two of you settled and talked about everything, the topic had shifted to sex.
For Mikey, even if his actual reptile brain was vibrating at the possibility of sex, he knew some of these talks were a means for you to find your ground. The topic often came up, not to say things hadn’t gotten pretty heated between the two of you, but it never escalated above some heavy petting.
Tonight though, Mikey’s brow bones shot up over the reason why you were still apprehensive of taking that final step. The reason though, just left him feeling incredulous.
“What do you mean you’ve never cum from sex?!” Mikey sat up better, attention at high when you covered your face and laughed. “It happens, Mike. More often than one would like but the guys I’ve been with just...” You trailed off, the situation was embarrassing as if.
Mikey bounced the information in his brain, were you afraid he would be another on the list? Then again it could be understandable, this was his first serious relationship. You noticed his pensive gaze and scooted close. “Hey im not saying you aren’t gonna get the job done, but my experiences just haven’t been earth shattering” You grabbed his hand, thumbs pressing on his palms.
Mikey shrugged with a shy smile. “Well, I think I can change that string of bad luck” The confidence was there and you couldn’t deny it was something that often made you giddy on the inside. With no hesitation you pressed your smiling lips to his, you felt the tips of his fingers caress beneath your chin. If there was something the orange banded ninja felt confident about, it was his ability to kiss. Often a time had he seen that glazed, love drunk gaze on you after a particularly steamy makeout session. Wether a soft, ghosting of a teasing kiss to those more messier saliva exchanging kisses. Mikey simply just knew how to work his mouth.
And you would be a god damn liar if you hadn’t fantasized about said mouth doing other things.
There in the softly lit back of the truck, you let yourself fall into the familiar ache that his mouth caused you. A few weeks ago you had ridden his thigh to the point of your nethers throbbing with a terrible need. Mikey’s lips teasingly kissed towards your neck, carefully raking his teeth over the sensitive spots. His kissing alone was far superior than those of your ex lovers, Mikey’s attention to detail when it came to your sweet spots was critical for him. He knew your neck was free game, too easy but he’d learned about your shoulders, about squeezing your waist and pressing you against himself.
He was well aware of raining down some cocky comments against your mouth or ears would deliver fantastic results.
You pulled back just an inch, eyes scanning his. You caressed his face, thumbs running across his lips, shiny with the taste of yours.
“Okay, let’s try it out” You spoke softly, cheeks flushed but eyes so very certain. He felt his heart rattle inside of him, nervousness rose but he fought against it when your hands caressed him so lovingly. You could reassure him with a look often times but if you touched him, ran your hands over his cheeks or arms, whatever self doubt would melt away.
Everything melts with Mikey.
Just like now, somewhere along the various sounds inside of the truck and the soft music playing you got up and started to undress before him. Mikey’s frozen in place but not out of fear or embarrassment but more so because he doesn’t want to miss a second of what you are giving him. Intimate parts of you he’d only gotten his fingertips to brush or lips to kiss. He’s mesmerized, hypnotized truly. Watching jeans slide down your legs and a sweater fall somewhere near your shoes. He can’t take his eyes off of you, sweaty hands pushing down his own shorts as he kicks off his shoes, thankful for not being in his full usual gear.
Mikey swallows dryly when your knees hit the couch, straddling his lap and effectively trapping him in your scent. Lazily you feel his hands on your hips steadying you. The kissing picks up again and you’ve never felt more in tune with somebody.
Somewhere along the heat his fingers find the clasp of your bra, hand at the back of his head you give him that nudge to do what he’s so very much craved. Burying his face between the two fleshy mounds he inhaled and shuddered against softness. Biting your lip you try to grind down on him, lost in the content sigh that blows hot air against your sternum.
“Mikey...” It’s a whisper against his temple, felt so deeply within his soul that can’t help but tug you closer to him. “You’re like, beautiful” He’s punch drunk and you’re pretty sure he just said that to your breasts but it brings chuckling smile out of you. “You’re not so bad yourself either” You take your lustful moment to run your hands down his chest, enamored with the texture, aroused by the strength you feel beneath your fingertips. You take a daring second to lean down and lick a slow stripe up his neck. Mikey felt like he short circuited with just that, he wondered if the rest of you would cause more of those sensations.
So he can’t help but find out. He moves you to lay down on the cozy couch, settled between your legs he grinds against your clothed heat. You want him already, quiet little moans escape you and go straight to his hard on. His underwear is past his hips and yours is pushed to the side and that familiar burn knocks the wind out of you cause it’s never felt this strongly. The shape of him makes you lift your hips to seek him out further and Mikey moans something guttural against your chest when he bottoms out in you.
“Fu-uck, oh god” It’s so sincere and muffled against your left breast that you’re secretly proud you caused that in him. He’s wary of his weight, one arm above your head to grip the armrest the other dug beneath your low back. He keeps you just the way you want to and the rest is your legs tightly snug against his waist, the edges of his shell digging in. That first cautious thrust is accompanied by his lips around your nipple. You shudder against him, the overwhelming sensation catching you off guard. You watch the arm above you flex, muscle twitch with his next thrust. He’s hitting spots that no other lover had bothered to, tongue twirling around your nipple alternating between sucking and biting the flesh.
You cuss, feel yourself shudder and stick to him with desire. “Jesus just-god!” You’re a mess of words when he licks all the way to your earlobe and bites down. “Just what? Hmm, girly you’re so warm around my dick” You must be red, every inch of you must be crimson because hearing him talk like that shouldn’t affect you that much. Mikey’s clearly riding the high of it, noticing how you clench around him and pull him into wet warmth.
Soon enough he’s thrusting harder, quicker and the truck is filled with panting and praising. You run your hands up his plastron, enjoying how that makes him buck more. He finds you lips and kisses you with a need that can’t be measured, tongue entwining with yours. The hand that had been so viciously holding the armrest snakes down your side and in between both of yours moving bodies. You feel the pad of his rough thumb slowly circle your hardened clit and the feeling is enough to moan into his mouth. Mikey licks the roof of your mouth and recaptures your mouth and it’s dizzying. The soft but firm circles on your sensitive nub make you squirm and tremble. It’s too many feelings at once, his cock filling you up, lips on yours distracting and that’s treacherous little motion of his thumb.
Soon you start to feel it, a tightening, a tension that makes you seek his thrusts out more. You want to moan but his kiss muffles it, tongue so busy making you needier. Mikey rubbed faster this time, the salacious wet sounds mixed with the sounds of slapping. You’re teetering and it’s too much for you to be able to concentrate on the kiss. Your mouth opens and you gasp when that free fall feeling hits. Mikey rubs and pounds and you cum. Your eyes shut tight as you scream, gushing around his length and spasming. Your back arches, hands trying to grab or push at anything. Mikey jackhammers the last of what he can and cums hard only making you shiver and spasm more. He buries his face between your sweaty breast, harsh breaths hitting the skin.
You find feelings against in your legs and your heart allows you to relax in the post coital bliss. “Was...Was that good?” Mikey sounds dead but so deeply satisfied and you giggle, the movement making your chest vibrate and he happily nuzzles your chest. “More than good, I think I lost my vision for five seconds” He snorts and you smile as you affectionately caress the back of his head.
“...Wanna go again?” You ask shyly.
“Absolutely” He grins against your skin.
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glacecakes · 3 years
Wild Hunt
Eugene isn't exactly well liked by his men, but when they want to induct him into their ranks, he's not going to complain! All he has to do is hunt down a beast that they prepared for this event specifically-
It's Varian. Eugene is accidentally hunting down Varian. Now the two have to survive the night together, while one of them is injured, against a squadron of Corona's best men.
Uh oh.
IM BACK! Kinda. Finals are due Tuesday and I wrote this instead of doing them but WHATEVER WHO CARES
This was mostly written on the Varian Hivemind server, with some lovely inputs from the folks on there, and I edited it and finished it before throwing it up here. So uh. Yea. Team Awesome my beloved
Life and Times and VVO will also be updated soon!!! I hope to have at least one if not both chapters done by the end of the month 
Being Captain of the Guards sure had its perks.
For one, he got to attend meetings with Rapunzel, finally. You'd think being the princess's future husband (probably) and Prince of the Dark Kingdom got him some recognition, but noblemen are jerks and elitists, so what can you do. Granted, the meetings were boring as all hell, but still, it felt like he was actually being respected and taken seriously. Something Rapunzel had been pushing for since the start. Personally, he wasn't all that sure he deserved it, but if she was happy, so was he.
Another was that the guards no longer gave him shit. That's not to say they did before... well, they did. Stan and Pete didn't, but every other guard called him Flynn Rider at least once or twice before begrudgingly accepting him as their teacher and now commander. He no longer had to worry about someone breathing down his back, waiting for him to slip up or commit a crime, eager to throw him back in prison.
Speaking of which...
He turned the corner to see a few guards, couldn't remember their names off the top of his head, forming a small circle around a corner. Their predatory grins barred down on whatever their target was, whichever poor soul had angered them. One of them had his hands on someone much shorter, so short he couldn't make them out beyond the red coats and gleaming gold... which could only mean it was one person.
"Don't get comfy, brat," the one hissed, pushing Varian up against the wall with an audible crack as a skull hit stone, no doubt hoisted up by a shirt collar. "One of these days the princess is gonna get sick of you, and when she does, we'll toss you back into your old cell... and we'll restart our favorite game. Ain't that a swell idea?" Varian hissed, a soft thunk of his boots scrambling for purchase against the wall.
"Hey!" Eugene snapped, having heard more than enough. "Put him down now ." His words were like fire, causing the other two to jump back and reveal the battered and bruised alchemist. His lip was split, a large scuff of dirt on his white shirt.
One of the guards snapped his head around, whacking the leader's shoulder to get his attention. The guard frowned. "Oh yea? Or what?"
Before his new position, he would've leapt into the fray, hackles raised, punching the lights out of these jerks, but now, he had a much better stance. "Or you're fired." He crossed his arms, the perfect picture of a guy in charge who knew how to keep his men in line.
Someone who was clearly not him.
The guard hummed. "You don't have the nerve." To emphasize his point, he shook Varian a little harder, the kid's toes barely scraping the floor and his hands gripping the soldier's wrists. Leather gloves creaked with how tight the pressure was.
But Eugene's glare didn't waver, hand itching for the sword at his hip, his anger radiating in waves. It was enough to get the other two to back off.
"Cmon, Aaron," one whispered. "It's not worth it."
"Yeah, it's not." Eugene agreed. "Put him down now, and I'll lighten your sentence to a week in the stables instead of a month."
Aaron's face turned sheet white, then bright red. With a huff, he dropped Varian to the ground, readjusting his gloves while Varian cried out on the floor.
"You got lucky this time, brat," he hissed.
Oh, he knew that type of speech. The Baron used it all the time. Anyone who got told that never lasted to the next month. "And all other times," he said. "Because if I see you go anywhere near him I'm taking you to the princess."
Aaron rolled his eyes, clearly uncaring, and stormed off with a huff, his buddies trailing after. No doubt they didn't like a criminal ordering them around. Or, ex-criminal. He'd have to keep an eye on them.
A sniffle broke Eugene's musings, the fog of satisfaction and annoyance quickly replaced by concern for his younger friend. Varian sat up, wincing as he did so. He rubbed his neck, feeling for any injuries and finding none except for his ruined collar. "Aw man," he mumbled.
Dad had fixed his collar for him that day, a proud smile on his face. "You need to look sharp for your first day on the job," he'd said, ruffling Varian's hair. They'd grown so much closer in the past few months, the man always seeing his son off. Today was the first day back after his kidnapping, after all; he'd spent a month recovering from a broken rib.
"It's not my first day, I've been working there for weeks," Varian had grumbled, but let him do it with a cheeky grin.
"First day of the week," Quirin rectified, placing a kiss to his baby's forehead.
A forehead now covered in dust and a bruise.
"Hey kid," Eugene offered a hand that Varian gladly took, stumbling a little as he was helped upright. "You ok? Nothing knocked outta place?"
"Just my pride," Varian joked, smile quickly fading. "I'm ok though, really. I'm used to it." He shrugged, hugging himself for comfort. Maybe he could pretend dad was here, hugging him... he always had the best hugs. Even when Varian was little, before they drifted apart. Back when he was just the weird magic kid. Back when his biggest worries were some older kids picking on him... Dad would always scoop him up into a big hug with flowery words and a book of Flynn Rider.
A warm hand wrapped around him, pulling him into a red chest. Eugene took his other hand to ruffle Varian's hair, earning a squawk of complaint.
"Just because you're used to it doesn't mean it's ok, you know that, right?" Silence followed. Gosh, this kid... say what you want about being an orphan, at least everyone around you was on the same boat. No place for bullies, nothing to bully about, when everyone was doing just as badly. "If they ever give you more trouble, you come to me, yeah?"
"Huh?" Confused blue eyes met warm brown.
Eugene smirked. "You say the words and I boot them out of the castle, goggles. Team Awesome looks out for each other."
"Oh," Varian mumbled, dazed. He'd never had a protector, never had anyone looking out for him. Cold sneers and flowery words, manipulation and secrets and ulterior motives, sure. His chest fluttered, a laugh escaping.
But then... the anxiety returned full force, maybe even stronger.
If those guys got fired because of him, good god, he could only imagine the fallout. Well, that's not true. He absolutely could. One time in prison a guard got fired for beating a cellmate within an inch of his life, and though the guy lived, the second he was out of prison he got jumped, or so the story goes. In all honesty it was probably an embellished truth, stretched out to frighten prisoners into silence, but god damn if it didn't work. No one ever complained about their beatings. A peep was all that was needed to spend a night in the infirmary for even worse injuries.
"No, no, it's fine," Varian flicked his wrist. The dial on his hand spun with each flick, the ticking grating. "Besides, we have work to do!"
"Oh, yea!" Eugene gasped. Right! The whole reason he came out to this part of the castle was to look for Varian specifically, after all.
"So, right, maintenance stuff." Varian waved his hand, motioning for Eugene to follow. "Here's what I had in mind..."
It was a week later, late at night, when Aaron approached him. The moon lay low in the sky, just bright enough to allow for vision without torchlight, but not bright enough that anything beyond shapes were clear. True to his word, the guard had been stationed on stable duty for the past several days, coming back to the barracks covered in dirt and angry every time.
So maybe Eugene had whispered to Max about him. Big deal.
Anyway, the captain was knee-deep in paperwork when Aaron knocked on his office door. "Sir," he said. "Finished up for the day, and I wanted to talk to you."
"Oh?" Eugene put his quill down hesitantly. Aaron was his first big show of power, the first punishment he'd dished. Everything else had been a variation of "keep doing what you're doing" as he settled into his new role. Who knew being in a position of power was so stressful?
(Everyone. Literally everyone.)
"I wanted to apologize for testing you, sir." The man shifted, eyes never meeting. His face was unreadable. "I wasn't sure you were going to be as..... sharp, as our previous captain. And I'm sorry for that."
"....Ok," Eugene said. "Thanks? I think?"
"So, I uh... wanted to do something for you." The man continues. "Me and a few others. It's sorta a ritual for guards. We didn’t do it before cuz of, yknow, Cassandra and stuff. And you're one of us now, so...?" He raised an eyebrow, a quiet invitation.
Oh boy.
Knowing these guys, it was probably something really stupid. Most of the guards were pretty nice, maybe a bit airheaded, but a lot of meatheads mostly. Big fans of machismo and showing their strength, boosting their ego, stuff like that. It's why none of them were fans of being run by a criminal. And no doubt Eugene would have to clean up their mess anyway, so he sighed deeply and rose from his seat. "Alright, what did you do now?"
Aaron placed a hand to his chest. "Why, sir, we did this out of the goodness of our heart! We're just welcoming you to the team!" He laughed a bit at that last part. He pointed out the door, leading his superior down the suspiciously empty barracks, and out into the courtyard.
About a dozen or so guards were outside, waiting. One of them was holding a horse's reins, and a crossbow.
"He's in!" Aaron called, and the guards all broke into cheers and raucous laughter.
"Yea, nice to see you guys too, uh. What am I... in?" Eugene asked, shifting awkwardly.
Aaron's smile widened. "It's just a fun little game, sir."
"The game is simple, really," Aaron slung an arm around Eugene's shoulder, pulling him close, not unlike how Lance does. But unlike his larger friend, this man is wiry, more of a weaselly kind of build, with stick thin arms that hide his muscle. "See, when someone new joins the guard, we test their skill by having them hunt down a beast in the nearby forest. Once they catch it, we all celebrate together! And welcome him into the ranks!" The guards all cheered, no doubt thrilled at the prospect.
"....right...." Eugene smiled uncomfortably, cheeks pulling and stretching, a puppet controlling the strings attached to his face. His stomach swirled, bouncing all over as he was passed around.
"But see, you're not just any guard, you're the Captain," Aaron's smile took an equally unpleasant demeanour. "So we figured we'd give you some extra... challenge." Outside of their little circle, no sounds could be heard. Not a peep from a cricket, or a cry from a bird, just dead silence in the surrounding glen. Just the crackle of torches, and the rustling of men.
"The beast for this occasion is small, smart, and fast. The goal is to catch it before it reaches the wall at Old Corona. All you gotta do is," he makes a noise with his mouth to emulate the crossbow. "Hit the target, and the rest of us will finish the job."
"Finish?" Eugene echoed.
The guards around him smiled with all of their teeth. "Well yea, we're not just gonna waste a perfectly good beast, are we?"
Eugene narrowed his eyes. If Rapunzel heard about this, no doubt she'd flip. "How will I know what I'm looking for? And why should I even approve of this?"
"Relax, sir," Aaron shook him, patting his chest with a heavy fist. "We're not just killing an innocent creature. It's always something that's been marked for slaughter, or is causing problems. And trust me," his voice deepened. "You'll know."
No horse was as good as Max, but that was probably for the best, what with his gut screaming about how this all felt so goddamn sketchy. "This isn't some trap where it turns out I'm the one being hunted, right? Cuz I don't want to shoot any of you with this," he joked, brandishing the crossbow.
"No, sir, not at all! In fact we'll be supporting you! No one makes the first shot until you do." He promised, patting the horse's flank. "Rest assured, no tricks here. Just a beast already marked for capture. Or recapture, in this case. We picked this one special for you."
"That sounds like it's supposed to be flattering but it really isn't."
Aaron shrugged. "Not my problem. Good luck!" With a smack to the horse, she cried out, spurring Eugene forward.
They rode through the Capital, out into Corona proper, lush with trees. At this time of night, no one would be about, not even thieves, laden in their straw beds and cots. The only things out right now are animals, or a beast, in this case. How is he supposed to know what he's looking for? What, is it going to be some giant thing with red eyes? No, Aaron said it was small, how the hell is he going to...
Then he hears it.
It's faint, almost like a windchime, but sure enough, the clanking of chains, and a small whimper. Somewhere through the trees there's a rustling, something moving. He can't make it out, the guards didn't give him a torch, but a blob of something rushes forward, the only thing he can make out the distinctive shine of metal, a chain reflecting in the moonlight.
Eugene smirked, the rush of adrenaline from a chase beginning to pump through his veins. It'd been a while since an adventure without any stakes, without any daring challenges or risking death. The last time must've been... gosh, probably the Herz de Sonne misadventure? And even then he and Lance had just goofed off for the majority of it. Maybe the Spire? That one was much riskier but he and Rapunzel had been so outrageously drunk during that whole endeavor that it felt more like a fun jaunt.
He shook himself out of his reverie. Focus, Eugene! Fun or no, you're proving yourself to the guards! Show them that you're a worthy Captain beyond just barking orders and supporting the princess!
He spurred the horse forward, hooves thundering against the undergrowth and disturbing the leaves below. The beast let out a shriek, shrill and shaking, rushing forward. It weaved between trees, trying to throw Eugene off. Man, Aaron wasn't kidding about how fast it was. Even on horseback he couldn't keep up very well. The chains wrapped around the beast's legs screamed in complaint, clanking and clattering with each huff of its breath.
Eugene lowered the crossbow, sticking his tongue out. Steady... steady.... he fired.
The bolt whizzed through the air, lodging into a tree just a few feet away from its target. The beast flinched but didn't slow, scampering through the undergrowth, leaping over a fallen tree towards the river.
"Hyah!" He yelled, leading his horse over the log and splashing down into frigid waters. Water rushed past his horse's hooves, dulling the sound of chains, and when he looked around, the beast was gone.
Eugene grumbled, reloading the crossbow before urging his horse onward. If this beast got away he'd never hear the end of it! They'd be all "Yes sir, Captain! We'll catch that criminal! As soon as you catch that beast!" And then they'd laugh and he'd moan and he'd have to go catch the criminal himself which is honestly not too far off from how it is already-
It took a few minutes to find it again, the beast trying to muffle it's movements by shuffling, but the metal song was too alluring to ignore. There was no time to waste. With the horse at a fast trot, quieter and steadier, he fired the bolt, this time getting much closer, barely whizzing past the silhouette and lodging into a tree trunk with a chunk of hair.
The creature cried out again, beginning to run and renew this dance of cat and mouse, but Eugene wouldn't have it. Dexterous fingers clasped a new bolt and quickly reloaded, giving barely a few seconds for the creature to try and run before firing again.
He didn't miss.
It was almost silent, the bolt's descent. Its tip gleamed in the moonlight alongside the chains keeping his prey in place, the one thing that slowed it and gave Eugene the upper hand. Whatever this beast was was quick, too quick, and if he lost it again, no doubt he'd never find it again. So when he aimed, he aimed down, and sure enough, the bolt embedded itself into the beast's calf, sending into stumbling.
It shrieked, screamed and sobbed in agony, noises bordering on almost human-like as it thrashed on the floor. The arrow stuck straight up, bright color on the end almost a beacon for the beast's location. Poor thing. He really should've just aimed for the head and put it out of its mercy, but this was the only way to ensure a clean shot.
Eugene slid off his horse, crouching low to the ground as he readied the final blow. But as he got nearer, as the moon hung lower in the sky, providing light through the filtering trees. He hesitated.
The beast was crawling, still trying to run, front legs pawing at the forest floor and clenching the leaves beneath with hands.
Eugene's stomach sank, lower and lower with each passing step, heart climbing higher and higher in his throat, the closer he got, the more ill he felt.
He saw the chains first. No, not chains like that on a cattle’s neck. Prison shackles, the kind wrapped around a prisoner's legs. And they were wrapped around legs, keeping strides from being too large.
And their torso.... clothed torso..... The beast heaved, each breath causing it to rise and fall with rapid panic.
The Captain's hands brushed against the tree with his other bolt embedded in it, eyes trailing onto it, and he froze.
Blue hair, stabbed by the bolt.
"No," he breathed. "No no no no no..." His boots picked up the pace, speed walking over to his catch, to his victim. Please, for the love of god, let him be wrong. Let this be a cruel prank, just a bear or deer dressed up to fool him... don't let it be...!
The creature heard him approach and sobbed, flipping itself over on shaking hands to get a better look at its assailant.
There, lightened by the moonlight, chest heaving, tears streaming down his face and blood oozing from his leg, was Varian.
"Varian....?" Eugene whispered, tears of his own budding when his friend whimpered, scooting back and away. With each step forward Varian scrambled back until his back hit a tree, at which point he curled into a ball. Like a frightened animal. Like a cornered beast.
Oh god... this whole time, he thought it was just one of the farm animals marked for slaughter, or a meddlesome woodland critter... he thought it was an animal destined for someone's table, so why not the guards'? Why on Earth did he agree to this? Was he so desperate for approval from his peers that he would simply shrug off the ringing alarm bells, put aside his gut instinct, and dive in blindly?
Yes, his mind whispered. You would, and you did.
"Hey, buddy," He leaned down, inching closer. "Varian, goggles, it's me. It's Team Awesome." His hand shook as he reached forward, but Varian flinched violently, causing his leg to spasm. The boy hiccuped, a hand clamping over his mouth to stifle his sobs. A small mercy came from the shadows of the night, with it too dark for details, Varian wouldn't see the blood rapidly soaking his pants.
The crossbow glinted, a sharp refraction bouncing off frightened blue eyes and causing him to wince. Eugene tossed the weapon away like it burned him.
"It's me, it's Eugene," he reassured, scooting closer bit by bit. "I'm here to help. I'm not gonna hurt you."
"You did," Varian gasped, whole form shaking. "You did."
And that really was the crux of it, wasn't it? At the center of Eugene's self loathing was the spiral of guilt that you shot him, you shot the kid. He trusted you, and you shot him.
"I know," he rasped, trying to keep his voice level. "I did. I'm so sorry. Fuck, I'm so sorry." Varian sobbed, unfurling slightly if only to reach out for comfort. Even if this was the man who hurt him, who hunted him on horse and acted as the boogeyman straight out of nightmares, he was also Eugene, his friend, the one who stood up for him against Cass and Aaron, held his hand and promised he'd be there if Varian ever needed it. And god did he need him now.
Shaking, gloved hands connected in the middle, Eugene's grip gentle but grounding, a careful smile on his face. "That's it, bud. You're safe."
“Aw, ain’t that cute?”
Faster than a bullet, the smaller hand retracted, Varian’s eyes wide and horror-struck. In his attempt to comfort the boy, Eugene had let his guard down. He’d forgotten the final rule of the game.
No one moves until you make the first shot.
They were surrounded.
Aaron swaggered up to the duo with a grin, torch in hand. It flickered and sputtered, illuminating his blinding white grin amidst the darkness. The other guards formed a circle around them. Every other man carried a torch, while the rest had a weapon or tool or rope.
“The Captain has captured the beast! And in remarkable time, too.” Aaron simpered, waltzing up and gripping Varian’s cheeks in his hand. The boy snarled, teeth grit as he stared up at his bully.
From behind them came Aaron’s two buddies, the guards from before, each one wrapping an arm around Eugene’s shoulder, hauling him up and away.
For a moment, Eugene's insides were pure ice, frozen in time, unable to react despite the screaming in his mind as the puzzle pieces failed to connect. They jumbled and sloshed in his mind, the picture only half complete and the rest of the pieces strewn atop, obscuring the image from his view.
"Eugene...?" Varian whispered, thawing him.
"What have you done!?" He bellowed, anger hardening his voice. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" He strained against the guards.
"Just as we told you, sir!" Aaron mocked, forcing Varian to meet the Captain's gaze. "We captured a beast for you to hunt down! And now that you have," The grin was razor sharp, shark's fangs practically drenched in blood. "We'll dispose of it properly."
A guard from the circle threw a rope, the ends tied into a loop. Like a ring toss, the aim was true, ensnaring Varian's wrist and tightening when he pulled. Another guard followed suit, yanking the boy back and forth till his arms were spread eagle and unable to move.
Varian turned a stark white, paler than the moon that neared the horizon. He cried out, straining to try and escape, but another spasm from his leg paralyzed him. “N-no, please not again…!” He sobbed. “Let me go-!”
"Again!? Varian, what do you mean? VARIAN!" Eugene yelled. "VARIAN!"
The boy screwed his eyes shut, praying for the nightmare to end.
"LET HIM GO!" Eugene strained against the guards, lamenting once again, his own stupidity. He should've brought Max, or an actual weapon, like his sword, or something! He'd gone in totally blind, expecting that the guards were decent people and that this wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. Honestly, he should've known better! After everything he's seen and done, never leave the house without a concealed weapon! You were almost executed by half these assholes!
When he gets back, he's firing everyone except Stan and Pete.
A third rope flashed through the air, this time with a loop larger than the others. It latched itself onto Varian's neck, wrapping tight and close. His eyes snapped open in pure terror, mouth opening in shock. But before the boy could protest or scream, the rope was pulled taut, and his face turned an awful shade of purple. He coughed, thrashing in place with tears of fear and hypoxia trailing his cheeks.
"Aw, the beast is scared! Doesn't he know how all animals are slaughtered?" Aaron cooed, faux sympathy marring his features. "You know, don't you? You were raised on a farm, after all." His question went unanswered, Varian too busy rasping for breath to respond.
The man with the rope pulled harder, forcing Varian's face down into the dirt where his muffled cries barely caused the leaves beneath to move. A steel boot stomped onto his head, and the cries went still.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" Eugene bellowed, the protective instincts in his mind going haywire, overheating and exploding with pure rage and an intense need to save him, free him. He let this happen, if he had been smarter, stronger, if he hadn't shot him, hadn't let his guard down, hadn't shrugged and taken the guards' words at face value… “Oh relax, it'll be painless!” Aaron hummed, producing a knife from his belt. “The beast didn’t answer the question, but, I’m sure you can figure out how animals are killed after falling unconscious.” He jokingly slashed the dagger in the air above his throat, and Eugene saw red.
"Oh?" Aaron mocked, turning around and placing a hand to his chest daintily. "When the princess finds out? You're making her do all the heavy lifting?" He sauntered up to Eugene, hips swaying with each step till they were nose to nose. "This is your job, sir. You are in charge of keeping us in line, keeping the prisoners in their place."
"Varian is NOT a prisoner," Eugene hissed, meeting his gaze with pure fury. "He is a friend, my friend, my brother."
"Perhaps to Eugene Fitzherbert, but not a Captain of the Guard." Aaron shrugged.
Eugene lowered his head. For a brief moment, Aaron grinned victoriously. Now he's getting it.
"Too bad for you, I'm both."
Aaron's face fell, the cheerful facade falling into a brutal glower. "What does that mea-"
He was cut off when Eugene slammed his face into Aaron's, hitting the bastard's nose with a CRUNCH. He staggered back, and his buddies loosened their grip on Eugene to see if he's ok. It's all the advantage Eugene needed, quickly pushing them both off him and charging Aaron. His shoulder bowled into Aaron, sending him sprawling, and Eugene only stopped to grab the dagger he dropped before sprinting for Varian's crumpled form.
"Oh sun, please be ok, come on kid," Eugene chanted, slashing the rope around his neck. It leaves a brutal ring of red around his neck, as do the ones around his wrist when they're dispatched. There was no time to remove the chains, what with the remaining guards quickly regaining their senses and gearing up for a fight.
He lifted Varian up into his arms as if he were made of glass. Dark black hair lolled against the Captain's chest as he stood to his full height, glaring down at his employees, the hazers, the conspirators.
There was no hope of taking them all on, that much was clear. Charging into battle with hands full and armed only with a knife was stupid. He'd have to outrun them, play the game, and make it to Old Corona where Quirin could protect his son and he could get actual backup from loyal men.
Perhaps this was the true game, the true test of his worthiness.
Aaron snarled, staggering up while clutching his nose. "GET HIM!"
Eugene crouched, letting the first guard try and charge him before jumping out of the way at the last second. This he was used to, dodging men who wanted nothing more than to hurt and destroy what he held dear, making a run for it to the relative safety of the familiar. He fell into the old routine without too much difficulty, leaping over heads and ducking under blows. It helped that Varian barely weighed more than a few grapes, still a stick from his year in prison. He and the others had been hard at work trying to help him gain at the very least some muscle, though Varian was a big fan of skipping meals for science.
According to Quirin he's had that habit for a while, and right now it was a minor blessing.
Huh, he thought to himself as he dodged a crossbow bolt, taking off into the trees. Captain of the Guard isn't all that off from my usual life, just with some added benefits. Another arrow nearly took off his ear. Yea, same old stuff.
His feet pounded against the forest floor, dredging up leaves and dirt alike as he ran. There was no time to cover his tracks or be discreet, there was a whole battalion after him, so it wouldn't do much good anyway. But as his steps quickened, as Varian bounced up and down in his arms, the chains still rattling, the boy stirred, groaning in pain with each motion.
"Gene...?" He mumbled, muffled through the man’s coat.
"Hey kid," Eugene grinned down, not slowing for a second. "Glad to see you're ok. How's your throat?"
"On fire..." a weak hand pawed at his throat, rubbing the soreness away.
"Sorry about that, you're gonna be just fine, ok? It's all gonna be ok."
Varian hummed, eyes glossy and not fully there. His head fell back onto Eugene's chest, a soft smile full of love that he didn't deserve. "K. I trust you."
Varian fell back into an uneasy sleep after that, his breaths wheezing against Eugene, lips stained blue and face clammy. Anytime exhaustion tried to creep into his bones, tried to sneak into his soul and drain him to surrender, he looked down at Varian and his spirit would renew.
At some point, they were hiding behind a tree, keeping to the intense darkness. A few guards could be heard not too far off, their annoyed mutterings like an alarm bell, a siren's song of false security. Just as they passed, Varian coughed, clutching at the fabric for comfort. It was an ugly sound, weak and ragged, as if there was something coming up.
When he looked down, those blue lips were now stained red.
He picked up the pace after that.
But even he couldn't run forever, no matter how light Varian was or how determined he was. Inevitably he had to stop for water, hiding Varian behind a fallen tree and drinking from a stream whose sounds hid them from view.
He just finished his own drink when Varian stirred, and the Captain was quick to help Varian get some water of his own.
They sat by the stream for a bit, catching their breaths, Eugene from exertion, and Varian from strangulation.
It was here that Varian recounted his side of the story, tears dripping and mixing with the stream below him. "I was so scared..." he whispered, voice hoarse.
"I bet," Eugene soothed, running a thumb over Varian's palm. "What happened?"
"....I got jumped," his eyes turned downcast, shame coloring his features. "T-they grabbed me when I was gonna head home. Said that they wanted to make it up to me, to... to give me "a job befitting my talents"...." He sighed. "You can probably guess what that was, huh."
Eugene's ears burned. A flame simmered in his gut, nausea falling away as his free hand clenched at the leaves below him. "Yea. I can." He bit out.
For a moment, neither spoke, unsure of what to say. What could they say? The situation was insane, it was cruel, it was... it was…
Varian hacked, more blood than before coming up and splattering on the shackles that remained.
"Oh, let me get those," Eugene hissed. "I'm sorry, shit," He fumbled for his pockets, procuring a lock pick and making quick work of the shackles. "We gotta move. We can't let them find us." His hands hovered over the bolt, unsure. "Can I... I mean, you can't run with..."
Varian turned a shade of green, barely visible. “It’s stopping the blood from coming out.”
"Yea, good point, sorry." He coughed awkwardly, the stream bubbling and gurgling a simple melody.
"Why do... why do you keep apologizing?" Varian asked, not meeting Eugene's eye for a second.
"Wh- seriously?" He let out a bark of laughter, fading when Varian's face didn't change. "Kid, it's my fault you're in this mess! Sun above, I shot you. I said I'd keep you safe and I shot you." Anger swelled in his words, but Varian didn't flinch. He knew it wasn't directed at him. "Some Captain I am, I'm being chased by my own guys."
Varian bit his lip. "Did..." he hesitated to ask. If the answer wasn't what he was hoping for, he'd never recover. "Did you know it was me?"
"No!" Eugene's eyes widened. "No, I never would've agreed if I knew it was a person, let alone you!" He ran a hand through frazzled hair.
"So..." Varian hummed. "You shot me on accident, and then saved me. Again. Even when your men tried to convince you otherwise." Each sentence was slow, filled with Varian needed to take in a breath, but he met his friend's eyes this time. "I think that's a pretty good Captain."
Eugene blinked, then smiled. "Thanks, kid."
Dark voices shouted across the clearing, words incomprehensible. Varian jolted, hands flying up before doubling over hacking. Each cough shook his body so hard you’d think the boy was trembling with fright.
“Woah, easy,” Eugene’s hand rubbed over his back. “Deep breaths. Come on goggles. You got this.”
“You would think,” Varian rasped. “But I do not.”
Finally, with one final hack, his coughs ceased. Each gulp of air felt like heaven, or at least it did for the first few seconds. Then it was replaced by a searing hell, leaving him scrambling again.
God, what is the culprit?
As his breathing quieted, as the burn turned to a small simmer, Varian’s eyes trailed to the forest floor beneath him.
Stained with blood.
Varian’s eyes widened, his pupils shrunk to pinpricks as his entire world focused in on the blood. The dark blues of night left it hard to see, more a black shine than the vicious red, but there was no denying what it was.
“What-oooh,” Eugene hissed, grabbing Varian’s shoulders for support. Shit, this was bad. He made a mental list of symptoms for the inevitable doctor visit: raspy voice, struggling to breathe, coughing up blood... all signs pointed to the noose as the culprit. Whichever guard had tried to strangle Varian was getting fired and arrested.
No, screw it, all of them were.
“Focus on me, hair stripe,” he warned, shaking his brother slightly. “Are you ok to move?” All he got was a weedy moan.  “I’m taking that as a maybe.” With no preamble, he scooped his arms under Varian’s knees and back, pulling him into his arms as he stood in one fluid motion. “I’m gonna try and make a run for it, ok? We’re almost to your dad. I just need you to stay with me.”
Silence, and then a faint nod moving against his coat.
Each step sent vibrations up Eugene’s spine, tingling and thrumming in his veins and pounding in time with his heart. The sun would be rising soon, it had to be, with the dew that is forming at his feet.
At some point Varian readjusted, shifting so that he could see over their shoulders. He couldn’t run, couldn’t fight, but at least he could keep an eye out.
And it’s a good thing he did, when he beats wildly at Eugene’s chest in a signal. The captain was about to duck behind a bush, but the forest’s edge is within sight! Maybe if they made a break for it...?
An arrow grazed his side.
The pain looped through his system, joining the adrenaline for a joyride through his mind and it sent him sprawling. Varian rolled out of his arms, collapsing at the forest’s edge.
Eugene groaned, raising his face with the sun to see Aaron’s smug grin glowing in the upcoming dawn.
“Well, look what I caught! A daddy beast and a baby beast!” He said.
Eugene gaped. “Could you be any creepier? Really, gotta go for the weirdest shit to say, don’t you?”
“Eh,” Aaron shrugged, crossbow in hand. He stepped past his boss (Er, ex boss), boots crunching on leaves and leaving nothing but dust in their wake. “I’m a weird guy, I guess.”
“Yea, a real weirdo. Kidnaps a teenager and has the captain hunt him for sport. A nice quirk, ain’t it!” Each word is angrier than before until he is spitting acid.
Aaron doesn’t even argue; he’s too caught up in his victory. Varian shook as he struggled to sit up, arms quivering with effort. Just as he raised his head his eyes met the gleaming tip of an arrow, aimed right between the eyes. “Say goodnight, kid. Don’t worry. I’ll make a fine trophy out of you. Hang your goggles over my mantle.”
“Would you knock it the fuck off!?” Eugene wheezed, scrambling up. His feet gave out near instantly, but he leapt forward, colliding with the guard and driving his aim up. The arrow whizzed overhead, harmlessly lodging into a tree.
“Varian, run!” Eugene yelled, still on top of the other.
“I CAN’T! What part of arrow in my leg don’t you get!?” Varian yelled, immediately followed by coughing.
Eugene went to answer, only for the butt of the crossbow to whack him in the face.
Aaron laughed, loud and manic, the sound like nails on a chalkboard. It was quickly stopped by a punch to his stomach from the furious man above him. If the others found them, it’d be game over. Literally.
Whether or not Eugene would be killed was unclear. While he didn’t always need Rapunzel to save him, her good graces granted him immunity from most local threats. But they’d definitely kill Varian, and that was the bigger concern to him.
Unfazed, Aaron slammed his skull into Eugene’s, sending him tearing back. The guard quickly flipped them, crossbow still in between.
“Face it,” Aaron snarled. “You’ll never be a true captain. You can’t control your men, can’t protect a kid, can’t even protect yourself. You just got the job because you saved the lost princess.”
“In my defense,” Eugene wheezed. “Your previous guard couldn’t do that either.” That only angered him more, digging the crossbow into Eugene’s Adam’s apple.
The two men wrestled briefly, Eugene finally getting a good grip on the crossbow, and kicking Aaron off of him. He scrambled to Varian, fully prepared to scoop him up and begin the dance again, just for a little longer, but Aaron just yelled out in anger, drawing a sword from his belt. As strong as Eugene was, he couldn’t outrun him with Varian in his arms. He would know, he trained his men to match him in speed and strength.
Varian moaned in pain. He had to do something, he couldn’t just sit here! Eugene had spent the whole night running around, working his ass off to keep him safe after the initial mistake, he couldn’t let him down...
But the arrow scraped against his bone, pain sending stars across his vision any time he stood…
The captain’s hands clenched down on wood, eyes calculating. He looked into Varian’s eyes, then down at his leg. Then up again. And down again. He hissed between teeth, kneeled down, and clenched his fist around the arrow. It sent a pulse of pain through Varian’s leg, the boy wincing, but understanding.
“Do it,” he hissed.
And yanked.
The pain was so sharp, so intense, that for a moment Varian was certain he was dead. There was no way anyone could survive with this much pain, he must surely be dead or dying. White hot agony stabbed into his leg, and he bit so hard on his lip he broke skin. It took everything in him not to scream.
Aaron laughed again, shadow blanketing them. Eugene turned to see him looming over them, sword above his head. “Say goodnight, Sir!” he shrieked.
The man’s grin vanished in an instant, replaced by sheer shock at the arrow sticking straight into his throat. Blood trickled down the wound, looking more like an impulse tracheotomy. Suddenly, he pitched forward, face hitting the forest floor with a sickening shick as the arrow went the rest of the way through his throat. There wasn’t even a struggle, no death rattles or cry of pain, just the sounds of a morning dove in the coming dawn.
Eugene’s shoulders slumped, and Varian leaned back into the cool grass.
“You doing alright there, Goggles?” Eugene called.
“My lungs are on fire, I can’t feel my legs and I’m sweating in places I didn’t even know I could sweat. I’d say I’m in the mood to die, but I literally just spent the whole night trying to prevent that.”
“...fair enough.”
The weeks that followed were, for lack of a better term, a total fucking nightmare.
After pulling themselves together, the brothers managed to hobble to Varian’s house in Old Corona, just in time to greet Quirin at the door. Imagine the poor man’s shock when he was headed out to work only to be greeted by his son’s blood and the captain’s exhaustion. Suffice to say, they got a proper tongue lashing the whole cart ride to Corona proper, the father fussing over them both while he rushed them to the infirmary. And then they had to get chewed out by Rapunzel, and Lance, and pretty much everyone else, despite their repeated insistence that it wasn’t their fault this time.
“What did you expect us to do? We were being hunted!” Eugene whined at Rapunzel while a nurse cleaned up a cut.
“Uh, I was being hunted. You were hunting me .” Varian hoarsely piped up from his own bed, leg propped up in a cast. He paused at the frantic stop motion Eugene was making, and the paling faces of his father and princess. “Oh. Was I. Not supposed to say that.”
“You’re not supposed to be talking,” Rapunzel chided lightly, though that was clearly not the problem. The doctor had been pretty quick to explain Varian’s breathing issues were just from the throat trauma, and would heal with time and supervision.
“I didn’t know! In my defense,” Eugene held up his hands as if to shield from Quirin’s murderous face, but if looks could kill he’d be a pile of bones. “I didn’t know.”
“How do you…” Quirin pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m going to remind myself that you saved my son’s life and ignore the part where you endangered it in the first place.”
“Yes, please do,” He said, shifting under the glare.
And then came the paperwork.
Trying to figure out who among the guards was part of the hunt was hard enough, seeing as outside of Aaron and his cronies, no one was going to say a word. All they had to go off of were the men who saw Eugene off, and the ones who initially captured Varian. And since they hadn’t run into anyone else directly, no one could be properly accused and charged. But Eugene wasn’t going to take any chances, and therefore anyone who he saw at least once was fired, and if they wanted to dispute it they could come to him and explain why they were willing to throw his little brother to the wolves.
Suffice to say, no one did. Which left Eugene with only two thirds his original squadron. He spent a good while of his recovery vetting new recruits and creating incentives for others to try out, and while he was able to replenish his ranks, they weren’t nearly the same elite task force they’d started with. And considering the threats they faced on the regular, that was a serious problem.
It was after a long day of training and interviews that Eugene finally stumbled into the castle library, ready to destress with a nice long binge read of Flynn Rider. He grabbed a few books off the shelves as he walked, headed for his favorite couch and the cozy fireplace at its side, only to stop dead in his tracks.
Varian lay spread across the couch, foot propped up on the armrest as he glossed over some scientific text that Eugene had no hope of understanding. His eyes flitted up and down the page, clearly not actually reading and more just staring at the words.
“Hey,” Eugene called, and Varian barely reacted. “Oi, kid, that’s my spot. Scooch it.” “I got here first,” Varian said, not looking up for a second.
“Older brother gets first dibs.”
“Little brother gets his way.”
Oh he was gonna play it like that was he? Eugene smirked, plopping his books down at the floor before collapsing directly on top of Varian, making care to not crush the injured leg. Varian squawked in protest, limbs flailing.
“Get off! You’re heavy!” he yelled, trying to push him off. When that failed, he resorted to whacking at him.
“Never!” Eugene laughed. “Your little punches feel like flowers!”
“I have an iron deficiency!” Varian responded, cheeks red but smiling slightly. The captain finally stopped suffocating him, but didn’t get off, instead wiggling in close so they could share. “Mean,” Varian whined, a pout on his lips, but didn’t complain.
“Oh hush,” Eugene chided, grabbing a book from the floor. “You know you love me.”
Varian simply hummed, buck teeth peeking through a tiny grin. “So, what did you grab for today?”
“Ah, glad you asked!” Eugene held up the cover, which Varian oohed in appreciation. “One of the older ones, came out when I was your age.” He wrapped an arm around Varian, pulling his brother close, the warmth of his side and the fire combining to create a heavenly cocoon. “You want to read, or should I?”
“Your turn,” Varian responded, stifling a yawn.
The book creaked in protest, Eugene gazing down at his little brother with a smile. He leaned his cheek on the boy’s hair, deep voice dripping with fondness as he started to read.
Being Captain was fun, but being a brother was even better.
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
Day 1 - First Meeting
Peter was very reluctant to go to the Magnus institute funding party; uncle Nathaniel informed him that one of his new duties would be to make business with James Wright and he really didn't want to do that. A beholder… What a nightmare.
I would've stayed at home
'Cause I was doin' better alone
Peter was very reluctant to go to the Magnus institute funding party; uncle Nathaniel informed him that one of his new duties would be to make business with James Wright and he really didn't want to do that. A beholder… What a nightmare.
The party was unfortunately the most informal way to meet the man, otherwise he would be forced to enter a small room with the watcher to make sure he didn't dry up his family money for an indefinite amount of time.
So he was really dreading the moment he would be meeting this man, Simon kept telling him that James was an old friend and that it would be fine, that he was actually funny beneath all the politeness, however he wasn't so sure about that.
Due to Simon’s and his uncle’s influence he has a very loose idea of some boring old man, a type of academic with a nondescript look that he will forget as soon as he leaves.
With any luck he would just make his acquaintance today and then he may go from the party, Peter preferred to be at home instead of dilly dallying with the masses. As much as he likes to observe people, he likes it better when it's on his own terms and when he is not forced to be part of an event.
So he goes with very little hope for the night, the only positive is that he may get some free food and some alcohol, albeit champagne will not do much for him.
The moment Simon sees him, he zeroes on him and stays nearby talking about his trips to Europe. He also tells him about a few sacrifices he made that actually seemed rather interesting. Still Peter preferred the ones he committed at the ocean, but he knew the man was always more partial to the sky so its not surprising they are all on that vein.
“What about you Captain? You have a few voyages under your belt now lad, how did those go? Were they to your liking?” And the answer to that is a bit complicated, Peter is still getting used to handling a ship, his crew hasn't been properly trained yet to keep themselves in check so he has to… ugh make a few rules.
The other problem is that most of his crew is formed of older, more experienced sailors. Peter is 26 and unfortunately has a rather… soft looking face, he has been trying to grow a beard to at least make himself look a bit more rugged or older looking, but that will take time and he just has a five o’clock shadow for now. It will take him months to have anything resembling what he wants. The graying hair does work a bit better, that he can count for at least.
He is considering hiring someone to relay his messages to, so that way he can stay away most of the time and he can practice his solitude in peace. He really would love to not be perceived until he looks like he wants.
“Its ok, I still need to figure out a few things to be honest, I would love it if the crew was a bit less…”
“Friendly” Simon nods at him and pats his shoulder before going back to another story of a trip he made like 250 years ago. It is quite interesting, albeit Peter gets struck with how old the man is. Most of the time he can forget it, easy to do when Simon is so lively, but when he tells him these stories…. hard to ignore in all honesty.
Picking up an offered champagne glass he listens distractedly wondering when he will meet the man organizing this whole charade.
The older man talks to him but at some point his sentence drifts off and he looks behind him with a grin. A bit lost and now concerned, those grins never end up well for him, Peter turns back to check what exactly was his companion watching.
The answer comes to him like a hit to the face.
An older man talking and entertaining several people at the same time, Peter doesn't realize that he was gripping his glass very tightly until Simon waves and calls for the man over.
He wasn't boring looking like his uncle or very, very old like Simon. He must be in his fifties, he was dressed up impeccably with a black shirt that had his sleeves rolled out to his elbows, a deep green vest with golden details and dark green pants.
The man also has a pencil moustache and a few moles near his jaw, which made him stand out. He was also a bit shorter than him, but most people are so that doesn't surprise him.
The air of surety, of knowing he had made him feel bigger than he was however.
Peter swallows and feels his face warm up for reasons he can't comprehend.
When the man turns around towards Simon, he can see his eyes-
Peter never looks anyone to their eyes and yet, and yet-
For a second it feels as if the man also froze looking at him, he had a look of….surprise almost?
But it was only for a second, the next thing Peter knows is that the man starts to approach them while he is struggling to not disappear in a puff of smoke. Oh, Forsaken protect him.
“Hello Simon” His voice is very low and amused, oh fuck.
“Hello James!! It's been a while hasn't it?” Ja-
“You are James Wright?” Peter cuts off the man before he answers back to Simon and he realizes that he is an idiot, shit-
No wonder he was so eye-catching then.
For some reason James' lips twitch upwards as if he was trying not to smile at something. Peter has no way to know what is so funny.
“You must be Peter Lukas then? Nathaniel… told me about you, its a pleasure to meet you” Peter smiles his usual vapid smile to keep him from prying, he already feels exposed and kind of confused about the man. Better to make this quick and go.
“Yes, uncle mentioned you too, albeit he did not do you justice” ???? What the fuck is he doing, what is wrong with him??? Why did he say that??
Peter feels his hands sweat and his face warm up, he is praying he is not red in the face.
James looks perplexed and he feels Simon staring at him with the biggest grin ever as if he was having the time of his life which knowing him, he probably did, he loves drama after all.
“Is that so?” The man crosses his arms and Peter has to keep himself from staring at the flex of it he has to.
What the hell is wrong with him?
“Yes! He made you sound like a boring old man to be honest, but you are quite the opposite, you look very-” Peter spends a lot of time alone, meaning he doesn't properly talk with people. His usual mechanism of defense is to talk so much that everyone just lets him be.
That translates into him not having a filter, because of that he just says what is on his mind, even if he knows he shouldn't. In this case it is a shot in the foot and he has no idea why, why is he reacting like this? The man is-
Is just a bit good looking thats all!! No need to be so nervous.
“...Good” His face is burning, Peter knows he must be red all over.
He is an embarrassment to the family name, he has to go, he has to go now. How is he going to face him to do business oh shit-
James for his part seems to look at him with something akin to wonder an a bit of curiosity, while Simon-
Simon for his part is sighing mentally about his nephew’s taste in man. Very on brand for a Lukas, albeit Jonah seems to be quite taken aback.
Peter might look like Mordechai but they are not alike at all.
“Well thank you Mister Lukas”
“Peter is alright” Why won't he shut uppppp, what is wrong with him? This has never happened before, a little bit more and he will spontaneously combust.
James smiles at him and something in his chest squeezes. Is he dying? Is his heart giving out on him so soon?
“Well Peter, it was lovely meeting you. I can't wait to make business with you. I'm sure we will get along… very well”
“I can't wait” !!!!!! He wants to die.
Peter is going out to sea for the next 4 months just to get rid of whatever this is.
James grins at him and is about to leave, making him let out a breath of relief when he turns slightly.
“Say… I was going to ask Simon to drink with me after the party, in my office. Would you like to join us?” No!
“Sure” The man gives him a smug look and goes.
Simon pats his back.
“You need to get better at flirting, albeit i do believe you impressed him quite a bit, he usually ignores all the Lukas that come to make business with him”
“Im going to kill myself” He hates his life so much.
“Ah lad don't be like that, its just a few drinks, it doesn't have to go anywhere else”
Several years and flings with the man later. Peter is left with only grief at James sudden passing. They had something of a thing going on, not really labeled, since neither liked that. But the man suddenly broke things up and Peter in his anger left for months on end.
By the time he came back he found out James died and he had a new replacement.
Elias Bouchard.
He hates him on principle.
Peter is cold with him at every little meeting, speaks just as necessary and goes before the man even attempts to chat him up. At least he has his own loneliness, the only thing that truly lasts for him.
It sings out to him, like a siren song, it's easier to get lost on it, to just… become colder and harsher. What else should he do? It's not like Peter could ever love someone like that again.
Or want to.
“-ter, Peter!!”
“What do you want Mr Bouchard?” The younger man was glaring at him and it feels unfair, he should be the one glaring.
“I was asking you if you intend to stop being difficult and listen to me for once! I swear i get you lonely ones love playing at the grief stricken partner, but its been months already im getting tired of trying to talk to you like pulling teeth. Listen- i know i was kind of an ass, but really i needed to do the switch and i was worried a bit about people talking about some favouritism-” What the hell is he on about now??? Also how dare he!
“What- are you talking about? I'm not faking- what are you-!? Listen, I'm not up for games, let alone your games. I have better things to do than be your little entertainment, give me the papers to sign and I will be on my way, off of your life-” Elias gets up and slams his hands on the desk making him flinch.
“That attitude!! I don't want you out of my way!!! I said what I said as James because I was going to change bodies and people were talking about our relationship too much, it would look odd when I became Elias and we hooked up again!!”
Peter freezes.
“What- what do you mean became Elias?” The man who is not Elias??? Narrows his eyes and then suddenly looks surprised and confused.
“You don't know-”
“What do you-”
“How can you not know I told you- i-” Elias? Drifts off and looks to the empty room with a blank expression.
“I forgot to tell you”
“I thought i told you after- oh, oh fuck we ended up sleeping together after sacrificing that woman at the restaurant, i got distracted and-”
Peter starts to piece together a few things.
“James…?” Elias flops on his chair covering his face and doing a muffled scream into his hands.
“I can believe i forgot i got so excited that you let me tie you up that i completely forgot” Peter’s face burns.
“Yes, yes it's me, I thought you were being difficult not that you- oh my god you actually were grieving me weren't you? You sap” His face turns smug, and it's so familiar-
The eyes-!
“Yes, those are really mine”
“You-!” Peter wants to punch him.
“Me?” Elias already closes his eyes expecting a punch. Yet he side steps the desk, comes closer and pulls him up to his feet by his tie.
“If you- you want to choke me-” He shuts him with a kiss. It takes a bit to register on the other’s mind because once he does he grips his hair and pulls them closer practically melting against him. Peter doesn't stop kissing him, cnat.
“You twat-” In between kisses he curses him out, he was making the rounds across his neck, decided that he was going to leave pretty little marks for everyone to see. Elias? James? Doesn't seem to mind much.
“You- fucking- bloody- ass!!” A bite close to the jugular has him moan a bit, Peter’s hands go to grip his thighs and the other catches his meaning because he lets him lift him up. He carries him to the small couch and drops him there with an ompf-
“Hey-” That he interrupts when he climbs on top of him and starts to kiss him again with a very clear intention in mind.
“Oh…” Yes, Peter is glad he can use forsaken to soundproof the room, he had no intentions to let the other be quiet.
Now that he is not upset, angry or… turned on, Peter lays his head on top of Elias' chest, while he explains the whole being Jonah Magnus, and thinks that he is very handsome.
Not in the same way as James was, no, but he was still very handsome.
“I was leaning more into pretty but unassuming, but thank you for the vote of confidence for the new body” What a smug prick.
“He is not…?”
“God no, only fragments or echos, the real Elias is very dead, its just me”
“Jonah?” Elias nods at his question.
“Huh” The shorter man’s hands play with his hair making him nuzzle his neck. He thinks about it for a bit, but decides to go for it, after all he has gotten this far anyways “Pleasure to meet you Jonah”
The other stays quiet for a bit.
“Pleasure to meet you Peter”
Their relationship is not conventional or normal by anyone's standards, but…
It works.
“So… I got you so distracted you forgot to tell me huh?” Elias sighs.
“I can show you exactly how enticing you looked to me to make me forget, do not tempt me” Feeling his face heat up he tries to play it off.
“Maybe when we are in an actual bed and want to experiment a bit” Elias chuckles and then turns into a full blown laugh that makes him feel the rumble of it against his ear.
“I can't believe this, but i missed you” He hears Elias heart speed up while admitting that to him, it makes his face warm up.
Peter knows he missed him too, but he wont admit that, too out of character. So instead...
“Will take that with me, feels delicious”
“Oh hush, you already cannibalized yourself, don't be a prick”
Yes, he definetly missed this bastard and he will have so much fun re-aquitaining to him properly. They are closer in age now, Peter’s body is a bit older than Elias now, just 6 years, but it feels good.
This time people will give Elias looks instead of him, Peter’s gray hair and beard made him look older.
“You are impossible Peter”
“Stop reading my mind then” Elias sighs and kisses the top of his head hesitantly.
“Don't make it so easy then” Peter lets out a breath.
"Rude, what a rude person you are" Peter nuzzles him and that shuts him up.
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hi I just saw the Ukai request thing and I was wondering if I could get some head cannons of anyone on the team, falling hard for ukais daughter or niece
This was so fun to write! I never actually imply this in the request but the reader is adopted cause it’s more inclusive that way! I chose Daichi and Tanaka cause they seem like they would have Ukai react way differently!
Daichi & Tanaka Going Out With Ukai’s Daughter HC
Okay so Daichi, being the captain and all, if there’s one thing he is really good at, it is respecting authority and understanding the chain of command
He’s worked from being a mere first-year peasant to being the daddy captain we all know and love
That’s why when he starts to catch feelings for Ukai’s daughter, he does his best to never step over the line because he doesn’t want to disrespect his family in any way 
It all started when you would show up to practice since Ukai didn’t want you alone at home but he gave everyone the speech to keep their eyes off of his kid
He made it a point to point out that you were his only child, his only daughter and that he would crack skulls without hesitation if any of the boys made you uncomfortable 
And yes, He looked at Tanaka and Noya the whole time because I swear they’ll simp for anything with two legs and a heartbeat 
Daichi doesn’t catch feelings for you right away though. He acknowledges that you’re pretty but it isn’t until you two slowly started to get to know each other more and more when Daichi realizes how hard he is falling for you
He’s sometimes a bit scared to make a move during volleyball practice since your dad is always like two feet away but you two share a class so you can bet your ass that he’s always sitting next to you and making up any excuse to talk to you
The two of you aren’t even dating but he is already so whipped for you 
Exhibit A
One day before practice, you complained that you had broken your headphones so without even asking you, he rushed to his house to get his pair and came back all sweaty and red, handing them over to you 
Exhibit B
Your favorite drink was stuck in the vending machine and you couldn’t shake it hard enough to make it drop but Daichi went over and bought four drinks so that way it could knock yours over 
Like you’re telling me that isn’t the cutest shit ever? Are my standards just low? ANYWAYS 
You eventually catch feelings for him cause duh look at him he’s perfect but you know that if it were to get more serious, Daichi would have to talk to your dad 
You knew you couldn’t go behind your dad’s back so telling him was the best and only option 
The whole time during practice, Daichi was nervous as hell. He really liked you but he also really respected his coach so he wasn’t even sure exactly how to go about it 
But when you gave his hand a light squeeze, it gave him a big boost of confidence cause screw it, you were worth it
So Daichi sucks it up and the two of you go up to Coach Ukai and he is such a confident and respectful dude he doesn’t even stutter
“ Coach Ukai, I want you to be the first to know that I have feelings for your daughter and she feels the same way about me. I know you’re protective of her but I would never do anything to hurt her, I can promise you that. If it’s okay with you, I’m planning to take her on a date this weekend if you would let me.”
“ Nope.” Ukai said simply as you whined and gave your dad the biggest puppy dog eyes
“  DAD!” You scolded as Ukai rolled his eyes,” Come on, wouldn’t you rather me date  the captain of a team that you can always keep an eye on than I don’t know, some asshole from a different team?”
“ Why does he have to be in volleyball in the first place? Better yet, why do you even need to date a boy? Are you trying to kill me?” Your dad asked as he looked between the two of you 
Ukai did realize deep down that Daichi was arguably the best option you had-He rather you be with Daichi than anyone else around your age group.
A part of Ukai knew that while he loved to see Daichi squirm, he really was a good guy and he just liked giving him a hard time 
“ Fine, have her home by ten.”
“ What about ten-thirty?” You asked as Daichi squeezed your hand and shook his head
“ No it’s okay, ten works just fine,” Daichi smiled back as Ukai couldn’t help but smirk because yep, you picked a good one 
Fast forward to your date and Daichi is outside your house dressed SO NICELY boy has a hot ass button up and everything 
And duh he has flowers for you he’s so cute I’m simping yall 
Obviously, Ukai opens the door and just shakes his head when he sees Daichi all nervous
“ No touching, I mean it kid. There has to be at least three feet between the two of you at all times and remember, if you ever hurt her I will personally bring a bat over to your house and-” 
“ Oh my god please stop, we’ll see you later!” You slip past your dad and grab Daichi’s arm to pull him down the driveway
Okay so you know how I said that Coach Ukai wouldn’t be too opposed with you going out with Daichi? Yeahhhh Tanaka is definitely one of the guys he much rather you not go out with at all
I honestly think Ukai sees so much of his younger self in Tanaka and that freaks him out
ANYWAY Lets go to the beginning tho
Tanaka first knows that he is crushing hard on you when he said the stupidest joke in class and of course, you were the only one to laugh cause lets be real, your sense of humor is pretty shit thanks to the internet 
And tanaka is like “ mhm yes I’ll marry you now” cause bruh no one laughs at my mans jokes he is SLEPT ON 
You two start hanging out and pretty quickly, you both are crushing extra hard on each other. It’s only been maybe like a week or two and you two are so uwu with each other it’s insane
One day before practice, you give him a quick kiss outside of the gym but Tanaka is a certified Clingy Boy™ so he pulls you back in for another one that’s much longer 
You both whip your heads around to find Coach Ukai with literal smoke coming out of his ears as he is glaring so hard at Tanaka 
Tanaka’s headass is like “oh im probably getting yelled at for PDA or maybe I lost track of time and I’m late to practice” but oh boy is he wrong
Idk if you guys collectively share one braincell or whatever but it just clicks now for you that “ oh shit, we are so fucked” 
“ Dad, I can explain-”
Tanaka doesn’t even hear the rest of the conversation like his brain shuts down when he hears you say the word Dad 
And he’s thinking in his head that maybe you just call coaches dad for some weird reason but no, Ukai is actually your dad
There’s so much yelling that the rest of the Karasuno members are outside of the gym doors listening in on the conversation because they’re nosey as hell 
Noya is definitely conflicted because heck yes, his boy is dating a female but he also wants to laugh because of course, Tanaka is having bad luck 
Suga thinks it is HILARIOUS 
But anyway
After a whole bunch of yelling, Ukai just says screw it and starts practice and you promise that you’ll talk to him at home but he makes you stay in the gym so he can take you straight home after
BRUH during the whole practice Tanaka does soooooo bad like hes nervous and he feels so guilty
Obviously, if he knew about your dad he would’ve planned it out much better and even ask for his blessing but it was too late to be worrying about what he could’ve done 
“  Don’t be hard on him please. I swear, it didn’t even click that you were his coach and I didn’t want to go behind your back like that,” You said as your dad sat down next to you on the bench as the boys did drills,” but you overreacted. You know he’s sensitive and he’s going to keep beating himself up about it.” 
“ How do you think I feel seeing my daughter kiss a boy? Why can’t you wait until you’re thirty to have a boyfriend? ” Ukai knew you were at the age where he couldn’t keep you away from boys but he was just so protective 
You were his only kid but because you were his daughter, it only complicated things
I already know Ukai raised such a big daddy’s girl (not in a weird way yall) and while he knows he raised you to be super strong, he just wants to protect you from heartache
“ I really like him and he makes me happy and I promise, we won’t even interact with each other if we are around you if it makes you uncomfortable.”
That wasn’t the most comforting thought to Ukai but he knew he was wrapped around your finger and that he would eventually cave in
It took some time for him to get used to the two of you being together. You two never went on any dates at first because Tanaka wanted to ease your dad into the idea of you two being together
But it wasn’t until Ukai saw how protective Tanaka was whenever you would come along to tournaments that Ukai started to feel better at the idea 
Like Tanaka would go FERAL if a guy even looked at you the wrong way and Ukai was secretly like “ yeah you tell em!” 
It was actually comforting to Ukai that you were dating someone who would literally lay their life on the line for you at any given moment because as your dad, he would do the same
So after a few weeks, it was actually Ukai who went up to Tanaka to talk about the two of you going on dates
“ You have my blessing but just know, if you even look at my daughter the wrong way, I will kill you, no questions asked.” 
Tanaka was actually relieved because to him, that was such an easy request. He couldn’t even imagine hurting you or ever making you upset so he was already thinking of date ideas once Ukai finished his sentence
“ Should I start calling you dad now?”
“ Don’t push it.”  
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peachiikawa · 3 years
Fly | Route Selected: O. Tooru
genre: mafia au, choose your own adventure
warnings: honestly nothing too bad in this route
word count: 3.1k
Fly Masterlist
Tumblr media
“I choose--”
But before you could even finish your sentence, the front door opened and an arm draped around your shoulders
“They’ll be with me”
You looked to see who had just walked in and were stunned to see such a beautiful man
“Very funny oikawa, now let them go. This is a personal matter”
Daichi took a step forward and you could feel the tension in the air
But the silence was broken with a chuckle from oikawa
“Dont worry so much daichi. They arent just a threat to you theyre a threat to the entire community so to make your burden easier ill gladly take them in. you have better things to worry about anyways”
The smile on his face was far from a friendly one
Even you could tell it was a bit condescending and it made you a bit scared
He led you out the door but not before turning his head one last time
“Tell your old man seijou gives their regards”
With that he led you to his car and got you buckled in
“Now where do you live..?”
“My name is y/n and i live down the street and around the block”
He drove you home and made sure you got into your apartment
“Come in tomorrow whenever youd like, preferable before noon though. Heres my card if you have any questions. Goodnight y/n!”
He kept the conversation brief and didnt look back as he left
As soon as you closed the door you leaned against it and slid down onto the ground
Just what had you gotten yourself into?
You couldnt really sleep that night knowing that in the morning you were going to be working with the mafia
So you took an early shower and got to the address on the card oikawa gave you the night before around eight o’clock
You took a nervous breath before walking into the gigantic corporate building
‘Seijoh Industries’
The company had a long reputation of being in the modeling and fashion industry
It scared you to think that so many big companies were involved in who knows what else
You pushed the glass doors open and immediately got lost
Like how do you even navigate the inside of this building???
It wasnt long before you got stopped
...by some guy with blonde hair with lines in them
Was he trying to look like a tennis ball??
As he steps toward you you take one back until youre against a wall
“What the fuck are you doing here? Youd better leave. Now”
You feel like your stomach is about to drop before you hear that all too familiar voice
“Maddog what are you doing to y/n! Its their first day you shouldnt be so mean”
Oikawa grabbed your hand and led you down the hall to a pristine office
He sat down behind his desk and organized a few papers for you
“Youre here bright and early. I was half expecting you to just not show up”
His eyes glanced up from the papers in his hands for a brief moment
“But im glad you did it would have been a..hassle to find you”
The way that sentence came out of his mouth with that smile on his face sent a shiver down your back
He handed you a few papers and a list of tasks to do
Most of which consisted of you running errands and organizing some cabinets around the building
“Finish those and if you get done with that before the end of the day you can do whatever. Just dont poke your nose where it doesnt belong”
The smile on his face never left once your entire conversation and it left you with a weird feeling in your gut
As you turned to leave you just couldnt shake the weird feeling you got every time you saw it
But you went on your way, trying not to think about it too hard
You did each task with ease and you really thought that some of them were a bit unnecessary since most of the things on the list were already done
It was almost therapeutic doing normal things, it at least made you feel less nervous
It didnt take you long before you finished your tasks
“Hey you”
You jumped at the sound of someone’s voice and slowly turned towards a man with short and spiky brown hair
He held out a couple of papers to you
“I need you to make a few copies of these and then bring them to trashykawa”
Your eyebrows furrowed and he noticed your confusion
“I mean Oikawa. Sorry, force of habit. Im Iwaizumi by the way. I work over in communications''
You fumbled with the papers in your hands, trying to get a grip before he noticed how nervous you were
His sharp eyes were fixed on you which made you even more self-conscious 
You let out a shaky breath before introducing yourself
“Im y/n. Its my first day working here”
He nodded his head
“Yeah well just lay low if you want to survive this mess. Ill see you later y/n.”
A few weeks go by and it seems to be the same thing filling your days
This place wasnt as scary as you first thought and everyone seemed nice enough
The beeping from the copy machine brought you back to reality from your daydream and headed back to oikawas office
Though you had been here for almost a month now, it never got easier to be around him
Something was just too off putting about him
You took a deep breathe before knocking on the door to which you got a muffled “come in”
He didnt look up as you set the papers on his desk and only looked back up at you when he didnt hear your leave
He took off the glasses he was wearing and set them down in front of him
“Can i help you with something?”
Again, that smile on his face just...didnt feel right
“I was done with my work, is there anything else I can do for you?”
He just shook his head
“That should be it for me! Why dont you go see if iwa needs anything?”
You could tell that he wanted nothing more than to have just a moment to himself
And the constant flow of people probably didnt help
“This might be bold of me to say but that smile you wear around people...you dont need to put up any false pretenses around me. I know my situation and I know it isnt all sunshine and rainbows so feel free to be yourself around me. So one last time, before I go, do you need anything?”
His eyes were wide at what you just said
You had only been here for what? A few weeks? With minimal contact as well
So how did you notice?
The only other person whos ever called him out on it was iwaizumi
And he hated being read like this but he kept that smile up
“Nope im fine”
You nodded and left, closing the door behind you
And as soon as you did he threw his pen down on his desk and held his head in his hands
How...how did you see through him
He had carefully made this mask of his so that no one would be able to see how he was feeling
Emotions were a weakness
He didnt need them
And he sure as hell didnt need you
The next week he made it his mission to completely ice you out
No contact at all
And it made you kind of frustrated
The man steals you away from the other mafia you almost became affiliated with and just throws you to the side?
So you went to him after him doing whatever he could to make sure he avoided you
The man literally had tennis-head outside of his office to scare you away
“What are you doing”
The sudden voice behind you almost made you scream
“Oh iwaizumi! Dont scare me like that!”
You smacked his shoulder as you two hid around the corner from oikawas office
“If you must know im trying to get into oikawas office. I'm sick of his avoiding me like im the plague”
Iwaizumi let out a deep sigh
He knew why oikawa was avoiding you
And he also thought it was a little much
Wasnt it about time he stopped being scared?
“Tell you what y/n, ill distract kenta and while i do you can sneak into oikawas office”
Your eyes sparkled and he almost wanted to laugh
He nodded and patted your head
“Get that idiot out of his funk”
He then walked up to kenta and walked off with him, giving you a thumbs up behind his back
And when they were out of sight you knocked on oikawas door and didnt wait for him to respond before barging in
To say he was shocked was an understatement
“What are you-”
“Stop. Before you go on about how youre busy just please listen to me. I dont know what i did to deserve this amount of avoidance but if its about what i said that day, i dont regret what i said. And i wish you would stop avoiding your problems and just confront them”
Confront his problems?
What the hell do you know about his problems
“So you came in here to tell me that? What the fuck do you know about me? Youre just some street rat that poked their nose where it didnt belong. You dont know me so stop trying to tell me what to fucking do! Emotions make you weak and i dont need that”
At this point he had you backed against a wall
And when he realized what just happened he pushed himself away from you
God what the hell was he even doing
Hes spent years perfecting his facade
And then you come barging in and it just breaks?
You slowly approached him and put a hand on his shoulder
“See? Was that so bad? Honestly, seeing you like that was refreshing. Feel free to keep the mindset that emotions make you weak, i wont try to convince you otherwise. Thats a realization you need to make on your own but for now please dont hold back around me”
For the first time in a while oikawas heart stood still, almost as if he could feel himself again
“Whatever. I still have paperwork to do so leave or make yourself useful”
He shrugged your hand off of him and went back to his desk
You just smiled and nodded your head
“Ill be back with a coffee for you!”
And when you exited you bumped into the back of kentarou
“Ah sorry! Ill be back!”
As you ran off kenta took a step toward you
“What the hell..get back here!”
But before he could take another oikawa cleared his throat
“You can leave your post mad-dog. Youre no longer needed here”
Kenta nodded his head but was too shocked to move for a moment, caught off guard by the small smile that lingered on his boss’ face
The couple weeks after that you were allowed back in his office and he even started to request your presence at times for no other reason than he just wanted you to sit in the room with him
And that smile he used to give you was now replaced by a soft, genuine smile that made your heart flutter
Little things started to become more noticeable to you
Like how cute it was when he pouted his lips when he was really focused
And honestly he was too
Your smile was maddening
And your laugh made him feel like he was being swallowed whole, unable to breath
It scared him
Nothing good has ever happened when he became emotionally attached to someone
“Oikawa, are you okay?”
You put your hand up to his forehead and checked for a fever
He could feel his cheeks heating up and gently swatted your hand away
“No im fine. Dont worry about me”
He watched your face fill with concern and his heart lurched forward
This feeling...it scared him. But for now, if its you, hes willing to see where this goes
“Good morning oikawa!”
You walked into his office with his morning coffee which he gladly took from your hands
“Good morning y/n”
He had a job later and needed all the energy he could get
But not before having his morning conversation with you
“I'm leaving around noon with maki and mattsun. Iwa’s in charge till i get back so if you need anything ask him”
You could tell by the way he was talking that it was something serious and therefore probably something to do with the mafia
Sure you had done a few things for Seijoh like fax some papers and have oikawa sign a few things but nothing to where oikawa needed to leave has ever come up
He could see anxiety cloud over your face
He grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze
“I’ll be fine. You have nothing to worry about, okay?”
You nodded your head
“Please be safe”
Worry reflected in your eyes and it made him almost go weak
All he could do was nod and give a half smile
The entire time he was away you sat at his desk anxiously waiting for his return
“Cough up the money oikawa. We had a deal”
Oikawa looked at the man in front of him with his trademark empty smile
“That wasnt our deal. Now give us what you owe”
The room was tense but nothing that oikawa hasnt dealed with before
But his world soon turned upside down with what was thrown on the table that stood between them next
The color drained from his face as he looked at pictures taken of you without anyone knowing
“Where the hell did you get these”
The man in front of him just laughed
“Now thats an interesting expression oikawa. Never thought id see the day where that smile of yours wasnt on your face”
His knuckles were turning white from how hard he was clenching his fists
“You know, it would almost be a shame if something were to happen to them”
Oikawas eyes widened in fear
It felt as if time around him had stopped for this one moment
And it made him want to puke
“Dont you dare lay a hand on them”
His jaw was so tense that he thought he was about to pop a blood vessel
“Then give us the money”
He wasnt left with much of a choice
So he did what he was told
“See? Was that so hard?”
“Are we done here?”
He was itching to get back as soon as possible
To make sure you were okay
He couldnt rest until he knew you were fine
“Yes now leave”
The car ride seemed to last forever, maki and mattsun had never seen their boss like this and exchanged subtle glances the entire ride
As soon as the car stopped he ran into the building and to your desk
And when he saw you werent there his heart dropped
‘Where are you, y/n?!’
The only other place you could be was his office
He slammed his door open only to see you jump up from his desk, the sleep in your eyes still evident
He let out the breath he didnt even know he was holding as soon as his eyes landed on you
He went straight over to you and pulled you into his arms
The tightness of the hold around you was comforting yet alarming
You brought your arms up to wrap around him and you swear you could feel him slightly shaking
You voice was soft and made him feel weak in the knees
“Just…let me stay like this for a moment”
After that day you were moved into his home and he never left your side
He never fully explained what happened that day
But you knew it had shaken him
Especially since you havent seen his smile since then
You were escorted everywhere
And when you asked why you were only given the short answer of “i said i’d guard you so i'm doing that”
You didnt mind being with him, really
If anything you liked being able to be with him all the time
You just hoped you werent being a hindrance
So one night as you laid in bed while oikawa sat on the ground next to you leaning against the bed frame, you turned towards him
He had been doing this lately to “guard” you and you knew he wasnt sleeping much
His eyes immediately met yours
“Am i being a burden on you?”
Though it was dark, he could hear the sadness in your voice
“I just feel like ive been holding you back lately and thats the last thing i want to do”
He cupped your face with his hand and gently stroked your cheek
“Not to mention that you havent smiled once since coming back that day and it just all feels very distant and lonesome. I hope you know that you can talk to me, i’ll never judge you for anything”
And in those few simple words the gate that had been holding back all of his emotions back suddenly broke
“y/n im scared”
His head hung low as his lips trembled
“Im scared to lose you and im scared that ive become weak since being with you but i just cant let you go. Losing you makes me feel more terrified than anything else”
The thought of losing you made it feel as if he was drowning and the water was filling his lungs with a burning sensation
You sat up in your bed and took his hand in yours
“Then why dont you turn that fear into strength? Hiding me...putting me under 24 hour surveillance...its no different than running. I dont want to be away from you either oikawa”
How did you always clear his head? It was like your words just made everything make sense
He made his way onto your bed and started to kiss you, soft yet hungry for more
He could never get enough of you
You made his heart full
And you became his strength
You made him strong and he could never forget this debt
taglist:  @the-ironic-me @multisun @my-mass-hysteria @sugawsites @youbloodylegendyoudidit @sinthxy @celamoon​ @tinymouth @fait-de-fleurs @tsukifanbase​ @69owo​ @laglyssage @hearteyeskags​ @ntngann​ @shnnn​ @fukuro-dani-ace​​ @exponentially-tired​​ @soy1melk​
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
Chapter 6 – The Extraction
(Mando x f!reader)
Summary: The auction leads you to the child but the empire’s hot on your tail. With all hope lost you make a choice.
Notes: None (feel free to interact im unemployed and bored)!!!
Tw: (very brief) mentions of drugs/sex/alcohol/addiction, swearing
Words: 3.9 k
Tagged: @crazycookiecrumbles
You walk through the damp street, you don’t know what this dress is made of but the dirt and grime caused by the recent rain seemed to simply bounce off it. The streets were jam-packed, somehow even busier than they were the night prior and as the two of you make your way towards the auction hall Din’s visor scans the crowd, making sure nothing seems out of place. He takes care to never be more than a few inches away from you, convincing himself it's in order to maintain appearances. After all he knew you were more than capable of handling yourself, and why else would he feel the need to be so close to you.
“You lost beautiful?” A youthful looking Falleen asks as she appears out of the shadows
“No.” Din replies, making himself visible at your side when she moves into the light.
“Well I’m sure you're very beautiful under that armour Mando, but I was talking to your friend here.The names Isi and I make a living helping people around the city” Din’s about to respond again when you interject.
“Actually Isi we do seem to have gotten ourselves a bit lost, we're here for the auction.”
“I’ve heard of it,” she says, staring down at her manicure. You look up at Din motioning for him to pay her which he does begrudgingly. Taking the credits she leads you through the city, stopping outside a building covered completely in reflective mirrors.
“Best of luck” Isi, says offering you her hand
“Thank you, for your discretion” taking it you slide her a few more credits and she leans back against the wall of the building watching as the two of you enter. Two men in tailored suits open the inner doors granting you access to a small closed off foyer, also covered in the one way glass. You hand your invitation to the man on the right, parting your lips ever so slightly and gaze up at him batting your eyelids ever so slightly. In your experience a touch of flirting went a long way, especially when it came to moving through security.
He smiles and looks from you, up to the Mandalorian then back down. Turning his head to look at his partner he chuckles slightly.
“He your boyfriend, or something?”
“Bodyguard” you emphasize.
“Makes sense” he murmurs loud enough for the two of you to hear.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” the modulated voice asks obviously aggravated.
“Never mind him, he’s just sensitive about the... you know ” you mime the outline of a helmet. The guard nods and lets you pass through placing his hand on the small of your back as you do causing you to cringe internally. Nothing worse than a stranger's hand where you didn’t want it. You glare back at the Mandalorian hoping your eyes would convey a message of ‘be cool’. A task he was about to accomplish when the second guard places a firm hand on his arm.“Leave the blaster Mando, there’s no weapons allowed.”
“He has no weapons” you interject, de-escalating the scene that was about to play out caused by the tremendous amount of male energy that was currently taking up the entire room.
“You’re right sorry ma’am, enjoy your evening” he says letting go of the Mandalorians arm allowing him to pass.
“Way to keep your cool, let’s try and get through the night without creating a scene” you say, slightly annoyed by whatever the hell he thought that display was going to achieve. Your anger disappears as you turn to an enormous room filled with people dressed to the nines in the finest the galaxy had to offer. Chandeliers dripping in diamonds hung down from the high ceilings illuminating the room like a sky full of stars and casting a rose gold hue across the occupants moving about the ballroom floor which seemed to sparkle underneath the high heels.
Servers moved seamlessly throughout the crowd; they were all dressed in lavish costumes, depicting various fashions from across space and time. The trays they carry are filled with multicolor foods and gem-coloured drinks. You’d never seen anything so opulent in your entire life. You’d noticed that servers would pair off with guests and disappear returning later with a look that could only be chalked up to exceptional sex or spice, both of which resulted in a similar glazed over and dewy look. A Darthomorian in a low cut red dress approaches you offering you a drink, you smile and thank them.
“I wouldn’t if I were you.” The modulator speaks up, as you bring the drink to your lips.
“Why? I might as well enjoy the lifestyles of the rich and dangerous while I’m here” you snap, apparently you were still upset at him.
“It has love wallop in it, makes the drinker more suggestible to certain propositions usually sent over by someone who wants to.” His voice trails off.
“Ew” you say pulling a face before dumping it in a nearby plant. “Guess I’m safer going to the bar.” You swirl your new, drug free, drink around and rest your elbows down on a nearby table, hoping the auction would begin shortly.
“How did you know what was in that drink.” You ask in an attempt to help pass the time.
“They show up at these kinds of things, so does spice and other illegal substances.”
“Once again how do you know about this? You spent a lot of time around illegal substances? I didn’t think it would be your scene.” you say taking a sip of the ruby coloured drink you had ordered.
“I’ve brought a lot of dealers over the years. It also crossed my path in my...” He pauses before continuing reluctantly “ wilder days.”
“Wilder days hey? Love to hear about those sometimes. You sample the product?” you probe, he gives you an unmistakable look of disappointment “Maybe you should, might help chill you out a bit.” You joke.
“That would go against my creed and fundamental belief system. Spice is...”
“Highly addictive, ya I know , it was a joke.” You say shaking your head, why did he have to be so high and mighty all the time.
“You’ve had it?” he seems surprised by this news, you hoped it wouldn’t change his opinion of you, the two of you had been getting on pretty well of late and you’d hate to jeopardize that.
“You gonna arrest me?” you joke nervously, hoping he didn’t notice how much his response mattered to you.
“No, just… how the hell did you stop? Are you okay to even be here, it's everywhere” was it disappointment or concern you picked up in his voice, you couldn’t quite discern between the two.
“I’ll be fine just tell me if it’s in anything I’m about to put into my body. And knock me out if you see me going for it” Diverting from the conversation you lift up a piece of food and show it to the Mandalorian who lets you know it’s safe to eat.
“Holy shit this is good!” you exclaim, looking around for where the waitress had gone
“Can you feel him?.” Din asks drawing your attention back to the reason why you were here in the first place.
“Too many people, I’ve already disrupted the force once I don’t want to do it again so quickly someone might notice. We’ll have to wait for the first item and follow whoever brings it out.” Just then a woman in a slinky red dress appears with some kind of an egg on a pillow and steps up onto the stage where an Ishi Tib drones out the rules and regulations for bidding.
“Is that an Kadri’Ra egg.” you ask in amazement.
“Looks like it”
“I thought they were extinct” you say still in awe
“Guess not” he replies, his shortness had become increasingly apparent over the course of the evening.
“We’ll get the kid soon, don’t worry, he has to be here.” You reassure, looking up at him causing him to look away. As the woman passes back through the crowd the two of you turn in tandem and follow her until you reach the back of the room. You stop and place your back against the wall, craning your neck you look to see which hallway the woman had disappeared down. You turn back quickly as another woman in similar garb appears out the largest of the hallways, carrying a cape made from an ice dragon pelt. As she moves towards the stage the two of you enter where she had exited. You move through the wide hallway until you reach the end, where a large metal door prevents you from moving any further.
“Should have about 15 minutes before the next one comes out.” You say stopping a few feet from the door. “you think anyone’s in...” you're almost done your sentence when you hear footsteps approaching from behind you.
Before you can make sense of what's happening the Mandalorian has pulled you into a thin hallway off shoot by the nook of your elbow. You’re now face to face with his chest and suddenly very aware of how tall he was.
“Where’s the other half of the item, seriously were two in and I’m looking like a fool up there!” an Arkanian, who you assume must be the collector and the host of the party, exclaims. You see them do a double take to where you're currently hiding, and watch as they begin to move towards the hallway.
“Can you pick me up?” you whisper urgently,
“Yes, but…”
“do it now” he complies with your order, as he does you wrap your legs around the armour covering his hips and prop your back against the wall, draping your arms loosely over his shoulders before burying your head in the part of his neck bare from armour, hoping that the compromising position would be enough to deter the collector rom asking any question. Out of the corner of your eye you watch as the presenter takes note of the two of you. Raising their eyebrows they turn and move back to the door.
“Yes that’s it, get it out there now so the bidding can begin, gods it’s hard to find good help these days.” they exclaim turning and following behind the presenter with the newly acquired artifact. You let out a sigh of relief removing your face from his neck quickly realizing that your nose is just millimetres away from his helmet.
“You can put me down now” you whisper breathlessly, for a reason you couldn’t quite explain. You take note of the slight hesitation that precedes him dropping you. Gathering yourself you exit the hallway and reposition yourself in front of the large metal door. You can’t see a panel on it or a key slot, it must only be accessible from the inside looking up, you spot a window.
“Give me a boost” you say, and he obliges. You lift the hem of your outfit and step onto his interlocked hands which he uses to push you up enabling you to reach the ledge. Pulling yourself up you roll through the window and drop down onto the rooms floor alerting the person in charge of handing out the auction items. You knock him out and swipe his key card using it to open the door for Din.
“This way” you say, dragging the handler's body over to a nearby post and tying him to it. Standing up you turn to see hundreds of items up for auction varying from Millaflower to a juvenile varactyl.
“Do you see him?” you ask, picking up a vial of what you recognized as death stick placing it back down when you hear him respond.
“No” you think you hear his voice break. “Wait.” he says, walking up to another, smaller closed off room placing a gloved hand on the door. He draws his blaster aiming for the lock. You lower his hand hoping to prevent a beam bouncing around the room subsequently giving you away. You lift up the key card you’d swiped from the guy in the room and use it to open up the door. He moves towards the oval container floating in the middle of the room and drops down to one knee as you watch tentatively from the door. Pushing a button the oval opens up and a tiny green three fingered hand reaches up for him. You hear a slight gurgle as the second hand comes up making a grabbing motion. Din picks up what has to be the most adorable creature you’ve ever seen.
“Told you I’d get you back didn’t I” he chuckles, you can hear the smile in voice as he hands the kid the small silver ball. You approach cautiously until you're standing beside him.
“Well fair enough I get why you traded me in for him” you say offering the child your finger which he grabs happily, looking up at you.
“ You two know each other or something?” He asks, his helmet staring up at you.
“Must be a force thing” you say, smiling down at the little critter.
“We have to go” you say, closing the egg hoping it would buy enough time to make a swift exit. With the child wrapped neatly under his arm the two of you move swiftly through the back alleys in darkness.
“Well that went better than I…” almost as if on cue, your speech is interrupted by the sound of blasters ricocheting off the ship's metal exterior. He hands you the child and rushes up to the cockpit to prepare for take-off.
“Brace yourself” he shouts down and you grab onto the overhanging bars with one hand and secure the child with your other, pressing your thigh against a beam in an attempt to stabilize yourself. As the ship lifts off the ground you hear the sounds of even more blaster bullets hitting its side.
“Din!” you yell up from below
“I’m working on it!” he shouts back down. A few moments later he manages to get the ship out of the reach of the blasters, punching it as he exits the stratosphere. A distinct beeping sound rings throughout the ship indicating there was a problem that needed fixing sooner rather than later. You ungrip your hands from the bars and check on the child who seems completely unaware of the situation. Using your free hand you pull yourself up to the cockpit where a disgruntled Mandalorian was cursing under his breath. You place the child down in the back seat buckling him in before taking your own.
“How far can we make it without stopping.” You ask after a long enough time had elapsed for the Mandalorian to calm down
“Far enough to be safe, I hope.” Turning to the side you see the kid sleepily closing its eyes.
“Could you put him to bed? I have to deal with this.” He says gesturing to the entire dashboard which was currently lit up like a tree on life day.
“Of course” you say, you were completely taken with the child, and more than happy to spend time with it.
“Alright where does he keep your bed then.” You say opening up a few compartments until you find the sleeping quarters. Opening the doors Anya’s head looks over to you evidently having slept through the whole ordeal comfortably on the bed. It was decent sized compared to most ship beds but still small especially for someone of Dins stature. Above it was a small hammock like contraption which you assumed was where the child, who was now more awake than asleep, slept.
“You need to rest.” You say softly, but he keeps staring up at you and grabbing at your hair. “C’mon you going to get me in trouble, with the guy upstairs” you smile down at him as he coos slightly. “Well I know one thing that used to help me sleep when I was about your size” You start to sing softly to the creature stroking one of its long ears as you do until it's fallen asleep. Unbeknownst to you the Mandalorian had heard you singing and followed the sound downstairs watching you and the child from afar.
“Mesh’la” he says louder than intended, causing you to turn around.
“He’s just asleep now,” you whisper, handing him to the Mandalorian so he can put him up top. You watch as he tucks the kid in gently squeezing one of its feet before turning back to quietly return to the cockpit.
“Did you say something down there?” you ask, sitting back in the co-pilot seat.
“No,well, yes I was just wondering what the sound was. I’d never heard something like it before.”
“What a lullaby. Didn’t have many of those growing up at the convent?” you ask, always slightly surprised by any personal information the Mandalorian revealed to you.
“No, at least none I can remember. What are they used for?”
“You’ve heard songs before though.”
“Yes, I heard some on Vryssa.”
“ Well Vryssa is home to many a folk song, helps people forget where they are. A lullaby is a song, often sung to a child to help them sleep.” You explain.
“What were you singing about.” He asks
“Ones was about a hanging that happened in Vryssa, told the story of two lovers planning to meet there”
“Doesn’t seem suitable for a child”
“No but I assume he doesn't speak English and lullaby is more about the melody than the words, the second was one passed down from my grandmother about the meadows of her home planet.”
“Where was she from your grandmother?” he asks.
“She never told me a name, only descriptions.”
“Maybe you’ll get to see it one day.”
“Ya maybe, if you and this kid don’t get me killed first.” you laugh, only partially kidding.
“Bless you?”
“The kids name, it’s Grogu.” he chuckled softly glancing over at you, still thinking about the way you had looked with him in your arms, singing softly.
After a while the beeping increases to a point where landing was no longer a task that could be put off. You step out onto a stone covered surface stretching out your legs and breathing in the remarkably fresh air.
“Think we lost them” you state, bending down and placing a palm on the smooth, cool moss covered stones. You stand back up and turn around watching as the Mandalorian exits the ship with a tool kit in hand and Anya and Grogu in pursuit. The kid follows Din over to where the damage is opting to stare up at him as he works, seemingly not wanting to be apart from him ever again.
“It's just one of the stabilizers, an easy fix we should be good to go soon!” He shouts over to you
“Anything I can do to help?” You offer
“No, It's a one person job. Thank you” With that you head off curious in exploration of the planet. It's old, empty, you wonder if anyone had ever been here before you. It wasn’t very livable, no trees, no food, no water, a truly desolate place. Yet it possessed a charm unique to planets of old, untouched by the reach of the empire, the republic and everything in between. You peer back over your shoulder, Anya’s sat protectively near the child who's still watching the Mandalorian rattle around the ship. You turn your head back as he closes up, not wanting to get caught staring. He picks up Grogu and re-enters the ship with Anya following close behind. You're about to join them when you feel something approaching. You begin to walk further from the ship and closer towards the presence you were feeling, stopping in your tracks when you see a triangular ship approaching. It's large, too big to be from any crime lord.
“It’s imperial” you hear a voice yell from afar as the Mandalorian makes his way towards you.
“Well never outrun them” you whisper, your brain running through the possible scenarios.
“We have to go”
``We'll never outrun them” you say louder and firmer this time, it didn't take an android to figure out what your probability of success was.
“We don’t have time to argue about this” he grabs your arm, but you pull it free turning to face him.
“Go” The words leave your mouth before you can process what you're saying. He doesn’t move. You can hear the ship approaching inching closer.
“Take them and leave, you have to protect them, keep them safe.” he was right you didn't have time to argue about this.
“Not without you.” he says refusing to move.
“Go!” you say shoving him “Now!”
“I'm not leaving you here”
“Yes you are, the kid he’s all that matters right now, go before he’s taken again. Now!”
“Just come with us” he pleads
“We won’t make it. You know we won't. This isn’t a negotiation. Go I’ll give you as much time as I can.” You see him finally accept the fact that this was in the only way.
“Here, take this” he says, giving you his blaster before turning and starting back towards the ship. He stops turning around one last time.
“(y/n) I…”
“I know” you say, using the force to throw him back towards the ship before turning to face the imperial ship which has landed a hundred yards in front of you.
Dialing up the ship Din takes note of the imperial model hoping he’d be able to find it again. As the troopers march out he sees you look back at him nodding your head as if to say you’ll be fine.You clear your mind breathing in the cool air. Closing your eyes you kneel on the ground placing one hand on the stone and the other on the blaster at your side. You can hear the ship taking off behind you as the troopers take aim firing at them from below, but the shots rebound off the force field that you’ve created.
You hold your ground as the troopers move in towards you determined to protect those inside the ship. Din watches as the blaster shots rebound back into the crowd of troopers. With one last look he jumps the ship into hyperspeed. He moves it into auto pilot and throws his head back in frustration as he hears Grogu cry out. “I know. Well get her back, but we're going to need some help” He says, picking up the kid holding him on his lap as he punches in the coordinates of a familiar planet. You drop the force field and begin firing when you hear the ship jump into hyperspace taking out as many troopers as you can before the blaster runs out. In one last ditch effort you throw it at a stormtrooper knocking it out. Slowly raise your hands in the air. They take aim. You prepare yourself.
“Wait! Don’t shoot” a tall man, dressed in all black says as the crowd of troopers part in his wake.
“We may not need the child after all.”
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imma-fan · 5 years
The Man In The Trees // GOT7 Jaebum
+ Jaebum being evil/low key Demon AU; scary I guess; horror; messed up stuff +
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+ Part 2 +
Tears and sweat ran down my face as I was tied and gagged with some kind of towel, not able to scream nor move from the harsh ground I was laid out on. If I hadn’t known any better I’d think i would be dreaming this whole thing, that the scare from earlier is just manifesting in my brain unconsciously. But, no, I certainly am surrounded by towering trees and thick foliage. It was difficult to see anything outside, the moonlight completely hidden in this god awful place. Tears continued to fall as I started to understand that I am doomed from getting any help out of here, my wrists and ankles scrapping against harsh rope and any noise I made muffled by whatever was in my mouth.
A chuckle made my eyes go wide. He’s here. I whimpered as a fire lit up, causing me to be able to see some of the surroundings. But, as soon as I could see I squeezed my eyes shut at the feeling of hands on me, I only cried harder as I was put in a sitting position. What is he going to do to me? Is he going to kill me? “And here I thought you’d want a bit of light...” He chuckled, undoing whatever was keeping me from screaming. I took deep breathes inbetween sobs, my body heavy with anxiety. Once I got the courage to open my eyes I searched for him, which didn’t take long since he was stood in front of me. “Hello.” He smiled eerily at me. His hair was long, he was a bit thin, his canines awfully sharp, and he looked young.
“P-please...I won’t tell anyone! Let me go and I won’t say a word! I swear!” I begged desperately to whoever had gotten me here. “P-lease! I won’t say anything...” my voice got weaker as I thought of every awful thing he could do to me out here while we were alone.
“Shut up!” He ran a hand through his black hair as I flinched at his shouting. “They don’t like screaming.” He stated, I looked every which way I could with my eyes. There’s more? I began breathing heavier as I scooted uncomfortably on the dirt, I haven’t heard anything else how the hell could anyone else be in this area?
“W-who?” I couldn’t help but ask quietly, whoever it was I didn’t want to anger.
“The voices.” He smirked almost playfully and I couldn’t help breathe a sigh of relief at least I’m only dealing with one psycho instead of multiple. “I’m joking. The trees. The trees don’t like the yelling, it upsets them.” If I was in any other situation and someone had said anything like that to me I would have rolled my eyes, but he’s obviously sick in the head. “The trees seem to like you.” He hummed, looking up and around and I couldn’t help but shiver at the cold chill up my spine.
“I want to go home. Let me go home you fucking lunatic!” I screamed after a few moments of silence. Isn’t he supposed to torturing me? Killing me? Sending out a note for ransom money? My chest heaved up and down in stress, anxiety and frustration. I can’t stand it, it’s cold, I’m dirty, and I’m terrified. I watched as the man kneeled in front of me and showed a bit of his teeth at me, I looked him in the eyes this time.
“Oh, sweetheart you’re all mine now.” His eyes...changed color? No. I’m going crazy. He laughed lightly at the obvious fear on my face. “See, I don’t choose who I get paired with. The trees do that. And for some sick reason they paired me with some girl who has never heard of the phrase “curiousity killed the cat”.” He huffed and rolled his eyes as he stood up. I’m so confused and so tired and I just want to go home. “Now, listen to me very carefully. I am going to untie you. You will not run. You will not even try to run. Because if you do I will not be able to store myself.” He spoke seriously as he looked practically into my soul. He really is out of touch with reality, I supposed living on train tracks buried under trees would do that to someone. I nodded slowly at his rules. He slowly started to untie me, I could feel the burning ease up on my ankles and then my wrists. I looked at them and gulped, I’d definitely have marks left there.
“I suppose since we’ll be spending a lot of time together I should give you a proper introduction.” I looked up at him, hugging my knees to my chest, my chin on my knees. “I’m Im Jaebum. You will refer to me as JB.” I nodded slowly, I need to get out of here. “Although I already know who you are...it’s polite for you to reciprocate.” Has he been watching me?
“I-I’m (y/n).” I mumbled with a soft nod and breathed out gently. I look down at my wrists and hands and body, I’m distgusting and gross. I’m covered in dirt, and sweat, and who knows if there’s animals out here. “Well, can you tell me why I have to stick with you at least?” I murmured gently, I just need to know why he wants me here other than that the trees said so. He sighed out and walked back in forth in front of me, his hands in the pockets of his baggy cargo pants. I attempted to swallow the lump in my throat but my mouth proved to be too dry for that.
“Let’s just say I’ve been summoned to keep an eye,” his eyes did that color change thing again. “,on you, alright?” I breathed out, this conversation is getting nowhere. “But, you’ll be able to go back out into your family. You just have to make a tiny deal with me.” He nodded and I looked at him hopeful.
“What? What do I have to do?” I really hope it’s something doable.
“You see, (y/n). I cannot leave this area unless I’m given permission.” He sighed exaggeratingly. “So, how about I get to be the devil on your shoulder. Then both you and I get to leave this shrub.” He nodded, shrugging slightly as he awaited for me to speak.
“What is that supposed to mean?” I ask. “You want to follow me around?” I ask again, this man needs to be more upfront I’m starting to get lost inside my own head.
“Yeah, obviously there’s a catch. Well, two really.” H kneeled back down in front of me. “See, I’ll always be around but no one else gets to see me, you won’t either unless we’re in this dump. Also, if you don’t excel my little deal then, well, get comfortable sleeping on dirt.” His mischievous grin faded as he spoke his last sentence. This man is really insane. How do I even agree to this? Maybe, if I say yes he’ll just walk beside me the entire time and I’ll be able to easily get him in trouble. Is he that stupid? Hopefully.
“Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I’ll do it.” I nod confidently hoping he’s easy to fool.
“Okay, well, let’s just get the knot tied.” He nodded with a smile before getting on both of his knees in front of me. Oh no. “Give me your hands.” Hesitantly I held my hands out for him and he roughly took them. “Okay, now just close your eyes.” Jesus, if he doesn’t hurry up. I did as I was told though. I closed my eyes tight, worried he may do something as I was in a vulnerable state. After a few seconds I felt an indescribable chest pain and couldn’t help the cries of pain that came from my mouth as it felt like it would never end. It was like a heart attack feeling but I’m sure a thousand times worse. I felt my headache as if my brain was about to pop from my skull.
Then. It was done.
I heaved in order to get some air back into my lungs as I got on all fours on the ground. I looked up at JB with wide eyes once I came back a bit. “You thought I was lying, huh?” He smirked evilly at me. After a few more minutes of me regaining my strength I was slowly able to get up. “Go ahead, (Y/n). Test it out.” He gestured to where the exit was. I looked at him and then to where the tracks would lead me out. I nodded and began to walk, him following closely.
I sank to the floor in disbelief as I took a few steps out from the tunnel of trees and found that he was no longer beside me. “Now you’re stuck with me.” Tears began falling again as I heard his voice as if he was beside me.
“No. No. No! This is just a dream! A sick nightmare!” I screamed, my hands going to my head as I sobbed again. I’m surprised I haven’t run out of tears today.
“This is going to be so much fun.” I winced at the sound of his voice.
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itscolourmix · 4 years
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Messy lil things i drew for a certain non-canon event which i just refer to as “The Titan fight” . MC gets overpowered by Invictus and is forcefully turned into a Titan. I wrote a small story about him noticing strange things before it happened, and he goes to TF (nickname for @novadly ‘s Au Gary) for help since they both had connections with a Titan/s. You can read below
disclaimer that im not a professional writer and i know i’d have plenty of mistakes in this story. But please keep in mind that im not aiming for a masterpiece but rather, me just trying to describe what i see in my mind to the best of my ability. Please enjoy.
“Welcome back to “watch me try and describe with best detail what I pictured in my mind” Ft TF & MC.
So yeah I’ve talked about a (non canon) idea where, before MC got possessed by Invictus and turned into a Titan, he actually felt it coming weeks prior. And that, during another Multiverse party he seeks out TF to help him since he’s also linked in some way.
Annnddd yeah, I kind pictured MC finds TF chilling in some booth with his legs on the table, in his own little world. As I’ve sorta drawn out, MC asks to talk to him & while TF isn’t fully prepared he says yes anyway.
MC struggles with an opening sentence, but eventually just lands on ”........something’s wrong” and it all comes flooding out. Everything feels different, day to day things seem off. His hallucinations aren’t as frequent, but when they come, it’s almost as if they’re trying to get something across without even saying anything. It’s been about two weeks and MC’s paranoia is sky rocketing. He feels as if the curse is lying low, waiting for something, but what? he has no clue whatsoever. By this time MC’s already in some sort of panic. He’s stressing out about it. He’s terrified. He wants help.
TF’s a bit overwhelmed, but he keeps listening, kinda hoping some idea will magically appear in his mind. But it hasn’t come. He’s already at a loss for words.
I guess TF manages to ask a few more questions about the situation, like, did it start for any reason, is there anything consistent with the hallucinations, and what does MC think it all means.
MC’s just about to finish a question when he gets hit with a similar weight you might feel when your low on iron. When your head feels heavier and your vision gets blinded for a moment.  Of course in this version there’s a sudden sting that makes him wince a little, and when he finally blinks it away the whole party’s muffled, like someone covered his ears. Everything’s in slow motion. Some feeling gets him to look out in the crowd and there, hidden among all the other Gary’s , is this massive black wolf just standing there with its head lowered, breathing heavily like it’s gone for a big run. But the breathing's loud, and growls in a way. It sounds like there’s gravel in its throat.
It echoes. It’s got big, maroon coloured eyes, which glowed so fiercely that it almost seemed like it was on fire.  It was like staring into the sun, which hurt MC’s sight & immediately hit him with a headache painful enough that he squeezed his eyes shut and turned away. He could still hear the breathing echo. This was obviously another hallucination, but had no idea what he was supposed to do with this.
By this time, TF’s clicked together what was going on, and so he leans across the table and shakes MC’s shoulder gently enough to not startle him, and calls out his name loudly enough that he could focus on him.
“Yo, are you good?”
“I..” , MC trailed off. He attempted to focus on where TF was exactly, and the hallucination seemed to slowly slip away. But the breathing still echoed. MC looked down at his hands. He was falling apart, his skin from the hands down was unraveling like ribbons, blood came pouring out of his arms, his bones where separated into pieces that all floated around him like there was no gravity.
His eye’s were bleeding out, bleeding all over his clothes. Everything got darker. He felt tired all of a sudden, really tired, like he could fall asleep and never wake up. But he fought at it. He blinked hard a few times, and found TF’s concerned stare. “I....” MC’s voice cracked from fear “I don’t know..”
He stared at his left hand, which was slowly disintegrating, and ran fingers through his hair with the right. Pulling the hair back out of his face for a moment. He had no idea what to make of this, but it was proving his point.
“I don’t know what’s going on with me”
MC was so desperate that he was ready to fall to pieces. He was inches away from another sob fest. He just wanted an answer. He just wanted help. He tried so hard to fight the tears back when he looked TF straight in the eye and said “I need help”
“Please,” he begged, “ I thought coming to you would be the right thing. I need help. I need to figure this out.”
TF almost sank into his seat with more guilt that ideas. He couldn’t help, and wasn’t even ready to face the intensity that came with all this. His eyes darted around, too nervous to look MC in face. He finally shrugged and built up the courage to say “Dude, I....I don’t know how to help you....I’m not exactly the smartest guy around”
“But,” fear kept building in MC’s chest, “You’re linked to Bolo, aren’t you?!”
TF forced a smile, which looked more anxious than anything “WAS. TWO YEARS AGO”
The anxious smile unnaturally stretched wider and a pained wheeze escaped him “He chose me to be his successor even though I have like 0 of his brains..” TF was looking at MC now, “I don’t even know what I’m doing half of the time with these powers”
So many things were consuming MC at this point that all he could do was lower his eyes and ask, “He doesn’t even exist as a gut feeling? Or like some force ghost? None of his conscious is around anymore?”
TF nodded, “Man, honestly? I kinda wish he did. Right now I’d prefer to be back when he was just a voice in my head. A force ghost would have been the coolest thing. But, no. I’m sorry”
There was a brief silence before MC sighed, defeated. “So, I could be screwed? Whatever they’re planning to do...that’s just it?” MC felt like giving up. He wish he did ages ago. Maybe things would’ve been easier then. Seeing MC look this tired and unhappy made TF already feel a deep regret. It was difficult, seeing an alternate version of yourself depressed, but to let them down? Like yeah, a lot of people let people down. And maybe you can let yourself down from time to time. But to see it happen in front of you. To see a reaction. It was enough .TF’s anxiety was traded for that small spark of determination. He had to come up with something, give this guy some hope.
“You know what? Why don’t we go with my gut feeling ? A good old Goodspeed feeling! From pal to pal.”
Mc looked up at him.
“I say, we wait it out. If you can’t make out what’s going on and I can’t, then we need to collect some more info. Let these things come, but try not to get too spooked. Try and read what’s going on. Write it on a sticky note and piece it together. From what you’ve told me, yeah, somethings definitely afoot. But nothing the Master Commander can’t handle, right?” TF leaned over once again to deliver a light fist bump to MC’s shoulder. “Your powerful! And cool! And your super tough. You’re a super tough Goodspeed! I believe in you, dude. You’ve kept it together this long”
The first, genuine smile broke out from MC’s lips, and he chuckled a bit “How the hell have I?”
“ I donno bro, but your fantastic at it! So keep going.”
They shared a fist bump
“Thanks. I’ll uh, take your advice into account”
After a moment, MC moved his way out of the booth, but before he stood up, TF reached a hand out. “Hang on! Just before you go. Does anybody know about this? What you’ve told me”
“....No. I don’t want to worry them. If I told Star his eyes would be glued to me 24/7. He hates Invictus so, if it sturs trouble for me I’m not sure whether he’d try to kill me or not.”
“Well, just in case, maybe mention it- or, if anything happens, let me know. If you can’t come maybe send Star?”
Mc tittered, “If things hit the interstellar fan, then yes. But let’s hope not”
little does he know
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Nocturna: Part III
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The fragile peace between undead and lycanth is imperilled your arrival to the Inferorum Castrum. Between the changing power dynamics of the wolf pack and the insatiable urges of the vampire king, you aren’t exactly sure where your loyalty lies.
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Protagonists: Im Jaebeom | You | Bang Chan
Word Count: 2.9k
Genre: NSFW | Supernatural!au | Vampires | Werewolves | Angst | Romance | Love Triangle
Nocturna Masterlist | HALLOWEEN
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The second time you wake in this foreign place, you’re still as disoriented. It takes a moment for you to understand you’re being actively shaken to consciousness. Then, another minute to recognize your surroundings and the man waking you. Well, not a man, Jaebeom.
“There’s not much time left before dawn,” he states, looking away, “I can’t let you rest more.” You’re soft and out of it when he sits you upwards. With warm water, he wipes away all traces of your run into the woods, fall, the attack, his feeding, and your intercourse. When your upper body is all clean from the blood and the dirt, he slides a cream shirt over your head. It is way too large, it falls down to your knee. 
As if reading your mind, he clarifies; “Your clothes are ruined, you would get asked too many questions.” You could explain to him that coming back late from a hunting expedition in nothing but a man’s shirt won’t do much better, but you lack the strength. You are not exactly yourself. He stops wiping your feet to look at you, sensing this. “What’s wrong?” 
“Dizzy,” you mutter, head doddering.
A dimple digs between his perfectly straight brows. Jaebeom brings his wrist to your forehead. “I think you have a fever,” he announces. He can’t tell because his body doesn’t match, but your skin is very damp. “I… It’s the blood loss...” He mutters, having never seen a human unwell after drinking from a vampire. For your kind, black undead blood is a magical cure. You were fine the first time, you’ll be alright. “We need to leave before sunrise.”
“Are we going to Ia-” You’re gagged before you can finish your sentence. Jaebeom brings an index to his lips, crimson eyes narrowing. Right. You aren’t supposed to say anything out loud in this place... He said so yesterday, or tonight, you aren’t sure what day or what time it is. You’re lost. He must think you’re the dumbest person he’s met. 
“I’m escorting you out.” Jaebeom nods, still bashfully avoiding your gaze. He stands, tugging you with him. You extirpate yourself from his large bed, body aching all over. “One more thing, before we go out...” He pulls you into him easily since you’re all sluggish. Then he presses his mouth to your ear, barely audible; “Do not look anywhere, do not step away, do not talk at all, do not even breathe somebody’s way. Do you understand?” 
“W-What?” Your head falls back and Jaebeom cages your chin to hold it straight, confusion painted all over his face. He curses between his teeth, a swear so ancient you have never heard it before. 
“Focus, tidbit, this is important.” The vampire hushes, annoyed. “It’s the only way I can honour my end of our deal. None should be curious about you. They should forget about your existence the moment you leave these walls.”
“My Court. Do you understand me?”
“Sure.” You agree, too confused to care. You can’t keep up with anything he’s saying right now. Jaebeom sights, hesitating before lightly kissing your pout. You don’t jerk away.
He brings his palm to your heart, feeling it in your chest as though he’s worried about your well-being. Everything sounds fine, but you are off and feeble. You were a lot more doubtful, curious and combative at twilight. He doesn’t understand why you’re in such bad shape, you should’ve recovered by now. He braces himself, grabbing your hand instead of your waist as he turns the doorknob. Most vampires should be in their rooms, ready to get to rest for the day, and the diurnal beasts shouldn’t even be up yet. Ideally, no one should see you, even if they heard. He never brings humans over, and although he can do however he pleases, if someone saw you, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. There’s also a chance you’d be at risk in the future. He has many enemies and they'd wonder if they can get to him through you. If you're special somehow.
Dizzy, you watch as Jaebeom cracks the door, glancing at the large stone corridor you only got a glimpse of yesterday. Whatever he sees seems to please him, because he exits quietly. Pulling you behind, he moves fast by a multitude of closed doors, turning every corner with evident apprehension. After a few minutes of walk, you give up trying to understand where you are going at all. Whatever this place is, it’s a gigantic maze. You follow his instructions, breathing cautiously and always staying a step away. Without warning, Jaebeom suddenly stops moving, body tensing. His face is wiped clean when he turns to gesture you to stare at the ground. Unsure of what’s going on, you still obey, feeling something bad is bound to happen. He starts to walk again, faster, and you look fixedly at the gray stone floor as it becomes a luxurious red carpet. 
“Jaebeom-iiiiiiie.” Someone chirps up ahead, barely making the undead slow down. That’s probably why he tensed, you realize in horror. Another vampire? Hiding behind your loose hair, you keep your head down and follow him like a shadow. “Isn't it too early for you to go out?”
At that Jaebeom stops walking altogether, so abruptly that you collide with his back. “You’re the one who's up before dawn,” he retorts, cold but casual. Trying to be forgotten, you stubbornly keep your gaze glued down. You stare until dark dots are dancing in front of your eyes. You really aren’t feeling all that well...
“I haven’t slept much, you were being loud.” There’s a low laugh that ends in a weird cackle following. Don’t look, you tell yourself, fighting against your natural curiosity. “Besides, you wouldn’t believe the crazy thing that happened to one of my Betas yesterday...” At that, Jaebeom bends his elbow, bringing you all the way against his back.
“I know of everything that transpires here,” he hums threateningly. 
“Really?” Another laugh, and this time the urge is too strong. You raise your head, sneaking a glance above Jaebeom’s shoulder.
A stranger is leaning back against large wooden doors, as though waiting for you two. That is clearly the exit to this odd castle. The new creature tilts his head and wiggles his fingers in front of him, catching you looking. He’s short but has a large built, very impressive. He also has way more colours than Jaebeom, and abysmal black eyes. Not a vampire but inhuman beyond the shadow of a doubt. You are not sure how, but even at first glance, you immediately know what he is. Your nape tingles weirdly, shivers running down your spine.
“It doesn’t seem like you do, Jaeboem-ie.” The massive wolf-man nods his chin your way saying that, and you duck back behind the vampire’s shoulder. “Stealing from us to warm your bed for a night, it’s unlike you to be so reckless”
“Stealing?” Jaebeom snorts defiantly. “Last I heard, you were still guests on my land. I go and feed as I please. In my Castrum, your pack abides my rules.”
“Sure, I remember,” the dark one crinkles his nose, “the treaty hasn’t aged as well as me...”
“It’s a very generous pledge.” Monotonic, a newcomer in your back intervenes. Jaebeom, who was as strained as a pulled bowstring, immediately relaxes against you. 
“Ah, at last!” The wolf pushes away from the door at the entrance. He stretches his arms in an offbeat welcoming gesture, “the reasonable cold-one! I was so worried you already went to rest, Jinyoung-ie!” Without meaning to, you turn to assess the second creature. Clearly an undead. If his ethereal pale skin hadn’t given it away, the bloody steel scowl you briefly meet would’ve for sure.
“I was about to,” Jinyoung replies, remaining inhumanly still, “but I heard you troubling the king, Jackson.”
“K-King?” You repeat under your breath, heart quickening as your mouth opens in astonishment. No one minds you, but Jaebeom squeezes your hand twice.
“Troubling him? I’m the one dealing with the distress he caused my pack!” 
“Enough!” Jaebeom roars, exasperated. “Stop yapping nonsense and let me out!”
Jackson laughs once more at his anger, way too exaggeratedly. His amusement is obviously fake and does sound like a mad dog barking. If Jaebeom is his king, it sure doesn't feel like it. There must be a lot of bad blood between them. Uncomfortable, you wiggle from one foot to the other. The wolf-man ceases his howling to dart his black eyes on you, amusement giving place to something strangely just as warm.
“Nice to formally meet you, pup...” His expression twists into a large grin, “Jackson Wang, Alpha of the Bang Pack.”
Jaebeom reacts as though you've been directly threatened by the greeting. He turns to shield you with his arms, grunting as a warning. The other vampire also steps between both creatures, though still highly apathetic.
Jackson whistles, impressed by the scale of the reaction obtained. “You’re confused, Jaebeom-ie. She’s not yours to protect...” Claiming this, he raises his hand to the East side of the large Hall.
Summoned, another figure extirpates itself from the shadows. A silver-head you recognize instantly. There’s a strong pull in your stomach and warmness spreads through your body at his familiar sight. So, it wasn’t all a dream, Chan truly is here with these creatures. Has he lied to you all this time about his identity, or is there something you're missing? This is everything Jaebeom warned should not happen. If he hates wolves like he claimed, why are these two guests in his Castrum? Right now, you can't even begin to make sense of everything.
“Hello again, Jeonha.” Chan tilts his head your way, walking to the other wolf’s side. He looks tired and jittery, concerned. His eyes become two thin lines as he asses you from head to toe. There’s no hint of beastliness in them at all this time. You've never seen your old friend this agitated and distressed. You should reassure him, but Jaebeom beats you to it.
“Keep your paws to yourself, mutt,” the king warns, voice distorted, “or lose them.”
The larger wolf bursts out laughing for the hundredth time, “WOW!” Jackson claps, hysterical with merriment. The others wait for it to go by, unsurprised as if this happens to him regularly. “I think there’s a human saying… About history-” 
“How are you?” Chan interrupts, unable to hold back anymore. "Has he hurt you?" Unable to not reply when your friend is staring at you like that, you shake your head from side to side. He sighs in relief but still anxiously runs a hand in his curls. You're puzzled, the scene in the forest is flashing through your fuzzy mind. What happened between you two, who attacked you? He seems so worried. You can’t keep up with this messy situation. After a quick look at Jackson, Chan straightens and raises two fingers in front of him, bending them in an invitation. “Come here,” he commands with a deeper voice, one you have never heard him before. The vampire's arm on your waist tightens dolorously, and scary sounds birth at the back of his throat. “Here,” Chan repeats with a short nod, looking more drained and this time your whole body trembles. It is weird, as though you are yearning to obey. He doesn’t miss it and smiles tentatively, lips curving upwards, inviting... “It’s okay, you are safe now. I’m here.” His dimpled grin is simply contagious, irresistible. It's familiar, comforting and safe. You've been cherishing that smile of him for years. Craving to get closer, your right foot slides forward on the carpet causing the king to look down at you, shocked. 
“Where are you going?” Jaebeom might be whispering, but you’re certain every creature in the large hall hears. “That beast attacked you.”
Impossible. Your friend wouldn't hurt you. Shaking your head in denial sends your hair flying around. You almost lose your balance trying to free yourself away from the confused vampire's grasp. Chan’s irides slide to the corner of his eyes to the larger wolf, a silent exchange you miss.
“It’s almost dawn, Jackson.” The second undead points out, sounding a little less bored than prior. “My patience is wearing thin.”
“Well, Jinyoung-ie… Let me enlighten you.” Smiling cockily, the broad wolf walks up to him. “See, your king has been whoring around with my new whelp.” Whatever this means, everyone instantly reacts but you. For the first time since you’ve gotten out of his room, Jaebeom jerks away, putting some space between your bodies. “And obviously I couldn’t sleep because her-”
“What’s going on...” Your legs wobble, missing his support. 
“- mate wouldn’t stop whining about it!”
“Are you sick?” Chan promptly steps closer, alarmed at your feeble state. Unfortunately, he pauses halfway to you when Jaebeom's glare falls on him.
“I merely stopped your dog from bleeding her out, Jackson. What I did with the human afterwards is none of your business.” The vampire king's chin raises with pride. You wonder how you missed his rank before when he’s so obviously noble. “I was there, I saw him hurt her.”
“I would never!” Chan barks, outraged by the accusation. He braves the earlier threat to walk up to you. “I tried to explain everything to you yesterday, Jeonha. She's mine.”
The younger man doesn’t mind the vampire hissing through his teeth this time. When his hand wraps around your elbow to hold you up, you aren’t strong enough to even consider pulling away. Chan’s touch is warm and reassuring, scorching after Jaebeom’s unnatural dead one. He’s home when you are so lost and hazy, always has been. You can’t wrap your head around the possibility he could ever harm you. You've both saved and protected each other's lives many times in the past.
“That young wolf, isn't he Bang?” Jinyoung asks, getting ahead of something his king has missed. “Alpha legacy.” You’re too weak to listen to the rest of the heated exchange that follows.
“C-Chan... I don’t feel…” Like his chest is a magnet, you lean closer until your back is enveloped in him. This is soothing, your whole body hurts.
“Sssh...” Your friend brings his palm to your sweaty forehead, wiping cold sweat. “You’re safe, I got you now y/n... ”
“Y/n.” The king echoes in pure consternation.
“H-home,” you whine, eyelids heavy.
“I know… I’m so sorry, but you'll need a few days. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of gran.”
“How does the dog know your name?” Jaebeom’s stare is so deadly when you meet it, that you almost throw up at its intensity.
“Chan's my f-friend...” You reply, faintly, and his face twists in disgust like you’ve disappointed him. 
“You have our sincere apologies, Jackson.” Jinyoung interrupts, dignified as he looks at the tense scene. “The king made an honest mistake. We won't interfere with your business again.” 
At that, Jaebeom throws his arms to the side, angrier than before. “I don’t care, I’m not letting them turn her! I promised the human a safe return!” 
“You’ve always been so dramatic and short-sighted, Jaebeom-ie.” Jackson rolls his eyes back. “Couldn’t you tell while you were fucking her?” 
“She’s already marked, Jeonha...” The other vampire explains, way more pragmatic.
“I’m w-what...” Disoriented, you slip away from Chan’s grip and tumble forward. You’re hallucinating. The four creatures aren’t really there. You aren’t in this Hall, in this place. You’re dreaming. You’re back home in your bed. You have a fever. “You killed me.” When the young hunter reaches for your shoulders, you shrink on yourself.
“I didn’t,” Chan pleads, desperate, “I chose you!”
“I'm d-dying...” Your eyes barely focus, the rest of the room is fading. 
“You've been poisoned.” Someone shouts a protest from across the room but Chan goes on even louder; “You just need to sleep. The hours following marking are painful...”
Shaking your head, you crouch on the floor, breathing rendered heavy. No one moves, watching you curl on yourself on the carpet. You fist your hair, miserable.
Now everything hurts.
“For the record, the whelp left our wing alive, Jackson.” Dignified, the second vampire darts his bloody gaze on his king, who remains frozen still. 
“Of course you put it that way, Jinyoung!” The older wolf grunts sarcastically, pushing himself away from the wall to glare at both undead, “You can’t have another diplomatic incident...”
“She isn’t responsive,” Chan snivels, sounding far away. 
“I've fed her bloo-”
“Again, we won’t acknowledge that.” Jinyoung cuts off his king, successfully shutting him up.
“But it's obviously his venom!” Chan protests, mad. “She should be fine. She would’ve healed much slower without-”
“Chan! If she dies it’s on you,” his Alpha intervenes, warning with a deep voice; “not the king.” He’s skeptical as his Beta kneels. “You said she was a hunter, that she could take the bite. You guaranteed i- ”
“She’s it,” Chan pulls you into his arms. You’re so out of your mind that you don’t notice when he stands to carry you out. 
“It’s dawn, Jeonha.” Jinyoung coldly points out for Jaebeom who still hasn't moved. He doesn’t get the hype surrounding you at all, you aren’t that pretty. For all the vampire cares... You should die, it’d be less trouble. The king seems rather shaken though, and he hopes the current tensions at the Castrum won’t worsen.
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Nocturna Masterlist | HALLOWEEN
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101 notes · View notes
mistymark · 5 years
the one with the annotations.
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dong sicheng x reader // 3.7k words // masterlist // send requests here
summary; in which sicheng keeps writing in the books at the library and it should be obvious but that’s,,, not,,, allowed???
warnings: none its just fluff, theres some humour if u like,, squint
requested; yes :D - “Enemies to lovers 👀 with sicheng? Love your writing btw 💕” from anon
notes; based on this prompt: ”You’ve got to stop returning books full of corrections and spiteful comments in red pen bc I can’t stop reading them and my boss gives me disapproving glares when I laugh at the funny ones
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ohhhhh boi
so while you were at uni you had a part time job at the library
because surprise surprise as a lit major you like books
shocker there
you always tried to work the late shifts, closing up and doing the returns
just because it was easy and relaxing organising and restacking the books
but soon you wished you took the earlier shifts
because of dong sicheng
not to be dramatic but
your long rival
he started coming to the library to borrow books
because that’s kind of the point of a library
but he ended up liking the environment for studying
and would stay there for hours just to study
and you’d admire his hardworking nature
if he left on time, that is
you would do the rounds ten minutes before closing
just to tell everyone like
‘hey, we’ll be closing in around ten minutes if you want to begin packing up’
but this bitch
you’d end up standing at his table with your bag and the keys in your hand
tapping on the wood to try and get his attention
and him slowly packing up afterwards
even tho he kNOWS you want to go home
‘you’re just as slow as you were in kindergarten hey?’
and he’d be so furious
‘you know you cheated’
‘I don’t remember any such thing’
and maybe you did maybe you didn’t
you were like four years old
as if you’d remember a race you won when you were that age
he just rolls his eyes and leaves as you lock the doors
you leave in the other direction
happily leaving him behind
but he stops by every Monday Tuesday and Thursday night to study
which are the days you work as well
he acts like it’s just part of his schedule 
but he worked out if he came in on Wednesday’s he didn’t have the opportunity to annoy you
and honestly?
annoying you at the end of your shift and after a long session of studying was the highlight of his night
but he keeps borrowing books
and you’re like
until he borrows this new book you’ve been wanting to read for ages
and you were low-key so bitter
this lil bitch has no way of knowing you wanted that book but somehow he does and that’s the only reason he’s borrowed it
even though,, he literally had no idea lmao
tbh u probably would have wanted to talk to him about the books he reads bc u have very similar taste
okay the same taste
but he’s such an asshole ur like nah fam
anyways he returns it after a week
boy reads fast ok
and when he goes to drop it in the returns box
you just take it from his hand and scan it under your name straight away
and put it under the desk so no one else can borrow it
and when there’s a lull in the work at the library
you reach under the table for the book and rifle through it
and you notice a few pencil marks
and upon further inspection you realise they’re comments referencing certain parts of the book
and you do nOT stand for vandalism
but some of them are fuckin hilarious not gonna lie
on the page you just happened to open
you can see there’s a comment beside a passage of text depicting a fight scene
‘this would kill someone wtf’
and u laugh and wonder who had done this
like the book had only been out for a little while
and u finish it in just less than a week
bc u read a lot during your shifts
probably a lot more than you should tbh
and seriously the comments made the book better
you hadn’t laughed so hard at random commentary so much
like the words were exactly what you were thinking
you couldnt help it
while ur putting some of the books back in the middle of your shift
!!!! you see another book that u might like !!! 
not to judge a book by its cover butttttttt
it looks like ur type oop-
and after flipping through it
to get an idea of font size and chapter length cause ur a whole nerd like that
u see it ALSO has pencil markings
in the borders and underlining sentences
and without even thinking u borrow it
just to read the funny comments again
and ur boss comes up to you during your shift and is like
‘have you seen someone’s been writing in the books? look at this’
and thrusts a book in ur face
and ur like ??????? okay chill I’ll look
and u read the writing she’s pointing at
the familiar loopy handwriting adorning the page
and it says ‘I hope she throws her drink in his face’
when u read the paragraph for context
u realise it’s a confession scene
a few lines down the mystery person has written ‘called it.’
and u can’t help but laugh
like come on that was funny
but ur boss doesn’t agree
she just asks you to find out who’s doing it so they can be suspended from the library
or charged with vandalism
or something
she wants vengeance
u roll ur eyes and go to one of the staff computers
scrolling through the lists of borrowers for that specific book
and it’s a fuckin library that book has been borrowed a loT
2031 times ???????????????
you almost fall of your chair tbh
then someone clears their throat in front of u
and u immediately apologise as u try and get the right tab up to process the borrower’s book
but once u look at the person in front of u
you wish you hadn’t been so nice
sicheng stands in front of you
a grin on his face as he hands you another book
smug bitch is so happy he startled u
‘looking at porn on the library computer, yn?’
u laugh
‘I’m not u in 8th grade’
he glares at you as he takes his book and goes back to his desk to continue studying
u were soooo hoping he’d leave
even tho u kinda enjoyed looking at him
like dude was hot okay
what were u supposed to do????
ur actual job????
so he stays
and when it’s ten minutes til closing
u go and let everyone know
and u stop at sichengs table
and he’s writing out notes or something
idk it’s not like u care anyway lol
but he’s lowkey frustrated bc he keeps messing up this one goddamn formula
so he erases it
and that’s when u catch a glimpse of his handwriting
and bruh am I high or is that the exact same handwriting as in the books
I mean he has borrowed a few of the books
and he’s into that genre
not that you've checked out his borrowed list or anything
basically ur having this whole conversation with yourself in your head
bc ur cool like that
and he’s like ????? why this bitch standing over my shoulder and watching me write out this equation
until he’s like ‘what are u doing’
and ur like !!!!! oh hi !!! sorry I was busy listening to the voices in my head lmao xD
jk jk
‘have u been writing in the books’
and suddenly he’s super shy
and he has this massive grin
and he’s like ‘no’
bitch we know it was u stfu
u roll ur eyes and ur like ‘its not funny my boss wants you to be suspended’
he squints at you
‘how do you even know it was me’
and then:
and u cross your arms
like a badass bitch
and ur like ‘I have plenty of evidence actually’
‘for one, youve borrowed all the books that have been found with writing’
‘and your handwriting matches’
subconsciously he covers his notebook with his arm to hide his handwriting
and he's like ‘why are u telling me this’
you're taken aback by the question tbh
like ?????? to be a good person ??????
idk u fuckwit just wanted to warn you
‘thought you'd want to know’
and he just turns back to his book
and you shrug and walk away like ok get suspended then see if I care
but u do :((
but as you walk away hes like
‘Im gonna be suspended??’
and u nod like ye that's what I just said but ok
‘like I cant borrow or I cant come in at all?’
u don't know tbh
‘both I think?’
and suddenly there's panic in his eyes
another person walks past u and thanks u
and u mindlessly tell them to have a good night as they leave
everyone has left
except sicheng of course
that beautiful son of a-
wait why did u say beautiful
‘what can I do to nOT get suspended??’
and u shrug bc idk dude not my problem
but then u think about it
‘I mean if u get rid of the evidence theres no way u can be suspended, right?’
and he seems so happy at the thought
‘would you help me? please?’
and ur sooooooo skeptical
‘depends. what do u want to me to do?’
‘I mean I need access to the books so’
‘yeah ill let u in and out’
‘I can't exactly just erase the markings when people could be watching’
and that's exactly how you end up sitting in the library with dong sicheng at 11pm at night rifling through books to find odd pencil markings to erase
it wasnt that hard
u just got his record up
*snorts* ‘you borrowed ‘how to talk to girls’ when we were thirteen’
and he just rolled his eyes and marched to the computer like ‘you can see my record I deserve to see yours’
and ur like NOOOOOO nononononono
but later
‘you've read all the light-fighter novels??’
he looks at you from where hes searching for one of the books on the list, an eyebrow raised
‘yeah why’
‘dude,, I loved those books’
and he smiles a little
‘thats where I started marking the books tbh, every time I read it id add a little cross in the corner of the cover bc I read it so often’
part of u is a little impressed
the other is annoyed at how similar your taste in books is
but the first part keeps asking why u hate him so much
other than the staying late and the snarky comments
which you actually find kinda funny-
once you've gathered up a few of the books
like at least ten each
you sit on the floor of the childrens section
beanbags sprawled out beneath you as u read through some of the books
most of them you've read before
and every time you giggle at something hes written his smile gets a little bigger
but of course youre looking at the book so you dont notice
and he keeps his head down
‘is it bad that im hungry’
you lift your head from the book to look at sicheng
hes not even reading anymore hes just lounging back on the beanbags
and maybe he'd been watching u read
watching as the smile on your face grew wider at his commentary
‘I didnt see you leave tonight. have u eaten?’
you furrow your brows in thought, trying to recall having seen him leave
‘you been watching me, y/n?’
‘have you been eating, sicheng?’
and there's something about the way you say his name that makes his heart jump
his voice is soft as he looks at you in the dark
you focus back on the book in front of you
‘finish whatever book youre on and we’ll call it a night’
‘what, you wanna go eat?’ 
you cant tell if hes just surprised or if hes hopeful
or something else
‘no but I do want to sleep’
you laugh and he forces a laugh too
you dont notice the difference
when you've returned all the books
he meets you at the front door as you grab the book you'd been reading that shift
hes just standing by the door on his phone
and maybe its bc ur tired or maybe its just him
but u cant help thinking
Jesus Christ this boy is attractive
and okay maybe u had a crush on him a few years ago
but hey! you were eleven what could u do
the crush still lasted like two years tho lmao
but u shoulder your bag and open the door for him
making sure to lock it carefully
and he walks with you in the direction of your apartment
and ur like oh u live this way too?
and hes like nah
but what kind of boy would he be if he didnt accompany home
like christ y/n u could be h u r t out here at this time of night
but you just smile at him bc wow thats ??? actually ??? kinda sweet
‘who are u and what have u done with dong sicheng’
and there goes his heart again
he just nudges u with his elbow 
and u laugh at him and continue on ur way
when u get to ur building he thanks u for ur help in the most polite way possible
and u can kind of see that hes actually rlly nice ??? how ???
but hes back at the library the next day
and of course he comes up to the counter as soon as he spots you
sneaking around a few desks so u dont hear him come up behind you to whisper ‘BOO!’ in your ear
you jump like three feet in the air and spin around to tell him to get out from behind the desk
‘I dont see a nametag on u that means u have to be on THAT side of the desk thank u very much’
‘didnt realise your name tag said bitch on it geeeez y/n ://’
and u just fix him with a glare once hes finally on the right side
‘are u borrowing a book or not’
he leans on the desk
his eyes staring straight into yours
‘just wanted to ask if u were able to stay back tonight’
you roll ur eyes
you'd barely gotten any sleep last night
but the look of concern on his face when he realises youre hesitating makes you nod
‘of course,, wouldnt want my least favourite person to get kicked out’
‘I always knew you had a soft spot for me’
you roll ur eyes aGAiN
‘go bother someone else’
‘oh is the hot librarian in?’
you push him away from the desk
but he doesnt miss the faint smile on ur lips
‘sicheng dont make me give you $100 in overdue book fees’
he sticks his hands up at the threat, his eyes wide
‘no. please. ill do anything’
when u raise an eyebrow at him, he just grabs the book you'd been reading (and not yet borrowed) and walks away
and he winks too
u have to stop your heart from beating out of its chest
and later
its 8pm and the library is officially closing
and for the past three hours you'd been walking to sicheng’s desk and subtly been trying to steal your book back
but every single time hes seen you coming
and pulled the book under the desk or into his lap
away from your grabbing hands
every. single. time.
you tap your foot impatiently at him when its time to continue ur undercover project
and he smiles down at his notebook when he hears u huff in annoyance at him
he dramatically looks up at you
‘do you need something?!’
‘do you want to get suspended?!’
he narrows his eyes at you but stands up anyway
he carefully puts his things in his bag and takes the list of books from your hands
a few of them are already crossed out as having been checked and erased
but theres still a lot to go
it takes you almost three weeks to finally get to the last day
and it had been the same thing every time;
sicheng took forever to pack up
you'd eventually find about ten books each
sit in the children’s section
laugh and chat about your lives while you went through the books
tease each other
and when you'd finished,
he'd walk you home
every single time
without fail
it became a habit that on the Tuesdays he'd stop by on his way to his morning class to drop coffee off for you
because he'd kept you up the night before
and it became easy to lose track of time with sicheng
he was just so engaging
there was no part of you that felt bored or uncomfortable with him
yeah he was annoying and infuriating
but his good book taste made up for it
and his annotations in the margins of the books too
‘is this the last of them?’
he squints down at the page again, counting the books on the table again
its the third time hes counted
‘surely ive read more than this’
‘not from this library ://’
you blow your hair out from your face and look down at the pile
‘you know, I think my manager is starting to get really suspicious of me’
‘why’ he looks up briefly from his book to read your face
but you try and remain calm
‘well she only told me about the markings right. and now theyre disappearing’
he looks at you like ?????
‘well she knows ive been closing up late... I think she thinks I did it’
he laughs ‘you? has she met you?’
you pout and throw a pillow at him
‘HEY! what's that supposed to mean :((’
‘it means ive never met someone who's so protective over books as you’
you think about it, chewing ur bottom lip
‘lets just finish this’
‘do u want to get food after’
he surprises you with the sudden question
and the slight nervousness thats evident on his face really makes you want to say yes
but you have a class tomorrow
and you always try and finish up here earlier on a Thursday night
‘cant :((’
he nods and goes back to readng
theres silence for a while
but you find it comfortable
sicheng on the other hand, feels as though hes just been shot down
you just turned down his date
you've kinda noticed hes more reserved now
but rlly hes just kind of embarrassed
until u say something that gives him hope
‘I,, uh, I dont have plans tomorrow night’
and ngl boy is stunned
‘just if u wanted to go see a movie or something idk’
now its ur turn to be embarrassed
u hope ur hair is hiding ur face as u look back down at the book in ur lap bc no doubt ur blushing
but sicheng is just staring at you
before even saying anything
he leans over the gap between you
with all the books
and hovers in front of your face
ur so shocked and ur heart is beating way too hard and fast and ur breathing is too quick to be normal are you having an attack I dont know-
and then he leans forward a little bit more
and his lips meet yours
and suddenly its like a fireworks display went off inside you
and then its almost midnight on a Thursday night and ur sitting in the children's section of your workplace in the beanbags with sicheng cupping ur face and kissing you
he just really needed to kiss you
like more than he needed air
and when u finally pull back
he loves how breathless you are
how you have to fight to keep the smile off your face
how you stare at him with wide eyes
‘so its a date then?’
you blush even redder
and nod
‘ye its a date :))’
but for the next fifteen minutes you sit in stunned silence together
small smiles playing on your faces
until u look at your watch and ur like
‘shit sicheng I have to go’
and his eyes widen bc holy crap u were supposed to leave like half an hour ago
so u both sprint around the library trying to put all the books back
and he meets you at the door again after you've grabbed the keys and made sure everything that needed to be locked was,,, u know,, locked
and when ur walkign to the door again
hes on his phone
u cant see but hes texting his friends about what happened lmao what a softie
and when u walk out together
without thinking he grabs your hand
and u walk home
hand in hand
after midnight
he clears his throat
‘so uh,, when actually is our date’
‘my last class ends at 5-’
‘so 5 it is’
‘are u sure??’
he nods happily
and he presses a gentle kiss to ur forehead when u get to ur doorstep
‘ill see u tomorrow’
but the next day
when u come out of your last class
a little giddy
a little too excited
and see him leaning against one of the stone pillars
effortlessly handsome
you feel your heart flip
and maybe ur just tired or maybe its him
but hes really attractive
like really really attractive
its actually just that youre in love with him
he doesnt see you coming
too focused on something on his phone
but he definitely sees you when you push his hand out to the side and step onto ur toes to kiss him
and u can feel him smile a little as he kisses you back
‘ready for that date?’
‘yeah, where are we going’
‘so I was thinking we could go to the libra- HEY! dont hit me I was j o k i n g y/n jesus christ’
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marvelsswansong · 5 years
Can you do a bodyguard au with Steve? And if you'd like, make it Steve x reader please? :) if its okay with you!
a/n: I went for a slight mix of bodyguard au with mob au to make this story work, I will admit I personally really hate how this turned out but i hope you like it or don’t hate it at the very least xx
“(Y/n) will not be taking any more questions, thank you very much.” announced Steve, glaring at the reporters and parting a way in the clustered crowd of press peoples. 
“You alright?”
You were the only person Steve was this soft around.
You smiled up at Steve and nodded. Steve carefully placed his hand on your back, resting it just above your waist, ensuring your safety as the rest of your security team cleared a path for you to walk back to your car. You wouldn’t have minded at all if Steve were to place his hands lower but wrap you in his arms, but you knew he wouldn’t do that.
Steve had a strict sense of morals he abided to and took his job as your bodyguard very seriously, never engaging in anything other than chivalrous forms of gestures and quick touches both in private and public. And though he maintained a cold and unmoved facade to the public, he was always kind and soft to you. You thought it meant something- that, perhaps, he was interested in you too.
But he never took it further than that. If you sat next to him, he would call another bodyguard over to sit to the other side of you to ensure maximum security. If you placed your hand on his he’d stiffen and say he needed both his hands free at all times to protect you. If you made a flirty comment he’d just smile and nod, pretending like what you said was just mundane and friendly.
All these thoughts plagued your mind as you sat in the car, the bright flashes from the paparazzi no longer annoying you as the limousine pulled away from the theater.
“Are you alright?” asked Steve, his low voice sending shivers down your spine.
You shifted in your seat and nodded.
“Yeah… yeah… That’s the second time you’re asking me that today, you know. Do I look that tired to you?” you joked, trying to lighten the mood. 
It started to rain outside as Steve sinked back to his seat and sighed, his eyes shifting to the floor for a quick second before looking back up at you.
“You’ve been acting strange for the past few days. What’s on your mind?”
You opened your mouth to spout out another lie, only for Steve to cut you off with a stern look.
“And don’t try and lie to me, you know I’m better than that.”
Should you say it?
Whatever. You were just going to say it. Rip it off like a band-aid.
“Do you like your job?” 
Steve was taken back at your unexpected question for a moment, before he regained his composure and responded.
“Of course I do. Your family is lovely, even though they are in the mob business. The job pays well. It allows me to practice the expertise I gained from being in the army and training with the FBI.”
You huffed at his vague answer.
“And what about me?”
He cocked his head to the side in confusion.
“What about you?”
You sighed and crossed your arms.
“Who am I to you? Just a client? Just the daughter of a mob boss? Just an actress?”
Steve stiffened at your question. He could feel how annoyed and angry you were, and he didn’t want to piss you off even more. But could he say how he truly felt without risking it all?
“You’re…” started Steve carefully, gauging your reaction.
“You’re wonderful.”
You blinked.
“You’re wonderful, (Y/n). You’re kind. You’re talented. You’re not caught up in all the negative bullshit of the world. You actually wanted to be something bigger than some daughter of a rich mob boss. You’re hardworking. You care about other people. You’re just… so wonderful.”
The way he uttered his last word was just so soft, and combined with his feather touch on your hand, you couldn’t help but feel all your anger dissipate into thin air.
“And do you like me?”
Steve smiled sadly.
“You already know the answer to that, (Y/n).”
You grabbed his hand without hesitation, linking your fingers with his.
“Then why don’t you make a move? You know I’ve liked you too, for at least two years now.” 
Steve sighed but didn’t pull away from your touch. He was letting himself indulge in this fantasy for a little longer.
“You know why I can’t. It’s unprofessional.”
You quickly removed your hand from his.
“Are you serious? God, Steve, you know, there just comes a point where it’s less about professionalism and more about you being afraid.” 
Before Steve could make up an excuse, the limo came to a stop and you got out, ignoring Steve’s commands that you wait for him to get out first. In fact, you quickly walked down the sidewalk, passing your house and beelining straight for the bar.
“(Y/n), wait-”
You stopped walking briefly to yell at Steve.
“No, Steve, I won’t wait. I want a goddamn drink, and if I want one, I’m going to go get-”
You felt unbearable pain in your stomach before you could finish your sentence, the smell of gunpowder and the deafening sound of a gunshot filling the air. Before the second shot could be fired you were thrown onto the ground by a massive figure, the familiar smell of Steve’s cologne letting you know who it was.
He cradled your body protectively by dragging you behind a nearby car, dialing a number with his right hand while shooting at an unknown figure with his left. 
“Code red on sunset boulevard. Three shots fired, she was shot in the stomach. Requesting backup and medical assistance immediately.” spoke Steve into the phone, looking at you desperately.
“Steve… it- it hurts.”
Steve dropped his gun when the assailant fell to the floor and quickly turned around, ripping off his jacket and using it to suppress your wound. His desperate eyes screamed in fear as he gently brushed the hair out of your eyes, his voice cracking.
“I-I know sweetheart, but you gotta hold on, okay? Don’t close your eyes, help is on the way.”
The last thing you heard before your vision went dark was the sound of an ambulance siren in the background.
When you woke up, you were in a neat hospital bed covered in a thin white sheet with the repetitive beep of the heart monitor filling the room. Your body was so sore but you forced yourself to look to your left, only to see Steve at the corner of your bed, his head resting on the bed while his body was slouched over on a chair.
You tried to called out his name but coughed instead, which woke Steve up immediately. He was at your side in an instant, his hand on your face.
“You’re awake! Uh, how are you feeling?
You let out a small grunt.
“Like I’ve been shot.”
Steve smiled.
“Even in the worst moments, you joke.”
His laughter faded away and a serious expression settled on his face.
“I’ve been thinking… God, I was just so damn scared when you passed out. I thought I was going to lose you forever. Forever before I could-”
“Could what?”
Steve grabbed your face and kissed you quickly, his lips smashing onto yours without hesitation. Thought it was unexpected it was needy, it was sweet, and you found yourself pulling him closer to you.
“I love you.”
“B-but you said because of your job-”
Steve shook his head sideways.
“Screw the job. I realized a large reason why I loved the job was because of you. And if your dad has a problem with it, I’m-”
He took in a deep breath. 
“I’m willing to quit my job.”
You quickly sat up in bed.
“But your job is your entire life, I don’t understand-”
“No, doll. You are my life. And I’d rather lose my job than lose you. Okay?”
“So what do you say? Can I take you out for dinner sometime?”
You looked up at him with a mischievous smile.
“I don’t know, kiss me once more and I’ll be able to give you an answer.”
a/n: holy shit this was garbage ahh im sorry im so tired and lowkey burnt out from writing every day 
–> read my other blurbs here
–> prompt list // REQUESTS ARE OPEN
regular taglist: @wantyoubackpeter ​ @platonic-plots ​ @superwholockwannabe ​ @xxmizzlexx ​ @xdsockmonkey ​ @princess-unicorn124 ​  @not-jay-c ​ @therealmrshale ​ @caswinchester2000 ​ @heartbeats-wildly ​ @mostlylyricedits ​ @musiclover1263
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onetwothreeopalau · 4 years
Together Meal
Steven stuck his tongue out in concentration, gripping the purple crayon tightly in his fist. The colour was a little too dark for a perfect depiction but it didn’t matter. What he was doing was of upmost importance. He didn’t have time to buy new crayons. The task he had taken upon himself to complete was of upmost importance! It was almost life or death! It was-
“Er, what are we doing again?” Asked Opal, and Steven let out a sigh before grinning.
“I’m drawing an official Crystal gems picture, see?” He thrusted the page towards her, where he had already drawn a picture of Garnet looking out to the distance mysteriously (she wasn’t posing, Steven had just seen her and decided to draw her.) and he had started Opal. He had barely drawn an outline and yet he’d already had to explain what he was doing three times over.
“You see, I was going to take a photo but then I thought, 'where’s the passion? The creativity? The love?’ And also I dropped my phone in the ocean, so I thought a drawing would be just as good!” 
Opal nodded, trying her best to understand Steven’s rambling, but not quite succeeding. Steven took the piece of paper back and resumed working. “Hey Opal?” said Steven suddenly, as if a thought had just occurred to him, “How do you stay on your toes like that at all times?” He stood up and attempted to copy her by standing on his tippy toes, but he felt himself stumble. Before he could steady himself, two of Opal’s arms reached towards him and stabilised him.
“Balance.” She said simply, getting back into her pose.
Steven waited for her to elaborate, but she said nothing more. Steven nodded and pretended that his question was answered and went back to his drawing. He didn’t have a cream coloured crayon for her hair, so he had to settle for just drawing the shape of it with his black one, but overall his picture was pretty good. Probably one of the best he’d ever drawn.
“I’m all done!” He grinned and went to the fridge and decided on the area to place his artwork. He reached as high up as he could so it would be visible to anyone entering the house and put a magnet in the shape of a cookie cat (RIP) over it to secure it. Maybe he should’ve drawn himself too, but it was too late now. The picture was already on the fridge, and an author wouldn’t exactly edit their book after it was published.
“Nice picture.” said Garnet who had somehow managed to sneak up behind him. “Opal and I are going on a mission, but I have something to give you before we leave.”
Steven waited for whatever that was, and she leaned down and wrapped her arms around Steven’s shoulders and Steven smiled, hugging her back. “We’ll see you soon.” she said. Garnet and Opal walked over to the warp pad, and in a flash of light, they were gone.
Steven waved goodbye, even though he knew the two gems couldn’t see him, and then he went up to his bedroom. He tried to amuse himself with his video games, but he couldn’t help but fantasise about what it would be like when he could go on missions too. It would be awesome! He would kick butt, and Garnet and Opal would be like “wow Steven, you’re so amazing, we’re so proud!” And he’d be like “aw thanks guys,” and it would be amazing and exciting.
He couldn’t wait.
He played ‘Awesome Plumber Siblings’ for a bit but then he decided to do something nice for the gems and make them a meal for when they arrived back. They could all eat it together, like a Together Meal! He ran down to the kitchen, taking the stairs two at a time and rummaged through the cupboards to find food and he pulled out anything he could find, eventually settling on a large pile of pancakes. He originally kept it classic, with just maple syrup, but it didn’t feel special enough for the gems so he added mini marshmallows and more syrup, although this time it was chocolate flavoured. It was almost perfect but it still felt somehow..  incomplete. He looked at it for a few moments, trying to decide what needed to be done. And then he had an idea! For the final step, just to make it perfect, he took a dark red cherry and placed it on top of the stack. It was a true work of art.
Now all he needed to do was wait for Garnet and Opal to arrive back. Garnet said they’d be back soon, so there was no way they would be long.
An hour later, Steven was starting to get bored. He lay on the couch looking intently at the warp pad. He wanted to be there the second they arrived back. Finally, after what seemed like years, the warp pad lit up. He jumped off the couch and went to greet them, but instead of saying hello like they normally would, they both went straight for the temple door.
Garnet’s stones lit up first and Steven just watched her go in, holding something large and noisy in her hands, but quickly regaining his wits, he grabbed the Together Meal he’d made and followed Opal into her room. He called out her, but she didn’t seem to notice. Steven was used to Opal being distracted and so he continued to follow her into her room. The place was cool and the air felt slightly damp.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he realised that all around him were steep rocks, caves and waterfalls. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to everything, but Opal practically danced around as if she didn’t even have to look to avoid tripping over some of the lower, jutting rocks. She eventually stopped at the highest waterfall Steven could see and jumped to the top before sitting cross-legged, her eyes closed, looking peaceful.
Steven felt guilty for trying to bother her and went to leave, but he quickly realised that he had no idea how to get out. He had no way of finding the door and even if he could find it, he didn’t know how to open it.
“Opal?” He called, but she didn’t hear him. “Opal!” He made his voice as loud as possible and she looked down, her calm face turning shocked the second she saw him.
She jumped down into the water below the waterfall, barely making a splash and began to look over him, checking every area of his body. Steven giggled. She was tickling. “Are you okay?”
Steven tried to smile, feeling bad for worrying her. “I made us all a Together Meal!” he said, lifting the plate. “I wanted you Garnet and me to have it together. As a family!”
Steven didn’t notice the split second grimace on her face. “It looks lovely. But Garnet is busy, and um- so am I.” To his relief, but also disappointment she began to steer him in the direction of the door.
“Are you sure?” He said pleadingly, and Opal looked conflicted for a second, before her face turned devious. It wasn’t an expression Steven saw on Opal often, but when he did, he knew he was in for a fun time.
She took his hand and began to lead them in a different direction, pausing occasionally as if having second thoughts, but they eventually arrived at a rockpool, filled with calm silvery water. She stuck her head in and made a motion for Steven to follow suit.
He stuck his head into the water and looked down. Quickly he realised he could see Garnet and in his shock he tumbled further into the water. Opal tried to stop him, but she was too slow, and Steven fell into Garnet’s room, still holding the Together Meal. Opal sighed. She thought for a second about going back to her waterfall and forgetting about it and dealing with the fallout later. Steven would alright with Garnet, she tried to reason.
It was tempting, but she couldn’t and with a sigh she followed Steven through the water.
The room was a lot hotter than hers, but luckily it wasn’t unbearable like it could get. She picked Steven up, so he couldn’t touch anything dangerous and sat him on her shoulder. Garnet turned to the source of the noise and she grinned sheepishly.
“Steven. Opal.” Garnet casually bubbled whatever she’d been holding but didn’t send it away. She looked at the ground by Opal’s feet, and Steven followed her gaze to see his beloved Together Meal splattered in the ground, sad and soggy looking.
“Our Together Meal!” He wailed. Opal just shrugged lightly, but Garnet looked sympathetic.
“You spent a long time on that Steven.” she said, voicing exactly what he was about to say before he could even open his mouth.  “I’m sorry it was destroyed. I’ll help you two,”with that she gave a look to a sheepish Opal somehow managing to perfectly convey her disopointment even without her eyes being visable. “Out of my room. Then, you can make another one for us to share tonight.”
Steven grinned, but weirdly Opal didn’t look too happy. Maybe she was mourning the old one like him. “Okay!” He said anyway, and Garnet took him to the door.
Back in the house, he took a deep breath of the cool fresh air. Opal’s room wasn’t too bad, but the air in Garnet’s room really was hot and it was starting to get suffocating.
“Opal! Do you wanna help me remake the Together Meal?” Steven asked her hopefully.
Steven smiled. He missed the first edition of the Together Meal,in all of its wonderful foody glory, but he'd made it because he wanted to do something nice for the gems and this one would be even better, because now he got to spend time with his favourite gems in the world.
So this is a lot less magical than what happened in the show and the reason for that is mostly because this was actually the first chapter I’d written and so I had a much weaker grasp on what I wanted to do with the characters and plot for this. It’s also why this is slightly shorter.
I’m having quite a low energy day™️ so my editing for this mostly consisted of getting rid of grammatical mistakes and any glaringly bad sentences than adding things to make it better or more interesting like my normal editing tactic is.
Sorry if I’m sounding too negative, don’t worry, not every authors note will just be me whining non stop (hopefully 😓) Have a nice day!!
Oopsie im a little (nearly 2 weeks) late in posting on Tumblr oops 
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enchantingexile · 5 years
Bubble Wrap Me - c.b/j.w
Request: can you do one where colby and jake cheer you up on a bad day and its super cute and fluffy? i'm having a bad day 🥺
Pairing: Platonic!Colby x Platonic!Jake x Reader
NOTE: This is just plain, hanging out. Also didn’t proof read this. 
You had been sitting on your couch dodging calls from people all day, in hopes that maybe they would just leave you alone and stop calling. So far no one was getting the hint that you didn't want to be around people today.
You sat alone on your couch wrapped in a blanket with the tv on in the background as you were on your phone staring at your phone in front of you not really paying attention more so just wallowing in your sadness. 
You didn't really have a particular reason why you were sad today it just hit you when you were making breakfast. Straight away making you slump onto the floor and sit there for a bit just nose diving into your sadness. 
As you stare at the screen in your hand you hear the knocking on your door and before you could even get up to open it Colby and Jake were walking through it and into your apartment.
“Did you get amnesia and forget how to answer a phone or are you just ignoring us” Colby says as he walks to you and flops down beside you, Jake trailing along behind him. 
“I forgot how to use a phone” You shrug at them and you can see them staring at the phone in your hand, currently unlocked and on instagram. Ironically it was a post by Jake. 
“Seems like it, you haven’t even liked my photo” He reaches over and takes the phone from your hand and likes the photo for you, going on to his instagram page and making sure to go through and like all of his photos. 
“Well we need your help, hopefully you remember how to hold a camera and record.” Jake replies, your phone still in his hand. 
“I do, but I don’t really want to do anything right now, I’m not really feeling the best right now” You tell them and wrap the blanket around yourself tighter. “What are you guys going to do anyways?”
“I wanna get wrapped in bubble wrap and pushed down the stairs” Jake tells you, his face is serious and Colby just shrugs when you look over to him. “Colby is in charge of safety and you’re in charge of the camera.”
“You would rather trust Colby with safety, rather than me?” 
“Not gonna lie, you’re better at filming than Colby is.” Colby looks a little hurt but gets over it in a few seconds. 
“Fine, but I want to push you down and we are not doing it in my building. I already have enough complaints because of you two.”
“Yeah, fine. But are you gonna get ready or are you good?”
“I’m gonna get ready, but I’m not going to pretend to be happy about this.” You get up and go straight to your room, putting on minimal make on because you will be on camera for a little bit and you don’t really feel like getting ripped to shreds in the comments.
Once you are finished getting ready you take your phone from Jake’s hand and walk out the door with your keys in hand, Colby and Jake followed behind you. 
When youse get into Jake apartment there are 5 huge rolls of bubble wrap sitting on his kitchen counter. Jake pulls out his camera and hands it to you and youse begin to record the intro to his video, telling everyone about his idea of getting wrapped up. You continue to film as Colby wraps him up and they get prepared to go to the stairs, the sight of Jake waddling while in the bubble wrap makes you laugh.
“Are you not going to protect your head some how?” You hear them cuss a little knowing they had forgotten. “You have a helmet don’t you? Literally, use that.”
Jake waddles back into the apartment and Colby grabs the helmet putting it on Jakes head slapping it a little too hard, but it didn't seem to affect Jake’s mood at all.
“Okay, take two.” You say from behind the camera. 
Youse get to the staircase and hand Colby the camera so that he can film you and Jake. “I just want to say, for the record, I don’t condone this and I know this is a bad idea.” Just as you finish your sentence, you turn to Jake and he nods at you signally for you to push him and you do. 
He falls and then rolls down the stairs so Colby gives you the camera again and you follow Jake down, kicking him down the next flight of stairs. When he reaches the bottom he rolls around to try and get up but cant so Colby rushes to give him an arm so that he can get up. Jake talks to the camera to finish his video, he’ll probably add some random skit at the start of it. 
You turn the camera off and begin to walk back up with the boys following close behind you. “Can youse not stare at my ass, just once?” You turn around and they are still staring, you roll your eyes at them and wait for them to walk past you. 
“You know we like your ass, we tell you basically every time we see you.”
“So I’m just a piece of ass to you?” You joke back, finally feeling a little bit better. 
“NO! You have great boobs too.” Jake replies with a coy smile as he stands at the top of the staircase, his hands on his hips looking a little tired out. When you reach him, you shove him jokingly and walk past to his apartment. “Am I staying for a bit or are you driving me home now?” You ask Colby as he comes to stand beside you waiting for Jake to come and unlock his door. 
“I can do what ever you want, you should stay if you aren’t feeling that well. We can look after you.” His smile is radiant and even though you really wanted to be alone right now, you were already here and you knew they would buy you food if you asked nicely and I mean that you could persuade you to do practically anything.
“I’ll stay if youse don’t mind.” 
“Yeah, come on in. We can watch tv or youtube or whatever you want.” Jake puts his arm around your shoulder and leads you to his couch and flops down with you still attached to him making you fall on top of him. Your energy was so low at this point that you thought about not even getting off him but when he started using your back as an arm rest you had to get off him and move to his side. 
Colby sat down beside you and threw a blanket on top of your head as Jake turned the tv on and pulled the blanket off your head and spread it out between youse. 
“Can we get food, but like” You pause for a second, “I don’t pay for any of it.” You could see Colby already opening up the postmates app, he would always pay for you. 
“I was joking but like, if you want to pay. Im not going to stop you.” He shrugs at you and you turn to Jake who also shrugs, he never seems to know whats going on.
“Well what am I getting?” 
“Surprise me? or just get whatever is cheapest.”
“Yeah, what she said” Jake says as his attention is paid to whatever was on the tv and yours was to Colby and what he was ordering, your head was on his shoulder as he continued ordering. 
The door bell rung and Colby got up to get the food, you heard him thank the postmates person and then brought it straight back to youse and spread it out between youse and youse all sit there watching tv and sharing food. 
“So how are you feeling now?” Jake asks as he steals some chips from your meal, you smack his hand but let him take them anyways. 
“I’m feeling much better now, thanks” You smile at him and bump your shoulder into his as he takes a drink making it spill down the front of his shirt. “Whoops” 
“Wow, I try and make you feel better and you destroy my shirt.” He laughs at you.
“Go put it in the wash, it’ll come out.” He gets up and takes his shirt off and your eyes follow him as he walks away. 
“Im not a piece of ass y/n!” 
“I know, you have a nice body too.” You smile at him and he continues to walk out of the lounge room and into his. 
The day went by so quickly and soon enough it was dark and Colby was offering to drive you home and you took up his offer, I mean it was either that or ubering home and you didn’t really feel like paying to get driven just down the road. You said goodbye to Jake and then youse left and Colby drove you home, you got out of the car and said goodbye to him. 
When you got into your apartment you made dinner and sat down on the couch, this is where you had started your shitty day so its only fair that you finish the day on the couch. Before going to sleep you send Jake and Colby a text in your mini group chat. 
Thanks for the day, I had a great time :) 
also thanks for paying for my food xx 
Would be appreciated if youse would leave a comment or some criticism :)  
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gaylortruther · 5 years
(many) tag games
saw someone else do this so i figured i’d go through all my tag games in one looong post instead of spamming you all with a bunch of separate posts!
i’m gonna tag everyone now and yall can choose which tag games you want to do or whether you want to do them all (or whether you want to do any)!!
thanks to everyone who tagged me in all of these! i LOVE being tagged in tag games and i am always up for more! <3
tagging THE SANCTION (including ppl that i haven’t gotten up on the page yet im sorry abfjffsdhsjbjsdf it will happen SOON):  @newdivinities @wolvesofarcadia @maskedlady @victoiirres @sancta-silje @bumblebeesonpaper @wasting-ink-not-youth @horrorspell @ya-lady-tauriel @awritinglen @purpleshadows1989 @ivonoris @theforgottencoolkid @the-ichor-of-ruination @grotesqu-e @lucacangettathisass @tea-ndi @hazeywrites @lunar895 @thewordsinthesky-andstars
TAGGED BY  @melwrotethat AND @hazeywrites
thank you both for the tags! these are the last few lines of the prologue-excerpt-thing i wrote for the page i’m working on for WHERE THE CELLAR MEETS THE SKY
Somehow, Collin hears them. Silently, she rolls up her sleeve, and Rowan feels the Collin Sutherland they knew is somewhere far, far away. The tattoos are black, geometric in design, two on each arm, and eerily similar to the ones Rowan has just discovered on their own left arm. They're sure if they were to roll up their right sleeve, they would find more.
"I should have told you a long time ago," Collin whispers. "I didn't know you were a part of it, but I should have guessed. I didn't want to put you in danger."
"I'm not- I don't- in danger of what?"
The waves crash onto the shore, and in the distance, a seagull cries, sending Collin into action. She grabs Rowan's hand and starts pulling, dragging them back behind the house.
"Come on. We don't have a lot of time, we have to get going. I can tell you everything on the way. I don't know why he brought me here instead of straight to the veil, damn it-,"
"Wait!," they say, wrenching their hand out of her grasp. "Just- stop! Where are we going?!"
Collin's eyes flash bright, despite the lack of sunlight. "Home."
yeah, a bit long, a bit unedited, but *shrugs*
TAGGED BY @tea-ndi
thank you sage!!! <3
hard feelings/loveless | lorde
another one of those days | cavetown
let’s fall in love for the night | FINNEAS
ocean eyes | billie eilish
honey and milk | flower face
i know | king princess ft fiona apple
dreamz | sara king
nobody’s home | gnash
greek god | conan gray
sycamore girl | rex orange county 
and there you have a small sample of my music taste! add in literally every taylor swift song (dont judge me), some lo-fi tunes without ANY words whatsoever, and the occasional fall out boy or panic at the disco goddamn absolute banger, and you have my XANDERS JAMS playlist on spotify. ENJOY
[11/11/11 TAG]
TAGGED BY @awritinglen <333333333333333333333333
thank you for tagging me len!!! your questions were so fun!! i’m doing this for WHERE THE CELLAR MEETS THE SKY
Name all OCs in your WIP
OMFG okay,,, wait do you mean full names?? POV characters as of rn are Collin Aisling Sutherland, Rowan Tilley (doesn’t have a middle name) and Avery Bristol Charter. then the next most important one is Isaac Michael Rosewell, even though he’s the antagonist. then the side characters that are still very featured are Noah Rosalyn Pratten, Reese Iseul Radley, and Sage Emarosa Delgado. THEN we get into the very very side characters, Willa Robinson and her son August Robinson. then we have Avery’s parents, Alaric and the late Octavia Charter. and thennnnn we have Beldane Moreno, Avery’s uncle and Collin’s grandfather (undecided abt that last name but going w it for now). i promise it all makes sense. i promise anfnfsjnfdjsfd
Name at least one hobby your Main character love
i’ll give this one to Collin, she is a musician! Avery’s mother always taught her music before The Accident (dun dun dunnn) and after Collin was abandoned in the Nigh she threw herself into music. she plays guitar mostly, but she secretly loves piano the best out of every instrument she knows
3 sentences about your current WIP
OOF. im so bad at summaries why would you do this to meee abfhshjbsbshfjsbf. “A determined believer wants to return to a home that never wanted her. Almost 4000 miles away, an incisive, intellectual outcast of a dreamer muses over getting out of their hometown. And infinities away from them both, a teenage revolutionary disappears into thin air, on his way to bring back his past and fix his (and everyone’s) future.”
Is there a romance in your WIP and did you plan it from the beginning?
yes! there are three! they are definitely a main focus of the plot, but not THE main focus. Reese and Rowan were definitely planned from the beginning. Collin and Noah were, too, but they weren’t originally enemies to lovers, and they are now (hehehehehe). and Isaac and Avery were DEFINITELY not planned from the beginning. in fact, Avery was originally paired up with Sage, but it’s literally so much better this way and i’m so glad it’s been changed. Isaac and Avery has been planned since about when Isaac’s character was thought up, one year into planning WTCMTS.
What genre(s) is it?
a mix of dystopia and urban fantasy. and it’s YA, borderline NA because some of the characters are 19-20, but i still think YA is appropriate because of the style of writing.
What’s the aesthetic of two of your characters?
fun question! Collin’s aesthetic is very emo-punk, with a splash of yellow towards the end of the series. piercings, blue hair, rips on clothing, dirty converse, smudged eyeliner, safety pins. the yellow comes in as part of her character arc, as she learns to accept that her childhood memories are tainted and not actually perfect utopia. Rowan is way more minimalist (sometimes). they’re into the bookstagram type aesthetic, and mom jeans with sneakers, jean jackets, plants against a white wall, colorblocked windbreakers, rain against a car window.
When did you start your current WIP?
WTCMTS was started in august of 2017 
How far along are you in the process (i.e 1st/2nd/3rd draft, worldbuilding)
still worldbuilding, unfortunately, for personal reasons
Who’s the hardest character for you to write?
OOOOOOF. sage or rowan?
What music genre best decribes your main character(s) and whats their favorite?
Collin - alternative (favorite band would be like twenty one pilots, p!atd) 
Rowan - ichillwave (clario, rex orange county)
Avery - emo (fall out boy, all time low)
Isaac - indie alternative OR instrumental lofi (jaymes young, birdy)
Noah - electropop (lorde, halsey, charlie xcx)
Reese - folk rock (the head and the heart, of monsters and men)
Sage - indie pop (lana del ray, florence + the machine)
Are you working on more than one WIP?
yes! i have four currently but only two are important lol, ILLUNIUS and WHERE THE CELLAR MEETS THE SKY (this one). WIP PAGE
how did you come up with the title for your WIP?
is there anything you want to change about your WIP but you are hesitating on?
do you have a favorite character? a character that is your baby?
write a tinder bio for one of your characters.
how do you feel about epilogues? does your wip include an epilogue?
what changes does your MC go through over the course of the story?
what is the most significant insignificant thing that happens in your story? don’t explain why it is significant if it spoils things ;)
do you know what will happen after the ending of your wip, or would you rather not picture it?
how long does your wip span? is it a novel? a series? does it have prequels or spin-off wips?
what is a major internal conflict for your MC? 
do you include flashbacks in your wip? do you like writing flashbacks?
TAGGED BY @writevevo​ AND @wolvesofarcadia​
thank you both for this tag! it’s so much fun and both of your novels sound like novels that would be very interesting to be stuck in :D
inspired by this post
you’re an older sibling and you have a younger sibling. you’re extremely bitter towards your younger sibling for stealing opportunities from you, damning you to a life you never truly wanted. your younger sibling adores you and just wants to please you. they never meant to do it. 
you’re stuck in constant, wistful wanderlust, never feeling like you truly belong, never fitting in anywhere, not with friends, not with family, and when you finally find the place you’ve been looking for, you realize it’s nothing like you dreamed or remembered.
you’re not heterosexual. no one around you is. no one is cisgender either. where are they? no one knows. 
you have a peculiar capability dancing under your skin. it trickles from your pores and muddles with your mind. maybe you asked for it, maybe it was predestined, maybe you never wanted anything to do with it. whatever the reason, it’s there, and you don’t know what’s you and what’s it. maybe you’re not meant to ask. maybe you’re meant to succumb. 
your memories are as fickle as the rain, coming and going and breaking through the clouds, shattering the fog and disappearing with the sun. you can’t recall what you’re doing here, or where you’re meant to be instead. what’s your name?, they ask. you don’t know.
there are two worlds. one world is blissfully unaware of this, or at least, as unaware as any world of millions and millions of people can be. no secret can be kept forever, they tell you. you are desperately trying to keep the secret.
the one closest to you, despite your abhorrent denial of this fact, the one you would trust with your life, will betray you. because of their decision, their selfishness, you will either lose them, or lose yourself.
THOSE WERE SO FUN OMG. they all mostly apply to both of my major wips, which is probably bad. oh well LMAO
SORRY THAT WAS SOOOOOOOO LONG hope at least someone does one of these tag games lol <3 
xander out
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