#and on mangos end
flareboi · 2 months
what if purple never calls him dad
#what if the word ‘dad’ is something purple doesn’t like.#what if it carries a bad connotation for them and a bitter reminder for mango.#family doesnt always have to look like one thing yknow? i dont think those two would have a traditional dynamic in that way#maybe purple does consider him their parent. they just dont call him ‘dad’ unless its in third person#and theyre fine with that and so is he#king is his father figure yes but he’s also a mom. a big brother. a sister. their dynamic just isnt captured in purple calling him ‘dad’#maybe his name is the best way they can say it. the best way they can appreciate him#because for purple a father is someone who hurts you. someone who leaves you#i think ‘purple calls him dad on accident’ is a cute idea#but honestly it would make more sense if they called him mom on accident instead. or if it happened when they were afraid. not comfortable#(this is presuming orchid is his mother and navy his father based on the pronouns used in the react vids iirc)#because why would purple refer to someone he sees as a parent with the title of the one that presumably did not raise them?#and on mangos end#i think u can kinda tell who in this fandom has never lost a loved one in how they characterize him#guys. grief doesnt leave. it never leaves.#you just learn to live with it!!!#mango is not okay just because he has a new kid to take care of. i would know this my bio mom passed and i have a stepmother!!!#she does not fill that void and i do not expect her to because it cannot be filled. but she brings a lot new to ease the pain and is a#wonderful part of my life#the same thing here#mango will never ever just .. go back to how he was#he will never be the same since gold died. and thats okay#purple will not change that. they will merely add something new#their dynamic can be beautiful and nontraditional and a showing of how grief can change you#it doesnt have to be ‘replacement dad and replacement son’#its so much more#oke. tag rant over#fett rambles#ava#uhh should i tag the chars
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yi3248 · 16 days
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happy birthday simon ghost riley
all the joy and love for you, simon
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i-donthaveanygoodidea · 4 months
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The creation of an angel
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angermango · 6 months
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pimkins and subway bosses
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
i lost to the temptation to draw this
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this was supposed to be two-part but i couldn't figure out vic dialogue so this is all you're getting.
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mango-dolphin · 1 year
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actually i need to post this outside of discord. i finished canto 3 and when i noticed this as the credits rolled i just couldn't stop looking back at meursault's sauce abomination. and the more i stared the worse and worse it got
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mangosaurus · 1 month
so to finally respond to that poll i made a couple days ago:
in my own ideal scenario (so not what i'm actually expecting out of the show, but simply what i'd personally love to see happen in a universe where benrius is endgame), darius would be the first one to "make a move," i.e. confess. i've seen a couple people point out that ben's pretty impulsive, so it makes sense that he'd be the one to say something, but i think that's what would make darius confessing all the more impactful? darius has always struck me as a deeply emotionally repressed person, and he's undoubtedly had the biggest burden to carry on his shoulders, between repeatedly losing his loved onces and being the person everyone looks to for guidance (despite being the youngest one in the group). this is still true for chaos theory, where brooklynn's dead and darius blames himself for it, although ben might assume something of a co-leader role since he's the one behind the "we're being hunted" conspiracy (and is thus the driving force behind getting the campers back together).
and i like to think, in maturing enough to lead the group, that ben would likewise have enough emotional intelligence to recognize that darius is Not Doing Well. now would not be the time to suddenly dump a love confession on his best friend, especially not when ben's unsure if darius reciprocates (in my mind he's fairly confident that darius doesn't, but i'm a masochist who loves the not-actually-unrequited-love trope). even if darius was in a good place, they have more important things to worry about, considering the whole "there are people out there trying to kill us" subplot. being able to put his own feelings aside as to prioritize the group and, more importantly, darius, would be a huge sign of how much ben's grown, and an equally monumental testament to his unconditional love and care for darius.
so i'd really like to see darius come to his feelings for ben on his own, without anything (or anyone) else to prompt him. i think it'd be particularly interesting to see him grapple with those feelings in the midst of the main plot, too, and how that might collide with his anxiety and his grief. something that jwcc was somewhat lacking was that deep and intimate look into darius's psyche, at least in seasons 4 and 5; i would love to see that explored further in some kind of way. and it'd be so satisfying that if after everything's said and done, once everyone's safe and sound, that darius is able to approach ben with surety—maybe not full confidence, since all of this is so new to him, but with the knowing that his affection for ben is real, that it's worth confessing.
and maybe then, when darius is explaining what ben means to him, how much he's valued their friendship over the years, that ben lets himself take that leap he's only ever dreamed of: a chaste, hasty kiss, as awkward and endearing as his younger self. he jumps back almost immediately, cheeks and jawline growing red in a way that might seem unbecoming of his sharper features if it wasn't one of the prettiest things darius has ever seen. and ben is starting to apologize, probably one of the only times he's outwardly said "sorry" for anything in his life, but darius already has a hand on ben's shoulder, the other cupping his face. and he pulls him back in, because there's nothing to apologize for. this is exactly where he wants to be—where he's always wanted to be, even.
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the-kingshound · 5 months
MC eventually just being able to fight all offense, no defense using strategic hardening and density because it doesn’t matter if the blade slices their throat, it won’t do anything 😳🥰🥰🥰
And picture this absolute nightmare as Adrei fighting in the rebellion against Camelot. It was partially thanks to the battle mages (her and her parents) that one single House managed to hold against the whole of Camelot forces...
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fruitblr · 7 months
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HALLOWEEN ENDS (2022) dir. David Gordon Green 🎃🎃🎃
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photofi · 1 year
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KO: Those friends of yours were powerful... P: Oh yeah. Theyre good fighters, like they were made for it KO: Heh, yeah
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KO: Were lucky they were
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blurrymango · 14 days
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Ok. Geliogender flag. Flag of the gender of Geliogender. Optional pronouns- gel/gelio/gil/gelioself. Or. like. Whatever.
Prolly not a very even or centered flag but eh whatever.
Gender description- lol. For when you're a guy or a gal or a NB and you want a little something extra. Or whatever. Like when you're one gender but like. Dipping your toes into another. IDK I'm not a tucute I'm not good at this shit.
It's Geliogender. And it has a flag. What on god's green earth more do you want from me. Also. It's a sub-gender. It can't be your main one. Like when it's a DnD class or whatever like Bard, and you decide to add a little Barbarian into the mix. Like "Oh I'm male but I'm also geliogender." Like that or whatever. IDK dawg.
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ardentsong · 6 months
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Sorry it's been a while since Pepper has graced you all with her presence. I hope this mango helps make up for it.
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inksandpensblog · 1 year
We completely misinterpreted the hug scene
I was going to make this into a nice, well-composed essay, with each section talking about a different aspect of the episode's construction or execution, and about narrative theming and character arcs, and about why so many people thought this scene was enough to ruin the episode for them. I was going to do that, but then it took me eleven hours to try and narrow down what the actual problem with the scene was, when taken into context with the entire rest of the episode and episode 29; and then another three hours to realize what the actual intent of the scene had probably been and why nobody, including myself, seemed to have picked up on it (except for Lui and @k1ttyadventurer apparently-). So instead of the nice essay, you're getting a conceptual overview of my entire thought process, from beginning to end, as I tried to figure out the deeper reasons behind why everyone hated this scene so much, and then why we all had it wrong. You're welcome.
For the sake of internal consistency, I'm invoking author's bypass and using the names my server-mates and I have picked up for these characters. King shall henceforth be known as Mango, his child as Apricot, Purple's dadfigure as Cobalt, and Purple's momfigure as Orchid.
What started me on this path, was this thought: We didn't like Mango's reconciliation with Purple, but aside from pacing issues, Mango's arc (thematic, character, narrative, etc.) is pretty solid. So if the problem isn't with Mango's side, it must be with Purple's.
So, what was wrong about the way Purple's arc was written? Was it just that reconciliation scene in episode 30, or was it something from back in episode 29 that didn't show its full implications until now?
But, again, Purple's arc in episode 29 alone is pretty solid. So, the problem was just the reconciliation scene. And, again, for Mango's arc the scene works, it's only for Purple's that it doesn't.
So, what's wrong with it? Does this scene contradict episode 29 in some way? That's how a lot of us felt, at first, I think. Purple learned last episode that he didn't need acceptance from Cobalt, and he follows through on that in this episode, choosing to do what HE thinks is right and not what he thinks will earn him approval, and his reward is...symbolic acceptance from Cobalt? It didn't make sense, and sat wrongly with many of us.
But I still couldn't pin down why this didn't work, so I circled back. Maybe it was the relationship dynamics? Was that why many of us didn't like the idea of Mango being Apricot's father instead of their older brother, at first?
But then I noticed something amazing: if you watch the episode while viewing Apricot as Mango's sibling, and then watch it while viewing Apricot as Mango's child...nothing about Mango's arc actually changes, on a thematic level. It all still works, no matter which interpretation you go with.
Why, then, is the distinction given so much emphasis? Why is it important that we know that Apricot is canonically Mango's child, if it doesn't change anything about Mango's story either way?
Because what it DOES change, is the implied dynamic between Mango and Purple, and the number of inverse parallels in their stories.
I also think that at this juncture it's important to note that Mango seeing Apricot in Purple is something nobody seems to have had a problem with, even people who didn't like the episode. It's literally just Purple seeing Cobalt in Mango that people had issues with. Purple's side of the story, again, is the one that seems to be flawed in either its construction or its execution.
Now, while the status of who Apricot is, to Mango, doesn't influence Mango's story much, something about Apricot that does hold heavy sway over Mango's story is Mango seeing Apricot in Purple. And, since this seems to be paralleled by Purple seeing Cobalt in Mango,  we'd naturally expect this element to have an equally weighty effect on Purple's story. But what does Purple seeing Cobalt in Mango actually DO, for Purple's story?
@kikoqueenofrats and @luizastarry mentioned how after seeing Mango's backstory, seeing him be likened to Cobalt felt wrong. Specifically, that if Mango was meant to become a new parental figure for Purple, then having him become the new Cobalt, instead of, say, the new Orchid, felt really wrong, given how poorly Cobalt treated Purple (and, in my opinion, given how well Mango appears to have treated Apricot, whom he had recently likened to Purple earlier in the scene).
This is when Lui first brought up the idea that maybe the hug scene wasn't supposed to be a comparison after all, but was actually supposed to show how Mango and Cobalt were different. @iluvylalevu brought up pacing issues again, as a possible reason why the idea wasn't communicated clearly enough to the audience. Then they both discussed how some different body language from Purple in reaction to Cobalt's approach would've gotten this story point if it was indeed the intended point of the scene across to the audience a lot better; made the irreconcilable differences between Cobalt as Purple knew him and Mango as whoever he became over the course of this episode a lot clearer. 
I missed what Lui had already figured out, though, because my eyes caught on the body-language conversation, and it made me remember something: Cobalt, again and again, no matter what, forcing Purple to get up again when he fell.
So, I muted the video, and watched the hug scene again, and observed Purple's body language. He doesn't look like he's expecting he'll need to fight, but...in my opinion, it doesn't look like he's expecting a hug, either.
...maybe what he was seeing, during that moment in episode 30, hadn't been Cobalt turned around and returning to accept him, like he'd learned to stop yearning for in episode 29. (And really, would it be in-character for Purple to imagine his dad doing that? I think he knew his father better than that.) Maybe he’d seen Cobalt coming to admonish him, again. He had just defied Mango, after all, and then failed to stop him. And Green and the others weren’t here, to accept him regardless of his failure. And Orchid wasn’t here to catch him, all that was left were petals. And when it wasn’t Orchid standing over him to shelter him, it was always Cobalt, looming. But he knows it’ll be worse, if he stays on the ground. So he gets up.
And then the hug closes in, and Cobalt is gone, and it’s Mango.
The episode isn’t trying to compare Mango to Cobalt, like some questionable construction and execution choices for the scene led audiences the web over to believe. Instead, it’s contrasting them. Mango isn’t “the better Cobalt,” he isn’t “who Cobalt should’ve been.” He isn’t “the Cobalt Purple needs,” because episode 29 established that what Purple NEEDS is to get out from under the shadow of Cobalt’s expectations. Mango isn’t Cobalt. Mango is Mango. And Mango accepts Purple, not because of anything Purple did, and not even because he saw Apricot in Purple; the only time Mango saw Purple as Apricot was in the wall drawing, never when they were looking directly at each other, never the same way that Purple mistook Mango for Cobalt. Mango accepts Purple, because he’s Purple. Just like Green said his friends would.
Which is much less of a rancid vibe than what we’d all thought we were seeing, when all of us most of us first saw the episode.
I'd like to thank my server-mates for letting me figure this out, and for asking me to make sure it's shared.
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plant-cell-park · 9 days
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angermango · 6 months
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black mirror
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
What would've happened if victim met Mango before Gold died?
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i think it's pretty likely that King would have adopted them into his family! especially since Victim clearly hasn't had a family for a while-- or ever, as he discovers when he realizes they're manmade. i think they'd just call vic grey more than likely since i doubt they provide any sort of name initially
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gold and victim would get along pretty well since i imagine gold talks enough for the both of them and loves showing people things. they're pretty quick to become friends and king is very relieved that the kids are getting along.
Eventually, though, Gold does die to Minecraft... but the only issue with that is that King probably wouldn't go on a rampage the same way he did before, which means that they'd never meet Purple or the others. It's probably better for King and Vic, but Purple would probably have to keep living on the Mac-- or in the case that was temporary, a much worse scenario-- go to their dad.
(rb > likes)
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