#and then one of them just thinking aloud
orobeori · 4 months
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I was going to add more panels of a synchronized strangle attack by team broppy, but decided that enough was enough...
Anyhow here's how I think the battle at Mount Rageous should've gone, with the lovely happy trolls using the hair as weapons of destruction </3 I know that Branch is in his healing era but I still think he would've resorted to his more violent methods somehow (this time with Poppy's full support).
Also, the reason why Viva's still using the sticky hands is because of this one hc I saw that the Putt-Putt trolls lost the ability to stretch their hair due to malnutrition :D
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prideprejudce · 10 months
the whole ariana grande and ethan slater mess just proves my ongoing theory that even though everyone assumes that it’s attractive men you have to worry about trusting in relationships - in reality it’s the medium ugly ones that you have to really look out for. medium ugly men will live with you, marry you, have a baby with you, and then as soon as another woman throws him even a crumb of positive attention will gladly drop you like a hot potato with zero remorse or second thoughts
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rozecrest · 1 year
thinking about brnine and gucci’s partizan baggage is so fascinating. brnine’s call sign was markup bc they overcharged repairs on gucci’s secret rebel force. gucci sent brnine flowers in prison. brnine’s never spoken love died killing the mother of gucci’s childhood friend that she’s been orbiting her entire life. gucci naming the other factions of the cause in thematic relation to the blue channel. one really gets me… gucci was in fort icebreaker. she saw brnine and valence together; she knew brnine was their fervent campaign manager and valence got them that space ship. did she ever realize what was between them? did she know that the blue channel meant more than just a way to travel and brnine couldn’t have stood for it being renamed? there’s so much to read into here……..
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whentherewerebicycles · 2 months
a bunch of people have already registered for my mentoring workshop! unfortunately this means i have to plan and host a workshop aaaaaa
#i want to think aloud through it on here at some point#but i think i am going to structure it around the theme of cultivating student autonomy#because i think one of the primary goals of mentorship is to prepare students to be self-directed learners who can set realistic goals +#evaluate their own progress + reflect on what they've learned and what they still don't know#+ take initiative without sitting around waiting for someone to tell them what to do next#so i think we will do some thinking around like#when we have a student we think of as really capable or driven what qualities and behaviors do we observe in that student#and maybe ill also share some of the research on intrinsic motivation + self-direction + locus of control#which i think is all really interesting esp in light of the contemporary College Mental Health Crisis concerns#and then we will look at a range of tools + structures + strategies that i think are useful for fostering student autonomy over time#and maybe leave them with some core principles/guiding values that i think are useful when you are trying to like#avoid jumping in and doing stuff for kids#or solving their problems for them#idk i need to think through specifics a bit more#but i feel like on this campus#people do a lot of 'workshops' that are really not interactive at all#it's just someone talking from slides#and i kind of want to show off my ability to structure more engaging workshops#but idk. gotta think about how to do it well#and how to build in lots of opportunities for like crowdsourcing strategies too
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coquelicoq · 3 months
i've gotten so used to my daily practice of reading french aloud that now when i have to read something boring in english for work i default to reading it aloud. which takes way longer and also i feel like i retain even less information than i would otherwise, somehow. the upside is that my oral reading cadence in english, even of dense scientific articles, is rather excellent nowadays. i could read scientific articles out loud for a living, if that was a thing people needed me to do. which they do not, because screenreaders are a thing. maybe i could read crusty PDFs out loud for a living? but anyway all this is to say shoutout to my man alexandre dumas and also my other man victor hugo for training me to read run-on sentences in my second language. after that, dry journal articles in my first language are easy peasy.
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bittersweetresilience · 5 months
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i'm not really one to post snippets but... you know, since i'm unlikely to publish any of this anyway... i was going back through my fics and i am thoroughly charmed by how much i forgot i wrote. in about two minutes i'm going to forget i'm a fine writer and i enjoy my work again but for now i'm riding the high... such is life
#i'm particularly pleased with the second one because i remember writing the entire fic in a twenty minute sprint and assuming it sucked and#never looking at it again. but it's fine surprisingly. third one is the same i got a lot done that day#having a lot of writing experience is really just accumulating a bunch of similes and metaphors you can whip out easily and knowing how to#balance action narration internal external observation feeling without thinking. maybe writing poetry helps. i really like rhythm and flow#and making sentences end in a way where if you read them aloud it's almost like they're rhyming#i'm not trying to praise myself i'm just thinking#but you know what? i should praise myself. good job sunny#you did it. you're happy with your work again. you stopped having the crazy unhealthy social media feelings#you are comfortable with yourself even with everything that's happened and everything you're still afraid of a little bit#and you never stopped writing about murder and insane unshowable things 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏#everything is going to be okay i love ME and AUTUMN and MOONIE#wow i'm really just rambling to myself in the tags of a post where i feel good about myself 🤣 how cringe. how silly#but i will be cringe forever and weird and shedding the skin of my shame 😌#i'm also listening to kurzgesagt soundtracks right now and thinking about the vastness of the universe#and how small i am and how none of this really matters and yet it's so beautiful and that just has me feeling some kind of way#🌃#miraculous ladybug#ml fanfic
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hua-fei-hua · 2 days
when i was in my second year of high school i sat next to this guy in history whom i didn’t rlly get along w/until i saw him writing love letters to his girlfriend and offered to fold them into hearts for him. i wonder what he’s up to.
#and now i am thinking abt how the differences in latinx n asian cultural values were probs what led us to not interact#(by 'us' i mean just like the general latinx n asian social halves at school)#like they probs thought i was looking down on them at first (strong asian value of academic achievement)#(also that chinese habit of never speaking your thoughts n feelings aloud bc i will keep all my feelings right here n then someday i'll die)#but like... i guess once i made it clear i was willing to help them (n not just leave them n their grades for dead) the dynamic changed too#i remember my hispanic classmates were often so much more *earnest* and open w/their feelings n affection#like i feel like high fives n dramatic gestures of greeting in the halls btwn classes are kind of obnoxious. you feel?#but once there was that understanding that i wasn't looking down on them i'd get those 'EYYYYYY *HIGH FIVE*' in the halls from them#n like looking back i think it's just a cultural thing bc there was like one asian student who did that but we all were like#'oh yeah. she's Like That(tm). it's not a... *bad*... thing..... (but we all think it's out of place socially n some think it's annoying)'#you ever just think abt cultures different from your own and sit in your baffled state for a while#bc 'we just don't do things like that. we just *don't*.' like not in a derogatory way or anything. just pure bafflement.#like who were the chinese parents who decided that being open w/your feelings (w/your children but also in general) was a no-go#how did we come to value emotional privacy to this extent. there's gotta be a philosopher i can point to#was it you confucius??? i bet it was you confucius#this post has been in my drafts since oct 21 2021 lol i think i should probably release it to the queue now#it's so old it uses the old post format editor#花話
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memesomething · 1 year
mmmm "You never asked." / "I shouldn't have had to." thinking thoughts thinking thoughts
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pcktknife · 2 years
when I played deathmatches on overwatch there was this game I made up for myself called 'kill the mercy' where I'd play mercy and run around and if I got found I'd just like let them kill me for an easy point
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kjzx · 6 months
Do people like make analysis on how to approach working on art pages cause I've been meaning to make one for a loong time but I've been really critical of the stuff I make and what pieces I'm ready to show people.
I realize it's stupid to approach art pages like professional portfolios when I haven't made a single penny from my art once in my lifetime but I also like opening a page and seeing good stuff. But idk if this approach is gonna only make me anxious. Last time I tried having an art page was in like 2017 though, a lot has changed
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in--somnium · 8 months
What Are Your Innate Personality Traits?
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Tagged By: No one! I saw it on the dash and wanted to do it!
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it <3
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minarcana · 1 year
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#ok guess what fuckers youre going to be on another tag ramble adventure with me#ive been afflicted with the same images in my brain tumbling around and the only way to free my brain is to write them out#and anyways i have been contemplating wol au uri for a bit due to various reasons (he came up and then i got this image and couldnt be free#shb with uri as the wol is. after killing vauthry. he is SO fucked up that raha STILL wont just let him die#he was supposed to have raha send him to the rift with the light and let him die there but now that he cant stop him rahas taking it himsel#and theres the whole. 'no we really cannot have the wol die.' thing.#that makes it infinitely worse to uri. him just yelling through blood to let him die! let him have his turn! he WANTS to die!#the idea of bring told that the wol CANT die makes it so much more unfair to him#'you wouldnt know what to do if i died? i didnt know what to do for years after louisoux died! i still dont know what to do without moenbry#da! papalymo can sacrifice himself and everyone adapts! shtola has thrown herself to the lifestream twice! minfilia died! i had to stay sil#ent and let ryne choose her own path if she died or not! i cant tell people that i would be lost yet everyone gets to tell ME that?#do you think i am better than them do you think them worth less why do they have the right to die and i do not!'#he is SO SO SO much worse as a wol and it falls out in one outburst after hes quizzed as to why he thought he could sacrifice himself#but he also realizes that its really fucked up to say that aloud so yknow. yknow what. yknow.#hell bottle up all his feelings and then one day hell either die or start crying and it looks like he aint allowed to die!#he still takes the aid from ardbert at amaurot with the statement that#'if i dont try and save who i might then ill never be able to face moenbryda'#anyways cannot stop thinking about me giving uri the echo like 'this will be funny!' and hes just 'my life has become infinitely worse'#HEAD IN MY HANDS
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dutybcrne · 8 months
What if Diluc actually picked up a little Khaenri’ahn, enough to even discern things from context clues should he have enough key words, bc Kaeya kept slipping up and forgetting words in common and would instinctively replace them with Khaenri’ahn until he and Diluc figured out what he wanted to say. Then kept it up like a game bc it was plus Diluc was always super intrigued by Kaeya’s birth language up until Kae realized he was risking Compromising himself if Diluc or Crepus ever realizes Exactly what it was and abruptly stopped altogether-
#hc; kaeya#//That bit just for a little portion of the post & some tags#//Brought to you by yer local bilingual who Hates English and to this day will keep replacing words in Spanish#//Either bc I forgor or it just sounds better in my speech pattern#//Bet Kae did that too#//Anywho that adds a bit of a funny for me to Diluc leaving#//Bc then it’d Hit Him one night; and mans’d wake up in a cold sweat all pissed like YOU MEAN HE WAS BEING SO OBVIOUS AND I DIDN’T NOTICE???#//Like to think it came in handy when he started dealing with the Abyss Order#//Mans hearing the mages talking and realizing he can Understand some of what they say thanks to his childhood games with Kaeya#//Mans also knowing how to cuss out an Abyss Mage bc he either heard Kae say it or Kae himself taught him#//Back when they were still on good terms & he wasn’t so cagey about the language#//His pronunciations would prolly be so Off tho ndndn; they’d prolly be more scared of him himself than his threats#//Bet Kae also tried to teach him the writings; but between his dyslexia and his lack of writing experience; it prolly wasn’t much good#//Luc’d have to clown an Abyss mage and bully them into reading the writings aloud for him so he can try and Get it jdjjd#//I like to think when they get on better terms; Kae resumes teaching him#//More people to share his language with and help keep it alive#//Plus they can shit talk people & banter all covert like that jdbdb#//Anywho; hi; irl hit me like a truck#//I have no spoons save to lurk a bit#//Ok byeee
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ralexsol · 1 year
was considering rewatching the first season of mysterious benedict society this morning and then discovered that SEASON 2 came out THIS PAST FALL??? AND I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT IT??? so yes i binged the entire first season today and now i have to convince my family to sit down and watch s2 with me before i implode
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deathschool · 1 year
i miss so badly the era of tumblr ask blogs. Does anyone else miss the era of tumblr ask blogs. what if i were to make one
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strywoven · 1 year
no , but fair question : would you still love me if i made kaen an independent plant in their tristamp verse ? i know i already wrote their synopsis but , alas. would you also love me if i said i was cooking an oc for this ? maybe a uhhh silly little cult escapee with silly little powers and a questionable mental state.
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