#and victory seemed impossible - but he didn't and it save them all
nellasbookplanet · 7 months
Every now and again I'm reminded of how fundamentally different ttrpg liveplays are as a storytelling medium from literally any other and it drives me a little bit bonkers. So much comes down to chance; you can plan and strategize and have some absolutely wild modifiers, but if you roll a nat 1 you still roll a nat 1. It doesn’t matter how important a character is to the narrative and how many plans the players have for them, they can still die at any time and be inevitably lost because the dice told you, sorry, resurrection didn’t work this time. And then we build the narrative around that, an echoing hole that can never be mended, because we have no other choice but to move one.
You never know if a risky choice will be rewarded or punished. You can go into what looks like an easy fight and lose bitterly due to bad luck, or into what should be an impossible one and still win. You will never be reassured by the knowledge that it’s a prewritten, planned out story where some things are bound to happen for maximum narrative impact.
But neither will moments feel cheapened by the knowledge that it was always bound to happen. A character comes back to life in a movie and, well, you know it’s because the narrative needed them and they were never truly at risk; they come back in the game and you know just how easily the dice could have landed on a different number and it wouldn’t have mattered how needed they were.
It can, if we allow it, remind us that purpose and meaning in real life has nothing to do with inevitability or fate; it’s all about what we make it, the choices that arise out of chance, the consequences that come from choice. We create our own narrative out of inherent meaninglessness and chaos and it is beautiful.
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patolemus · 1 month
Sterek fic recs: Time Travel AU Edition
As I promised @oldefashioned here is the start of my unending sterek fic reccing. I’ll go by category because this post will never end otherwise.
1. song of the phoenix by graveltotempo
In a last ditch effort to save Beacon Hills after everyone else has died, Stiles channels all of his energy and magic into cleansing the Nemeton and the magical core of the town. But he is more powerful than he knows, more connected to the Nemeton than anyone can guess, and a group of kids, teenagers and adults wakes up in the middle of the night ten years earlier with a second chance they didn't know they needed and a bond they don't understand. Stiles though? Stiles wakes up with a little more.
Notes: It's just. So good. It's kinda hard to explain but basically no one knows what's going on but at the same time it works. Kinda. They're working on it. Stiles is awesome in this, I especially love his relationship with the Hales, because of course I do. It's ongoing.
2. Twice And For All by novasillies
“Derek,” he said despite himself. The werewolf’s eyes sharpened. Scott gave him a distressed look. “Do I know you?” He asked tensely, and Stiles grinned in return. “Oh, no,” he answered, “Not yet.” - In which a well-timed conflict between the magic of the Ghost Riders and Stiles' spark sends him back to the day Scott got bitten. Stiles pointedly changes nothing and so God complexes, needlessly complex romantic drama, and pure, unbridled silliness ensue. (Updates every Thursday wink wonk)
Notes: This is to date one of my favorite time travel fics of all time, across multiple fandoms. Stiles in this one is just *chef's kiss*. Completely unhinged, I love him. Also, the sterek? Easily one of the best dynamics I've read. It's ongoing, only four chapters left!
3. Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?  Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Notes: I liked this one because it's not the typical Stiles travels back in time after everyone else in the pack dies. It's got a different premise, still somewhat canon compliant (maybe??? canon enough), and it's amazingly done. It's complete.
4. Daybreak by TheObsidianQuill
"There . . ." Stiles swallowed and looked down at the bottle in his grasp as he slowly swirled the amber liquid inside. "There's really nothing left. For me. Everyone is . . . gone, and it feels like I haven't thought of tomorrow in years." His words rang in the air like a gunshot, he took another heavy drink. "I would trade every last breath I take to just have another shot—not even a guarantee, just a chance to make things right and bring back even one of them." ----- The pack was gone. He had nothing left. He had no one. With nothing to lose, Stiles puts everything on the line to go back in time to try to prevent the future from becoming his past. Broken, guarded, and haunted by his past, only one overgrown-pup of a wolf seems able to get past his defenses. Changing the future? Easy. Finding a place for himself in the Hale Pack? Impossible.
Notes: So good! Stiles is a traumatized bean and the Hales are just everything! It's complete.
5. The A Spark of Hope and the Butterfly Effect series by Phlinting
It's been eleven years since Scott was bitten by a feral werewolf and, despite his pack's many victories along the way, Gerard Argent's influence lives on. As the knowledge of the supernatural spread to the general population so did the hatred and fear of the unknown. The McCall pack has been picked off one by one and Stiles, Sheriff Stilinski, and Peter Hale are the only three left, on the run and barely surviving. But Stiles has found a spell. He has the magic, the spark, and his belief. He has his dad and Peter to help power it and he has the will and desperation to succeed. He's going back to the Hale fire and this time he's going to stop it ALL before it starts. It's the perfect solution. Too bad things never go quite according to plan...
Notes: The Sheriff and Peter are *chef's kiss* here! I really don't know how to explain all that happens here but it gets a little out of control in the best way. It's complete.
6. The The Long Way Round series by exclamation
A magical accident sends Stiles back in time. Now he's stuck in New York, living with Derek and Laura, and the only way to get back to his own time is to learn to use magic. Meanwhile, he must figure out how much he can tell them about their future. Can he warn them about the dangers they face? Can he change his own past?   And can he trust the creature known as Bookworm, who seems to know him better than he knows himself?
Notes: This series had me in a chokehold, I cried so much but it was absolutely worth it! Stiles doesn't plan to travel back in time on this one, this just... happen, and it all spirals a bit out of control. But don't worry! You may have no idea of what's going to happen, but the author certainly did and they did an amazing work. It's complete.
7. It’s Happening by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
Derek stopped listening to him, brain going a mile a minute.   Derek, it’s fucking happening! Derek, please!   He would recognize that fucking voice anywhere. Two years. Two fucking years had passed, and now this little shit was standing in front of him, speaking his name, and grinning like an idiot. “It’s you,” Derek said, earning him a confused look from Stiles. “The phone call. Two years ago. It was you.” (SNYE - January 2nd - Time Travel)
Notes: This is not canon compliant. It's a whole other universe, actually, and it's so good. Good ol' Derek is losing his mind over here, but it's alright! Things work out just fine. It's complete.
These ones are not time travel, but dimensional travel. It’s similar enough so here you go.
8. The play it again series by metisket
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself. “Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
Notes: I honestly don't know how to show the whole of my appreciation for this series. I think I've read this about five times since I found it last year. Stiles lands himself in a whole other dimension, where the Hale House fire never happened and Scott is human. It goes about as well as you can expect. It's technically not complete, but the main piece is.
9. The Home Across The Universe series by TricksterShi
You can lose your home and spend your whole life looking for it, sometimes you may even find bits of it again. But sometimes home goes out searching and finds you first. ~ The day he loses his father and his pack, Stiles is transported to a parallel world where his counterpart is nine years old and seemingly small changes have had a huge impact on the course of events in Beacon Hills. At first sticking to the shadows as a vigilante to protect his otherworld father and younger self, Stiles is soon drawn out into the light and onto a path that forces him to confront the traumas of his past so that he can make a place for himself in this new world.
Notes: Just. This absolute beast of a universe is seriously so well done, and so good. Imagine play it again, but much more depressing and waaaay longer. The angst is on point! The Stilinskis are the best in this one. And Derek and Laura have my heart, love my pookies. Stiles is not having the best times, but he'll be looked after, don't worry! Also technically not complete, but all the pieces in the series are done.
10. The Ley Lines series by forestofbabel
Stiles is back in town after many years, angry and bitter and disconnected from anything you might call pack. It might as well be a tradition at this point that he gets drunk and wakes up in the woods. Only, this time, something is different.  The ghosts that have weighed in his heart are alive and well, and Stiles gets to witness a life that could have been his. There is one thing he knows, though. No matter how much he may want to stay, he has to go home.  If the ley lines you should follow, and your dwelling at the end, and find your presence has been hollowed, your hereafter is to amend." *** Stiles is faced in this new world with someone he had been avoiding for a long time. Himself.  The Double Walker cannot survive where the Double Walker dwells *** Derek had an itch under his skin. There was something missing. He knew exactly what it was. Who it was. His regrets paraded themselves in a steady stream, and he had to watch as Stiles left time and time again, knowing it would be the only way to let the ley lines heal. That didn't make it hurt any less. Still, some part of Derek hoped.
Notes: I honestly just read the first part, but I thought I'd add the whole series so people know what they're getting into. The first part can be read as a stand alone, so if anyone wants to stop after that they absolutely can. The fic itself is a bit sad, but it has a happy ending! Stiles travels to another dimension, and shenanigans follow. The series is complete.
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thebonekingdom · 11 days
Part. 2: Some more infos based on Sarcean/Will's and other characters' memories and feelings about the old world. [not chronological]
[The first part — Compilation of Sarcean's memories from book 2, more or less chronologically]
1. Will/Sarcean
2. James/Anharion
3. Visander
4. The Collar
• In the past, "Anharion's armour had been gold." but later, Sarcean had "dressed him in red [...] as the gashes that can never mar [his] skin."
• Contemplating a drawing of the Dark Palace, Will remembers watching "the corruscating domes of magic in the distance" that were "assailed by ravenous shadows" and would soon "flicker and go out".
• The white unicorn horn Will saw with Violet in the Hall, made him remember a battlefield where unicorns were "charging into an oncoming rush of black shadows", some with "armoured riders" and others using their horns like "deadly spears.". He knew they wouldn't survive but were "charging anyway, impossibly brave.".
• When he touched the Shadow Stone, he saw a vision showing the four thrones of the Hall, with "four resplendent figures sitting in them.". However the vision morphed into something different and three of the figures turned into "horrific shadow versions of themselves" with a figure "with a pale crown and eyes of black flame" rising above them all.
• At Bowhile, when the shadow kings raced towards them, Will felt the fact that "he was their master" and "maker" and he saw "that ancient battlefield under a red sky where an army of shadows stretched across the land.". His steed was "a giant scaled creature that winged across the sky" and the shadows were "his to command, on the cusp of victory.".
• James doesn't remember his dreams, but when he wakes up, he can't move "trapped in sleep, but awake". It's as if "there's a great power bending over [him]" that is whispering "—I will always—". He can't finish talking but Will's inner thought complete "Find you. Try to run.".
• When Sinclair (in Sloane's body), put the collar on James, he remembered what he said to Sarcean the day he arrested him, "Try to run [...] I will always find you.". He also saw a vision of Sarcean, "a man he'd fought, and hated, even as he'd given himself in aching surrender.". "He remembered the feeling of being taken" and the collar flooded him with a power that "wasn't his own" but "came from the collar" and "connected him to a power so immense it seemed endless.". "He hated how good it felt.".
However, to his surprise, he felt "no compulsion [...] nothing at all.", and to Sinclair's confusion James, now with his memories back, says the collar does control the betrayer, but that "the Dark King is its master". James realised "the stories were lies" and no matter "who put the collar around his neck [...] [it] had only one master".
• When James[with his memories] went to save Will and pushed his power into him, "James' magic connected to the vast reservoir of [Will's] own."
• When he returned, Visander remembered the "Queen's cold blue eyes on him" and "the sharp pain as she ran the sword through his chest" for him to return. Back then, he didn't have the time "to say goodbye" and "embrace Indeviel" for the last time, but he saw "her swords in his guts" when he looked down at himself. He closed his eyes and the next thing he knew, he was "opening them in —a coffin—".
• Indeviel was Visander's companion in the war. He was by his side when "the shadows [were] sweeping over the field at Garayan.". They fought together and he remembered, years after their first encounter, the "pale bodies of slain unicorns, torn apart by lion claws" which Indeviel had sworn vengeance against.
• When Visander finally came face to face with Will, he said to him that he is "the same age now as [he] was when [Sarcean/Will]⁴ killed his family" [⁴Visander says "you", he doesn't make a difference between Will and Sarcean.]
The Collar
• According to Gauthier's ancestors, the descendant of Anharion's executioner, the collar didn't open when he got killed and he had to "saw off the Betrayer's head to get it.".
• The collar doesn't work on people who aren't Anharion, even if "plenty [...] have tried to put it on others." but its power seemed to have "sucked [Gauthier] dry of anything but the desire to take and to hold." and "hollowed him out like a husk."
[I do think it works a little bit like the One Ring in lotr. People crave to use and have it, but those who aren't powerful enough to whithstand its power, are suffering from it. It only has one master after all.]
[I have not re-read the two books for this and only found those infos by researching words on the ebook version, so I probably missed some! Feel free to add them in the comments if you want <3]
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m4gp13 · 10 months
Okay time to talk about Al's hero complex and Ethan's martyr complex more in-depth because I love it so much <3
Al's hero complex is pretty obvious. He thinks he's Katniss Everdeen fighting a valiant battle against the Capitol because no one told him he's not the main character. He sees himself and those who agree with him as the Heroes (tm) while any who oppose them are the Villains of Unrivalled Evil because obviously his people wouldn't be fighting them if they were anything less. Al definitely has the overwhelming optimistic approach of a heroic paragon who believes it's impossible for him to fail because he's the good guy and good guys always win (Ladies, Gentlemen and Assorted Genders I would now like to direct your attention to "heroes never die, right?"). Which is how he ended up getting the remainder of his army massacred because he wouldn't accept defeat and pushed them on for a last-ditch attempt at victory. He's willing to sacrifice his people for the greater good, and in this way he and Percy are like the inverse of "Villains will sacrifice the world to save their loved ones, heroes will sacrifice their loved ones to save the world."
Al was the most powerful child of Hecate and as such was chosen to lead the rest of her children into battle. For such a young guy, this probably gave him a sense of grandeur, importance and self-respect which translates well into him seeing himself as the hero of his story. He had Luke and his propaganda to look up to, Mt Othrys to run things from and the Princess Andromeda to help things along, as well as a swarm of younger demigods who saw him as a hero. Now I'm not saying it all got to his head but that is pretty much what I'm saying. There's also Hecate, who is a pretty loving mother all things considered and was helping and supporting Alabaster and her children all the way through the war. With her encouragement exacerbating Al's self-righteousness instead of giving him a reality check, his hero complex could only grow until it made the Al we see in Son of Magic. He has lost everything and has never been in a worse place but he is still so sure of himself and his own moral superiority.
Ethan's martyr complex is a little more subtle but it's there if you're looking. My guy sacrificed his eye to his mother and was A-Okay with the arrangement. He was asked, from a very young age, to go through a lot of short-term physical pain with the result of a long-term disability in order to make a change in the world, which he agreed to. So he already doesn't think too highly of himself which is a great start! His mother uses him as a vehicle for her goals and he is aware of this and consenting to it. He has already relegated his own life as a tool for someone else. And then there's the arena battle in the labyrinth where he was very quick to offer Percy his own head on a platter. He was thinking very pragmatically at the time. He didn't seem to care much about "holy shit I'm going to die" and was instead just thinking "If he kills me then I die but if he spares me then we'll both die 2-1=1 so if we go with the first option then that will be one less death" HE DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK. His own life is something he can step back from, view in the context of the bigger picture and figure out how detrimental the loss of it would be to everything else going on around him. And then to further prove my point the last thing he ever does in the series is actually martyr himself to stop Kronos from ruining his mother's plans. Way to make it easier for me buddy.
As for how he ended up like this, his mother is fucking Nemesis. A hero complex and a martyr complex run antiparallel to each other with the key difference being that a hero will do whatever it takes to succeed while a martyr is all too happy to throw their life away for The Cause. In the eyes of a young child desperate to please his mother who is known for harshly punishing the prideful and arrogant of the world, being a hero who desires personal success and glory would be far too egotistical, and in order to be a hero his mother would approve of, he must be entirely selfless about it. She would despise anything else.
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bogginswritings · 8 months
Astarion x barbarian!Tav blurb
Basically more of my barbarian big chick Herman and Astarion. You guys seemed to like it. Though I named her Tav here; I forgot Herman isn't a normal name. I'm desensitized. Astarion is pretty OOC, this was more of a crack one. Also I'm on fire. Who is this? no waiting time between fics long enough to birth babies?! Pairing: Astarion x fem!barbarian!Tav (also known as Herman) Words: <1000, just a short one Content: crack, just crack. Little OOC. But who cares, when you delulu enough it'll get you there. Summary: Astarion has a lot to complain about today. The main one; 'no more walking'.
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Astarion had been on his complain -train, as she liked to call it.
It started with complaining about how he woke up, then he whined because somehow his armor didn’t fit as comfortably as it did yesterday. And now-
"Are we there yet?" Astarion asked, dragging himself along. Tav shrugged, "No clue, should be there soon enough. I think."
“You think?" Astarion retorted, "Darling, please, my feet hurt-” he moped, trailing behind the rest of the party that tagged along for the day, “Can’t we take a break?”
Tav rolled her eyes, “We had a short rest not that long ago,” she commented, as she simply kept going down their path. The elf grumbled under his breath as he followed behind, arms crossed, “You know, you’re supposed to be considerate of my comfort. Being my pet and all.”
The look she shot him over her shoulder was a warning one, “I was your juicebox of the night, I think I’ve been considerate.”
Astarion let out a puff of air; surely he deserved better treatment. She should be biased for him. "VERY considerate. Which is why we are now on our path to save who and whose child," he said, his eye-roll not going unnoticed by the barbarian. She shook her head with a smile, "You forget we'll get paid. We could use some extra stuff before we continue our travels." Astarion didn't audibly agree with her, but the puff of breath he let out in annoyance was enough.
He picked up his pace momentarily, catching up with her. He wrapped an arm around her taller figure, squeezing her biceps (without drooling), “You know what, my sweet, you could put those good-looking muscles to use and-”
“I’m not carrying you.”
“You didn’t even know if that’s what I wanted to ask!” he exclaimed. She turned her head, cocking it, “Then what is it?”
“I was simply going to request,” he started, finger tracing over the muscle, “if you could oh so pretty please carry me.” Tav snorted, shaking her head, “you’re impossible.”
“I’m endearing.”
“You’re complaining,” the barbarian retorted.
“I could carry you,” Halsin chimed in from behind them. Tav’s ears perked up, “Looks like you found your volunteer, love.” Astarion snapped his head towards the druid with a glare, “Don’t you dare.”
Halsin, the poor man that wanted nothing more than to be nice, threw his hands up; Gale snorting next to him. Tav gave Astarion a look, “He’s trying to help.”
“yada yada,” Astarion rolled his eyes, how was she so oblivious to what he wanted? “I don’t want him carrying me! His hands probably still smell like bear! Now- pick me up!” he pouted, and Tav fought her smile.
“Alright fine, come here you drama queen,” she grabbed him by the waist (that did absolutely nothing to him!). His victorious grin was short-lived, however, as she threw him over her (big) shoulder. He’d be blushing if he wasn’t pissed off (and physically unable to). “Hey! That is NOT what I meant!” he protested, kicking his legs; which did next to nothing to her.
“You said carry, I carry,” she stated, “Didn’t specify.”
“YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!” he shouted, fists kicking at her back (holy shit her muscles were flexed at her shoulder). Astarion purposefully kept his gaze there, not wanting to face the other companions; the only reason, truely. He could just feel Gale’s expression. That stupid fucking wizard. “PUT ME DOWN, PET!”
Tav turned around (Astarion blinking a few times from the sudden movement), looking at Halsin and Gale, “Do you guys hear something?” They both shook their heads with a chuckle.
Astarion gawked, his hands grabbing for SOME leverage; one clawed into her back while the other pushed against her free shoulder, “EXCUSE ME?!” he exclaimed as he tried to free himself from her grasp; able to turn his head just enough to face the other men, “You are supporting abuse!”
The vampire could feel her shoulders shaking as laughter bubbled in her throat. Astarion's lips formed an angry pout, fingers flicking the back of her head, “Don’t laugh!” he let his head drop, laying limp over her shoulder, “Please let me go, before this gets any more humiliating.”
“I don’t think it could be,” Gale quipped, to which she snorted, “He’s right, it’s pretty bad for you.”
“OKAY OKAY!” The barbarian laughed, putting the fuming vampire down. He had his arms crossed, angry glare on his face (which wasn’t all that concerning to Tav; he had to look up to meet her eyes). b"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" "No! My pride has been severely injured," Astarion replied, to which she shook her head with a chuckle. She pressed a kiss to the top of his head, fuming as he was, "Maybe halsin still wants to-" "FUCK OFF." ---------------------------------------------- I didn't know how to end it so have this.
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myreia · 2 months
15 Lines of Dialogue Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well!
thanks for the tag, @thevikingwoman and @bearlytolerant, ty frens!
tagging: @roguelioness @lilas @galadae @ellstersmash @fourteenthz
@tsunael @birues @ardberts @gatheredfates @anneapocalypse
@impossible-rat-babies @coldshrugs @gefiltefished @consulaaris
sorry if you've been tagged before, I have... lost track of who has done what. 😂 No pressure, ofc! 💖 tags also for anyone else who would like to share their writing! Feel free to tag me even if I didn't tag you or even if we're not mutuals, I'd love to see what you're working on!!
These are from published (and one unpublished) ffxiv fics. Because a lot of my favourite Aureia lines happen within the context of banter, I had a hard time deciding what to cut and where.
— 1: Far From Happenstance [ARR]
“What’s that thing on your arm?” “This? Ah… well… Perhaps this conversation is best saved for later, perhaps in a less conspicuous place?” “Or we could have it now. Your choice.”
— 2: Uncertainty [ARR]
“Tailing unsuspecting women about the city is nothing to be proud of.” “I have done nothing of the sort! Our meetings have been no more than happenstance, a quirk of nature drawing us to the same spot at the same time. I assure you, Aureia, I am not following you—” She stifles a snort, laughter tugging at the corners of her lips. “Oh…” He blows out a breath. “Oh, you’re joking? That was a joke. You have an unfair sense of humour…” “Don’t make yourself such an easy target next time.”
— 3: To Ash and Ember [ARR]
Lahabrea stares at her, startled out of his victory, mouth twisted with contempt. “How—” Aureia raises a hand, palm sheathed in blinding light. “Get the fuck out of him, you bastard.”
— 4: Sand and Stone [ARR]
“This is good for us,” she says quietly. “The Scions, I mean. We’re exposed here. Ascians, Garleans… it’s only a matter of time before they try again. Mor Dhona will afford us some means of protection we’ve lost.”
— 5: Bitter Frost [ARR/HW]
“You press on,” she says after a moment. She cups her palm between them, subconsciously pulling on the aether around her. A faint flame sizzles to life, warming her fingers. “Guilt can only carry you so far before it bleeds you dry. Just know that the next time… the next time will be different. Better.”
— 6: Divergence of the Heart, Chp 5 [HW]
“I don’t care what they say about me. I’m a hero to some, a villain to others. I can live with it.” “You should not have to. If there was a way—” “Please, Aymeric, I’m begging you not to draft a new statute on my behalf. You can’t decree change and expect centuries-old beliefs to shift overnight.”
— 7: Divergence of the Heart, Chp 7 [HW]
“Happiness? What makes you think I’m happy with this? With any of this?” “You’re the Warrior of Light. Defender of Eorzea and a beacon of hope. Blessed by Hydaelyn and beloved by all. What possible reason could you have not to be?”  “Oh, fuck you.”
— 8: Divergence of the Heart, Chp 8 [HW]
She blinks. It shouldn’t be more simple than that. Does he not comprehend why this is so profoundly embarrassing? “And..?” “And how would this fact be of such radical importance that it would be the sole cause of a change in my opinion of you? Do you believe it so crucial to your identity that I should judge you differently for it?” “No, I don’t think that at all. I suppose I feel I’m… a failure, somehow. As a person.”
— 9: For All the Truths Left Unspoken [HW]
“Oh? Because you seem a little haggard, Thancred. Why don’t you look me in the eye and tell me what time you went to bed last night. Or if you went to bed at all, for that matter.” “It is not your concern—” “No, but you could have at least done the decency of admitting what was going on before you started fucking my friend.”
— 10: A Question of Desire [HW]
She cuts him off with a kiss. [Aymeric] groans softly, leaning into it, and she laughs with delight. “Save it for later,” she murmurs against his mouth.
— 11: Bound by Faith, Chp 2 [ShB]
“Under pain of further admonishment, I told her what I could.” “Nothing unfavourable, I trust,” she says drolly. “Who do you take me for, Aur?” “An idiot, if I’m being honest. Next question?” “…stumbled right into that one, didn’t I?” “Yes.” Her eyes sparkle with fondness. “You did.”
— 12: Bound by Faith, Chp 2 [ShB]
“There. That’s it. Aureia was a name I took by chance. Not because I wanted it, but because I needed it. An alias intended for Ul’dah alone, one I intended to relinquish the moment I could escape the city. But then you called me Aur and it… stuck.” She hesitates, her voice breaking. “I don’t know why it felt right, but it did. You gave me a name, Thancred, without even realizing that that was what you were doing.”
— 13: Bound by Faith, Chp 4 [ShB]
“They don’t hurt. At least, not like this. Sometimes, with astral fire…” She closes her eyes and swallows hard. “He did something to me, Thancred. Whether it was his intention or not, he left a mark that is more than skin deep. Like a part of his aether was seared onto mine. It makes me powerful, yes, but… my magic is not always controlled. It’s never been the same since then.”
— 14: Untitled Post-5.3. Fic, Chp 2
She glances at him and finds him glaring at her. It’s not a real glare—behind the dark look and mock exasperation is a knowing smile. “She’s taken full reign of the apartment. Mess everywhere. Looks like a tempest went through the place.” “Far too easy to imagine that.” “I don’t know where she gets it from.” “Oh, I know for certain. That’s the influence of your bad habits, not mine—” “I—listen here, you ass—” “Oh, an ass, am I? Bit early to deteriorate to name calling, no?”
— 15: Untitled Post-5.3. Fic, Chp 4
“Aur… that suite I mentioned earlier… I was quite serious about it.” “The suite or the sex you want to have with me in it?” “The whole matter.” She pauses, holding the soup out to him. “You should finish it,” she says quietly.
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belushiii · 1 month
“Life sentence”
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Oc! x Robbie Reyes.
Summary: Based on the first volumes of the comic “Avengers: The final host (2018)”. Next to defeating a group of celestials who threatened to destroy the earth under Loki's leadership, the Avengers reunite once again, along with a new member, Robbie Reyes.
After winning the battle, they establish a base located at the North Pole, inside the body of a dead celestial, willing to serve as Avengers again, however, one of them refused to actively participate as one. Doctor Stephen Strange was discharged and that arose a conflict between the six remaining Avengers. Who will take Doctor Strange's place?
They couldn't afford to have any weaknesses in the team, they needed all the power and strength that was at their disposal. T'challa, as the new leader, decided to take the first step and looked for a new recruit…
Content Warning: Rape/Non-con Elements. Past Rape/Non-con. Blood and Violence, Blood and Gore, Graphic Depictions of wounds (All of this is because of BJ's power type). Eventual Romance. Heavy Angst. Angst and Tragedy. Daddy Issues. Childhood Trauma. Love Triangles. Implied/Referenced self-Harm. vulgar language. Misogyny. Mental Health issues. Enemies to Lovers. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD. Eventual smut.
Words - 4.9k
A/n: FINALLY I've translated this thing, as you know english isn't my first language so this may have one than other mistake. I'm gonna split it into several chapters because it's very very veeery long, but I promise I'll be posting it all. Please pay attention to the tags.
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Chapter one: Rage
It was known that they were short in terms of power after Strange decided not to formalize his role as Avenger. A pretty low blow on the team; despite being strong and having victoriously shattered several celestials in their first mission together, T'challa, the leader, understood that much more was needed for the next fight, should one come. And that was precisely the problem, predicting when the next one would come was practically impossible.
They couldn't hope to save the world by a miracle this time, like months ago, when Reyes arrived at the scene unexpectedly. They had to have all the power they could get their hands on, an ace up their sleeve just in case the fussy Stephen Doctor Strange refused to leave his beloved sanctuary in the midst of a world emergency and found it more charming to tinker with his stupid little magic tricks, (that was the opinion of an angry Black Panther) rather than fight along the Avengers.
So, T'challa contacted Danvers, Danvers contacted Fury, Fury contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. And S.H.I.E.L.D informed Coulson.
The agent had been very busy with a huge new project during the past three months, something that until now had been a unique secret known only by the organization and their highest rank members. Absolutely no one else had the slightest idea of what the man was doing. Traveling every day to different continents of the world in a helicarrier with private staff and very high level security measures. It seemed that he was cautiously following the tracks of ghost people; That is, people who sought to hide from the world, from the law.
But Coulson wasn't stupid, certainly, he wasn't looking for something that didn't serve S.H.I.E.L.D. He wasn't hunting mere human beings. The regular government doesn't have information about it, but S.H.I.E.L.D does. So, through a large collection of data provided by trained spies, security cameras and really good witnesses, in the most remote suburbs of each region of the entire earth, more than one of these people could be found.
When they located the first one, the truth was finally made public, the name of the project was "Life sentence". Coulson was tracking down and gathering the most potentially dangerous inhuman criminals to ever walk on this world, all those who for their crimes were condemned to death by the world government itself.
Coulson made sure that S.H.I.E.L.D funded a project that would endorse a more useful second chance, both for the world and for the death row inmates. Fury vouched for him, at first finding the enormous amount of faith Phil had in humanity ridiculous, but he couldn't stop admiring his determination, so he supported him throughout the process. Though they did have difficulties. Some of the found recruited criminals were uncooperative. But for some reason the second one wasn’t, they were firm and loyal, the way they acted made others believe that being part of the project was the best option they had, even if it was an act to keep everyone under control. But that somehow inspired the rest, so everyone followed them as a leader.
Phil was so relieved by that, because out of the twenty-four they had found so far… that one was the most dangerous, a high-risk inhuman. They tracked them down in a slum in New Mexico, a dangerous area known for the bloody drug cartels led without any weight of law. It was no drama for that inhuman to have been in the middle of the crossfire of the cartels without any kind of reinforcement or weapons, because at the end… who had caused a disaster of blood and death when S.H.I.E.L.D arrived... was just them.
That's how it all started, inhuman criminals who had been recruited by the organization to become agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, a new support team labeled as "Biological Weapons" whose death sentence would be postponed as long as the individuals are willing to collaborate.
The agreements they had to follow when they signed to be part of the project was the next:
• They had to be at S.H.I.E.L.D's full disposal twenty-four hours a day, every day, without complaint.
• They had to be monitored always. Although to give them some privacy (they’re still humans after all) they would only wear a tracker fabricated in the form of a bracelet, made of vibranium and Stark’s nanotechnology.
• The criminal life had to be left behind, their duty as support forces was simply that, serve as support. No raping. No stealing, no injuring or killing if it’s not extremely necessary.
Anyone who breaks these three rules will be stripped of the agreement that protects them and will once again be treated by S.H.I.E.L.D and the world government as a criminal whose death sentence is the death penalty.
"Alright, so it's a bunch of criminal killers then". That was the conclusion Robbie took from everything T'challa had just explained to the six of them in the conference room, with the objective of making the avengers understand that he was trying to find a new owner for Strange's seat, which was empty as always.
"Uh... Yes and no, let's just say they were criminals in the past, but now, under the pesky guard of S.H.I.E.L.D they can't do anything to hurt anyone anymore. And that includes us". Tony was drinking a cold fancy latte from a ridiculous large straw as he disinterestedly explained the subject. His feets were crossed rudely over the table while he leaned back on his own chair at the same time. He didn't care about Reyes' annoyance at all. "Like an obligatory redemption arc or something". He said, letting go the straw out of his mouth so he could shake the cup slightly and drink the rest of what was left, doing an irritating sipping noise in the process that made Robbie fuss from his place.
" It’s more like some kind of… Life sentence?”. Carol added herself to the deck of examples, playing with the words. “And yeah, Stark’s right, if they want to keep their heads stuck to the rest of their bodies they better be good girlies and boys".
"Or thems". Thor included himself into the conversation. "Don't you forget about our non-binary friends around Midgard, one of these unworthy criminals could be more comfortable using neutered pronouns. We must respect".
"Yes, Thor, they too, sorry". Carol answered.
"it's neutral, not neutered". Jennifer corrected.
“No way... Danvers proving me right? Did anyone recorded that by chance? I've to let the world know this happened at least once”. The philanthropist joked. Carol rolled her eyes, she couldn't stand anyone in this table today.
Robbie didn't even tried to hide his displeasure, he was really frustrated and also carrying the weight of an exhausting long week over his back, this news didn't help at all.
Steve noticed that and decided to ask the boy his opinion on the subject, or well, get at least one more elaborated answer. His reaction from the beggining was more than enough to know what he really thought about all of this. "Robbie, you know we're a little bit complicated with Stephens's absence..." The cap tested the ground first, not wanting to bomb him with direct questions.
"I know". Robbie interrupted him, defensively. Steve shouted his mouth and allowed the boy speak, the rest of the six paid attention to whatever he had to say. Reyes could be terrifying when he starts smoking being angry, and they didn't want that to be the case right now. "That's not the problem here. You can bring all the criminals you want to the base and keep them as pets without any problem, but not with me being around". He glanced at Tony sideways with a frown, the millionaire man settled properly in his chair immediately, almost falling in the attempt.
"Robbie..." Carol wanted to say something, but the latino didn't let her.
"No, no. It's easy for you, but it's not for me. Did all of you just forgot who the hell I am?". The anger in his voice was starting to make more than one nervous there, he was losing his temper and the heat in the room was rising quickly, Captain America and Thor discreetly raised their guard. "It's not like I can control it, I made a deal with it. Any type of criminal scum that gets in my way and it doesn't like will end up reduced to ash or having their entire nervous system removed from their bodies".
"Easy, Reyes" T'challa tried to calm the teenager, failing like the others, he began to regret his decision a little, after seeing him so anxious, but this was certainly the only resource they had at hand at the moment, he definitely would not waste the opportunity. And he knew that Robbie needed to train more so he could master the Rider better. So he killed two birds with one stone. T’challa was confident that the result would be good. It had to, they just had to work at it.
"Don't do that, don’t try to calm me down, I have a fucking spirit of vengeance stuck to my ass. If you were going to invite me to be an avenger the least you could’ve done was keep in mind what I am". Robbie stood up, ready to leave the room. Thor, who was sitting next to him the entire time, did the same and tried to stop him by grabbing his forearm.
"Don't make this so hard, young rider of ghosts, it'll be better if you cooperate with us". The Asgardian spoke, firmly, searching to intimidate the boy. But to Robbie that meant fucking nothing, he was so damn angry and sad, not even a huge blonde Asgardian would be able to ease the overflowing rage he kept in the deeps of his chest.
Robbie clicked his tongue and turned over his own back, he glared at the taller man, then he made burn the part of his body where Thor's fingers were perched and he immediately let go. The grimace of pain in Thor's face satisfied the young man’s annoyance at having the blonde touching him without his permission. Robbie finally walked out of that situation, stepping directly to the huge door that was in the middle of the room, he was trying with all his might not to lose the last drops of composure he had, his body were already smoking without him not realizing.
"Reyes, please don't be like this". Danvers shouted at him, trying to change his mind, but Robbie ignored her, that comment made him even angrier. Was he being treated like an hysterical brat? He wasn't like Stephen, all he just wanted was someone to understand him, to know that he’s still in conflict with himself because of his new nature, and that he didn’t want to put others or even himself at risk because of his notorious lack of control. If he was leaving at least he had a good reason for it.
After all, he got stuck in this situation of mutual dependence with Elias Morrow recently. Until now he'd only limited himself to fight local drug dealers and criminals from his neighborhood in Hillrock Heights, but the battle that he and the rest of the avengers had with the final host? He proved right there that he had much more power than expected. He doesn't know his potential, and he can't train a power he's not even sure he wants… But it was also true that he can't expect others to understand him when he doesn't even understand himself. That was what he thought, what his heart longed to put into words but couldn't find the oportunity.
"Leave him, Carol". Stark sighed, "I think flamey is right, this may be a really bad idea".
"You should’ve told me that before I said yes to Coulson today". Danvers answered, unbothered as always. She folded his arms watching the young man leave.
Everyone looked at her at the same time with their jaws almost wide open.
"Danvers, what the-!?". Tony jumped out of his chair and threw himself at the blonde, snatching her by the collar of his suit like a desperate annoying brat. But Captain Marvel knew that Stark was being hysterical on purpose just to get into her nerves. He really didn't stand a chance with her if it came to challenging her hand-to-hand, so she let him do whatever, it didn’t matter now. "You think you make all the important decision around here?"
"Pretty much I do, yeah" The woman responded again in the same unbothered voicetone. Stark took a deep breath and exhaled it in a very long sigh. When he was ready to open his mouth again the discussion got interrupted by the sound of the metallic creak of the big principal door opening.
Everyone looked over it hoping that it was only Reyes finally leaving.
But it wasn’t
"Oh, what a nice welcome".
A girl he'd never seen before, standing in front of him. She almost bumped into him from how close he was to getting out there, she even ended up with her hands resting over Robbie's chest to avoid an expected collision between the two. Reyes glanced at her up and down quickly, to search on his memory record if he had seen her before at the base. The answer was no. Her appearance was too flashy and out of the ordinary, he would have noticed her at any point.
Her tempting body, almost naked, was covered in healed scars, and her wine-red long hair was tied in a messy bun, but it looked cute on her. If he had a cold mind right now he’d say out loud to her that she was the prettiest girl he has ever seen.
She gave him a flirty smile that caught his attention back again, those big puffy lips dyed the same color as her hair were difficult to ignore. Robbie knew she wasn't from here, she wasn't even a hero, he didn't have to ask her to confirm it because Morrow started saturating his ears like an automatic annoying fucking non-stop car alarm.
"I can smell blood on her, Robbie, she's not innocent at all, you'd better kill her before she steals your job".
"Would you shut your mouth for a minute?" He grunted loudly, answering Eli. He realized after it that he spoke out loud in front of her so he quickly took a step back away from her. She moved forward without hesitation, she made herself space into the room, walking straight towards him and cornering him against the void on his back.
The rest of the avengers were looking in silence, standing, waiting for what she would do next, but she didn't even notice them, her eyes were totally nailed on the boy in front of her.
"Shut my mouth?" She repeated what Robbie said before, tilting her head to the side but still staring at him. The latino felt his body shudder, this girl didn't have any kind of sparkle in her eyes, they were totally dead. And her presence felt so crushing, so dangerous. It was intimidating even for a Ghost Rider.
"I don't... It's not..." He stuttered. What was happening to him? Not less than a minute ago he was burning with anger... And now he was stuttering?
"You're scared to death, brat". Eli provoked him.
"I'm not". He whispered loudly again, closing his eyes tightly. He shook his head, trying to silence the spirit's annoying voice, but he couldn't. It was impossible to get rid of it.
"You're talking to Morrow." She assured, lifting her chin slightly in a single nod of affirmation. She understood what was going on, she read the situation too quickly.
"What? Wait, how do you know!?" Robbie asked, scared.
"Oh, she knows me, forget everything I said, I already like her". The spirit of Vengeance was clearly being sarcastic. It only contradicted itself with everything it said, the only purpose of it was to confuse Robbie so it could drive him to his own madness and take advantage to control his body and do God knows what, this was a perfect example of how the plan was working for it. Eli was a born manipulator and could make Robbie lose his patience very easily.
The girl smiled at the reaction of the boy, knowing she was right, she walked out of the way of the avenger with the audacity of a cat, passing close by his side, focused more on analyzing the room than answering him. It was huge and metallic, full of lights. She paced curiously over her own steps, looking at both the ceiling and floor. Robbie turned around and followed her with his eyes. "Maybe Blaze told me something about it". She finally responded.
The rest of the Avengers were expectative at their interaction. "you know Blaze!?". Reyes didn't even tried to hide the surprise in his voice tone, much less the confused expression on his face. She looked over her shoulders and winked at him. Robbie felt sick just by thinking what that wink meant mixed with the old and alcoholic Blaze he knew, together.
"Don't just stand there like a dumbass, move, do something, she's making fun of you!"
Eli's voice kept echoing in his head. Robbie certainly didn't know what to do. He was so damn confused. So much had happened in such a short time. Who was she? How did she know about Eli? How did she meet Blaze?
"You're the Agent Rojas, if I'm not wrong". Finally, after five long minutes of an awkward silence, Stark's charismatic voice echoed in the room, that eased the tension of the rest of the group.
"Yeah, huh... I asked Phil if he could take me out to get some fresh air, I was suffocating in that damned helicarrier. Do you know what it's like to live next to 23 men? fucking stinky".
"Oh, believe me we do". Carol said as she finally smacked Stark away from her.
"Anyway, seems like he took it literally ‘cause I ended up in the middle of the fucking North Pole." Her sarcastic tone felt like the stab of thirty daggers together, but they hurt really good. Tony was the first one to fall for it. He walked away from Danvers and approached her with open arms to properly welcome her to the team.
"Well, I hope you get used to the cold 'cause you're gonna stay here for a good, good, good time". The millionaire grabbed her by her bare waist and squeezed shamelessly, playing along with her sarcasm, though he wasn't entirely lying about what he said.
She could swear that a nerve inside her exploded when she felt the millionaire's filthy fingers sliding over her lower back. She thought carefully about what to do before answering him because she perfectly knew that S.H.I.E.L.D had her under greater surveillance than the other twenty-three recruits, and it wasn't a good thing if in one of her first big missions she slit the throat of Tony Stark himself. So she planned well what to do next and gently bit her lower lip, batting her long black lashes at him.
"If I have the chance to see you rolling around almost naked after a post-workout shower, then I have no problem staying". She whispered near his chin. Robbie cursed internally for having a pretty good ear.
"Wow!" Tony raised his hands nervously, letting her go immediately, this time grabbing her by the shoulders as they turned together, finally introducing her to the rest of the avengers. He wasn't used at all to the women he flirted with returning the same energy. But the girl knew perfectly well what kind of man Stark was: provocative, self-centered, and cowardly. She knew what she had to do and say to get away from his dirty millionaire hands. So that had her smiling genuinely, at least that way she would fool the rest making them think that she was glad to be there.
"Welcome, miss Rojas". T'challa bowed to her and she giggled loudly. A king bowing down to her... She was flattered, she might even believe the story that her existence had importance or any kind of value to receive the reverence of a king, if it weren't for the fact that all of this was just because these seven avengers were aware of her level of danger and her unpredictable character, which was like a huge challenge to overcome. Those two elements mixed together were like a very, very, very fragile timing bomb that was constantly at risk of exploding. It was evident that she was being treated this way as nothing more than a precaution.
The rest of them just raised their hands in a reluctant greeting. "How boring". She thought.
"I guess you're already aware of the rules, aren't you?". Steve addressed the young woman firmly.
Robbie paid attention, he’d chosen to listen before moving, the desire to understand at least something of this whole situation surpassed his impatience.
“You may be the fastest runner out there, but when it comes to thinking you're slower than shit”. Eli sneered at him.
"Yeah, yeah, I've been at this since the beginning, actually I was the second recruit. And I think Coulson got obsessed with me, he can't really go a second without knowing where I am”. She joked, showing her wrist to point to a tight bracelet with a tracker inserted into it, twinkling a bright red. She obviously couldn't take it off; It's not that she tried and failed, no. She literally couldn't, it was attached to her nervous system and if she took it away she would definitely die.
"I doubt it". Jennifer broke the silence for the first time, receiving an elbow from Carol so she at least tried to hide her bad temper for today.
"So you know the rules to be the support of the Avengers". Steve concluded.
"Uh-huh" she lowed a finger each time she named one rule next: "Don't rape, don’t kill, don't steal, don't break any coexistence norm, do anything I'm told, always be available for S.H.I.E.L.D, have no sense of humor and a terrible taste in dressing codes..." Steve's face turned serious at that last and Stark burst out laughing.
"I don't think it's funny". The blond claimed.
"Don't worry, Captain Capitalism, I'm trying not to look like a psycho who broke into your house out of nowhere, ‘just messing with you". She said that as if joking about Captain America's clothes was something any ordinary person would do on a normal day. Despite that, her charisma bought off some of the rest of them, Tony and Carol couldn't hold back their laugh and made fun of Rogers as well.
"She called you Captain Capitalism!" Stark mocked him, laughing hysterically. "Oh, I like you so much, brat"
Steve rolled his eyes and ended up agreeing with them. After the tense moment they had at the beginning, he knew they needed a few laughs and didn't want to cause any more bitterness.
"Then I welcome you to the Avengers, and remember...". He walked into her and grabbed her hand to shake it. "Your past life as an assassin is no longer something you can consider as a possibility here, if you want to stay alive". He said, with a fake smile on his face, squeezing her hand tightly. That totally appeared to be a threat. She nodded, mimicking the captain's expression. Oh, she was dying to mess with this patriotic big prince and get away with it.
The rest of the Avengers cheered for her, except one.
"¿Cómo qué Asesina?".
all together turned to look at the owner of that voice, Robbie, still standing in the doorway of the room, began to fume alarmingly and the smiles that had flooded the room disappeared completely.
"Reyes, cool down, we’ve already explained this to you". Stark said, a little panic in his voice.
"And I've already told you my opinion on it".
Rojas looked eagerly at the anxious boy and as soon as she spotted the fire appearing abruptly with the rider, she slapped the Captain away and stood perfectly defensively in front of him, holding between her fingers a small metallic thing that Stark did not quite understand what it was, nor did he have time to do so.
She waited a few seconds as she squeezed his arm with her thighs, he struggled to get free but couldn't. Shit this woman had fucking strong legs.
Robbie took control over the Ghost Rider and lunged at her ready to kill her, Eli wasn't even present, all that rage poured out in flames was his alone. He was frustrated that no one listened to him. Stark tried to defend the girl, he made that intention clear, but Rojas ran to an empty corner of the room away from everyone, crouching slightly down in front of Reyes so she could meet him squarely. The rider tackled her and they both fell to the floor, but she moved faster and more expertly, she climbed on top of him and wrapped her long legs around his left arm, securing it while pinning the young boy on the floor. Finally, at the speed of light, she’d quickly slid the metal thingy in her hand all along the skin of Reyes' forearm.
Everyone gathered around to watch what was going on, because it all happened so fast, they’d never seen Robbie being defeated so easily before. The fire of the rider completely disappeared, all that was left was just smoke. He looked agitated, as if he was totally weakened.
Less than a minute later she moved a few feet away and before the avenger could stand and attack again, a small translucent viscous red viscous dome covered him, pinning him to the ground slowly.
"Why can't I... Use my fire?" He questioned himself, panting heavily as he tried to sit up on his knees.
"You’re trapped under a dome made of blood, all the oxygen you had for there to be a possibility of creating fire it’s gone, I drained it out through it, faster than it normally takes. Right now you're suffocating to death". She explained, as she bent down to touch the dome curiously only with her fingertips, that shade of red was unique among all those she had seen so far. It was pretty, that caught her attention.
“An incredible mastery of basic physics.” complimented Stark, carefully analyzing the logic and strategy behind her attack. He’d read about her powers a time or two in his spare time, (the reality was that if it wasn't for the pictures of the girl in the archives he wouldn't have read shit and would be more surprised about it), but he never thought seeing her in action would be so amazing, she was super quick to respond, as if she was expecting the ghost rider to attack her. Even Captain America was speechless after seeing the perfect key she put the poor guy in.
"But... whose-?". Robbie returned to his human form, he was about to faint, there was something that was taking away his strength more than the lack of oxygen and he didn't know what it was. "Whose blood is it?". He finally dared to ask, given that the girl outside the capsule didn't look hurt, and the others were just as unharmed.
She stretched the corners of her mouth, arguably a tender smile, but Robbie found it supremely cynical. Then the girl pointed to his left arm, he lowered his head and with his vision completely blurred he could see what was happening. He finally understood everything.
At what point...?
He had a deep cut made vertically along his arm, the flesh was divided in two in a perfectly clean straight line, whatever it was that she had cut him with was too sharp, she even tore the sleeve of his thick leather suit. The exposed tendons contracted seeking refuge again under the piece of muscle that was no longer attached. There was too much blood gushing out, but it wasn't splashing like it normally should be, no. The red liquid fell neatly like a thread to the ground, Robbie followed the flow of it and noticed that it was constantly circulating along the entire wall of the capsule that enveloped him.
And that was the last thing he heard before he fell unconscious.
"It's yours".
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finalmemes · 11 months
UNDERWORLD roleplay sentence starters of the 2003 film. feel free to edit according to scenario / pronouns. tw: violence, guns, death, murder, language.
victory, it seemed, was in our grasp.
the moon no longer held her sway.
this signaled the end of an era.
you're gonna be okay.
you're acting like a pack of rabid dogs!
put some clothes on, will you?
we have a serious problem.
i'm betting it's military.
they opened fire on us in full view of the public.
you said you didn't see anything.
i know what i heard, and i know what my gut tells me.
we've hunted them to the brink of extinction.
i'd rather you prove me wrong by checking it out.
have your men tighten things up.
i'd never treat you like that.
it's a waste of time, you know.
i'll never understand why [ name ] left him in charge.
you should definitely wear this one.
he's attractive ... for a human.
if you ask me, you take this warrior business far too seriously.
you can't undo the past, no matter how many you kill.
what's the point in being immortal if you deny yourself life's simple pleasures?
put on something elegant and be quick about it.
any progress?
you heading home?
we were ambushed.
look at this mess.
regeneration's impossible at this point.
you don't think, or you don't know?
must i do everything myself?
he comes in, he does his job and then he goes home.
we don't have much of a life.
he's not in some kind of trouble, is he?
what the fuck is going on?
stop the car!
you've lost a lot of blood.
if you don't stop the car, you'll get us both killed.
relax, old friend.
i've tasted his flesh.
just two days till full moon.
it's a shame we don't have more.
lay still. your skull's taken a good knock.
do you have any idea why those men were after you?
this is completely unacceptable!
would you just hear me out?
it's beyond me why you're so obsessed over this ridiculous theory.
you're infatuated with him, aren't you?
i sure hope you never get pissed off with me.
do you believe [ name ] died the way they say?
it's nothing but an ancient story.
where you going with this anyway?
you were told to set up shop and lay low!
the human doesn't concern you.
don't force me to regret our arrangement.
remember, i've bled for you once already.
without me, you'd have nothing.
i saw the wound with my own eyes, i swear it.
i've been having these hallucinations and these delusions.
okay, so a full-grown man bit you?
haven't you been listening to me?
i'm gonna be back in a minute.
please forgive me, but i desperately need your guidance.
i can only hope [ name ] will hear my plea.
i fear we may all be in grave danger.
if i'm correct it would mean [ name ] is in league with him.
what's so pressing?
i want to speak with [ name ].
i warned her, but she didn't listen.
what's this ruckus?
never come here again. they'll kill you.
like it or not, you're in the middle of a war that's raged for 1000 years.
no one's ever survived a bite from both species.
we have much to discuss, [ name ] and i.
she has shown me a great many disturbing things.
perhaps i should have left someone else in charge of my affairs.
you're in need of rest.
i've rested enough.
that bitch has betrayed me.
are you to be trusted?
it's time i filled you in on a few things.
i'm seeing these things, these hallucinations.
what are these for?
what do you do with them after?
why do you hate them so much?
why can't you just answer the question?
their screams woke me.
i'm afraid that i'm going to have to place my faith in you, my friend.
you know, if i knew then what i know now, i could have saved her.
i came over here to move on, to forget.
it seemed like a good idea at the time.
digging into the past is forbidden.
i should be heading back.
when the full moon rises tomorrow, you will change, you will kill, and you will feed.
how could you do this to me? embarrass me like this?
from here on out, you'll do as i say.
it is the oldest story in the book.
he desires the one thing he cannot have.
you do not possess the necessary skills.
there's been a complication.
how could you trust him over me?
these rules are in place for a good reason and they are the only reason we have survived this long.
you will not be shown an ounce of leniency.
you should've listened to me and stayed out of this.
soon, you'll be seeing things my way.
the perimeter sensor's been tripped.
are you fucking kidding me?
look, i want you to slip off the property and find out what's keeping her.
your incompetence is becoming most taxing.
now, i want you to tell them exactly what you told me.
soon, this house will lie in ruins.
you and you alone will know the truth of this.
it has already begun.
i'm sorry i doubted you.
it may take a little time for the grogginess to dissipate.
he's in desperate need of a lesson in manners.
speaking of manners, where are mine? forgive me.
there's no going back?
your war, it has nothing to do with me.
what are they gonna do to [ name ]?
i thought we had a deal.
there's no defeating him. he grows stronger as we speak.
is there another way out?
that's enough, you're coming with me!
your place is by my side.
is it not a fair trade, the life i have granted you? the gift of immortality?
soon i will become the hunted.
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unmotivated-student · 7 months
"No, no, no, it has to be a fucking joke" He muttered, clenching his fists trying to contain his anger.
Something had to be wrong, it was impossible, he just refused to believe the green team was dead.
They have strong members like Etoiles, Fit or Forever, they also have Bagi, his sister who, although not very strong physically, is mentally strong and...
They also have Roier...
Oh Roier, his husband who is strong mentally and physically and is always willing to show a smile even if he is not well, one of the few people he cared about on that island, probably the only person he trusted 100%...
He couldn't be dead, he couldn't, he couldn't, Cellbit loved him and needed him, Roier couldn't leave like this forever.
That thing was lying to them, right?....
"Aren't you happy? Your team won, YOU won "
The voice of that fucking entity echoed in his head again interrupting his thoughts.
"It's not true right? You just want to see us suffer" He wanted answers but in response he received nothing but silence.
"Answer me!" Cellbit shouted, but he didn't get any response this time either.
He turned his gaze to Jaiden and Foolish looking for some kind of support or encouragement but both of them were looking at him with a combination of pity and sadness.
"I know this is harsh, but it seems like it's telling the truth" Foolish said resting one of his hands on Cellbit's shoulder.
"Maybe we have to accept it" Jaiden also tried to calm him down.
Cellbit wanted to yell at them both, telling them how wrong they were, that they didn't understand anything because they don't love Roier as much as he does, that they were idiots if they thought he could be dead, but... Cellbit knew it wouldn't be fair.
How could he say something like that to Foolish? Roier's father. Despite their various "fights" Cellbit knew how much they both love and care about each other.
And Jaiden, she was Roier's partner, they lived together for a long time, they raised Bobby together... Cellbit knows very well that those two had a special relationship, which was born thanks to Bobby.
He would truly be a heartless being if he let out his anger and frustration in any of them.
"You never told us anything about this!" Cellbit shouted to the entity"Why did you do this?!"
"Me? I didn't do anything, you are the ones who are fighting to win here, aren't you?"
"But I wanted to win to save my son!, I didn't want to..." He couldn't finish the sentence.
"In my opinion it is quite obvious that in a competition the weak lose and this time you were the strongest, congratulations, enjoy your sweet victory"
Had he contributed to the loss of the only family he had left? just by blindly following the instructions of something they didn't even know if they should trust?
He, who had told him "take care" before being sent to that place, was now part of the reason why Roier was no longer there.
If only he had thought things through better, if only he had not gotten carried away by everything that had happened on that island, if only...
That wasn't a "sweet victory" at all, it was bitter.
Whether Roier is alive or not, the entity won, Cellbit is suffering without knowing the whereabouts of his husband, perhaps he is dead, perhaps he is somewhere else suffering worse things. If it is the second option, he only had to trust more than ever in his husband's strength.
A little thing that occurred to me when I read about the elimination.
I don't think anyone dies and maybe it just means that the team "dies" as a concept but I wanted to explore the implications of the loss of a team or at least the implications of the ones left believing it died.
And that's it.
I guess we'll find out soon what happens to the losing team but for now I just wanted to practice my writing 🫡
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yakool-foolio · 8 months
I know you’ve done the outline for how the Homunculus secret is revealed, but what about Makoto being Yuma’s Homunculus, and to an extension, his memory gap?
I can just imagine as they read the notes by the corpses, there would be mention of the UG having acquired the DNA of someone who had a powerful supernatural presence two-three years ago (I don’t know the specific timeline in your AU if it’s the same as in-game or different), and testing on them before acquiring the perfect Homunculus and erasing the original’s memories. The amount of years lining up to Yuma’s missing memory gap. It would not be painting a pretty picture for both Yakou and Yuma.
Also, side note question relating to the topic, even though Yuma has lost his memories, does he still have unconscious triggers from those times? Like when he enters Amaterasu’s Labs, he starts to get antsy even though he doesn’t exactly know why (though he would probably chalk it up to being on high alert in being in the heart of the enemy’s base)? I could be wrong though, sometimes amnesiacs have different reactions or something in various medias and depending on how they lost their memories.
From what Yuma has told Yakou about his strange gap in memory, it doesn't make things any easier to settle in the chief's mind. Fubuki's note details of a successful capture and experimentation on a human with untrained supernatural powers three and a half years ago, who became the exact candidate the UG needed for the homunculus project. After about half a year's worth of testing, the perfect homunculus was created. However, perfection comes with awareness of the self. The UG's victory proved to be short-lived when the immortal monster escaped the laboratory. Using another six months, they kept the original in captivity to be continuously tested on in hopes of recreating what they lost. In the end, they never succeeded, so they tampered with the person's memories and sent them to the WDO, letting them deal with the poor runt.
After Yakou reads the note and Yuma questions what he read, the chief decides to protect Yuma from the horrid realization and lie about the contents. Shinigami scolds him for hiding the truth, but he remains stubborn. He doesn't want to risk Yuma suffering from the revelation when they need to investigate and put a stop to Makoto's schemes. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to tell Yuma himself, as Makoto beats him to it in the mystery labyrinth. Yuma's trust falters as he questions why Yakou didn't tell him, but Yakou is too distraught to explain why as he reels over his own awful epiphany of being an immortal, cannibalistic monster. He's scared of hurting Yuma in more ways than one, terrified he'll become the monster he's been told he is. Makoto uses Yakou's stunted emotions to his advantage, cornering Yuma as he taunts his original and readies to eliminate him. With no one else to turn to, harkening back to chapter 0, he calls out to Yakou for assistance to save him. The chief is pulled out of his stupor, determined to keep Yuma safe from the threat much bigger than him in this labyrinth.
As for how Yuma lived with his year-long memory gap, he could hardly tell he missed a whole year of his life. All he remembered was being kidnapped by scouts and then reawakening right outside the WDO's headquarters. The only way he was able to tell a year passed was a quick look at a calendar. It seemed impossible, but he couldn't deny that he missed something important in that year. He just didn't know what. While a memory wipe from Shinigami completely erases any specific recollection without flaw due to magic, the UG could only rewire the brain, so while it was highly effective, some subtilties may slip through the slim cracks. Yuma gets faint sensations of deja vu and uneasy premonitions when entering Amaterasu's secret lab, but he chalked it up to the already intense situation. Turns out that having a bad feeling about this would be proven right as Yomi enters the scene and spreads chaos across the lab.
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What is with zutara obsession and making the south pole seem less progressive and super sexist so that it seems like zuko is "saving" her? Aside from sokka being sexist, there's 0 evidence, and the fact katara is shocked women can't fight in the North pole and in hamas flashback we see women fighting, it implies the opposite. Also, in traditional inuit tribes jobs were often separated by gender roles anyway, each gender could do the other job but would often only do certain ones. It's just a weird fire nation fantasy they've got
It's part of two big trends they love in fanfics: Cinderella Katara and Prince Zuko saving her from her terrible life, AND the obsession with "the Fire Nation had a point/wasn't so bad actually" (that last one in particular gets really racist really fast).
It's also their desperate attempt to pretend they are the "feminist ship" to justify the neverending harrassment towards anyone who dislikes Zutara for whatever reason - after all, if they are the "feminist ship" OBVIOUSLY the only motive anyone could have to not be into that pairing is that they hate women, and thus they deserve to be treated like shit as "punishment for being sexist."
And like you pointed out, not only there's zero evidence that the Fire Nation was less sexist than Katara's tribe (which was NOT the Northern Water Tribe and actually allowed women to fight - something Zutarians conveniently "misremember"), let alone be this super progressive naton where women have the same rights as men. Hell, considering it was based on Imperial Japan, the idea of it being a "feminist nation" is just laughable.
We see women as prison guards in the Fire Nation, sure, but every single time we see a Fire Nation fleet, air-force, or regular army walking around enemy territory EVERY CHARACTER is male (except for Azula and her friends). Look at the council meetings Zuko went in "The Storm" and "Nightmares And Daydreams" - there are literally no women there... except for his sister, and only in the last one.
Since I mentioned her, let me remind you: Azula is the literal princess and a prodigy, and Mai and Ty Lee are her two high-born friends that also happen to be shockingly more competent than most of the adults we've seen... yet it was only after the humiliating, disastrous defeat in the North Pole that Ozai decided to send his daughter to accomplish the mission everyone else was failing at, and at first her friends were not even supposed to be involved in it at all.
And once again, even after their insane accomplishments in just a few months, only Azula was present in the council meeting to discuss how to deal with the Earth Kingdom, like the other two didn't help her literally the city that was impossible to conquer. To make matters worse, only Zuko's experience in dealing with the people of Earth Kingdom was discussed, and sure he had spent the most time there because of his banishment, but considering the girls literally infiltrated the goddamn goverment and destroyed it from the inside out, you'd think all four of them would be people Ozai and the others would want to listen to, instead of focusing solely on Zuko.
To me, that just screams that being a warrior/strategist is generally not seen as a "woman's role" in the Fire Nation - and while women CAN achieve that kind of status with the right conections and A LOT of impressive accomplishments, they are still the exception to the rule. They can be a back up plan that leads to victory and gain some respect, but they are never the first option.
There's also things like Mai saying her parents would let her do and have whatever she wanted as long as she behaved, or the fact that in the original plans for book 3 Azula was supposed to have an arranged marriage much like Yue, and the obvious fact that Azula's whole life was all about how much she desperately wanted to please her father at all cost - to the point that she's completely emotionally destroyed in the finale when he decides "Sorry, you don't get to actually share the glory of taking down the Fire Nation's biggest enemy. You can have the title of Fire Lord as a consolation prize. But since I'm going to be Phoenix King now, it basically just means that I'm giving you an empty title that means nothing so you'll shut up."
For fuck's sake, we see Ozai spew the most obviously made up bullshit ever with that "I totally am only leaving you behind so because some one needs to protect our nation and I can only trust you, my perfect child, to do that", like that is in anyway the role of someone with Azula's level of ability and not the role of the hundreds of armed men she would eventually banish.
As a final detail, even though Ozai mentions BOTH of his children as potential heirs when he is trying to get his father to give him Iroh's crown, we were told in plenty of descriptions about Azula's coronation as Fire Lord that she would be the FIRST woman to have that title. It is very unlikely that, in all of Fire Nation history, not once has there been a case of a Fire Lord's first child being a girl/only having daughters and no sons, meaning that, at the very least, there's once again a system of women being perfectly acceptable back-up plans, but never the first choice.
Now, compare that to the Southern Water Tribe - literally the only hint of any kind of inequality is the factSokka made some sexist comments that he obviously heard from someone else, and half the time he says that shit with the explicit intention of getting on his younger sister's nerves. That's it. Doesn't sound anywhere as serious as Pakku throwing a tantrum over Aang daring to teach Katara, and deciding "You know what? I'm not gonna teach the Avatar at all just to show how I much I don't like it when women do something I don't want to do. Everyone can just fucking die for all I care" - something we KNOW would never have happened in the South Pole, since we saw Hama and other women fighting Fire Nation raids.
Everything we know points to Katara's tribe being far less sexist than it's sister tribe, and being either on the same page as the Fire Nation when it comes to women's rights OR potentially having been a more egalitarian place before being nearly wipped out of the map.
There's also another aspect to this conversation that Zutara fans often deliberately ignore: even if this infamously imperialist and racist country DID give women the same rights it gives to men, that would only naturally only apply to women of the Fire Nation and surely not to the foreign girl that came from the tribe they commited genocide against. Surely not the girl that saved the Avatar's life, and thus led to their eventual defeat in a war that everyone assumed had already been won.
I'm not saying NO ONE would see Katara as in no way inferior to Fire Nation women, but let's not kid ourselves here and pretend there's any chance of this super racist culture suddenly changing overnight just because the Fire Lord said "you guys have to be cool with other races now."
So yeah, anyone who genuinely tries to tell me "Katara HAS to marry Zuko! It's her one chance for happiness! She would totally be better off in the Fire Nation because they treat women fairly, unlike her awful, backwards tribe of misogynistic savages" can kiss my ass.
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blackjackkent · 3 months
It's stupid, perhaps, but writing this stuff out makes it all feel very immediate and intense and I sort of feel like I've run a marathon coming out of this final battle, though not - I imagine - to the degree that Hector does.
We get a very long cutscene of the tide turning in the city, the mind flayers losing their potency and the locals running them over in triumph. It wasn't as epic as some of the previous cutscenes so I didn't record it, but it ends quite epically - a crowd of screaming, cheering citizens in front of a battered Sorcerous Sundries, with a line from the narrator atop it:
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Narrator: Everything you did, everything you sacrificed. It was worth it for this.
True enough. Hector can hear the cheering as he and the others haul themselves, exhausted, from the water, and for a little while he just stands there and listens, letting the feeling of victory - of having saved so many - soak through him and slowly start to feel real.
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Karlach keeps close at his side as they walk along the dock; she has one of his hands clasped tightly in hers as if she never plans to let it go. He is desperately grateful that, whatever lies ahead for them, that she survived this long, that he can experience this victory with her at his side.
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The others, all his friends, everyone who traveled so far with him, are all waiting along the shoreline.
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"We did it," Karlach mumbles, as if she still can't quite believe it herself. "We actually did it. And the city's still standing."
Devastated, yes... but standing. In the morning, they'll have to see how much has been lost. But for today... Hector allows himself to think about nothing but what will survive because of them, because of what they went through, what they did.
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"My powers..." Wyll comments wonderingly. "They're draining. Just like Mizora said they would." He smiles crookedly. "A small price to pay in the grand scheme of things."
Hector grins, reaches out to slap him on the shoulder. A small price indeed - Wyll is free for the first time in years, free of both the tadpole and the pact, free to choose a new course of his own design.
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"I should feel relieved, yet my blood still simmers..." Lae'zel mutters. A pause as she works through her own emotions, and then-- she smiles. Hector isn't sure he's ever seen her smile with such sincerity before.
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"The parasite," she says, turning excitedly towards Hector. "It's withered, dead along with the Netherbrain! I am cleansed! I will never be a filthy ghaik!"
She pauses, and then her smile fades, her head dips reverentially as she returns her eyes to Orpheus. "Only mild offense intended, of course," she adds, with just the slightest hint of humor, but it fades instantly in favor of the more serious grimace that is her usual mien. "You did the unthinkable," she says quietly. "And I'm grateful for it."
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Orpheus shrugs, turns and moves past them off the dock. "Even when my time in the Prism stretched out like an eternity," he says thoughtfully, "even when escape seemed impossible, I never lost hope. I knew that my destiny was to liberate my people. To return to them triumphant."
He turns back to face them, his tentacles twitching. "I was wrong. It seems I can only fulfill one part of my destiny. My people will be liberated, but I cannot return to them. Not like this."
He pulls a blade from his belt, offers it to Hector, his strange alien eyes showing a clear sadness.
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"You helped me destroy that abomination. Now help me destroy myself. You must kill me."
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Without waiting for an answer, he kneels on the dirty, blood-spattered cobblestones and turns his attention to Lae'zel, who has moved up next to Hector with a grave, grief-stricken expression. "But first, Lae'zel," he says soberly, "I need your promise."
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Her eyebrows lift questioningly. Perhaps she is simply too exhausted, but there is none of that eager subservience that once marked her, when Hector saw her stand before Vlaakith. She simply waits, expectant, for the Prince's command.
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"Carry my hope," he asks softly. "Carry my burden. Call my dragons, Quulos and Quuthos, and ride to the Astral Sea. Destroy Vlaakith. Release our people. Be our future and our legacy."
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Lae'zel blinks, and blinks again, astonished into complete silence. After so much work, so much struggle - to survive, to be recognized, to reach the front lines of a war for her people's fate - she is being asked not only to join that war but to lead it.
More than ever in all the time he's known her, she suddenly looks like what he has known her to be all along - terribly, terribly young. And as she has in the past, as she's started to realize her respect for him and his for her, she looks towards Hector with a question in her eyes.
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But he shakes his head, smiles slightly. "This is your choice to make, Lae'zel. Not mine. I entrust it to you." It would never have been his choice to make - but he is proud to stand at her side as she makes it, a decision that she has worked so hard to earn the right to.
What happens to Orpheus... in truth, Hector is feeling too much and all of it too deeply at present to spare a tremendous amount of thought for the man. But Lae'zel... he is proud of Lae'zel. And he knows that whatever battle she chooses to take on, she will be equal to it.
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"Duty," she says pensively. "All my life, I've traveled in its slipstream, not once questioning its path. In its service, I came here. And now... in its service, I leave."
She turns to look towards Hector, and he is surprised to see the weight of emotion in her eyes unlike any he's seen before.
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"I will carry your hope, Prince Orpheus," she agrees. "And I will carry your burden. But to that burden I must add my own. The loss of those I leave behind."
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Hector looks back at her steadily. With a slow, cautious movement, giving her time to evade, he reaches out and puts a hand on her forearm, holds it there for a long moment. Words seem inadequate. I will find some, later, before you are gone, he thinks to himself. Something that articulates what you have become to me. A sister in violence.
Her lips twitch slightly, as if in understanding.
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"La'ch cras'ht h'mak vlek. So be it," Orpheus murmurs. "Now, give me my freedom from this form."
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Hector turns the knife in his hands hesitantly, meeting the mind flayer's piercing gold eyes. He knows why Orpheus asks, and that he would likely ask for the same thing in the other man's place. And yet... "You don't deserve to die," he says quietly.
"I will not be ghaik!" Orpheus insists fiercely. "I did what I did to save my people. The rest is up to them. Someone else must rise within the ranks to lead the revolution against Vlaakith. Give me my freedom from this form. Release my soul to the Astral Seas while I still have one to call my own."
Phrased like that... Hector can't deny it to him.
Give Orpheus the honorable death he craves.
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Hector so rarely fights with a blade that it always startles him to feel how easily the flesh gives. There's a soft sucking sound as Orpheus gasps for breath, his eyes widening.
"Gith'ka tavkim krash'ht..." he whispers... and dies...
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For a long time everything is still. Then Lae'zel turns abruptly and walks past Orpheus's body, out into the open square beyond.
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"Quulos!" she bellows. Her voice seems to echo in the silence.
No response, for a moment. Then one of the dragons wheeling overhead comes at her call, coming to a crashing landing before her, pale fire drifting from its mouth.
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Quulos. Orpheus's dragon, and now Lae'zel's. How long has she hoped to ride such a dragon one day? Did she ever picture such a case as this?
She takes a cautious step forward, raises a hand in greeting to the enormous creature; it snuffs a greeting in return, cocking its head to one side. Its eyes glint with intelligence, understanding.
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She hesitates, looks back at Hector. "I can never forget you," she says, and her voice is heavy with emotion. "Your name will be etched in our slates. You will be called Mla'ghir - liberator."
He smiles slightly. "You will have no need to forget," he says quietly. "I will be here when you have need of me." A pause, and then he fumbles out the words he has learned from her over the months, all filed away in his memory as if for this moment - some ungrammatical, awkward representation of a much deeper feeling. "Chraith'kan zharn, t'lak'ma h'taka, n'gi, n'varsh." May your enemies know agony, my sister in battle, my student, my teacher.(*)
Her eyes brighten. She turns away, and without hesitation climbs onto the dragon's back.
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"To the skies!" she calls.
The dragon lifts, its huge wings sending gusts of wind across them as it launches itself upwards.
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They all watch, wondering, silent, as their friend disappears, and behind her, falling into line behind their new leader, go the entire githyanki force, vanishing back into the Astral Sea.
(*) Critical levels of artistic license; Hector doesn't get to say anything here in game, let alone cobbled together githyanki words pulled from the FR wiki. XD
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Chapter 4: Fall of Snow Eagle
Narrated by Perlin.
Narrator: I've finally passed the halfway mark on the thesis.
Choose "I thought it was done."
You: I thought it was done.
Narrator: After Yunikina's passing, the Snow Eagle Revolutionary Force continued to defend White Rock City.
Narrator: Their story continues to this day.
Narrator: History always repeats itself. No glory lasts forever, and peace is fleeting.
Narrator: Several hundred years after Yunikina's era, White Rock City became corrupt again as rulers went on military conquests.
Narrator: Yet without a great commander like Yunikina, what awaited White Rock City was only failure after failure.
Narrator: The then-dominant force, and the current capital of North Kingdom, Black Water City, rose to prominence and launched an all-out assault on White Rock City.
Narrator: Against the overwhelming Black Water army, the battle seemed hopelessly one-sided against White Rock City.
Narrator: Vaistlin, the leader of the Snow Eagles at the time, knew victory was impossible, and that peace talks weren't an option.
Narrator: A white flag would mean the end of White Rock City.
Narrator: The external crisis and internal chaos pushed White Rock City to perhaps its last moments.
Narrator: Vaistlin fought to hold the borders as he scoured for a solution to save White Rock City.
Narrator: Just when he ran out of ideas, he suddenly remembered Yunikina, his legendary predecessor.
Narrator: Since fighting was the only way, he used one of Yunikina's strategies and led the enemy to the snowy plains ridden with storms.
Choose either "Didn't they know?" or "I got a bad feeling about this..."
If "know," ...
You: Wouldn't the enemy see right through that old trick?
Narrator: He used their overconfidence against them.
If "feeling," ...
You: I have a bad feeling about this... It didn't fall, did it?
Narrator: I believe everyone was holding their breath.
Narrator: Outside the city, the Snow Eagles repeated Yunikina's miraculous victory, when a raging thunderstorm wreaked havoc on the Black Water army.
You: What happened to the commander?
Narrator: He gave his life to bring the two cities to the negotiating table, and became the last casualty of the war.
Narrator: White Rock City has declined since then, but hasn't disappeared. Its people and land survived.
Narrator: Following Black Water City's demands, what was left of the Snow Eagles disbanded, marking the end of the famous army.
Narrator: ...
You: You okay?
Narrator: Don't laugh, but when I first learned about this, I was on the ground crying for a long, long time.
Narrator: Still sobbing, I asked my mother why couldn't heroes live forever.
Narrator: Now, of course, I understand. History had made its choice.
Narrator: It's still a bit hard to swallow, though, isn't it?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
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jerzwriter · 9 months
Crimes - How I'd like to see it play out... sort of...
This is the only way I can see this freaking story making any sense anymore.
While trying to pass the Heirs Act (don't remember the official name, don't care anymore), Vasili and Bas found out that one of Viktoria's children was illegitimate. They tell Juli, who is recently engaged to Trystan. Bas is still heartbroken over losing her, and, for shits and giggles, Vasili has been secretly in love with Juli this whole time.
They believe the illegitimate heir is Trystan. But Juli wants more proof; she's partially in denial, and partially being protective of Trystan. She becomes less enthusiastic about supporting the Act until she has more answers, and Seb is spiraling. Not only has he lost his love, he's now losing her support on the one thing that matters to him. Vasili knows they need Juli to pull this off, so he's fuming, especially when he realizes that Juli is truly in love with Trystan, his secret arch-nemesis. Tryatan asking Vasili to constantly "cover" for them and Juli so they can sneak off together only adds insult to injury. Not only is he losing her support, not only did she love his younger brother (who he actually cared about), but now she's in love with Trystan. It's all too much for him.
He goes to confront Juli on the ship. Now, I do want to revisit the scene where the hooded character is talking before going to the ship, but I think it was Vasili, and when he confronted Juli, it ended up with her dead. It may have been accidental - a true crime of passion after Juli cruelly informed Vasili she could never love someone like him, nor could she support an act that would put him into power.
Or, perhaps it's deliberate. A calculated move based on the belief that her death would lead to renewed support of the Act from the public. When that didn't work, Bas became the main proponent of the Act, though I think Vasili and Eveline were the puppet masters.
Nadja's a wildcard. I almost feel like her murder wasn't planned. I think the killer could have been waiting for Trystan, and when Nadja showed up, they had no choice but to kill her. That would lead our currently inept detectives to believe the murderer wanted the act squashed, but that's not true. Although their plan was to murder Trystan, that cannot be done now, as it would be too risky. They decided to lay low and use more traditional ways to get the Act passed.
I think Bas had secured the votes. The representative he spoke to was swayed, and victory was near. It was to be a celebratory night when Bas ran into Vasili. He gives his brother the news, but somehow, it's revealed that his brother (and/or mother) were behind Juli and Nadja's murders. He confronts his brother, furious, and tells him the Act has the votes, it will pass, but he will never be king because Bas is turning his ass in. Knowing the crown is now within reach, Vasili murders him.
In the end, I think Trystan will be the illegitimate child. If you're playing with a male Trystan, that seems impossible at the moment, but I think the information about the child being a female is inaccurate and meant to throw Trystan/MC (and us) off the trail. It could also be to prevent Trystan, the popular crown prince, from trying to stop the passage of the Act.
Once the Act is (likely) passed, the news of Trystan's illegitimacy will be revealed, with Vasili next in line. Maksim will step down, and Vasili is slated to be coronated. But finally, MC remembers s/he's a detective and figures it all out with Trystan's help. They are detained (I'm thinking by Lydea - because I think she's in on this). Their life is hanging in the balance as the coronation begins. Of course, they'll get out in the nick of time and save the day.
Who would be the next in line?
If this played out, Trystan would be out because they'd be the queen's illegitimate child. Vasili and Lydea are in jail... who is next in line? Is it Astrid? The idea of Queen Astrid is kind of giving me life at the moment.
After Vasili and Lydea are locked up, Maksim tells Trystan he'll always be his son, and then Trystan and MC hightail it out of that godforsaken country and go back to NY. They regain their ability to be competent detectives and live happily ever after.
OK, this is my submission for how it should all work out. I doubt Pixelberry will give us 1/10th of this.
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firstagent · 7 months
Digimon Fanfic Plugs!
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They've been getting attention lately (and I'm dying to know why!) so with everyone buzzing over the new movie, thought I'd plug my two novel-length and completed Digimon fanfics! They incorporate everything from Adventure through Xros Wars (with the sequel focusing on Hunters, Appmon, and tri.), asking the simple question: what if older versions of each season's cast were stranded in a Digital World together?
Six years after their original victories, heroes from all six seasons are locked into a Digital World. Yes, they have to survive and fight evil forces threatening it, but the bigger challenge is living with each other, and co-existing as a group of teenagers with different backgrounds, too much free time, and no way out.
Izzy joined Tai at the window. Tai didn't react to his friend's approach at first, but then said, “Well, this is it. One more team thrown into all this.” “At least we're ready for them this time,” Izzy said. “But is it really all right to keep information from them? Shouldn't they know everything we do?” Tai shook his head. “We spent all day bending over backwards to make them feel welcome. But either way they're going to be confused and scared and angry.” “Exactly. Wouldn't telling them what we know help?” A faint smile formed on Tai's face. “I just want them to be comfortable right now. Welcome them into the family and make it feel like home. Let's show them how great we are and how nice life is here.” He exhaled once through his nose, that smile never fading. “They'll figure out the truth on their own.”
When hundreds more digidestined, hunters, and appdrivers arrive at once, finding them a suitable home and way of life could unravel everything. Especially when new leaders Haru, Tagiru, and Daigo set out to redefine their fates, no matter who stands in their way.
As Haru sank into the water, Tagiru asked, “But you’ve got other friends here. What did they say?” Head perking up, Haru answered, “My friends?” He stared at the wall. “They… know how much this means to me. They knew Yuujin. They understand. They’re upset too.” A tiny smile appeared. “Nah.” Tagiru scoffed. “A real friend would say ‘so what do we gotta do to get Yuujin back?’” “Tagiru that’s…” Haru took a deep breath. “Do you have any idea how much work this is? It was hard enough back home. It took me all this time to get a code I was happy with. I hadn’t even started on the speech or the robotics. And I’m way behind on facial recognition. Dr. Ishiguro only started answering my emails last year.” He stopped and slowed down. “Unless we can recover all this data, I have to start all over again. I don’t want to believe it’s impossible. But without Command supporting me and helping with the resources I need, it might be.” Most of that flew over Tagiru’s head. A bunch of action movies was hardly a worthy primer on artificial intelligence. Haru seemed to read that, and nodded back, defeat in his eyes. “Maybe I should be happy Tai saved me the trouble. Guess it’s better to be stopped now than waste my time.” He turned away from Tagiru, head lowered as he soaked. An exhale brought bubbles to the surface. That’s when Tagiru realized what he had to say: “So what do we gotta do to get Yuujin back?”
I' may 'm also be working on adapting Neverworld into an original story. More on that when I get a little further into it!
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tenebrius-excellium · 4 months
After much reluctance and thinking about it again for the last couple of days, I will finally say it... umm I am sooo sorry to all the fans, but I really didn't like the Httyd books and I wish I had never read them.
I wanted to like them. Very much so. The lore is cute. The adventures are fun. The kids are amazing. The threats are real. And the lessons on chivalry and bravery and standing up for your beliefs are valuable.
But then you get to book 12 and it doesn't give hope. After all this time, - everything that Hiccup has been through! - after all the sacrifices and character developments, including Snotlout's, it's not enough to make peace. It's so depressing.
And I get the depression in the beginning. The hopelessness, the constant chore of Hiccup picking himself up against the odds. It's not even that he is slowly spiraling into a depression only to re-emerge from it in the later books, ...the depression is there from the start and it stays with him until the very end.
There is no victory. There is no solution. Not to the extent that dragons and humans deserve. The compromise is painful and dissatisfying. And book 12 has been writing itself to an end that does not allow for a future hope because deep down we are all perfectly aware that humanity never changes.
And it's so outright baffling to me because after all of these ordeals, after TWELVE BOOKS of hopelessness, the author still didn't choose to turn to the only alternative - which is a supernatural solution.
Guys, she literally has the Northern Gods at her disposal and she does not use them. Sure, in book 12 there is the appearance of a divine confirmation of Hiccup's reign. But it is made very clear that the "sign" is an illusion performed by nanodragons to fool the more sheepish vikings into agreement. It's an artificial if-you-want-to-believe, a make-belief, a wonder, not necessarily fake but clearly, carefully constructed. The author seems to absolutely refuse to admit that if she wants to write real hope, she has to actively turn to God(s). Gods as the superior moral authority, Gods as the benevolent purpose-givers, Gods as helpers and interveners, Gods as all-powerful.
The real truth is that the world hinges on the supernatural and Cressida refused to acknowledge this final, obvious fact. The world needs saving. A lot of stories tell this. Humans can contribute a lot. That's what every Avengers movie says, and what 11 out of 12 Httyd books are about as well. Dragons can also help. But in the end - as we can also see when looking to current politics, and I am dead serious. - humanity will navigate itself into impossible stalemates where both sides have been unfairly hurt, both sides have righteous anger, and one of them needs to waive. But who will? Humans or dragons? Why should they? Each of them has the same right to the world.
This is where a change of heart is needed. The only assurance that produces world peace is the promise that a party will not lose anything if they give up their claim now. Because justice MUST be served. If they give up their claim now, it will still have to be satisfied sometime later. There is no eternal delaying of justice. So. Who will make sure justice is observed?
And the only, the only answer left is that we as humans are not the final moral authority in this world and that there is someone greater there to care for us and to satisfy our hurt emotions. Someone who sees our pain and mediates between us and repays us for all our losses. If there is a law greater than us, our beef is not with our human opponent anymore, but with the fact that we can claim the rights to the greater law. Therefore, we are able to let go of our first enemy because someone else promised to compensate us. And for us, too. Both our hurts, and the hurts which we inflicted upon others, must be covered by a third party so that we can have peace with one another. And I will tell you this, straight-up, although it's edgy and unpopular and uncomfortable, that Jesus Christ is this third party.
I hate the concept of "evangelizing" to the guts, my stomach literally churns at the thought because it's so disrespectful of people's pain, and I have been through my own personal hell over the last couple of years that made me entirely disgruntled to have to talk about God at all, yet no matter how hard I try, I cannot negate that he is and remains the only obvious solution.
Recently, I... really tried to go all in and clean up my internal moral high horse and confess that I'm not able to save myself, which left me to fully surrender to God again. We hate it, you know. All of us hate it that we can't save ourselves. We are mad at God because it makes us feel humiliated that we need him at all. And how much we need him, if we care to admit to anything.
I think I was able to forgive my father. I hadn't been able to for 20 years of hell. For TWO DECADES I held onto a righteous grudge. To my story of failed justice and terrible, endless heartache. Which he put me through. I wasn't able to forgive. I'm not that good. I prayed a prayer as follows: "God, give me love for him, because I cannot love him anymore." And I expressed my frustration to the Lord. And I was able to let go, just like that. Knowing that I don't have to take care of justice getting served anymore. God will do that, by forgiving both of us and restoring our losses by divine means. I don't have to hold my father accountable anymore, and the freedom of that is unparalleled.
Every book reflects real life principles, we know that here on this site. Furious needed someone to turn to to let go of his fury. Hiccup couldn't keep people such as Alvin and Excellinor in check. The advocate who they were looking for, - who doesn't wait for some "better", future generation to grow up, who is able to untangle the woes of time and age in the present, who gives hope here, now; - who changes hearts when we turn to him, is Christ the LORD.
Jesus saves.
Jesus saves.
And I literally don't care anymore, because if Cressida Cowell couldn't say it, let me bring the message instead.
"And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life." - Matthew 19,29
Let all the world know that Jesus saves.
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